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iF,i of Education

D epartnlellt
t r }lilippitr.,
S.prtli( ot TTEI-,EASED
Des8ttmstrt of @lurstaotr Dare zoz Bv
scHools Dtvtsto oFFrcE oF QUEzon ment No qn- (,?

Oclober 26. 2O2l


Program Arrard and Inceatlves for Service Ercellelrce (PRAISE) 2O2l

To Assistant Schools Division Superintendents
City Assistant Deparftnent Head III
Chief Education Supervisors, CID/SGOD
Division / District Supervisors
Elementary School Heads/ Ollicers In-Charge
Secondary School Heads/Officers In-Charge
Section Heads
Administrative Units
All Concemed
l. This Division has always encouraged creativity, innovativeness, efficiency,
integrity and productiviry arnongst its employees, and as the Fiscal Year
ends, it is in order to recognize and reward olficials aid employees,
individually or in groups, for their suggestions, inventions, superior
accomplishment and other personal efforts which contribute to the
efficiency, economy or other improvement in government operatrons, or for
otler extraordinary acts or services in the public interest.
2. The specifrc objectives of the PRAISE are as follows:
a- To establish a mechanism Ior identifying, selechng, rewarding and
providing incentives to deserying officials and employees;
b. To identify outstanding accomplishments, best practices of employees
on a continuing basis;
c. To recognize and reward accomplishments and innovations
periodically or as t}le need arises; and
d. To provide incentives and interventions to motivate officials and
employees who have contributed ideas, suggestions, inventions,
discoveries, superior accomplishments, and other personal efforts.

3. The basis of providhg incentives shall adhere to t}re principles of providing

incentives and awards based on the performance, innovative ideas and
exemplary behavior of officials and employees, regardless of age,
appointment status, gender, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, civil
status, social status, family responsibility, income class, race, ethnicity,
religion, political afliliation, physical condition, union affiliation, political
conviction, religious belief or any other characteristic specihed.

@ r** a,;" st.. e.e", ouezon city G

@ d"q,-"*rv@d"rd.c*.eh @
4. Al1 teaching and non-teaching personnel who have met tlle
criteria/ requirements are highly encouraged to participate in t}Ie different
search categories (see enclosure).

5. Immediate and wide dissemination of this memorandum is desired.

trcisr d ctnpuz, crso vr
Schools Division Superintendent

Flml Pc@n: EDBabna

Dcum.m TrackinA No. 202964
Enclosurc I


For Teachiog Personnel:

l. Outstanding TBcher (Master l eacher & Teacher)

Dr. Crispin D. Duka
Dr. Joel feliciano
Dr. Helen Flora

2. Ouistanding SPED Teachcr

Mr. Dennis G. Maflo

l. Outstanding AI-S Mobilc Teacher

Dr- Ludevina Bruan

4. Outstanding Madmsah Teacher

Dr. Ludevina Bruan

5. Outstanding KinderSarten Teacher

Mrs. Marimel Jane P. Andes
Mrs. Corazon Silvestre

6. Outstanding Head Teachcr

Mrs. Ederlina D. Balefla
Dr. Ana Rosa R. Rabanal
Mr. Jeffrey D. De Cuzman

7. Outstanding Guidance Counselor

Mrs. Marietta S. Caballero

8. Outstanding Teacher Leader

Mr. lcisthean Navales

9. Outstanding School Paper Adviser (English/Filipino)

Dr. Rodolfo F. De Jesus
Mrs. Ma- Nimfa R. Caberran

10. Outstanding ELLN Teacher

Mrs. Ma. Nim[a R. Gabcrtan

I l. Outstanding Demonstration feacher

Dr. Maria Pilar O. Capalongan
Dr- Marcelino Calman
12. Best lnstsuctional Malerial Developer (Print/Non-print)
Dr. Heidee F. Ferrcr
Dr. Rurh G. Yap

