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Name Family Source Rarity

Aapoph Serpentfolk Serpentfolk Bestiary 2 Uncommon

Aasimar Redeemer Planar Scion Bestiary Common
Abandoned Zealot Bestiary 3 Common
Abbot Tsujon Pathfinder #168 Unique
Abrikandilu Demon Bestiary 3 Common
Accursed Forge-Spurned Pathfinder #148 Unique
Acolyte of Nethys Devotees Gamemastery Guide Common
Acrobat Performers Gamemastery Guide Common
Adachros Ennosite Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Adamantine Golem Golem Bestiary Rare
Adept Mystics Gamemastery Guide Common
Adhukait Asura Bestiary 3 Common
Adlet Bestiary 3 Common
Adult Black Dragon Dragon, Black Bestiary Common
Adult Blue Dragon Dragon, Blue Bestiary Common
Adult Brass Dragon Dragon, Brass Bestiary Common
Adult Brine Dragon Dragon, Brine Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Adult Bronze Dragon Dragon, Bronze Bestiary Common
Adult Cloud Dragon Dragon, Cloud Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Adult Copper Dragon Dragon, Copper Bestiary Common
Adult Crystal Dragon Dragon, Crystal Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Adult Forest Dragon Dragon, Forest Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Adult Gold Dragon Dragon, Gold Bestiary Common
Adult Green Dragon Dragon, Green Bestiary Common
Adult Magma Dragon Dragon, Magma Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Adult Red Dragon Dragon, Red Bestiary Common
Adult Sea Dragon Dragon, Sea Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Adult Silver Dragon Dragon, Silver Bestiary Common
Adult Sky Dragon Dragon, Sky Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Adult Sovereign Dragon Dragon, Sovereign Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Adult Umbral Dragon Dragon, Umbral Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Adult Underworld Dragon Dragon, Underworld Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Adult White Dragon Dragon, White Bestiary Common
Advisor Courtiers Gamemastery Guide Common
Aghash Div Bestiary 3 Common
Agile Warrior Pathfinder #166 Uncommon
Agradaemon Daemon Pathfinder #162 Rare
Ahuizotl Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Ahvothian The Slithering Uncommon
Aigamuxa The Mwangi Expanse Uncommon
Air Mephit Elemental, Mephit Bestiary Common
Air Wisp Elemental, Wisp Bestiary 3 Common
Aiudara Wraith Wraith Pathfinder #150 Rare
Akata Bestiary 2 Rare
Akila Stormheel Pathfinder #167 Unique
Akizendri Protean Bestiary 2 Common
Alak Stagram Pathfinder #145 Unique
Alchemical Golem Golem Bestiary Uncommon
Algea Psychopomp Malevolence Common
Alghollthu Master Alghollthu Bestiary Uncommon
Aluum Enforcer Aluum Pathfinder #149 Uncommon
Amalgamite Bestiary 3 Rare
Amihan Pathfinder #167 Rare
Ammut Pathfinder #155 Rare
Amoeba Swarm Ooze Bestiary 2 Common
Amphisbaena Bestiary 3 Common
Anadi Elder Anadi The Mwangi Expanse Uncommon
Anadi Fateweaver Anadi Pathfinder #169 Uncommon
Anadi Hunter Anadi The Mwangi Expanse Uncommon
Anadi Lurker Anadi Pathfinder #169 Uncommon
Anadi Sage Anadi The Mwangi Expanse Uncommon
Anadi Seeker Anadi Pathfinder #169 Uncommon
Anancus Elephant Bestiary 2 Common
Ancient Black Dragon Dragon, Black Bestiary Uncommon
Ancient Blue Dragon Dragon, Blue Bestiary Uncommon
Ancient Brass Dragon Dragon, Brass Bestiary Uncommon
Ancient Brine Dragon Dragon, Brine Bestiary 2 Rare
Ancient Bronze Dragon Dragon, Bronze Bestiary Uncommon
Ancient Cloud Dragon Dragon, Cloud Bestiary 2 Rare
Ancient Copper Dragon Dragon, Copper Bestiary Uncommon
Ancient Crystal Dragon Dragon, Crystal Bestiary 2 Rare
Ancient Forest Dragon Dragon, Forest Bestiary 3 Rare
Ancient Gold Dragon Dragon, Gold Bestiary Uncommon
Ancient Green Dragon Dragon, Green Bestiary Uncommon
Ancient Magma Dragon Dragon, Magma Bestiary 2 Rare
Ancient Red Dragon Dragon, Red Bestiary Uncommon
Ancient Sea Dragon Dragon, Sea Bestiary 3 Rare
Ancient Silver Dragon Dragon, Silver Bestiary Uncommon
Ancient Sky Dragon Dragon, Sky Bestiary 3 Rare
Ancient Sovereign Dragon Dragon, Sovereign Bestiary 3 Rare
Ancient Umbral Dragon Dragon, Umbral Bestiary 2 Rare
Ancient Underworld Dragon Dragon, Underworld Bestiary 3 Rare
Ancient White Dragon Dragon, White Bestiary Uncommon
Android Infiltrator Android Bestiary 3 Rare
Angazhani Bestiary 3 Common
Angheuvore Flesh-Gnawer Mortic Bestiary 3 Rare
Angoyang Pathfinder #167 Common
Animate Dream Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Animated Armor Animated Object Bestiary Common
Animated Broom Animated Object Bestiary Common
Animated Colossus Animated Object Bestiary 3 Common
Animated Dragonstorms Pathfinder #150 Rare
Animated Furnace Animated Object Bestiary 3 Common
Animated Silverware Swarm Animated Object Bestiary 3 Common
Animated Statue Animated Object Bestiary Common
Animated Trebuchet Animated Object Bestiary 3 Common
Ankhrav Ankhrav Bestiary Common
Ankou Bestiary 2 Common
Ankylosaurus Dinosaur Bestiary Common
Annis Hag Hag Bestiary Common
Antipaladin Villains Gamemastery Guide Common
Anugobu Apprentice Anugobu Pathfinder #166 Uncommon
Anugobu Wondercrafter Anugobu Pathfinder #166 Uncommon
Aolaz Bestiary 2 Rare
Aphorite Sharpshooter Planar Scion Bestiary 3 Common
Apothecary Healers Gamemastery Guide Common
Apprentice Tradespeople Gamemastery Guide Common
Ararda Blightburn Genies Pathfinder #155 Rare
Arbiter Aeon Bestiary Common
Arboreal Archive Arboreal Bestiary 3 Common
Arboreal Reaper Arboreal Bestiary 3 Common
Arboreal Regent Arboreal Bestiary Common
Arboreal Warden Arboreal Bestiary Common
Arcane Living Rune Living Symbol Bestiary 3 Rare
Archer Sentry Officers Gamemastery Guide Common
Archery Specialist Pathfinder #166 Uncommon
Arms Of Balance Pathfinder #167 Uncommon
Army Ant Swarm Ant Bestiary 2 Common
Artus Rodrivan Pathfinder #167 Unique
Asanbosam The Mwangi Expanse Common
Assassin Criminals Gamemastery Guide Common
Assassin Vine Bestiary 2 Common
Astradaemon Daemon Bestiary Common
Astral Deva Angel Bestiary Common
Astronomer Scholars Gamemastery Guide Common
Athach Bestiary 2 Common
Attic Whisperer Bestiary 2 Common
Augnagar Qlippoth Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Augur Velstrac Bestiary 2 Common
Aurumvorax Bestiary 2 Common
Avarek Pathfinder #159 Uncommon
Awakened Tree Arboreal Bestiary Common
Axiomite Aeon Bestiary Common
Azarketi Explorer Azarketi Bestiary 3 Common
Azer Bestiary 3 Common
Azure Worm Cave Worm Bestiary Uncommon
Azuretzi Protean Bestiary 2 Common
Baatamidar Pathfinder #162 Rare
Babau Demon Bestiary 2 Common
Badger Badger Bestiary 2 Common
Balisse Angel Bestiary Common
Ball Python Snake Bestiary Common
Balor Demon Bestiary Common
Bandit Criminals Gamemastery Guide Common
Banshee Bestiary Uncommon
Baobhan Sith Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Baomal Bestiary Common
Barbazu Devil Bestiary Common
Barghest Barghest Bestiary Common
Barkeep Publicans Gamemastery Guide Common
Barnacle Ghoul Ghoul Pathfinder #159 Uncommon
Barrister Officers Gamemastery Guide Common
Barushak Il-Varashma Pathfinder #147 Unique
Basidirond Bestiary 2 Common
Basilisk Basilisk Bestiary Common
Bastion Archon Archon Bestiary 2 Rare
Bauble Beast Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Baykok Bestiary 3 Common
Beast Tamer Performers Gamemastery Guide Common
Bebilith Bestiary 2 Common
Beggar Downtrodden Gamemastery Guide Common
Behemoth Hippopotamus Hippopotamus Bestiary 2 Common
Behir Bestiary 2 Common
Belker Elemental, Air Bestiary 2 Common
Belmazog Pathfinder #146 Unique
Berberoka Pathfinder #166 Uncommon
Betobeto-San Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Bida Pathfinder #146 Uncommon
Biloko Veteran Biloko The Mwangi Expanse Common
Biloko Warrior Biloko The Mwangi Expanse Common
Binumir Pathfinder #157 Common
Bison Bestiary 3 Common
Black Bear Bear Bestiary 2 Common
Black Pudding Ooze Bestiary Common
Black Scorpion Scorpion Bestiary 2 Common
Blindheim Bestiary 2 Common
Blink Dog Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Blizzardborn Elemental, Water Bestiary 2 Common
Blodeuwedd Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Blood Boar Pathfinder #147 Common
Blood Hag Hag Bestiary 3 Common
Blood Ooze Ooze The Fall of Plaguestone Common
Blood Painter Bestiary 3 Common
Bloodlash Bush Deadly Flora The Fall of Plaguestone Common
Bloodseeker Bestiary Common
Bloody Blade Mercenary Pathfinder #145 Common
Blue Viper Pathfinder #166 Unique
Blue Viper (Level 16) Pathfinder #167 Unique
Blue Viper (Level 20) Pathfinder #168 Unique
Blue-Ringed Octopus Octopus Bestiary 2 Common
Boar Boar Bestiary Common
Bodak Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Bodyguard Mercenaries Gamemastery Guide Common
Bog Mummy Mummy Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Bog Strider Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Bogey Bogeyman Pathfinder #152 Uncommon
Bogeyman Bogeyman Pathfinder #152 Uncommon
Boggard Scout Boggard Bestiary Common
Boggard Swampseer Boggard Bestiary Common
Boggard Warrior Boggard Bestiary Common
Bone Croupier Pathfinder #151 Common
Bone Prophet Serpentfolk Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Bone Ship Bestiary 3 Rare
Bone Skipper Swarm Bone Skipper Pathfinder #158 Uncommon
Bore Worm Swarm Bore Worm Bestiary 3 Common
Bosun Seafarers Gamemastery Guide Common
Bottlenose Dolphin Dolphin Bestiary 2 Common
Bounty Hunter Mercenaries Gamemastery Guide Common
Brain Collector Bestiary Uncommon
Brainchild Bestiary 3 Rare
Bralani Azata Bestiary 2 Common
Bramble Champion Construct Pathfinder #169 Rare
Bregdi Pathfinder #159 Uncommon
Bright Walker Pathfinder #165 Rare
Brimorak Demon Bestiary 3 Common
Brine Shark Elemental, Water Bestiary Common
Brontosaurus Dinosaur Bestiary Common
Brood Leech Swarm Leech Bestiary 2 Common
Brownie Bestiary 2 Common
Brughadatch Brughadatch Pathfinder #154 Common
Bshez “Sand Claws” Shak Pathfinder #149 Unique
Bugaboo Bogeyman Pathfinder #152 Uncommon
Bugbear Thug Bugbear Bestiary Common
Bugbear Tormentor Bugbear Bestiary Common
Bugul Noz Pathfinder #153 Rare
Bulette Bestiary Common
Bul-Gae Pathfinder #168 Uncommon
Bunyip Bestiary Common
Burglar Criminals Gamemastery Guide Common
Buso Bestiary 3 Common
Butterfly Blade Warrior Pathfinder #166 Uncommon
Bythos Aeon Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Cacodaemon Daemon Bestiary Common
Cactus Leshy Leshy Bestiary 3 Common
Cairn Linnorm Linnorm Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Cairn Wight Wight Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Calathgar Bestiary 2 Common
Caligni Caller Caligni Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Caligni Creeper Caligni Bestiary Common
Caligni Dancer Caligni Bestiary Common
Caligni Slayer Caligni Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Caligni Stalker Caligni Bestiary Common
Caligni Vanguard Caligni Bestiary 3 Rare
Calikang Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Calmont Pathfinder #145 Unique
Camarach Pathfinder #162 Uncommon
Camel Bestiary 3 Common
Candlaron's Echo Pathfinder #150 Common
Canopy Elder Arboreal Pathfinder #168 Rare
Captain of the Guard Officers Gamemastery Guide Common
Carbuncle Bestiary 2 Rare
Carnivorous Blob Ooze Bestiary 2 Common
Carnivorous Crystal Pathfinder #148 Common
Carrion Golem Golem Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Cassisian Angel Bestiary Common
Cat Sith Pathfinder #153 Uncommon
Catfolk Pouncer Catfolk Bestiary Common
Catoblepas Bestiary 2 Common
Catrina Psychopomp Bestiary 2 Common
Caulborn Ennosite Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Caustic Monitor Lizard Pathfinder #166 Rare
Cauthooj Bestiary Common
Cave Bear Bear Bestiary Common
Cave Fisher Bestiary 2 Common
Cave Giant Giant Bestiary 3 Common
Cave Scorpion Scorpion Bestiary 2 Common
Cavern Troll Troll Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Cecaelia Trapper Cecaelila Bestiary 3 Common
Centaur Bestiary Common
Centipede Swarm Centipede Bestiary Common
Ceustodaemon Daemon Bestiary Common
Changeling Exile Changeling Bestiary Common
Charau-ka Pathfinder #145 Common
Charau-ka Acolyte of Angazhan Charau-ka The Mwangi Expanse Common
Charau-ka Butcher Charau-ka The Mwangi Expanse Common
Charau-ka Dragon Priest Pathfinder #146 Uncommon
Charau-ka Warrior Charau-ka The Mwangi Expanse Common
Charlatan Criminals Gamemastery Guide Common
Charming Scoundrel Firebrands Character Guide Common
Chea No-Prep Character Unique
Chernobue Qlippoth Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Children Of Mhar Pathfinder #156 Uncommon
Chimera Bestiary Uncommon
Chimpanzee Visitant Visitant Pathfinder #152 Common
Choker Bestiary 2 Common
Choral Angel Bestiary Common
Chouchin-Obake Tsukumogami Bestiary 3 Common
Chronicler Explorers Gamemastery Guide Common
Chupacabra Bestiary 2 Common
Chuul Bestiary Common
Chyzaedu Bestiary 3 Rare
Cinder Rat Elemental, Fire Bestiary Common
City Guard Squadron Bestiary 3 Common
Clacking Skull Swarm Skull Swarm Bestiary 3 Common
Clay Golem Golem Bestiary Uncommon
Cloaker Bestiary Common
Clockwork Amalgam Clockworks Pathfinder #161 Rare
Clockwork Assassin Clockworks Pathfinder #160 Uncommon
Clockwork Dragon Clockworks Bestiary 3 Rare
Clockwork Mage Clockworks Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Clockwork Soldier Clockworks Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Clockwork Spy Clockworks Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Cloud Giant Giant Bestiary Common
Cloudsplitter Pathfinder #168 Unique
Cobbleswarm Cobble Mite Bestiary 3 Common
Cockatrice Bestiary Common
Cockroach Swarm Cockroach Bestiary 2 Common
Coil Spy Serpentfolk Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Common Eurypterid Eurypterid Bestiary 3 Common
Commoner Downtrodden Gamemastery Guide Common
Compsognathus Dinosaur Bestiary 2 Common
Consonite Choir Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Coral Capuchin Bestiary 3 Common
Cornugon Devil Bestiary 2 Common
Corpselight Wisp Pathfinder #163 Rare
Corrupt Guards Pathfinder #148 Rare
Corrupted Relic Bestiary 3 Rare
Counteflora Pathfinder #153 Common
Crag Linnorm Linnorm Bestiary Uncommon
Crawling Hand Crawling Hand Bestiary 2 Common
Crimson Worm Cave Worm Bestiary Rare
Crocodile Crocodile Bestiary Common
Crossroads Guardian Bestiary 3 Rare
Crucidaemon Daemon Pathfinder #149 Common
Cu Sith Pathfinder #153 Uncommon
Culdewen Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Cult Leader Mystics Gamemastery Guide Common
Cultist Mystics Gamemastery Guide Common
Cunning Guide Spirit Guide Bestiary 3 Common
Cyclops Cyclops Bestiary Uncommon
Cythnigot Qlippoth Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Daeodon Boar Bestiary Common
Dalos Pathfinder #148 Uncommon
Damibwa Pathfinder #170 Common
Danava Titan Titan Bestiary 3 Rare
Dancer Performers Gamemastery Guide Common
Dancing Night Parade Pathfinder #168 Unique
Dandasuka Rakshasa Bestiary Common
Dark Naga Naga Bestiary Uncommon
Deadly Mantis Mantis, Giant Bestiary Common
Deculi Pathfinder #148 Common
Deep Gnome Rockwarden Deep Gnome Bestiary Common
Deep Gnome Scout Deep Gnome Bestiary Common
Deep Gnome Warrior Deep Gnome Bestiary Common
Deepwater Dhuthorex Dhuthorex Pathfinder #165 Uncommon
Deimavigga Devil Bestiary 3 Common
Deinonychus Dinosaur Bestiary Common
Deinosuchus Crocodile Bestiary Common
Demilich Lich Bestiary Rare
Demonologist Mystics Gamemastery Guide Common
Denizen of Leng Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Derghodaemon Daemon Bestiary 2 Common
Dero Magister Dero Bestiary Uncommon
Dero Stalker Dero Bestiary Common
Dero Strangler Dero Bestiary Common
Desecrated Guardian Pathfinder #168 Rare
Desert Drake Drake Bestiary Common
Desert Giant Giant Bestiary 3 Common
Despot Villains Gamemastery Guide Common
Destrachan Bestiary 2 Common
Devourer Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Dezullon Bestiary Common
Dhampir Wizard Dhampir Bestiary Common
Dig-Widget Bestiary 2 Common
Dire Wolf Wolf Bestiary Common
Divine Warden Of Brigh Divine Warden Pathfinder Bestiary 3 Bon Uncommon
Divine Warden Of Nethys Divine Warden Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Djinni Genie Bestiary Uncommon
Dmiri Yoltosha Pathfinder #145 Unique
