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Answer .

Determine which of the following sentences are Proposition and indicate their truth value.

a. Legazpi is the capital of Albay . Proposition truth

b. 3+4=7 Proposition truth
c. X + Y = y + x for every pair real number x and y. Proposition. Truth
d. X + 3 = 15
e. X + 1 = 5 if x= 1 Proposition. Truth
f. Answer this question.

Provide the negation of each of the following propositions.

a. Today is Tuesday
Solution: It is not the case that today is Tuesday .Today is not Tuesday.
b. There is no population in Makati
Solution: There are population in Makati.

Write the conjunction and the disjunction .

a. P : Three Is an even integer

Q: Ten is positive integer Disjunction
b. P: The Pacific is an ocean.
Q: The Nile is a river. Conjunction and it is TRUE
c. P: Birds have four legs.
Q: Hamster have wings. Disjunction

Let p ,q and r be the propositions.

P: You are sick.

Q: You miss the final exam.

R: You pass this subject

Express each of the following propositions as an English sentences.

1. If you are sick then you will miss the final exam.
2. You won’t miss the final exam if and only you pass the subject.
3. You are sick and you miss the final exam OR you will not miss the final exam and you
pass the subject.

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