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Roll no: - 21HS91R11

Department: - Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)

PRA Assignment - 3

Q. How PRA is going to be helpful in terms of policy implementation

studying (observing) the ground realities?

Ans. Background

During the COVID-19 pandemic, India imposed a nationwide lockdown for around 2-3
months to curb the spread. Most of the economic activities which are predominantly physical
work were shut down. Domestic workers who earn their livelihood by doing the domestic
work in other houses, their work halted due to the lockdown.

I live in Delhi and my parents also kept a domestic worker named Kanta (name changed).
She is a mother of two sons and a widow living on a rent. Due to lockdown, she was not able
earn. It was difficult for her to manage her monthly expenses given that she had no income
source. She used to come once in a month during lockdown to seek some financial help from
those household whom she used to work. My mother used to give Rs 500 every month. She
used to somehow manage a three-time meal a day for her family either through free ration
distribution, langar system as a voluntary provided by people during the pandemic. But she
was not able to

Later on, from another domestic worker we got to know that she did not receive any
financial, emotional support during that time. Not every person is kind enough to offer help
to their domestic workers during the hard times.

Policy Suggestion

Being a research scholar, I have a vision to tackle the financial uncertainties among domestic
workers which are the two policy suggestions regarding it on the basis of my discipline
(Economics) for providing a financial aid to them if they are in need (no collateral required).
(a) A proportion of Electricity Subsidy given to Delhi residents should be transferred to
“Domestic Workers Care Fund” (hypothetical name suggested) provided by CM Arvind
Kejriwal (applied in Delhi or any other city of same situation).

(b) A monthly fixed amount can be charged to the people living in societies, communities, etc
(it can be applied when electricity or some other subsidy not provided).

The repayment of the amount will be done on zero interest rate. It must be ensured that they
are paying regularly a nominal fixed amount (which will be decided on the basis of the loan
amount, domestic worker’s family’s monthly income, monthly expenses, etc).

How PRA can be used here?

I will gather and interact with a few domestic workers in my area to know better about their
situation during COVID-19 pandemic. Not every domestic worker’s family were severely
affected from it. I will visit frequently their area and try to interact with each worker to know
better about them and I will discuss about my suggestions to tackle the situation in future. If
anyone gives a better suggestion then I will readily adapt it. I will assign a team of few
people for further communication among them who seems to understand and explain better to
the domestic workers.

With the help of a team, I will get to know about those lists of domestic workers in my area
who had a similar situation like “Kanta” during the pandemic. I will cross verify by
personally visiting some of their household or I will send my secret team of another few
people among domestic workers to review the work of my team (Data Triangulation).

Similarly, I along with my team will interact with the committee members of my area to
explain the situation and possible suggestion to counter it and any useful suggestions I will
adapt it. I will encourage the committee members to interact with the domestic workers who
were severely affected.

I will distribute the questionnaire to my area residents to know which one of the two
suggestions would be suitable for them. According the monthly amount will be decided in a
way people feels pocket friendly for them.

After having several interactions with domestic workers, committee members and area
residents the policy will be launched.
Before implementing the policy, we will create a SWOT Analysis in which people from
domestic workers, committee members and area residents who have a better understanding of
the above-mentioned policies will identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and


Suppose it is decided that automatic deduction of electricity subsidy is done for the fund
accumulation, we will spread the awareness. A separate team will be setup for fund
accumulation, loan disbursement and investigation team (before loan disbursement and if in
case domestic workers facing issues in loan repayment). These people will be assigned duties
in our area’s post office or any other nearby area.

Any domestic worker whosoever in need of the funds can freely approach. Initially
investigation team will review their situation, then they will provide the funds. If they are
repaying on time, fair enough. If they are facing issues on repayment the benefit of doubt will
be provided to them via suitable modifications in the repayment policy which can differ from
person to person.

We will be in frequent touch in each section of the society (domestic workers, committee
members and area residents) to gather feedbacks.

After policy implementation we will again conduct SWOT Analysis.

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