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Pontifical Athenaeum of Philosophy, Theology, and Canon Law


Alan A. Sebastian

Reg. No. 2000205

An Assignment on Political Philosophy


August 2021

There is no politics without a society. The primary duty of a political philosopher

is to love society. A true politician is one who works for the well-being of the
society. The Columbian, Albeiro Vargas became a real political philosopher in the
very young age of nine by helping the old people in their needs. Here I am going
to explain the life, works, and political philosophy of Albeiro Vargas, the Little
Angel of Columbia.

Life, Works, and Political Philosophy of Albeiro Vargas

 “Age does not matter, caste does not matter, qualifications does not matter
what matters is the love”, these are the words of the Little Angel of
 Albeiro Vargas also known as the little angel of Columbia was born on
June 7 1978 in Bucaramanga, Columbia in a very humble home. He was
the youngest of the four children.
 His future wish was to become a priest, a lawyer, or an engineer. His
parents were not in a good situation to provide him a better education.
Albeiro was very smart and bright. In the very young age itself, he showed
a very good maturity.
 His native place was a place where the old people were abandoned. There
was no one to take care of them. They were living in small sheds, which
could be destroyed by a small wind.
 In Columbia there is a rule called Rule 100, which speaks about the
protection of the elderly. It is a sort of giving social security, but it is never
applied. That is the reason why he wished to be a lawyer. He wanted to
force the government to do it. He wanted the laws that are written down to
be done properly.
 During every election, the local and national politicians visit their place and
promise those help and security. But as usual when elections are over there
won't be any one to hear their problems.
 Every day Albeiro and his friends provided the old with lunch. They helped
the old to have bath even though the old were disgusting, helped them to
clean their bed, wash their clothes and even to clean their homes. With the
work of the guardian angels, even the paralyzed started to walk a little bit.
 When a French journalist made a documentary of Albeiro‟s life, donations
flooded in from all around the world. With the money they got as
donations, they planned to have a home for the aged people. Even though
they collected many donations from French, it was not enough for them to
build a house.
 In 1990, the wife of the Colombian President pledged her help. She offered
to provide land and money for the new house so that Albeiro could use the
money he got as donation for the working of the house. However, the
dream did not come true.
 Albeiro even showed the courage to go to the officials to ask for help.
 Later from France he got sixty thousand dollars more to fulfill his dream.
Today his dream has come true. And he named that building „The Little
Corner of France‟ since he got all the donations the French people. Now
they have 140 members in that house. The old people were sad since their
own family members abandoned them. Now they find some relief being in
the home of Albeiro. Sometimes they shout and sometimes they refuse to
have a bath. Even then, the staffs have managed to take care of them with a
great patience.
 In the home, they are trying to give the old a sense of direction to their own
lives. Albeiro teaches them that even when the body ages old the soul
remains young.
 He taught them the basics of language. He made them able to write at least
their name and to have a signature. Even after the death of the old he visited
their tomb and prayed for them.
 Now in the new home they have special room with hospital beds and
undergo regular check-up with the doctors and nurses. Whenever the old
have fight among them, Albeiro could easily find solutions for them.
 While taking care of one the old lady the old lady told him that she want
him to come with her when she is called to heaven so that Albeiro would be
there to help her.
 Before the home was built, he invited the elderly to his home and provided
them hot meal. He made them to play in the small place near to his house.
In addition, he insisted them to dance together and they all enjoyed
dancing. He also held some exercise classes for them.
 Today a new generation of students has taken over his duty. Every day after
school they come to work for Albeiro. In exchange, he pays for their school
stationery. The young students conduct some program for the old and help
them to have some exercises.
 During the afternoon, the young children go for a tour in the Shantytown.
They take food for the elderly who are unlucky to have a place in the new
 Albeiro was a true political philosopher who gave importance for value
education. He says, “Old age is not an illness and being young is an
opportunity to bring generations together. The young work with tenderness
and love and that is important. They work with humanity and
 The guardian angels were really a model for the people. They even started
to think that, if the strangers could take after their parents then why not they
could do the same.
 When he was a child, he went to the town to collect food for the old. . Still
now, he continues the same. Most of the shopkeepers were well known to
him. Even now, the shopkeepers would provide him food items free of
cost. He was able to make others also to be a true political leader i.e., to
make them aware of the well-being of others.
 For the old he was more than a father and a mother. The abandoned came to
him for shelter in his new home. They knock at the door for help. Now
Albeiro is having a dream of a school for the guardian angels. All of them
appreciate his great work for the poor.


To whom could we compare the life of Albeiro? I wish to call him as a true
disciple of Christ. He is the true political philosopher, the one who works for the
well-being of others. He is the real guardian angel of the completely abandoned
and poor. Albeiro Vargas is really a model for us.

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