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J Intell Manuf

DOI 10.1007/s10845-016-1280-4

Application of combined Kano model and interactive genetic

algorithm for product customization
Runliang Dou1 · Yubo Zhang1 · Guofang Nan1

Received: 24 August 2016 / Accepted: 12 November 2016

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract Interactive genetic algorithms (IGAs) have been Introduction

applied in industrial design to quickly respond to customers’
personalized demand and to achieve customization. How- With the increasing consumption level and aesthetic concept,
ever, unreasonable recognition and improper configuration consumption demand has become more and more personal-
of customization attributes may increase the design com- ized and pluralistic rather than being limited to the functional
plexity, impair efficiency and lead to user fatigue. In this realization of products (Maruca 2000; Wang et al. 2014a). As
paper, a combined Kano model and IGA approach is pro- an effective method to meet individual personalized demand,
posed for more effective product customization to conduct the design pattern of product customization has attracted
customer-driven product design by fully considering their attention from manufacturers and has been widely promoted
individual preferences and simultaneously enhancing effec- and applied in the field of industrial design (Åhlström and
tive user involvement. The approach uses the Kano model to Westbrook 1999; Zhang and Wang 2016; Wang et al. 2016b).
recognize different customization attributes and rank them in In the product customization process, the customer-oriented
order of their influence on customer satisfaction. The model strategy is used to generate corresponding product design
then dynamically adjusts these attributes for customization in schemes according to different customer preferences (Dahl
the IGA-based product design process to more quickly find a et al. 2015). In addition to increasing the flexibility of prod-
satisfying design scheme without leading to user fatigue. A uct design, the strategy can fully meet customers’ demand
computer-aided design system prototype is developed in the for individuation (Helo et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2016b,
context of the customized design of tablet PCs to prove the 2014b). However, compared with the traditional mass pro-
maneuverability and effectiveness of the proposed approach. duction mode, adopting a customization strategy generally
The experimental results demonstrate that the approach could requires manufacturers to expend more production resources.
improve customization efficiency to a large extent and fully To help manufacturers significantly reduce their additional
relieve user fatigue by expediting the process of finding sat- investment of human and material resources and to make
isfying design individuals for customers. mass customization possible, computer-aided design tools
integrating intelligent computing approaches and customer
Keywords Product customization · Interactive genetic involvement mechanism are presented to rapidly meet cus-
algorithm · Kano model · User fatigue tomers’ product customization demands (Lee and Chang
2010); of these approaches, interactive evolutionary com-
B Guofang Nan putation (IEC), as exemplified by the interactive genetic
algorithm (IGA), has obvious advantages (Kowaliw et al.
Runliang Dou 2012).
For product customization integrating IGA, user fatigue
Yubo Zhang is one of the issues that needs to be considered because of
its interactive mechanism (Takagi 2001). Some studies have
1 College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, been carried out from the perspective of enhancing algo-
Tianjin 300072, People’s Republic of China rithm efficiency (Gong et al. 2005), supplementing design

