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Short Story 2:

City of Petra

Once upon a time there was a long-lost City of Petra which floats in the sky. It is covered with curtains of
dark clouds and a protection from a lightning storm around it. It was also said to have treasures and
magical things. It was ruled by Hades and his wife Felicia; they have a son named Raoul. They had been
living peacefully hiding between the dark clouds because the City was built only for those who have
magical powers and they are called the Petranians and they can't be seen by mankind because it will
create chaos since they have a magical power. 

The City of Petra was created many years ago to create balance and avoid chaos between the human
and the supernatural beings. This City should remain as a secret but there are still people who can
somehow see them in the sky and it was already a myth that somewhere in the sky there lived a Giants.
But they are not giants, their appearances are just like that of a simple human being except for the fact
that they have magical powers. They are not immortals, except for Hades and Felicia who rule the City. 

It was all good and wonderful not until some treasure hunters destroyed the seal of protection and the
City of Petra turns to be a threat for all the mankind. The treasure hunters have magical powers too
because they are just like them but they are blinded with their greed and they want to live where the
human beings are living. They want the treasures so that they can also rule the world from below that's
why they destroyed the seal of protection not knowing that it will end up as a self destruction. The
petranian abandoned the City because it is making them weaker and older. Some lost their magical
powers and had turned into a flower. Some of them transformed into a stone. The treasure hunters who
ruined the protection seal were all transformed into a tree. King Hades and his wife Felicia quickly save
their son and gave him to an old woman named Lucia and help them escape. "Guide my son, Lucia. Help
him find the chosen one. He'll know what to do in time." exclaimed Hades. "The chosen one can enter
the portals of the magical forest. We'll have to slow down the destruction of this City or else it will be all
over for us. Now, go. " Felicia hugged his son tightly before she let him go and snaps her fingers making
Lucia and her son teleport in the forest below the City of Petra. Everyone seems to have forgotten about
it because they all thought that it was just a myth, but an old mysterious woman showed up in front of a
young girl which happens to be related with the lost City of Petra.

It was a fine summer's day, so Soleil and her brother decided to go to the forest for a walk. The grass
was so smooth and soft, it looked like a green carpet. 

"How wonderful it is!" exclaimed Soleil. 

They sat down to rest under a large, shady oak tree. Soleil's brother took out a book to read and Soleil
tried reading the book. But she found it boring because it is all about fantasy and she hates it because
she thought that it's all a waste of time reading stories that aren't real. "I prefer to read an authentic
book," said Soleil. 

She yawned and rubbed her eyes feeling sleepy when she suddenly saw a mysterious old woman with a
basket full of delicious treats. Her eyes grew wider and glanced over her brother. "Did you see her?"
Soleil asked, looking at her brother still busy reading. Soleil squinted her eyes when she got ignored.
"Whatever, I'll go follow her." She quickly stood up and ran after the old woman. 

The old woman already knew that Soleil had already followed her and so she entered the Magical forest
and stopped walking. "Finally, I've found you." said the old woman as she slowly turned around to face
Soleil's shocked face. 

"I'm sorry for following you but what do you mean about that and Who are you?" asked Soleil. 

"I have been waiting for you to find this place and now that you're here, it's time for you to be familiar
with this place," said Old woman. Soleil walked through a curtain of vines and there she saw a very
mesmerizing view. 

"What is this place?" Soleil looked around and saw a bunch of fruits and vegetables. A garden filled with
beautiful flowers and friendly animals. "Woah, I have never seen such beautiful surroundings. It looks
surreal!" She happily twirls around the flowers. 

"Follow me and you'll get an answer to all your questions" said the old woman and finally entered a tree
with a door and a path inside. "Get inside." Soleil followed the old woman and was amazed by the sight
of the old woman's house. The house is actually the opposite of the outside appearance, it looked so old
on the outside but once you're inside, it can also be called a mansion. "I'll tell you the story about the
history of the City of Petra." said Old woman and nodded her head towards Soleil as if telling her to sit
down with her. 

"I'm sorry but I don't think I should be here any longer because my brother might be looking for me."
exclaimed Soleil while looking so agitated. 

"This would only take a few of your time," said Old woman. 
"Oh, Alright I'll stay." Soleil. 

"Many years ago there was a City floating in the sky hidden behind the curtains of dark clouds and
lightning storm to protect them from being destroyed and there lived a happy family with magical
powers of producing a beautiful garden with lots of fruits and vegetables and they are very intelligent.
They are also known to have kept a lot of treasures inside the castle. This was one of the reasons why it
was attacked by a lot of treasure hunters. The protection that they made wasn't strong enough to
prevent the outsiders from entering their castle and so it was abandoned now because if the seal of
protection was destroyed, then it would self-destruct and it would affect all the living things in the
world. And now that you're here. You will be the only one who can help stop the City of  Petra from self
destruction." said the Old woman. 

"But why me? I haven't even heard about that myth and I don't even know you? I am just a random girl
and I don't believe in any fictional stories and I don't plan on being a superhero!" exclaimed Soleil. 

