Britain in The Middle Ages

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UNIT II А A n g l o - N o r m a n B r it a in

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^ П р Ь е N orm an Conquest did have
4 L immediate social, political and
E arly M id d l e A ges cultural im plications. The new tough
foreign aristocracy captured power and
A M ATURIN G FEUDALISM. TH E DOMESDAY BOOK. TH E PLANTAGENET lands. By 1100 (12th c.) there were 500
Norm an castles in the English coun­
tryside. There was a blow against the
Later M id d l e A ges
Church as well; Saxon bishops were ei­
ther deposed or replaced by Normans.
В SIMON DE MONFORT. TH E GROW TH OF PARLIAMENT. TH E HUNDRED During the 11th and 12th centuries an
YEA R S’ WAR. TH E BLACK DEATH. TH E PEASAN TS’ REVOLT. apparatus o f Government o f exceptional
effectiveness was established.
K ey words, term s a n d concepts:
England was also drawn into close
1. F eudalism , fe u d a l hierarchy
links with the other side o f the Channel.
2. A language g ap
But there was a language gap between the
3. D om esd ay b o o k
local (Anglo-Saxon) population and the
4. T en an ts-in -ch ief (barons), vassals
new landowners, o f both the Church and
5. Freem en, freeh old ers, cottagers, villeins, serfs
6. To raise m on ey (shield m oney) the Norman Aristocracy.
Latin was a language o f monasteries, W illiam I, the C onqueror
7. To im pose taxes, fis c a l policy
8. T h om as B ecket — the m artyr Norm an French was now the language
9. R ich ard (C oeu r-de-L ion ), the L ion -H eart o f law and authority. Inflected English,
10. Joh n L acklan d. M agna C arta — the G reat C h arter o f Liberty (1215) spoken differently in the various regions Broadly it was related to the tenure o f
11. Sim on de M ontfort. The P arliam en t remained the language o f the people. land itself, obligation and dependence,
12. T he P lague — the black d eath The brightest evidence o f the situa­ as expressed in the term “vassalage”.
13. Poll Tax tion in the country was the Domesday The first relationship focuses on warfare
14. W ycliffe Book (1086), a survey o f England’s land in an age o f violence, the second on the
15. John Ball, W at Tyler (1381) and people; according to it Norman soci­ use as well as the tenure o f land in an
ety still rested on “lordship, secular and age when land was the key to society.
©go spiritual, and the King, wise or foolish, All land in the country belonged
was the lord o f lords, with only Lord in to the Crown. The king was the great­
Heaven and the Saints above him.” est landowner in the country and he
H istorians have introduced into parcelled out (gave away) the land to
their interpretation o f N orm an and the great landowners who were his
o th er European lordship the term tenants-in-chief (barons). The barons
“feudalism ”, first em ployed during held their land as a gift, in return for
the 12th century. The term was used in specified services to the Crown. W hen
both narrow and broad sense. Narrowly barons parceled out their land, they also
it was related to m ilitary (knightly) required knightly services from their
service as a condition of tenure of land. tenants. During the reign o f W illiam I

170 barons had in their service about service o f his ten ants-in-chief by pay­
4000 knights who were distinguishable ments, known as “shield money”.
T he R oyal H o u se o f N orm andy
as a social group. In rural England lords lived in m a­
The two social groups were opposed nors which were in their own estates.
to “the poor m en”: lords themselves The peasants, free holders and others W ILLIAM I
cultivated only a third or two fifths o f lived in villages and hamlets. (1066-1087)
the arable land in use. The rest was The Domesday Book was designed The Conqueror
cultivated by various kinds o f “peas­ for fiscal purposes to increase and pro­
ants” (a controversial term not in use tect the King’s revenue.
at that time): villeins (41% ), cottagers
(32% ), free holders (14% ) and serfs
(10% ) — the group with no land at all.
The full im plications o f the social,
political and cultural changes follow­
ing the Norman Conquest took time to
At the time o f the Domesday Book, the work themselves out. Duke o f (1087-1100)
basic distinction was, however, that all They were: a political unification Normandy Rufus
men were either free (free holders) or o f the country and the centralization
serfs. o f government — a strong royal gov­
In the 13th century King John Lack­ ern m en t, feudal interd ep en d ence;
land (1 19 9-12 16 ) replaced m ilitary the supreme power of the King over
Matilda (1100-1135)
all his vassals; the establishm ent of
m. Geoffrey m. Edith (Matilda)
the feudal hierarchy, a further devel­
opm ent of the relationship between
(Count o f Anjou)
the King and the barons, sometimes
stormy, sometimes cohesive, an em er­
gence o f English com m on law (from
precedent to precedent), the making
o f Parliam ent.
The latter two were the most obvious