J Intell Manuf

guidelines (Rodriguez et al. 2011) and improving interac- perspective of recognizing customizable product attributes
tion (Yannou et al. 2013) to void or mitigate user fatigue and optimizing their configuration. Second, with the help of
by reducing the numbers of population generations, stream- the Kano model, the product attributes are ranked, which
lining operation, and shortening operation time. Although guides the product customization process. Third, by intro-
these methods are workable, they ignore the complexity of ducing the recognition and dynamic adjusting mechanism
the product design problem itself so that their effectiveness is of customizable attributes into the IGA process, user fatigue,
limited when the number of product attributes for customiza- which may arise during the design process, can be effectively
tion is quite large and the range of possible attribute values mitigated. In summary, this paper combines the advantages
is very wide. One relatively effective solution is to solve the of both Kano model and IGA for product customization, and
issue from the product point of view by improving popula- improves customization efficiency to a large degree without
tion evolution efficiency through effective recognition and leading to user fatigue.
reasonable configuration of customizable product attributes, The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. “Lit-
which can optimize product customization and thus mitigate erature review” section reviews the research background
user fatigue. However, there is limited current research that from the aspects of product customization, IGA and Kano
integrates this optimization strategy into IGA-based product model respectively. “Kano analysis of customizable product
customization (Yang 2011). When the number of attributes attributes” section introduces the process to recognize cus-
for customization is too small, the personalized needs of tomizable product attributes and explains how to categorize
customers cannot be fully satisfied. When the number of these attributes according to the Kano analysis results. “IGA-
attributes for customization is too large, it may cause choice based product design integrating a customizable attribute
disorders and lead to user fatigue. In addition, providing cus- recognition strategy” section proposes an IGA-based product
tomers with customizable product attributes that they do not customization method under a customizable product recog-
care about is a waste of manufacturers’ production resources. nition strategy, presents a concrete approach framework, and
Therefore, it is particularly important to reasonably config- provides the details. In “ Case study” section, the method is
ure customizable product attributes, and the Kano model can verified in a concrete case study for tablet PC design. Finally,
help to solve this issue. “Conclusion” section provides a conclusion and discusses the
Kano introduced Herzberg’s two factor theory into prod- limitations of the method as well as research directions for
uct quality management to build a Kano model for evaluating in-depth studies in the future.
the degree of product satisfaction (Kano et al. 1984). Instead
of thinking that “satisfaction” and “dissatisfaction” have only
a simple antagonistic relationship, the Kano model states that Literature review
removing satisfying factors does not always lead to customer
dissatisfaction, and similarly, removing unsatisfying factors This section reviews the literature covering three aspects:
cannot guarantee customer satisfaction. Studies have verified product customization, the interactive genetic algorithm and
that adopting the Kano model is an effective means to guide the Kano model.
product attribute configuration (Violante and Vezzetti 2014).
Currently, most studies apply the Kano model to explore Product customization
the influence of product attribute combinations on customer
satisfaction. However, they ignore the suitability of customiz- Product customization, as a type of customer-oriented ser-
able product attributes and the ability of these attributes to vice, aims to fully meet customers’ requirements, satisfying
affect customer satisfaction (Matzler and Hinterhuber 1998). their special preferences for products, and providing them
In other words, these studies highlight the result of product with personalized design schemes. It is the key link for cap-
customization when the Kano model is applied, despise the turing customers’ preferences and recognizing the possible
model’s ability to guide a customization process that is con- factors influencing customer satisfaction in a product cus-
nected with customer satisfaction. Therefore, in this paper, a tomization process (Hinckeldeyn et al. 2014; Thirumalai and
customizable attribute recognition strategy is developed by Sinha 2011). Toward this end, Du et al. (2005) developed a
applying the Kano model and then integrating the model into quality utility analysis related to product customization to
an IGA-based product design process to help customers find help manufacturers better understand customer preference
their satisfactory design individuals quickly by dynamically and customer-perceived value. Park et al. (2013) used differ-
adjusting attributes for customization. ent models, including a simple linear model and an S-shaped
Compared with previous studies, three major contribu- value model, to build product user experience quantifica-
tions are presented in this paper. First, this paper combines tion models, which integrate many user experience factors
the Kano model with IGA in product customization, which into a single index. Using data mining, Li et al. (2013)
improves the IGA-based product design process from the analyzed possible tablet computer attributes that customers

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want to customize. However, the aforementioned studies with direct customer involvement. Through a friendly graph-
usually regard customer satisfaction analysis and product ical user interface, users can effectively interact with the
customization as two relatively independent aspects that are computer system to improve customization efficiency and
implemented in the order of priority. They lack flexibility realize mass customization, while meeting their personalized
to dynamically meet customers’ requirements and increase preferences.
their satisfaction during the product design process. One the
one hand, a utility analysis or quantification model can indi- Interactive genetic algorithm (IGA)
rectly capture customer preferences, and they have difficultly
responding to customers’ requirements quickly on the level Originating from genetics and the theory of evolution, the
of individuals. On the other hand, the data mining approach is genetic algorithm was first proposed by University of Michi-
strict with the quality and scale of the data set, and it may not gan professor Holland in the 1970s (Holland 1973). As a
be compatible with the products that have not accumulated type of global stochastic search algorithm, GA uses chro-
enough user data. mosome individuals to represent the solution to a specific
From the perspective of manufacturer strategy, some problem by simulating gene behavior and evolution mech-
studies also specialized in product customization issues by anisms. It searches for a satisfying solution to the problem
capturing the influence of the product customization strategy by iteratively improving individual fitness in the population
on customer satisfaction at the macroscopic level. Bernhardt through a series of genetic operations, such as selection,
et al. (2007) used a duopoly model of horizontal prod- crossover and mutation. With the benefits of this type of
uct differentiation to discuss what prerequisites are suitable problem solving mechanism, GA is suitable for solving com-
for companies to adopt as a product customization strat- plex and non-linear optimization problems that are difficult
egy. Cavusoglu et al. (2007) explored whether a company for the traditional methods to solve; GA is not limited by
should adopt a product customization strategy; assuming problem background (Goldberg and Holland 1988; Wang
that customization is a good choice, they also studied if et al. 2010). GA has been widely applied in combinatorial
a company should adopt a mass customization strategy, a optimization, machine learning and many other fields (Wang
targeted mass customization strategy or a product prolif- et al. 2016a). For solving the product design problem, GA
eration strategy. Smith et al. (2012) revealed the value of covers a wide range of fields such as industrial product design
mass customization from the perspective of product lifecy- and art design (Renner and Ekárt 2003; Fu et al. 2016). For
cle. These studies, which are mainly manufacturer-oriented, instance, Hsiao et al. (2010) practiced computer-aided coffee
can help manufacturers decide whether to adopt product cus- maker form design by applying GA combined with morpho-
tomization on the level of strategy. However, it is difficult for logical analysis theory, quantification theory type I and the
them to provide manufacturers with detailed guidance for analytical hierarchy process (AHP).
the actual customization process, especially the processes One limitation of using GA to solve product design opti-
that directly involve customers. One success of product cus- mization problems is that one design scheme is difficult to
tomization is to bring customers, as an important factor, into evaluate with a given fitness function because there is huge
the design process. From the participants’ point of view, difference in different customers’ preferences for design
Petiot and Dagher (2010) proposed a customer preference– schemes (Kim and Cho 2000). To this end, interactive genetic
oriented product design method and applied it to car headlight algorithm (IGA) was proposed; IGA’s interaction mechanism
design. From the perspective of the interaction mode, the can make up for this limitation. Instead of being calculated
value and advantage of product customization are verified in through a specific function, in IGA, the fitness of an indi-
the customization system based on computer techniques and vidual is directly decided by the customer’s own preference,
the Internet (Yang et al. 2005). Some innovative techniques which differs from GA. Customers can confer a higher fitness
such as virtual reality regard customer involvement as an on a design scheme individual he likes or directly select the
important factor and integrate it into product design process. individual he is satisfied with as a parent individual of the next
These techniques have even been put into practice, and their generation during population evolution. The process empha-
feasibility has obtained public approbation (Choi et al. 2015). sizes customers’ participation and subjectivity in product
However, whether adopting a new interaction mode or inno- design, which makes customers feel as though they designed
vative techniques in product customization, cost control is the product themselves (Franke et al. 2010). With the help of
the necessary factor. IGA, non-professional customers with only limited product
When adopting a product customization strategy, the pre- design knowledge can join in the professional design process
requisite for manufacturers to create a higher profit is to and quickly scheme out satisfying solutions to meet their
effectively control their cost. Therefore, to balance between own preferences. Most research uses IGA to solve specific
design scheme personalization and limited production capa- application-oriented problems. For example, Cho 2002 pre-
bility, IGA is integrated into a computer-aided design system sented two IGA-based system instances to solve the problems

