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Text for no. 1 – 3

Hello, Everyone. I’m pleased to introduce my best friend, Dion, to…(1)…today. Dion is a
tenth grade student just like me. He is from Jakarta. He …(2)…a younger brother and two
older sisters. His parents live in another town. Dion lives in this town with his grandmother
because …(3)…house is near his school. Dion is a friendly friend. He loves meeting new
people. He likes travelling. He usually goes to the beach. That’s all about my best friend.
Thank you.

1. A. you
B. them
C. us
D. we
E. him
2. A. have
B. are
C. has
D. lives
E. stay
3. A. his
B. hers
C. him
D. her
E. them

Text for no. 4– 5

Hello, Alia! Let me introduce myself. My name is Hannah. I know your name from my
friend Caroline. She told me that you sent her an email telling her that you would like to have
more pen pals from the U.S. I’d really like to be your e-pal. You should really cool!
I guess I’d better tell you about myself first. I’m 16 years old and I attend Thomas Edison
High School here in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. I have two brothers and two half sisters,
and I’m the Middle child. My father died a few years ago, so my mother runs the house and
family business. My father was a barista.
I have lots of hobbies. I like music- mostly classical and folk music- but I don’t play an
instrument. I like sports, especially tennis and basketball. At school I’m in a basketball team
and I spend most of my extracurricular time playing basketball. I’m into animals very much.
My sister and I have three cats. They need lots of attention as you can imagine. My favourite
subjects at school are art and geography. I think I’d like to become a park ranger when I
graduate, perhaps working for the National Parks Service
I don’t like reading, but I love drawing and painting. How about you? Please drop me a
line, Alia! Can’t wait to hear from you !


4. What is Hannah’s intention to write the e-mails?

A. She wants to meet Caroline
B. She is Alia’s new friend
C. She is Caroline’s friend
D. She introduces Alia to Caroline
E. She would like to be Alia’s e-pal
5. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. Hannah tells Alia about her hobbies

B. Hannah tells Alia about herself and her family

C. Hannah ends the e-mail by asking Alia to reply her e-mail

D. Hannah introduces herself and tells about her hobbies

E. Hannah describes her favorite sports and subjects

Text for no. 6 -12

Amalia Savitri

Hi, Amalia. I am Rendra. I know you from Penaclub, a writing group on my social media. I
am also a member of the group. I noticed that you are active as an author and also has
published a book. I like writing too, but I haven’t published my writings. I want to learn
more about how to write and published a book. I am glad if we can be friend. I ‘ve already
added you as my friend. Would you like to confirm it ? Thank you.

25, 2020

6. Why does the sender send the text ?

A. To make a friend
B. To invite someone to join a group
C. To ask for permission to join a group
D. To share tips to be an author
E. To inform about the group’s activity
7. How does the sender know about the addresser’s interest ?
A. From his friend
B. From a publisher
C. From a group member
D. From the addresser’s book
E. From a social media group
8. What are Amalia and Rendra like?
A. Brave
B. Patient
C. Creative
D. Cheerful
E. Generous
9. What will Amalia probably do after reading the message ?
A. Publish Rendra’s book
B. Make a group of social media
C. Add Rendra in the Penaclub group
D. Learn how to write and publish a book
E, Confirm Rendra’s request on her social media

10. Amara has a new power bank... looks like mine, but... has higher capacity than mine.
A. it ; hers
B. It ; its
C. we; hers
D She : its
E. they: theirs
11. Sofia : Who is the girl playing the guitar at the veranda?
Yani : She is Naomi,my cousin. She will continue ......studies here
Sofia : I see. She is playing the guitar very well
Yani : I want to learn playing the guitar from her. Do you want to join ?
Sofia : Sure
Yani : Let.... introduce you to her
Sofia : O.K
A. Her:I
B. Her: me
C. She: you
D. He : her
E. Hers : your
12. Ega : Farah, this is Reno, my brother ; Reno, this is my friend Farah
Reno : Hi, Farah
Farah : Hi, Reno. You are a You Tuber, aren’t you?
I watched your channel yesterday
Reno : I am. Thank you for watching it. Please subscribe.
Farah : Sure. I... a channel too. It .... Farahdeena, but I am a newbie.
Reno : I will watch it
Farah : Thanks
Reno : You’re welcome
A. Has : is
B. Has : are
C. Has : am
D. Have : is
E. Have ; are

For questions 13 – 15, choose the correct words to complete the text.
Hi, my name’s Novita Kusumawati. People usually call me Vita. I live at Jalan
Srikaya no.7. I ...(13)...a brother named Andika. He is in sevent grade of junior high
school. In our spare time, we often do our hobbies together. Both of ...(14)... have a
similar hobby. We like assembling kits into unique forms as it ...(15)...quite
challenging. My brother is fond of assembling robotics kits. While I am keen of
assembling means of transport kits. When we have finished doing the assembly, we
display them in our bedrooms and living rooms.
13. A. am
B. are
C. has
D. had
E. have
14. A. we
B. us
C. he
D. him
E. me
15. A. is
B. am
C. are
D. has
E. have


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