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Universidad de Sta.


Kamusta na ako? Kaya pa ba?

Hue Fill Me
NAME: _Dan Marei S. Chua COURSE, YEAR & SECTION: STEM 11C DATE: Nov. 08,2021

1. Our emotions can be divided into four zones: BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW, AND RED. (See
the Picture 1 Below) Determine what zone you relate to. Are you in the blue, green,
yellow or


Picture 1. Four Zones of Our Emotions

2. Look at the bucket. Imagine that you are the bucket and the water is your energy.

Picture 2. Sample Illustration

3. Now, recall the previous academic year and reflect on the following questions:
a. What has been giving you energy and helping you feel good?
b. What has been draining or taking your energy away?
4. On the next page,
a. Draw a bucket and a pitcher like the one illustrated above.
b. Fill the bucket with the color of your zone according to the amount of energy you
have for this academic year.
c. In the space beside the pitcher, list the things or persons that filled your energy in
the past academic year.
d. In the space beside the faucet, list the things or persons that drained your energy in
the past academic year.
5. In the ‘Thoughts Corner’, write a brief description of your drawing. Be guided by the
question below:
a. Describe how the things and/or persons you identified, which fills and drains your
energy, affected you in moving forward this academic year?
6. After you finish this “Hue Fill Me” activity, please proceed to the attached Google Form.
Upload a scanned copy or a picture of your activity output and answer the Pondering
/questions in the Google form.


Note: You may now start the first part of the activity and proceed to the next page.
Your bucket illustration:
- Family
- Friends
- Online Friends
- Idols / Social Media Interaction

- Inconsiderate teachers
- Due Dates/ Deadlines
- Piled school works

Thoughts Corner:
a. Describe how the things and/or persons you identified, which fills and drains
your energy, affected you in moving forward this academic year?
- These people and things that I mentioned above that fill and drain my energy
affected me in moving forward this academic year in a way of considering them as
my inspiration to continue and pursue, especially those people or things that drain
me and stop me from going, especially since it is very difficult to adjust to this kind
of system of learning. Though there are times that I am affected in a way that I am
already losing my focus and interest in studying and submitting the required
requirements, I always consider the things that are behind me as a student,
especially the hard work that my parents did to send me to school.

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