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CCCH9007 China in the Global Economy

Introduction to International Finance

Jing Li

Faculty of Business and Economics

University of Hong Kong

October 20, 2021

Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance


Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Balance of Payment

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Balance of Payment

For every flow of goods, there is a corresponding and

opposite flow of money or financial clams.
The balance of payments is a yearly summary of all the
economic transactions between residents of one
country(consumers, businesses, and government) and
residents of the rest of the world.
Inflows of foreign currency are counted as a positive entry;
Outflows of foreign currency are counted as negative entry
International balance of payments is represented by the
Current Account + Capital Account + Balancing Items=0

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Balance of Payment

Current Account
Current Account + Capital Account + Balancing Items =0

The sum of three items:

1 The balance of trade, export-import
(+) CN exports a lot of tractors
(−) CN imports grapes from Chile
2 Net income due to ownership of foreign assets
(+) CN owns a med factory in JAP and gets dividends from JAP
(−) JAP invest a beer factory in CN and collect dividend from CN
3 Net transfer payment
(+) CN receives foreign aid/donation from other countries
(−) CN sends foreign aid to other countries

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Balance of Payment

Capital Account
Current Account + Capital Account + Balancing Items =0

Capital account measures changes in foreign ownership

of domestic assets, including financial assets like stocks
and bonds as well as physical assets.
Composed by the following categories:
1 By private
Foreign direct investment–Foreigners construct new
business plant in CN
Portfolio investment–Foreigners buy CN stock
Others–Foreigners deposit money in a bank in Peking
2 By government
Net change in the official foreign reserve
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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Balance of Payment

How the Pieces Fit Together?

– A case of Walmart’s toy purchase (Home country: USA)

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Balance of Payment

Two Sides, One Coin (USA)

Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Cowen and Tabarrok (2015)

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Balance of Payment

Two Sides, One Coin (China)


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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Balance of Payment

Two Sides, One Coin (China)

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Balance of Payment

Declining Balance of Current Account in China

Source: The Economist

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

Exchange rate (nominal) is the price of one currency in

terms of another currency
Foreign Currency
Nominal Exchange Rate (NER) = Domestic Currency

It is important to understand how this ratio is expressed:

NER↑ represents an appreciation of domestic currency.
The ”denominator” country is usually stated second, i.e.
the ”dollar-euro” exchange rate means dollar/euro.

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

Dollar-Euro Exchange Rate, Daily, 1999-2019

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Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

RMB-Dollar Exchange Rate, Daily, 1999-2019

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Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

How NER is Determined?

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

What Factors Affect the Demand and Supply of A Currency?

Increase in the demand for a country’s exports tends to increase
the value of its currency, vice versa
The more desirable a country for foreign investment (higher
interest rate), the higher the value of that country’s currency,
vice versa
An increase in the willingness to hold a currency as reserve
boosts the value of that currency on international markets, vice
Increase the supply of a currency (print more money) causes
the currency to lose value, which is depreciated.
Tight monetary policy (decrease or slow increase) in the supply
will lead to appreciation.
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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

Another Question:
Why sometimes the market exchange rate is said to be
Relative to what?

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

Theorem of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)

The PPP theorem says that the real purchasing power of a

money should be the same, whether it is spent at home or
converted into another currency and spent abroad
It is the application of the law of one price, the principle that
if trade were free, then the identical goods should sell for
about the same price through out the world

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

PPP Theorem

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

PPP Theorem

2L Coca Cola:
Price in Japan: 217YEN
Price in US: 1.74USD
Implied Exchange Rate (PPP):
1.74USD = 124.71YEN/1USD

Official exchange rate (NER):


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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

PPP Theorem

2L Coca Cola:
Price in Japan: 217YEN
Price in US: 1.74USD How PPP is different from NER?
PPP−NER 124.71−104.65
Implied Exchange Rate (PPP): NER = 104.65 =19.17%
1.74USD = 124.71YEN/1USD ⇓
Official exchange rate (NER): Japanese Yen is overvalued by
104.65YEN/1USD 19.17%

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

Real Exchange Rate (RER)

RER is the rate at which you can exchange the goods and
services of one country for the goods and services of another.
It reflects the relative price of goods of two countries in the
same currency, showing how much a domestic item is worth
compared to a similar foreign item
Different with NER (simply the exchange ratio between home
currency and foreign currency)
Calculated as: the nominal exchange rate times the relative
price of a market basket of goods in the two countries.
Price of domestic goods
RER = NER ∗ Price of foreign goods

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

Implications from RER

Comparing the price of a domestic item with a same foreign item
using the same currency is to compute the real exchange rate (RER):
Price of domestic goods
RER = NER ∗ Price of foreign goods

If RER < 1, the domestic item is cheaper

If RER > 1, the domestic item is more expensive

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

Big Mac Index

- another way to understand PPP...
How it works?
Recall: PPP implies that exchange
rate is determined by the value of
goods that currencies can buy
Different in local price of Big Mac
can suggest the implied exchange
Using this implied exchange rate
from Big Mac’s price, we can
evaluate whether a currency is over-
or under-valued

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

Big Mac Index: RMB vs USD

A Big Mac cost:
Price in China: 21.50 RMB
Price in USA: 5.67 USD
Implied exchange rate under the PPP theorem: 3.79 RMB/USD
Exchange rate in the market: 6.88 RMB/USD

Chinese yuan is undervalued!

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

Big Mac Index: Most currencies are undervalued

against the US dollar

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Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

Big Mac Index: RMB is undervalued for a long time

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

PPP Theorem is Only Approximately Ture

Transportation cost
Tariffs and quotas
Some goods can not be shipped at all
Imperfect competition

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

Exchange Rate Regime

Two Major Systems:
Floating Exchange Rate: or flexible exchange rate,
where exchange rates are determined by market forces
Fixed Exchange Rate: where governments specify the
exact rate (fixed) at which home currency will be
converted into other currencies

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

EX Regime: More Varieties in Between

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Exchange Rate

Exchange Rate Regime in China

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Macro Policies and International Finance

Macro Policies and International Finance

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Case 1: Maintain fixed exchange rate

in China

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Macro Policies and Exchange Rate

China maintains fixed exchange rate until mid of 2005

Accumulate enormous surplus in current account due to
the growth of export
In order to keep the export-led growth, China has to
maintain the below-market exchange rate to make export
goods competitive in the international market

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Macro Policies and Exchange Rate

Chinese Government Exchange-rate Intervention:

Government directly buying

dollars and selling yuan
Monetary policy: lowering
interest rates to induce the
private sector to increase
supply of yuan in the foreign
exchange market.

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Macro Policies and International Finance

Case 2: Plaza Accord

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Macro Policies and Exchange Rate

Plaza Accord
The Plaza Accord is a 1985 agreement among the G-5
nations-France, Germany, the United States, the United
Kingdom, and Japan-to intervening in the currency market by
depreciating the U.S. dollar relative to the Japanese yen and
the German Deutsche mark.

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Macro Policies and Exchange Rate

Increasing oil price drives interest rate to grow in US

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Balance of Payment
Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Macro Policies and Exchange Rate

High interest rate–Large appreciation–Huge trade deficit

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Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Macro Policies and Exchange Rate

High interest rate–Large appreciation–Huge trade deficit

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Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Macro Policies and Exchange Rate

High interest rate–Large appreciation–Huge trade deficit

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Exchange Rate
Macro Policies and International Finance

Thank You!

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