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of fashion design and image retrieval respectively. As cus- in housing design. To overcome disadvantages of the tra-
tomers directly participate in the IGA process, user fatigue ditional model, some improved Kano models have been
needs to be considered. To this end, some studies relieve user proposed one after another. Xu et al. (2009) proposed an
fatigue by proposing new IGA-based approaches or improv- analytical Kano model to enhance the ability of analyzing
ing the original design process based on IGA. To improve the customers’ requirements, which could effectively balance
design process, Gong et al. (2009) assigned individual fitness customer satisfaction and manufacturers’ ability to meet
according to customers’ sensitivity to a design scheme rather this satisfaction. To solve the issue of the traditional model
than asking customer to evaluate a design scheme and directly having difficulty finding attractive qualities for unreason-
give corresponding individual fitness. Dou and Zong (2014) able questionnaire design, Chen et al. (2010) proposed a
proposed an IGA based on hesitancy degree and verified its creativity-based Kano model, which integrated TRIZ (an
effectiveness through a case study of car console design. acronym for the Russian word “teary resheniya izobretatel-
Moreover, from the perspective of improving interaction skikh zadatch,” which means “theory of inventive problem
mode, hyper-interactive evolutionary computation (HIEC), solving”) and SCAMPER (an acronym for “substitute, com-
which was proposed by Bush and Sayama (2011) to further bine, adapt, modify, put to another use, eliminate, reverse”)
enhance customer enthusiasm and initiative in interaction, theories.
relieves user fatigue by increasing immersion. However, the Above all, the feasibility and effectiveness of using the
interaction modes adopted by the abovementioned studies are Kano model to enhance customer satisfaction have been
still complicated and tedious for non-professional customers widely verified. However, most studies on the Kano model
because these modes usually need customers’ interactional are from the perspective of guiding or improving product
operation multiple times in every round of evaluation. design, and few of them focus on applying the Kano model
In fact, customizable product attribute configuration is as a tool in the product customization process, especially
also an important factor for influencing user fatigue. Cur- the process that directly involve customers. Consequently,
rently, although some studies have proposed customizable this paper aims to integrate the analytical results of the Kano
product attribute configurations in practice, few of them try model into product design with strong customer involvement
to improve the IGA-based product design process based on to achieve real customer-driven customization.
this idea. Therefore, this paper uses the Kano model to ana-
lyze customizable product attributes and helps customers find
their satisfactory design schemes more quickly by dynami- Kano analysis of customizable product attributes
cally adjusting the activating states for customization of these
attributes in the IGA-based design process. A Kano model is shown in Fig. 1 The model mainly classifies
product attributes that influence customer satisfaction into
Kano model three different categories, which are attractive qualities, one-
dimensional qualities, and must-be qualities respectively. In
The Kano model was first proposed by Kano, an expert on some abnormal situations, reverse qualities, indifferent quali-
quality management in Japan. The model, which is used for ties and questionable results are also considered as categories
customer-oriented product or service improvement, believes (Kano et al. 1984).
that “satisfying” is not simply in opposition to “dissatisfying” Consequently, the Kano model is used to analyze product
and that product attribute fulfillment can influence customer attributes for customers’ requirements mainly in six different
satisfaction in a nonlinear way (Berger et al. 1993). With situations:
the Kano model, decision makers can understand whether A: Attractive Customer satisfaction will not decrease even
fulfilling some product attributes will influence customer sat- if requirements in this category are not fulfilled. However,
isfaction and how great the influence is. The Kano model fulfilling these requirements will drastically increase cus-
studies different influences that different types of product tomer satisfaction.
attributes may have on customer satisfaction and classifies O: One-dimensional Fulfilling requirements in this cate-
these attributes into three main categories, which are “attrac- gory increases customer satisfaction. Conversely, not fulfill-
tive,” “One-dimensional,” and “must-be.” ing these requirements decreases customer satisfaction.
The Kano model has been widely applied in all fields M: Must-be Customer satisfaction will not increase even
to improve production quality, increase service level, and if requirements in this category are fulfilled. However, not
enhance customer satisfaction (Luor et al. 2015). Chen and fulfilling these requirements drastically decreases customer
Chuang (2008) proposed a robust and effective product satisfaction.
design approach and applied the approach in mobile phone R: Reverse Fulfilling requirements in this category
design; Llinares and Page (2011) combined the Kano model decreases customer satisfaction as customers have no such
with Kansei engineering to evaluate customer preferences requirements.

