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PHYSICS PM mC Co Uae § elma ttle OME) tes cL d Peta mT mld rs Cd cola Mela Mesto Lu CeL-ie Mb aa} and courses # Includes every type of problem that may be assigned by your instructor or given on a test Se ie cet Col let Che lL enabling you to understand the subject fully # Will save you hours of time in finding solutions to problems Research & Education Association THE PHYSICS PROBLEM SOLVER® Year 2004 Printing Copyright © 2000, 1998, 1995, 1990, 1976 by Research & Education Association. All rights reserved. No part ofthis book may be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America Library of Congress Control Number 99-75908 International Standard Book Number 0-87891-507-9 PROBLEM SOLVER is a registered trademark of Research & Education Association, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 V4 CONTENTS Chapter No. Page No. UNITS CONVERSION FACTORS xiv 1__ VECTORS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 1 Vector Fundamentals _4 Displacement Vectors 8 Velocity Vectors 16 2__STATICS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 22 Force Systems in Equilibrium 25 Equilibrium Conditions for Forces and Moments 31 Static and Kinetic Fricti 49 3__ KINEMATICS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 61 Fundamentals of Velocity and Acceleration, Free Fall 64 Vector Components of Velocity and Acceleration 84 4 DYNAMICS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 97 Rectili 101 Gravitational Forces _133 Curvilinear Dynamics 150 Moments of Inertia__169 Rotation of Rigid Bodies About Fixed Axes 178 Rolling Bodies 194 Frames of Reference _214 ix 5 ENERGY AND POWER Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 223 Potential Energy 226 Kinetic Energy 230 Work and Energy Conversion 254 Power 281 Efficiency 287 6 __IMPULSE/MOMENTUM Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 292 7 GYROSCOPIC MOTION Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 349. 8 ELASTIC DEFORMATION Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 356 9 HARMONIC MOTION Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 367 10 _ HYDROSTATICS/AEROSTATICS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 419 Density, Specific Gravity, Pressure 422 Basic Attacks and Stmsogies for Solving Problems 454 12__TEMPERATURE Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 472 13__HEAT/CALORIMETRY Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems _ 486 Thermal Energy 488 Heat of Fusion 495 Calorimetry 499 Urheberrechtlich geschitztes Material 14__GASES Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 509 i lecular Characteristics of Gases 512 Gas Laws 526 15 THERMODYNAMICS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 546 Entropy 548 Work/Heat Cycles 552 16__HEAT TRANSFER Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems _ 567 Thermal Conductivity 570 Heat Radiation _ 580 17_ELECTROSTATICS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 585 ‘ATIC INTERACTIONS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 615 19_ELECTRODYNAMICS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 659 20__ ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 684 21__MAGNETICS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 739 Magnetic Fields, Flux, Intensity, Permeability 742 Magnetic Forces 761 Magnetic Circuits 771 22__MAGNETIC INDUCTION Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 780 23__ ALTERNATING CURRENT Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 807 Urheberrechilich geschiitzies Material 24 ELECTRIC POWER Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems _ 824 25 WAVE MOTION Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems _ 839 26 ACOUSTICS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems _861 27 _GEOMETRI Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 880 Reflection _ 882 Refraction 891 Prisms _904 26 LENSES AND OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 909 Photometry 922 29 OPTICAL INTERFERENCE Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems —_ 926 30_ OPTICAL DIF Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 939 31 ATOMIC/MOLECULAR STRUCTURE Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 951 32_ RELATIVISTI Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems _ 967 33__ QUANTUM