Academic Writing Comparison

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Shofia Lina Nafisah


Indonesia is a country with many islands and regions. In Central Java, 2 districts have
similarities there are Klaten and Sukoharjo. These similarities are found in several aspects
such as economics, culture, tourism, events, etc. The most visible similarity is the event held
by both of the regions. the event is classified into various types, the first is commercial, then
non-commercial and the last event is organized by the government itself.
The first is commercial event, a commercial event is defined as an event to benefit
the community with the purpose of making money or where a venue is hired for a private or
commercial function. In Klaten there is an exhibition which is held every year and it's called
the exhibition of bonsai trees. The exhibition was organized by Indonesian bonsai lovers or
Penggemar Bonsai Indonesia(PPBI), Klaten branch. Bonsai tree exhibition was held in the
city forest in Gergunung, Klaten on 1-9 august 2019. The exhibition was held to
commemorate the 74th anniversary of Indonesia's independence. the participants from this
event are about 100 people from in or out of the city, they were exhibiting their bonsai
trees. people who attend this exhibition are also allowed to buy various types of bonsai.
Some types of bonsai include Bougenville, Banyan, Adenium, Azaleas and many more. The
same with Klaten, Sukoharjo also held a Bonsai tree exhibition on June 24, 2019, to July 1,
2019. The bonsai exhibition in Klaten and Sukoharji was organized by the same organizer,
Indonesian bonsai fan (PPBI). this exhibition was held in the Satya Negara Square,
Sukoharjo. There were about 312 participants from various cities in Indonesia. the purpose
of holding a bonsai tree exhibition in Sukoharjo is to introduce people to the types of
bonsai, the exhibition can also be used as an alternative business for the society because the
price is much expensive which can reach 750 million for one type of bonsai tree.
Then non-comercial event, A definition of non-commercial event refers to an activity
or entity that does not, in some sense, involve commerce, at least relative to similar
activities that do have a commercial objective or emphasis. The examples are different types
of charity, fundraising, and non-profit events explained by a professional event planner. In
Klaten fundraising and prayer are held. This charity activity is carried out in the Klaten
Square on December 31, 2018, on the eve of the New Year. The participants who raise funds
are a combination of various organizations such as Scout and (ORARI) Amateur Radio
Indonesia. people who donate will be given a candle, which will be lit at the time of the new
year to pray together according to their respective religions. the donation collected that
night was 12,015,300 rupiah. The collected money will be given to earthquake victims in
Central of Sulawesi and Lombok some time ago. Sukoharjo also have a similar event, it’s also
fund raising. This event was held in the yard of the Lailatul Qadr Foundation Mosque on
January 26, 2019, in Sukoharjo. Participants who joined the charity event were a student of
the Lailatul Gadr Foundation and students from various schools. the purpose of holding this
fundraising initiative is to teaching the student about social care to others. the donations
will be aiming to disaster victims due to extreme weather recently, such as floods in
Sulawesi and strong winds that hit Sukoharjo.
The last is goverment event, a goverment event defined as an event that held by
goverment to commemorate certain occasions and these event are general for the society.
Klaten and Sukoharjo has similarity in goverment event it is cultural parede. In Klaten, the
cultural parade contain of meaning “Bumi loh jinawi”. This parade start from the fiels of
Barukan village and finish at polish station in Manisrenggo. The event holding on August 27,
2019. The participant of the parade is about 160 contingent or team. The cultural parade in
Klaten was held to commemorate 74th anniversary of Indonesia's independence and 215th
anniversary of Klaten. This event also to give thank for the blessing given by got to the
society. This parade showing mountains of crops such as corn, potatoes, and various
vegetable also fruit. Sukoharjo also have the same event, it’s cultural parade. As the anual
event, the parade in this year habe theme ”Persatuan dan kesaktian demokrasi” or the unity
and power of democracy. The parade strat from the yard of regionl secretariatto the
Bupati’s official recidence on August 15, 2019. In this event shown a traditional dance from
Sukoharjo it called rampak ginol, Wuwung, and kebo ginol dance. The partisipant is about a
hundred people in Sukoharjo. The cultural parade was held to commemorate 73th
anniversary of Sukoharjo.
In shorts, Klaten and Sukoharjo have a lot of similarity especsially in the event that
held in both area. Each region has the similar event in comercial, non-comercial, and
government event. Although both area has almost the same kond of event but still retains
the characterictics of each region.

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