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Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1447–1463


Effect of Leaching and Fungal Attacks During Storage on Chemical

Properties of Raw and Torrefied Biomasses
Bruno De Freitas Homem De Faria1   · Charline Lanvin2,3 · Jeremy Valette2,3 · Patrick Rousset2,3 ·
Angélica De Cássia Oliveira Carneiro1   · Armando Caldeira‑Pires4   · Kévin Candelier2,3 

Received: 18 December 2019 / Accepted: 24 April 2020 / Published online: 6 May 2020
© Springer Nature B.V. 2020

Coffee husk, eucalyptus, and pine residues were torrefied at 290 °C in a screw reactor, during 5, 10, 15 or 20 min. The effects
of feedstock type and torrefaction process parameters (holding time) on their energy characteristics were investigated. Raw
and torrefied biomasses were then submitted successively to leaching and to white and brown rot fungi, to mimic storage
conditions. Mass loss after leaching step, water content and weight loss due to fungal deterioration after 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 weeks
were recorded. The chemical composition and high heating value (HHV) of the torrefied samples were measured to determine
the alterations compared to raw biomass during their storage. Increasing torrefaction residence time improves the decay
resistance of the biomasses. Variation of carbon content (%wt., dry basis) and HHV (kJ/kg, dry basis) were observed dur‑
ing native and torrefied biomasses fungal degradations. Carbon contents and HHV values of raw and torrefied biomasses
decreased during Trametes versicolor exposure [49.65% > C > 44.07% and 19.71 kJ/kg > HHV > 17.19 kJ/kg, results from
results from all tests combined.], whereas they increased during exposure to Coniophora puteana [46.15% < C < 52.70%
and 17.43 kJ/kg < HHV < 20.74 kJ/kg]. Severe torrefaction is therefore a good way to improve coffee husk, eucalyptus, and
pine energy properties while limiting loss of their energy properties during storage.

* Kévin Candelier
Bruno De Freitas Homem De Faria
Charline Lanvin
Jeremy Valette
Patrick Rousset
Angélica De Cássia Oliveira Carneiro
Armando Caldeira‑Pires
Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, Universidade Federal
de Viçosa, Viçosa, Brazil
CIRAD, UPR BioWooEB, 34398 Montpellier, France
BioWooEB, Univ. Montpellier, CIRAD, Montpellier, France
Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade de
Brasília, Brasília, Brazil


1448 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1447–1463

Graphic Abstract

Keywords  Biomass · Chemical and energy properties · Storage · Torrefaction

Abbreviations CH-HT-5 (TV) Coffee husks—heat treated at 290 °C—

PINE  Pinus Sp. biomass sample during 5 min and exposed to Trametes
EUCA​ Eucalyptus Spp. biomass sample versicolor fungi (given for example, the
CH Coffee husks (Coffea Arabica L.) bio‑ same indexing is used for the different
mass sample biomass, torrefaction residence time and
CH-HT-5 Coffee husks—heat treated at 290 °C— fungi exposures)
during 5 min (given for example, the MLtt Mass loss of the sample due to torrefac‑
same indexing is used for the differ‑ tion process (in %, dry basis)
ent biomass and torrefaction residence Ext. Extractives content of the sample (in %,
time). dry basis)
CH-Ref Coffee husks (Coffea Arabica L.) refer‑ ML leach Mass loss of the sample due to leaching
ence (raw biomass) sample (given for process (in %, dry basis)
example, the same indexing is used for Water Content Water content of the sample due to fun‑
the different biomass reference). gal exposure (in %, wet basis)
TV  Trametes versicolor Fungi (white rot) WL Weight loss of the sample due to fungal
CP  Coniophora puteana Fungi (brown rot) degradation (in %, dry basis)
C Carbon content of the sample (in %, dry
H Hydrogen content of the sample (in %,
dry basis)

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1447–1463 1449

N Nitrogen content of the sample (in %, constant, without perspective to increase. In comparison
dry basis) with eucalyptus plantations, the average productivity for
H/C Hydrogen/Carbon molar ratio Pine forests was 30.5 m3 ­ha−1 year−1 in 2015 [4]. Along of
HHV0 Higher heating value at constant volume years, these pine plantations areas remain constant, without
of the dry (moisture-free) sample (in kJ/ perspective of increase and there is a trend to replace these
kg, dry basis) plantations by eucalyptus. The productivity and facility of
management practices concerning eucalyptus wood spe‑
cies, make the market Brazilian players to prefer eucalyptus
Statement of Novelty species [5]. This woody biomass is used directly as fuel in
power generation or as raw material in the carbonization
The aim of the study was to determine how the various process of charcoal production [5].
native and torrefied Brazilian agro-byproducts materials About the Brazilian representation inside the world pro‑
tolerate leaching process, water content, and fungal decay duction, coffee ranks second in listed products, after sugar
exposure. The methodological approaches, developed in this cane. Past study show the fuel potential of solid residues
work, allow to mimic various storage conditions of native from the production chain of coffee [6]. There must be a
and treated biomasses, provided new and very interesting sustainable balance between the destination of crops for
knowledge for the wood and biomass torrefaction industries: food and energy purposes. Moreover, this lignocellulosic
leaching has not a significant impact on energy properties residue presents chemical, physical and energetic charac‑
of raw and torrefied biomasses. Torrefaction improves the teristics favorable to the production of bioenergy through
energy properties of biomasses and limits the impact of stor‑ thermochemical processes [7].
age on the reduction of these last properties. Finally, the However, biomass has some characteristics that hinder its
type of biomass has a high impact on torrefaction and stor‑ direct use as fuel, such as high moisture content, low calo‑
age degradation mechanisms caused by leaching, brown and rific value and low fixed carbon content, in addition to low
white rot fungi. density, especially when using residual biomass. In addition,
the storage of these biomasses before their energetic conver‑
sion can cause several damages to the material properties
Introduction due to absorption and biological degradation [8].
Some pretreatment are then necessary like torrefaction,
Brazil is actually the country using the most biomass for which is a thermal treatment who improves the biomass
energy generation in the world, with approximately 18% energetic, physical and mechanical properties in order to
of worldwide consumption [1]. Its economic balance is make the biofuel more homogenous and stable to biological
strongly dependent on the agricultural and forestry sectors, degradation [9]. The modifications are strongly related to the
and it is one of the few countries in the world that offers heat treatment intensity (duration and temperature) and the
major potential for expansion of biomass production [2]. nature of the biomasses [10]. The torrefied material is easier
Biomasses mainly come from plantations (eg. eucalyptus to handling and presents more amount of energy per volume,
and pine) dedicated to energy valorization, or as residues when compared with raw material. Thus, the transport costs
(eg. coffee husk) from some agricultural production chain. of treated biomass decrease which impacts directly in the
Brazilian forestry is recognized due to the highest for‑ process viability [11]. The utilization of torrefied biomass in
est productivity of the world [2]. The Brazilian biomass’s existing handling and storage facilities and associated issues
production for energy is mainly supplied by plantations has been reported recently.
of eucalyptus [2], due to its fast growing, high productive Torrefied biomass is considered easy to store even outside
and adaptability characteristics [3], followed by pine. The owing to its hydrophobicity and stability [12]. Although the
eucalyptus plantation was around 5.6 million ha (72.18% heat treatment allows reducing the hydrophobic behavior of
of total planted forest area) and the approximately value of the biomass, it is possible that the torrefied wood neverthe‑
annual average increment is 36 ­m3 ­ha−1 year−1 [4]. The high less reaches, during its storage, a sufficient humidity level
productivity significantly reduces the time of forest rotation so that the rots can develop [13]. Despite recent advances,
in the country, being up to four times shorter than the rota‑ torrefaction technology is still under development and only a
tion reached in countries with a greater tradition in forestry few techno-economic assessments regarding the entire logis‑
activities, such as Scandinavia and Canada [4]. tic chain, including storage, have been made [8].
Pine plantations are feedstock, mainly, for panels and The aim of the study was to determine how the native
lumber production. These areas are concentrated in south and torrefied biomass materials tolerate humidity and
states of Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e fungal decay exposure, mimicking various storage condi‑
Paraná). Along of years, these plantations areas remain tions. Eucalyptus, pine and coffee husks were heat-treated


