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TOPIC II: Moral Dilemma


is expeeted that you have

n clear grasp now of what is moral and non
moral valuation. Also the differences of human acts and acts of man

lopic on moral dilemmatoIs of sgnificance. People

Now, the when lile.
the youth
easily perturbed they are contronlcd make choices in their hey not
to deal with
their problems and make choices to solve them. Iheir reaction is mayhe to ignorea
pressing problem for lack of knowledge or skill to solve it. or that they just allow the problem to
persist which at the end of the day becomes more complicated and therefore more diflicult to
Technology has made lhfe very easy. Our life has been taken over by the invention of
nsiant echnology Tou name san
n nt, done
and peopie are c al made a deep imprint in he mind and
f neonle Peonle avoid what is complicated and those that demand significant eflort
and anything that takes time. In fact. people avoid reading that takes tume and thinking recquiring
patience and energy on their part. Everybody prefers whatever Is easily available and in uniso
with the Frenchman they can say: Voila! Or, in Spain, Prestol People Want to be like the
magician who makes things uppear even in the most unusual and unexpected wuys.

with are
The problem, however, this system is
that doesn t work all the tume here
more complicated matters that require delnberalion and hard work lo deal win e m . A t n s e ,
the instunt choices or solutions do not apply anymore. h e too casy iie we nve do not prepure u
Too we live
face the more complex
Hence, the
often, with unresolved problems and
on moral dilemmas can help people decipher and make
undetermined topic

)Learning Outcome
EXplain moral diiemma,

2 Demonstrate decisin making in mornl diieima

Pertorm the series ol making choiCeN in moral dilemma; ancd

Activating Prior Learning

student gets a waning from parents that geting into a relationship and geting pregnant
while studying will mean discontinuance of all support to continue her studics. espte such
two months pregnant. what is she
warnings and admonitions, the student disobeyed and s now
going lo do' She is atraid to tell her parents about her siluation otherwiSe her parents will tell her
to stop studying But she wants to fnish her studies.

is, to in such a will continue

predicament whal do case she resort to aborion and
her or, tell her parents about her prosent status seeing the evil of abortion and continue
her pregnancy but stop schooling? What is a good alternative to her problem?

15 to come up
nstructions. You are given 10 to minutes to be able a
with solution
une uestiom or what shouid be he rght thing to do. Coninue the pregnancy and stop schooling
he baby continue ber studies? You may chooSe your partner or do t with a
or, ubort
chart for
your guioe

Presentation of Contents

Moral dilemmas are not rare. We ofen experience making choices in the face of
conflicting situations. Others are courageous to make up their mind and face their problems.
Many, however, are stuck and canot make proper decisions. Or, they remain undecided and
allow others to make decisions for them. Let us face it, quite a number of students are not ready
to decide. Dcision making is an everyday chal lenge that people make in their life but there are
no classes to teach about making decisions.

of This when two

moral What
is amorl
are in
conflict and
Moral diemma
is a
Or, is a
situation conflict. occurs
are it more complicated situation wheren one
s torn between choosing one ot two goods and choosing Dewecn he esset o wo evis,
have a moral dilemma when here are a iumber o!
possible actions
there are compelling
ethical reasons lor the various choices but only one can be given prelerence and set aside all the
rest (Bulaong Jr. et al., 2018). In the first case where one has to choose between two goods, lct us
o ollercd a good paying job locally. However, she has always
ng abraad would separate her from her
mily and
amily tbe idea of senaion choose the two
ossit What would be better choice for Mise ye
and s the
he, 1t consider
whose daughter is hungry hu
situation ofa poor motherneeds. but her
h e r to
But she can steal food so that her daughter can eat
g n c r tne 1ood she N
h e r choce Alow her daughier to go hungry or steal food for her to be ahle to eat? A
siuon ot diema is complicated or diflicult because out of two or several choices, there is
oniy one choce to make w hat makes it more complicated is that there are cases when both
chovces are evil Which is the lesser of the two evils?
3 Different Levels of Moral Dilemma