phenomena if we investigate (consider) (1154-1189)

the historical events chronologically and Plantagenet
examine the sequence o f monarchs.
T able 1

W illiam I The Conqueror (1 0 6 6 - Henry V, and later upon his death to

1087) (the Norm an Dynasty) died as Geophrey o f Anjou; the son o f Geophrey
a result o f falling from his horse in a o f Anjou (Angevin) becam e the first
battle in France, was succeeded by his Plantagenet*.
two sons, one after the other: Henry II (1154-1189) was friendly
W illiam II (1087-1100) was cruel with Thom as Becket, a humble clerk,
but a brave soldier, little loved and little who was appointed the archbishop o f
missed when he died. Canterbury. Henry misjudged this man
H enry I (1100-1135) was scholarly who considered his first loyalty to be the
Anglo-Saxons working in the field s May. Picking flow ers and well educated. His daughter was Church and not the King.
m arried to the G erm an E m peror
Planta genista — Latin for “broom”.

against their father, she was, as a result, the throne, soon after, he rushed to fight
imprisoned. King Philip o f France who had sup­
P la n ta g en et K in g s
Henry II’s reign was one o f consti­ ported John. Philip was defeated but Ri­
tutional progress and territorial expan­ chard was killed in a siege o f a castle.
sion. His wife who never set foot in Eng­
Richard I the L io n -H eart (1 1 8 9 — land, left no children. So, John (Lack­
1199). land) (1 1 9 9 -12 16 ), the youngest son of
King R ichard may have had the King Henry II, continued the dynasty’s
heart o f a lion but England saw all too rule.
little o f him. He was called a romantic King John Lackland was the most
sportsman and spent most o f his life in unpopular king: he lost m ost o f his
Crusades in the Holy Land. French possessions; he broke his father’s
heart with his misbehavior, he rebelled
against his brother, quarrelled with the
R ichard I
the Lion-H eart Pope, etc. The list o f his stupidities and
misdemeanours was endless but he did
one good thing (or was forced to do it).
In 1215 the barons made him seal the
M agna C arta, which, though it limited
the prerogative o f the Crown and ex­
tended the powers o f the Barons, has
since becom e the foundation stone o f
an Englishman’s liberty.
The pressure on the pocket is more
quickly felt than the pressure on the
mind — that is why John Lackland was
T able 2
forced by his barons to seal the Magna
■ ..■■■! v ^ - r ! ^ = = = = = = q e ^ 5 5 ........................................... C arta Libertata (the Great Charter o f
1215). Pressed by the demands o f war,
The conflict ended in the murder he had im posed taxes that irritated
o f Thom as Becket in his own cathedral many o f his m ost powerful subjects.
by the King’s servants. Becket was cano­ The Magna Carta is a document that
nized (St. Thomas); his shrine became a dealt with privileges claimed by N or­
place o f pilgrimage for the whole o f Eu­ man barons. It was to become part o f
rope, for the cures effected there, until -M ) the English constitutional inheritance,
it was destroyed by Henry V III in 1538. He used England’s money to finance because the baronial claims for liberties
So the King o f the House o f Plantagenet his crusades and other adventures, but were in time translated into the univer­
was the first to have a conflict with the he was not very lucky — returning from sal language o f freedom and justice. It
Church and he physically destroyed the his successful mission, he was captured, was the beginning o f limiting the pre­
opposition. and was kept im prisoned in Austria, rogatives o f the Crown.
His wife Eleanor took a lively inte­ awaiting the payment o f a huge ran­ During the struggle for the Great
The M urder o f T hom as Becket rest in politics. Somewhat too lively at som. Charter (Magna Carta) the legions o f
in the C athedral times, for she abetted (helped and sup­ He returned to England to stop his barons openly opposed the King — dis­
ported) her sons when they rebelled younger brother John from usurping obeyed him, did not pay taxes, raised