MECHANICS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems _996 34_ RADIATION Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems _1057 xii 35 X-RAYS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 1081 36 NUCLEAR REACTIONS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 1093 37__ SPECIAL ADVANCED PROBLEMS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems 1117 Energy Methods 1123 Angular Momentum = 1127 Electromagnetics 1144 ical Diffraction and Interference 1150 Doppler Effect 1158 Traveling and Standing Waves 1160 Polarizati 1163 Resistive Circui 1168 INDEX 1170 UNITS CONVERSION FACTORS This section includes a particularly useful and comprehensive table to aid students and teachers in converting between systems of units. The problems and their solutions in this book use SI (Imterna- tional System) as well as English units. Both of these units are in ex- tensive use throughout the world, and therefore students should develop a good facility to work with both sets of units until a single standard of units has been found acceptable internationally. In working out or solving a problem in one system of units or the other, essentially only the numbers change. Also, the conversion from one unit system to another is easily achieved through the use of con- version factors that are given in the subsequent table. Accordingly, the units are one of the least important aspects of a problem. For these reasons, a student should not be concerned mainly with which units are used in any particular problem. Instead, a student should obtain from that problem and its solution an understanding of the underlying principles and solution techniques that are {llustrated there. kilogram per square meter... . | millimeter of mercury at O°C ... PPASCAUS ...secceeeere 760 1.316 x 107 0.9869 x 10-5 0.06804 1.0133 10+ 104 6.8947 x 107 9,486 x 10-7 1.285 x 10-7 9.480 x 10+ 9.969 252 0.324 4.185 0.2389 ($C x 95) 432=°F | CF-32)x59=°C 1.578 x 105 10° 2.778 x 107 07376 2.778 x 10-4 9.842 x 104 miles per hour... candles per square cm. candles per square inch cubic centimeters cubic inches ....... Gallons (liquid U.S.) pints (liquid U. us) 4.448 1.257 x 10-2 32 16 2 7.233 x 10-8 32.17 2.205 x 10-7 0.2288 1.450 x 10° 1.45 x 10-4 quarts (liquid U.S.) dynes ... pounds (avin) POUNS (TOFCE) ....ssserees Pounds per square inch pounds per square inch quarts (U.S. liquid)....... 1,057 x 108 radians .. 107 fadians . 2.909 x 10-4 radians . 4,848 x 10° revolutions per minute . roentgens .. 3.587 x 10° 6.452 0.185 0.3861 2.59 194 10+ 10° 10° 2000 5x 104 133.32 76x 107 . | 3413 0.293 . | 44.26 2.26 = 10-% 1.341 x 107 746 1 1 19 107 webers per square meter| gausses . 104 104 CHAPTER 1 VECTORS Basic Attacks and Strategies for Solving Problems in this Chapter. See pages 4 to 21 for step-by-step solutions to problems. Physics deals with many geometric objects such as scalars, vectors, and tensors. A scalar is a quantity which has only a magnitude such as length, temperature, and speed. A vector (see Figure 1) isa quantity which has both magnitude and direction such as displacement, velocity, and force. The magnitude is given by the length of the vector and a suitable scale, and the direction by the arrow in the figure. Except in relativity, in physics vectors have two (in two dimensions) or three (in three dimensions) components. Tensors are more general quantities akin to matrices and are written G5X,,X., etc. Some examples are the Kronecker delta tensor b, (see Chapter 7, GYROSCOPIC MOTION), the strain tensor ¢,, and the conductivity tensor o,. A scalar is.a tensor ofrank zero (written as x with noindex)and vector is a first rank tensor (written as x, with one index). Consider two displacement vectors represented in Cartesian coordi- nates as A=AZ+A¥=(A, A), and B=Bi+By=(B,B). The first notation is called unit vector notation. The second is cailed co- ordinate, or point notation. The magnitude of either vector (see Figure 2) may be found by the theorem of Pythagoras >t Figure 1 Figure 2 A-lA|~ Jazsa? and the direction by the tangent ruletan 6 = A,/A,. Equivalently, one may use sin 6 =A,/A or cos 6 sAJA The two vectors A and B may be added (See Figure 3) to get the resultant, or sum. RR) =A, +B, A, +B). the dination inagoiz goes pant noes (R,/R) such that tan O=R,/R,. A similar rule applies for finding the