Unit3: A Trip To The Countryside Period 15: Getting Started & Listen and Read

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I/ Objectives:
Introduce life,and activities in the countryside.
By the end of the lesson students will be able to talk about life and activities.
II/Language content:
- Vocabulary: Plow, watering the vegetables, feeding the pig,home village, bamboo
forest, banyan tree, river bank..…
- Grammar:: Modal could with wish, simple past with wish( review).
III/ Method:
Communicative approach.
IV/ Teaching aids:
Textbook, pictures

Teacher’s & students’ activities Content

1/ Warm up: Have you ever been to the countryside?
Ask students some more questions about Do you live in the countryside?
the countryside. Do you like the country life?
*pre- teach vocabulary What activeties do you usually see in the
Ask students to look at the pictures and country?
describe what the people are doing in the
pictures 1/ Getting started:
What are they doing in the picture 1?
1. picture 1: watering the vegetable
2. picture 2: swimming in the river
3. picture 3: colecting the eges
4. picture 4: harvesting
5. picture 5:feeding the pigs
6. picture 6: plowing the field.
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7. Picture7: flying the kite

8. picture 8:playing football.

2/ Listen and read:

Ask a student who can talk again about

seven activities of the pictures.
a) What did Ba, liz and his familydo on their
Teacher introduce about Ba’s journey to his
journeyto his home village?
home village
b) What did Liz think of the trip?
2/ Presentation:
New words:
Guiding some questions:
Home village:
Listen to the tape;( give some new words).
Bamboo forest:
Ask students to repeat some new words
Banyan tree:
River bank:
3/ practice:
Ask students to read the text on page 22, 23
a) They visited Ba’s Uncle,walk up the moutain
to visit the shrine, went boating in the river and
had the picnic on the riverbank.
Ask students to read the statament on
b) Liz enjoyed the trip very much and she took a
page23 then read the text and decibe which
lot of the photos.
is true and which is false

Divide class into small groups ( 4 groups)
Correct and ask students why it is false
1:F, 2:T , 3 F, 4 F, 5T, 6 F,7 T, 8 F,9 T.
Ask student work in pairs to answer the
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questions ( exercise on page 23)

Ask students read the text again and then B/ Answer:

answer the questions (pair work ) 1/ it’s 60 km to the North of HN
Call students answer and write some 2/ Bad and his family got to the village by bus.
answer sentences on the board 3/ the banyan tree is at the entrance to the village.
Remark and correct. 4/ they saw the shrine of Vietnames hero on the
4/ Production: 5/ they had a picnic on the riverbank.
Ask students to talk to each other about the 6/…….
activities they can see in the picture on
page 23
5/ Homework:
Learn by heat the new words and read the
text again.
Prepare .” Speak and listen”.

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I/ Objectives:
Practice asking for and giving information.
By the end of the lesson students will be able to ask for and give about informaion their
own village.
Students will be able to listen specific information
II/Language content:
- Vocabulary: gas station, parking lot, pick some one up, dragon bridge, pond,…
- Grammar:: preposition of time, simple past with wish( review).
III/ Method:
Communicative approach.
IV/ Teaching aids:
Textbook, pictures

Teacher’s & students’ activities

1/ warm up:
Ask students write the new words and read the text
on page 22
2/a pre- speaking: Where is your village?
Give two pictures A & B( the picture has a lake, How far is it from your home?
river, moutain,paddy field How do you get to school?
Ask students: How long does it take to get there?

Where are theA/ B?

Is the A/ B to the South or to the East of
HCM city?
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How far….? (page 24)

1. It takes 30 minutes
2. I go there by bus.
3. It is oposite the post office.
4. Yes, I do
5. It is about 4 kilometres.
3/a While – speaking:
Have students read the questions in exercise (a)
A/ Where is your home village?
and work in pairs, play the role of A and B ask and
B/ It’s to the west of the city.
answer about the partner’s home village using the
A/ How far is it from the city?
information in the box
B/It’s about 15 km from the city.
Tell students to cover the role they don’t play
A/ how can you get there?
B/ we can get there by bus
A/ how long does it take to get there?
B/ it takes an hour.
A/ what do people do for a living?
B/ they plant rice and raise cattle.
A/ Does your village have a river?
2/b Pre- listening :
B/there aren’t any river but there is a big
Teaching vocabulary:
Ss listen and repeat the new words
You will listen to a trip to Ba’s village
New word:
Dragon bridge
Ask ss to look at the map and guess where the
Parking lot.
places on the map are and compare with your
Pick some one up
Hightway No.1
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A:Banyan tree
C: Hight way No 1
D: Dragon bridge
E: Gas station
F: Store.
G: Pond
H: Bamboo forest
Give feedback I: Parking lot