Doblagub Brughadatch Pathfinder #154 Common
Dockhand Laborers Gamemastery Guide Common
Domovoi House Spirit Bestiary 3 Common
Doorwarden Pathfinder #145 Uncommon
Doppelganger Bestiary Uncommon
Doprillu Bestiary 2 Common
Doru Div Bestiary 3 Common
Dracolisk Basilisk Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Draconal Agathion Bestiary 3 Common
Dragon Turtle Bestiary Common
Dragon's Blood Puffball Deadly Puffball Pathfinder #165 Uncommon
Dragonscarred Dead Pathfinder #148 Uncommon
Dragonshard Guardian Pathfinder #150 Unique
Dragonstorm Fire Giant Pathfinder #150 Rare
Drainberry Bush Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Drakauthix Bestiary Common
Drake Courser Pathfinder #167 Uncommon
Dramofir Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Draugr Bestiary 2 Common
Draxie Sprite Bestiary 3 Common
Dread Dhuthorex Dhuthorex Pathfinder #165 Uncommon
Dread Roc Pathfinder #166 Rare
Dread Wisp Wisp Pathfinder #165 Uncommon
Dread Wraith Wraith Bestiary 2 Common
Dreadsong Dancer Pathfinder #158 Rare
Dream Spider Spider Bestiary 2 Common
Dreshkan Fleshwarp Pathfinder #164 Uncommon
Dretch Demon Bestiary 3 Common
Drider Fleshwarp Bestiary Common
Dromornis Pathfinder #166 Uncommon
Drow Fighter Drow Bestiary Common
Drow Hunter Drow Pathfinder #165 Uncommon
Drow Priestess Drow Bestiary Common
Drow Rogue Drow Bestiary Common
Drow Shootist Drow Pathfinder #165 Uncommon
Drow Warden Drow Pathfinder #165 Uncommon
Drunkard Publicans Gamemastery Guide Common
Dryad Nymph Bestiary Common
Dryad Queen Nymph Bestiary Uncommon
Duende Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Duergar Bombardier Duergar Bestiary Common
Duergar Sharpshooter Duergar Bestiary Common
Duergar Slave Lord Pathfinder #148 Rare
Duergar Taskmaster Duergar Bestiary Common
Duhgik No-Prep Character Unique
Dullahan Bestiary Uncommon
Duneshaker Solifugid Solifugid Bestiary 2 Common
Duskwalker Ghost Hunter Planar Scion Bestiary Common
Dust Mephit Elemental, Mephit Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Dvorovoi House Spirit Bestiary 3 Common
Dweomercat Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Dybbuk Bestiary 3 Uncommon
D'ziriak Bestiary 2 Common
Eagle Eagle Bestiary Common
Earth Mephit Elemental, Mephit Bestiary Common
Earth Wisp Elemental, Wisp Bestiary 3 Common
Earthen Destrier Elemental, Earth Bestiary 2 Common
Eberark Pathfinder #159 Common
Edolpho Phinelli Pathfinder Encounter Unique
Efreeti Genie Bestiary Uncommon
Einherji Bestiary 3 Common
Ekujae Guardians Pathfinder #146 Common
Elananx Bestiary Common
Elasmosaurus Bestiary 2 Common
Elder Cauthooj Pathfinder #166 Rare
Elder Sphinx Sphinx Bestiary 3 Rare
Elder Wyrmwraith Wyrmwraith Bestiary 3 Rare
Electric Eel Eel Bestiary Common
Elemental Avalanche Elemental, Earth Bestiary Common
Elemental Hurricane Elemental, Air Bestiary Common
Elemental Inferno Elemental, Fire Bestiary Common
Elemental Tsunami Elemental, Water Bestiary Common
Elemental Vessel, Water Elemental, Water Pathfinder #161 Uncommon
Elephant Elephant Bestiary Common
Eleukas No-Prep Character Unique
Eloko Biloko The Mwangi Expanse Common
Elysian Titan Titan Bestiary 3 Rare
Emaliza Zandivar Pathfinder #150 Unique
Ember Fox Elemental, Fire Bestiary 2 Common
Emperor Bird Pathfinder #145 Uncommon
Emperor Cobra Snake Bestiary 2 Common
Empress Bore Worm Bore Worm Bestiary 3 Common
Eremite Velstrac Bestiary 2 Common
Erinyes Devil Bestiary Common
Esipil Sahkil Bestiary 3 Common
Esobok Psychopomp Bestiary 2 Common
Ether Spider Bestiary Common
Etioling Blightmage Mortic Bestiary 3 Rare
Ettin Bestiary Common
Eunemvro Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Evangelist Velstrac Bestiary 2 Common
Excorion Pathfinder #158 Uncommon
Executioner Officers Gamemastery Guide Common
Faceless Butcher Pathfinder #154 Uncommon
Faceless Stalker Alghollthu Bestiary Common
Fading Fox Fox Bestiary 3 Common
Faerie Dragon Bestiary Uncommon
Falrok Pathfinder #148 Unique
False Priest Mystics Gamemastery Guide Common
Farmer Laborers Gamemastery Guide Common
Feathered Bear Spirit Guide Bestiary 3 Common
Fen Mosquito Swarm Mosquito Bestiary 2 Common
Fence Criminals Gamemastery Guide Common
Feral Skull Swarm Skull Swarm Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Festrog Bestiary 3 Common
Fetchling Scout Fetchling Bestiary 2 Common
Filth Fire Elemental, Fire Bestiary 2 Common
Fire Giant Giant Bestiary Common
Fire Jellyfish Swarm Jellyfish Bestiary 2 Common
Fire Mephit Elemental, Mephit Bestiary Common
Fire Wisp Elemental, Wisp Bestiary 3 Common
Fire Yai Oni Bestiary 2 Common
Fire-Pot Ubanu Pathfinder #170 Unique
Firewyrm Elemental, Fire Bestiary Common
Fjord Linnorm Linnorm Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Flame Drake Drake Bestiary Common
Flaming Skull Beheaded Bestiary 3 Common
Flash Beetle Beetle Bestiary Common
Flea Swarm Flea Pathfinder #151 Common
Flesh Golem Golem Bestiary Uncommon
Flickerwisp Wisp Pathfinder #163 Uncommon
Flumph Bestiary 3 Common
Flying Mountain Kaminari Pathfinder #168 Rare
Flytrap Leshy Leshy Bestiary 2 Common
Forge-Spurned Pathfinder #148 Uncommon
Fortune Eater Bestiary 3 Rare
Fossil Golem Golem Bestiary 3 Rare
Froghemoth Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Froglegs Pathfinder #170 Unique
Frost Drake Drake Bestiary Common
Frost Giant Giant Bestiary Common
Frost Troll Troll Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Frost Worm Bestiary 2 Common
Frost Yai Oni Bestiary 2 Common
Fuath Gremlin Bestiary 3 Common
Fuming Sludge The Slithering Uncommon
Fungus Leshy Leshy Bestiary Common
Gahlepod Brughadatch Pathfinder #154 Common
Galvo Bestiary 3 Common
Gancanagh Azata Bestiary Common
Gang Leader Villains Gamemastery Guide Common
Ganzi Martial Artist Planar Scion Bestiary 3 Common
Gargoyle Bestiary Common
Garuda Bestiary 3 Common
Gashadokuro Pathfinder #148 Uncommon
Gathlain Wanderer Gathlain Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Gbahali Pathfinder #170 Uncommon
Gelatinous Cube Ooze Bestiary Common
Gelugon Devil Bestiary Common
Gerhard Pendergrast Pathfinder #146 Unique
Ghaele Azata Bestiary Common
Ghast Ghoul Bestiary Common
Ghastly Bear Pathfinder #147 Unique
Ghonhatine Fleshwarp Bestiary 2 Common
Ghoran Manipulator Ghoran Bestiary 3 Rare
Ghost Commoner Ghost Bestiary Common
Ghost Mage Ghost Bestiary Common
Ghost Monk Pathfinder #166 Common
Ghoul Ghoul Bestiary Common
Giant Amoeba Ooze Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Anaconda Snake Bestiary Common
Giant Animated Statue Animated Object Bestiary Common
Giant Ant Ant Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Aukashungi Aukashungi Pathfinder #154 Uncommon
Giant Badger Badger Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Bat Bat Bestiary Common
Giant Bone Skipper Bone Skipper Pathfinder #158 Uncommon
Giant Centipede Centipede Bestiary Common
Giant Chameleon Lizard Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Cockroach Cockroach Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Crab Crab Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Crawling Hand Crawling Hand Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Dragonfly Dragonfly Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Dragonfly Nymph Dragonfly Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Eagle Eagle Bestiary Common
Giant Flea Flea Pathfinder #151 Common
Giant Fly Fly Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Flying Squirrel Squirrel Bestiary 3 Common
Giant Flytrap Flytrap Bestiary Common
Giant Frilled Lizard Lizard Bestiary Common
Giant Frog Frog Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Gecko Lizard Bestiary Common
Giant Hermit Crab Crab Bestiary 3 Common
Giant Hippocampus Hippocampus Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Giant Jellyfish Jellyfish Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Leech Leech Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Maggot Fly Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Mantis Mantis, Giant Bestiary Common
Giant Mining Bee Giant Bee Pathfinder #169 Common
Giant Monitor Lizard Lizard Bestiary Common
Giant Moray Eel Eel Bestiary Common
Giant Mosquito Mosquito Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Octopus Octopus Bestiary Common
Giant Opossum Opossum Bestiary 3 Common
Giant Pangolin Bestiary 3 Common
Giant Porcupine Bestiary 3 Common
Giant Rat Rat Bestiary Common
Giant Scorpion Scorpion Bestiary Common
Giant Seahorse Bestiary 3 Common
Giant Silverfish Silverfish Pathfinder #169 Uncommon
Giant Skunk Skunk Bestiary 3 Common
Giant Snapping Turtle Turtle Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Solifugid Solifugid Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Squid Squid Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Stag Beetle Beetle Bestiary Common
Giant Tarantula Spider Bestiary Common
Giant Tick Tick Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Toad Toad Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Tsetse Fly Fly Pathfinder #169 Common
Giant Viper Snake Bestiary Common
Giant Vulture Bestiary 3 Common
Giant Wasp Wasp Bestiary Common
Giant Whiptail Centipede Centipede Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Wolverine Wolverine Bestiary 2 Common
Giant Worker Bee Giant Bee Pathfinder #169 Common
Gibbering Mouther Bestiary Common
Gibtanius Gibtas Pathfinder #164 Uncommon
Gibtas Bounder Gibtas Pathfinder #164 Uncommon
Gibtas Spawn Swarm Gibtas Pathfinder #164 Uncommon
Gimmerling Bestiary Uncommon
Girtablilu Seer Girtablilu Bestiary 3 Common
Girtablilu Sentry Girtablilu Bestiary 3 Common
Glabrezu Demon Bestiary Common
Glass Golem Golem Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Gliminal Bestiary 3 Rare
Globster Bestiary 3 Common
Gnagrif Gremlin Pathfinder #169 Uncommon
Gnoll Cultist Gnoll Bestiary Common
Gnoll Hunter Gnoll Bestiary Common
Gnoll Sergeant Gnoll Bestiary Common
Goblin Commando Goblin Bestiary Common
Goblin Dog Bestiary Common
Goblin Pyro Goblin Bestiary Common
Goblin War Chanter Goblin Bestiary Common
Goblin Warrior Goblin Bestiary Common
Gogiteth Bestiary Common
Goliath Spider Spider Bestiary Common
Gomwai Pathfinder #166 Unique
Gorgon Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Gorilla Ape Bestiary Common
Gosreg Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Gourd Leshy Leshy Bestiary Common
Grandfather Mantis Pathfinder #167 Unique
Granite Glyptodont Elemental, Earth Bestiary 2 Common
Grauladon Pathfinder #145 Uncommon
Grave Robber Criminals Gamemastery Guide Common
Grave Spinosaurus Pathfinder #166 Unique
Gravedigger Laborers Gamemastery Guide Common
Graveknight Bestiary Common
Graveshell Pathfinder #145 Uncommon
Gray Ooze Ooze Bestiary 2 Common
Great Cyclops Cyclops Bestiary Uncommon
Great Grodair Pathfinder #170 Unique
Great White Shark Shark Bestiary Common
Greater Barghest Barghest Bestiary Uncommon
Greater Nightmare Nightmare Bestiary Common
Greater Shadow Shadow Bestiary Common
Green Hag Hag Bestiary Common
Green Man Bestiary 3 Rare
Grendel Bestiary 2 Unique
Griffon Bestiary Common
Grig Sprite Bestiary Common
Grikkitog Bestiary Common
Grim Reaper Grim Reaper Bestiary Unique
Grimple Gremlin Bestiary 3 Common
Grimstalker Bestiary 2 Common
Grindylow Bestiary 2 Common
Grioth Cultist Grioth Bestiary 3 Rare
Grioth Scout Grioth Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Grippli Archer Grippli Pathfinder #146 Common
Grippli Greenspeaker Grippli Pathfinder #146 Common
Grippli Jinxer Grippli Pathfinder #170 Common
Grippli Scout Grippli Bestiary 2 Common
Grippli Skirmisher Grippli Pathfinder #170 Common
Gristleburst No-Prep Character Unique
Grizzly Bear Bear Bestiary Common
Grodair Bestiary 2 Common
Grootslang The Mwangi Expanse Uncommon
Grothlut Fleshwarp Bestiary Common
Guard Officers Gamemastery Guide Common
Guard Dog Dog Bestiary Common
Guardian Naga Naga Bestiary Uncommon
Guecubu Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Gug Bestiary Common
Guide Explorers Gamemastery Guide Common
Guildmaster Tradespeople Gamemastery Guide Common
Gumiho Pathfinder #168 Uncommon
Gurgist Mauler Mortic Bestiary 3 Rare
Guthallath Bestiary Rare
Gylou Devil Bestiary 2 Common
Hadrinnex Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Hadrosaurid Dinosaur Bestiary 2 Common
Halspin the Stung Pathfinder #167 Unique
Hamatula Devil Bestiary 2 Common
Hana's Hundreds Pathfinder #166 Unique
Haniver Gremlin Bestiary 3 Common
Hantu Belian Hantu Pathfinder #166 Uncommon
Hantu Denai Hantu Pathfinder #166 Uncommon
Harbormaster Magistrates Gamemastery Guide Common
Harmona Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Harpy Bestiary Common
Harpy Skeleton Skeleton Bestiary 3 Common
Harrow Doll Pathfinder #154 Uncommon
Harrow Reader Mystics Gamemastery Guide Common
Hatred Siktempora Siktempora Bestiary 3 Rare
Hegessik Protean Pathfinder #162 Common
Hekatonkheires Titan Titan Bestiary 3 Rare
Hell Hound Hell Hound Bestiary Common
Hellbound Attorney Devil Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Hellcat Bestiary 2 Common
Hellcrown Pathfinder #145 Uncommon
Hellknight Armiger Hellknights Character Guide Common
Hellknight Cavalry Brigade Bestiary 3 Common
Hellknight Paravicar Hellknights Character Guide Common
Hellwasp Swarm Bestiary 3 Common
Herecite of Zevgavizeb Herecite Pathfinder #153 Uncommon
Herexen Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Hermean Mutant Pathfinder #150 Rare
Hermit Crab Swarm Crab Bestiary 3 Common
Hesperid Nymph Bestiary 3 Common
Hesperid Queen Nymph Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Heuberk Thropp Pathfinder #147 Unique
Hezle Pathfinder #146 Unique
Hezrou Demon Bestiary 2 Common
Hieracosphinx Sphinx Bestiary 3 Common
Hill Giant Giant Bestiary Common
Hippocampus Hippocampus Bestiary 2 Common
Hippogriff Bestiary 2 Common
Hippopotamus Hippopotamus Bestiary 2 Common
Hive Mother Ankhrav Bestiary Uncommon
Hobgoblin Archer Hobgoblin Bestiary Common
Hobgoblin General Hobgoblin Bestiary Common
Hobgoblin Soldier Hobgoblin Bestiary Common
Hodag Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Homunculus Bestiary Common
Horned Archon Archon Bestiary Common
Hound Archon Archon Bestiary 2 Common
Hound Of Tindalos Bestiary 2 Rare
House Drake Bestiary 3 Common
Huldra Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Huldrin Skolsdottir Pathfinder #167 Unique
Hummingbird Pathfinder #167 Unique
Hunter Foresters Gamemastery Guide Common
Hunting Spider Spider Bestiary Common
Hyaenodon Hyena Bestiary Common
Hyakume Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Hydra Bestiary Common
Hyena Hyena Bestiary Common
Ice Golem Golem Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Ice Linnorm Linnorm Bestiary Uncommon
Ice Mephit Elemental, Mephit Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Icewyrm Elemental, Water Bestiary 2 Common
Icicle Snake Elemental, Water Bestiary 2 Common
Iffdahsil Pathfinder #155 Unique
Ifrit Pyrochemist Geniekin Bestiary 2 Common
Iguanodon Dinosaur Bestiary 2 Common
I'iko Dragon Pathfinder #170 Uncommon
Ilgreth Pathfinder #150 Unique
Ilssrah Embermead Pathfinder #148 Unique
Imentesh Protean Bestiary 2 Common
Immortal Ichor Pathfinder #149 Rare
Imp Devil Bestiary Common
Incutilis Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Ingnovim Pathfinder #150 Unique
Ingnovim's Assistants Pathfinder #150 Rare
Inizra Arumelo Pathfinder #150 Unique
Inmyeonjo Pathfinder #168 Rare
Innkeeper Publicans Gamemastery Guide Common
Intellect Devourer Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Interlocutor Velstrac Bestiary 2 Common
Invidiak Demon Bestiary 2 Common
Invisible Stalker Elemental, Air Bestiary Common
Ioton Ennosite Bestiary 3 Common
Iridescent Elephant Pathfinder #152 Uncommon
Irlgaunt Bestiary 2 Common
Irnakurse Fleshwarp Bestiary 2 Common
Iron Golem Golem Bestiary Uncommon
Ishti Pathfinder #149 Unique
Isqulug Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Ittan-Momen Tsukumogami Bestiary 3 Common
Izfiitar Protean Pathfinder #162 Uncommon
Jabberwock Bestiary 2 Rare
Jaggaki Pathfinder #147 Uncommon
Jahsi Pathfinder #146 Unique
Jaiban Pathfinder #166 Unique
Jailer Officers Gamemastery Guide Common
Janni Genie Bestiary Common
Japalisura Asura Bestiary 3 Common
Jin-Hae Pathfinder #168 Unique