1450 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1447–1463

at 290 °C with four different holding times (5, 10, 15 and Torrefaction Process
20 min) for each of them, then leached and exposed to differ‑
ent fungal decay (brown and white rots) during five different The biomasses were then torrefied (in two replicates for each
exposure durations (from 2 to 16 weeks). Both effects of the modality) at 290 °C with three different holding times as fol‑
torrefaction process and the storage conditions of the three lowing: eucalyptus (10, 15, 20 min), pine (10, 15, 20 min)
biomasses were investigated. and coffee husk (5, 10, 15 min), in an endless screw type
The impact of leaching (without decay exposure) and the reactor (2.25 m long and 13.7 cm in diameter), developed
fungal degradation impact on the chemical and energy prop‑ in the Panels and Energy Laboratory of the Federal Uni‑
erties of native and torrefied biomasses for an energy con‑ versity of Viçosa [14]. The heating section (with length of
version were thus evaluated. Finally, importance of the type 1.3 m) was built in carbon steel main structure with an indi‑
of biomass on these different mechanisms was highlighted. rect heating exchange system with a combustion gas fol‑
lowed by an indirect water cooling system.
Two timers controlling the gear motor were used to con‑
Experimental Section trol the residence time of the biomass sample within the
reactor. The first of one was used to activate the gear motor
Biomass Samples for approximately 4 s (time required for one complete revo‑
lution of the worm screw), and the second timer was used
Eucalyptus wood (Eucalyptus spp.), pine wood (Pinus sp.), to stop the gear motor for a predetermined time. The sum of
and coffee husk (Coffea arabica L.) residues were used. The these two durations recorded but the both timers, multiplied
three biomasses were selected due to their availability and by the number of revolutions of the worm screw (without
their difference in composition and structure characteristics. end with the roasting section) then defined the residence
These biomasses were collected in Minas Gerais state (Bra‑ time of the biomass samples it torrefaction process. A Gul‑
zil) and were first dried outdoors in a drying yard until they ton Gulterm 700-10S digital thermometer, using eight type J
reached hygroscopic equilibrium moisture (about 20%). thermocouples (Fig. 1) was used to continuously record and
Approximately 5 kg of dried (at 103 °C) particles, with control the temperature of the torrefaction chamber. More
average size of 12 mm for eucalyptus and pine woods sam‑ information of the biomasses torrefaction process and reac‑
ples and 7 mm for coffee husk, were oven-dried at 103 ± 2 °C tor can be found in Magalhães et al. [14].
during 48 h with constant air circulation to reach a moisture
content near to 0% and allowing to eliminate the influence Mass Loss Due to Thermal Degradation
of water on treatments.
The mass loss (ML%) due to the thermal degradation was
determined according to the Eq. 1:

Fig. 1  Layout in side view of the reactor for biomass torrefaction in semi-continuous flow [14]

