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J O U R N A L F O R N U R S E S I N S T A F F D E V E L O P M E N T  Volume 25, Number 1, E8–E13  Copyright A 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

.. D espite the education challenges faced

.. by healthcare institutions, the use of online
.. The Perception of technology (eLearning) to demonstrate
.. competency for practicing nurses in the
.. Learning and Satisfaction acute care environment has only recently
.. been explored. The authors discuss the
.. of Nurses in the Online implementation of an online-based
.. nursing education competency. The results
.. demonstrate that the use of the eLearning
.. Environment
.. format provides both a satisfactory and
.. effective alternative learning medium.
.. Keri L. Gerkin, MS, RN The study provides support for the use of
.. Teri H. Taylor, BSN, RN online learning in the healthcare setting.
.. Francene M. Weatherby, PhD, RNC, CNE

T he American Nurses Association (2002) has stated

that nurses and their employers are jointly respon-
sible for creating an environment in which competent
Despite these obvious challenges, effective institutional-
based continuing education programs are essential to
assist staff nurses in maintaining professional compe-
nurses can provide quality outcomes. Despite these tence. The traditional lecture has been the primary
mandates, healthcare institutions are faced with the educational format used in continuing nursing educa-
challenges of providing stimulating, relevant, and cost- tion to date (Dougal & Gonterman, 1999; McAlpine,
effective continuing nursing education programs. The 1996). Although the lecture format can be an effective
explosion of available nursing knowledge and the in- way to deliver information to a large number of nurses,
creasing need for nursing competencies through regu- many educational disadvantages to the live lecture
lating bodies have also contributed to the challenges format exist (Billings & Halstead, 2005; Harrington &
in continuing education (Belcher & Vonderhaar, 2005; Walker, 2003). Didactic lectures do not appeal to a
Benson, 2004; Nelson, 2003; Smith, 2005). Today’s nurses variety of learning styles, lack learner participation
are faced with ongoing pressure to demonstrate profi- strategies, require lengthy educator preparation, and
ciency in a variety of nursing skills. Consumer demands are costly (Dunn & Griggs, 1998).
and the concerns of consumer advocacy groups have also One alternative to the traditional lecture format is
influenced continuing education and competency devel- the use of online technology in continuing nursing
opment of nurses. One of the primary reasons for this education, also known as eLearning. Technology has
increased interest is the Institute of Medicine’s (1999) revolutionized educators’ ability to facilitate profes-
report, which declared that 98,000 patients die annually sional nursing competence through the use of online
from medical errors while hospitalized. education. The use of eLearning in the staff develop-
ment environment has only recently been explored
Keri L. Gerkin, MS, RN, is Education Specialist, Saint Francis Health
(Benson, 2004; Bernhardt, Runyan, Bou-Saada, & Felter,
System, Tulsa, Oklahoma. 2003). Use of eLearning to provide continuing nursing
Teri H. Taylor, BSN, RN, is Education Instructor, Saint Francis Health
education has many benefits, including user conve-
System, Tulsa, Oklahoma. nience, program design flexibility, adherence to adult
Francene M. Weatherby, PhD, RNC, CNE, is Professor of Nursing,
learning principles, and accommodation of multiple
University of Oklahoma College of Nursing, Oklahoma City, learning styles. The remainder of this article will discuss
Oklahoma. the implementation of an online nursing education