Jinkin Gremlin Bestiary Common
Ji-Yook (Gumiho Form) Pathfinder #168 Unique
Ji-yook (Level 13) Pathfinder #167 Unique
Ji-yook (Level 9) Pathfinder #166 Unique
Joon-seo Pathfinder #167 Unique
Jorogumo Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Jotund Troll Troll Bestiary 2 Rare
Judge Magistrates Gamemastery Guide Common
Jungle Drake Drake Bestiary Common
Juspix Rammel Pathfinder #167 Unique
Jyoti Bestiary 2 Common
Kaava Stalker Kaava The Mwangi Expanse Common
Kalavakus Demon Pathfinder #147 Common
Kangaroo Bestiary 3 Common
Kannitri Pathfinder #166 Unique
Kappa Bestiary 3 Common
Karina The Mwangi Expanse Common
Kas Xi Rai Pathfinder #167 Unique
Kasa-Obake Tsukumogami Bestiary 3 Common
Keketar Protean Bestiary Common
Kelda Halrig Pathfinder #148 Unique
Kelpie Bestiary 2 Common
Khravgodon Opossum Bestiary 3 Common
Ki Adept Pathfinder #166 Uncommon
Kimenhul Sahkil Bestiary 3 Common
King Harral Pathfinder #148 Unique
Kirin Bestiary 3 Rare
Kiru Pathfinder #170 Unique
Kishi Bestiary 3 Common
Kitsune Trickster Kitsune Bestiary 3 Common
K'nonna The Mwangi Expanse Common
Kobold Dragon Mage Kobold Bestiary Common
Kobold Scout Kobold Bestiary Common
Kobold Tunnelrunner Kobold Pathfinder Encounter Uncommon
Kobold Warrior Kobold Bestiary Common
Kodama Kami Bestiary 3 Common
Kokogiak Bestiary 3 Common
Kolbo Pathfinder #170 Unique
Kolyarut Aeon Bestiary Common
Kongamato Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Korred Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Koto Zekora Pathfinder #166 Unique
Kovintus Geomancer Kovintus Bestiary 3 Common
Kraken Bestiary Uncommon
Kralgurn Pathfinder #148 Unique
Krampus Bestiary 3 Unique
Kreekoss Pathfinder #170 Unique
Krooth Bestiary Common
Kuchisake-Onna Bestiary 3 Rare
Kun Pathfinder #167 Uncommon
Kurnugian Jackal Troubles in Otari Uncommon
Kurobozu Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Kurshkin Pathfinder #169 Unique
Kushtaka Bestiary 3 Common
Lamia Lamia Bestiary Common
Lamia Matriarch Lamia Bestiary Common
Lampad Nymph Bestiary 3 Common
Lampad Queen Nymph Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Lantern Archon Archon Bestiary Common
Lantondo Pathfinder #167 Unique
Laruhao Pathfinder #168 Unique
Laslunn Pathfinder #147 Unique
Lazurite-Infused Stone Golem Pathfinder #148 Rare
Leaf Leshy Leshy Bestiary Common
Ledalusca Bestiary 3 Common
Legion Archon Archon Bestiary Common
Lemure Devil Bestiary Common
Leng Ghoul Ghoul Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Leng Spider Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Leopard Cat Bestiary Common
Leprechaun Bestiary 2 Common
Lerritan Bestiary 2 Common
Lesser Death Grim Reaper Bestiary Rare
Lesser Manifestation Of Dahak Pathfinder #150 Unique
Leucrotta Bestiary 2 Common
Leukodaemon Daemon Bestiary Common
Levaloch Devil Bestiary 3 Common
Leydroth Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Librarian Scholars Gamemastery Guide Common
Lich Lich Bestiary Rare
Lifeleecher Brawler Mortic Bestiary 3 Rare
Lillend Azata Bestiary Common
Lion Cat Bestiary Common
Lion Visitant Visitant Pathfinder #152 Common
Lisavet No-Prep Character Unique
Living Boulder Elemental, Earth Bestiary 2 Common
Living Landslide Elemental, Earth Bestiary Common
Living Sap Pathfinder #146 Uncommon
Living Thunderclap Elemental, Air Bestiary 2 Common
Living Waterfall Elemental, Water Bestiary Common
Living Whirlwind Elemental, Air Bestiary Common
Living Wildfire Elemental, Fire Bestiary Common
Lizardfolk Defender Lizardfolk Bestiary Common
Lizardfolk Scout Lizardfolk Bestiary Common
Lizardfolk Stargazer Lizardfolk Bestiary Common
Loakan Pathfinder #170 Unique
Locathah Hunter Locathah Bestiary 3 Common
Lophiithu Pathfinder #168 Uncommon
Love Siktempora Siktempora Bestiary 3 Rare
Lovelorn Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Luminous Ooze Pathfinder #151 Common
Lunar Naga Naga Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Lurker In Light Bestiary 2 Common
Lusca Pathfinder #161 Uncommon
Lyrakien Azata Bestiary Common
Maalya Pathfinder #167 Rare
Mafika Ayuwari Pathfinder #167 Unique
Maftet Guardian Maftet Bestiary 3 Common
Mage for Hire Mercenaries Gamemastery Guide Common
Mage of Many Styles Pathfinder #166 Uncommon
Magma Scorpion Elemental, Fire Bestiary 2 Common
Maharaja Rakshasa Bestiary 3 Rare
Malarunk Pathfinder #145 Unique
Maliadi The Mwangi Expanse Uncommon
Mamlambo The Mwangi Expanse Uncommon
Mammoth Elephant Bestiary Common
Mammoth Turtle Pathfinder #166 Rare
Manananggal Pathfinder #166 Common
Mandragora Bestiary 2 Common
Manifestation Of Dahak Pathfinder #150 Unique
Manta Ray Ray Bestiary 2 Common
Manticore Bestiary Common
Manticore Paaridar Paaridar Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Mari Lwyd A Caroling Horse (Of CoursUncommon
Marid Genie Bestiary Uncommon
Marilith Demon Bestiary Common
Marrmora Bestiary 2 Common
Marsh Giant Giant Bestiary 2 Common
Marut Aeon Bestiary 2 Common
Mashkudu The Bully Pathfinder #170 Common
Master Xun Pathfinder #167 Rare
Mastermind Villains Gamemastery Guide Common
Mastodon Elephant Bestiary 2 Common
Mechanical Carny Pathfinder #151 Common
Medusa Bestiary Common
Megalania Lizard Bestiary 2 Common
Megalictis Weasel Bestiary 3 Common
Megalodon Shark Bestiary Uncommon
Megaprimatus Ape Bestiary Common
Megatherium Sloth Bestiary 3 Common
Meladaemon Daemon Bestiary 2 Common
Melixie Sprite Bestiary 3 Common
Melodic Squalls Pathfinder #167 Rare
Melody On The Wind Elemental, Air Bestiary 2 Common
Mengkare Pathfinder #150 Unique
Mercenary Sailor Pathfinder #147 Common
Merchant Tradespeople Gamemastery Guide Common
Merfolk Warrior Merfolk Bestiary Common
Merfolk Wavecaller Merfolk Bestiary Common
Mezlan Bestiary 3 Rare
Mialari Docur Pathfinder #147 Unique
Mi-Go Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Millindemalion Bestiary 3 Common
Mimic Bestiary Common
Minchgorm Pathfinder #161 Rare
Miner Laborers Gamemastery Guide Common
Minister Of Tumult Vampire, Jiang-Shi Pathfinder #167 Common
Minotaur Bestiary Common
Misery Siktempora Siktempora Bestiary 3 Rare
Mist Stalker Elemental, Water Bestiary 2 Common
Mitflit Gremlin Bestiary Common
Mithral Golem Golem Bestiary 3 Rare
Mix Couatl Couatl Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Mobogo Bestiary 3 Common
Mohrg Bestiary 2 Common
Mokele-Mbembe Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Monadic Deva Angel Bestiary 2 Common
Monkey Monkey Bestiary 3 Common
Monkey Swarm Monkey Bestiary 3 Common
Monster Hunter Mercenaries Gamemastery Guide Common
Moon Hag Hag Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Moonflower Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Moose Bestiary 3 Common
Morlibint No-Prep Character Unique
Morlock Morlock Bestiary 2 Common
Morlock Cultist Morlock Pathfinder #163 Uncommon
Morlock Engineer Morlock Pathfinder #163 Uncommon
Morlock Scavenger Morlock Pathfinder #163 Common
Morrigna Psychopomp Bestiary Common
Mothman Bestiary 3 Rare
Movanic Deva Angel Bestiary 2 Common
Mpeshi Pathfinder #170 Rare
Mu Spore Bestiary Common
Muckish Creep Pathfinder #166 Common
Mudwretch Bestiary 2 Common
Mukradi Bestiary Common
Mulventok Fleshwarp Pathfinder #164 Uncommon
Mummy Guardian Mummy Bestiary Common
Mummy Pharaoh Mummy Bestiary Rare
Munagola Devil Bestiary 3 Common
Munavri Spellblade Munavri Bestiary 3 Rare
Muse Phantom Pathfinder #152 Uncommon
Mutated Sewer Ooze Pathfinder #170 Unique
Muurfeli Blightburn Genies Pathfinder #155 Rare
Myceloid Bestiary 3 Common
Myrucarx Pathfinder #161 Rare
Nabasu Demon Bestiary 2 Common
Nagaji Soldier Nagaji Bestiary 3 Common
Nai Yan Fei Pathfinder #166 Unique
Naiad Nymph Bestiary Common
Naiad Queen Nymph Bestiary Uncommon
Najra Lizard Pathfinder #158 Uncommon
Nalfeshnee Demon Bestiary 2 Common
Namorrodor Bestiary 3 Common
Narwhal Bestiary 3 Common
Naunet Protean Bestiary Common
Navigator Seafarers Gamemastery Guide Common
Necromancer Mystics Gamemastery Guide Common
Necrophidius Bestiary 2 Common
Nemhaith Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Nenchuuj Sahkil Pathfinder #162 Uncommon
Neothelid Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Nereid Bestiary 2 Common
Nessian Warhound Hell Hound Bestiary Common
Night Hag Hag Bestiary Common
Nightgaunt Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Nightmarchers Bestiary 3 Common
Nightmare Nightmare Bestiary Common
Nikaramsa Asura Bestiary 3 Common
Nilith Bestiary Common
Nixie Bestiary 2 Common
Nketiah Pathfinder #146 Unique
Noble Courtiers Gamemastery Guide Common
Nolly Peltry Pathfinder #147 Unique
Norn Bestiary 2 Rare
Nosferatu Malefactor Vampire, Nosferatu Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Nosferatu Overlord Vampire, Nosferatu Bestiary 3 Rare
Nosferatu Thrall Vampire, Nosferatu Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Nosoi Psychopomp Bestiary Common
Nuckelavee Bestiary 2 Common
Nucol Sahkil Bestiary 3 Common
Nuglub Gremlin Bestiary 2 Common
Nyktera Sprite Bestiary 3 Common
Nyogoth Qlippoth Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Obrousian Pathfinder #161 Uncommon
Obsidian Golem Golem Pathfinder #155 Uncommon
Ochre Jelly Ooze Bestiary Common
Ofalth Bestiary Common
Ogre Boss Ogre Bestiary Common
Ogre Glutton Ogre Bestiary Common
Ogre Hurler Ogre Pathfinder Encounter Uncommon
Ogre Spider Spider Bestiary 2 Common
Ogre Warrior Ogre Bestiary Common
Oil Living Graffiti Living Symbol Bestiary 3 Rare
Old Man Statue Pathfinder #166 Unique
Old Thrasher Pathfinder #170 Unique
Olethrodaemon Daemon Bestiary 2 Common
Omox Demon Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Onidoshi Oni Bestiary 2 Common
Ooze Mephit Elemental, Mephit Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Orc Brute Orc Bestiary Common
Orc Warchief Orc Bestiary Common
Orc Warrior Orc Bestiary Common
Orca Dolphin Bestiary 2 Common
Oread Guard Geniekin Bestiary 2 Common
Orochi Pathfinder #168 Rare
Ostiarius Velstrac Bestiary 2 Common
Ostovite Bestiary 3 Common
Osyluth Devil Bestiary 2 Common
Otyugh Bestiary Common
Ouroboros Bestiary 3 Rare
Ovinnik House Spirit Bestiary 3 Common
Owb Owb Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Owb Prophet Owb Bestiary 3 Rare
Owlbear Bestiary Common
Pachycephalosaurus Dinosaur Bestiary 2 Common
Pairaka Div Bestiary 3 Common
Pakalchi Sahkil Bestiary 3 Common
Palace Guard Courtiers Gamemastery Guide Common
Palace Skelm Skelm Bestiary 3 Common
Pathfinder Field Agent Pathfinders Character Guide Common
Pathfinder Venture-Captain Pathfinders Character Guide Common
Pegasus Bestiary Common
Peluda Bestiary 2 Common
Penanggalan Bestiary 3 Common
Peng Pathfinder #167 Rare
Penqual Sahkil Pathfinder #162 Uncommon
Peri Bestiary 3 Common
Peryton Bestiary 2 Common
Petitioner Bestiary 2 Common
Phantom Beast Phantom Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Phantom Knight Phantom Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Phistophilus Devil Bestiary Common
Phoenix Bestiary Rare
Phuthi Pathfinder #167 Unique
Physician Healers Gamemastery Guide Common
Piranah Swarm Fish Bestiary 3 Common
Pirate Seafarers Gamemastery Guide Common
Piscodaemon Daemon Bestiary 2 Common
Pit Fiend Devil Bestiary Common
Pixie Sprite Bestiary Common
Plague Doctor Healers Gamemastery Guide Common
Plague Giant Giant Bestiary 3 Common
Plague Zombie Zombie Bestiary Common
Planar Terra-Cotta Soldier Pathfinder #166 Rare
Planar Terra-Cotta Squadron Pathfinder #166 Rare
Planetar Angel Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Platecarpus Mosasaur Bestiary 3 Common
Pleroma Aeon Bestiary Common
Poacher Foresters Gamemastery Guide Common
Polar Bear Bear Bestiary 2 Common
Poltergeist Bestiary Common
Popobawa Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Poracha Bestiary Uncommon
Portal Eater Pathfinder #167 Rare
Precentor Velstrac Pathfinder #147 Uncommon
Priest of Pharasma Devotees Gamemastery Guide Common
Prisoner Downtrodden Gamemastery Guide Common
Privateer Captain Firebrands Character Guide Common
Procyal Agathion Bestiary 3 Common
Promise Guard Pathfinder #150 Rare
Prophet Devotees Gamemastery Guide Common
Provincial Jiang-Shi Vampire, Jiang-Shi Pathfinder #167 Common
Pr'rall No-Prep Character Unique
Pteranodon Pterosaur Bestiary Common
Pufferfish Fish Bestiary 3 Common
Pugwampi Gremlin Bestiary Common
Pukwudgie Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Purple Worm Cave Worm Bestiary Common
Purrodaemon Daemon Bestiary 2 Common
Pygmy Kaava Kaava The Mwangi Expanse Common
Quasit Demon Bestiary Common
Quatoid Elemental, Water Bestiary Common
Quelaunt Bestiary Common
Quetz Couatl Couatl Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Quetzalcoatlus Pterosaur Bestiary Common
Quickling Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Quintessivore Bestiary 3 Rare
Quoppopak Bestiary 2 Common
Qurashith Pathfinder #154 Rare
Racharak Pathfinder #146 Unique
Radiant Warden Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Rai Sho Disciple Pathfinder #168 Rare
Rai Sho Postulant Pathfinder #168 Rare
Rain-Scribe Magaambyan Adepts Character Guide Common
Raja Rakshasa Rakshasa Bestiary Common
Raktavarna Rakshasa Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Rancorous Priesthood Bestiary 3 Common
Ran-to Pathfinder #166 Unique
Ran-to (Level 16) Pathfinder #167 Unique
Ran-To (Level 20) Pathfinder #168 Unique
Rat Snake Swarm Snake Bestiary 3 Common
Rat Swarm Rat Bestiary Common
Ratfolk Grenadier Ratfolk Bestiary Common
Raven Raven Bestiary 2 Common
Raven Swarm Raven Bestiary 2 Common
Ravener Ravener Bestiary 2 Rare
Ravener Husk Ravener Bestiary 2 Rare
Ravenile Pathfinder #159 Rare
Razu Pathfinder #167 Unique
Reaper Skull Puffball Deadly Puffball Pathfinder #165 Uncommon
Reckless Scientist Villains Gamemastery Guide Common
Red Fox Fox Bestiary 3 Common
Redcap Bestiary Common
Reef Octopus Octopus Bestiary 2 Common
Reefclaw Bestiary Common
Remnant of Barzillai Pathfinder #147 Rare
Remorhaz Bestiary Uncommon
Renali Pathfinder #145 Unique
Reth Pathfinder #170 Unique
Revenant Bestiary 2 Common
Rhevanna Pathfinder #162 Rare
Rhinoceros Rhinoceros Bestiary 2 Common
Rhu-Chalik Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Riding Dog Dog Bestiary Common
Riding Horse Horse Bestiary Common
Riding Pony Horse Bestiary Common
Ringhorn Ram Ram Bestiary 3 Common
Rinnarv Bontimar Pathfinder #150 Unique
River Drake Drake Bestiary Common
Rivka Pathfinder #167 Rare
Roc Bestiary Common
Roiling Incant Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Rokurokubi Bestiary 3 Common
Rompo The Mwangi Expanse Common
Roper Bestiary Uncommon
Rosethorn Ram Bestiary 3 Common
Ruffian Criminals Gamemastery Guide Common
Rune Giant Giant Bestiary Uncommon
Rusalka Bestiary 2 Common
Rust Monster Bestiary Common
Rusty Mae Pathfinder #147 Unique
Sabosan Bestiary 3 Common
Saboteur Villains Gamemastery Guide Common
Sacristan Velstrac Bestiary 2 Common
Sage Scholars Gamemastery Guide Common
Saggorak Poltergeist Pathfinder #148 Rare
Salamander Elemental, Fire Bestiary Common
Salathiss Pathfinder #170 Unique
Samsaran Anchorite Samsaran Bestiary 3 Common
Sand Sentry Elemental, Earth Bestiary 2 Common
Sandpoint Devil Bestiary 2 Unique
Sanzuwu Pathfinder #168 Uncommon
Sard Bestiary 2 Rare
Sarglagon Devil Bestiary 2 Common
Sasquatch Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Satyr Bestiary Common
Saurian Warmonger Saurian Pathfinder #156 Uncommon
Saurian Worldwatcher Saurian Pathfinder #156 Uncommon
Scalathrax Pathfinder #163 Uncommon
Scalescribe Bestiary 3 Common
Scalliwing Couatl Troubles in Otari Uncommon
Scarecrow Bestiary 2 Common
Scarlet Triad Agent Pathfinder #148 Unique
Scarlet Triad Boss Pathfinder #149 Common
Scarlet Triad Bruiser Pathfinder #147 Unique
Scarlet Triad Enforcer Pathfinder #149 Rare
Scarlet Triad Mage Pathfinder #149 Common
Scarlet Triad Poisoner Pathfinder #147 Uncommon
Scarlet Triad Sneak Pathfinder #147 Uncommon
Scarlet Triad Sniper Pathfinder #147 Rare
Scarlet Triad Thug Pathfinder #147 Uncommon
Sceaduinar Bestiary 2 Rare
Scorpion Swarm Scorpion Bestiary Common
Scrit Gremlin Pathfinder #169 Uncommon
Scythe Tree Bestiary 2 Common
Sea Devil Baron Sea Devil Bestiary Common
Sea Devil Brute Sea Devil Bestiary Common
Sea Devil Scout Sea Devil Bestiary Common