4/ Post- listening;
Students practise in pairs,or groups, desribe on the
way to their home to their school
5/ home work:
Learn by heat the new words
Prepare part “READ”for the next lesson

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Period 17: READ

I/ Objectives:
By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand and summarize the text,
and know the life in the American countryside
II/Language content:
- Vocabulary: maize part-time exchange student
- Structure : present perfect continuous .
III/ Method:
Communicative approach.
IV/ Teaching aids: textbook ,

Teacher’s & students’ activities Content

1/ Warm up: Where do farmers often work ?
-Asking Ss some questions : What do they do on the farm ?
Do you know something about the farms in
America? Do you want to know ?

2/ Pre-reading:
plant vegetable / rice
- Saying: Today you will learn about the
milk the cow
life on a farm in the USA by reading
plow the field…..
comprehension the text about Van . He is
New words :
an exchange student in the USA from Ho
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Chi Minh City . - exchange student (n) :

- Introducing the new words and - maize (n) : ngô
explaining more about the meaning of - part-time (n) bán thời gian
“exchange student” in Vietnames so that - hot dog (n) :
Ss can understand easily
- Guiding Ss to read new words 1. How many people are there in the Parker family?
- Having Ss listen to the text and then read Who are they?
it silently to find ideas to answer some 2. What does Mr Parker grow on his farm?
questions 3. What does Van do after completing his
4. How does he feel?
- There are 4 : Mr Parker , Mrs Parker, Perter and
Sam .
- He grows maize .
- He feeds the chickens and collects their eggs.
- He feels like a member of their family .
a/. Match the words in column A with the words or
groups of words in column B:
3/ While –reading. - Maize _ corn
- Showing the exercise (a) on page 26 on - Feed _ give food to eat
the board and having Ss listen to the - Grocery store _ where people buy food and small
teacher explain the instruction : What do things
these words mean ? - Part-time _ shorter or less than standard time
- Calling Ss to give the correct answer - Collect _ bring things together
b/.Complete the summary. Use information from the
- Showing the exercise (b) on page 26 on 1. Ohio
the board 2. Farmer
- Having Ss read the text again , then work 3. Works part-time at a grocery store
in groups to complete the passage 4. Peter
- Having Ss write the answers on the extra 5. Sam
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- Giving the correct answers first
- Correct some mistakes 1. after
2. farm
4/ Post reading: 3. they watch
Ask ss read again the text. 4. baseball
5. member

- Finish the exercises again
- Summarize the text
- Prepare the next lesson : Unit 3 (cont.) _ Write

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Period 18: WRITER

I/ Objectives:
By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to write a short
paragraph describing a picnic in the countryside
II/Language content:
- Vocabulary: blanket , lay out , site , put down
- Structure: the past simple tens
III/ Method:
IV/ Teaching aids: textbook , pictures ,

Teacher’s & students’ activities Content

1/ Warm up : 1. Have you ever gone on a picnic ?
- Asking Ss some questions : 2. Where do you often go on a picnic ?
2/ Pre-writing : 3. How do you get there ?
4. Do you enjoy your picnic ?
5. Do you want to tell about your picnic ?
- Saying : Today you will write a short passage about
- Having Ss look at the picture 1 and 2 , then your picnic you and your friends went on
answer the questions in the country .

1. How did you and your friends go on a

picnic ?
2. Where did you have a picnic ?
3. What did you take on a trip ?
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New words :
- blanket (n) :
- lay , laid , laid (v) đặt , để
- lay out : bày biện
- picnic site (n) : chỗ dã ngoại

- introducing the new words and explaining them

- saying : You can base the pictures and the cues
given to write the passage about a picnic in the
countryside . Tell me what the title of the P.2 _ What did you do ?
passage . P.3 _ What activities can you see in the
- having Ss read the cues carefully and guiding picture ?
Ss to write the passage P.4 _ Where did you go ?
- having Ss write the first sentence with the P.5 _ What time did you arrive home ?
beginning “It was a beautiful day …”
- helping Ss continue to write by asking some A COUNTRY PICNIC
questions and Ss base on the pictures and the It was a beautiful day , my friends and I
cues to answer decided to go on a picnic . We took a bus
- correcting some mistakes as they say to the countryside and walked about 20
3/ While writing : minutes to the picnic site next to a river .
- having Ss work in pair to complete sentences to When we arrived , we put down the
make the passage blankets and laid out the food . After meal
- going around to help weak students we played some games such as “what song
- having Ss exchange their passages to help each is it ?” and blind man’s buff . Late in the
other correct mistakes . afternoon we went fishing . We enjoyed
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our picnic . When we looked at the time , it

4/ Post writing : was nearly 6.30 pm . We hurriedly
- calling some Ss to read their passages gathered the things and ran to the bus stop .
- correcting the mistakes many Ss usually take We were lucky to catch the last bus and
we arrived home very late in the evening .