Speciol Cilations

lJ. Most lnnovative Focal person in Gulayan sa Paaialan

Dr. Roger S. Tamondong

14. Outstanding School Reading Cmrdinator

Mrs. Perlita Depatillo
Enclosure 3


Dr. Crispin D. DDka Ms. Elfic M. Bocoy
Education Progmm Supervisor Administretive OfIic€r lV
Dr. Joel L. Colobong Ms. Florence A. Arellano
Public schools Disrict Supervisor Administrative Offic€r lV
Dr. Rodolfo F. De Jcsus Mr. Amel M. Peralra
Education Progaam Sup€rvisor EPS, SCOD
Dr. Ma. Nimfa R. Gabertan Mrs. Laura Oc&po
Education Prcgmm Supervisor EPS, SCOD
Dr. Maria Pilar O. Capalongan Mr. Philip V. Austria
Education Progmm Sup€rvisor SEPS. SocMob
Dr. Jo€l P. Feliciano Ms. Jingle Balocos
Education Pro$am Supervisor Proiect D€velopment Oflicer II
Dr. Roger S. Tamondong Mr. RudolfJames P. Dato
Education Prcgram Supervisoa Proiect DeveloDment Ofric€r I
MIs. Helen N. Flora Mr. Dal€ A. tatawan
Education ftogram Supervisor Pmiect Development Officer ll
Mrs. Marietta S. Caballero Mrs. Jesusa U. Conanan
Education Program Sup€rvisor SEPS. M & E
Dr. Ludevina R. B.uan Dr. Edgar Allan V. oliver, Jr.
Public Schools Districl Supervisor Education Progmm Specialist tt
MIs. MarimelJane P. Andes Ms. Sharon Gutienez
Public Schools Dishict Supervisor Planning Oflicer lll
Mrs. Perlita P. tlepatillo
Public Schoots District Supewisor
Mr. Jeffrey D. De Cuzman
Public Schools District Supervisor
Mr. Dennis Maio
Education Prcgram Specialist

Enclosure 2


Chairperson Dr. Jenilyn Rose B. Corpuz, CESO Vl
Schools Division Superintendent
Co- Dr. Noel D. Bagano Dr. Fredie V. Avendaio
Chairpersons: OIC, A$islgnt Sch(x)ls Division Superintendeor AsistsDl Schools Division Sup€rinlendmt
Engr. MarE Voltaire A. Padilla Dr. Jesusa R. Baetiong
Assislant Schools D;vis;on supe.intendent City Deparrment Head III
Dr. Brian E. llan
OIC, Assistrot Schools Divisim Sup€rint!.dcnl
MemLren: Dr. Ebenezer A. Beloy Dr. Maria Thercsa A. Namoro
OIC{hief. CID Chiet SGOD
Dr. Joseph C. Palisoc Atty. Wade A. hawan
Prcsidenl PRINSA OIC{hief Adminisrarive Ofricer
Dr. Gerry F. tsip Mrs. Angeline B. Malabanan
Mr. Kristhean Naval€s Ms. Elfie M. Bocoy
President, @PSTA ndministrative Offi cer IV
Mrs. Bemadette DC. Lugtu Ms. Florcnce A. Arellano
Administmtive Olficer V Administrative OITicer IV
Mls. Marie leanne Carmelli R. Desiderio Mrs. Luzviminda C. Fabian
Administrative Officer lV Administrative Offi c€r lv
Mr, Joven S. Noynay Mr. Joven S. Noynay
Accountant lll Accountant lll
Mrs. Cecilia M. Diaz Mrs. Cecilia M. Diaz
Budget Ofliccr Budget Olliccr
Secretariat: Mrs. Ederlina D. Baleffa Mrs. Mryna N. Cabalbat
Educalion Program Sup€rvisor Administrative Officer IV
Dr. Ruth C. Yap Mrs. Roselyn B. Sencil
Public Schools Dislrict Supervisor Administrative Offic.€r lV
Dr. Ana Rosa R. Rabanal Mr. lan Kenneth D. Magabilin
Public Schools Dishict Supervisor SEPS, Research
Ms. Marivel Unciano
Administmtive OIIicer IV
Enclosure 4



