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Islamic University of Technology (IUT)

Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

Board Bazar, Gazipur – 1704

Application form for the Approval of M.Sc. /Ph.D. Thesis Proposal

A. Student Details
1. Name of the student: Date:
2. Student No.: Status: Full time/Part time Session:
3. Present Address:
4. Name of the Department:
5. Programme:
6. Date of first Enrolment in the Programme:

B. Thesis Supervisor
1. Name of the Supervisor:
2. Name of the Co-supervisor (if any):
3. Number of Post-Graduate Student(s) working with the Supervisor at present (Approved by CASR):

C. Thesis Proposal
1. Tentative Title of the Thesis / Project:
2. Background and present state of the problem (not more than 500 words):
3. Objectives:
4. Possible outcomes:
5. Outline of Methodology/Experimental design:
6. References (not more than 10, last name first):

7. List of courses completed so far:

Sl. Course Course Title Credit Grade Grade GPA
No. Number Hours Point

For Ph.D. students, Result of Comprehensive examination: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

--------------------------- -------------------------------
Name of the Tabulator Signature of the Tabulator

8. Cost estimation:
Sl. No. Items Unit Cost Total Cost

Grand Total
9. Approximate time schedule, Masters (28-32 weeks)/Ph.D. (60-75 weeks) *:
Sl. No. Tasks Expected Time

* For part-time students the time schedule may change.

10. PGC/Doctoral Committee reference:

Meeting No.: Resolution No.: Date:

11. Reference
The reference lists shall be presented in accordance with APA bibliographic practices

-------------------------- ----------------------------------------------

Signature of the student Signature of the Co-supervisor (if any)

Signature of the Supervisor

Signature of the Head of the Department

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