"That's why the Petranian above chose you because this is a challenge that will make you believe that
they are real and existing in this world and that you have to help them save this world from being
destroyed. This is a matter of life and death, Soleil. If Petra continues to self-destruct then all these
things will vanish. No source of food, water, shelter, clothes and everything. That's why you need to go
up there and set things right." said the old woman. 

"But how? I don't have magical powers and how am I able to go up there myself?" asked Soleil. 

"It is your fate, the petranian chose you as the key to stop the destruction. I had been waiting to finally
find the chosen one. This place is the evidence that you are the chosen one because only one girl that
can see this place and enter this place will be the chosen one." the old woman stood up and showed her
a box. 

The old woman gave the box containing what she needed for her to get there. Soleil opened the box and
there she saw a small bag of dust, three small seeds, a necklace with a puzzle pendant and the last one
was a magical pair of shoes. 

The old woman smiled and explained to her how she will be able to use it all. 

"This bag of dust contains the magical map and if you sprinkle a bit of it on the ground then you will find
your way. But if you overuse it, you will be forever lost in the City of Petra. So, you have to be careful
when using this bag of dust." the old woman grasped the seeds and said. "These three small seeds will
help you get up there and then go back down. One seed sprinkled with water can make a tall tree
making you reach the City of Petra but it can only last for 10 minutes and the tree will eventually shrink
back into a small seed, you only have three so be careful not to drop it in the water." the old woman
now pointed at the necklace."This is the most important thing that you have to bring with you. This
necklace will be the key to your journey of stopping the City from self destruction. You must carefully
examine the puzzle in the heart of the City and gently place the missing puzzle for you to be able to stop
it from destruction and this pair of shoes will help you move faster and guides you to every path that
you will encounter because you only have two hours to stop it once you enter the City of Petra."

"Can I really do this? I have never thought that these things are actually happening in real life and I have
been chosen to set these things right. I have to be strong" Soleil covers her face with her palm out of
frustration. "Oh dear! How am I able to do this alone?" Thought, Soleil. 

"This is Raoul and He will be the one to join you on your journey." The old woman stepped back and
there showed up a young man the same age as me. 

"Who are you?" exclaimed Soleil.

The young man extends a hand to formally introduce himself. "I am the only son of Hades and Felicia,
and the Prince of the City of Petra. Nice to finally meet you." 

"Uhm I'm Soleil. It's nice meeting you too. If they had you from the very beginning then why am I still
needed? I don't get it." soleil accepted his hand and they shook hands. 

"It's because you have connections with us. You just have to let it all go and you will eventually see the
truth, Soleil." the old woman said meaningfully. 

The old woman also gave Raoul the things that he also needed including a pair shoes just like soleil's,
magical rope and a flashlight with a beaming lazer. The old woman pointed out the magical rope. "This
will be useful once you encounter and cross the bridge through the castle." The old woman raised the
flashlight and tried to laser beam the tall tree, which  made it cut the branches that were hit. "There are
wild animals that was affected by the destruction and they are located in the woods across the bridge
that's why you need to scare them off by this flashlight. Last one is the magical rope, throw this onto the
direction you want and hold onto this rope and you will never get lost." The old woman gave them both
a tight embrace and said. "I'm hoping for your journey to be safe and no harm. If only I can be with you
both then I gladly would but the Petranians above only wants the two of you to enter the realm of the
City. Please be careful and always believe in yourself, Soleil." 
Soleil nodded and exclaimed, "I admit that I'm kind of scared but I needed to be strong and set things
right because this is not just about the City of Petra, it is about the world. If I have to sacrifice just to
save the world then I would. I finally realized now that I am a believer myself, I am just scared but now I
understand why it should be me and I have all the courage to finally stop this destruction. Tell my
brother that I love him and I'm sorry. " Soleil smiles sadly but with a hint of bravery in her voice. 

Raoul hugs the old woman for the last time before they finally sprinkle a seed on the lake and eventually
they grope on the growing  vines and ride upwards. They arrived at the City of Petra in no time. They
had to move faster since they only have two hours to stop the destruction. Soleil sprinkled enough dust
to show their first path of the map. The map shows that they have three paths to take. The first one is
the mythical forest with creatures. The second and the third path isn't clear yet because they had to get
through the first path in order for the dust to show the second path. 

They continued to walk through the first path of their journey, The Mythical forest. She's very amazed
with her pair of shoes because it makes her move faster as if she was a vampire and like it was very
natural for her to move that way. "Thank you for being brave enough to come join me on this journey."
said Raoul, catching up with her. 

Soleil laughed a bit and said. "I have a choice not to join you but this is a matter of life and death and I
will not let this world end without doing anything. My Mother is one of you that's why I hated the fact
that she died in that City of Petra. I blamed that place for her death if only he listened to my father and
did not ever come back to this place. She wouldn't have turned into a flower and left us." tears stream
down on Soleil's face. 