J Intell Manuf

Table 1 Kano evaluation table

Product attribute Without fulfillment
Like Must-be Neutral Live with Dislike

Like Q A A A O
Must-be R I I I M
Neutral R I I I M
Live with R I I I M
Dislike R R R R Q

2. How would you feel if you could not customize the screen
size of your tablet PC? Like; Must-be; Neutral; Live with;
Fig. 1 Kano model
Then, product attributes can be classified into different cate-
gories according to Table  1. 
I: Indifferent Customer satisfaction will not change regard-
We define F = f 1 , f 2 , . . . , f i , . . . , f q as the prod-
less of whether requirements in this category are fulfilled.
Q: Questionable result Requirements in this category
 attribute set, which  has q product attributes, and E =
e1 , e2 , . . . , e j , . . . e p as a respondent set containing p
should be ignored because there is paradox when explain-
respondents. Then, for each attribute, we have:
ing them.
The Kano model can fully analyze customizable product  
attributes and then decide whether to fulfill these attributes in e j→i = a + j→i , a −
j→i i = 1, 2, . . . , q; j = 1, 2, . . . , p

a customization process by ranking their priority level for ful- a+ −
j→i , a j→i ∈

Like ,  Must-be ,  Neutral  , 
filment. Typically, the model believes that M > O > A > 
I ; therefore, to ensure that customer satisfaction does not Live with ,  Dislike
decrease, those attributes that are able to drastically increase
customer satisfaction should be preferentially fulfilled for of which a + −
j→i and a j→i are the answers to the positive ques-
customization to achieve a balance between manufacturabil- tion and negative question, respectively.
ity and customer satisfaction. Now, we define transformation rules K , which are embod-
To apply the Kano model, a questionnaire about customiz- ied by Table 1, and frequency index Ci (k). Then:
able product attributes should be designed first; typically, its

effectiveness is verified using Cronbach’s α coefficient. The count K e j→i ≡ 1

coefficient is used as an estimate of questionnaire reliability.

Suppose that questionnaire results are a quantity that is the Ci (k) = count K e j→i
sum of K items: X = Y1 + Y2 + · · · + Y K ; then, Cronbach’s j=1, K (e j→i ) = k

α coefficient is defined as:
K ( f i ) ∈ k|Ci (k) = max C (k)
 K  ∀k
K i=1 σYi

α= 1− K e j→i , k, k ∈ {A, O, M, I, R, Q}
K −1 σ X2
of which K ( f i ) is the Kano classification of f i .
where σ X2 is the variance of the observed total test scores and The response frequency corresponding to the same classi-
σY2i is the variance of item i for the current sample of persons. fication will be added. For each attribute, the category of the
For each attribute to be investigated, the questionnaire highest response frequency obtained from the questionnaire
contains one positive question and one negative question. is the one that the attribute should be classified into.
For example, when investigating the screen size of a tablet The priority level for fulfilment of the attributes clas-
PC, the questions are as follows: sified into the same category is decided by calculating a
better-worse value. A better value is usually positive, which
1. How would you feel if you could customize the screen size means that if one certain attribute is fulfilled, customer sat-
of your tablet PC? Like; Must-be; Neutral; Live with; isfaction will increase. The larger the positive value is, the
Dislike. stronger the effect of increasing customer satisfaction will

