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1 of 1
Effectuation refers to the way entrepreneurs think or the entrepreneurial thought process
that helps an entrepreneur in starting a business. It shows a way to control a future that is
inherently unpredictable.
Correct Answer User answer

True True

Solution :
True. Effectuation is a term used to describe the entrepreneurial thought process. Dr. Saras
Sarasvathy coined this term after meeting and interviewing many entrepreneurs.
SOURCE VIDEO: What Is Effectuation?
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Which principle of Effectuation means "Start with what you have"?



Patchwork Quilt


Solution :
The Bird-in-Hand principle means to start with what you have.
SOURCE: VIDEO: What is Effectuation and time 02:10
You scored 1 of 1
A person is said to be in a state of flow when _______________________.

They do what is important

They are excited about their own success

They do something they love

They are in a state of unhappiness

Solution :
A person is said to be in a state of flow when they do something they love. They lose track of
time, get immersed in what they are doing. They do not need to be pushed by someone to do it.
Source: Video: Finding Your Flow
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True or False?
Hecate is in her final year of college and is a fabulous  painter. Her paintings are a real
treat to the eyes, and she loves experimenting with colors. Since the last three months, she
has been busy checking out career options and preparing for  job interviews while painting
has taken a back seat.
From the above scenario, we can conclude that painting is Hecate's "flow" activity.
Correct Answer User answer

False False

Solution :
False. Though Hecate excels at painting, we cannot conclude that she experiences a state of flow
while carrying out  this activity. Had that been the case, she would have made time for this
activity despite her hectic schedule and  pursued the same. .
SOURCE VIDEO: Finding Your Flow
You scored 1 of 1
Samara started an online pickle store. She took her mom’s help to make the pickles, and
she did the bottling and delivery herself. The only investment she did was on the
ingredients and pickle bottles. Which effectuation principle is Samara using here?
Select the correct answer.

Bird-in-Hand principle
Lemonade principle

Patchwork Quilt principle

Affordable Loss principle

Solution :
Samara is using the Bird-in-Hand Effectuation principle here.
SOURCE: VIDEO: Five Principles of Effectuation
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You are planning to start your own venture, and you start by first applying the Affordable
Loss principle of Effectuation, that is, estimating what you can afford to lose at each step.
Which traditional method are you directly contradicting?

Estimating the risk percentage

Targeting a return, then working to minimize the associated risk

Planning your next step based on your current resources

Solution :
Expert entrepreneurs limit risks by understanding what they can afford to lose at each step.
However, in this case, by applying the Affordable Loss principle, you will be directly
contradicting the traditional method of targeting a return, then working to minimize the
associated risk.
In other words, traditional method involves looking at returns first, and then analyzing the risks
of any potential losses. While the Affordable Loss principle suggests to analyze how much losses
can you bear in the first place.  
SOURCE: VIDEO: Five Principles of Effectuation
You scored 1 of 1
True or False?
Effectuation principles should be used only during the startup phase of a business.
Correct Answer User answer

False False

Solution :
False. Effectuation principles need to be kept in mind and followed throughout the entire
lifecycle of a business.
SOURCE: VIDEO: Five Principles of Effectuation
You scored 1 of 1
Roan and Amey launched their own online Tax consulting services portal. They took stock
of their means and spent it all on the website design. However, six months later, they
realized that they had only three confirmed clients and no money to keep the venture alive.
Considering the above scenario, which Effectuation principle do you think Roan and Amey
shouldn't have ignored before launching their consulting service venture?

Bird-in-Hand principle

Lemonade principle

Patchwork Quilt principle

Affordable Loss principle

Solution :
Considering the above scenario, Roan and Amey should have kept the Affordable Loss principle
of Effectuation in mind before launching their consulting service venture.
SOURCE: VIDEO: Five Principles of Effectuation
You scored 0 of 1
Roan and Amey were doing reasonably good with their Tax consulting services venture to
which they had also added an income-tax payment gateway.  They integrated their own tax
consulting services with an HR Services firm, into a common portal, and the integrated
services became a blockbuster in no time. Which principle of Effectuation is displayed
Bird-in-Hand principle

Lemonade principle

Patchwork Quilt principle

Affordable Loss principle

Solution :
This scenario reflects the Patchwork Quilt or the Crazy Quilt principle where the entrepreneurs
form partnerships and build a network of self-selected stakeholders who will jointly commit to
the partnership and co-create the venture.
SOURCE: VIDEO: Five Principles of Effectuation
You scored 0 of 1
Joe starts selling strawberry jam made from surplus strawberries. Soon the popularity of
his jam increases. Joe spots a big opportunity and starts a small factory to make the jam a
nation-wide brand. Which Effectuation principle is Joe using here?
Select the correct answer.