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1447–1463 1451

Fungal Decay Exposure

( )
m0 − m1
MLtt (%wt., dry basis) = × 100 (1)
The objectives of this section was to (i) evaluate the impact
where MLtt mass loss due to thermal degradation in %wt of biomasses decay degradation on their energy properties
(dry basis), m0 initial oven-dried mass before torrefaction in and (ii) study the influence of the nature of the biomass on
kg, m1 final oven-dried mass after torrefaction in kg. the various degradation mechanisms involved. In order to
evaluate the influence on biomass species, only one torre‑
faction intensity whose the mass loss thermal degradation
Chemical Composition of Native and Torrefied ­(MLtt%) are close, was chosen.
Biomasses Samples All samples (native and heat-treated) were firstly sub‑
mitted to leaching process according to the NFX 41-568
The structural chemical composition was obtained for the [17] standard. This standardized procedure for accelerated
determination of the extractive, total lignin (insoluble and ageing is commonly used for natural durability wood test‑
soluble), and holocellulose contents. 25 g of the three native ing. Samples were immersed in distilled water (1 volume
and terrified biomasses were ground and selected between of biomass for 5 volumes of water) and subjected for six
the overlapping sieves with mesh of 40 and 60. The total leaching periods of increasing duration under continuous
extractive contents determination procedure were adapted, shaking at 20 °C. Water was replaced by fresh water after
with minor modifications, from procedures specified by the each leaching period. A first cycle of 3 leaching periods of 1,
TAPPI 204 cm-97 [15]. After a drying step performed at 2 and 4 h was performed. Samples were then kept air drying
103 °C until mass stabilization (­ mi), the sawdust (10 g) was for 16 h. Leaching was pursued for 3 additional periods of
extracted in a Soxhlet with a solution of 1/3 ethanol and 2/3 8, 16 and 48 h, with change of water between each period.
benzene [from Carlo Erba Reagents Group (France)] during The leached samples were then dried at 103 °C and weighed
6 h, and then dried at 103 °C for 48 h to obtain the anhydrous ­(m3). Percentage of leaching (­ MLleach) was calculated fol‑
mass ­(mf). Extractive contents (Ext.) were determined by the lowing the Eq. 3:
following equation (Eq. 2): ( )
m1 − m2
MLleach (%wt., dry basis) = × 100 (3)
[( ) ]
Ext. (%wt., dry basis) = mi − mf ÷ mi × 100 m1

The soluble lignin, insoluble lignin and holocellulose where Mlleach mass loss of the sample due to leaching pro‑
contents were determined, with some adjustments, accord‑ cess in % (dry basis), m1 initial oven-dried mass before
ing to the guidelines from the methodology used by Pereira leaching kg, m2 initial oven-dried mass after leaching in kg.
et al. [16]. Then, native and treated biomasses were placed into
Soluble and insoluble lignin contents were determined plastic grid bags (dimensions of 10 × 3 × 1.5 cm) in order to
as following: 500 mg of the three native and torrefied bio‑ expose themselves to basidiomycete attacks. Before starting
masses sawdust, previously extracted (by the 1/3 ethanol: 2/3 the fungal exposure experiment, the bags were oven dried at
benzene solvent extraction process), were separately mixed 103 °C for 24 h and the initial dry mass ­(m3) was measured
with 72% ­H2SO4 (10 mL) for 4 h at 30 °C. The mixture was for further determination of the weight loss of the sample
then diluted with distilled water until a ­H2SO4 concentration due to the fungal degradation. Each sample was crafted to
of 3%, submitted to another hydrolysis at 2 atm pressure and have an initial dried mass of sample around 3 g. After that,
121 °C for 1 h. The insoluble lignin content was determined all samples were sterilized, XP CEN/TS 15083-1 [18] stand‑
by filtration and the soluble lignin content by UV spectrom‑ ard criteria, by x-ray process carried out by the IONISOS
etry. Total lignin was obtained by the sum of insoluble and Company (Dagneux, France).
soluble lignin fractions. These tests have been performed also on each native bio‑
Holocellulose content was determined as following: mass, for comparison.
500 mg of the three native and torrefied biomasses sawdust, Namely: CH-Ref and CH-HT-5 ­(MLtt = 8.80%), EUCA-
previously extracted (by the 1/3 ethanol: 2/3 benzene solvent Ref and EUCA-HT-10 ­(ML tt = 8.50%), PINE-Ref and
extraction process), were separately placed in a 100 mL flask PINE-HT-15(MLtt = 8.20%).
containing 30 mL of distilled water and heated at 75 °C. Decay resistance of native (leached and not leached)
Acetic acid (0.1  mL) and 15% aqueous sodium chlorite and torrefied biomasses after leaching was tested accord‑
(2 mL) were then added each hour for 7 h. The mixture was ing to an adaptation of the XP CEN/TS 15083-1 [18]
filtered on a Büchner funnel and the residue washed with standard criteria, on both fungi species required by the
water, soxhlet extracted for 2 h with ethanol and dried at standard: Trametes versicolor (white rot) and Coniophora
103 °C to a constant mass. puteana (brown rot) (Fig.  3). The following fungal


1452 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1447–1463

exposure duration were tested: 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks. Elemental Composition

After the different decay exposure duration, mycelia were
removed and each sample was weight ­(m4) and then was Elemental analyses were carried out with an ElementarVario
dried at 103  °C for 24  h and the final dried mass was Macro tube CHN analyzer according to the BS EN 15104
determined ­(m5). [20]. Atomic H/C (Eq. 6) ratios of samples were determined
The final water content after fungal exposure of the sam‑ as following:
ple was determined according to the following formula
H Number of H atoms %H∕1
(Eq. 4): Atomic ratio = = (6)
( ) C Number of C atoms %C∕12
m4 − m5
Water content (%wt., as wet basis) = × 100
(4) High Heating Values
The weight loss (WL) was determined according to the
The calorific value was measured using an Automated Iso‑
following formula (Eq. 5):
peribol Fixed Bomb Parr 6200 bomb calorimeter, following
the CEN/TS 14918 [21].
( )
m3 − m5
WL (%wt., dry basis) = × 100 (5)
Statistical Analysis
The decay exposure tests were conducted as follows:
The impact of heat treatment intensity compared to the
– One torrefaction intensity for eucalyptus, pine and coffee native biomasses on (i) their chemical and (ii) the elemental
husk, after leaching, were tested in order to evaluate the compositions were evaluated using ANOVA (one-way analy‑
impact of the torrefaction process and the influence of sis of variance) and Duncan’s comparison test. These statis‑
the biomass nature on its durability; tical analyses were carried out by the JMP 10.0.2 program
– For both each fungus and fungal exposure duration, 4 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) by applying the Fisher
replicates of native biomasses (after leaching) and for test [22]. Results were then ranked into several categories;
each torrefied biomasses (after leaching) were done. The from “A” to “R”. Similar analyses were used to study the
evaluation of decay resistance of torrefied biomasses impact of leaching process on (i) the elemental compositions
have been carried out only after leaching to observe and (ii) HHV of the various biomasses samples. The impact
results in the worst-case scenario (leaching following of a parameter on a system not connected by the same letter
by fungal exposure). In fact, according to the literature, was considered as significant at the 5% level.
leached heat treated biomasses are more sensitive to fun‑ For a better comprehension of the study approach, a
gal decay than un-leached biomasses [19]. scheme of the different analysis protocols are presented in
– Beech (Fagus sylvatica) and pine (Pinus sylvestris) sap‑ Fig. 2.
wood samples of the dimensions 50 × 25 × 15 mm3 (L, R,
T) were used as controls for the virulence of the strains
(eight tested blocks for each fungus and for each fungal
exposure duration).
Results and Discussion