Sea Drake Drake Bestiary 2 Common
Sea Hag Hag Bestiary Common
Sea Serpent Bestiary Uncommon
Sea Snake Snake Bestiary 2 Common
Seaweed Leshy Leshy Bestiary 3 Common
Seething Spirit Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Sepid Div Bestiary 3 Common
Serpentfolk Granitescale Serpentfolk Pathfinder #170 Uncommon
Serpentfolk Venom Caller Serpentfolk Pathfinder #170 Uncommon
Servant Laborers Gamemastery Guide Common
Server Publicans Gamemastery Guide Common
Seugathi Reality Warper Seugathi Pathfinder #164 Uncommon
Seugathi Servant Seugathi Pathfinder #164 Uncommon
Severed Head Beheaded Bestiary 3 Common
Sewer Ooze Ooze Bestiary Common
Shabti Redeemer Shabti Bestiary 3 Rare
Shadow Shadow Bestiary Common
Shadow Drake Drake Bestiary 2 Common
Shadow Giant Giant Bestiary 2 Common
Shadow Yai Oni Pathfinder #167 Common
Shae Bestiary 3 Common
Shaitan Genie Bestiary Uncommon
Shambler Bestiary Common
Shambler Troop Zombie Bestiary 3 Common
Shanrigol Behemoth Shanrigol Pathfinder #164 Uncommon
Shanrigol Heap Shanrigol Pathfinder #164 Common
Shantak Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Shatterling Pathfinder #160 Uncommon
Shaukeen Asura Bestiary 3 Common
Shemhazian Demon Bestiary Common
Shield Archon Archon Bestiary Common
Shieldbearer Construct Pathfinder #169 Rare
Shikigami Kami Bestiary 3 Common
Shining Child Bestiary Common
Shino Hakusa Pathfinder #166 Unique
Shino Hakusa (Level 16) Pathfinder #167 Unique
Shino Hakusa (Level 20) Pathfinder #168 Unique
Ship Captain Seafarers Gamemastery Guide Common
Shoal Linnorm Linnorm Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Shocker Lizard Bestiary 2 Common
Shoggoth Bestiary Rare
Shoggti Qlippoth Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Shoony Hierarch Shoony Pathfinder #153 Rare
Shoony Militia Member Shoony Pathfinder #153 Rare
Shoony Tiller Shoony Pathfinder #153 Rare
Shrine Skelm Skelm Bestiary 3 Common
Shuln Bestiary Rare
Shulsaga Ennosite Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Sicklehand Construct Pathfinder #169 Rare
Sié Goluo The Mwangi Expanse Unique
Siege Shard Pathfinder #157 Uncommon
Sigbin Pathfinder #166 Common
Silvanshee Agathion Bestiary 3 Common
Silverfish Swarm Silverfish Pathfinder #169 Uncommon
Simurgh Bestiary Rare
Sinspawn Bestiary Common
Sixth Pillar Students Pathfinder #167 Rare
Skaveling Bestiary 2 Common
Skeletal Champion Skeleton Bestiary Common
Skeletal Giant Skeleton Bestiary Common
Skeletal Hellknight Pathfinder #145 Unique
Skeletal Horse Skeleton Bestiary Common
Skeletal Hulk Skeleton Bestiary Common
Skeleton Guard Skeleton Bestiary Common
Skeleton Infantry Skeleton Bestiary 3 Common
Skinstitch Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Skrik Nettle Bestiary 2 Common
Skulk Bestiary 2 Common
Skull Peeler Bestiary 3 Common
Skulltaker Bestiary Uncommon
Skum Alghollthu Bestiary Common
Skunk Skunk Bestiary 3 Common
Slime Mold Ooze Bestiary 2 Common
Slithering Pit Bestiary 3 Rare
Slug Bestiary 2 Common
Slurk Bestiary Common
Smilodon Cat Bestiary Common
Smith Tradespeople Gamemastery Guide Common
Snapping Flytrap Flytrap Bestiary Common
Snapping Turtle Turtle Bestiary 2 Common
Sod Hound Elemental, Earth Bestiary Common
Solar Angel Bestiary 2 Rare
Solar Ibis The Mwangi Expanse Common
Sorcerous Skull Swarm Skull Swarm Bestiary 3 Rare
Sordesdaemon Daemon Pathfinder #162 Uncommon
Soul Eater Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Soul Skelm Skelm Bestiary 3 Common
Soulbound Doll Bestiary Common
Soulbound Ruin Pathfinder #148 Common
Spark Bat Elemental, Air Bestiary 2 Common
Spear Frog Frog Bestiary 2 Common
Specter Bestiary 2 Common
Spellskein Pathfinder #169 Uncommon
Sphinx Sphinx Bestiary Common
Spider Swarm Spider Bestiary Common
Spinel Leviathan Syndara Pathfinder #168 Unique
Spinosaurus Dinosaur Bestiary 2 Common
Spiny Eurypterid Eurypterid Bestiary 3 Common
Spiral Centurion Bestiary 2 Common
Spirit Naga Naga Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Spirit Turtle Pathfinder #168 Rare
Spiritbound Aluum Aluum Pathfinder #149 Rare
Sportlebore Swarm Sportlebore Bestiary 2 Common
Spriggan Bully Spriggan Bestiary 2 Common
Spriggan Warlord Spriggan Bestiary 2 Common
Sprite Sprite Bestiary Common
Spy Courtiers Gamemastery Guide Common
Squirming Swill Bestiary 3 Common
Squirrel Swarm Squirrel Bestiary 3 Common
Star Archon Archon Bestiary 2 Common
Steam Mephit Elemental, Mephit Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Stegosaurus Dinosaur Bestiary Common
Stheno Harpist Stheno Bestiary 3 Rare
Sthira Pathfinder #168 Uncommon
Stingray Ray Bestiary 2 Common
Stinkweed Shambler Troubles in Otari Common
Stone Ghost Pathfinder #169 Unique
Stone Giant Giant Bestiary Common
Stone Golem Golem Bestiary Uncommon
Stone Lion Guardian Beast Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Stone Lion Cub Guardian Beast Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Stone Mauler Elemental, Earth Bestiary Common
Storm Giant Giant Bestiary Common
Storm Hag Hag Bestiary 3 Common
Storm Lord Elemental, Air Bestiary Common
Street Skelm Skelm Bestiary 3 Common
Striding Fire Elemental, Fire Bestiary 2 Common
Strix Kinmate Strix Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Sturzstromer Cobble Mite Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Stygira Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Succubus Demon Bestiary Common
Sulfur Zombie Zombie Bestiary 3 Common
Suli Dune Dancer Geniekin Bestiary 2 Common
Sumbreiva Bestiary 3 Common
Sunflower Leshy Leshy Bestiary 2 Common
Surgeon Healers Gamemastery Guide Common
Surjit Hamelan Pathfinder #167 Unique
Svartalfar Killer Pathfinder #159 Uncommon
Swordkeeper Bestiary 3 Common
Sylph Sneak Geniekin Bestiary 2 Common
Syndara The Sculptor Pathfinder #168 Unique
Syu Tak-nwa Pathfinder #166 Unique
Syu Tak-nwa (Level 16) Pathfinder #167 Unique
Syu Tak-Nwa (Level 20) Pathfinder #168 Unique
Taiga Giant Giant Bestiary 2 Common
Taiga Linnorm Linnorm Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Taiga Yai Oni Pathfinder #167 Common
Takatorra (Daitengu Form) Pathfinder #168 Unique
Takatorra (Level 13) Pathfinder #167 Unique
Takatorra (Level 9) Pathfinder #166 Unique
Takuluot Pathfinder #169 Unique
Talamira Pathfinder #148 Unique
Tallow Ooze Ooze Pathfinder #154 Common
Tamikan Pathfinder #166 Unique
Tanglebones Malevolence Rare
Tarn Linnorm Linnorm Bestiary Uncommon
Tarrasque Spawn of Rovagug Pathfinder #150 Unique
Tattoo Guardian Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Tatzlwyrm Bestiary 2 Common
Tax Collector Magistrates Gamemastery Guide Common
Teacher Scholars Gamemastery Guide Common
Tempest-Sun Mage Magaambyan Adepts Character Guide Common
Tendriculos Bestiary 2 Common
Tengu Sneak Bestiary Common
Tenome Pathfinder #158 Common
Teraphant Pathfinder #158 Uncommon
Terotricus Bestiary Rare
Terra-Cotta Garrison Terra-Cotta Warrior Bestiary 3 Common
Terra-Cotta Soldier Terra-Cotta Warrior Bestiary 3 Common
Terror Bird Terror Bird Bestiary 3 Common
Terror Shrike Terror Bird Bestiary 3 Common
Teyam Ishtori Pathfinder #149 Unique
Thanadaemon Daemon Bestiary 2 Common
Thanatotic Titan Titan Bestiary 3 Rare
The Stabbing Beast Pathfinder #160 Unique
Theletos Aeon Bestiary 2 Common
Thrasfyr Bestiary 2 Rare
Three-Toed Sloth Sloth Bestiary 3 Common
Thulgant Qlippoth Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Thunderbird Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Tick Swarm Tick Bestiary 2 Common
Tidal Master Elemental, Water Bestiary Common
Tiddalik Bestiary 3 Common
Tidehawk Bestiary 3 Rare
Tiefling Adept Planar Scion Bestiary Common
Tiger Cat Bestiary Common
Tikbalang Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Tino (Level 9) Pathfinder #166 Unique
Tino (Oni Form) Pathfinder #168 Unique
Tino Tung (Level 13) Pathfinder #167 Unique
Titan Centipede Centipede Bestiary 2 Common
Tixitog Pathfinder #145 Uncommon
Tolokand Bestiary 3 Rare
Tomb Giant Giant Bestiary 3 Common
Tomb Raider Explorers Gamemastery Guide Common
Tooth Fairy Tooth Fairy Bestiary 3 Common
Tooth Fairy Swarm Tooth Fairy Bestiary 3 Common
Tor Linnorm Linnorm Bestiary Uncommon
Torchbearer Explorers Gamemastery Guide Common
Toshigami Kami Bestiary 3 Rare
Totenmaske Bestiary 2 Common
Tracker Foresters Gamemastery Guide Common
Trailgaunt Bestiary 3 Common
Treerazer Bestiary Unique
Triceratops Dinosaur Bestiary Common
Trilobite Trilobite Bestiary 3 Common
Trilobite Swarm Trilobite Bestiary 3 Common
Triton Bestiary 2 Common
Triumph Siktempora Siktempora Bestiary 3 Rare
Troff Frostknuckles Pathfinder #167 Unique
Troll Troll Bestiary Common
Troll King Troll Bestiary Common
Trollhound Bestiary 2 Common
Troubadour Performers Gamemastery Guide Common
Trumpet Archon Archon Bestiary 2 Common
Tupilaq Bestiary 3 Common
Twigjack Bestiary 2 Common
Two-Headed Troll Troll Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Tylosaurus Mosasaur Bestiary 3 Common
Tyrannosaurus Dinosaur Bestiary Common
Tyrannosaurus Imperator Pathfinder #166 Rare
Tyrannosaurus Skeleton Skeleton Bestiary 3 Common
Tzitzimitl Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Umasi Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Umbasi Pathfinder #167 Unique
Umbo Pathfinder #169 Rare
Umonlee Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Undine Hydromancer Geniekin Bestiary 2 Common
Unicorn Bestiary Common
Unseen Servant Core Rulebook Common
Urbel Pathfinder #169 Unique
Urchin Downtrodden Gamemastery Guide Common
Urdefhan Blood Mage Urdefhan Pathfinder #165 Common
Urdefhan Death Scout Urdefhan Pathfinder #165 Common
Urdefhan Dominator Urdefhan Pathfinder #155 Common
Urdefhan High Tormentor Urdefhan Pathfinder #155 Common
Urdefhan Hunter Urdefhan Pathfinder #155 Common
Urdefhan Lasher Urdefhan Pathfinder #165 Common
Urdefhan Tormentor Urdefhan Bestiary 2 Common
Urdefhan Warrior Urdefhan Bestiary 2 Common
Uri Zandivar Pathfinder #149 Unique
Urnak Lostwind Pathfinder #167 Unique
Urok No-Prep Character Unique
Uthul Bestiary Common
Vaklish Pathfinder #147 Unique
Valkyrie Bestiary 3 Common
Vampire Bat Swarm Bat Bestiary Common
Vampire Count Vampire Bestiary Common
Vampire Mastermind Vampire Bestiary Uncommon
Vampire Spawn Vampire Bestiary Common
Vampire Squid Squid Bestiary 2 Common
Vampiric Mist Bestiary 2 Common
Vanara Disciple Vanara Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Vanth Psychopomp Bestiary 2 Common
Vaspercham Bestiary 2 Common
Vaultbreaker Ooze Ooze Pathfinder #158 Uncommon
Vavakia Demon Pathfinder #156 Uncommon
Vazgorlu Pathfinder #150 Rare
Veiled Master Alghollthu Bestiary Rare
Velociraptor Dinosaur Bestiary Common
Veranallia Azata Bestiary 2 Common
Verdurous Ooze Ooze Bestiary 2 Common
Vermlek Demon Pathfinder #151 Common
Veshumirix Pathfinder #148 Unique
Veteran Reclaimer Knights of Lastwall Character Guide Common
Vexgit Gremlin Bestiary 2 Common
Vilderavn Bestiary 3 Rare
Vine Lasher Deadly Flora The Fall of Plaguestone Common
Vine Leshy Leshy Bestiary 3 Common
Violet Fungus Bestiary 2 Common
Viper Snake Bestiary Common
Viper Swarm Snake Bestiary 3 Common
Viper Vine Bestiary 2 Common
Virtuous Defender Knights of Lastwall Character Guide Common
Vishkanya Infiltrator Vishkanya Bestiary 3 Rare
Viskithrel Pathfinder #156 Uncommon
Vitalia Pathfinder #155 Rare
Void Zombie Bestiary 2 Rare
Voidglutton Wisp Pathfinder #163 Rare
Voidworm Protean Bestiary Common
Voz Lirayne Pathfinder #145 Unique
Vrock Demon Bestiary Common
Vrolikai Demon Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Vrykolakas Ancient Vampire, Vrykolakas Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Vrykolakas Master Vampire, Vrykolakas Bestiary 2 Common
Vrykolakas Spawn Vampire, Vrykolakas Bestiary 2 Common
Vulpinal Agathion Bestiary 3 Common
War Horse Horse Bestiary Common
War Pony Horse Bestiary Common
Warbal Bumblebrasher Pathfinder #145 Unique
Warden Magistrates Gamemastery Guide Common
Warg Warg Bestiary Common
Warsworn Bestiary Uncommon
Wasp Swarm Wasp Bestiary Common
Watch Officer Officers Gamemastery Guide Common
Watchtower Poltergeist Pathfinder #166 Unique
Watchtower Shadow Pathfinder #166 Unique
Watchtower Wraith Pathfinder #166 Unique
Water Mephit Elemental, Mephit Bestiary Common
Water Orm Bestiary 2 Rare
Water Wisp Elemental, Wisp Bestiary 3 Common
Water Yai Oni Bestiary 2 Common
Wayang Whisperblade Wayang Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Weapon Master Pathfinder #166 Uncommon
Weasel Weasel Bestiary 3 Common
Web Lurker Bestiary Common
Wemmuth Bestiary Common
Wendigo Bestiary Uncommon
Wendlyn No-Prep Character Unique
Werebat Werecreature Bestiary 3 Common
Werebear Werecreature Bestiary Uncommon
Wereboar Werecreature Bestiary 2 Common
Werecrocodile Werecreature Bestiary 3 Common
Wererat Werecreature Bestiary Common
Weretiger Werecreature Bestiary 2 Common
Werewolf Werecreature Bestiary Common
Wight Wight Bestiary Common
Wihsaak Sahkil Bestiary 3 Common
Will-o’-Wisp Wisp Bestiary Common
Winter Hag Hag Bestiary 3 Common
Winter Wolf Warg Bestiary Common
Witchfire Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Witchwyrd Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Wizard Sponge Bestiary 3 Common
Wolf Wolf Bestiary Common
Wolliped Bestiary 3 Common
Wolverine Wolverine Bestiary 2 Common
Wood Giant Giant Bestiary 2 Common
Wood Golem Golem Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Wooly Rhinoceros Rhinoceros Bestiary 2 Common
Worm That Walks Cultist Worm That Walks Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Wraith Wraith Bestiary Common
Wyrmwraith Wyrmwraith Bestiary 3 Rare
Wyrwood Sneak Wyrwood Bestiary 3 Rare
Wyvern Drake Bestiary Common
Xevalorg Pathfinder #148 Unique
Xill Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Xilvirek Pathfinder #154 Uncommon
Ximtal Sahkil Bestiary 3 Common
Xiuh Couatl Couatl Bestiary 3 Rare
Xorn Elemental, Earth Bestiary Common
Xotani Spawn of Rovagug Pathfinder #150 Unique
Xotanispawn Pathfinder #149 Rare
Xulgath Bilebearer Xulgath Pathfinder #151 Common
Xulgath Deepmouth Xulgath Pathfinder #155 Uncommon
Xulgath Gutrager Xulgath Pathfinder #154 Common
Xulgath Leader Xulgath Bestiary Common
Xulgath Skulker Xulgath Bestiary Common
Xulgath Spinesnapper Xulgath Pathfinder #152 Common
Xulgath Stoneliege Xulgath Pathfinder #153 Uncommon
Xulgath Thoughtmaw Xulgath Pathfinder #156 Rare
Xulgath Warrior Xulgath Bestiary Common
Yabin the Just (Level 13) Pathfinder #167 Unique
Yabin the Just (Level 9) Pathfinder #166 Unique
Yabin The Just (White Serpent Form) Pathfinder #168 Unique
Yaganty Pathfinder #153 Uncommon
Yamaraj Psychopomp Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Yarrika Pathfinder #167 Unique
Yellow Musk Brute Yellow Musk Creeper Bestiary 2 Common
Yellow Musk Creeper Yellow Musk Creeper Bestiary 2 Common
Yellow Musk Thrall Yellow Musk Creeper Bestiary 2 Common
Yeth Hound Bestiary 2 Common
Yeti Bestiary Uncommon
Yithian Bestiary 3 Rare
Yoh Souran Pathfinder #168 Unique
Young Black Dragon Dragon, Black Bestiary Common
Young Blue Dragon Dragon, Blue Bestiary Common
Young Brass Dragon Dragon, Brass Bestiary Common
Young Brine Dragon Dragon, Brine Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Young Bronze Dragon Dragon, Bronze Bestiary Common
Young Cloud Dragon Dragon, Cloud Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Young Copper Dragon Dragon, Copper Bestiary Common
Young Crystal Dragon Dragon, Crystal Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Young Forest Dragon Dragon, Forest Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Young Gold Dragon Dragon, Gold Bestiary Common
Young Green Dragon Dragon, Green Bestiary Common
Young Magma Dragon Dragon, Magma Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Young Red Dragon Dragon, Red Bestiary Common
Young Sea Dragon Dragon, Sea Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Young Silver Dragon Dragon, Silver Bestiary Common
Young Sky Dragon Dragon, Sky Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Young Sovereign Dragon Dragon, Sovereign Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Young Umbral Dragon Dragon, Umbral Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Young Underworld Dragon Dragon, Underworld Bestiary 3 Uncommon
