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AEC 51 Quiz 1

Xavier- Ateneo Mathematics Department

October 25, 2021

Name: Czarina Jane A. Pacturan

What name you want to be called during AEC 51 class? Zarina

Do as directed
1. This frequency distribution provides a summary of how the 50 soft drink purchases are
distributed across the five soft drinks.

a.Are these data qualitative or quantitative?( 2 pts) Qualitative

b.Construct a pie chart for the data.( 7 pts)

c.Write an interpretation of your graph. ( 4 pts)

Among the 5 kinds of Soft drinks, majority of the frequency distribution of soft
drink purchases is Coca-Cola which covers 38% of the total distribution. The least
distribution of soft drink purchases is Dr. Pepper and Sprite which both covers 10% each.
2. The U.S. Department of Commerce reports the following number of U.S. patents
received by foreign countries and the United States in the year 2010.

a) Illustrate the data with a bar graph and a pie graph. ( 14 pts)

Number of U.S. Patents Received by Foreign Countrie and the

US in the Year 2012
United States 107,792
Italy 1,796
Israel 1,819
China 2,657
United Kingdom 4,302

Canada 4,852
Taiwan 8,238
South Korea 11,671
Germany 12,363
Japan 44,814
- 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000
Number of US Patents
b) Which do you think better illustrates this data set? Justify your answer.( 5 pts)

The bar graph best illustrates this data set for it has more than 5 data sets.
Also if we use the pie graph it looks cramped and we cannot see the data clearly not
like the bar graph where it clearly shows the number of US patents received by the
foreign countries and US itself.

2. The number of all violent crimes (murder, nonnegligent homicide, manslaughter,

forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault) in the United States for each of these years
is listed below. Represent the data with a line graph.( 7 pts)

2000 1,425,486
2004 1,360,088
2008 1,394,461
2001 1,439,480
2005 1,390,745
2009 1,325,896
2002 1,423,677
2006 1,435,123
2010 1,246,248
2003 1,383,676
2007 1,422,970

Source: World Almanac and Book of Facts.

Number of Violent Crimes in the United States


1,450,000 1,439,480
1,425,486 1,423,677 1,435,123
1,400,000 1,390,745 1,394,461
1,350,000 1,360,088

1,250,000 1,246,248


1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
3. Math and Reading Achievement Scores The math and reading achievement scores
from the National Assessment of Educational Progress for selected states are listed
below. Construct a scatter plot with the data, and What is the nature of relationship
between math and reading achievement scores. ( 7 ps, 4 pts)

Scatter Plot Showing the Relationship Between Math and Reading

Achievement Scores
Reading Scores

50 55 60 65 70 75 80

Math Scores

The scatter plot shows that there is a linear association of the points. The
scatter plot shows a direct linear relationship between the Math and Reading
achievement scores. Students with high scores in Math also has a high score in
4. The graph shows the number of deaths in the United States due to accidents.
Answer the following questions about the graph.( 18 pts)

1. Name the variables used in the graph.

Poisoning, Motor vehicle, Falls and Drowning
2. Are the variables qualitative or quantitative? Quantitative
3. What type of graph is used here? Line Graph
4. Which variable shows a decrease in the number of deaths over the years?
Motor Vehicle
5. Which variable or variables show an increase in the number of deaths over the
years? Poisoning and Falls
6. The number of deaths in which variable remains about the same over the years?
7. List the approximate number of deaths for each category for the year 2001.
Poisoning – 14, Motor vehicle – 44, Falls – 15, and Drowning - 3
8. In 1999, which variable accounted for the most deaths? In 2009, which variable
accounted for the most deaths? 1999- Motor vehicle, while in 2009 – Poisoning
9. In what year were the numbers of deaths from poisoning and falls about the
same? Year 1999 and 2001

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