Influence of the Biomass Nature on the Thermal

Sample Characterization Degradation Kinetics

Figure 3 and Table 1 show the mass losses ­(MLtt %) of heat-

The impacts of leaching and fungal degradation, according
treated eucalyptus, pine and coffee husk residues, according to
to the duration of fungal exposure were evaluated on the
the torrefaction process holding time. As expected, the mass
following native and treated biomasses properties according
loss increases with the torrefaction duration, for all kind of bio‑
to 3 characterizations: (i) the weight losses (WL) caused
mass. In addition, it appears that the nature of the biomass and
by fungal degradation, (ii) the elemental compositions (EC)
their respective chemical compositions are directly correlated
and (iii) the high heating values (HHV). For each tested
to thermal degradation reaction kinetic [10]. Eucalyptus (hard‑
modality, the four replicated used for decay test were mixed,
wood) is more sensitive to thermal degradation than pine (soft‑
ground using a cutting mill Retsch SM 100 and sieved. Parti‑
woods), as demonstrated by the higher mass losses recorded
cle sizes fraction of 0.1 to 0.2 mm was retained. Sawdust was
for a same treatment intensity (temperature-duration). The
then conditioned at 103 °C for 24 h and stored in air-tight
difference in hemicellulose composition between hardwood
bottle before analysis.

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1447–1463 1453

Fig. 2  Synthesis of the overall approach and the different analysis protocols used for this study


1454 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1447–1463

in the torrefaction residence time, while hydrogen content

decreases. This behavior can be explained with the removal
of volatile components, containing these atoms, during
the torrefaction process. Common biomass reactions dur‑
ing torrefaction include devolatilization, depolymerization,
and carbonization of hemicellulose, lignin, and cellulose
[26]. The elemental composition profiles are in agreement
with expected changes in the biomass composition after
torrefaction. Simultaneously, Table  1 shows clearly that
increase in carbon content improves the combustion prop‑
erties because the induced low values of H/C ratios decrease
thermodynamic losses and increase the HHV value [27].
It can be seen, in Table 1, that coffee husk has the largest
Fig. 3  Mass Loss due to the biomass thermal degradation according HHV increment (+ 14.79%) compared to those of eucalyptus
to the torrefaction duration (+ 10.21%) and pine (+ 6.05%), at the same treatment inten‑
sity of 290 °C—15 min. This difference between the samples
is probably due to the differences in the polymeric structure,
(mainly glucoroxylan) and softwood (mainly arabinoglucor‑ causing a different reduction of low-energy chemical bonds,
onoxylan and galactoglucomannan) can explain this higher such as H–C and O–C, and increase in a high-energy chemi‑
thermal sensitivity of hardwoods than those of softwoods [10]. cal bond (C–C) [28]. Torrefaction of low-lignocellulose
The role of the macromolecular composition of bio‑ waste biomasses, such as coffee husk, shows that although
mass on its degradation through torrefaction is confirmed. these materials are low or free from hemicellulose (eg. 43%
According to Fig. 3 and Table 2, raw biomasses rich in holo‑ cellulose and 7% hemicellulose—in % dry basis, from Gou‑
cellulose, such as pine (65.38%) and eucalyptus (68.52%), vea et al. [29]) they also undergo an increase in energy den‑
suffered a lower solid mass loss (­ MLtt are 6.8% and 8.5% for sity similar to that experienced by lignocellulose biomasses.
PINE-HT-10 and EUCA-HT-10, respectively) for than those
of a raw biomass rich in lignin [e.g. coffee husk (30.61%)] Elemental Composition and Energy Properties
­(MLtt is 12% for CH-HT-5), in torrefaction performed at low Changes of Raw and Torrefied Biomasses After
intensity. However, a high holocellulose content, such as for Water‑Leaching
eucalyptus (68.52%), results in a more enhanced degradation
up to 15 min of torrefaction at 290 °C. Water-leachates from heat-treated wood result mainly in
The thermal degradation of ligno-cellulosic biomass is wood thermal degradation products (tannic acid, acetic
influenced by its composition. Higher extractive contents acid, furfural and furfural derivatives) and extractives com‑
accelerate the wood degradation process at low tempera‑ pounds [30]. This statement can explain the fact that higher
tures, which reduce the biomass thermal stability. The higher mass losses due to leaching process (­ MLleach) was observed
content in extractives (Table 2) of raw coffee husk (21.28%) for coffee husk than those of eucalyptus and pine woods
than those of eucalyptus (3.38%) and pine (6.17%) woods, (Table 1), due to the higher extractives contents of raw and
could explain the high thermal sensitivity at low torrefaction torrefied coffee husk samples than those of the two other
intensity (290 °C—5 and 10 min), compared to that of the biomasses (Table 2). It appears, for eucalyptus and pine, that
two other wood species. Extractives are compounds with low increase in torrefaction process duration reduce the amount
molecular weight, may promote ignitability of the biomass of substances accessible to leach by water. This phenomenon
at lower temperatures because of their higher volatility and could be explained by the fact of the content of hydroxyl
reduce the thermal stability at low temperatures [23]. The groups decreases with thermal degradation leading to the
high concentration of major mineral elements (i.e. Ca, K, wood hydrophobicity improvement and then its wettability
Mg) in the coffee husk [24] can also explain its rapid thermal is more difficult [31].
degradation kinetic [25]. According to the results presented in Table 1, HHV of
all the native and torrefied samples were slightly improved
Chemical Characterization of Raw and Torrefied by water-leaching process. Leaching biomass with water
Biomasses has been shown to improve biomass feedstock properties
for high temperature processes, by reducing the ash content
The average values of elemental composition of raw material and modifying the ash chemistry, increasing feedstock heat‑
and torrefied products are shown in Table 1, where it can be ing value [32]. Water leaching undergone an oxygen content
noticed that the carbon content increases with an increase

