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Hello, my name is Consuelo García, I am 17 years old and I was born on December 20th,

2003 at Santiago. I started kindergarten at Santa Teresa de los Andes school, in

Graneros, until 2010. Then I moved and started first grade elementary at Francis School,
in Coquimbo, where I currently live with my mother María, my two grandparents Nora and
Francisco, and my three brothers Claudia, Roberto and Rodrigo. I consider myself a very
shy and introverted person, but even so I have my group of friends with whom I have a lot
of confidence. Some of my favorite hobbies are cooking listening to music, playing video
games, watching movies, but especially anime, and read manga. Next, in this essay, I’m
going to expose about everything that I have lived in the course of these 12 years at
Francis School, I will talk about some of my best experiences and anecdotes, and finally
about what I wish for my future.

To begin with, entering my first year of elementary school at Francis School, I felt happy,
as I was able to make new friends and meet an excellent teacher that I will always be
grateful for, Miss Claudia, she was the one who taught me to read, Since in my previous
school they did not do it, and that was something that made me quite sad, I saw my
classmates read when they were asked, while I was not able, I even cried because of it,
but thanks to Miss Claudia I was able to do it, that way I was able to finish my first
elementary year with good grades. Later, in 3rd grade, I joined the choir workshop, in
which I was until 7th grade, since at that time I liked to sing a lot, I always participated in
the acts and sang in many other places, it was quite fun for me, although sometimes the
teacher was a bit strict. After that in 7th grade, if I remember correctly, they convinced me
to participate in the school's anniversary, in alliances, to dance, imitating Ariana Grande,
since they said that I looked a lot like her, which was not a lie, I had to rehearse a lot and
staying even after school, it was a bit tiring to be honest; When the day of the act arrived I
felt quite nervous at first, but once I succeeded, I felt very happy, since many people
congratulated me for that, I really didn't think I would do it well though. From 8th grade, I
have good memories of it, one of them is when we went camping with Miss Nickol, who
was very special for the entire course, very funny things happened and it was very nice to
share those days with my friends. Although that year I was not very motivated to study,
since I started to get distracted a lot with my own interests such as video games or anime,
my grades were not very good, but I was able to finish my last year of elementary school
without any problem.

In high school, my first two years were difficult for me, everything was new, and the subject
was more complicated, I had to start studying a lot, but still it did not go as well as I
expected, because I had health problems and also personal for a time, but my friends and
family were always there to support and advise me, which helped me to get ahead again.
In third grade, it was chaos, due to the pandemic, online classes began, and I had to be at
home all day, I couldn't concentrate on what I really had to do, study; I didn't worry and I
was very late with the works and tasks, I had to be at the last minute doing them, it was
very stressful and frustrating, I had a really bad time, but still, with blood, sweat and tears, I
managed to get through of course. And well ... here I am now, finishing my last year of
high school and college, it was a long road to here and only now will I be able to have a
decent average, I tried everything I could this year, I have learned many things and still I
hope to learn more.

Regarding my future, it was difficult to think about it, but I have already decided, I want to
study International Gastronomy at the Inacap, once I have graduated I plan to work, if
given the opportunity, in a restaurant or even on a cruise ship, but without a doubt
someday I want to save enough to be able to pay for a course to learn Japanese and
travel to the distant country that I have always thought of going to, Japan, to be able to
know even more about its interesting culture and if it is possible to be able to make my life
there, I am not sure if I will make it and I know it will be a long way ahead, but I am willing
to work hard to fulfill all my dreams, no matter what.

Finally, before ending this long journey, I would like to thank all the teachers who taught
me during all these years at this school, my dear friends who accompanied me to the end,
I really hope to be able to keep in touch with all of you even from a distance, and of course
also thank my beautiful family too, for their great support and help in everything. I can
honestly say that school is a great experience, but it requires a lot of effort without a doubt,
I think we will all miss it, for me being in the same course with the same people, 12 years,
it was like having a second family to be honest, but we must keep going, giving all our
effort to be great people and achieve all of our goals and dreams, really, I wish all of you
the best ♡

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