Election Review - CXLV

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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard  rsklaroff@gmail.com
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 November 12, 2021 – Sun Yat Sen’s BD

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CXLV] – Reconciliation Threat

Inasmuch as all state-level electoral integrity efforts would be mooted were “Build Back Better”
to be passed, provided herein is f/u of initial analysis/synthesis prior to Infrastructure passage;
recall the key-dynamic that was learned from a former long-term AMA-Delegate and mentor,
George Ross Fisher, III, M.D. [PA Hospital endocrinologist], who preached that the legislator’s role
(in medical politics and beyond) is to avoid passage of pungent policy. It should have been rejected
because it’s a budget-buster (noting the lack of public-private partnerships, unlike The Donald’s
approach blocked by Nancy), and appropriations will be based on equity lingo (despite its offer of
goodies that, alas, aren’t shovel-ready, recalling BHO’s confessional). I care not that it COULD help
Brandon politically (noting its reversibility); libs (“Pa.’s Fitzpatrick’s ‘yes’ is the least of the GOP’s
problems”) predictably miss the key-point: DO NOT CONDEMN Republicans who defend it
(primarily New Yorkers, it seems), for they are pledging to oppose Reconciliation [“pick battles”].

Nancy admitted Jayapal’s scheme is to rush Reconciliation through the House without a CBO-
score, but she knows that House “moderates” [who fear re-election backlash that the Squad (and
Progressives) need not fear] share worriment looming in the Senate [Manchin sounded alarm
because “worsening” inflation isn’t “transitory” and may delay Reconciliation until 2022]. Libs @
Punchbowl detailed logistics and clarified the Dem-schism. Aggregated, they provide confirmation
of what others have stated (ranging from MSNBC/CNN to Bannon) noting, in particular, the CBO-
score controversy, and the tentative conclusion thereof appears to be on-point: “Jayapal’s read
of the deal is and what some moderates think the deal is [“If the CBO score ‘is inconsistent’ with
White House estimates on BBB, the group remains ‘committed to working to resolve any
discrepancies in order to pass the Build Back Better legislation’.”] seems to be quite different.
Jayapal probably has the stronger argument than the six Democrats who held this up. But Pelosi
has to get to 218 and that runs through progressives and moderates.” I believe I heard the claim
that the Senate will NOT act absent the entire CBO-score; piecemeal/incomplete won’t suffice.

I’m reminded of how my local Rep. three decades ago lost re-election to my childhood friend after
her flip-flop was “vote 218” to raise Clinton’s taxes; Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky [PA-13, Dem]
lost to (the late/great) Jon David Fox by 79 votes and faded rapidly into oblivion while Jon served
admirably during Newt’s 4-year Speakership. I doubt the current crop of non-progressives will all
bow to Nancy in this context, obviating the need to continue pressuring Manchin/Sinema.

Nancy is slick; thus, EVERYONE must join a full-court-press against this “social infrastructure”
initiative [that, unlike the passed “physical infrastructure” bill, has absolutely NOTHING good].
That the “John Lewis Memorial” election-lingo is included therein (mandating all state-level acts
receive DoJ approval) is UNNERVING and would block all election-integrity efforts FOREVER. Thus,
as Bannon would mutter, focus on “signal and not noise”; here, most sentient beings reject the
counterintuitive claims that inflation is healthy and that it’s primarily ascribable to Covid-19.

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