Table 1  Average values of mass losses (­MLtt %) due to thermal degradation, mass losses (­MLleach %) due to leaching process, and elemental compositions and HHV values before and after
leaching of native and heat-treated coffee husk (CH), eucalyptus (EUCA) and pine (PINE) samples
Reference Torrefaction Before leaching process* Leaching After leaching process*
MLtt (%) C (%) H (%) H/C N (%) HHV0** (kJ/kg) MLleach (%) C (%) H (%) H/C N (%) HHV0** (kJ/kg)

CH-Ref 0.00 ± 0.00 (A) 44.45 5.95 1.61 1.50 (D)(a) 17.506 17.98 ± 0.70 (ABC) 47.40 6.10 1.54 1.35 18.823
(L)(b) (E)(b) (A)(a) (K)(a) (K)(a) (D)(a) (C)(b) (D)(b) (HIJ)(b)

CH-HT-5 8.80 ± 0.35(CDE) 46.40 5.80 1.50 1.70 (B)(a) 18.281 16.84 ± 0.22 (BCD) 48.45 5.95 1.47 1.55 19.181
(JK)(b) (H)(b) (D)(a) (GHIJ)(a) (I)(a) (F)(a) (E)(b) (B)(b) (FGHI)(b)

(F) (C)(a) (A)

CH-HT-10 12.00 ± 0.40 46.50 5.70 1.47 1.60 18.497 19.80 ± 0.70 50.65 5.90 1.40 1.50 20.158
(J)(b) (J)(b) (F)(a) (GH)(a) (G)(a) (G)(a) (H)(b) (C)(b) (CDE)(b)
Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1447–1463

(GH) (A)(a) (AB)

CH-HT-15 15.20 ± 0.41 50.25 5.60 1.34 1.75 20.095 18.60 ± 0.70 53.60 5.90 1.32 1.70 21.158
(E)(b) (K)(b) (JK)(a) (ABCD)(a) (A) (a) (G)(a) (KL)(b) (A)(b) (A)(b)

(A) (F)(b) (IJ)

EUCA-Ref 0.00 ± 0.00 47.00 6.00 1.53 0.15 18.338 8.64 ± 0.13 47.10 6.20 1.58 0.25 17.429
(HI)(ab) (CD)(b) (C)(b) (GHI)(b) (L)(a) (B)(a) (B)(a) (E)(a) (L)(a)

(CD) (G)(b) (IJK)

EUCA-HT-10 8.50 ± 0.27 49.20 5.85 1.43 0.10 19.469 7.98 ± 0.12 49.30 6.15 1.50 0.15 19.219
(F)(ab) (F)(b) (G)(b) (CDE)(ab) (H)(a) (C)(a) (D)(a) (F)(a) (FGH)(a)

(I) (F)(a) (JKL)

EUCA-HT-15 17.80 ± 0.42 51.20 5.75 1.35 0.15 20.211 7.60 ± 0.12 52.40 5.95 1.36 0.10 20.461
(C)(b) (I)(b) (I)(b) (ABC)(ab) (BC)(a) (F)(a) (I)(a) (G)(b) (ABCD)(a)

(J) (F)(a) (LM)

EUCA-HT-20 21.00 ± 0.48 52.50 5.75 1.31 0.15 20.324 6.68 ± 0.12 53.35 5.90 1.33 0.15 20.521
(A)(b) (I)(b) (L)(b) (AB)(ab) (D)(a) (G)(a) (K)(a) (F)(a) (ABC)(a)

(A) (G)(a) (E)

PINE-Ref 0.00 ± 0.00 47.15 6.30 1.60 0.15 18.772 12.86 ± 0.12 47.80 6.35 1.59 0.15 18.801
(H)(b) (A)(ab) (AB)(a) (EFG)(ab) (J)(a) (A)(a) (A)(b) (F)(a) (HIJK)(a)

PINE-HT-10 6.80 ± 0.20 (B) 49.05 6.10 1.49 0.20 (E)(a) 19.373 10.40 ± 0.12 (GH) 51.15 6.20 1.45 0.15 19.705 (CDEFG)(a)
(G)(b) (B)(b) (E)(a) (CDEF)(ab) (F)(a) (B)(a) (F)(b) (F)(b)

PINE-HT-15 8.20 ± 0.21(C) 50.70 6.00 1.42 0.15 (F)(a) 19.907 10.84 ± 0.12 (FG) 51.85 6.20 1.43 0.15 19.963
(D)(b) (C)(b) (GH)(b) (ABCD)(ab) (E)(a) (B)(a) (G)(a) (F)(a) (CDEF)(a)

(FG) (G)(a) (I)

PINE-HT-20 13.30 ± 0.27 52.30 5.85 1.34 0.10 20.372 8.80 ± 0.12 53.45 6.00 1.35 0.10 21.107
(B)(b) (FG)(b) (J)(ab) (A)(ab) (B)(a) (E)(a) (J)(a) (G)(a) (AB)(a)

For each group, the means with the same letter were not significantly different at 5% (a = 0.05)
*Each analysis has been duplicate and all the results are given with an accuracy of ± 0.20%
**Each analysis has been duplicate and all the results are given with an accuracy of ± 5.00%
(A) Impact of biomass and torrefaction process—values followed by the same letter are not significantly different
(a) Impact of leaching process—values followed by the same letter are not significantly different
Bold value indicates the main results


1456 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1447–1463

Table 2  Chemical structure composition of native and heat-treated coffee husk (CH), eucalyptus (EUCA) and pine (PINE)
Reference Extractives content Insoluble lignin Soluble lignin Total lignin Holocellulose total
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

CH-Ref 21.28 ± 0.21(A) 28.96 ± 0.22(D) 1.65 ± 0.10(A) 30.61 ± 0.32(D) 48.11 ± 1.21(A)