E8 January/February 2009

Copyright @ 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
competency. Specifically, the online competency fo- sponse of nurses to self-paced learning modules during
cused on the nursing care of the kidney transplant a nursing orientation program compared with a
recipient. The purpose of this article is to examine the traditional lecture format. The self-paced learning
satisfaction and perception of learning on practicing modules were the method of choice for most nurses,
nurses in the online environment. although the authors noted that many nurses selected
a blend of both self-paced learning and lecture as their
preferred teaching strategies. Andrusyszyn, Cragg, and
Humbert (2001) and Kozlowski (2002) found that self-
A comprehensive literature review was conducted direction, self-paced learning, and flexibility were cited
using both the CINAHL and ERIC databases. Major by nurses as important advantages to the online learn-
content areas identified included the impact of the ing environment.
online environment on nurses, the impact of online Although there are advantages for nurses using the
learning on nursing students, and theoretical principles online environment, the literature review did uncover
of online education. some barriers to implementation and use of online
learning. Lack of computer access and insufficient
computer skills are the most frequently cited barriers
The Impact of the Online Environment on Nurses
(Attack & Rankin, 2002; Billett, 1992; Criddle, 1995;
Because of its potential benefits in staff development, Khoiny, 1995; Nowicki, 1996; Schmitt, Titler, Herr, &
nursing researchers have explored eLearning and Ardery, 2004). Attack (2003) and Smith (2005) also
computer-based instructional strategies as an educa- reported that lack of computer skills negatively affects
tional medium (Attack, 2003; Attack & Rankin, 2002; nurses’ satisfaction in the online learning environment.
Korhonen & Lammintakanen, 2005). Most existing
research relates to nursing students and the online
The Impact of Online Learning on
environment; however, little research exists regarding
Nursing Students
the impact of the online environment on practicing
nurses. As a result, this literature review includes edu- Bloom and Hough (2003) studied nursing and allied
cation research that considers both graduate nursing health students and found that they were highly
students and practicing nurses. satisfied with the use of technology in learning.
Convenience and flexibility have been cited by Additional nursing student studies have demonstrated
nursing researchers as contributing to nurses’ satisfac- satisfaction with the use of the online environment
tion with the online learning environment (Attack, 2003; (Parker, Riza, Tierney, & Barrett, 2005; Ryan, Carlton, &
Attack & Rankin, 2002; Billings, Connors, & Skiba, 2001). Ali, 1999; Soon, Sook, Jung, & Im, 2000; Thurmond,
Although multiple studies claim flexibility as an advantage Wamback, Connors, & Frey, 2002). Similar to results
to online courses, Korhonen and Lammintakanen (2005) reported regarding practicing nurses, nursing students
found contradictory results when studying the impact often cite convenience and access as the primary
of online learning and nurse managers. According to reasons to choose online courses (Billings, 1999; Soon
their qualitative study, the degree of satisfaction with the et al., 2000).
flexibility and convenience of online learning was directly
related to certain time- and place-dependent conditions.
Theoretical Principles of Online Staff Education
For example, online courses were considered flexible and
convenient only if the nurse manager had adequate Learning theories and educational frameworks are
home computer access and time at work and home to the philosophical foundations that guide the selec-
devote to studying online. Similar findings were reported tion of instructional strategies and learning activities.
by Attack (2003), who found that the convenience and Andragogy (Knowles, 1980) and adult learning theory
flexibility offered in an online course were dependent are commonly used as theoretical foundations for on-
on the nurse’s ability to become more disciplined in line course design both for nursing students and prac-
overall study habits. Current literature demonstrates ticing nurses. Adult education literature reports that
that nurses cite convenience and flexibility as advan- adult learners, including nurses, value online course
tages to online learning. However, adequate computer designs based on andragogical principles (Ausburn,
access, development of disciplined study habits, and 2004; Bernhardt et al., 2003; Dyck, 1986).
adequate time spent studying all affect the nurses’ sat- The Constructivist Learning Theory is also com-
isfaction with online courses. monly used as a theoretical basis for online course
Self-paced learning has also been studied as it design (Moallem, 2001). The Constructivist Learning
relates to the success and satisfaction of nurses in the Theory evolved from both psychology and philoso-
online environment. Grant (1993) studied the re- phy and holds that assimilation, accommodation, and


