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State the relationship of the following: (5 points each)

1. Ethics and Religion

-Basically, ethics is a set of moral principles which guides the human conduct on how they should act and behave,
while religion is also commonly known as the worship of God in which involves set of beliefs and standards that
people ought to practice. The relationship between the two is that, religion can greatly impact the ethical
behaviours of people since it is based on beliefs and composed of set of principles.

2. Ethics and Law

-Ethics and law are often associated with each other. As ethics referred to as the moral principles, while law is
defined as a built in set of standards which the society believed to be legal and is already there and cannot be
altered. But typically, the two have certain differences such as that what is legal based on law doesn’t automatically
mean that it is moral which is according to ethics. The relationship they only have is that law only helps the external
actions of individuals while ethics probes the internal behaviour and thoughts of people.

3. Ethics and logic

-As ethics is the study of morality on what actions are right, and logic is referred to as the process of correct
thinking. The relationship between the two is that, while ethics suggests the right action to do, logic helps
individuals to critically think and organized their thoughts in order to process the corresponding correct moral
action which is based and guided through the help of ethics.

4. Ethics and Education

-Since education primarily includes the process of studying which is a training for people in using their physical,
mental, moral abilities in a way with teaching such different life and human values, its relationship with ethics is
that it helps people to gather more experience about human life with the help of education and therefore with this
process, the ethical values of individuals will be enhanced. When these ethical values of man were polished, their
moral character will also be developed and the lives of individuals would have its purpose and meaning.

Activity 4


According to Wilber there are 3 ways in which ethics enters Economics? (2 points each)

1. Economists have ethical values that help shape the way they do economics.

2. Economic actors (consumers, workers, business owners) have ethical values that help shape their behaviour.

3. Economic institutions and policies impact people differentially and thus, ethical evaluations, in addition to
economic evaluations, are important.

Ethics and the Professional codes of conduct?

1. Professional

2. Professionalism

3. Professional code of ethics

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