rights and liberties. After a very bad
M agna Carta harvest in 1257 Henry III demanded a
L ibertata
third o f all English property. This aroused
a new baronial riot. The barons finally
came armed to the Parliament at Oxford
and drew up “provisions” — “Oxford
Provisions” and additional “W estm in­
ster provisions” — to protect the knights
from barons which gave all the power in
the country to barons. The King and his
son did not want to become puppets; and
as a result a military conflict developed.
The country was divided into sup­
porters and enemies o f the King and a
Civil war broke out.
The army o f barons was headed (led)
by Earl Simon de M ontfort and was at
G reat Charter
o f Liberty first successful in capturing the King’s
fortresses and castles. They were greeted
by townsmen and students o f Oxford The M edieval P arliam ent
and church bells.
In 1264 Earl Simon took the King
prisoner; in 1265 — P arliam ent was
sum m oned with “com m on s” repre­ 13th centuries, relationships between ry. Enforced labour services by villeins
sented in it — two knights from a shire the king and the baron s, and the were giving way to wage labour, and
and two merchants from a town. m aking o f Parlim ent were the m ain villeins commuted their labor-dues by
Prince Edward, Henry’s son and heir, historical phenomena o f that period. paying money to the lord instead. Then
an army o f knights, enjoyed support o f (later to succeed Henry as Edward I) During the reign o f Edward I (1272— the pattern changed: the lords again re­
townsmen (London supported them), rescued Henry. King Henry III man­ 1307) there were not only lords, bishops quired labor services. But a lot o f villeins
the King was forced to seal the Charter. aged to defeat Simon de M onfort and and great abbots present in Parliament, were freed, and some o f the freed were
It’s important to point out that by killed him in a battle and secured his but there were also “com m ons”. This able, energetic or lucky enough to buy
limiting the King’s power, Magna Carta Crown and his rule. demonstrated the growing wealth and land and prosper as Yoemen.
restricted arbitrary actions o f barons T he 1295 Parliam ent was called importance o f townsmen and knights o f Th e 13th century was a period
towards knights and proclaim ed the Model Parliam ent, though it assured the shire not only in the local communi­ o f su b stan tial eco n o m ic activity.
power o f law over the free people o f a continuity o f the 1265 Parliament o f ties but also in the whole country. W heat was shipped overseas, but the
the country. Simon de Monfort. Econom ics and politics were very country’s wealth was coming from the
King John was succeeded by his son The comm ons were summoned by closely connected, and the King’s main exports o f wool. Later on, when the
Henry III (121 6-1 27 2). He was not as the King’s W rit to some o f the Parlia­ goal in sum m oning Parliam ent was wool began to be made into cloth in
bad as his father but he was continu­ ments (one in eight before 1284; one in to raise m oney from the population England, rather than exported as raw
ally short o f m oney and extravagant three — in the later years o f Edward the through taxes— l/10th from people in material, it stimulated the growth o f
by nature. I’s reign, one o f which was the so-called towns, 1/15th — from the people in the industry. In the 13th and 14th centuries
Henry III faced a further develop­ Model Parliament o f 1295). country. England was far behind Flanders in
ment o f baronial ambitions and protests. The “Oxford Provisions” were not Social relations in the country were the production o f cloth but there was
They accused the King o f violating their observed by Kings. So, in the 12th and undergoing changes in the 13th centu­ enough development.