difference. Note thgt this is equivalent to walking first along vector A and then along vector B to get to the resultant location R. This method of adding the components and using the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometry is called the component method. Jt can easily be generalized to adding more than two vectors or dealing with higher dimensions. For example, in three dimensions, one would get Ra(A,+B,+C)x +(A,+B, +07 (A, +B,+ Ope in unit vector notation. The other equivalent way to add vectors is by Newton's parallelogram rule. One connects the vectors head to tail, jugt as in the component method. One could then find the magnitude of Rand the direction angle 6 graphically using a ruler and protractor as in a force table laboratory exercise. Anayltically, one can use geometry and the laws of cosines and sines. From geometry and Figure 3, R= 0, + 180°-6,. The law of cosines then gives R=V/A74B7+-2ABcoscR. The law of sines states that sin ZR/R = sin 2B/B. One may thus find 2B and from it get the direction of the resultant 8 = 6,+ ZB. Vectors cannot be multiplied or divided as scalars can. However, there are two special products: the dot product and the cross product. The dot product, or éwo vectors A and B, isa scalarC = A-B= = AB cos0=AB, + A,B, + A.B, The dot product may be used to find the work done by a force exerted over a certain distance, for example. The cross product is more complicated and is given by C = Ax B where C= (AB,-AB)# + (AB, -ABy + (AB, -AB)z For example, if A points i: in the x-direction and B in the y-direction, then c= = AB z= ABz. More conveniently, the cross product has a magnitude given by C = AB sin 0, 0 being the angle from A to B, end a direction given by the right hand rule. Coil the fingers of your right hand from Ato Band stick out the thumb; your thumb then points in the direction of C. For example, if Aand B are in the xy plane (Figure 4), then the cross product points in the z-direction. The cross product is used in physics to find the torque exerted by a force acting at a certain position. The cross product is actually a pseudo-vector. B >t Figure 4 Step-by-Step Solutions to Problems in this Chapter, “Vectors” VECTOR FUNDAMENTALS © PROBLEM 1 + > Find the resultant of the vectors 5, and 5, speci- fied in the figure. Solution, From the Pythagorean theorem, s? + s? = s?, or 4? 43? = 5}, and so we get 5, = 5 units. The direction of S, may be specified by the angle 0 which it makes with S,. 8. sin 8 = os = 0.60 gives @ = 37°. Resultant 5 therefore represents a displacement of 5 units from 0 in the direction 37° north of east. Three forces acting at a point are Fi = 24 - j + 3k, F. = - i+ 33 + 2, and #, « - [ + 2] - k. Find the > > > > ~ directions and magnitudes of F, + Fy + Fy, Fi = F2 + > > Fy, and Fy + F2 - Fy. Pig. B Fig. ¢ When vectors are added (or subtracted), their components in the directions of the unit vectors add (or subtract) algebraically. Thus since Be of- G+ ak, B= - 1+ 3) 4 mk, Pee - f+ 2 -k, then it follows that Fi + Fp + Py = (2-1- 1t + (| 1434 209 + (3 +2- Lk of + 43 + 4k. Similarly, 7-7. +Fi = B- - e+ Li-ms as + B- ta - Wk 28 - 29 + Ok + and fF, + F:- Fie f2-1- Ga}e+Er+a- ais +([3+2- (aj = 28 + of + 6k > + > The vector F; + F; + F; thus has no component in the x-direction, one of 4 units in the y-direction, and one of 4 units in the z-direction. It therefore has a magnitude of “4° + 47 units = 4 /2 units = 5.66 units, and lies in the y- z plane, making an angle 6 with the y - axis, as shown in figure (a), where tan 6 = 4/4 = 1. Thus @ = 45°. Similarly, Fi - F, + Fy has a magnitude of 2 /2 units = 2.82 units, and lies in the x - y plane, making an angle ¢ with the x-axis, as shown in figure (b), where tan ¢ =+ 2/-2 = - 1. Thus $ = 315". Also, Fi + FP? - Py has a magnitude of 27 + 67 units = 2 /10 units = 6.32 units, and lies in the x - z Plane at an angle x to the x-axis, as shown in figure (c), where tan x = 6/2 = 3. Thus x = 71°34*. © PROBLEM 3 We consider the vector Ke 3ax+y + 22 (a) Find the length of A. (b) What is the length of the projection of K on the xy plane? (c) Construct a vector in the xy plane and perpendicular to A. A (d)} Construct the unit vector B. a (e) Pind the scalar product with K of the vector ¢ = 2x. Uf) Find the form of K and @ in a reference frame obtained from the old reference