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that Agni, the house-lord, leads him to hold the

position of a master of the house. And as to its
being of quick-grown rice : ' May they quickly lead
me ! ' so he thinks.
4· For Soma Vanaspati (the wood-lord or tree)
he then prepares a pap of syamaka millet : thereby
Soma, the wood-lord, quickens him for the plants.
And as to its being prepared of syamaka,-they, the
syamakas among plants doubtless are most mani-
festly Soma's own: therefore it is prepared of
syamaka grain.
5· For Br£haspati V ak 1 (speech) he then pre-
pares a pap of wild rice: thereby Brihaspati
quickens him for speech. And as to its being pre-
pared of wild rice,-Brihaspati is the Brahman, and
they, the wild rice-plants, are ripened by the Brah-
man 2 : hence it is prepared of wild rice.
6. For lndra Gyeshtha (the most excellent) he
then prepares a pap of red rice-grains (hayana) 3 :
thereby Indra, the most excellent, leads him to ex-
cellence (or, lordship). And as to its being pre-
pared of red rice: outstanding doubtless are those
plants, the red rice, and outstanding is Indra: there-
fore it is prepared of red rice.
7· For Rudra Pasupati (lord of beasts) he then
prepares a Raudra pap of gavedhuka seeds (coix
barbata) : thereby Rudra, the lord of beasts, quickens

1 Bnhaspati Vakpati (lord of speech), according to the Black

Yacus, where the order of the • Divine Quickeners ' is moreover

somewhat different.
1 ? Or cooked by the Brahman, that is by Brthmans, when living

the life of hermits or ascetics.

• The Taitt. S. prescribes a cake prepared of large rice (maM-

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him for cattle. And as to its being prepared of

gavedhukft seed ;-that God is (the recipient of) re-
fuse (remains of offering), and gavedhukft seeds are
refuse: therefore it is (prepared) of gavedhukft seed.
8. For Mitra Satya (the True) he then prepares
a pap of Nftmba 1 seed: thereby Mitra the True
quickens him for the Brahman. And as to its being
prepared of Nftmba seed,-to Varuna, no doubt,
belong those plants which grow in ploughed ground ;
but those, the N amba plants, belong to Mitra:
therefore it is (prepared) of Namba seed.
9· For Varuna Dharmapati (the lord of the law)
he then prepares a Varuna pap of barley : thereby
Varuna, the lord of the law, makes him lord of the
law; and that truly is the supreme state, when one is
lord of the law; for whosoever attains to the supreme
state, to him they come in (matters of) law: there-
fore to Varuna Dharmapati.
10. He then proceeds with the cake for Agni-
Soma. The Svishtakrit of that (oblation) remains
yet unoffered, when he proceeds with those (other)
1 I. Thereupon, taking hold of him (the Sacrificer)
by the right arm, he mutters (Vftg. S. IX, 39, 40),
'May Savitri quicken thee for (powers of)
quickening (ruling) 2, Agni for householders,
Soma for trees, Brihaspati for speech, I ndra
for lordship, Rudra for cattle, Mitra for truth,
Varuna for the lord of the law.'
I 2. 'Quicken him, 0 gods, to be unrivalled!'

1 The Taitt. S. and Br. read 'amba' instead,' a kind of grain,'

according to Sayana.
• Or, perhaps, ' on the part of the quickeners (rulers, savanam).'

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-he thereby says, ' Quicken him, 0 gods, so as to

be without an enemy;'-' for great chiefdom, for
great lordship!' in this there is nothing obscure;-
'for man-rule!' 'for the ruling of men,' he thereby
says;-'for Indra's energy!' 1 forvigour'hemeans
to say when he says, 1 for lndra's energy;'-' him,
the son of such and such (a man), the son of
such and such (a woman),'-whatever be his
parentage, with reference to that he says this;-' of
such and such a people,' that is to say, of the
people whose king he is;-' this man, 0 ye
(people) 1, is your king, Soma is the king of us
Br~hmans!' He thereby causes everything here
to be food for him (the king) ; the Br§.hman alone
he excepts : therefore the Br~hman is not to be fed
upon, for he has Soma for his king.
13. Now those gods have the power of quicken-
ing, whence their name 'devas(l' (Divine Quickeners).
It is those gods who now quicken him thus, and
quickened (consecrated) by them he will be con-
secrated on the morrow.
14. They are double-named, for a coupling means
strength : 1 May the strong quicken (him),' thus he
thinks, and therefore they are double-named.
1 5· He now says, 'Pronounce the invitato,ry prayer
to Agni Svishtakrit.' And as to why that ceremony
is performed here between two offerings 2,-verily
Praffcipati is that sacrifice which is here performed,
and from which all these creatures were produced,-
1 Here the name of the people, e. g. '0 ye Kurus, 0 ye PaR-

Mlas I' is inserted. The Taitt. S. reads, '0 ye BharatU.'

1 That is to say, the oblations to the 'Divine Quickeners,' which

were inserted between the chief oblation of the (Agnishomtya)

pasupurodisa and the Svishtakrzt of it; see above, parag. 10.

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17. And as to why he anoints him (standing) with

upstretched arms ;-those arms in truth are the
!Uganya's power, and power also is that collected
essence of the waters wherewith he now anoints
him : ' Lest that power, the collected essence of the
waters, weigh down (paralyze) this power of mine,
the arms,' thus he thinks, and therefore he anoints
him (standing) with upstretched arms.


He (the king) is anointed (sprinkled) whilst

standing with his face turned towards the east. A
Brfthman-either the Adhvaryu, or he who is his
(the king's) court chaplain-sprinkles him in front,
from behind ;-
2. With (Vftg-. S. X, 17), 'With Soma's glory
I sprinkle thee,'-'with vigour' he thereby says;-
'With Agni's glow ... 1,'-'with vigour' he thereby
says;-' With Stirya's splendour .. . ,'-'with
vigour' he thereby says ;-'With Indra's energy
... ,'-'with vigour' he thereby says;-' Be thou
the chieftain of chiefs!'-' be thou the supreme
king of kings' he thereby says;-' Guard (him) 2
against darts! '-darts meaning arrows, it is past
murder by arrows that he thus guides him : there-
fore he says, ' guard him against darts!'
3· (Vftg-. S. X, 18] 'Quicken him, 0 gods, to

1 While the preceding formula is used by the priest, the present

and two succeeding ones (each with the words ' ... I sprinkle
thee; guard him against darts I') are pronounced by the other
three persons specified in V, 3, 5, 12-I•, each sprinkling the king
with the water in his respective vessel.
! Mahidhara explains: ' 0 Soma, protect him, the Sacrificer, in

overcoming the enemy's missiles.'

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