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What is technology

The definition of technology is science or knowledge put into practical use to solve problems or
invent useful tools. .An example of technology is the Internet which has made up-to-date
information available to anyone with access in a matter of moments and provides real time
information about events around the world. Technology is the sum of any techniques, skills,
methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of
objectives, such as scientific investigation

What are internet issues?

If you look back even two years, research from IDC  suggested that the number of
devices connected to the internet, including the machines, sensors and cameras that
make up the IoT, would be hit 41.6 billion devices, or "things," generating 79.4
zettabytes (ZB) of data in 2025. The World Economic Forum agrees with these
predictions and estimates that there will be 41 billion devices capturing data on how we
live, work, move through our cities and operate and maintain the machines on which we

What is online Banking?

Online banking, also known as internet banking, web banking or home banking, is an electronic
payment system that enables customers of a bank or other financial institution to conduct a range
of financial transactions through the financial institution's website.

Banking online means accessing your bank account and carrying out financial transactions through
the internet on your smartphone, tablet or computer. It's quick, usually free and allows you to do
tasks, such as paying bills and transferring money, without having to visit or call your bank.

Level of innovation?
1. Incremental Innovation. This consists of small, yet meaningful improvements in your products,
services, and other ways in which you do business.  These tend to be the "new and improved" innovations
we are all bombarded with every day: new flavors, shifts to better or all-natural ingredients, packaging
improvements, faster/slower functioning, just-in-time supply chain enhancements, bigger/smaller sizing,
cost reductions, heavier/lighter weight. 
2. Breakthrough Innovation. This is a meaningful change in the way you do business that gives
consumers something demonstrably new (beyond "new and improved").  Breakthrough innovation
produces a substantial competitive edge for a while, although the length of time anyone can maintain such
an advantage is growing increasingly shorter.

3. Transformational Innovation. This is usually (but not always) the introduction of a

technology that creates a new industry and transforms the way we live and work.  This kind of
innovation often eliminates existing industries or, at a minimum, totally transforms them.  For
this reason, transformational innovations tend to be championed by those who aren't wedded to
an existing infrastructure.  Transformational innovation is exceedingly rare.  Think about it: how
many truly new-to-the-world ideas happen in a year?  In a lifetime? Not many! 

Yet, in some ways, transformational innovation is easier to pursue because the change required
to achieve it usually doesn't rely on an existing entity that is committed to the old way of doing

Mobile coverage Area?

The geographical area covered by the network of a service provider. Within this area, the phone will
be able to complete a call using the carrier's network or a partner network.

Coverage area is the geographic region or location in which benefits of an insurance policy may
apply and be applied for the purposes of filing a valid claim. For instance, "anywhere in the world"
may be the coverage area for travel health insurance.

3G / 4G / 5G coverage map, Pakistan. Cellular data networks in Pakistan. This map represents the
coverage of 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G mobile network.

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