Planning PRAISE Crafted the 2021 Rewards
October 17. 202 | . Assessment ofthe Committee and Recognition (R&R)
2020 R&R
. Plan for 2021 R&R
October 18. 202 | Activities
. Come up with
standsrds ald
processes in
October 20, 202 I evalu&tin8 and
validating the
nominees for th€
. Discuss other
issues aod concem
October 26. 202 | Issuanc€ ofMemorardum PRAISE Issued Memo
of the Rewads and Committee
Recognition Plan to the
Octob€r27.2021 Conduct of the s€lections Division PRAISE lMentifi ed the nomination
procedure for nominating, and School per award category
evaluating and identiling PRAISE
outstanding Employees Committee
November 15. Submission ofNomin€es List ofNominees from
202t by School to the Division Schools
Offic€ coresponding to . The Nominees From,
each awand category together with the
required documents,
can be submitt€d
through email,
courier, and other
. Check and ensure the
completeness ofall
the documenls
submitted for the
differ€nt cat€goies
and transmit to
PRAISE Secretariat
. Irte documents will
not be ac.€ptEd

Novemher l6- Strge I In-Charge Screened qualified and

19,2021 Scr€ening and sho(listing period PRAISE shortlisting nominees
. Evalu,ationofdocuments Commi(tees
ofthe nominees based on Qualifi€d nominees will
the set criteria be notified
. Sho(lisling ofthe
l nominees
November 22- Stage 2 Only top 3 Validation Qualified
Dec€mber 3. . Teleconferencing/video shortlisting in Nominees through
2021 /onsitc validation of the every category Teleconferencing onsite
qualified nominees shallundergo
the validation

SBM l-evel of
December 6- I 0. Preparation, Finalization and PRAISE Final Results of
2021 PRAISE Meeting Cornmittee Dcl iberation
concems and
deliberates the
December 13. Conduct of Awarding Ceremony Venue to be Conduct the Project
2021 announced
December 15, submission of the Activity PRAISE Submitted th€ Activity
2021 Completion Repon Committee Completion Repon
Enclosure 1: IfoEir.Uotr trorE (Seareh for Teecherl
DIRECTION: Accomplish this nomination form. Place a tick (/) inside the
appropriate box.


the nominee




After reviewing tlle rules and criteria for the Division Sea.rch for Outstanding
SPED Teacher, I hereby nominate:

Name of Nominee


Name of School


Years in Service

I hereby certiry tlat, to the bcst of my knowledge, the information

contained in t-I.e accompanying supporting documents are true and corrcct.
The nominee and the undersigned understand that t] e decision of the
Screening and Selection Committee is final and that we agree to abide by it.

Nane of Nominator

Signature of Nominator Date signed:

A.1.2 Written/produced lnstructional Materials (lMs) in SPED such
as modules, learning activity sheets, equipment/teaching devices,
technical paper/ publications (lO pointsl

L€vel Pointa MOvs

School 2 Copy of material,
District 4 Ceftifrcate as
Division 6 writer,
Regional 8 memorandum,
National 10 certificate of

A.l.3a Organiz€d/trained socio-cultural activities for LwDs (i.e.,

choral group, dance troupe, theater arld drama, arts club, & the like)
(5 potrt l (fovs- Acttvtty Eport, .pproved propoad,
docuEcntation rcportl
A.1.3b Students trained presented during programs/ activities or
won in the competition
(5 potrt3l
Level Poirtts MOVg
School t Activity report,
District 2 certihcate of
Division 3 winnings,
Regional 4 recognition,
National 5 participation,

A.1.4 Served as Demonstration Teacher (within the last three years)

Usual classroom observation is not considered- There should be
memoraldum to support that the conducted demonstration
is oflicia] and valid to
Ievel Poiats MOVs
School 6 Memorandum,
District 7 certificate of
Division 8 recognition/
Regional 9 appreciation,
National 10 activity report,
DLP, evaluation



a. Must be a public elementarjr or secondary teacher with full time
appointment as SPED Teacher or a regular teacher assigned in the
SPED program or a certified receiving teacher or a shadow
teacher/sign language interpreter/itinerant teacher for at least
three (3) consecutive years.
b. Must have at least very satisfactorily performance ratings for the last
three (3) years.
c. Must have not been found guilty of any administrative or criminal


