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Hendrex John A.


1. What is the difference between environmental engineering and environmental

science? Give an example for each (10 pts)

The main differences between the two is that, Environmental science is

basically the study of environmentally inclined facts which includes physical
sciences, biological, chemical and any other branch that would provide answers
especially in the context of environmental preservation. One example of this is
understanding how global warming affects the earth and basically providing facts
and understanding on how to lessen the effects and what not. Environmental
engineering on the other hand is the thing that makes use of all of the knowledge
and facts provided by Environmental Science. This is to allow the engineers in
this field to actually be able to develop an engineering project that is
environmentally friendly and does not compromise any environmental issues
provided. One example of this is Recycling of materials systems like Bio-Block
which had been used often as an alternative for building establishments.

2. Give three environmental issues or threats that we, humans, encounter at present.

The three main environmental issues or threats that are very evident in
the status quo are one, Global Warming and climate change. Global warming is
the unusual rising of earth’s temperature at a rapid rate and climate change is the
result of it. Generating greenhouse effects, extreme typhoons, floods, etc. Next
is, Water pollution and ocean acidification. Water pollution is the result of
throwing industrial waste such as chemical waste in our oceans or rivers
therefore, creating a rapid reduction of the pH levels in the earth’s oceans which
is very detrimental especially to our marine ecosystem as the CO2 emission in
the ocean is rapidly increasing, basically eradicating any forms of life in the
ocean. The last one is, the loss of biodiversity. This is basically the decline of all
biological diversity in our planet. One example of this is the Amazon deforestation
which increases the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere because of the effects of
the loss of a lot of life in that very particular area.

3. What is the differences between renewable and nonrenewable energy resources?

Give three examples. (10pts)

The difference between these two is that, One, renewable resources are
the resources that regenerate fast enough to be used constantly. These are also
referred to as clean resources. This includes, Geothermal energy, hydroelectric
power, solar energy, organic waste as fertilizer, wood, etc. On the contrary,
Non-renewable resources are resources which, once used, will never be
replaced again. Or it might but it would take you millions of years like fossil fuels.
Other examples of this are oil, nuclear energy, and coals.

4. What is the difference between biotic and abiotic resources? Give three examples
each. (10 pts)

The key differences between the two is that Biotic basically refers to any
form of life in the ecosystem, while Abiotic on the other hand are those who do
not induce life. A few examples of Biotic resources are marine life like fishes,
crops products such as corn, rice, and etc, and of course wildlife which is our
primary source of meat products. Examples of Abiotic resources on the other
hand are Water, Gas, and Sunlight.

5. How does community ecology affect the environment? (10 pts)

To contextualize, community ecology is the study of various communities

formed because of the interaction of different species in a particular place or
location. Because of such interaction, We would have a better understanding on
how these interactions affect the environment. Would there be a competition of
resources, diversity, etc or not. The fight for survival of each species on that very
particular realm, such as food web, guilds, food chains and other interactions
created actually changes over time and these changes are actually factors that
defines the environment such that what kind of community does a particular
environment can have, what did it lose, and what it could have in the future.
6. Calculate the mass of NH3 that can be produced from the reaction of 125g of NVI3
according to the following equation (30pts)

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