"I'm with you. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you. This is my fight and I will help you overcome
this journey." Raoul said as he wiped the tears off Soleil's cheeks. 

Soleil smiled and said. "Don't worry, I understand everything that my mother did for this place and I
think that it's time for me to do the same. I will never waste my chance to help save the world." 

They stopped walking when they heard something. Soleil grasped the necklace as she looked around
while Raoul prepared his lazer beam flashlight. 

"We need to move faster, leil. I can see that the creatures are trying to get the necklace." Raoul held
Soleil's hand and they ran very fast as soon as the creature tried to catch up with them. The creatures let
out an eerie sound when finally reached the end of the forest. 
"It's alright, they can't get past the second path. They can only roam around their territory. They are
fairies but they were transformed into an ugly eating creatures because the seal of protection was
ruined and the self destruction is actually affecting this place." said Raoul. 

Soleil then sprinkled the dust and there showed the second path of their journey, the maze garden. "The
Maze garden used to be a very beautiful place where flowers bloom harmoniously and they always help
the Petranian to find their way out of this beautiful maze. But now it has become thorns with no flowers
nor leaves." said Raoul. 

Raoul wraps his fingers on the rope before releasing it by throwing ahead of them. Now, it had a straight
line and they had to grope the rope and never let it go or else they will be stuck forever in this maze.
Soleil gropes tightly as she followed Raoul's footsteps. When she heard someone calling her name as if
hypnotizing her to follow the voice. Soleil's grip slowly weakened and then turned around to follow the
voice. "Soleil, what a beautiful necklace you have." exclaimed by the unknown voice. Soleil's snaps back
when she heard about the necklace. "Where's Raoul?" Soleil closed her eyes when an enchantress
showed up in front of her. She covered the necklace with her hand. "Go away! You will never have this
necklace!" Soleil started to run faster making the thorns pierced her arms and legs. Soleil started to cry
and suddenly the tears drops made the ground filled with lively leaves and the thorns are slowly
disappearing and replacing it with beautiful flowers slowly blooming and spreading all over the maze. It
was all because of her tears and she remembered that her mother had a magical power that heals all
dying things using her magical tears. Soleil finally escaped from the enchantress and began to see the
passage of the magical rope and eventually meet Raoul at the end of the maze. "I'm sorry for letting go."
said Soleil. "I know that you can make it. Let's go." Raoul smiled and held her hand. 

They began to walk again as she sprinkled some dust again for the third path. "The third path is called
the Bridge of Hope. It is called the bridge of hope because this is where the Petranian mostly makes
wishes. All wishes were collected and the Mage will eventually make their wishes come true only if the
wishes are not to harm each other. Mages can't fulfill the wishes of the greedy ones and they will
receive bad luck. But now that the bridge has become old because of the chaos. The wishes cannot be
fulfilled anymore since the mages are running out of strength. They are still here but we can't see them
anymore. They are going to disappear once this City of Petra self-destructs."

They crossed the bridge slowly because the bridge is too old and it was made out of a wooden oak tree.
Both of them are struggling to cross the bridge when suddenly Raoul's magical power finally showed up.
He snapped his finger and then they arrived at the end of the bridge with no sweat. "That was so cool!
Just in time for us to move even faster since we only have 10 minutes left to finish this." Soleil runs
towards the heart of the City filled with large vines and thorns. Raoul used his magical powers and
helped them find a way easier. Raoul didn't know that he had magical powers like his father and his
mother's powers, the combination made it more powerful than he ever imagined. Raoul used his blazing
power to cut off the enormous vines and thorns out of their way. Finally, they had reached the Heart of
City but first they had to rebuild the puzzle first before putting the lost piece of the puzzle. 
The puzzle contains letters with words and they need to find the pattern to know what it says and fill in
the missing piece of the puzzle. The letters are T, G, R, T, I, E, N, I and Y from the necklace. Suddenly a
memory filled her mind about her mother. "Leil, always remember that I'm always here for you. Have
the courage to face the truth. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity."

"Now, I know." Soleil finishes all  the puzzles just in time before it activates the destruction. The letters
formed back into its place. "The letters always changed into a different word everyday, I'm glad that you
found the answer to the missing piece." said Raoul. Soleil smiled and looked around their surroundings
and it rapidly became a very beautiful place, the flowers are blooming, leaves turned greener and
everything seems to be fine. "Glad we did it." said Soleil. 

The Mythical forest had been brought back to a lively forest with cute little fairies. The Maze garden
becomes the center of attraction and the enchantress turns into a beautiful maiden who happens to be
the maze maker. The Bridge of hope is already making wishes again. The mages are back and ready to
fulfill every wish again. The ones who turned into a flower, tree and a stone had eventually turned into a
small dust and flew beyond the sky. They made a new seal for the  protection and made it even stronger
and it all went back to normal. It was almost a year when it all happened. Now, Raoul and soleil
eventually married each other and they're the ones who ruled the City of Petra. The end.

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