J Intell Manuf

Fig. 2 The conceptual framework of product customization combining Kano and IGA

be. A worse value is usually negative, which means that if The Kano classification results of every customizable
a certain attribute is not fulfilled, customer satisfaction will product attribute and their corresponding better-worse val-
decrease; the smaller the negative value is, the stronger the ues are used to dynamically guide configuring the product
effect of decreasing customer satisfaction will be. The for- attributes for customization in an IGA-based product design
mulae are as follows: process. More concretely, they are used to guide popula-
extent of satisfaction (better value): (Attractive + One- tion initialization and achieve a product attribute active state
dimensional)/(Attractive + One-dimensional + Must-be + adjustment strategy whose details are explained by Algo-
Indifferent) rithm 1 and Algorithm 2 respectively in the next section. To
extent of dissatisfaction (worse value): (One-dimensional summarize, a conceptual framework is given as shown in
+ Must-be)/(Attractive + One-dimensional + Must-be +Indif- Fig. 2 By implementing the Kano model, a manufacturer
ferent) × (−1) can better understand customer requirements and provide
That is: them with highly personalized design schemes that fully meet
individual preferences with the benefit of a computer-aided
ρ= design system integrating Kano and IGA. The details of this
A+O+M+I framework will be further introduced in the following sec-
O+M tions.
(A + O + M + I ) × (−1)

where ρ and λ are the better value and worse value, respec- IGA-based product design integrating a
tively; A, O, M and I correspond to a certain attribute’s total customizable attribute recognition strategy
response frequency of attractive qualities, one-dimensional
qualities, must-be qualities and indifferent qualities, respec- According to the results of the Kano analysis, in this sec-
tively. tion, an IGA-based product design method integrating a

J Intell Manuf

customizable attribute recognition strategy is proposed to screen size of a tablet PC can be sorted from the smallest to
allow customers to more quickly finding their satisfying the largest and coded as 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Once the position
design schemes and to mitigate user fatigue in the customiza- and the order of customizable product attributes in the chro-
tion process; the Kano model embodies itself mainly in the mosome structure are fixed, they will no longer be changed,
initialized and evolutionary process of the population. The so a coded design scheme individual can be decoded in the
reverse qualities (R) negatively influence customer satisfac- same way. Thus, the chromosome structure of an individ-
tion. Adjusting them during customization has no value to ual is a q-bit long character string. Each bit corresponds to
improve the efficiency. Questionable results (Q) lead to para- an integer that represents a concrete value of one product
doxes when explaining the results. According to Table 1, no attribute. Let us suppose that one tablet PC product has only
matter whether the attributes marked as questionable results two customizable attributes, which are “screen size” and “the
are fulfilled or not, customers hold the same extreme atti- ability to support Bluetooth,” and that they take up the first
tude. These results are regarded as noises and should be position and the second position of the chromosome, respec-
eliminated. Consequently, neither reverse qualities nor ques- tively. Now, there is an individual coded as “(0,0)”; written
tionable results will be discussed in this section. in a simplified form, this is the character string “00”. Then,
We define individual d as a design scheme, which has q the individual can be decoded as a Bluetooth-unsupported
product attributes for customization. Then, design scheme tablet PC design scheme with a screen size of less than
d represents a q − dimensional vector

whose form is 12 inches.

v ( f 1 ) , v ( f 2 ) , . . . , v ( f i ) , . . . v f q , of which v ( f i ) is
one possible value of the i th customizable product attribute
f i . For each f i , K ( f i ) ∈ {A, O, M, I } is defined as the Population size
Kano model classification of this attribute. ρ (fi ) and λ ( f i )
are defined as the better value and worse value of the attribute, Compared to GA, it is also important for IGA to set up a
respectively. S ( f i ) ∈ {true, false} represents the customiza- reasonable population size N , but the population size of IGA
tion activating state of the attributes. is generally much smaller than that of GA. N represents the
Next, designing within the IGA-based product design number of individuals in population. For users to directly
method integrating customizable attribute recognition strat- evaluate design scheme individuals through the graphical
egy will be discussed in detail, including the structure user interface (GUI), a larger N may increase the complex-
of chromosomes, population size, initialized population, ity of the design process, confusing customers and leading to
genetic operations and terminal criterion when applying IGA. user fatigue. However, a smaller N will lead to the issue of
over speed convergence, a situation in which the algorithm
has difficulty finding the most satisfying design scheme indi-
Structure of chromosomes vidual. In general, we make N = 4 − 9 (Mok et al. 2013;
Rodriguez et al. 2011), which makes a balance between the
The interaction model of single-click is used; to follow the operation complexity and the effectiveness of IGA-based
model, users are asked to click the mouse once in each evalu- design process. At the same time, individuals can be orga-
ation process. The design scheme of products is encoded by nized and displayed very well on computer screen under this
integer. In general, one product attribute can obtain its value kind of parameter setting.
from a range of continuous value (such as the screen size
of a tablet PC), a range of discrete value (such as alterna-
tives to tablet PC contours) or a range of binary value (such Initialization
as the ability to support Bluetooth). A binary value, a type
of special discrete value, does not need extra transformation, In this phase, the method randomly generates N initial design
but continuous values need to be discretized and transformed scheme individuals considering the Kano model classifica-
into discrete values. For example, the screen size of a tablet tion and customization activation state of their attributes. A
PC, which is continuous, can be classified into several differ- pattern design