Affordable Loss



Solution :
Joe is using the Pilot-in-the-Plane principle here by taking control of his situation and steering
his path.

SOURCE: VIDEO: Five Principles of Effectuation



Pengertian  proses kausa adalah sebuah proses yang dimulai dengan hasil yang diinginkan dan berfokus pada

cara untuk mendapatkan hasil tersebut.

Pengertian proses efektuasi adalah sebuah proses yang dimulai dengan apa yang dimiliki seseorang (siapa

mereka, apa yang mereka tahu, dan siapa yang mereka tahu) lalu memilih di antara hasil yang mungkin dicapai.

Prinsip patchwork quilt adalah tindakan yang berorientasi pada cara yang menekankan penciptaan suatu hal

baru dengan cara yang ada daripada menemukan cara baru untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu.

Prinsip risiko yang dapat diganggung adalah komitmen di awal terhadap kesediaan seseorang untuk

menaggung kerugian daripada berinvestasi dengan mengalkulasi imbal hasil yang diharapkan dari suatu proye.

Prinsip burung di tangan adalah melibatkan negosiasi dengan setiap pihak berkepentingan yang bersedia

member komitmen nyata pada proyek.

Prinsip limun adalah menyarankan untuk mengendalikan kejutan agar mendapatkan manfaat daripada

menghindari ,dengan mengatasi atau beradaptasi dengan kejutan itu.

Prinsip pilot dalam pesawat adalah menyarankan untuk mengandalkan dan bekerja dengan orang yang

merupakan pemandu utama peluang dan tidak membatasi upaya pengusaha untuk mengeksploitasi factor-faktor

yang berada di luar kendali individu.

Pengertian  kemampuan beradaptasi secara kognitif adalah menggambarkan sampai sejauh mana pengusaha

bersikap dinamis, fleksibel, mengatur diri sendiri, dan terlibat dalam proses mendapatkan kerangka kerja

pengambilan beragam keputusan yang berfokus pada kemampuan merasaka serta memproses perubahan dalam

lingkungan mereka lalu bertindak terhadap perubahan tersebut.

Pengertian  pertanyaan pemahaman adalah pertanyaan yang didesain untuk meningkatkan pemahaman

pengusaha tentang sifat alamiah dari lingkungan.

Pengertian  tugas keterkaitan adalah tugas yang didesain untuk menstimulasi pengusaha untuk berpikir tentang

situasi saat ini berkaitan dengan kesamaan dan perbedaan dalam situasi yang sebelumnya dihadapi dan

Pengertian  tugas strategi adalah tugas yang didesai untuk menstimulasi pengusaha agar berpikir tentang

strategi-strategi yang sesuai untuk memecahkan permasalahan (dan mengapa digunakan strageti tersebut ) atau

mengejar peluang (dan bagaimana cara mengejar peluang tersebut).

Pengertian tugas refleksi adalah tugas yang didesain untuk menstimulasi pengusaha agar berpikir tentang

pemahaman dan perasaan mereka seiring kemajuan yang mereka lakukan di sepanjang proses kewirausahaan.

Pengertian kesedihan adalah respons emosi negative ketika seseorang  merasakan kehilangan sesuatu yang


Pengertian orientasi pada kehilangan adalah pendekatan atas pemulihan kesedihan yang melibatkan usaha ,

pemrosesan ,sejumlah aspek dari pengalaman kehilangan dan, sebagai hasil dari proses ini, memutus ikatan

emosional atas objek yang hilang.

Pengertian orientasi pada perbaikan adalah pendekatan atas pemulihan kesedihan berdasarkan pada

penghindaran dan tindakan proaktif terhadap sumber sekunder stress yang timbul dari rasa kehilangan yang


Pengertian proses ganda kesedihan adalah melibatkan pergerakan antara dua pendekatan pemulihan

kesedihan (orientasi pada kehilangan dan orientasi pada perbaikan).

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