School Head, District/ Division Supervisor, Program Coordinator,
teachers, PIA Offlcers


A. I^strucl'lon6l Competerce drd Teqchlng gfecttt,€ness

A.1 Outstanding Contribution in the SPED Program

A.1.1 lntroduced/tried out e{fective approach or innovations in

teaching which contributed to the improvement of instructions in
meeting the learners wit}I special educational needs (1O polntrl

St ge8 of Pointa MOVs

Conceptualized 2 Approved
Started the 4 proposals,
implementation documentation,
Fully implemented in the 6 activity report
Adopted in the district 8
Adopted in the division 10
A.2 kadership and Class Management

A.2.1 Developed Individualized Educational Plan, conducted

appropriate assessment, developed case study or anecdotal records,
modified learning assessment, conducted resource room plan.
(S potats|

ItuEber of Activitics Poilltg MOVs

1 1 Sample of the
2 the above
3 3 accomplished
4 4 forms,
5 5 documentation

A.2.2 Participated in-service training programs related to SPED

Only those sanctioned by DepEd with Memoranda/ Advisory will be
considered- 15 potntll

Levcl Points MOVg

&hool 1 Memorandum,
Participation to at least certificate of
3 trainings each participation
conducted in at least
three days
Dlctrlct 2
Participation to at least
3 trainings each
conducted in at least
three days
DM!ion 3
Participation to at least
3 trainings each
conducted in at least
t}tree days
Regloaal 4
Participation to at least
3 trainings each
conducted in at least
three days
NatioBal 5
Participation to at least
1 training conducted in
at least three days

A.2.3 Consultant/ Resource Speaker/

Facilitator/Discussant/ L€cturer in trainings/ seminars/workshops.
To consider only the certiflcate witi the highest points (1O)
(Must enclose Memorandum, Activity Matrix arld Certificate of
Recognition.) (10 pointsl

Level Poilts ItrOVs

School 6 Certificate of
District 7 recogaition,
Division 8 appreciation,
Regional 9 memorandum,
National 10 activity report

A.2.4 Coordinated in community activities/programs/projects for

the development of the learners in their areas ol interests (5 potntsl
(uovs- approved proposal, actlvl9 report, docuEcntatiorl

A.3 Continuous and Dedicated Service

A.3.1 Rendering continuous and dedicated service in SPED teaching

(1O potrtll
No. Pointe MOVB
3-4 2 Service record,
5-6 4 certificate of
7-A 6 employment
9- 10 8
l1 lo
A.3.2 Performance rating (1O poinkl
Averare RatlDE Pointa MOvs
4.76-5.OO 10 IPCRF
4.5i-4.75 9
4.O1-4.50 I
3.76-4.00 7
3.50-3.75 6

A.4 Professional Advancement 5

Levcl Points MOVs
With MA units 1 Tralscript of records
With Complete 2
Requirements in
MA degree holder 3
With doctoral units 4
PhD/EdD degree 5

Prpt$slon.r,/?er€pno.l Ch4ractedattcs (5 pot^ts)

B. 7
(Refe! to Attached Checklist : Professionalism & Personal
Characteristics Rating Sheet to be lilled-up by the immediate head)

B.2 lnterview (5 polntsl

ProfessloDalism a[d Personel Characterlatics Ratitg Sheet

Name of Nominee:
Name of Immediate Superior

Directions: Put a check (/) on the space provided for if the nominee AT ALL
TIMES exhibits the following indicators otherwise put an (x)