CH-HT-5 21.27 ± 0.16(A) 32.41 ± 0.41(C) 1.32 ± 0.01(B) 33.53 ± 0.42(C) 45.20 ± 1.13(B)
CH-HT-10 21.16 ± 0.44(AB) 35.28 ± 1.15(B) 1.23 ± 0.01(D) 36.51 ± 1.16(B) 42.33 ± 1.07(C)
CH-HT-15 20.43 ± 0.10(C) 45.32 ± 1.46(A) 1.28 ± 0.01(C) 46.60 ± 1.47(A) 32.97 ± 0.82(D)
EUCA-Ref 3.38 ± 0.01(D) 26.52 ± 0.25(D) 1.58 ± 0.02(B) 28.10 ± 0.27(D) 68.52 ± 1.71(A)
EUCA-HT-10 5.86 ± 0.02(C) 27.81 ± 0.46(C) 2.07 ± 0.12(A) 29.88 ± 0.58(C) 64.26 ± 1.61(B)
EUCA-HT-15 6.55 ± 0.52(A) 37.92 ± 1.10(AB) 1.45 ± 0.01(C) 39.37 ± 1.11(AB) 54.08 ± 1.35(C)
EUCA-HT-20 6.29 ± 0.40(AB) 39.30 ± 1.20(A) 0.90 ± 0.01(D) 40.20 ± 1.21(A) 53.51 ± 1.34(CD)
PINE-Ref 6.17 ± 0.05(D) 28.22 ± 0.69(D) 0.23 ± 0.01(D) 28.45 ± 0.70(D) 65.38 ± 1.63(A)
PINE-HT-10 7.29 ± 0.18(A) 29.73 ± 0.48(C) 0.25 ± 0.01(C) 29.98 ± 0.49(C) 62.73 ± 1.56(AB)
PINE-HT-15 7.07 ± 0.08(AB) 33.53 ± 0.66(B) 0.34 ± 0.01(B) 33.87 ± 0.67(B) 59.06 ± 1.48(C)
PINE-HT-20 6.35 ± 0.09(C) 39.77 ± 0.49(A) 0.59 ± 0.02(A) 40.36 ± 0.51(A) 53.29 ± 1.33(D)

Values within each column and factor followed by the same letter are not significantly different
For each group, the means with the same letter were not significantly different at 5% (a = 0.05)
Bold value indicates the main results

decreased of all samples, resulting in an increase in their

carbon content improving their HHV values.

Decay Degradation According to the Fungus

Exposure Duration

Water Content

Figure 4a shows the final water content (in %, wet basis)

of control beech and pine samples. Figure  4b, displays
the raw and torrefied eucalyptus (290 °C—10 min), pine
(290 °C—15 min) and coffee husk (290 °C—5 min) sam‑
ples after Trametes versicolor (TV) and Coniophora puteana
(CP) fungi exposures and according to the duration of these
decay expositions. The hydrophobic behavior of all samples
is very similar than those of beech and pine control samples.
Their water content levels increase highly during the first
four fungi exposition weeks, and then continue to increase
more slowly for longer tests durations. However, the level
of water absorption due to the sample exposure to fungal
decay depends on the nature of the biomass and on the type
of fungus to which it is subjected.
The higher level of water uptake was recorded for coffee
husk during T. versicolor exposure, following by those of
pine exposed to C. puteana and then by those of eucalyp‑
tus exposed to Trametes versicolor. It results that brown rot
undergoes a higher water uptake on softwood species while
hardwood species are most sensitive to white rot [33]. In
addition, the difference of water uptake intensities between Fig. 4  Water content (%) after Coniophora puteana (CP) and Tram-
etes versicolor (TV) expossure of Pine and beech control samples
the three biomasses could be also explained by their chemi‑ (a) and native and heat treated Eucalyptus (EUCA), Pine (PINE) and
cal composition, mainly due to their carbohydrates and Coffee Husk (CH) (b), according to the fungal exposure duration (bar
hemicellulose contents which have many hydroxyl groups followed by the same letter are not significantly different)

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1447–1463 1457

(–OH) which drive biomasses to be polar and to make easily

hydrogen bonds with water molecules [26]. However, coffee
husk has a low hemicelluloses content eg. 7% [29], and its
hydrophobic behavior could be explain by its high poros‑
ity level eg. 64.85% [34] compared to those of eucalyptus
(47.6% [35]) and pine (61.4–63.9% [36]).
The changes of lignocellulosic polymers during torrefac‑
tion lead to the formation of unsaturated non-polar structures
and cause shortening of polymer chains [37]. Due to the
hemicellulose degradation during torrefaction process caus‑
ing a loss of hydroxyl groups [26], all biomasses tend to be
non-polar and hardly make hydrogen bonds with water mol‑
ecules, and then their hydrophobic behavior increase com‑
pared to those of a native biomasses, as shown by the humid‑
ity values recorded during the fungal exposure (Fig. 6b).
Although heat treatment reduces the water uptake of wood
[38] during fungal exposure, it does not prevent the occur‑
rence of free water on the surfaces of cell lumina, and the
moisture content can still increase much higher than the fiber
saturation point with the fungal exposure duration (Fig. 6b).
Free water can therefore still serve as reactant in chemical
decay processes (e.g. hydrolysis), as a diffusion medium for
enzymes and solubilized substrate molecules, and as a sol‑
vent or medium for life systems within the fungal hyphae.