Young White Dragon Dragon, White Bestiary Common
Yzobu Bestiary 3 Common
Zaramuun Bestiary Common
Zealborn Pathfinder #161 Uncommon
Zealot of Asmodeus Devotees Gamemastery Guide Common
Zebub Devil Bestiary 2 Common
Zelekhut Aeon Bestiary 2 Common
Zephyr Guard Pathfinder #149 Uncommon
Zephyr Hawk Elemental, Air Bestiary Common
Zetogeki Bestiary 3 Common
Zhang Yong No-Prep Character Unique
Zinba The Mwangi Expanse Rare
Zombie Brute Zombie Bestiary Common
Zombie Dragon Zombie Bestiary 3 Common
Zombie Hulk Zombie Bestiary Common
Zombie Shambler Zombie Bestiary Common
Zomok Bestiary 2 Common
Zrukbat Pathfinder #157 Common
Zuferian Pathfinder #148 Unique
Zuipnyrn Pathfinder #152 Rare
Zuishin Kami Bestiary 3 Common
Zyss Serpentfolk Serpentfolk Bestiary 2 Uncommon
Size Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Traits Trait 2
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Mutant
Medium Humanoid Aasimar Human
Medium Spirit Undead Incorporeal Spirit
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Samsaran
Medium Fiend Demon Fiend
Large Undead Fire Undead
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Astral Astral
Huge Construct Construct Golem
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Fiend Asura Fiend
Medium Humanoid Cold Humanoid
Large Dragon Acid Amphibious
Huge Dragon Dragon Electricity
Large Dragon Dragon Fire
Huge Dragon Elemental Amphibious Dragon
Huge Dragon Amphibious Dragon
Huge Dragon Elemental Air Dragon
Large Dragon Dragon Earth
Huge Dragon Elemental Dragon Earth
Huge Dragon Plant Dragon Plant
Huge Dragon Dragon Fire
Huge Dragon Amphibious Dragon
Huge Dragon Elemental Dragon Elemental
Huge Dragon Dragon Fire
Huge Dragon Amphibious Dragon
Huge Dragon Cold Dragon
Huge Dragon Dragon Electricity
Huge Dragon Dragon Earth
Huge Dragon Dragon Shadow
Huge Dragon Dragon Fire
Large Dragon Cold Dragon
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Fiend Div Fiend
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Gargantuan Fiend Daemon Fiend
Large Beast Amphibious Beast
Medium Fiend Fiend
Large Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Small Elemental Air Elemental
Tiny Elemental Air Elemental
Medium Astral Undead Astral Incorporeal
Medium Aberration Aberration
Small Humanoid Halfling Humanoid
Small Monitor Monitor Protean
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Construct Alchemical Construct
Large Monitor Monitor Psychopomp
Huge Aberration Aberration Aquatic
Large Construct Construct Mindless
Medium Aberration Aberration
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Huge Fiend Fiend
Large Ooze Amphibious Mindless
Medium Animal Animal
Medium Humanoid Anadi Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Anadi Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Anadi Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Anadi Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Anadi Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Anadi Humanoid
Huge Animal Animal
Huge Dragon Acid Amphibious
Huge Dragon Dragon Electricity
Huge Dragon Dragon Fire
Gargantuan Dragon Elemental Amphibious Dragon
Gargantuan Dragon Amphibious Dragon
Gargantuan Dragon Elemental Air Dragon
Huge Dragon Dragon Earth
Gargantuan Dragon Elemental Dragon Earth
Gargantuan Dragon Plant Dragon Plant
Gargantuan Dragon Dragon Fire
Gargantuan Dragon Amphibious Dragon
Gargantuan Dragon Elemental Dragon Elemental
Huge Dragon Dragon Fire
Gargantuan Dragon Amphibious Dragon
Gargantuan Dragon Cold Dragon
Gargantuan Dragon Dragon Electricity
Gargantuan Dragon Dragon Earth
Gargantuan Dragon Dragon Shadow
Gargantuan Dragon Dragon Fire
Huge Dragon Cold Dragon
Medium Humanoid Android Humanoid
Large Beast Beast
Medium Humanoid Elf Humanoid
Small Aberration Aberration
Medium Dream Dream Incorporeal
Medium Construct Construct Mindless
Small Construct Construct Mindless
Gargantuan Construct Construct Mindless
Huge Construct Construct Mindless
Huge Construct Construct Mindless
Large Construct Construct Mindless
Medium Construct Construct Earth
Gargantuan Construct Construct Mindless
Large Animal Animal
Large Fey Fey
Huge Animal Animal Dinosaur
Large Humanoid Hag Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Tiny Humanoid Anugobu Humanoid
Tiny Humanoid Anugobu Humanoid
Gargantuan Construct Construct
Medium Humanoid Aphorite Human
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Elemental Earth Elemental
Tiny Monitor Aeon Inevitable
Huge Plant Plant
Large Plant Plant
Huge Plant Plant
Large Plant Plant
Small Construct Construct
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Medium Humanoid Elf Human
Large Humanoid Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Plant Mindless Plant
Large Fiend Daemon Fiend
Medium Celestial Angel Celestial
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Huge Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Small Undead Undead
Huge Fiend Fiend Qlippoth
Tiny Fiend Fiend Velstrac
Small Animal Animal
Small Fey Amphibious Fey
Huge Plant Plant
Medium Monitor Aeon Monitor
Medium Humanoid Amphibious Azarketi
Medium Elemental Humanoid Elemental Fire
Gargantuan Animal Amphibious Animal
Small Monitor Monitor Protean
Medium Monitor Monitor
Medium Fiend Demon Fiend
Small Animal Animal
Medium Celestial Angel Celestial
Medium Animal Animal
Large Fiend Demon Fiend
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Spirit Undead Incorporeal Spirit
Medium Fey Fey
Gargantuan Aberration Aberration Aquatic
Medium Fiend Devil Fiend
Medium Fiend Fiend
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Undead Ghoul Undead
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Fungus Fungus Mindless
Medium Beast Beast
Huge Celestial Archon Celestial
Large Beast Beast Earth
Medium Undead Undead
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Huge Beast Fiend Beast Fiend
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Huge Animal Animal
Huge Beast Beast Electricity
Large Elemental Air Elemental
Medium Dragon Humanoid Acid Amphibious
Huge Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Medium Spirit Incorporeal Shadow
Huge Dragon Dragon
Small Fey Fey
Small Fey Fey
Medium Spirit Undead Incorporeal Spirit
Large Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Huge Ooze Mindless Ooze
Gargantuan Animal Animal
Small Animal Animal
Medium Beast Beast
Medium Elemental Cold Elemental
Medium Fey Plant Fey Plant
Medium Animal Animal
Medium Humanoid Hag Humanoid
Large Ooze Mindless Ooze
Large Aberration Aberration
Small Plant Plant
Tiny Animal Animal
Medium Humanoid Half-Orc Human
Small Humanoid Humanoid Ratfolk
Small Humanoid Humanoid Ratfolk
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Ratfolk
Tiny Animal Animal Aquatic
Medium Animal Animal
Medium Undead Undead
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Undead Mummy Undead
Medium Aberration Aberration
Small Fey Fey
Medium Fey Fey
Medium Humanoid Amphibious Boggard
Medium Humanoid Amphibious Boggard
Medium Humanoid Amphibious Boggard
Medium Undead Undead
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Serpentfolk
Gargantuan Undead Undead
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Animal Animal
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Aberration Aberration
Large Illusion Mental
Medium Celestial Azata Celestial
Large Construct Construct Mindless
Large Animal Animal Aquatic
Medium Spirit Undead Incorporeal Spirit
Small Fiend Demon Fiend
Medium Elemental Aquatic Elemental
Gargantuan Animal Animal Dinosaur
Large Animal Amphibious Animal
Tiny Fey Fey
Medium Fey Amphibious Fey
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Fey Fey
Medium Humanoid Goblin Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Goblin Humanoid
Medium Fey Fey
Huge Animal Animal
Medium Beast Beast Cold
Medium Animal Animal Aquatic
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Monitor Aeon Monitor
Tiny Fiend Daemon Fiend
Small Plant Leshy Plant
Gargantuan Dragon Dragon
Medium Undead Undead Wight
Small Plant Cold Plant
Medium Humanoid Caligni Humanoid
Small Humanoid Caligni Humanoid
Small Humanoid Caligni Humanoid
Small Humanoid Caligni Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Caligni Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Caligni Humanoid
Large Humanoid Humanoid
Small Humanoid Halfling Humanoid
Gargantuan Monitor Monitor
Large Animal Animal
Medium Spirit Ghost Incorporeal
Gargantuan Plant Plant
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Tiny Beast Beast
Gargantuan Ooze Mindless Ooze
Medium Ooze Earth Mindless
Medium Construct Construct Golem
Tiny Celestial Angel Celestial
Tiny Fey Fey
Medium Humanoid Catfolk Humanoid
Large Beast Beast
Medium Monitor Monitor Psychopomp
Medium Astral Astral
Huge Animal Animal
Medium Beast Beast
Large Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Large Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Medium Animal Animal
Large Giant Earth Giant
Medium Humanoid Amphibious Humanoid
Large Beast Beast
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Large Fiend Daemon Fiend
Medium Humanoid Changeling Human
Small Humanoid Charau-ka Humanoid
Small Humanoid Charau-ka Humanoid
Small Humanoid Charau-ka Humanoid
Small Dragon Humanoid Charau-ka Dragon
Small Humanoid Charau-ka Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Small Humanoid Gnome Humanoid
Medium Beast Humanoid Beast Beastkin
Large Fiend Fiend Qlippoth
Huge Aberration Aberration
Large Beast Beast
Small Animal Undead Animal Undead
Small Aberration Aberration
Small Celestial Angel Celestial
Medium Kami
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Small Beast Beast
Large Aberration Aberration Amphibious
Gargantuan Aberration Aberration
Small Elemental Elemental Fire
Gargantuan Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Undead Mindless Swarm
Large Construct Construct Golem
Large Aberration Aberration
Large Construct Clockwork Construct
Medium Construct Clockwork Construct
Huge Construct Clockwork Construct
Medium Construct Clockwork Construct
Medium Construct Clockwork Construct
Tiny Construct Clockwork Construct
Huge Giant Humanoid Air Giant
Large Spirit Air Fire
Large Aberration Aberration Earth
Small Beast Beast
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Serpentfolk
Medium Animal Amphibious Animal
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Tiny Animal Animal Dinosaur
Gargantuan Elemental Earth Elemental
Tiny Beast Amphibious Beast
Large Fiend Devil Fiend
Medium Undead Undead
Medium Humanoid Dwarf Humanoid
Medium Spirit Undead Incorporeal Spirit
Large Plant Plant
Gargantuan Dragon Dragon Fire
Tiny Undead Undead
Gargantuan Beast Beast Fire
Large Animal Animal
Medium Fey Fey
Medium Fiend Daemon Fiend
Large Fey Fey
Small Fey Amphibious Fey
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Small Beast Spirit Beast Incorporeal
Large Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Tiny Fiend Fiend Qlippoth
Large Animal Animal
Huge Fey Earth Fey
Medium Animal Animal
Gargantuan Humanoid Humanoid Titan
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Gargantuan Spirit Spirit Troop
Small Fiend Fiend Rakshasa
Large Aberration Aberration
Gargantuan Animal Animal
Large Beast Beast
Small Humanoid Gnome Humanoid
Small Humanoid Gnome Humanoid
Small Humanoid Gnome Humanoid
Large Aberration Aberration Aquatic
Medium Fiend Devil Fiend
Medium Animal Animal Dinosaur
Huge Animal Animal
Tiny Undead Undead
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Aberration Dream Aberration Dream
Large Fiend Daemon Fiend
Small Humanoid Dero Humanoid
Small Humanoid Dero Humanoid
Small Humanoid Dero Humanoid
Gargantuan Construct Construct
Large Dragon Dragon Earth
Large Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Aberration Aberration
Large Undead Undead
Medium Plant Plant
Medium Humanoid Dhampir Human
Small Construct Construct Mindless
Large Animal Animal
Medium Construct Clockwork Construct
Large Construct Construct Mindless
Large Elemental Air Elemental
Medium Humanoid Hobgoblin Humanoid
Large Fey Amphibious Fey
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Tiny Fey Fey
Large Construct Construct
Medium Humanoid Humanoid
Medium Aberration Aberration
Tiny Fiend Div Fiend
Large Beast Dragon Beast Dragon
Large Celestial Agathion Celestial
Huge Dragon Amphibious Dragon
Large Fungus Fungus Mindless
Medium Undead Fire Undead
Large Construct Construct
Huge Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Large Plant Plant
Huge Fungus Fungus
Large Dragon Cold Dragon
Large Aberration Dream Aberration Dream
Medium Undead Undead Water
Tiny Fey Fey Sprite
Large Aberration Aberration Amphibious
Gargantuan Animal Animal
Small Aberration Aberration
Large Undead Incorporeal Undead
Medium Fiend Fiend
Small Animal Animal
Medium Aberration Construct Aberration Construct
Small Fiend Demon Fiend
Large Aberration Aberration
Large Animal Animal
Medium Humanoid Drow Elf
Medium Humanoid Drow Elf
Medium Humanoid Drow Elf
Medium Humanoid Drow Elf
Medium Humanoid Drow Elf
Medium Humanoid Drow Elf
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Fey Plant Fey Nymph
Medium Fey Plant Fey Nymph
Small Fey Earth Fey
Medium Humanoid Duergar Dwarf
Medium Humanoid Duergar Dwarf
Medium Humanoid Duergar Dwarf
Medium Humanoid Duergar Dwarf
Small Humanoid Humanoid Kobold
Medium Undead Undead
Gargantuan Animal Animal
Medium Humanoid Duskwalker Human
Small Elemental Air Earth
Small Fey Fey
Medium Beast Beast
Medium Spirit Undead Incorporeal Spirit
Medium Aberration Aberration Shadow
Small Animal Animal
Small Elemental Earth Elemental
Tiny Elemental Earth Elemental
Large Elemental Earth Elemental
Huge Beast Beast Fire
Medium Humanoid Elf Half-Elf
Large Elemental Elemental Fire
Medium Monitor Aesir Monitor
Medium Humanoid Elf Humanoid
Medium Fey Fey Fire
Huge Animal Animal
Medium Beast Beast
Huge Beast Beast
Gargantuan Dragon Undead Dragon Incorporeal
Small Animal Animal Aquatic
Huge Elemental Earth Elemental
Huge Elemental Air Elemental
Huge Elemental Elemental Fire
Huge Elemental Aquatic Elemental
Large Elemental Aquatic Elemental
Huge Animal Animal
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Small Fey Fey
Gargantuan Humanoid Humanoid Titan
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Small Elemental Elemental Fire
Medium Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Huge Animal Animal
Medium Fiend Fiend Velstrac
Medium Fiend Devil Fiend
Tiny Fiend Fiend Sahkil
Medium Monitor Monitor Psychopomp
Large Beast Ethereal Beast Ethereal
Small Humanoid Gnome Humanoid
Large Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Positive Humanoid Positive
Medium Fiend Fiend Velstrac
Medium Undead Undead
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Humanoid
Medium Aberration Aberration
Tiny Animal Animal
Tiny Dragon Dragon
Medium Undead Ghoul Undead
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Beast Spirit Beast Incorporeal
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Huge Undead Mindless Swarm
Medium Undead Undead
Medium Humanoid Fetchling Humanoid
Medium Elemental Elemental Fire
Large Giant Humanoid Fire Giant
Large Animal Animal Aquatic
Small Elemental Elemental Fire
Tiny Elemental Elemental Fire
Large Fiend Giant Humanoid Fiend Fire
Medium Humanoid Amphibious Human
Huge Elemental Elemental Fire
Gargantuan Dragon Amphibious Dragon
Large Dragon Dragon Fire
Tiny Undead Mindless Undead
Small Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Large Construct Construct Golem
Small Aberration Aberration Air
Small Aberration Aberration
Huge Humanoid Humanoid Kami
Small Plant Leshy Plant
Medium Undead Fire Undead
Large Spirit Undead Incorporeal Spirit
Huge Construct Construct Golem
Huge Aberration Aberration Amphibious
Small Humanoid Grippli Humanoid
Large Dragon Cold Dragon
Large Giant Humanoid Cold Giant
Large Giant Cold Giant
Huge Animal Animal Cold
Large Fiend Giant Humanoid Cold Fiend
Tiny Fey Amphibious Fey
Medium Ooze Mindless Ooze
Small Fungus Fungus Leshy
Small Fey Amphibious Fey
Medium Aberration Aberration Amphibious
Medium Celestial Azata Celestial
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Ganzi Human
Medium Beast Beast Earth
Medium Celestial Celestial
