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21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World 2020 Edition

For DMMCIHS use only

Authoritarianism Learning Packet


Activity 1
Discuss the following:

There are many different perspectives regarding Martial Law. In the history
books, Martial Law is seen as a great evil under the reign of former President
Ferdinand Marcos, but there are some Filipinos who look at our Martial Law
past with fondness.

Why do you think this is the case?

Martial Law was not declared for the personal benefit of those in power.
The Philippines is not the only one to declare Martial Law, as well as other
countries. Martial Law was declared so that the communists and the NPA would
not cover the Filipinos. In the Philippines, martial law refers to a number of
various times in Philippine history when the Philippine head of state, such as
the President, places a territory under the rule of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines and its previous bodies. The only bad thing that can be said about
the current Martial Law provisions is that they are so humiliated that they are
completely useless. Using his commander-in-chief powers, the president could
deal with situations far faster and without turning to Martial Law. Civil rights,
such as the right to free movement, free speech, and protection from excessive
searches, may be suspended when martial law is declared. A military justice
system, such as a military court, replaces the traditional justice system that
deals with criminal and civil law matters. When it comes to choosing between
full freedom and serious discipline, I choose discipline. Between unlimited
freedom to abuse, destroy the country, use and sell drugs, and cause damage
on the environment, all of which are happening today, I would always choose

Activity 2

Directions: Answer the following questions.

Guide Questions:

# 143 Narra St., Mt.viewSubd.,Brgy. 3, Tanauan City, Batangas

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World 2020 Edition
For DMMCIHS use only

1. How would you describe the persona and the persona’s father?
How would you describe their relationship? Would you say that your relationship with
your father is similar or different? Explain.
The persona’s father may be a strict father and the persona could be
defined as a curious child. Because a child with a strict father is likely to be
silent and reserved in his father's presence, their relationship is most likely
to be very casual. My relationship with my father is not similar to the
relationship of persona and persona’s father in view of that my father is not
strict to me. In our house, my father and I are the closest and he is
someone I get along with. He always allow me to do everything I want
because he have trust one me and I know my limitations. Sometimes, he is
strict to me but I know it is only for the best.

2. In lines 12 and 13 in the poem, there is the use of words “snappy” and “snapped”,
respectively. What do these words mean? How do they add to the poem in terms of
sound? How do they add to your understanding of the relationship between father and
Snappy could indicate clean or intelligent in line 12 of the poem, while
snapped could mean prohibited or disciplined in line 13. These terms have
a sense of strictness and discipline. It's easy to see why the poetry sounds
so serious and the relationship between the father and son is so casual
when you read these two terms in the poem. These additional words
enhance the sound of the poetry by supplying words that sound similar.
They let me understand that the father was strict even with his son,
insisting on strictly adhering to the laws.

3. Who is Apo in the poem? Cite evidence to support your answer.

The poem of Bj Patino's which is “Apo on the Wall” is about the
narration of a child's point of view about his strict Father and the "Apo"
portrait that hangs on the wall. In the poem, Apo was the child's father's
supervisor. He works hard and brought a photo of his boss, Apo, so Apo
could see him. Apo is a powerful man, and he is none other than Ferdinand
Marcos, the iconic dictator.

# 143 Narra St., Mt.viewSubd.,Brgy. 3, Tanauan City, Batangas

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World 2020 Edition
For DMMCIHS use only

4. How would you describe the relationship between the persona’s father and Apo? What
does this tell us about the father’s perspective about Martial Law?
The persona's father has a relationship with Apo that is similar to that of
a faithful servant and a king. This implies that whatever Apo decides, the
persona's father will definitely follow the lead. This poem is written from
the perspective of a child who is different from the adults when it comes to
the Martial Law. People are well-organized, according to persona's view.
Persona's father's impression is that he is demonstrating Apo even when
he is not present, which he appreciates.

5. What kind of values does the persona’s father want to teach his child, specifically, about
what it means to be a man? Do you agree with these values? Why or why not?
Discipline and respect for elders and those who are much higher than
you, even if they are not present, are qualities that the father wishes to
teach in his child. Yes, I agree with these values because if we treat others
with respect, they will treat us with respect as well. To avoid getting
disciplined, we must follow those who have authority. Respect is a value
that Persona's father wishes to teach in his son. He believes that one must
respect others in order to succeed in life. He says that respect is the most
important value in life.