scheme individual v 0 ( f 1 ) , v0 ( f 2 ) , . . . , v0
ent discrete styles including “less than 12 inches,” “12–13 ( f i ) , . . . v0 f q is first constructed as a subjective judg-
inches,” “13–14 inches,” “14–15 inches” and “more than ment of customers’ most satisfying solution according to
15 in.” For each attribute, all of the possible values are coded professional design teams’ or experts’ knowledge, experi-
and sorted one by one by the significance level of the attribute ence and analysis. The initial population is then generated
difference from one extreme to another extreme beginning according to Algorithm 1. For any individual, its activated
with 0. For instance, the ability to support Bluetooth con- customizable attributes are randomly assigned a reasonable
tains two possible values, where “unsupported” is coded as value, but the inactivated attributes are assigned pattern indi-
0 and “supported” is coded as 1. For another instance, the vidual’s attribute values correspondingly.

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Genetic operations
Using single-click, customers choose the best current indi-
In this phase, select, crossover and mutation operations are vidual from all design scheme individuals in the current
iteratively applied to individuals in population evolution. The population through the GUI. Next, the crossover operation
activation state of each customizable attribute needs to be starts. The method applies a multi-point discrete crossover
checked and correspondingly adjusted before each operation operation at a probability pc . For each individual in the cur-
cycle’s start. Inactivated attributes occupy gene position as rent population that has not yet been selected, the crossover
activated attributes do, but their values are not changed when operation first generates an unordered binary string randomly
crossover and mutation are applied. When all attributes are in whose length is the same as that of an individual chromo-
an activated state, the proposed method deteriorates into the some, and the ratio r of 0 to 1 in the string is decided by a
traditional IGA-based product design method. The activation given parameter. Then, every attribute value at the “1” posi-
state adjusting strategy aims to reduce the number of prod- tion of each chromosome is replaced by the mapping value of
uct attributes for customization at an early stage; therefore, the individual selected by the customer. The mutation oper-
it eases the burden of design scheme evaluation, mitigates ation starts at a probability pm after the crossover operation.
user fatigue, and allows customers to more quickly find Every activated customizable attribute of each individual in
their satisfying design schemes. The follow-up stage meets the current population has the opportunity at a probability pm
more personalized design schemes halfway by investing to change its value once randomly within the available value
more production capability: if one customer is not satisfied range. When the mutation is completed, a new population is
with the current design result, more available attributes for generated, and then every step is repeated again in the next
customization are gradually presented for a greater person- operation cycle.
alization level, according to these attributes’ influence on
customer satisfaction. The strategy can also fully save man-
ufacturers’ production resources because customers have an Termination criterion
opportunity to find their most satisfying individual within
limited customizable attributes at an early customization Once a customer finds his most satisfying design scheme
stage. individual or gives up the current design on his own initia-
We suppose that the attributes classified into category A tive, the IGA-based customization process will terminate.
and category I in the Kano model constitute a set Aset and The design system will record the customers’ most satisfy-
a set Iset , respectively. The current population is defined as ing individual and feed this information back to the product
the population of the t th generation, which corresponds to manufacturer.
an indicator indext . The activation state adjusting strategy Above all, IGA-based product design process integrating
is presented as Algorithm 2, where ε is a given border value a customizable attribute recognition strategy can be repre-
controlling the adjustment process and δ ∈ (0, 1) is an adjust- sented as shown in Fig. 3 The first phase is mainly about
ment coefficient. Kano analysis and product attribute recognition, and the sec-

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Fig. 3 IGA-based product design process integrating a customizable attribute recognition strategy

ond one is the combined Kano and IGA process. The Kano Case study
analysis results are used to guide generate an initial pop-
ulation and dynamically adjust the active states of product Tablet PCs, as a type of product for mass consumption with
attributes for customization in the IGA process. both visual attributes for design and functional attributes for

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Fig. 4 A 3D rendered tablet PC

