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Pakistan is steadily marching towards a development agenda that's sustainable and inclusive yet keeping in

mind the exigent demands of its population for socio-economic progress. this is often in line with the
country’s strong commitment to achieving globally negotiated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Pakistan secured a score of 55.6 under SDGs’ global index against a much better regional average of 63.3
and is even below regional peers Bangladesh’s 56.2 and India’s 58.1. Pakistan is probably going to be one
amongst the nations most importantly affected, given its large coastline, huge population, and high levels
of inequality and poverty. Community focused, sustainable development is that the need of the hour to
combat climate change and its many threats. Pakistan ranks amongst the highest of these nations where
vulnerability index because of climate changes is incredibly high. currently the country's GHG emissions are
increasing at an annual rate of 6% or 18.5 million tons of greenhouse gas (CO2) equivalent. one among the
main culprits for the rise in emissions is that the country’s transport sector. ICE vehicles, which
constitute an enormous majority of our motor fleet, are rightfully criticized for increasing pollution,
jeopardizing societal health outcomes and perpetuating the utilization of fossil fuels — all of which
threaten Pakistan’s SDG efforts. Reducing transport-related emissions by adopting clean mobility solutions
should be a very important part of any sustainable development strategy to combat global climate
change and its impacts (SDG 13). To assist Pakistan, meet its SDG goals, a robust push towards clean
mobility is crucial and here EVs provide a shimmering ray of hope. They eliminate tailpipe emissions,
reduce dependence on fossil fuels, improve community health, safeguard energy security, and improve
prospects for employment and upskilling. EVs can help in increasing the share of renewables within
the energy mix (SDG Target 7.2) and contribute to tackling pollution and related health effects (SDG Target
3.9). EV manufacturing offers job creation, entrepreneurship, and formalization and growth of MSMEs
(SDG Target 8.3). It can promote sustainable and inclusive industrialization (SDG Target 9.2) and
facilitate the mixing of small-scale industrial enterprises in value chains and markets (SDG Target 9.3).
Universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services (SDG Target 7.1) should function the
normative bedrock for all EV-related decision making. Pakistan must also commit itself to providing access
to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems (SDG Target 11.2) by mainstreaming EVs
across all vehicular segments including buses for emission-free transport.

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