frame by a rotation of 1/2 clockwise looking along the positive z axis. (g) Find the scalar product K+ @ in the primed coordinate system. {h) Find the vector product Ax @, (i) Form the vector A - &, The primed reference frame x', y', z', is generated from the unprimed system x, y, z, by a rotation of +1/2 about the z axis. Solution: (a) When a vector is given in the form Ax +* Ay + A,z, its length is given by AATF Ry? Rg?. This can be seen from diagram 1. Vector K has components in the x, y and z directions. The x and y components form the legs of a right triangle. By the Pythagorean theorem the length of the hypotenuse of this triangle is /Ay™ + Ay?. But this line segment whose length is YAx™ + Ay? is one leg in a right triangle whose other leg is A,2 and whose hypotenuse is vector a. Applying the Pythagorean theorem again, we find that the length of & is Wy? + By? + Agi. Substituting our values we have “37 + 17 + 2° = /14. (b) We refer again to diagram 1. The projection of A on the xy plane is simply the dotted line which is the vector A,x + Ayy- Its length is VAT + Ry? by the Pythagorean theorem. In our problem, the length is ¥3" + 1? = /T0. {c) Construct a vector in the xy plane and perpendicular to A. We want a vector of the form Be Bx + BY with the property A+ B= 0 (since A + B = |&||B| cos ¢ where ¢ is the angle between K and 6). Hence (3x + y + 2z) ° (Bx + By) = 0. On taking the scalar product we find 3B, + By = 0, B, or ges - 3. The Length of the vector B is not determined by the specification of the problem, We have therefore deter- mined just the slope of vector B, not its magnitude. See diagram 2. (d) The unit vector B is the vector in the B direction but with the magnitude 1. It lies in the xy Pigne. and its slope (By/By ) is equal to - 3. Therefore, must satisfy the following two equations: By? + By? = 1 Solving simultaneously we have: By? +o 3B)? = lor BL = 1/¥T0 and By = - 3/710. The vector B is then: B= (1//T0)x - (3//TOy (e) Converting the vectors into coordinate form and computing the dot product (scalar product): (3x + y + 22) + (2x + OY + 02) = 6+O0+0=6 (£) Pind the form of K and @ in a reference frame obtained from the old reference frame by a rotation of mf2 clockwise, looking along the positive z axis. The new A unit vectors x ’ , « 2 are related to the old x 2 by (see fig. 3) a A a A A A xo sy; yf =a = a; goesz, A a A Where x appeared we now have - y/; where y appeared, we now have %, so that a a A A A=xk - 3y + 22; c= - 2y. (g) Using the results of part (f), we convert the vectors A and @ into coordinate form in the primed co- ordinate system, giving us the following dot Broducts A ke few - 3y' ean). (ox! - zy! +02) = Oo+6+0=6 This is exactly the result obtained in the unprimed system. (h) Find the vector product A x @. In the unprimed x @ is defined as A z sys’ tem “a x A A 3 = dy - 22. 2 o fF “> By 2 Qo (i) Porm the vector A - @. We have KR-@e (3 - 2k4+ 94+ 2 R+ $F + 28. © PROBLEM 4 Show that the area of a parallelogram, whose sides are formed by the vectors K and B (see figure) is given by Area = |KxBl. ht ' ----42 7 Solution; The area of the parallelogram shown in the figure is rea = But b= [Aj ain@ and b= [B| Area = KiB} sin @ (1) The left side of (1) is the magnitude of A x B, hence Area = Kx 3 . Bile sin 6 If we are interested in obtaining a vector area, we may write Area = x x B where the direction of the area ie the direction of AX. Such vector areas are useful in defining certain surface integrals used in physics. DISPLACEMENT VECTORS ® PROBLEM 5 Two hikers set off in an eastward direction. Hiker 1 travels 3 km while hiker 2 travels 6 times the distance covered by hiker 1. What is the displacement of hiker 2? Selytion: From the information given the displacement vector is directed east. The magnitude of the displace- ment vector for hiker 2 is 6 times the magnitude of the displacement vector for hiker 1. Therefore, its magnitude 6 « (3 km) = 18 km Two wires are attached to a corner fence post with the wires making an angle of 90° with each other. If each wire pulls on the post with a force of 50 pounds, what is the resultant force acting on the post? See Figure. As shown in the figure, we complete the par- allelogram. If we measure R and scale it, we find it is 8 equal to about 71 pounds. The angle of the resultant is 45° from either of the component