Decay Degradation

The overall Weight Loss (WL %) due to T. versicolor and

C. puteana exposure of beech and pine control samples, raw
and torrefied eucalyptus (EUCA), pine (PINE) and coffee
husk (CH), are shown in Fig. 5.
According to the weight loss values obtained concern‑
ing the fungal degradation of beech and pine wood control
sample after 16 weeks (Fig. 5a), the decay resistance test
performed through this study has been validated. Indeed,
Fig. 5  Weight Losses (WL%) due to Coniophora puteana (CP) and
the following minimal degradation levels (according to XP
Trametes versicolor (TV) degradation of Pine and beech control sam‑
CEN/TS 15083–1 [18] of control samples were reached: ples (a) and native and heat treated Eucalyptus (EUCA), Pine (PINE)
and Coffee Husk (CH) (b), according to the fungal exposure duration
– Coniophora puteana (Brown rot) on pine: (bar followed by the same letter are not significantly different)
WL = 57.12% > 30%;
– Coniophora puteana (Brown rot) on beech: (white rot) which is more degrading on native and torrefied
WL = 48.18% > 30%; EUCA samples. In addition, it appears that raw and native
– Trametes versicolor (White rot) on pine: WL = 24.18%— CH samples are equally degraded by C. puteana as by CP for
no requirement; the same period of exposition Trametes versicolor.
– Trametes versicolor (White rot) on beech: According to the Fig. 5a, the both fungal degradation of
WL = 44.24% > 20%. beech and pine block control samples appears to begin as
early as the fourth week of rot exposure. The fungal degrada‑
For the both tested rots, a similar tendency concerning tion (TV and CP) of all biomasses, under chips shape, starts
the decay resistance improvement of the three biomasses as early as the second week of rot exposure.
was observed after torrefaction. As observed in Fig. 5b, the degradation kinetics of raw
Average values of weight loss due to fungal degradation eucalyptus and pine samples increased highly during the
showed that C. puteana (brown rot) was more aggressive height first weeks and tend to stabilize for longer fungal
on native and heat-treated PINE samples than T. versicolor exposure duration. Whereas the degradation kinetics of raw


1458 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1447–1463

Fig. 6  a Carbon, b hydrogen and c nitrogen contents (%),d H/C molar H/C ratio of the different raw and torrefied Eucalyptus (EUCA), Pine
ratio and e ­HHV0 (MJ/kg) according to Trametes versicolor (TV) (PINE) and Coffee Husk (CH) samples
exposure duration; f Correlation between ­HHV0 (MJ/kg) and atomic

and heat-treated coffee husk, torrefied eucalyptus and pines woody biomasses a high level of decay resistance, eg., durabil‑
samples increased linearly according to the exposure dura‑ ity class three according to the specifications of EN 350 [39]
tion, whatever the fungus. standard [40].
The torrefaction allows reducing the WL, improving the
decay resistance of all samples but the torrefaction curing
intensity is not optimal to confer a great decay resistance to
the three biomasses. From past studies, a mass loss due to
thermal degradation higher than 12% is required to confer to

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1447–1463 1459

Evolution of the Energy Properties of Raw Degradation by Coniophora Puteana (CP)—Brown Rot

and Heat‑Treated Biomasses During Fungal
Exposure Concerning the changes in hydrogen (Fig. 7b) and nitrogen
(Fig. 7c) contents during fungal exposure, similar results
Degradation by Trametes Versicolor (TV)—White Rot were observed for C. puteana (CP) as for T. versicolor. We
observed different behavior of carbon content evolution,
As shown in Fig. 6a, a loss of carbon was registered in all according to the type of biomass, during the samples expo‑
native and torrefied biomasses with white rotter T. versi- sure to C. puteana. It results that carbon contents increase
color, according to the duration of the fungal exposure a little for EUCA-Ref and EUCA-HT-10 relating to the C.
of the sample. Relating to the literature, white rot mainly puteana exposition duration, whereas carbon contents of
degrades the lignin polymer, causing loss of carbon because PINE-Ref,, PINE-HT-15, CH-Ref and CH-HT-5 samples
carbon compounds are consumed as nutrients and respired increase more significantly (Fig. 7a). These results could
as ­CO2 during their growing [41]. According to the Fig. 6b, be explained by the remaining cellulose and the hemicel‑
hydrogen content seems to be quite constant for native and luloses after torrefaction at low temperature (PINE-Ref,
treated PINE and EUCA samples, whereas small decreases PINE-HT-15, CH-Ref and CH-HT-5 samples) are degraded
were observed during TV exposure of native and torrefied by C. puteana, increasing the relative carbon content. In fact,
CH samples. These changes in hydrogen contents were not brown-rot fungus (C. puteana) causes more weight loss than
statistically significant. the white-rot (T. versicolor) on these last samples, because it
The nitrogen content increased in all tested materials removes the cellulosic fraction and leaves lignin structurally
(Fig. 6c) in correlation with their TV fungi contact dura‑ modified. Brown rotter C. puteana prefers coniferous wood
tion. This phenomenon was more pronounced for native and species, but seems to cause also damages in CH. It uses
torrefied CH samples than for PINE and EUCA samples. endoglucanases to degrade cellulose and hemicelluloses, but
It results that, for native EUCA, PINE and CH samples, has also been reported to produce cellobiohydrolases that
H/C ratios increased very slowly with the T. versicolor expo‑ erode crystalline cellulose and could therefore also utilize
sure duration (Fig. 6d). Figure 6d shows also that the H/C quite severely torrefied wood [44].
ratio of torrefied EUCA, PINE and CH samples increased Figure 7c shows that the nitrogen contents of native and
relating to the T. versicolor exposure duration, where the torrefied EUCA and PINE sample were constant during CP
most significant evolution occurs in the first 4 weeks of fun‑ inhibition, whereas those of raw and torrefied CH samples
gal exposure. In addition, the highest growth rate of H/C increased with the CP exposure duration.
ratio was obtained for CH-HT-5 sample compared to those It therefore follows a decrease of H/C ratio and an
of PINE-HT-15 and EUCA-HT-10 samples (Fig. 6d). increase HHV value for all the tested samples according
Carbon and hydrogen are the main compounds contrib‑ to the C. puteana exposure duration (Fig. 7d and e). The
uting to the Heating Values of pyrolyzed woody biomasses increase of HHV may be associated with the degradation
[42], and low H/C ratio are desirable for the use of them for of the low-energy content components (e.g., leaf materi‑
energy purposes. Our results are consistent with this state‑ als or agro-food residues) that were easily accessible to the
ment. In parallel with the observed decrease in carbon and enzymatic community during storage condition [45]. The
therefore the increase in the H/C ratio, Fig. 6 clearly shows proportion of components in the biomass will affect energy
that the HHV of all the tested samples (native and heat- content: the preferential decomposition of hemicellulose by
treated) decreases during their exposure to Trametes ver- C. puteana (brow rot) will result in increased heating values,
sicolor. In fact, depletion of carbon will lower the calorific and the loss of extractives or the preferential fungal decom‑
value and here, statistically significant changes were detected position of lignin (eg. T. versicolor—white rot) would tend
in carbon content. The heat content is related to the oxida‑ to reduce heating values [46].
tion state of the natural fuels in which carbon atoms gener‑ The results presented in Fig. 7f confirms the linear cor‑
ally dominate and overshadow small variations of hydrogen relation between HHV values and H/C ratio. But contrary
and nitrogen content. According to the results obtained by to the results obtained with Trametes versicolor, the longer
Tillman [43], founding a linear relationship between the the inoculation period with C. puteana, the lower the H/C
HHV and the carbon content of the natural fuels, chars, and ratio of the sample and hence the higher its HHV value for
volatiles, the Fig. 6f highlights a linear correlation between all tested biomasses.
HHV values and H/C ratio of all tested biomasses. Finally,
Fig. 6f shows that whatever the woody biomasses species, Balance Sheet
torrefied or not, the longer the inoculation period with Tram-
etes versicolor, the higher the H/C ratio of the sample and The HHV s of the three biomasses species were signifi‑
hence the lower its HHV value. cantly affected by their decay exposure time. There was a