the Scone Abbey (1296) but had failed wife. He died, probably murdered, and
----------------------------- e ^ Q o ---------------------------------------------
to subdue the Scots. Edward I who had was succeeded by his son, Edward III
Questions: been called “the Hammer o f Scots” died (1327-1377).
1. W hat w ere the p ecu lia r traits o f the N orm an Rule in England? not far from the border o f Scotland dur­ Edward III is recognized by histori­
2. W hat was the m ean in g o f the term “fe u d a lis m ” in relation to ing his last abortive campaign to defeat ans as a passionate fighter, who was fond
N orm an England? the Scots. o f tournaments, chivalry and battles. He
3. W hy w as the D om esday b o o k written? T he rule o f his son, Edward II instituted the O rder o f the G arter and
4. W hat w ere the political, social, econ om ic an d cultural consequences (1307-1327) is traditionally character­ cultivated the spirit o f chivalry at his
o f the N orm an Conquest? ized as a great failure o f the hereditary court. He pursued a sensible policy o f
5. W hen was the fir s t conflict o f the K ing with the Church? principles o f M onarchy: Edward II had tolerance with barons, thus securing
6. W hat d o y ou kn ow a b o u t the relation s in the fa m ily o f H enry II?
no talent to be a King, but he was the their loyalty. His com m ercial policies
7. W hat was the fir s t attem p t to lim it the p o w er o f the King? W hen
eldest son and succeeded his father. He facilitated the development o f wool trade
was it a n d why?
angered the barons by his foolishness, and rise o f prosperity. But the warrior
8. W hen d id the British P arliam en t a p p e a r a n d h ow d id it develop in
his extravagance, favourites and m ili­ king was eager to lead his knights in
the M iddle Ages?
tary defeats. His reign was a troubled battles, so Scotland was his first rather
9. W hat w ere econ om ic a n d social relations in the early M iddle Ages
one and he was deposed and forced to hard prey as he had failed to subjugate
in England?
abdicate by the barons, assisted by his it, though having taken its King David

В Later M id d l e A g es

dward I (127 2 -1 3 0 7 ) was deter­

mined to strengthen his royal The Stone o f Destiny
authority and his Kingdom. To do that fro m the Scone A bbey
he asserted his rule in all territories on
the British Isles, especially in W ales
and Scotland. He succeeded in im pos­
ing English rule on Wales: his son, who
was born in a Welsh castle and “could
spell not a word o f English” at that time,
later, in 1301 was created the Prince
o f Wales and ruler o f the principality.
Since that time the eldest son o f the
English monarch has been given that
Relationships between England and
Scotland were similar to those between
England and Wales, but the Scots had a
greater degree o f independence. Edward I
had made several military raids to the
Northern kingdom, seized the national
treasure— the Stone o f Destiny from A Tournam ent

