Purposive Communication Module 1 Assignment 1

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Purposive Communication

Module 1 Assignment 1
Choose and watch any Filipino commercial which deals with relationships (partner, family, friends etc.).
Analyze the commercial and explain how they relate to one another and how they fit into the
communication process.

When people mention the word communication, most of them

immediately think of talking with one another. But in this module, it was
discussed that there can also be non- verbal ways to communicate. And
these non-verbal cues can tell us a lot about what the other person is
actually feeling.

Which is why I chose this commercial in particular. It is entitled “Moments together with
NESCAFÉ GOLD”. It starts with a couple just lovingly staring at each other. But then it shifts to a scene
where they’re not even looking at each other, and they were suddenly far apart. Right off the bat, it was
just filled with non-verbal communication. The change in the way they looked and touched, and the
sudden distance between them. I would have understood that things changed drastically between them
even without the narration.
Then they tell the story of the couple. At first, when they got to see the love of their life every
day, they were happy, until they weren’t. They started to feel like they were together, but disconnected.
That even when they had problems, they couldn’t even tell each other. This is where I saw how vital the
role of the sender is, or in simple words the importance of starting a conversation or communicating.
Because what I observed is that, some people expect feedback, without even initiating to talk about it.
In order for the couple to work things out, they each got a cup of coffee, and just talked. Within a
span of minutes, they were finishing each other’s sentences. They were laughing, reminiscing memories
of simple things that made them happy. In the video it said, “don’t just be there with each other, be there
for each other”. Talking and communicating in a relationship, that’s what makes the difference.
From what I saw at the end of the video, I believe Schramm’s model of communication from
1954 would be applicable. Because in reality, communication shouldn’t be a one-way road, but a
continuous cycle in order for both parties to benefit from them. And the model also shows that the role of
the encoder and decoder should be fulfilled by both parties, in order for the communication process to be
At the last part one of them said, “Who knew there could be so many realizations if we just have
some coffee and talk?”. I hope people see that, that it’s worth the courage to start a conversation to have
these breakthroughs, and get to have them with people dear to you.



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