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DIRECTIONS: Analyze each item carefully and choose the letter that represents the best answer in each

1. A research conducted by Edwin Locke (2017) has the following findings about goals:
a. The more difficult the goal, the greater the achievement.
b. The more specific or explicit the goal, the more precisely performance is regulated.
c. Commitment to goals is most critical when goals are easy.
d. Goals that both specific and difficult lead to the highest performance.

2. There are many Filipino Values and Traits, except:

a. Cheerful personality
b. Respect for elders
c. Close family ties
d. Waving hand when greeting someone

3. The Franklian Psychology has the basic concepts. These are the following:
a. Life has meaning under all circumstances.
b. Life is too short.
c. Main motivation for living is our will to find meaning in life.
d. Freedom to find meaning.

4. These are sexually transmitted diseases in humans except?

a. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea c. Syphilis and Chanroid
b. Thyroid Cancer and Bacterial Vaginosis d. Herpes Simplex Virus

5. This natural method involves refraining from sexual intercourse and is the most effective natural
birth control method with ideally 0% fail rate.
a. Cervical Mucus Method c. Ovulation Detection
b. Calendar Method d. Abstinence

6. It is an artificial method that contains medroxyprogesterone, a progesterone, and is usually given

one every 12 weeks intramuscularly.
a. Vaginal Ring c. Hormonal Injections
b. Oral Contraceptives d. Subdermal Implants

7. These are the major world religions except?

a. Buddhism and Islam c. Islam and Judaism
b. Christianity and Torah d. Islam and Catholicism

8. There are many Filipino values and traits except:

a. Close family ties c. Cheerful personality
b. Independence d. Self-sacrifice

9. Which one is not considered as being a good Filipino?

a. Spreading exaggerated new that promotes tourism
b. Supporting local products
c. Studying the Philippines history
d. Being an active Filipino citizen



10. According to Waterloo Student Success Office, the following are other skills that can help you in
exercising metacognition except:
a. Self-Test c. Rehearsing
b. Ignoring your limits d. Skimming

11. This theory is based on the assumption that psychological procedures serve as means of creating
and strengthening expectations of personal efficacy.
a. Self-discipline c. Self-acknowledgement
b. Self-efficacy d. Self-assessment

12. It is the biological state that corresponds to what we might call a “man” or a “woman.”
a. Sex c. Gender
b. Civil Status D. Sexuality

13. It represents who we are. It has not been a custom to just randomly pick a combination of letters
and number.
a. Sex c. Age
b. Name d. Address

14. He added that there are component of the soul: the rational soul, the spirited soul, and the
appetitive soul.
a. Augustine c. Plato
b. Socrates d. Aquinas

15. It is always unique and has its own identity. One can’t be another person.
a. Man c. Filipino
b. Self d. Being

16. According to Marcel Mauss, every self has two faces: ____________.
a. personne and moi c. body and soul
b. mind and body d. intellect and spirit

17. Every man is composed of body and soul.

a. Descartes c. Gilbert Ryle
b. Socrates d. Tarzan

18. The way that human persons develop is with the use of language acquisition and interaction with
a. Meed and Vygotsky c. Mead and Vygotsky
b. Meed and Vygetsky d. Mead and Vygetsky

19. An aspect of man dwells in the world and is imperfect and continuously yearns to be with the Divine
and the other is capable of reaching immortality.
a. Augustine c. Plato
b. Socrates d. Aquinas

20. Human persons learn the ways of living and therefore their selfhood by being in a _________.
a. Church c. temple



b. Family d. school

21. The soul is what animates the body; it is what makes us humans.
a. Augustine c. Plato
b. Socrates d. Aquinas

22. Without a _______, biologically and sociologically, a person may not even survive or become a
human person.
a. Family c. school
b. Church d. temple

23. We learn about ourselves, the appropriateness of our behaviors, as well as our social status by
comparing aspects ourselves with other people.
a. Self-awareness c. Self-control
b. Self-comparison d. Self-esteem

24. He is the Father of Modern Philosophy. He conceive of the human person as having a body and a
a. Rene Descartes c. Pilosopo Tasyo
b. Thomas Hobbes d. Aquinas

25. Self-awareness presents us with at least three other self-schema: the actual, ideal, and _____ self.
a. Public c. real
b. Image d. ought

26. The self is nothing else but a bundle of impressions.

a. Aquinas c. David Hume
b. John Locke D. Augustine

27. It is a trait characterized by overly high self-esteem, self-admiration, and self-centeredness.

a. Pessimism c. Narcissism
b. Optimism d. Professionalism

28. For him, what truly matters is the behavior that a person manifests in his day-to-day life.
a. Gilbert Ryle c. Dewey
b. Freud d. Holy Grail

29. Without the self, one can’t organize the different impressions that one gets in relation to his own
a. Emmanuela c. Immanuel Kant
b. David Hume d. John Locke