1460 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1447–1463

Fig. 7  a Carbon, b hydrogen and c nitrogen contents (%), d H/C and atomic H/C ratio of the different raw and torrefied Eucalyptus
molar ratio and e ­HHV0 (MJ/kg) according to Coniophora pute- (EUCA), pine (PINE) and Coffee Husk (CH) samples
ana (CP) exposure duration; f correlation between H
­ HV0 (MJ/kg)

relationship between the HHV and decay exposure time change or a decrease of the higher heating value [47, 48],
across torrefaction process and fungi, but the change over while others have highlighted a slight increase of heating
time was small (Figs. 6, 7). value [49, 50] of woody biomass samples at the end of their
It appears that T. versicolor degradation affects nega‑ storage.
tively the HHV of raw and heat-treated Eucalyptus, Pine From our laboratory experiment, it was clear that fungi,
and Coffee Husk, whereas Conipohora puteana improves and more particularly, white rot fungi, are susceptible to
their energy properties. Some past studies performed on the settle on seemingly unfavorable material, which is said to
biomasses storage have recently reported also no significant be hydrophobic and suitable for outside storage. However,

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1447–1463 1461

Table 3  Qualitative evaluation of the impact of torrefaction, leaching and decay exposure impact on the elemental composition and energy
properties of the three Brazilian biomasses
Hydrogen Nitrogen
Carbon content HHV Value
content content
Torrefaction process

Leaching process

Trametes versiocolor ± ±
(depend on the (depend on the
exposure (white rot) biomass nature) biomass nature)
Coniophora puteana ± ±
(depend on the (depend on the
exposure (brown rot) biomass nature) biomass nature)
: significant increase; : moderate increase; : low increase.
: significant decrease; : moderate decrease; : low decrease.
+/- : no significant evolution.

the main objective of this study was to observe the impact of The water absorptions (water content in %) of wood sam‑
the nature of the biomasses on the torrefaction and storage ples due to their decay exposure, whatever the decay con‑
degradation mechanisms. Based on previous work [50], it is tact duration and the fungi type, were lower for heat treated
likely that better results would have been obtained regarding biomass samples compared to their respective raw sample.
the durability and hydrophobicity of torrefied biomass with Similar observations were done on weight loss due to fun‑
higher curing intensities. gal degradation. Coniophora puteana (Brown rot) was more
Table 3 displays a qualitative evaluation of the impact aggressive for both native and heat-treated PINE samples
of torrefaction, leaching and decay exposure impact on the compared to T. versicolor (white rot), that it is more attack
elemental composition and energy properties of the three raw and torrefied EUCA and CH samples.
studied Brazilian biomasses. There was a relationship between the HHV and decay
Therefore, torrefaction of eucalyptus, pine and coffee exposure time across all the thermal treatments and fungi.
husk seems to be a viable method to eliminate some of the Torrefaction of eucalyptus, pine and coffee Husk seems
disadvantages of these raw biomasses as it significantly to be a viable method to eliminate some of the disadvantages
improves energy content and prevents absorption of moisture of these raw biomasses as it significantly improves energy
during storage. Even if HHV values decrease during white content and prevents absorption of moisture during storage.
rot fungal (Trametes versicolor) exposure, HHV values are Even if HHV values decrease during white rot fungal expo‑
still higher for heat-treated biomass samples than those in sure, HHV values are still higher for heat-treated biomass
the respective raw samples (Figs. 6, 7). In addition, coffee samples than those of the respective raw samples are. To be
husk appears to be a very promising biomass for energy con‑ noted that brown rot fungal exposure seems to improve the
version by torrefaction process, even if for the heat treatment energy properties of torrefied eucalyptus, pine and coffee
intensity used, CH-HT-5 still appears to be very sensitive to husk samples. In addition, coffee husk appears to be a very
storage (Figs. 4, 5). promising biomass for energy conversion by torrefaction
process, due to its high HHV after torrefaction. However,
higher torrefaction intensity than 290 °C—5 min (CH-HT-5)
Conclusions should be used in order to improve its sensitive to storage.
Future studies will be needed in order to conduct similar
The heat treatment duration has an important impact on storage experimentation and analyses on eucalyptus, pine
eucalyptus, pine and coffee husk mass loss kinetic during and coffee husk samples treated at higher heat-treatment
torrefaction process. Chemical and elemental composition intensities to find an optimal solution between torrefac‑
modifications, HHVs and decay resistance improvements of tion, storage sensitivity, energy properties and economical
these three matters are directly correlated to the torrefaction balance.
process duration.
Water-leaching process seems to improve slightly the Acknowledgements  The authors gratefully acknowledge the National
Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for the
three torrified biomasses, which occurs an oxygen content financial support granted to Bruno De Freitas Homem De Faria allow‑
decreased and a carbon content increase resulting in a better ing him to carry out this PhD in collaboration with BioWooEB-CIRAD
HHV values than those of the not-leached biomasses. Institute.


1462 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:1447–1463

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