Church-lords and supported the ideas Revolt was defeated. But the ruling class
o f John Wycliffe, the first reformer o f had been badly frightened and the un­
the Church (1 3 3 0-13 8 4 ). He preached popular Poll Tax withdrawn.
ideas o f social justice: “W hen Adam Through a primitive faith in the King
delved and Eve Span who was then the (a kindly king) senior lords prevented
gentleman?” the peasants from any attempts to es­
The Peasants’ Revolt made far reach­ tablish their power. But the rebellion
ing demands: a charter o f liberties, the undermined the strength and rule o f the
end o f all lordship except the King’s, the feudal class and as a consequence few
end o f serfdom, return o f church land to barons dared to refuse the peasants at­
people, etc. tempts to buy freedom. Actually, peas­
The young King Richard II met the ant dependence in Britain disappeared
Kentismen face-to-face at Smithsfield. by the 15th century and the W at Tyler
W at Tyler was pronouncing their de­ rebellion was instrumental in that.
mands which were unacceptable to King Richard II (1 3 7 7 -1 3 9 9 ) after
feudalism. considerable civil struggle, eventually
wrested the power from Parliament and
the barons. He seems to have pursued
a policy o f revenge and high-handed
Л baff/e in France
He brought Duke John o f Lancas­
ter’s son Henry to England, but Henry
gained enough support to take King
prisoner to England. The dynastic ac­ Prince, a warrior o f a high reputation, Richard prisoner and cause him to ab­
cident helped Edward III to start the in 1356 won a victory at Poitiers. In dicate in his favour. The House o f Lan­
Hundred Years’ W ar (1338-1453) which 1348 the outbreak o f plague, “the Black caster’s Henry IV (1399-1413), Henry V
was carried during the reigns o f five death” dealt a terrible blow at the peo­ (1 4 1 3 -1 4 2 2 ), Henry V I (14 2 2 -1 46 1 ) —
English Kings. ple o f Europe and England. It was a were followed by the kings o f the York
Edward declared his claim to the terrible disaster, more than 1/3 o f the family — two Edwards: Edward IV and
French throne, as his mother had been English population died. Edward V, and Richard III, a hunch
the sister o f Charles IV, king o f France, The econom y and trade o f Eng­ back, a cruel m onster, deformed in
who left no male heir when he died in land suffered and the social unrest T h e G reat P ea s a n ts’ Revolt. 1381
body, mind and soul (according to the
1338. This was a respectable enough rea­ was spreading due to the results o f the Tudor historians).
son for the war to return the lost English econom ic, social, political and military ■■■• s !g )
There is a statement, that King Rich­
lands in France. The results o f the first status. Violence was sparked off by yet ard II was the last King from the House
T he King appeared to agree but
stage o f the war were not as successful as another poll-tax o f 1381. People revolt­ o f Plantagenets — he was deposed and
during the negotiations W at Tyler was
the English had expected them to be. But ed against the tax-collectors and judges, dethroned by the House of Lancaster.
treacherously killed and his head, set up
several victories were won at sea (1340 at in the south and south-east o f England. But it is to be stressed, that the two
on a spear, was shown to the rebels to
Sluys), and in the field — Gascony was The rebels, led by W at Tyler and John new royal branches were related to the
persuade them to retreat from London
recaptured, at Crecy the English archers Ball, a clergyman, marched to London, Plantagenets, were the derivatives o f
and disband. Shocked and morally de­
made the King o f France flee from the captured the Tower with the help o f the main stem.
stroyed they obeyed only to be physical­
battle field, Calais after a long siege sur­ Londoners, killed the archbishop o f The 13th century was described by
ly tortured and executed, John Ball was
rendered in the face o f starvation. King Canterbury and the Lord Chancellor. historians as a Plantagenet spring after
hanged. The punitive actions continued
Edward’s eldest son,— Edward, the Black John Ball was a radical opponent o f the long into autumn. The Great Peasants’ a grim Norman winter. It was the cen­

-sa* 23 2 4 *>X-
tury o f the new gothic style in architec­ exterm ination o f the population by the
ture, o f Salisbury Cathedral, foundation Black death (1 3 4 8 -1 3 4 9 ) and punitive
o f universities, the development o f the execution o f the participants, with posi­
Com m on Law & the Parliament, and tive achievements in literature (G eof­
the em ergence o f English as the lan­ frey Chaucer completes the Canterbury
guage o f the nation. The symbol o f this Tales (1 3 9 3 )) ,— a rch ite ctu re ,— and
spring can be seen in the lyrics “Sum ­ further strengthening o f the English
mer is icumen in”. But the following language.
two centuries were filled with wars, The 15th century saw the continua­
discord and discontent. tion o f the struggle for the crown and
The 14th century — brought the dis­ the establishment o f the Lancaster dy­
asters o f the Hundred Years W ar (1337— nasty in the person o f Henry IV, King
1453) the Peasants’ Revolt 1381, the o f England (1 3 9 9 -1 4 1 4 ).

— ^ д о . .............. —

1. H ow d id E d w ard I m an ag e to im pose English Rule on Wales?
2. W hat w ere the English relations with Scotland in the reign o f
E dw ard I?
3. W hat w ere the m ilitary a n d territorial am bition s o f E dw ard III?
P lease give the dates o f his rule.
4. W hat w ere the reasons o f social unrest in E ngland in the last
q u a rter o f 14th century? S peak o f the G reat P easan ts’ Revolt.
5. W hy is the destiny o f the last P lantagen et King R ichard II
con sidered tragic?
6. P lease give a concise characteristic o f the 14th century.

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