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Foam-based and water-based systems

MOS 5301
Foam-based and water-based systems

As known to many, fire sprinklers are very important parts of vital systems which help in
protecting our buildings against fire whether they are commercial buildings or not. As
complicated as they are, they may become even more complicated given the fact that several
types of systems are already in the market with foam-based and water-based being just but a
few of them (Amon, Handler, Tomida & Meacham, 2016). Mostly, the foam-based sprinklers
systems are designed to be mainly used in areas in which putting out the fire could be extra
difficult, for instance, the building that has in it very flammable liquids of materials such as
The water-based systems make use of medium which are inexpensive and readily
available and at the same time they discharge the water on flames thus keeping the fire under
control which was the primary goal of the design(Amon, Handler, Tomida & Meacham, 2016).
Water-based systems were the ones installed when the warehouse was first built even though
they were not maintained at all. Apart from the fact that they were wet systems, the presence
of very combustible material within the warehouse was a clear indication that they could not
help in controlling the fire.
Foam-based systems work when foam concentrate and water mix; the mixture itself is
designed in such a way that it flows via the pipe in order to extinguish the fire. A further division
is there in foam-based sprinkler systems that is wet pipe systems, dry pipe systems, deluge
systems and lastly pre-action systems. It is good to note that the foam element which is present
will always work the same for all the different types of foam-based systems which exist(Amon,
Handler, Tomida & Meacham, 2016). The foam within the systems is contained within the
bladder tank, as the system is activated the foam will be pressurized with water towards the
foam proportioner where it will be combined with water (Alvarez, 2018).
Later it will be released into piping where it will flow to go and extinguish the fire
through the fire sprinklers. The foam is very necessary in highly flammable warehouses as it
will suffocate the fire containing any fumes which are combustible, as a result it will eliminate
any reflash possibilities (Alvarez, 2018). After reviewing the information concerning the way
the sprinklers were functioning, the fact that the fire control units failed to detect the smoke
Foam-based and water-based systems

and heat condition was a clear sign that good management was very necessary as well as
installation of the foam-based systems.
Describe the designated work areas, the role of fire watch and if that individual has the
authority to stop the work.
The hot work refers to the process which can be the main source of an ignition of fire
when any flammable liquid or material is present, it can also be a fire hazard whether or not
there is a substance which is flammable around. Some of the very common processes involve
cutting, brazing, soldering and welding as well as the use of similar fire producing operations
which are outside the hot work areas (Alvarez, 2018). In some part of the areas things such as
permits for the hot work is needed, this is important as the employer has to write an
authorization for performing the operation which involve hot work. The permits should state
exactly the type of work which is to be done, the manner in which it is supposed to be done,
when it will be done, the precautions taken to ensure safety, the person who will be
responsible for ensuring safety and the person who will check to confirm that work is done
properly(Brakhage, Abrams & Fortney, 2016). All these are clearly stated in the hot work
permit, this is yet one of the things which should have been considered by the owner of the
warehouse to ensure that no safety and precaution when repairs were being done.
One of the roles of a fire watch is to assess risk which might be caused by fire in the
work are and also to come up with some precautions in case any threat is detected. In other
terms, his work will revolve around ensuring that the things mentioned in the hot area permit
are done properly(Brakhage, Abrams & Fortney, 2016). The most precaution any person involve
in hot areas process jobs can take is having a fire watch; this is to be taken against the fire
which may be started accidentally. Either the welder himself or as preferred someone else must
be the designated fire watch. He or she is supposed to stay in the areas for at least two hours
after the work which was being done is completed to ensure that the everything is fine and that
there is no fire related risk (Brakhage, Abrams & Fortney, 2016). The person who will be acting
as the fire watch is supposed to have a fire extinguisher just in case a fire starts, he or she is
also supposed to stop any task which is being done when he or she realizes that there are some
Foam-based and water-based systems

threats. In other words, take some precautions to eliminate the threats before the job is

Amon, F., Handler, J., Stahl, S., Tomida, M., & Meacham, B. (2016). Introduction and
background. In Development of an Environmental and Economic Assessment Tool (Enveco Tool)
for Fire Events (pp. 1-5). Springer, New York, NY.

Alvarez, J. M. A. (2018). HYVE Crowd Allianz-Smart Fire Protection.

Brakhage, C., Abrams, A., & Fortney, J. (Eds.). (2016). Fire protection, detection, and suppression
systems (5th ed.). Stillwater, OK: Fire Protection Publications.

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