vectors. If we use the fact that the component vectors are at right angles to each other, we can write R? = 507 + 50? whence R = 71 pounds approximately at 45° to each wire. OBLEM Solution: The vector diagram is shown in figure (a). @ resultant displacement vector is labelled Rk. The magnitude of this vector is 2.8 km. The direction, as Measured with a protractor, is 45° south of east, or the tangent may be used to find the direction, since a right triangle is formed. We shall also compute the solution analytically. In figure (b) a closeup of the resultant vector R is shown. We can see from the graph that side A and side B each equal 2 km. Thus, by the Pythagorean theorem: R? = A? + B? = (2 km)? + (2 km)? = 8 km? R= 2 V2 km = 2(1.4)km = 2.8 kn tane= 2*P ea, 6 = 45° R= 2.8 km, 45° south of east. An army recruit on a training exercise is instructed to walk due west for 5 mi, then in a northeasterly direction for 4 mi, and finally due north for 3 mi. When he completes his exercise, what is his resultant displace- ment &? How far will he be from where he started? i, The recruit's path is shown in the figure, where each division on the graph represents one mile. We find R by first adding the components of his individ- ual displacements which we regard as vectors. We will let £ and N, representing east and north, be our unit vectors, regarding western and southern displacements as being negative eastern and negative northern dis- Placements, respectively. Assume north and east are given equal weights. Then NE is as shown in the diagram. Thus, the sum of the components is: E ~~ ~ 5 mi 0 mi 4 cos 45° mi 4 sin 45° mi O mi 3 mi (4 cos 45° - 5)mi (4 sin 45° + 3)mi i. [« [2] -s|mié- [4 [2] + 2]8 ‘7, 42, = (2.8 = 5)mi B+ (2.8 + 3)mi N =- 2.2 mi E+ 5.8 mi WN The recruit's final distance from the starting point will be the magnitude of &. R= (= 2.2 mi)? + +8 mi)? = 6.20 mi One of the holes on a golf course runs due west, When ing on_it recent. a golfer sliced his tee shot idly and landed in thick rough 120 yd. WNW of the tee. the was in such a bad lie that was forced to blast it SSW onto the fairway, where it came to rest 75 yd. from him. A chip shot onto the green, which carried 64 yd., took the ball to a point 6 ft. past the hole on a direct line from hole to tee. He sank the putt. What is the length of this hole? (Assume the golf course to be flat.) Solution; Since the course is flat, all displacements are in the one horizontal plane. Since we know that the hole is due west of the tee, we only need to calculate its easterly component which is the sum of the easterly components of the ball's displacements (see figure). We take east to be the positive abscissa of the axes shown, and the direction angles ¢ of all displacement vectors will be measured counter- clockwise from the positive east-axis. Since we know that WNW means 224° west of north- west, or ¢ = 1574°, and that SSW means 224° south of southwest, or ¢ = 247°; —E easterly components = 120 cos 157k° yd + 75 cos 247h° yd + 64 cos 6 yd + 2 yd = - 110.9 yd - 28.7 yd + 64 cos 6 yd + 2 yd = - 137.6 yd + 64 cos 6 yd We can solve for 6 by noting that the sum of the northerly components of displacement must equal zero: E northerly components = 120 sin 1574° yd + 75 sin 247)° yd + 64 sin 6 yd = 0 sina=- 120 sin 1574° - 75 sin 2474° _ - 45.9 + 69.3 = ny 23.4 64 Thus: 8 = 158.6° cos 6 = - 0.93125 Finally, inserting this into the equation for the sum of the easterly components: i easterly components = - 137.6 yd + 64(- 0,.93125)yd = - 137.6 yd - 59.6 yd = - 197.2 yd Thus, the hole is 197.2 yd due west of the tee. ® PROBLEM 10 Consider an airplane trip which takes place in four Stages. Each stage is represented by a vector as follows (see figure). Ato B AB = 120 mi $: = 30° Btoc BC = 50 mi 2 = 60° C to D CD = 700 mi $y = 210° ll Dto E DE = 400 mi o. = 90° The angle deseribing these vectors is with respect to the positive x-axis. Find the resultant displacement vector. yimiles) 200 100 -500 -400 -300-200 +100 lution: First we can calculate the x- and y- components. (AB), = AB cos o (AB), = AB sin ¢,; = 120 cos 30 = 60 3 mi = 120 sin 30 = 60 mi (BC) = BC cos $2 (BC), = BC sin ¢. = 50 cos 60 = 25 mi = 50 sin 60 = 25 73 mi (cD). = CD cos $3 (cD), = CD sin ¢; = 700 cos 210 = 700 sin 210 = - 350 v3 mi = - 350 mi MDE), = DE cos >, (DE), * DE sin ¢, = 