Huge Undead Undead
Small Fey Plant Fey Plant
Huge Beast Beast
Large Ooze Mindless Ooze
Large Fiend Devil Fiend
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Celestial Azata Celestial
Medium Undead Ghoul Undead
Large Undead Ghoul Undead
Large Aberration Aberration
Medium Humanoid Plant Ghoran Humanoid
Medium Spirit Undead Ghost Incorporeal
Medium Spirit Undead Ghost Incorporeal
Medium Spirit Undead Ghost Incorporeal
Medium Undead Ghoul Undead
Small Ooze Amphibious Mindless
Huge Animal Animal
Huge Construct Construct Earth
Medium Animal Animal
Huge Aberration Aberration Amphibious
Medium Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Small Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal Aquatic
Medium Undead Undead
Medium Animal Animal
Small Animal Animal Aquatic
Large Beast Beast
Large Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Small Animal Animal
Huge Plant Mindless Plant
Large Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Large Animal Amphibious Animal
Huge Animal Animal Aquatic
Large Animal Animal Aquatic
Medium Animal Amphibious Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal Aquatic
Medium Animal Animal
Huge Animal Animal Aquatic
Large Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Small Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Small Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Gargantuan Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Huge Animal Animal Aquatic
Large Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Small Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Huge Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Medium Aberration Aberration
Large Aberration Aberration
Small Aberration Aberration
Large Aberration Aberration Swarm
Small Fey Fey
Large Beast Beast
Large Beast Beast
Huge Fiend Demon Fiend
Large Construct Construct Golem
Large Positive Spirit Incorporeal Positive
Large Ooze Aquatic Ooze
Tiny Fey Fey Gremlin
Medium Humanoid Gnoll Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Gnoll Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Gnoll Humanoid
Small Humanoid Goblin Humanoid
Medium Animal Animal
Small Humanoid Goblin Humanoid
Small Humanoid Goblin Humanoid
Small Humanoid Goblin Humanoid
Large Aberration Aberration
Gargantuan Animal Animal
Medium Humanoid Goblin Humanoid
Large Beast Beast
Large Animal Animal
Medium Aberration Aberration
Small Plant Leshy Plant
Medium Monitor Spirit Minion Monitor
Large Elemental Earth Elemental
Large Dragon Dragon
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Gargantuan Animal Animal Dinosaur
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Undead Undead
Large Beast Beast
Medium Ooze Mindless Ooze
Huge Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Large Beast Fey Amphibious Beast
Huge Animal Animal Aquatic
Large Fiend Fiend Mutant
Huge Beast Fiend Beast Fiend
Medium Undead Incorporeal Undead
Medium Humanoid Hag Humanoid
Medium Plant Leshy Plant
Large Humanoid Humanoid
Large Animal Animal
Tiny Fey Fey Sprite
Huge Aberration Aberration Earth
Medium Undead Undead
Tiny Fey Fey Gremlin
Medium Fey Fey
Small Aberration Aberration Amphibious
Medium Humanoid Grioth Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Grioth Humanoid
Small Humanoid Grippli Humanoid
Small Humanoid Grippli Humanoid
Small Humanoid Grippli Humanoid
Small Humanoid Grippli Humanoid
Small Humanoid Grippli Humanoid
Small Humanoid Goblin Humanoid
Large Animal Animal
Medium Beast Fey Amphibious Beast
Gargantuan Beast Beast
Medium Aberration Aberration Mindless
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Small Animal Animal
Large Aberration Aberration
Medium Undead Earth Undead
Large Aberration Aberration
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Fey Fey
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Gargantuan Construct Construct
Medium Fiend Devil Fiend
Large Aberration Aberration
Huge Animal Animal Dinosaur
Medium Humanoid Catfolk Humanoid
Medium Fiend Devil Fiend
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Tiny Fey Amphibious Fey
Small Beast Spirit Beast Hantu
Large Beast Spirit Beast Hantu
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Tiny Fey Fey
Medium Humanoid Humanoid
Medium Undead Mindless Skeleton
Large Construct Construct
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Time Siktempora Time
Large Monitor Monitor Protean
Gargantuan Aberration Aberration Titan
Medium Beast Fiend Beast Fiend
Medium Fiend Humanoid Devil Fiend
Large Beast Fiend Beast Fiend
Tiny Undead Undead
Medium Humanoid Dwarf Humanoid
Gargantuan Animal Humanoid Animal Human
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Fiend Fiend Swarm
Medium Undead Undead
Medium Undead Undead
Medium Aberration Aberration Mutant
Large Animal Amphibious Animal
Medium Fey Fey Light
Medium Fey Fey Light
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Small Humanoid Humanoid Kobold
Large Fiend Amphibious Demon
Large Beast Beast
Large Giant Humanoid Earth Giant
Large Animal Animal Aquatic
Large Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Huge Animal Animal
Medium Humanoid Goblin Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Goblin Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Goblin Humanoid
Large Beast Beast
Tiny Construct Construct
Medium Celestial Archon Celestial
Medium Celestial Archon Celestial
Medium Aberration Time Aberration Time
Tiny Dragon Dragon
Medium Fey Fey
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Gnoll Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Large Aberration Aberration
Huge Beast Beast
Medium Animal Animal
Medium Construct Cold Construct
Gargantuan Dragon Cold Dragon
Small Elemental Air Elemental
Huge Elemental Amphibious Cold
Small Elemental Cold Elemental
Gargantuan Aberration Undead Aberration Undead
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Huge Animal Animal Dinosaur
Small Dragon Amphibious Dragon
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Dwarf Humanoid
Large Monitor Monitor Protean
Medium Ooze Ooze
Tiny Fiend Devil Fiend
Tiny Aberration Aberration Amphibious
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Huge Beast Air Beast
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Small Aberration Aberration
Large Fiend Fiend Velstrac
Medium Fiend Demon Fiend
Medium Elemental Air Elemental
Tiny Astral Astral Incorporeal
Huge Animal Animal
Large Aberration Aberration Earth
Large Aberration Aberration
Large Construct Construct Golem
Large Beast Beast
Medium Aberration Aberration Amphibious
Medium Kami
Medium Monitor Monitor Protean
Huge Dragon Dragon Tane
Large Undead Undead
Medium Humanoid Elf Humanoid
Gargantuan Beast Beast
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Elemental Elemental Genie
Medium Fiend Asura Fiend
Medium Ethereal Spirit Ethereal Phantom
Tiny Fey Fey Gremlin
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Kitsune
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Kitsune
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Kitsune
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Samsaran
Medium Humanoid Humanoid
Huge Giant Giant Mutant
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Dragon Dragon Earth
Small Humanoid Halfling Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Positive Fire Humanoid
Small Humanoid Humanoid
Medium Fiend Demon Fiend
Medium Animal Animal
Medium Spirit Undead Ghost Incorporeal
Small Beast Amphibious Beast
Large Beast Fiend Beast Fiend
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Kami
Large Monitor Monitor Protean
Medium Humanoid Dwarf Humanoid
Large Fey Amphibious Fey
Huge Animal Animal
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Fiend Fiend Sahkil
Medium Undead Undead
Large Beast Air Beast
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Fey Fey
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Kitsune
Medium Aberration Aberration
Small Humanoid Humanoid Kobold
Small Humanoid Humanoid Kobold
Small Humanoid Humanoid Kobold
Small Humanoid Humanoid Kobold
Small Spirit Kami Spirit
Huge Beast Beast
Medium Humanoid Dwarf Humanoid
Medium Monitor Aeon Inevitable
Large Dragon Dragon
Small Fey Fey
Large Fiend Giant Humanoid Fiend Giant
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Kovintus
Gargantuan Beast Aquatic Beast
Medium Humanoid Duergar Dwarf
Large Humanoid Humanoid
Large Beast Fiend Beast Fiend
Large Animal Amphibious Animal
Medium Aberration Aberration
Gargantuan Beast Aquatic Beast
Medium Beast Beast
Medium Undead Undead
Tiny Fey Fey Gremlin
Small Beast Amphibious Beast
Large Beast Beast
Large Beast Beast
Medium Fey Earth Fey
Medium Fey Earth Fey
Small Celestial Archon Celestial
Small Construct Construct Wyrwood
Medium Humanoid Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Gnoll Humanoid
Large Construct Construct Golem
Small Plant Leshy Plant
Medium Elemental Cold Elemental
Medium Celestial Archon Celestial
Medium Fiend Devil Fiend
Medium Dream Undead Dream Ghoul
Huge Aberration Dream Aberration Dream
Medium Animal Animal
Small Fey Fey
Gargantuan Elemental Earth Elemental
Medium Undead Undead
Gargantuan Dragon Dragon Fire
Large Beast Beast
Large Fiend Daemon Fiend
Large Construct Fiend Construct Devil
Large Beast Beast
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Undead Undead
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Mortic
Large Celestial Azata Celestial
Large Animal Animal
Large Animal Undead Animal Undead
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Small Elemental Earth Elemental
Medium Elemental Earth Elemental
Medium Ooze Mindless Ooze
Medium Elemental Air Elemental
Large Elemental Aquatic Elemental
Medium Elemental Air Elemental
Medium Elemental Elemental Fire
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Lizardfolk
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Lizardfolk
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Lizardfolk
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Lizardfolk
Medium Humanoid Amphibious Humanoid
Gargantuan Aberration Aberration Aquatic
Medium Time Siktempora Time
Tiny Undead Undead
Small Ooze Mindless Ooze
Large Aberration Aberration
Small Fey Fey
Gargantuan Aberration Aberration Aquatic
Tiny Celestial Azata Celestial
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Elemental Elemental Fire
Medium Fiend Fiend Rakshasa
Small Humanoid Charau-ka Humanoid
Gargantuan Beast Beast
Huge Beast Aquatic Beast
Huge Animal Animal
Gargantuan Animal Animal
Medium Aberration Aberration Tanggal
Small Plant Plant
Gargantuan Dragon Acid Cold
Large Animal Animal Aquatic
Large Beast Beast
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Fey Fey
Large Elemental Elemental Genie
Large Fiend Demon Fiend
Medium Fey Fey Fire
Large Giant Humanoid Amphibious Giant
Large Monitor Aeon Inevitable
Medium Humanoid Undead Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Huge Animal Animal
Medium Construct Construct Mindless
Medium Humanoid Humanoid
Huge Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Gargantuan Animal Animal Aquatic
Gargantuan Animal Animal
Huge Animal Animal
Large Fiend Daemon Fiend
Tiny Fey Fey Sprite
Huge Elemental Air Elemental
Huge Elemental Air Elemental
Gargantuan Dragon Dragon Fire
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Aquatic Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Aquatic Humanoid
Medium Ooze Ooze
Medium Humanoid Elf Humanoid
Medium Fungus Fungus
Small Fey Fey
Medium Aberration Aberration
Huge Fey Aquatic Fey
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Undead Undead Vampire
Large Humanoid Humanoid
Large Time Siktempora Time
Medium Elemental Amphibious Elemental
Small Fey Fey Gremlin
Huge Construct Construct Golem
Large Beast Beast Couatl
Huge Beast Amphibious Beast
Medium Undead Undead
Huge Animal Animal
Medium Celestial Angel Celestial
Tiny Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Fiend Humanoid Fiend Hag
Huge Plant Plant
Large Animal Animal
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Morlock
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Morlock
Small Humanoid Humanoid Morlock
Medium Monitor Monitor Psychopomp
Medium Aberration Aberration
Medium Celestial Angel Celestial
Large Beast Beast Electricity
Gargantuan Fungus Fungus
Medium Aberration Aberration
Medium Elemental Earth Elemental
Gargantuan Beast Beast
Medium Aberration Aberration
Medium Undead Mummy Undead
Medium Undead Mummy Undead
Medium Fiend Devil Fiend
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Munavri
Medium Spirit Undead Incorporeal Spirit
Large Ooze Mindless Mutant
Large Elemental Air Elemental
Medium Fungus Fungus
Large Aberration Aberration
Medium Fiend Demon Fiend
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Nagaji
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Fey Amphibious Fey
Medium Fey Amphibious Fey
Tiny Dragon Dragon
Huge Fiend Demon Fiend
Medium Undead Shadow Undead
Large Animal Animal Aquatic
Large Monitor Monitor Protean
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Construct Construct Mindless
Medium Spirit Undead Incorporeal Spirit
Medium Fiend Fiend Sahkil
Gargantuan Aberration Aberration
Medium Fey Aquatic Fey
Large Beast Fiend Beast Fiend
Medium Fiend Humanoid Fiend Hag
Medium Aberration Dream Aberration Dream
Gargantuan Spirit Undead Incorporeal Spirit
Large Beast Fiend Beast Fiend
Large Fiend Asura Fiend
Medium Aberration Aberration
Small Fey Aquatic Fey
Medium Humanoid Elf Human
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Small Humanoid Halfling Humanoid
Large Fey Fey
Medium Undead Undead Vampire
Medium Undead Undead Vampire
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Tiny Monitor Monitor Psychopomp
Large Fey Amphibious Fey
Medium Fiend Fiend Sahkil
Small Fey Fey Gremlin
Tiny Fey Fey Sprite
Medium Fiend Fiend Qlippoth
Medium Undead Undead
Large Construct Construct Golem
Large Ooze Mindless Ooze
Large Aberration Aberration
Large Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Large Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Large Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Huge Animal Animal
Large Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Medium Construct Construct
Huge Construct Construct Divine
Large Animal Animal
Gargantuan Fiend Daemon Fiend
Medium Fiend Ooze Demon Fiend
Large Fiend Giant Humanoid Fiend Giant
Small Elemental Earth Elemental
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Orc
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Orc
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Orc
Huge Animal Animal
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Gargantuan Beast Amphibious Beast
Medium Fiend Fiend Velstrac
Small Fiend Fiend
Large Fiend Devil Fiend
Large Aberration Aberration
Gargantuan Astral Beast Astral Beast
Tiny Fey Fey
Medium Shadow
Large Shadow
Large Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal Dinosaur
Medium Fiend Div Fiend
Medium Fiend Fiend Sahkil
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Skelm
Medium Humanoid Elf Human
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Beast Beast
Large Dragon Dragon Fire
Medium Aberration Aberration Tanggal
Gargantuan Beast Air Beast
Huge Fiend Fiend Sahkil
Medium Celestial Celestial Fire
Medium Beast Beast
Medium Petitioner Petitioner
Medium Ethereal Spirit Ethereal Incorporeal
Medium Ethereal Spirit Ethereal Incorporeal
Medium Fiend Devil Fiend
Gargantuan Beast Beast Fire
Medium Humanoid Gnoll Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Animal Animal Aquatic
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Fiend Amphibious Daemon
Large Fiend Devil Fiend
Small Fey Fey Sprite
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Huge Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Medium Undead Mindless Undead
Medium Construct Construct
Medium Construct Construct Troop
Large Celestial Angel Celestial
Large Animal Animal
Large Monitor Aeon Monitor
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Animal Animal
Medium Spirit Undead Incorporeal Spirit
Medium Humanoid Humanoid
Medium Beast Beast
Gargantuan Astral Astral
Medium Fiend Fiend Velstrac
