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Have you ever thought of Paleozoic Era? What periods are present
during this era?? Then this section would definitely satisfy what
you’ve wanted to know! There are 6 periods that is present in the
time of Paleozoic namely: Cambrian Period, Ordovician Period,
Silurian, Devonian Period, Carboniferous and Permian. We’ll focus
on the last two periods which is Carboniferous and Permian.

The carboniferous was started during the late Paleozoic Era for
about 359.2 to 299 million years ago. The word “Carboniferous” was
named after the rich deposits of coal that occur in England.
Carboniferous was used throughout the world to describe this
period but in United States it has been separated to two:
Mississippian (Lower Carboniferous) and Pennsylvanian (Upper
Carboniferous) subsystems. These subsystems were made to
distinguish the coal-bearing layers of Pennsylvanian from the
mostly limestone Mississippian. During the Carboniferous period,
plant life was extensive and luxuriant, most specially during the
upper carboniferous period. Large nonflowering plants existed
during this time.
After Carboniferous, Permian period took place between 299 to 251
million years ago. The emerging of the supercontinent of Pangea
creates severe extremes of climate and environment due to its vast
size. Permian is known to be the rise of the reptiles which
capitalized on the new environment. Later on, they’ve been suited to
the desert-type habitats today. Therapsids a mammal-like reptiles
found an internal solution to keeping warm-scientist suspect but
eventually they became warm-blooded, conserving heat through the
breakdown of food. They also became the dominant land animal
during the late Permian. The Permian represented the last gasp for
much early prehistoric life. Both the period and the era came to a
calamitous close 251 million years ago, leaving a biological dividing
line that few animals crossed. This period had the worst extinction
event in the planet’s history and is estimated to have wiped out
more than 90% of all marine species and 70% land animal. And this
is the ending of the era of Paleozoic.

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