30. He asserts that the mind-body bifurcation that has been going on for a long time is a futile endeavor
and an invalid problem.
a. Aquinas c. Pilate
b. Plato d. Merleu- Ponty



31. Tony is a good person. He helps in community services and cooperates with other Filipinos. He is
helping others without expecting something in return. He values _________.
a. Colonial Mentality c. Crab Mentality
b. Bayanihan d. Filipino Time

32. According to Goffman (1959) and Leary (1995), _________ is the “process of controlling how one is
perceived by other people” and is the key to relationship inception and development.
a. Self-esteem c. Self-presentation
b. Self-sacrifice d. Self-development

33. Before posting or sharing anything online, consider the following.

a. Is this post/ story necessary?
b. Is there a real benefit to this post?
c. Is this post better suited for sharing with a small group of family members?
d. All of the above.

34. Metacognition is commonly defined as “thinking about thinking” (Living 1997). It has basically has
two aspects: (1) ___________ and (2) ______________.
a. Self- presentation and Self-development
b. Self-appraisal and Self- management of cognition
c. Self- presentation and self- management of cognition
d. Self-development and Self- presentation

35. It is often described as a feeling of being overwhelmed, worried or run-down. Excessive amount of
________ can have health consequences and adversely affect even the central nervous system.
a. Excitement
b. Happiness
c. Stress
d. Overeating

36. According to Weibell (2011), people " who doubt their capabilities” would:
a. Shy away from tasks they view as personal threats
b. Approach difficult tasks as challenges to be mastered
c. Set challenging goals and maintain strong commitment to them
d. Heighten or sustain efforts in the face of failures or setbacks

37. Dr. Albert Bandura identifies four main sources of influence by which a person’s self-efficacy is
developed and maintained. These are:
a. Performance accomplishments or mastery experiences
b. Vicarious experiences
c. Verbal or social persuasion
d. All of the above

38. Commitment can be enhanced by effective leadership. Which is NOT considered relevant leadership
a. Doing everything and making decision by himself/herself
b. Providing and communicating an inspiring vision
c. Acting as role model for the employees



d. Enhancing capabilities through training

39. Goals can be used to enhance task interest, reduce boredom, and promote goal clarity. When used
to punish or intimidate people, goals increase ________ and ________.
a. Low self-esteem and anxiety c. Stress and anxiety
b. Madness and laziness d. None of the above

40. A positive way to counter stress is self-care therapy. Nancy Apperson (2008) of northern Illinois
University has provided steps for self-care except:
a. Acknowledge to yourself what you are feeling.
b. Rush a task at the last minute.
c. Take good care of yourself.
d. Find someone who listens and is accepting.

41. 41. It is a way to counter stress which entails being warm and understanding toward ourselves when
we suffer, fail, or feel inadequate rather than punishing ourselves with criticisms.
a. Metacognition c. Selfish
b. Self-efficacy d. Self-compassion

42. In self-care therapy, taking good care of one self means:

a. I will play mobile as long as I want.
b. I will watch KDrama until 2am.
c. I will eat the food I like.
d. I will acknowledge what I truly feel.

43. Filipino proverbs are saying that convey lessons and reflections on Filipino practices, beliefs and
traditions. Which one is a Filipino proverb?
a. While the blanket is short, learn how to bend.
b. He who doesn’t take risks doesn’t drink champagne.
c. A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
d. Don't judge a book by its cover.

44. Liza is a very sophisticated woman. She likes buying foreign products. She is a Filipina who values __.
a. Ningas Kugon c. Bahala na Attitude
b. Crab Mentality d. Colonial Mentality

45. It is an attitude of Filipinos can be seen as extension of Filipino hospitality. Like Pedro, he works
abroad and he is considered modern day Filipino hero. What Filipino values does he live by?
a. Pride c. Self-sacrifice
b. Bayanihan d. Cheerful Personality

46. Franklian Psychology aims to encourage people to _________, except:

a. Become aware of spiritual resources
b. Surrender to adversity
c. Make conscious of spiritual resources
d. Use defiant power of human spirit

47. It believes that existence is a cycle of birth, death and rebirth, governed by Karma.



a. Buddhism c. Islam
b. Hinduism d. All of the above

48. It is one of the oldest methods that prevents conception. A couple goes on with sexual union but the
man withdraws the moment he ejaculates to emit the sperm outside of the female reproductive
a. Oral contraceptives
b. Vaginal ring
c. Cervical mucus method
d. Coitus Interruptus

49. Sexual problems may be classified as physiological, psychological, and social in origin. Which is not
considered as sexual problem?
a. Ejaculation impotence c. Vaginismus
b. Premature emission d. Marital Coitus

50. They believe in Allah, who is their “One God.” They believe in the unity and universality of God.
a. Muslims c. Christians
b. Hindus d. Buddhist


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