design scheme

configuration, has strong customizability for its modular pro- investigation has a relatively high reliability and permits the
duction. Moreover, products of this type have frequent design following experiment to have statistically firm conclusions.
iterations and upgrades at a high rate. Therefore, this section According to the questionnaire responses, all attributes can
uses tablet PC design as an example to verify the maneu- be classified into different Kano categories and can be cal-
verability and effectiveness of the proposed method. Using culated corresponding to better-worse values, as shown in
this method, customers can quickly customize visual design Table 2. The results show that all customizable attributes of
attributes and functional configuration attributes of tablet PCs tablet PCs are mainly classified into “Attractive” and “Indif-
and obtain a design scheme, such as the product shown in ferent,” which follows general phenomena observed in the
Fig. 4, according to their own personal preferences. (Func- product market. In other words, for the crowd represented by
tional attribute customization cannot be embodied and are Kano survey interviewees, it is tolerable to purchase a tablet
not shown in the figure). PC in a traditional way without customization, which is the
Referencing some E-business websites’ product cate- mainstream of the current market, but customizing product
gories and the design experience, the paper first recognized attributes can further improve customer satisfaction.
18 possible customizable product attributes including color, All possible values of each attribute are coded and shown
material, and size and then constructed a Kano model ques- in Table 3 according to the steps described previously.
tionnaire that contains 18 pairs of questions according to the In this case, there is no attribute classified as “one-
steps introduced in “Kano analysis of customizable product dimensional” or “must-be,” so at the very beginning of
attributes” section. Each pair of questions are about posi- product customization, no activated attribute exists in the
tive and negative aspects of one attribute respectively. Kano initial population. Customization participants will first eval-
model aims at requirement collaboration. The results of Kano uate whether the given pattern design scheme is their most
classification reflect a general consumer taste, which guar- satisfying individual or not; then, the activating states of cus-
antees the approach we proposed has its own universality. In tomizable attributes in the population will be dynamically
the Kano analysis, to guarantee that the Kano model inter- adjusted by proceeding with the participants’ operations.
viewees and actual customization participants came from the With the reference of design experience, a pattern design
same crowd, we handed out the questionnaire to those who scheme coded as “202403112101221200” is given, which
are younger than 30 years old but older than 18 years old represents a subjective judgment of customers’ most satis-
through an Internet channel and collected 46 valid question- fying solution. In this case, the number of product attributes
naire responses in total during a one-week survey period. for customization q = 18, population size N = 8, crossover
Since the interviewees are regarded as potential customers, probability pc = 1, mutation probability pm = 0.05, r = 1,
we don’t restrict what kind of purchasing habit they should ε = 1.5 and δ = 0.1. These parameter values are determined
have. In other words, some of them may have experience through a pre-experiment. We define an initial population
of purchasing customized products, but some others may be that has t = 0.
used to purchase products in a traditional way. Question- Two computer-aided design system prototypes developed
naire reliability was examined by calculating Cronbach’s with the reference of the proposed product design method
α coefficient. The result was 0.850, which means that the are shown in Fig. 5, of which a is the screenshot of a

J Intell Manuf

Table 2 Kano classifications of attributes for customization and their better-worse values
Features for customization Percentage(%) Kano classification ρ λ

Battery time 45.65 19.57 4.35 2.17 23.91 4.35 A 0.70 −0.26
Color 58.70 8.70 6.52 0.00 26.09 0.00 A 0.67 −0.15
Size 52.17 8.70 2.17 2.17 32.61 2.17 A 0.64 −0.11
Internal storage 50.00 10.87 6.52 0.00 28.26 4.35 A 0.64 −0.18
HDMI output 45.65 13.04 2.17 2.17 34.78 2.17 A 0.61 −0.16
Weight 41.30 13.04 2.17 2.17 32.61 8.70 A 0.61 −0.17
Hard disk storage 47.83 13.04 6.52 0.00 32.61 0.00 A 0.61 −0.20
Style 47.83 8.70 0.00 2.17 39.13 2.17 A 0.59 −0.09
Screen 41.30 13.04 4.35 4.35 36.96 0.00 A 0.57 −0.18
Network mode 39.13 15.22 6.52 0.00 36.96 2.17 A 0.56 −0.22
Operating system 41.30 6.52 4.35 6.52 39.13 2.17 A 0.52 −0.12
Touch mode 34.78 15.22 4.35 6.52 36.96 2.17 I 0.55 −0.21
Camera resolution 36.96 13.04 4.35 2.17 39.13 4.35 I 0.53 −0.19
CPU 39.13 6.52 4.35 4.35 43.48 2.17 I 0.49 −0.12
Bluetooth 30.43 13.04 4.35 0.00 47.83 4.35 I 0.45 −0.18
Material 34.78 6.52 2.17 2.17 54.35 0.00 I 0.42 −0.09
Telephone 30.43 6.52 0.00 2.17 56.52 4.35 I 0.40 −0.07
DSDS 34.78 4.35 2.17 0.00 56.52 2.17 I 0.40 −0.07