5/. Homework:
- Rewite the passage on their notebooks
- Prepare the next lesson _ Language Focus
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I/ Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, S will be able to use modal Could with Wish , the past simple
with Wish (Review), preposition of time, Adverb clause of result.
II/Language content:
- Grammar: modal Could with Wish , the past simple with Wish (Review), preposition of
time, Adverb clause of result.
- Vocabulary: itinerary,
III/ Method: Communicative approach .
IV/ Teaching aids:
- Students’ & teacher’s books.

Teacher’s & students’ activities Content

1. Warm-up: Correct prepositions with the correct
*Teacher gives some prepositions of time and sentences IN, AT , ON, BEFORE, AFTER
ask Ss to play game by matching(2 groups): 1. I went to london ……….. June
2.Practice: 2. Mr. Pike has been to Dalat….. Christmas
a/ Review the usage of the past simple with 3……… dinner, she read books
“Wish” 1. I have Maths... Monday
T: ask Ss to draw out the structure :
- T: give situation and ask Ss to review this rule S1 + Wish(es) + S2 + Vpast subjunctive

* Situation 1: I don’t have money to buy a new bicycle ,

but I like to have → I
Ss: I wish I had money to buy anew
bicycle .

* Situation 2: Usage: this rule expresses a wish that is

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T: ask ss to draw out the rule untrue in present

Mary has to stay at home. Because she is
sick. But she wants to visit her parents
tomorrow . She wishes ………………..
Ss: She wishes she could visit her parents
tomorrow .

S1 + Wish(es) + S2 + could/ would + Ving

T: ask Ss to look at the pictures in page 28 , 29
and make sentences using the rules above . Usage: this rule expresses a wish that
Ss: write individually can’t be true or hardly happens in future
T: call some ss read and write again 1/What do people wish ?Write the
Ss: read and write on the board sentences:
T: correct b. Hoa wishes she could visit her parents
T: give some more cues and ask Ss to write c. I wish I passed the exam.
Ss: Write on the board d. We wish it didn’t rain
T: correct e. He wishes he could fly
T asks Ss: They wish they stayed in Hue
T: Now you and I will study how to use some Cues:
prepositions of time in part 2 1. Hoa / visit Liz’s country
b. Review some prepositions of time : 2.The Pakers / travel by plane
T: ask ss to give some examples for those 3. I/ can fly to the Moon
Ss: make examples
T: correct What time do you go to shool ?/ When do
Ss: look at the itinerary of Le Huy Thanh and you have English ?
then fill in the blanks the right prepositions .after Ss: I go to school at…./I have English
being introduced in pairs on….
Ss: read again
T: correct - AT + giờ , night….
Ss: continue to do the exercise 4 in groups using - ON + thứ, ngày (tháng , năm )
prepositions like that. - IN + Mùa , buổi , năm , tháng
T: call some to read and write - BETWEEN : giữa hai móc thời gian
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Ss: read , write

T: correct. 2.Work with a partner :
* T: I think you understand how to use those Look at Mr. thanh ‘s itinerary for his
prepositions , so you can pass the next exam business trip to Singapore . Complete the
easily . sentences . Use the prepositions in the box:
The teacher underlined: ….so you can pass the b. on
next exam easily . and ask Ss to tell the kind of c. between
ths sentence d. till
Ss: adverb clause of result e. after
Now we study part 4 – page 31 f. up till
c. Adverb clause of result 3. Complete the sentences with on, , at,
T: ask ss to draw out how to use the adverb in, for
clause of result a. on ,b.at/ in,c.in,d.for,e. in,f. at
Ss: This clause beginning with “SO” , before So 4. Match the half sentence es. Then write
is a comma(,) the full sentences in your exercise book
Ss: work in groups and match 1-e: Hoa worked hard , so she passed the
T: call some Ss to read and write exam
Ss: read and write 2- a: It was hot, so I turned on the air
T: correct and ask them to read again . conditioner .
Ss: read 3-d: Nga is sick today, so she won’t go to
.3/ Production: school.
T: give some situations and ask them to make 4- b: Na woke up late , so she didn’t have
sentences with “SO” time for breakfast
Ss: make sentences 5- c: the new camera didn’t work , so Mrs.
4/Homework : Robinson took it back to the shop
- Learn new words and the rules
- Prepare unit 4, * Situations :
1. Mai got sick,……………..
2. Nam worked hard,……………..
3. Little pea ‘s father was
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