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Celestial Agathion Celestial
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Undead Undead Vampire
Medium Humanoid Catfolk Humanoid
Large Animal Animal
Tiny Animal Animal Aquatic
Tiny Fey Fey Gremlin
Small Fey Fey
Gargantuan Animal Animal
Large Fiend Daemon Fiend
Small Humanoid Humanoid
Tiny Fiend Demon Fiend
Small Elemental Aquatic Elemental
Large Aberration Aberration
Large Beast Beast Couatl
Huge Animal Animal
Small Fey Fey
Medium Beast Beast
Large Aberration Aberration Aquatic
Huge Aberration Fiend Aberration Fiend
Small Dragon Humanoid Charau-ka Dragon
Gargantuan Construct Construct
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Humanoid Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Elf Human
Medium Fiend Fiend Rakshasa
Tiny Fiend Fiend Rakshasa
Gargantuan Humanoid Humanoid Troop
Small Humanoid Goblin Humanoid
Small Humanoid Goblin Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Goblin Humanoid
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Small Humanoid Humanoid Ratfolk
Tiny Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Gargantuan Dragon Undead Dragon Fire
Gargantuan Dragon Undead Dragon Undead
Large Humanoid Humanoid Lizardfolk
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Tengu
Large Fungus Fungus Mindless
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Tiny Animal Animal
Small Fey Fey
Small Animal Animal Aquatic
Small Aberration Aberration Aquatic
Medium Undead Incorporeal Undead
Huge Beast Beast
Medium Humanoid Anadi Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Lizardfolk
Medium Undead Undead
Large Fiend Fiend
Large Animal Animal
Small Aberration Aberration
Medium Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Medium Humanoid Elf Human
Medium Dragon Amphibious Dragon
Medium Aberration Aberration
Gargantuan Animal Animal
Large Arcane Evocation
Medium Humanoid Humanoid
Medium Beast Beast
Large Aberration Aberration
Medium Animal Animal
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Gargantuan Giant Humanoid Evil Giant
Medium Fey Aquatic Fey
Medium Aberration Aberration
Large Humanoid Hag Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Fiend Fiend Velstrac
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Spirit Undead Incorporeal Spirit
Medium Elemental Elemental Fire
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Mutant
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Samsaran
Medium Elemental Earth Elemental
Large Beast Fiend Beast Fiend
Tiny Beast Beast Fire
Gargantuan Plant Electricity Plant
Large Fiend Amphibious Devil
Medium Humanoid Humanoid
Medium Fey Fey
Huge Humanoid Dinosaur Humanoid
Huge Humanoid Dinosaur Humanoid
Medium Aberration Aberration
Tiny Aberration Aberration
Tiny Beast Beast Couatl
Medium Construct Construct
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Elf Human
Medium Humanoid Dwarf Humanoid
Medium Aberration Negative Aberration Negative
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Tiny Fey Fey Gremlin
Huge Plant Plant
Medium Humanoid Amphibious Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Amphibious Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Amphibious Humanoid
Large Dragon Amphibious Dragon
Medium Humanoid Amphibious Hag
Gargantuan Animal Animal
Small Animal Animal
Small Plant Amphibious Leshy
Medium Spirit Undead Incorporeal Spirit
Large Fiend Div Fiend
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Mutant
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Serpentfolk
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Aberration Aberration Seugathi
Large Aberration Aberration Seugathi
Tiny Undead Mindless Undead
Medium Ooze Mindless Ooze
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Shabti
Medium Undead Incorporeal Undead
Tiny Dragon Dragon Shadow
Large Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Large Fiend Giant Humanoid Fiend Giant
Medium Shadow
Large Elemental Earth Elemental
Large Plant Plant
Gargantuan Undead Mindless Troop
Gargantuan Aberration Undead Aberration Undead
Medium Aberration Undead Aberration Undead
Huge Beast Beast
Small Fey Fey
Tiny Fiend Asura Fiend
Gargantuan Fiend Demon Fiend
Large Celestial Archon Celestial
Large Construct Construct Mindless
Tiny Spirit Kami Spirit
Medium Astral Astral
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Gargantuan Dragon Amphibious Dragon
Small Animal Animal
Huge Aberration Aberration Amphibious
Large Fiend Amphibious Fiend
Small Humanoid Humanoid Shoony
Small Humanoid Humanoid Shoony
Small Humanoid Humanoid Shoony
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Skelm
Huge Beast Beast
Medium Astral Astral
Medium Construct Construct Mindless
Huge Beast Spirit Beast Incorporeal
Tiny Construct Construct
Small Beast Beast
Tiny Celestial Agathion Celestial
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Gargantuan Beast Beast
Medium Aberration Aberration
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Undead Undead
Medium Undead Skeleton Undead
Large Undead Mindless Skeleton
Medium Humanoid Undead Humanoid Undead
Large Undead Mindless Skeleton
Huge Undead Mindless Skeleton
Medium Undead Mindless Skeleton
Gargantuan Undead Mindless Skeleton
Large Construct Construct Mindless
Large Aberration Aberration
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Skulk
Small Beast Beast
Huge Undead Undead
Medium Humanoid Amphibious Humanoid
Tiny Animal Animal
Large Fungus Ooze Fungus Mindless
Medium Ooze Mindless Ooze
Huge Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Plant Mindless Plant
Tiny Animal Animal
Small Elemental Earth Elemental
Large Celestial Angel Celestial
Medium Beast Beast
Large Undead Swarm Undead
Large Fiend Daemon Fiend
Medium Fiend Fiend
Medium Fiend Humanoid Fiend Humanoid
Tiny Construct Construct Soulbound
Gargantuan Construct Undead Construct Undead
Tiny Elemental Air Elemental
Tiny Animal Animal
Medium Undead Incorporeal Undead
Tiny Construct Construct
Large Beast Beast
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Gargantuan Monitor Aeon Monitor
Gargantuan Animal Animal Dinosaur
Large Animal Amphibious Animal
Medium Construct Construct Mindless
Large Aberration Aberration
Gargantuan Fey Fey
Large Construct Construct Mindless
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Small Humanoid Gnome Humanoid
Small Humanoid Gnome Humanoid
Tiny Fey Fey Sprite
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Small Undead Undead
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Medium Celestial Archon Celestial
Small Elemental Elemental Fire
Huge Animal Animal Dinosaur
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Stheno
Large Undead Cold Undead
Medium Animal Animal Aquatic
Small Plant Plant
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Giant Humanoid Earth Giant
Large Construct Construct Golem
Large Celestial Celestial
Medium Celestial Celestial
Large Elemental Earth Elemental
Huge Giant Humanoid Amphibious Giant
Medium Humanoid Air Electricity
Large Elemental Air Elemental
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Skelm
Medium Elemental Elemental Fire
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Strix
Huge Aberration Aberration Earth
Medium Fey Earth Fey
Medium Fiend Demon Fiend
Medium Undead Fire Mindless
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Humanoid Negative Humanoid Negative
Small Plant Leshy Plant
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Small Humanoid Gnome Humanoid
Medium Fey Fey
Large Construct Construct Mindless
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Monitor Aeon Monitor
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Huge Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Gargantuan Dragon Dragon
Huge Fiend Giant Humanoid Fiend Giant
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Tengu
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Tengu
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Tengu
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Spirit Undead Ghost Incorporeal
Medium Ooze Mindless Ooze
Large Dragon Dragon
Large Undead Undead
Gargantuan Dragon Acid Amphibious
Gargantuan Beast Beast
Small Construct Construct Mindless
Medium Dragon Dragon
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Huge Fungus Plant Fungus Plant
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Tengu
Medium Humanoid Humanoid
Huge Beast Beast
Gargantuan Fungus Fungus
Gargantuan Construct Construct Troop
Medium Construct Construct
Large Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Tiny Undead Undead
Medium Fiend Daemon Fiend
Gargantuan Humanoid Humanoid Titan
Huge Fiend Fiend Herald
Medium Monitor Aeon Monitor
Huge Beast Beast Fire
Tiny Animal Animal
Large Fiend Fiend Qlippoth
Gargantuan Beast Air Beast
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Large Elemental Aquatic Elemental
Huge Beast Amphibious Beast
Huge Beast Amphibious Beast
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Animal Animal
Large Beast Amphibious Beast
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Fiend Giant Humanoid Fiend Giant
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Gargantuan Animal Animal
Medium Aberration Aberration
Large Aberration Aberration
Large Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Tiny Fey Fey
Large Fey Fey Swarm
Gargantuan Dragon Dragon Fire
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Spirit Kami Spirit
Medium Undead Undead
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Undead Undead
Huge Fiend Amphibious Demon
Huge Animal Animal Dinosaur
Tiny Animal Animal Aquatic
Large Animal Animal Aquatic
Medium Humanoid Amphibious Humanoid
Small Time Siktempora Time
Small Humanoid Goblin Humanoid
Large Giant Giant Troll
Large Giant Giant Troll
Medium Beast Beast Troll
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Celestial Archon Celestial
Small Construct Construct
Tiny Fey Plant Fey Plant
Large Giant Giant Troll
Gargantuan Animal Animal
Gargantuan Animal Animal Dinosaur
Gargantuan Animal Animal Dinosaur
Gargantuan Undead Mindless Skeleton
Gargantuan Undead Electricity Undead
Medium Aberration Humanoid Aberration Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Elf Humanoid
Medium Fungus Fungus
Huge Beast Amphibious Beast
Medium Humanoid Amphibious Human
Large Beast Fey Beast Fey
Medium Mindless
Small Fey Fey Gremlin
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Urdefhan
Medium Humanoid Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Urdefhan
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Urdefhan
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Urdefhan
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Urdefhan
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Urdefhan
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Urdefhan
Medium Hobgoblin Human
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Small Humanoid Aphorite Humanoid
Huge Elemental Air Elemental
Medium Fiend Fiend Rakshasa
Medium Monitor Aesir Monitor
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Medium Undead Undead Vampire
Medium Undead Undead Vampire
Medium Undead Undead Vampire
Small Animal Animal Aquatic
Medium Aberration Aberration
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Vanara
Medium Monitor Monitor Psychopomp
Huge Aberration Aberration Aquatic
Large Ooze Mindless Ooze
Huge Fiend Demon Fiend
Large Aberration Astral Aberration Astral
Large Aberration Aberration Aquatic
Small Animal Animal Dinosaur
Medium Celestial Azata Celestial
Medium Ooze Mindless Ooze
Medium Fiend Demon Fiend
Huge Dragon Dragon Fire
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Tiny Fey Fey Gremlin
Medium Fey Fey
Small Plant Plant
Small Plant Leshy Plant
Medium Fungus Fungus Mindless
Tiny Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Large Plant Plant
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Vishkanya
Huge Beast Beast
Large Aberration Aberration Aquatic
Medium Undead Undead
Medium Aberration Aberration Air
Tiny Monitor Monitor Protean
Medium Humanoid Elf Human
Large Fiend Demon Fiend
Large Fiend Demon Fiend
Medium Undead Undead Vampire
Medium Undead Undead Vampire
Medium Undead Undead Vampire
Small Celestial Agathion Celestial
Large Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Small Humanoid Goblin Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Beast Beast
Gargantuan Undead Undead
Large Animal Animal Swarm
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Medium Spirit Undead Incorporeal Spirit
Medium Undead Incorporeal Undead
Medium Undead Incorporeal Undead
Small Elemental Aquatic Elemental
Huge Beast Aquatic Beast
Tiny Elemental Elemental Water
Huge Fiend Giant Humanoid Fiend Giant
Small Humanoid Humanoid Shadow
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Tiny Animal Animal
Medium Aberration Aberration
Huge Plant Plant
Large Beast Beast Cold
Medium Humanoid Elf Half-Elf
Medium Beast Humanoid Beast Human
Large Beast Humanoid Beast Human
Medium Beast Humanoid Beast Human
Large Beast Humanoid Beast Human
Medium Beast Humanoid Beast Human
Large Beast Humanoid Beast Human
Medium Beast Humanoid Beast Human
Medium Undead Undead Wight
Medium Fiend Fiend Sahkil
Small Aberration Aberration Air
Medium Humanoid Cold Hag
Large Beast Beast
Medium Spirit Undead Incorporeal Spirit
Medium Humanoid Humanoid
Large Fungus Fungus Mindless
Medium Animal Animal
Large Animal Animal
Medium Animal Animal
Large Giant Humanoid Giant Humanoid
Medium Construct Construct Golem
Large Animal Animal
Medium Aberration Aberration Swarm
Medium Undead Incorporeal Undead
Gargantuan Dragon Undead Dragon Incorporeal
Small Construct Construct Wyrwood
Large Dragon Dragon
Large Aberration Aberration
Medium Aberration Ethereal Aberration Ethereal
Large Fiend Fiend
Large Fiend Fiend Sahkil
Large Beast Beast Couatl
Medium Elemental Earth Elemental
Gargantuan Beast Beast Fire
Large Animal Animal Fire
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Xulgath
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Xulgath
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Xulgath
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Xulgath
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Xulgath
Large Humanoid Humanoid Xulgath
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Xulgath
Medium Humanoid Amphibious Humanoid
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Xulgath
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Nagaji
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Nagaji
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Nagaji
Large Fey Fey
Huge Monitor Monitor Psychopomp
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Plant Mindless Plant
Medium Plant Mindless Plant
Medium Plant Mindless Plant
Medium Beast Fiend Beast Fiend
Large Humanoid Humanoid
Large Aberration Aberration
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Large Dragon Acid Amphibious
Large Dragon Dragon Electricity
Large Dragon Dragon Fire
Large Dragon Elemental Amphibious Dragon
Large Dragon Amphibious Dragon
Large Dragon Elemental Air Dragon
Large Dragon Dragon Earth
Large Dragon Elemental Dragon Earth
Large Dragon Plant Dragon Plant
Large Dragon Dragon Fire
Large Dragon Amphibious Dragon
Large Dragon Elemental Dragon Elemental
Large Dragon Dragon Fire
Large Dragon Amphibious Dragon
Large Dragon Cold Dragon
Large Dragon Dragon Electricity
Large Dragon Dragon Earth
Large Dragon Dragon Shadow
Large Dragon Dragon Fire
Large Dragon Cold Dragon
Large Animal Animal
Large Elemental Earth Elemental
Medium Undead Undead
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Small Fiend Devil Fiend
Large Monitor Aeon Inevitable
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Small Elemental Air Elemental
Large Animal Animal Earth
Medium Humanoid Half-Orc Human
Large Beast Amphibious Beast
Large Undead Mindless Undead
Huge Dragon Undead Dragon Mindless
Huge Undead Mindless Undead
Medium Undead Mindless Undead
Gargantuan Dragon Plant Dragon Plant
Small Fey Fey
Medium Humanoid Human Humanoid
Small Aberration Aberration
Medium Spirit Kami Spirit
Medium Humanoid Humanoid Serpentfolk
Trait 3 Trait 4 Trait 5 Level Spoilers?