Moral dilemmas are categorized into thre levels: personal, organizational und structural

Personal Dilemma. It pertains to choices affecting the individual himself or herself The
dilemma that an individual has to re solve Personal dilemma mav alo mvve hle
individuals. For instance, in a company, two very efficient employees who are both married get
involved in a relationshup. Company regulations sanction married individuals who are involved
illcgitimale relatonships. aving known about such relalionship, what should he other
employees do about t Suppose they tell the administration about this ilhicnt relationship.
to lhe ot them terhination their the
According rules, both woukd tace irom
eople are ware about their importance 1or the company because ot their qualiications.
erthinating these employees would be untavorabie lor the company. It they don t, they condone
and mmoral relationship within the company. The moral dilemma here clearly whether
or not for the other employees to tell the administration about the existing illicit relationship of
the two employees of the company

Orgnnizational Dicmma. Examples of this type of dhlemma would refer to business,

edica diiemma scope and
meical and pubie seclar/company stuiation. Orgunizational
has a broader
S o u n o n s a r i v e u at also have animpact
on bh
the o
lite ol ench membr

Structural Dilemma. his dilemma would include an entire network of an institution

und operative theoretical paradigm. The approvnl of the Bangsa Moro Law wOuld fall under this
Caegory o diicmma. t has the broadest scope ol inlucnce and itnpact ol the three levels. In the

example given, the impact and effect of the approval would not only affect the people where the
aw wouldapplicu, Dut h e cnire urchipelago. t is sad that Mindanao desires to have ts
aulonomy. " you were lo decide on this, would you pprove the proposed law or not. Approval
o he law could mean peace und order in he regionBut the move mignt result inaly to
complete separation of the region. IT the proposed law should not be approved, chances are, the
peace and order in the region will continue to be a major problem and will continue to drain the

natsonal budget, the manienance ol strong army presence and contict being heavily taxed on
What is a good alternative to follow?

Sesson. Giroup yourselves intothefive. Recall moral
think of amoral situation
where a
anays1soto resolve vcd. Presernt contlictung nuics. Apply the steps lor
ora resolve the
the dilemma.

diferent consequences,
one good and the
s s , an act periormed produces twoeflect
other evil, the act 3 Saa
the and
In complete ignorance
wrongfiul consequenee is completely unexpected
In double ellect- the wrongtul consequence Is expected and t can either be
unintended or intended

So: A person whose act results i n an evl elfect, has diminished moral responsibilty
over the wrongful conscquence of his action if 1. The act thatbrings about the double
eflect is in itself good or morally different. The attainment of the good elfect is the
intended effect. The evil effect is not perceived as a mecans to bring about the good etlect.

n or moral responsibility is determined by

two rules aceordine
general rules
two general accorung to Duka, 200

I. The moral responsibility is

perfect orbring
aggravaled if the person inintends
the evil ellect and the act pertarmed the evil eliect is iselt
2. It is exempted or diminished if the person intends the good effect and the

nct performed to bringit

aboul is in
itself' good.( Credit to the author
Irom which these notes were taken)

Moral dilemmas are situations when people lace dihculties n maxt12/24
or choosing an alternative trom at least two or several possibilities that may be bad
Making a choice s not always casy especialy when allermatves are cither disadvantageUu u
to the moral is important for It is a
Exposure three levels of dilemma you as students
necessity t o be aware that becoming a part of a larger community or institution will require
participation in 8 mare compiex moral situation or
Gietting involved in some complicated situations does not come irom nowhere. hese
originate from something. Your knowledge on moral dilemma and
make you a wiser and better decision maker You think twice be fore engaging in any eray
area. Somehow, it will help you avoid to be in complicated moral situations. It is important to
remember that deliberation is worthy of consideration prior to any decision or action

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