traditional IGA-based system, and b is the screenshot of to even tiny improvement in time consumption, especially
the proposed system. In our experiment, traditional IGA when they directly interact with the design system online.
creates individuals randomly to achieve population initial- We did not ask the same person to customize a product using
ization and doesn’t integrate Kano model and Kano analysis the two different methods because the results of the first cus-
results into its process, which are different from the pro- tomization process may be a prejudgment for the person’s
posed approach. Eight design scheme individuals are divided most satisfying design scheme, therefor affecting the relia-
into two rows and displayed on the screen. The individual bility of the second customization process.
on which the mouse pointer hovers is marked in pink. For According to the experiment results, the proposed method
the customization system integrating the Kano model, the can improve customization efficiency to a large extent and
label of inactivated customizable attributes and its value are allow customers to more quickly find their most satisfying
marked in grey. We randomly invited college students who individuals. Some effort by the customer is still needed, but
are not Kano investigation interviewees but are from the same it is much smaller than with the traditional IGA. Genera-
age group to take part in product customization as potential tion frequencies of three contrast experiment groups under
customers. Two people were grouped together to take part the two different methods are shown in Fig. 6. The gen-
in a contrast experiment between a traditional IGA-based eration frequency results under the proposed method are
product design method and the proposed method. All para- slightly higher than those under the traditional IGA-based
meter values are equivalent for both methods except ε and δ, method because few attributes that are not activated at an
which are not used in traditional IGA. The contrast exper- early stage may be the attributes that one customer cares
iment was independently carried out three times, and we about most, but overall, the proposed method provides cus-
respectively recorded the experiment results of the two differ- tomers with the possibility of finding their most satisfying
ent methods, including the generation frequency of finding individuals at an early stage of operation. Generation fre-
the most satisfying individual, the whole length of the IGA- quency also implies the number of customers’ mouse clicks
based customization phase, and the time required to evaluate during the design process because the developed system pro-
each generation. Time cost, which is mainly embodied by totypes adopts a “single-click” interactive mode so that each
the total time consumption to finish IGA-based customiza- round of generation evaluation only needs the customer to
tion and the time consumption to evaluate each generation, is click once. Therefore, the generation frequency results of the
an important criterion to evaluate whether the performance of proposed method are reasonable and acceptable. The whole
the proposed method is good or not. Customers are sensitive length of the IGA-based customization phase and the time

J Intell Manuf

Table 3 Possible values of tablet PC attributes and their codes

Features Values and codes

Battery time f 1 <4 h 4–6 h 6–8 h 8–10 h 10–12 h >12 h

0 1 2 3 4 5
Color f 2 Black Gray White Multi-color
0 1 2 3
Size f 3 <5 in. 5–7 in. 7–9 in. 9–11 in. >11 in.
0 1 2 3 4
Internal storage f 4 512 MB 1 GB 2 GB 3 GB 4 GB 8 GB 16 GB
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
HDMI output f 5 Unsupported Supported
1 2
Weight f 6 <200 g 200–300 g 300–400 g 400–500 g 500–600 g 600–700 g >700 g
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Hard disk storage f 7 <8 GB 8–32 GB 32–64 GB >64 GB
1 2 3
Style f 8 For children Normal Transformable
0 1 2
Screen f 9 Inky Clear HD UHD Retina
0 1 2 3 4
Network mode f 10 Wifi Wifi+3G Wifi+4G
0 1 2
Operating system f 11 Android IOS Windows Kindle
0 1 2 3
Touch mode f 12 Capacitive Rheostatic Piezoelectric
0 1 2
Camera <200 200–400 400–600 600–800 >800
resolution f 13 million PX million PX million PX million PX million PX
0 1 2 3 4
CPU f 14 Apple NVIDIA Intel ARM
0 1 2 3
Bluetooth f 15 Unsupported Supported
0 1
Material f 16 Carbon fiber Plastic Metal
0 1 2
Telephone f 17 Unsupported Supported
0 1
DSDS f 18 Unsupported Supported
0 1

required to evaluate each generation of three contrast exper- proposed method effectively shortens the user’s operation
iment groups under the two different methods are shown in time because, according to the experiment results, both the
Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. It should be noted that generation whole length of the IGA-based customization phase and
frequency between two different methods can be different the time required to evaluate each generation of the pro-
because generation frequency depends on when customer posed method groups are all less than the corresponding time
finds the most satisfying individual and ends the customiza- consumption of the traditional IGA-based method groups.
tion process, and different people may experience different Consequently, the proposed method is able to fully relieve
population evolution processes to obtain their personalized the user fatigue that may appear during product customiza-
design schemes for they having different preferences. The tion process.

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Fig. 5 Design system prototypes with a population of eight individuals. a Traditional IGA-based design process. b The proposed design process

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Traditional IGA 50
Traditional IGA
20 Kano-based IGA 45 Kano-based IGA

Time (seconds)
Generation frequency


10 15

8 10

6 5

4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

2 Generation
0 50
Group1 Group2 Group3 Traditional IGA
45 Kano-based IGA
Experimental groups
Fig. 6 Generation frequency of finding the most satisfying individual
(times) Time (seconds) 35

Traditional IGA
Kano-based IGA

220 10

200 5
Total time (seconds)

160 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

100 Traditional IGA
80 45 Kano-based IGA

60 40
Time (seconds)

Group1 Group2 Group3 25

Experimental groups 20

Fig. 7 The whole length of the IGA-based customization phase (s)

With the benefits of the Kano model, the proposed
method integrates a customizable attribute recognition strat-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
egy into IGA-based product customization. On the one Generation
hand, this method controls the number of customizable Group3
attributes that customers need to evaluate during the cus-
tomization process, therefor decreasing design complex- Fig. 8 Time required to evaluate each generation (s)

J Intell Manuf

ity; on the other hand, it has no negative influence on Acknowledgements This research is partially supported by research
customer satisfaction based on the effective Kano analy- grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China under
Grant Nos.71201115, 71471128 and 71271148. The authors are very
sis, but it can highly efficiently meet customer require- grateful to all anonymous reviewers whose invaluable comments and
ments. suggestions substantially helped improve the quality of the paper.

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