Serpentfolk 3—
Humanoid 5—
Undead 6—
18 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
15 Pathfinder #148: Fires of the Haunted City
13 —
Mindless 18 —
-1 —
10 —
Dragon 11 —
13 —
11 —
Elemental Water 12 —
Water 13 —
Elemental 14 —
12 —
Elemental 11 —
14 —
15 —
12 —
Fire 13 —
14 —
Water 12 —
14 —
13 —
15 —
15 —
11 —
10 —
13 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
Fire 19 —
Undead Wraith 18 —
13 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
2 Pathfinder #145: Hellknight Hill
Golem Mindless 9—
Swarm 11 —
10 —
13 —
15 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
18 —
Ooze Swarm 1—
Dragon 16 —
18 —
16 —
Elemental Water 17 —
Water 18 —
Elemental 19 —
17 —
Elemental 16 —
19 —
20 —
17 —
Fire 18 —
19 —
Water 17 —
19 —
18 —
20 —
20 —
16 —
15 —
Mortic 2—
14 —
-1 —
15 —
18 Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises
Swarm 1—
Mindless 3—
13 —
14 —
18 —
Humanoid 4—
-1 —
-1 —
Genie 18 —
Monitor 1—
12 —
13 —
13 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
15 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
Humanoid 15 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
16 —
14 —
12 —
14 —
Humanoid 2—
Humanoid 2—
15 —
21 —
20 —
Undead 17 —
20 —
-1 —
11 Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn
20 —
10 —
-1 —
10 —
Boggard Dragon Humanoid 9 Pathfinder #146: Cult of Cinders
15 —
Spirit 12 —
Undead 3—
15 —
Water 6—
-1 —
Humanoid Orc 1 Pathfinder #145: Hellknight Hill
14 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
16 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
20 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
10 —
Humanoid 1—
Humanoid 3—
Humanoid 2—
18 —
11 —
3 Pathfinder #169: Kindled Magic
Undead 9—
Water 3—
10 —
Swarm 4—
10 —
17 Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad
12 —
Fire 14 —
13 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
16 —
18 —
12 —
3 Pathfinder #145: Hellknight Hill
17 —
Spirit 21 Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises
19 —
13 —
Ooze 11 —
Mindless 4—
12 —
13 —
12 —
Troll 6—
Humanoid 3—
1 Pathfinder #145: Hellknight Hill
Fire Humanoid 6 Pathfinder #146: Cult of Cinders
Humanoid 9—
12 —
18 —
10 —
Troop 5—
Undead 10 —
Mindless 10 —
Mindless 20 —
Mindless 13 —
Mindless 16 —
Mindless 9—
Mindless 6—
Mindless -1 —
Humanoid 11 —
Phantom Spirit 18 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
Swarm 2—
-1 —
-1 —
-1 —
Swarm 13 —
16 —
12 Pathfinder #148: Fires of the Haunted City
Undead 4—
10 —
14 —
-1 —
18 —
15 —
Spirit 1—
Fire 13 —
Water 23 —
19 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
11 —
12 —
17 —
15 —
12 —
18 —
11 —
10 —
Humanoid 2—
Divine Mindless 10 —
Genie 5—
4 Pathfinder #145: Hellknight Hill
13 —
14 —
20 —
13 —
22 —
18 Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises
12 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
14 —
11 —
15 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
Wraith 9—
10 —
Humanoid 1—
Humanoid 7—
Humanoid 3—
Humanoid 2—
Humanoid 8—
Humanoid 4—
Plant 3—
Plant 13 —
Humanoid 1—
Humanoid 0—
Humanoid 13 Pathfinder #148: Fires of the Haunted City
Humanoid 2—
18 —
Humanoid 4—
Elemental 1—
Undead 15 —
-1 —
10 —
Human Humanoid 3—
Genie 9—
10 —
2 Pathfinder #146: Cult of Cinders
14 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
16 —
Undead Wraith 23 —
11 —
11 —
11 —
Water 11 —
Water 16 —
21 —
20 Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises
20 —
Mortic 10 —
11 —
14 Pathfinder #148: Fires of the Haunted City
Spirit 10 —
Undead 12 —
Shadow 1—
Humanoid 10 —
Mindless Swarm 6—
Giant Humanoid Oni 14 —
Humanoid 8 Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind
16 —
-1 —
Mindless 8—
18 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
Undead 7—
Mindless 12 —
13 —
8 Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind
Humanoid 9—
Troll 4—
12 —
Giant Humanoid Oni 13 —
Gremlin 1—
Humanoid 3—
13 —
13 —
8 Pathfinder #146: Cult of Cinders
13 —
9 Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn
10 —
Plant 3—
Spirit Undead 4—
Spirit Undead 10 —
Spirit Undead 9 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
Ooze 1—
Mindless 7—
14 —
-1 —
10 —
Mindless 7—
-1 —
12 —
12 —
13 —
Mindless 8—
Spirit 9—
-1 —
12 —
11 —
12 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
11 —
Spirit 15 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
15 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
10 —
Mutant 12 —
Fey Water 7 Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind
11 —
24 —
19 —
14 —
21 —
-1 —
Fey Water 5—
16 —
-1 —
10 —
10 —
17 —
Mortic 6—
19 —
14 —
15 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
11 —
Troop 15 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
Gremlin -1 —
Incorporeal Spirit 11 —
Incorporeal Spirit 9—
11 —
Undead 5—
-1 —
18 —
15 —
24 —
Fire 3—
Human Humanoid 4—
Humanoid Troop 8—
11 —
10 —
19 Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises
Swarm 4—
Nymph 9—
Nymph 19 —
9 Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn
8 Pathfinder #146: Cult of Cinders
Fiend 11 —
Humanoid 7—
14 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
13 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
15 —
Golem Mindless 5—
17 —
Water 1—
Elemental Water 10 —
Water 2—
21 —
Ifrit 1—
20 Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises
15 Pathfinder #148: Fires of the Haunted City
10 —
15 —
19 Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises
17 Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises
20 Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises
16 —
12 —
Incorporeal 7—
13 —
Mindless 13 —
18 Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad
11 —
20 —
23 —
13 Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn
8 Pathfinder #146: Cult of Cinders
15 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
12 —
Spirit 18 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
Zombie 18 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
13 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
9 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
15 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
13 —
Troll 15 —
-1 —
14 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
Positive 9—
10 —
Spirit Undead 13 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
17 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
17 —
8 Pathfinder #148: Fires of the Haunted City
13 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
20 —
14 Pathfinder #148: Fires of the Haunted City
Fire 7—
3 Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind
-1 —
12 —
6 Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind
Monitor 12 —
11 —
Humanoid Oni 17 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
18 —
Humanoid 14 Pathfinder #148: Fires of the Haunted City
21 —
6 Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind
14 —
Cold 14 —
3 Pathfinder #169: Kindled Magic
Nymph 6—
Nymph 15 —
15 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
19 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
13 Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn
Mindless 12 Pathfinder #148: Fires of the Haunted City
Water 2—
Mindless 0—
Undead 10 —
13 —
Fire 21 —
16 —
22 Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises
Fiend 7—
17 —
-1 —
12 —
Orc 8—
Water 5—
6 Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind
Locathah 3—
21 —
16 —
17 —
15 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
17 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
13 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
20 —
5 Pathfinder #145: Hellknight Hill
17 —
10 —
14 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
Dragon Electricity Fire 24 Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises
Paaridar 7—
11 —
Water 9—
17 —
15 —
Humanoid 8—
Monitor 15 —
Undead 5 Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind
14 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
11 —
16 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
10 —
23 Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises
5 Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn
-1 —
Merfolk 1—
Merfolk 2—
14 —
10 Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn
13 —
Water 18 —
14 —
12 —
Water 4—
-1 —
Mindless 16 —
10 —
12 —
-1 —
Humanoid 10 —
15 —
10 —
21 —
Water 2—
15 —
11 —
Undead 5—
Ooze 6 Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind
Genie 16 —
18 —
20 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
Nymph Water 1—
Nymph Water 7—
14 —
Undead 15 —
19 —
15 —
Water 10 —
Fire 9—
Humanoid 9—
Troop Undead 14 —
14 —
10 —
Humanoid 6 Pathfinder #146: Cult of Cinders
11 Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn
20 —
10 —
15 —
-1 —
10 —
14 —
Mindless 16 —
10 —
Mindless 14 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
8 Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind
20 —
Ooze 12 —
Humanoid Oni 8—
Water 1—
Oread 1—
18 —
21 —
13 —
Humanoid 4—
11 —
10 —
Cold 12 —
Swarm 15 —
14 —
Phantom Spirit 8—
Phantom Spirit 4—
10 —
15 —
13 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
-1 —
Swarm 3—
Fiend 10 —
20 —
14 —
Zombie 1—
11 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
15 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
16 —
20 —
Undead 5—
15 —
18 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
16 —
11 —
17 Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises
11 —
-1 —
13 —
18 —
Water 7—
15 —
10 —
10 —
11 —
17 —
Fire Humanoid 8 Pathfinder #146: Cult of Cinders
17 —
16 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
16 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
Humanoid 4—
10 —
11 —
14 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
16 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
20 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
-1 —
Undead 21 —
14 —
14 —
18 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
-1 —
10 —
4 Pathfinder #145: Hellknight Hill
7 Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind
22 —
Humanoid 20 Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises
Water 3—
13 —
Mindless 9—
10 —
Humanoid 16 —
Water 12 —
10 Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn
10 —
Undead 12 Pathfinder #148: Fires of the Haunted City
Serpentfolk 9 Pathfinder #170: Spoken on the Song Wind
15 —
Tane 19 —
Fiend 8—
16 —
18 —
11 Pathfinder #148: Fires of the Haunted City
17 Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad
10 Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn
15 Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad
Tiefling 15 Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad
8 Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn
6 Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn
Humanoid 11 Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn
7 Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn
Mutant Sea Devil 6—
Sea Devil 4—
Sea Devil 2—
Water 6—
Humanoid 3—
12 —
Plant 3—
Undead 11 —
14 —
Serpentfolk 6—
-1 —
-1 —
-1 —
Shadow 13 —
Humanoid Oni Shadow 16 —
Genie 7—
Undead Zombie 4—
14 —
16 —
10 —
Zombie 2 Pathfinder #169: Kindled Magic
12 —
14 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
16 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
20 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
15 —
18 —
Qlippoth 7—
12 —
0 Pathfinder #169: Kindled Magic
Spirit 14 —
-1 —
18 —
Nagaji 14 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
Undead 3—
2 Pathfinder #145: Hellknight Hill
Undead 2—
Undead 7—
Undead -1 —
Troop Undead 11 —
18 —
-1 —
Ooze 2—
-1 —
23 —
14 —
15 —
Skelm 10 —
15 —
24 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
11 —
11 —
21 —
Soulbound 16 —
Spriggan 3—
Spriggan 7—
-1 —
19 —
Water 1—
20 —
Oread 5 Pathfinder #169: Kindled Magic
Humanoid 8—
Mindless 11 —
Humanoid 13 —
Hag Humanoid 5—
Swarm 19 —
Undead Zombie 6—
Suli 1—
16 —
13 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
10 —
Sylph 1—
22 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
14 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
16 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
20 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
12 —
19 —
Humanoid Oni 15 —
18 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
13 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
9 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
4 Pathfinder #169: Kindled Magic
Spirit Undead 13 Pathfinder #148: Fires of the Haunted City
11 —
16 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
Dragon 20 —
25 —
-1 —
-1 —
11 —
19 —
13 —
19 Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad
13 —
22 —
15 —
Tane 17 —
-1 —
18 —
Electricity 11 —
Water 9—
Water 12 —
Tiefling 3—
9 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
Humanoid Oni 18 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
13 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
15 —
12 —
-1 —
21 —
15 —
Fiend 25 —
-1 —
Swarm 3—
14 —
14 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
10 —
14 —
10 —
14 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
Undead 9—
19 —
13 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
3 Pathfinder #169: Kindled Magic
Cold 15 —
Humanoid Undine 1—
-1 —
4 Pathfinder #169: Kindled Magic
-1 —
14 —
10 —
12 —
19 Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad
Orc 14 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
Kobold 9—
14 —
12 Pathfinder #147: Tomorrow Must Burn
12 —
17 —
18 —
20 —
14 —
20 —
16 Pathfinder #148: Fires of the Haunted City
Orc 11 —
16 —
-1 —
13 —
15 —
Mindless 18 —
Humanoid 5 Pathfinder #145: Hellknight Hill
19 —
13 —
10 —
1 Pathfinder #145: Hellknight Hill
16 —
Undead 14 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
15 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
Wraith 16 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
Water 1—
Water 10 —
Humanoid Oni Water 17 —
Wayang 1—
13 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
-1 —
15 —
17 —
Human Humanoid 2—
Humanoid Werecreature 2—
Humanoid Werecreature 4—
Humanoid Werecreature 2—
Humanoid Werecreature 2—
Humanoid Werecreature 2—
Humanoid Werecreature 4—
Humanoid Werecreature 3—
Humanoid 7—
Undead 9—
Swarm 5—
Mindless 6—
14 —
Wraith 6—
Undead Wraith 17 —
13 Pathfinder #148: Fires of the Haunted City
12 —
17 —
12 —
20 —
17 —
12 —
10 —
Xulgath 15 —
13 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
9 Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger Island
18 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
10 —
20 —
15 Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
-1 —
15 Pathfinder #168: King of the Mountain
Dragon 7—
Elemental Water 8—
Water 9—
Elemental 10 —
Elemental 7—
10 —
11 —
Fire 9—
10 —
Water 8—
10 —
11 —
11 —
16 —
12 —
Monitor 9—
14 Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad
Humanoid Orc 14 —
10 —
Zombie 2—
Undead Zombie 9—
Zombie 6—
Zombie -1 —
16 —
15 Pathfinder #148: Fires of the Haunted City
10 —

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