Copyright @ 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
construction are the basic components of learning Learning Theory. The developed module is accessed
(Billings & Halstead, 2005; Ryan, Carlton, & Ali, 2005). from the Internet, allowing the nurse to complete the
According to Constructivism, learners construct their lesson from either the home or work environment.
knowledge by actively participating in the learning Internet access was provided to allow staff to obtain
process and constructing their own meanings and un- the course material from their home because studies
derstanding. Concepts that are central to the Construc- have reported that the noisy stressful nursing work
tivist Learning Theory include collaboration, learner milieu can hamper online learning (Knapp, 2004; Rick,
autonomy, reflection, and experiential learning (Huang, Kearns, & Thompson, 2003). Nurses at Saint Francis
2002; Moallem, 2001). Huang (2002) and Ali, Carlton, Health System have ready access to computer termi-
and Ryan (2004) discussed Constructivist-based instruc- nals for electronic documentation and Internet access
tional principles for successful online adult learning. to professional resources. The online course format of
These instructional principles include providing an this competency is self-paced and will allow staff to
interactive learning environment through online dis- learn in their preferred environment. Studies demon-
cussion, critical thinking, reflection, timely positive feed- strate that students retain a higher percentage of the
back, establishment of collaborative learning projects, information when they are allowed to learn at their
facilitation of meaningful learning experiences, and ap- own pace (Nelson, 2003).
plication of real-world knowledge. The Constructivist The course content was organized hierarchically,
Learning Theory, along with the Adult Learning Theory, with the least complicated material covered first
is the theoretical framework used for the development followed by the higher level cognitive domains. The
and implementation of the online staff nursing educa- hierarchical organization and depth of the course
tion programs discussed in this article. content are based on Constructivist learning models
and focus on the Constructivist instructional concepts
of problem-based learning, solving of real-world prob-
lems, layering of information, and conceptual interre-
latedness (Moallem, 2001).
Online Program Description Critical thinking skills are essential for a nurse prac-
ticing in a complex healthcare system. Case studies and
Nurses who care for kidney transplant recipients are
problem-solving opportunities were included in the
required by Saint Francis Health System policy to
course content to appeal to adult learners’ desire for im-
complete an initial kidney transplant certification
mediate real-world application of knowledge (Knowles,
course and an annual recertification class to maintain
1980). Case studies also followed Constructivist learning
their competence in the care of this complex patient
principles of real-world problem application and knowl-
population (Saint Francis Health System, 2005a). The
edge linkage to everyday practice (Ali et al., 2004; Twibell,
annual kidney transplant competency course, originally
Ryan, & Hermiz, 2005). Specifically, the case studies were
several hours in length, was taught in a traditional
included to assist the learner in obtaining critical thinking
classroom lecture-based format. In the spring of 2006,
and problem-solving skills for common complications
the traditional annual competency course was con-
after kidney transplantation.
verted to an entirely online format. Prior to content
Additional module features included animation and
development, a needs assessment of the transplant
graphics to emphasize important content. Graphics
nurses was conducted.
and animation were used in balance with static text to
stimulate visual learners and maintain the learners’
interest (Belcher & Vonderhaar, 2005; Cuellar, 2002;
Instructional Design Principles, Program Design,
Peterson & Berns, 2005). Item validation (questions
and Implementation
throughout the module that required answering before
MC Strategies Webinservice1 was the application used the learner could continue), positive reinforcement,
to complete the design and execution of this online functional links to Internet resources and hospital
competency. Saint Francis Health System chose this policies and procedures, and a printable summary of
application because of its simplicity and ease of key points were also included in the course design.
use. This application also allows nursing educators to Resource links and printable handouts were included
easily modify content in order to meet the learn- to improve learner–content interactions (Merriam &
ers’ needs. Caffarella, 1999; Thurmond, 2003).
Course access, hierarchical organization, flexibility, Program development and content were approved
and self-pacing are some of the learning strategies by the Director of Education. After content devel-
included in the course design that were based on the opment, a pilot test was conducted, and the results
theoretical underpinnings of Constructivism and Adult were used in continuing program development. The

