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Principals of Management (C-1)

Presented to: - Sir. Abdul Ghaffar

Group Participants: - Hamza Alam Virk ( S2017001015)
Muhammad Haseeb (S2020001022)

Muhammad wasib (S2020001019)

Syed Zain Naqvi (s2020001024)

Muhammad Fahad Afzal (s2020001016)

Section: - C-1
Program: - BS-Aviation Management

Controlling, is one of the managerial functions
like planning, organizing, staffing and directing. It is an important function
because it helps to check the errors and to take the corrective action so that
deviation from standards are minimized and stated goals of the organization
are achieved in a desired manner.

Importance of Controlling: -
1. Accomplishing Organizational Goals
2. Judging Accuracy of Standards
3. Making Efficient Use of Resources
4. Improving Employee Motivation
5.  Ensuring Order and Discipline
6. Facilitating Coordination in Action

Accomplishing Organizational Goals: -

Controlling helps in comparing the actual performance with the standards that
are set to achieve, finding out deviation and taking corrective measures to
ensure that the activities are performed according to plans. Thus, it helps in
achieving organizational goals.

Judging Accuracy of Standards: -

An efficient control system helps in judging the accuracy of standards. It
further helps in reviewing & revising the standards according to the changes in
the organization and the environment.

Making Efficient Use of Resources: -

Controlling checks the working of employees at each and every stage of
operations. Hence, it ensures effective and efficient use of all resources in an
organization with minimum wastage or spoilage. Serene Air has Station
Mangers and regional offices throughout the major cities for efficient use of
resources and major losses.

Improving Employee Motivation: -

Employees know the standards against which their performance will be

judged. Systematic evaluation of performance and consequent rewards in the
form of increment, bonus, promotion etc. Motivate the employees to put in
their best efforts. Serene Air holds different seminars on quarterly basis and
offer incentives and bonuses for their employees to motivate them and
improve their performance effectively.
Ensuring Order and Discipline: -

Controlling ensures a close check on the activities of the employees. Hence, it

helps in reducing the dishonest behavior of the employees and in creating
order and discipline in an organization. At Serene Air regional Mangers make
it sure that regular check and balance is maintained throughout the region.

Controlling of Serene Air: -

Serene Air is a newly born organization that provides air-travel

services to its customers. Serene Air promises to give its customers with best
service among all other, So their Leading and Managing bodies are trying hard
to make it possible by actively controlling the organization. They are always
doing hard to organize their all activities to accomplish their goal.

“We at Serene Air promise to fulfill customer expectations by providing one

of the highest standard of air travel and comfort in the region,” said
Sohail Gull Khan, chief executive officer, Serene Air.

“Catering to the growing travel needs of the country and rising passenger
expectations, we aim to achieve high standards by giving priority to our
customers and their needs.”

These statements are a proof of their goals and ambition to achieve them, and
this can only be done by properly controlling the organization. This is not only
the vision of their organization but actually they are doing it by actively
controlling their organization activities, comparing the situation in which they
are right at that time with stage they wants to go.

For this purpose the Serene Air has established offices in different cities and
there sit their Regional Managers and Directors who see the performance
of the organization that are given to them to achieve in their respected areas.

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