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Focus: Pastime / Entertainment.

Trong bài học trước, người học đã nắm được các quy tắc để đạt 7.5 Speaking IELTS và áp
dụng lý thuyết để trả lời câu hỏi theo chủ đề Work/ Education.

Ở bài học này, người học sẽ tiếp tục sử dụng những quy tắc đã học để trả lời câu hỏi về chủ
đề Pastime và Entertainment.

Ôn tập công thức áp dụng để trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 1

+ (Wh-questions)


Luyện tập 1

Hobbies help us grow as a person. When you get hooked, you will realize that your hobby has
become an integral part of your life. Having a hobby that we enjoy brings us joy and refresh-
es us. In your opinion, why are hobbies important?
• Hobbies allow you to take your mind off the demands of your daily life or negative emo-
tions О
• Hobbies help you discover the things that you’re good (and bad) at. О
• People who have hobbies have experiences and stories that they can share with others. О
• Having a hobby helps you handle work-life stress and think creatively => helps decrease
your chances of becoming burned out at work. О
• You may find a hobby that you are good enough at that you can make sales for extra in-
come. О
• Hobbies help you become more patient. О
• Hobbies keep you out of trouble, and help relieve boredom. As the old saying goes, “Idle
hands are the devil’s workshop.” О
• Having a hobby can help your social life and create a bond with others. О

Chọn 3 lý do ở trên và mô tả sở thích của bản thân trong 1 phút để cả lớp cùng đoán sở
thích của bạn.

Luyện tập 2

Đọc những câu trả lời mẫu sau và xác định những phương pháp nào được sử dụng để triển
khai câu trả lời.
• Giving more details/ examples (Đưa ví dụ)
• Stating opposite ideas from others (Đưa ý kiến trái chiều)
• Listing the benefits (Liệt kê những lợi ích)
• Describing their practicing process (Mô tả quá trình luyện tập)

A. In general, I am not a big TV fan. However, I make an exception for good documentaries.
Thanks to Netflix, Hulu, on-demand TV, and wonderful channels like Smithsonian and Nation-
al Geographic, I have a wide array of exciting documentaries on my watch list that inspire,
educate, and excite me. I probably watch about 45 documentaries per year and some of my
favorites are Craigslist Joe, Happy, Exit Through the Gift Shop, Somm, and Man on Wire.

B. One of my favorite hobbies is cooking. On average, I cook about 5 days per week, often
making extra that I can freeze for convenience. Cooking has taught me so much about
patience and focus because those 2 are essential ingredients to make delicious food. The
more I cook, the better I get at it. Of course, I have also cooked food that did not turn out so
well, but I learned from my mistakes and improved each time. I cook food that is healthy that
I enjoy eating. Best of all, it is generally cheaper and better tasting than eating out at most

C. Quite a few years ago, I decided to exercise regularly and it has been a wonderful hobby
for me, although some may argue it is more of a necessity rather than a hobby, much like
brushing your teeth. However, I really enjoy all sorts of exercise: going to the gym, lifting
weights, running, walking, hiking, playing racquetball and soccer, etc. The longer I do it, the
more I learn and enjoy it. I have also met a lot of wonderful people who share this passion.

Luyện tập 3

A. Weekends
1. What do you usually do on weekends?
2. Would you say weekends are important to us?
3. Do you often go to the cinema on weekends?
4. What do you plan to do for next weekend?
B. Picnic
1. Did you go on a picnic when you were a child?
2. How often do you go on a picnic now?
3. Where do you go on a picnic? Why?
4. What is the difference between a picnic and cooking at home?
C. Cooking

1. Did you learn to cook when you were a child?

2. Do you often bake?
3. What types of things are bakes in our country?
4. Do you think baking is a healthy method of cooking?


Luyện tập 4 Điền từ phù hợp vào chỗ trống

dismal failure all-star cast hold my attention

think highly of fired my imagination awakened my interest
made a lasting impression create the atmosphere of

I usually .................of Joel Hanson’s films but this one, based on a novel by Slevan Gorsky,
is a .................. In spite of the ................., the film just didn’t .................the way the book did.
I was a college student when I read it, but it .................on me. It .................more than any
other book has ever done, and Russia in the 1930s so much that my poor old
bookshelves are groaning with books on Russian history! The film, however, simply failed to
.................Leningrad in the 1930s which the book achieved so successfully.

Luyện tập 5 Áp dụng từ vựng đã học cho chủ đề sau:

Describe a film you have watched and thought about it

You should say:
• When you watched it
• Where you watched it
• Whether you like it or not
And explain why you thought about it

Dàn ý

Một số lưu ý:

Trong phần này, thí sinh phải trả lời các câu hỏi trừu tượng hơn, vì vậy đối với mỗi câu hỏi,
hãy trực tiếp tìm câu trả lời và đưa ra giải thích trong 2 đến 4 câu.
Ý tưởng không cần quá hàn lâm hay học thuật. Chúng có thể liên quan đến trải nghiệm của
chính thí sinh.

Công thức sử dụng để trả lời trong Part 3:

Well, I think/suppose/would say …

… for two/several reasons.
I think most people would agree that …
Sure, without a doubt…
For the most part, / Generally speaking,/ …
That’s one way of looking at it. However…

Explanation This is because ...

Take ( ), for example.

Example Look at ( ), for instance.
A good example of this is ( ).

There are a number of underlying differences …/ There are a

variety of possible differences .../ There are a range of potential
distinctions here.
S + has/ have become + more + Adj.
Time: Nowadays ... whereas / while ... in the past/ These days …
Comparisons whereas / while ... back in the day/ Recently ... whereas / while
... in the old days.
Ages / Generations: Kids these days ... whereas / while ... el-
derly people/ Youngsters ... whereas / while ... the elderly/ Kids
/ Teenagers ... whereas / while ... retirees / pensioners/ The
young generation ... whereas / while ... the older generation

Opinion Speaking for myself,

Các câu hỏi để luyện tập
1. Do Vietnamese people watch movies or comedy shows?

2. What kinds of films do they watch at the movie theatre?

3. Does a film which a celebrity doesn’t act in become successful and popular?

4. Do you often watch TV shows? Would you like to watch live shows?

5. Do Vietnamese young generations learn and improve a language when watching TV shows?

6. What are the most popular type movies shown on TV in Vietnam?

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