E10 January/February 2009

Copyright @ 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
module was assigned to the appropriate nurses, who the perceived learning and satisfaction of nurses. The
were given 90 days for completion. After Institutional authors found that most surveyed nurses perceived
Review and Ethics Board approval, a written survey that learning took place in the online educational
was developed and distributed to the 20 nurses after environment. In addition, the nurses reported satisfac-
the completion of the module. Since implementa- tion with the online format and commented that
tion, 20 kidney transplant nurses have completed the online learning was convenient, flexible, and useful.
module along with a 20-question, multiple-choice on- These findings are consistent with the education
line posttest. literature, which reports that nurses are satisfied
with a Web-based format particularly because the on-
line environment provides convenience and flexibility
EVALUATION OF OUTCOMES (Fearing & Riley, 2005; Harrington & Walker, 2003;
Irons, Jung, & Keel, 2002; Phillips, 2006).
The educational program was evaluated using the Web-
As discussed in the literature review, drawbacks to
based course outcome assessment framework pro-
using online learning include lack of computer access,
posed by Billings (2000). The framework has five major
lack of dedicated time for learning, and insufficient
concepts which should be evaluated within the online
computer skills. Although the authors did not experi-
education format. The evaluation categories include
ence these issues in this project, other institutions may
outcomes, educational practices, faculty support,
encounter these difficulties when implementing online
learner support, and the use of technology (Billings,
learning. In addition, some institutions might have
2000). Sixteen of the 20 surveys were returned, for a
nurses who lack sufficient computer skills. Limitations
response rate of 80%. The time to complete the lesson
of this study were similar to other educational re-
ranged from 2 to 45 minutes, with an average com-
search studies in that a small convenience sample was
pletion time of 23 minutes. The average online posttest
used; therefore, the results are not generalizable to all
score was 94.8%, with all learners passing the exami-
nursing environments.
nation with a score of 80% or better. A score of 80% or
According to Adult Learning and Constructivist
better was required to demonstrate competency (Saint
principles, direct application and association of real-
Francis Health System, 2005b).
world principles and knowledge are essential to a
A five-question Likert scale survey was administered
successful learning experience (Forrest, 2004; Huang,
after completion of the lesson. The overall evaluation
2002; Knowles, 1980; Moallem, 2001). This is particu-
of the lesson was cited as very good or above average
larly significant in the profession of nursing, where the
by 100% of the nurses surveyed. All of the nurses also
critical test of learning is the application of knowledge
reported that the content level was appropriate for
to clinical practice (Sheridan & LeGros, 1995). Unfor-
their job activities, and most nurses (87.5%) found the
tunately, a paucity of research exists regarding the
lesson very helpful for enhancing their job perfor-
direct translation of online knowledge into nursing
mance related to the care of the kidney transplant
practice (Attack & Rankin, 2002; Beitz & Snarponis,
recipient. According to the course evaluations, 87.5%
2006). Only one study that examined the ability of
of the nurses agreed that the online format facilitated
nurses to transfer knowledge learned in the online
learning, and the remaining nurses somewhat agreed
environment to practice was found. Therefore, future
that the online format facilitated learning. Thirteen
nursing education research should be directed at
nurses (81%) perceived that learning took place in
understanding both the impact of online learning on
the online environment and were able to list specific
practicing nurses and the nurse’s ability to translate
learned concepts.
knowledge into clinical practice.
Written evaluation comments included the follow-
In summary, nurse educators are faced with the
ing: ‘‘it was a great refresher,’’ ‘‘liked the use of
challenge of providing relevant and effective educa-
the computer and eLearning because it can be done
tion programs in an increasingly complex health-
at a time that is convenient for me,’’ ‘‘quick and
care environment. This study demonstrated that the
useful resource,’’ ‘‘I enjoyed the questions through-
eLearning format provided a satisfactory and effec-
out to make sure the information is retained,’’ and
tive alternative for nurses in practice. In addition, this
‘‘good review.’’
study provides further support for existing literature
that states nurses can learn in an online environment
CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS, AND if specific barriers are overcome. The challenge of
ensuring competency for practicing nurses is com-
IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE plex. Educational programs that are designed using an
This descriptive study examined the impact of an online format provide a positive educational medium
online kidney transplant nurse competency module on for learning.


Copyright @ 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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Schmitt, M. B., Titler, M. G., Herr, K. A., & Ardery, G. (2004). Saint Francis Hospital, Department of Education, 6161 S. Yale,
Challenges of Web-based education in educating nurses Tulsa, OK 74136 (e-mail:


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