400 cos 90 = 0 = 400 sin 90 = 400 mi These components are summed to find the x and y components of the resultant. x=component y-component. AB 104 mi 60 mi BC 25 mi 43 mi cD - 606 mi - 350 mi DE O mi 400 mi Resultant AE - 477 mi 153 mi The magnitude of the resultant is therefore, by the Pythagorean theorem: BE? = (= 477)? + (153)? AE = 501 mi and its direction is given by the angle ¢ where sin @ = $33 = 0.308 cos ¢ = “pti? = - 0.952 ¢ = 17.8° The same thing can be found by making a graph (see figure). The resultant vector, AE, is drawn from the starting point A to the end point E of the trip. ® PROBLEM 11 A ship leaving its port sails due north for 30 miles and then 50 miles in a direction 60° east of north. See the Figure. At the end of this time where is the ship relative to its port? ee eee A ship's course Solution by Parallelogram Method: The figure shows the parallelogram completed by the dashed vectors A’ and 8', Also shown is the resultant & which is found to represent about 70 miles. Angle r is found to be about 38.2° east of north. Solution c nent Method: The figure also shows the vector B resolved into the components By and Bye which are found to be 43 miles and 25 miles, respectively. (By trigonometry B, = 50 miles x cos 30° = 43 miles, and B, = 50 miles = sin 30° = 25 miles) .Since K and 3 lie along the same direction in this problem, we add them directly to get 30 miles + 25 miles, or 55 miles. We then have a right triangle with one side equal to 55 miles and the other side equal to 43 miles. From these data we find the resultant R according to the e- quation: R? = 55? + 43? 13 whence R= about 70 miles Solution by the Cosine Law: In solving this problem by means of the cosine law, we write R? = A? + B? + 2 AB cos @ R? = 307 + 507 + 2 x 30 x 50 x 0.5000 = 4900 whence the magnitude of R is R= 70 miles B sin 0 50 = 0.866 tanr= 5% 58 cos 5 30+ 50 x 0.500 = 0.788 whence r= 38.2° approximately. @ PROBLEM 12 The crew of a spacecraft, which is out in space with the rocket motors switched off, experience no weight and can therefore glide through the air inside the craft. The cabin of such a spaceship is a cube of side 15 ft. An astronaut working in one corner requires a tool which is in a cupboard in the diametrically oppos- ite corner of the cabin. What is the minimum distance which he has to glide and at what angle to the floor must he launch himself? If he decided instead to put on boots with magnetic soles which allow him to remain fixed to the metal of the cabin, and thus enable him to walk along the floor and, in the absence of gravitational effects, up the walls and across the ceiling, what is the minimum distance he needs to get to the cupboard? i; Figure (a) shows the cabin. Axes have been set up with the x, y and z directions coinciding with the length, breadth, and height of the room. The astronaut must get from point A to point B. The vector K going from the origin 0 to point A is A = (15 ft, 0, 0) The vector from 0 to point B is: B= (0, 15 ft, 15 £t) The vector going from A to B is then: 14 B-K= (0, 15 ft, 15 ft) - (15 ft, 0, 0} = (- 15 ft, 15 ft, 15 £t) Its length is: |B - R| = “(15ty + (is ft*) + Cs Fe) = 15/7 ft = 26 ft This is the distance the astronaut must glide. The angle to the floor at which he launches him- self is 6, where tan 6 = BC/AC. Point C has coordinates (0, 15 ft, 0). Thus BC has length 15 ft and AC has length VI5? + 15? fe = 15 v2 ft = 21.2 ft. wt. tan 9 = —22£f 2 129,707 or 6 = 35,259, 15 ZFQt Figure (b) shows the cabin minus the roof in an exploded diagram; points A, B, and C are again marked in. For convenience a new set of coordinate axes has been chosen. The astronaut walks the same distance along the walls from A to B by any particular route whether the walls are upright or flat as in the ex- Ploded diagram. But in the diagram it is much easier to see that the minimum distance from A to B is the straight-line path between the two points. The vector 8 - A has components 15 ft in the x-direction and 30 ft in the y-direction. Distance |f - R| therefore equals Vis? ¥ 30? ft = 33 ft 6& in. Note that B' is the same point as B in the exploded diagram; AB' is thus an alternative route. There is a further alternative route AB" which can be seen most clearly in figure (c) in which the wall marked I in figure (a) has been removed and the cabin exploded