6. Why is Apo compared to the “scary” Jesus in the hallway? What do they seem to have in
The dictator Apo, who is Ferdinand Marcos, is connected to the "scary"
Jesus in the hallway since they are both powerful. The poem is about
Martial Law, and the comparison arises from how everyone was observed
at the period. Because the military and other sources were everywhere,
everyone had to be extra careful. This is in comparison to how God
observes everything, and we must be careful of our actions. Aside from
that, God is unsurpassed in strength. He has the ability to do anything to
us. Similarly, during Martial Law, anything could be done to citizens for any

# 143 Narra St., Mt.viewSubd.,Brgy. 3, Tanauan City, Batangas

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World 2020 Edition
For DMMCIHS use only

7. What do the father, Apo, and the “scary” Jesus have in common?
The similarities of the Father, Apo and the “scary” Jesus is they scary
gaze. Father is a faster and devoted follower of his Apo which is Ferdinand
Marcos. Ferdinand Marcos is like Jesus in fact of that of his power who
knows all we do. It reflects the situation of what and how Filipinos
experienced the tragic and traumatic incident under Ferdinand Marcos'
administration in the Philippines.

8. Read the last line of the poem. What does it mean? How does this regulate the persona’s
The last line reflects the fear felt by Filipinos during Marcos'
dictatorship in terms of authority and power. Their fear is an identity cage
that has prevented them from using their human rights, freedom of
expression, and voice of justice. This is a threat, a warning that Marcos
and the military are always on the lookout. It states that if they do not
approve of what they observe, you will be apprehended and punished.
Because the person is filled with fear, this regulates their behaviors. They
will behave carefully and hold fast to the dictator's laws. This also
discourages individuals from participating in protests or revolutions to
fight for their rights.

9. Do you think the persona’s perspective about Martial Law is the same as his father? Why
or why not?
No. The storyteller was obviously young and shallow. His fear was
clear. His father once informed him that that was not a place for boys, but
only for men. The narrator reasoned that it was so he wouldn't go around
and touch his father's possessions, which could damage him. At his young
age, he cannot fully comprehend what his father was attempting to convey
and he can only interpret them literally. When he looked at the photo, he
was terrified by how the photo's eyes followed him. This means that the
son or the current generation does not agree with the type of strict and
authoritarianism, which makes him feel uncomfortable and gives him the

# 143 Narra St., Mt.viewSubd.,Brgy. 3, Tanauan City, Batangas

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World 2020 Edition
For DMMCIHS use only

impression that he does not have his freedom since he is always being

10. How does this poem provide the reader a glimpse of what Martial Law was like? How
did the poem make you feel?
It reflects the situation of what and how Filipinos experienced the tragic
and tragic incident under Ferdinand Marcos' administration in the
Philippines. The picture on the wall depicts the real situation in terms of
the perspectives of millennials and those who lived during Martial Law. The
Filipino people must never forget, recall, and cry out for justice! If we don't
do this as a country, we'll always have politicians and powerful people who
get away with crime and are voted into power despite their criminal
actions. I count myself lucky since I have not been faced to the hardships
of martial law. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to read this poem
because it gives me an insight of what Martial Law was like back then,
demonstrating how the military and the government have power in
managing the country. Another is that Martial Law is a terrifying time
because of Marcos and the people in control.


In order to help you analyze the poem, fill in the blanks in the worksheet below. The first
row has been filled out for you.

Character Details About the Character Conclusion

Persona Sneaking in the office “Boy”, The persona is a child.

not a man Scared of Jesus
He is afraid of his father.

He is afraid of authority
figures like his father.

He doesn’t always follow his


# 143 Narra St., Mt.viewSubd.,Brgy. 3, Tanauan City, Batangas

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World 2020 Edition
For DMMCIHS use only

Persona’s Father Soldier or who works under Brought a photo of his boss
government snapped the boy once

Strict Owner of the house

Still wearing his green He is demonstrating Apo

uniform and colored

Apo Boss of child’s father Apo is Ferdinand Marcos

He is in the hanging photo

around the wall

# 143 Narra St., Mt.viewSubd.,Brgy. 3, Tanauan City, Batangas


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