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Chapter 1 Define literature and its characteristics such as history, literary standards and the main

ingredients of literature


The article entitled “History of Literature” talks about the important events that shaped the literature of
the world especially in Britain. These events have a big impact in on literature developed throughout the
world. On the other hand, the article entitled “The 7 Literary Standards” focuses on the set of standards
that used in assessing a piece of literature whether its is well made or not and lastly the article entitled
“The Main Ingredient of Literature” by Miranda Sareen emphasizes about the subject, form and the
point of view of a certain literature.


To summarize, the article entitled “History of Literature” simply talks about on how literature emerges
and what events affected it the most. These article explains what the world especiallyBritain had to go
through to achieve what kind literature they have now.Britain plays a big role in shaping
Englishliterature because it is the where English language origins and many prominent people came here
like William Shakespeare.Furthermore, the article entitled “The 7 Literary Standards” is the criteriaused
in determining a literature. This is composed ofUniversality which talks about the appeal of a certain
literature to all of readers, Artistry, Intellectual Value, Suggestiveness, Spiritual Value, and Permanence.
On the other hand, the last article for this chapter entitled “The Main Ingredients of Literature” talks
about on what composes a literature. This includes the Subject of Literature, Form of Literature, and
lastly the Point of View of the Literature.

Allarticles are understandable and informative enough. The authors clearly stated the events that
happened the past that affects the literature. The author also mentioned some notable events that
could help the reader to understand more about the history of the literature. The young readers can
understand this because the author uses only simple grammars. Lastly the last article is also well written
and very simple.

In conclusion, Literature evolved much through the time. Many events affected the literature of the
present, For example Britain got conquered by the Roman Empire and eventually they adopted some of
their literature and fuse it with their to form their new literature.These different kinds of events
specifically war, famine, plague, etc. affected the literature and different parts of the world. Overtime,
people put standards on how literature should be made this standardsis the literary standards which is
the main criteria in evaluating a literature. On the other hand the main ingredients of literature are the
elements needed to compose a well written literature these are subject of literature, form of literature
and point of view of literature. These is very important because if a literary piecedoes not have one the
said characteristics that cannot be considered a literary piece. In addition, this article is useful, if you
want to know about those, you must read it.

Chapter No. 2 Differentiate literary pieces according to the genre: prose and poetry to intensify the
relevance of fiction and non-fiction to the present time.


The article entitled “Literary Devices: Definition and Example of Literary Device” focuses about the
definition of genre. It also talks about the types of genre and function of genre. Secondly, the article
entitled “What is Prose” authored by Masterclass discusses about types of prose. It will also talk about
on what is the function of prose in writing and what is the difference between prose and poetry. Lastly,
the article entitled “Fiction vs Nonfiction: Useful Difference between Fiction and Nonfiction” talks about
the difference between fiction and nonfiction. It also gives the meaning and cites some examples of
fiction and also nonfiction.


To summarize, the first article entitled “Literary Devices: Definition and Example of Literary
Device”simply talks about the definition of genre.Its also discusses the types of genre which is Poetry,
Drama, and Prose. This article also discusses about the function of prose in writing. Lastly this article also
tacklesthe differences between prose and poetry. The second article focuses about the 4 common types
of prose the Nonfictional Prose, Fictional Prose, Heroic Prose, and lastly the Prose Poetry. On the other
hand, the last article talks about the differences of fiction and nonfiction, to simplify it when you talk
about fiction it talks about characters, settings and plot based of the authors imagination and on the
contrary the nonfiction refers to any literary piece that is based on real events or situations.


The first article is very simple and just. It clearly stated the information needed it has explained and give
the definition of each term. Readers can understand this easily because it is very broad and has a simple
explanation. The problem is that the author did not give example on some information. Examples are
very important because it helps the reader to comprehend and understand more about the given
information. But overall it is understandable and clear. The second article is very informative and well
organized. It has stated the needed information. The author also defined the topic more precisely. The
readers will easily understand the difference of prose and fiction because the author uses broad and
simple language. Overall this article meets my expectations and for it is well organized and well
researched. Lastly, the third article focuses about the definition of prose and it is well written and
understandable. The author of this article clearly stated what is information needed. Readers can easily
understand this article because it is very simple and precise. But this article needs more detail. The
author should mention some examples and more explanations so that the readers can comprehend and
understand what the author wants to relay.

In conclusion, literary devices talks about the genre. It is important because it helps us to classify all the
different types of literary pieces. Furthermore, the second article explains what is prose and the
different types of prose, just like literary devices its important for us to know this to better understand a
certain literary piece. Lastly, the difference between fiction and non fiction were discussed, these will
help us to identify what is non fiction and fiction literature. You should read this articles if your
interested in the genre of literature especially prose and fiction.

Chapter No. 3 Differentiate and Evaluate the Characteristics of Literary Devices and Rhetorical Devices
that are necessary for understanding literary works


There is only one article in this chapter in that article is entitled “Literary Devices: 15 Literary Elements
with Examples and Tips to Use Them” talks about the different literary devices used in any literary
devices. This article also discusses about the definitions of any literary devices it will provide us an
insights to what is the functionand how important literary devices and literary elements are in a certain
piece of literature.

To summarize it all, this article discusses about every literary devices that you should be aware of in a
literature or in making a literature. In every literature there should be a literary terms that a writer
should know and this is Imagery, Personification, Point of View, The Protagonists and Antagonist,
Foreshadowing, Conflict, Rising Action and Falling Action, Climax, Voice and Style. This article also
mentions the different literary devices and rhetorical devices that you should or could be use in writing a
literary piece.These are Allusion, Diction, Alliteration, Allegory, Colloquialism, Euphemism , Flashbacks,
Foreshadowing, Imagery, Personification, Juxtaposition, Metaphor/Simile, Onomatopoeia, Symbolism
and Tone.


In the article the author clearly stated the different kinds of literarydevices and also stated some
examplesof it. The authors briefly stated the information needed. In the article it is clearly stated the
definitions of each literary devices for example allusion, the author stated its appropriate definition and
description and cited some examples of it. I am able to understand what the authors are trying to relay
to me because the flow of information is clear. The authors provided sufficient information to
supporting their works.The author also mentioned the literary terms Imagery, Personification, Point of
View, The Protagonists and Antagonist, Foreshadowing, Conflict, Rising Action and Falling Action, Climax,
Voice and Style. Mentioning this putting its definition helpsto understand more about literary devices
because all of this are interconnected to each other in a certain literary piece.

In conclusion, literarydevices are very important because it is used in any literary pieces. Literary terms
also are also essential because it is the parts of a certain literature. Lastly, thearticle are well organized
and has clear information. The articles is also well researched and well written. You should read this
articles if you’re interested in literary devices and rhetorical devices.

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