in a different way. 15 In figure (d), figure (a) is redrawn showing the routes the astronaut takes in figures (b) and {(c) instead of his direct flight across the cabin. In the first route, the astronaut crosses the floor and climbs a "breadth" wall; in the second, he crosses the floor and climbs a “length” wall; and in the third he crosses neither floor nor ceiling, but climbs two different walls. In this particular problem, since the cabin is cubical, all these routes are of the same length. In a problem in which the length £, breadth b, and height h are all different, the three routes correspond to vectors having components (2; b+h), (bs£ +h), and (h;2 + b). The shortest of these will be the one in which the x-component is the iongest dimension and the y=-component the sum of the other two. VELOCITY VECTORS. An aircraft is climbing with a steady speed of 200 m/sec at an angle of 20° to the horizontal (see figure). What are the horizontal and vertical components of its velocity? ¥, = 200sin20° ¥ = 200m/sec. ' ¥ Fig. A 20° V,= 200cos20" Pig. B Solution: Using trigonometric relations for right triangles, the velocity can be broken down into two components perpendicular to each other. Horizontal component = 200 cos 20° Vertical component = 200 sin 20°. Trigonometric tables tell us that cos 20° = 0.9397 and sin 20° = 0.3420 Therefore, horizontal component = 200 x 0.9397 = 187.94 m/sec Vertical component = 200 x 0.3420 = 68.40 m/sec. Notice that the sum of 187.94 and 68.40 is not 200, but you can check that (187,94)? + (68.40)? = (200)7, This occurs because the horizontal and vertical components, 4, and V eof the velocity are vectors and must be added accordingly. Since they are pernependicular to each other, forming a right triangle with V as the hypotenuse, yet vy =v? 16 @ PROBLEM i4 An automobile driver, A, traveling relative to the earth at 65 mi/hr on 4 straight, level road, is ahead of motorcycle officer B, traveling in the same direction at 80 mi/hr. What is the velocity of B relative to A? Find the same quantity if B is ahead of A. Solution: The velocity of B relative to A is equal ie velocity of B relative to the earth minus the velocity of A relative to the earth, or Von = Vor - Vag = 80 mi/hr - 65 mi/hr = 15 mi/hr If B is ahead of A, the velocity of B relative to A is still the velocity of B relative to the earth minus the velocity of A relative to the earth or 15 mi/hr. In the first case, B is overtaking A, and, in the second, B is pulling ahead of A. © PROBLEM 15 At t, = 0 an automobile is moving eastward with a velocity of 30 mi/hr. At t, = 1 min the automobile is moving north- ward at the same velocity. What average acceleration has the automobile experienced? _ ih V2.2 30 mi/he} Ve 30mi/hr Souvtic Since velocity is a vector quantity, vector addition must be used to solve this problem. Geometrical- ly, when two vectors are added, the tail of the second vector is placed at the head of the first and the re- sultant vector is drawn from the tail of the first to the head of the second. To find the difference between the two velocities, we write V2 - 1 = av Changing the expression above into one including only addition: > + v2 = dvi+ va This is shown in the accompanying vector diagram. The magnitude of dv is (refer to the figure and use the Pythagorean theorem) av = Om: + ™: = 41800 (mi7hr) * lj = 42.4 mi/hr The magnitude of the average acceleration is a=W at = 42.4 mi/hr 60 sec = 0.71 (mi/hr) /sec The direction of Av,and hence the direction of a is, from the figure, in the direction northwest. @ PROBLEM 16 City A ia 100 miles north and 200 miles west of city B. An air- Plane flies in a direct line between the cities in a time of one hour. What are the vectors that describe the distance of A from 3, and the velocity of the airplane? Amon=====-+ 4100 1 ! | c 7200 0 +100 +200 Solution: We will define first a coordinate system with B at the ‘origin (see the figure below). The x-direction is east and the y- direction is north. The vector BA ia specified by its coordinates *% = -200 mf y = 100 af or by its magnitude and direction (ay = 2+ fF = (€200)? + (100)"ni* BM = 100/5 wt a_i L sin@ =a tos s @= 26.5" @ = 180° -@ = 153.5" The velocities are given in a similar way. Since they are constant ~ 2, =200.m , Yo" he Lhe 7200 mt/he =i, 10a, Yo" Dee Tbe 100 mi/hr evit y =((-200)" + (100)*}at? /ne* v= 100./5 mi/br b= 153.5" 18 A certain boat can move at a speed of 10 mi/hr in still water. The helmsman steers straight across a river in which the current is 4 mi/hr. What is the velocity of the boat? Ve Voe4mi/hr =~ dé Boat Solution: The boat has a speed of v, = 10 mi/nr per- pendicular to the river due to the power of the boat. The current gives it a speed of YF 4 mi/hr in the direction of flow of the river. The boat's resultant velocity (having both magnitude and direction) can be found through vector addition. + + > vevytyy The magnitude of the velocity which is the speed of the boat is found using the Pythagorean theorem (see figure). ve we + va = WOT ST = Te = 10,8 mi/hr. The angle ®, which determines the direction of the velocity is, v a= tan? |= a) = tan! [x8] = 22° A boy can throw a baseball horizontally with a speed of 20 m/sec. If he performs this feat in a convertible that is moving at 30 m/sec in a direction perpendicular to the direction in which he is throwing (see figure), what will be the actual speed and direction of motion of the base- ball? 30m/sec. 30m/sec. 20m/sec. 20m/sec. Rm/sec. 19 Since the baseball is originally travelling with convertible, it has the speed of 30 m/sec in the direction the car is travelling. When the boy throws the ball perpendicular to the car's path, he imparts an additional velocity of 20 m/sec in that direction. The ball's velocity is then 30 m/sec in the direction the convertible is moving and 20 m/sec perpendicular to this movement. Its resultant velocity can be found through adding vectors as shown in the diagram. If the resultant velocity is R m/sec at an angle 4 to the direction in which the convertible is moving, then R? = (20)? + (30)7 = 1300 R = ¥1300 = 36.06 m/sec Also, tan 6 = 20 = 0.666 From tables of tangents, 6 = 33.69°. Therefore, the ball has a speed of 36.06 m/sec in a direction at an angle of 33.69° to the direction in which the convertible is travelling. @ PROBLEM An airplane, whose ground speed in still air is 200 mi/hr, is flying with its nose pointed due north. If there is a cross wind of 50 mi/hr in an easterly direction, what is the ground speed of the airplane? solueions The cross wind causes the plane to travel to the east in addition to its speed of 200 mi/hr to the north. To find its speed with respect to ground, use vector addition. Vectors are quantities that have both magnitude and direction; and velocity fits this specification. Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can find the magnitude of the resultant velocity v. This magnitude is the plane's speed. Speed does not have direction (note that speed is not a vector). ve Wairplane + Vind = ¥(200)" + (50)7 = ¥42,500 = 206 mi/hr. © PROBLEM “The compass of an aircraft indicates that it is headed due north, and its airspeed indicator shows that it is moving through the air at 120 mi/hr. If there is a wind of 50 mi/hr from west to east, what is the velocity of the aircraft relative to the earth? golution: Let subscript A refer to the aircraft, and subscript F Woving air. Subscript E refera to the earth. We have given Yap = 120 mi/hr, due north Vpg = 50 mi/hr, due east, and we wish to find the magnitude and direction of ¥,,. By the law of addition of velocities = ‘ar " “ar + Yee . 20 VeEm 50 mi/hr, due cast Vap™ Vyp7130mi/hr, 120 mi/hr 22.5°E of N due north The three relative velocities are shown in the figure. It follows from this diagram that WWygl = 130 mi/hr. Furthermore, 50 mifnr 120 mi/hr tan p= .4167 ge 22.5 The airplane travels at a speed of 130 mi/hr at an angle of 22.5° east of due north, tan @ = and A plane has an airspeed of 120 mi/hr. What should be the plane's heading if it is to travel due north,relative to the earth, in a wind blowing with a velocity of 50 mi/hr in an easterly direction? East North Voz Solution: The figure shows the situation. The plane has a velocity relative to the air, Tone of 120 mi/hr in a direction of @ degrees west of north. The air has a velocity relative to the earth of ap (50 mi/hr east). We require the plane to travel with speed Ypa due north. From the figure ¥ Vv tan 0 = ee ae Yee| (Ypa® - Yar’) Here, we have used the Pythagorean theorem. tan 8 = 50 mi/hr ((220 mifhr)? - (50 mi/hr)*) _ 50 _mi/hr 109.09 mi, = tan? (.4584) = 24°38", 21

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