IDdlcators Ul
A. U.nlfestcd genuhc entlu.l..D .!d pddc l,t tLe troblllty of
te.chhg/rel,atcd tcachhl Drofc!.lo[
1. Demonstrate punctuality at all times
2. Participate actively in all oflice activities
3. Attend in all (equked seminars and trai$irlgs for professiotal
4. Gets involved in all school programs and projects/office activities as
5. Communicate the DepEd vision, mission, and core values to
B. OboawG and dc6o,!i.trrtc. dG.l! blc Dcrroral end profc$tond IRA
6713) aad Code of Bthtcs RA 786) bch.ylo.! ULe rclpect, hon.rty,
dedlcatlon, DatrlotLt! altd (cnuhc for ottct' at all tltEe..
l. Maintains stature arrd behavior worthy of respect and emulation
2. Respects the privacy ofco-workers, does not spread office gossips or
3. Gives honest remarks .egarding his/her work outputs and is willing to
receive feedback
4. Provides honest and constructive feedback and is generous enough to
give credits due to co-workers
5. Is honest, upright and trustworthy in all his/her dealings with all
6. Serves beyond working hours to be able to meet orgardzationa-l goals
and obiectives
7. Performs jobs cheerfully ald with much positivism exceeding
expectations of superiors as to work outputs
8. Observes at all times loya.lty to the republic and to tie Filipino people,
promotes use of locally produced goods, resources a,rd tecbnolog/ and
encouraqes, appreciation and pride of country and people
9. Extends prompt aIrd adequate services to tie public
C. Melataiaa haruollotr r.letlon Elti lupcrlots, collc.gue!,
subordhatea, leanenB, Irerants ald othcr stalcholdeE

l. Respects authority and is able to work harmoniously with superiors

and colleagues
2. Maintains good working relationship with co-workers, parents and
3. Perlorms wetl whether as a team leader or member
D- u.LataLar good r.putetloE Elth respect to flaicLl aattel' auch
.! t[e letucEc[t of htr/her debtr, loarts .nd other i!.!clal
rfiairs/ ltabllttlcs
1. Discloses peraonal linancial i$terest as weu as that of spouse and other
minor children exercising proper discretion
2. Settles loans and other financial allairs on time
3. Has not beelr subjected to any c'omplaint/ cha.rged administratively
relative to hnancial matters

Rated by:

Signature over Printed Name of the lm]nediate Head


1. lIor[lnruon
a. The nominator accomplishes the Nomination form (Enclosure 1:
Nomination Form-Sea-rch for Outstanding Teacher)
b. The nominee prepares all documents foUowing the criteria on the
docudents to be submitted, certified by the School Head.
c. The documents are submitted to the Secreta.riat of the Screeniag artd
Selection Committee on or bfore

2.! at the Dbtrlct Lcvel

a. The members of ttre screening and selectron committee evaluatc the
nomination form and supporting documents.
b. Only one (l) nominee will be declared as District vrinner and will be
qualified ilt the Division level.

3. Ftld hdgltrg .t thc lxyblo! LvGl

a. In the 6nal evaluation, documents will be evaluated by the Final
Screeoing and S€lection Committee (FSSC).
b. All the district winners will be interviewed by the FSSC.
c. Upon consolidation of evaluated scores and based from the final ranking,
the fnalists will be adjudged as outstandirtg SPED Teacher, 2'd Placer,
3d Placer, 4th Placer and 5d Placer respectively.

fcobcrc of thc Scr"Grhg ald SoLctlo! CoEElttce

q. DLtrlct LGVGI

Chaiiman: Dennis G. Mano, Division SPED Coordinator

Co Chaiiman: Dr. Ludevina R. Bruan, Division AI.S Coordinator
Congressiona.l District I; Jenoilyn C. Ching, EPS II

Congressional Dist-ict II: Ria V. Hedas, EPS II

Congressional District III: Dr. victoria M. Dela Cruz, EPS tl
Congressional District IV: Denris G. Mano, EPS II
Congressional District V: Gemma P. Abanila, EPS II
Congressiona.l District VI: Dennis G. Mano, EPS II
b. IxvLloa L. l
ChainEan: Dr. Je.illm Rose B. Corpuz, CESO vI, SDS
Co-Chairman: Dr. Brian E. Uan, ASDS
Dennis G,, EPS II
Dr. Ludevina R. Bruan, PSDS
Dr. Mary Arrn I. Rondaris, PSDS
Dr. Rebecca C. Kalaw, PSDS
Dr. Est ella R. Pangan, PSDS

VI. Schedules of Acttvtues

Actleltles Datea
Nominators Accomplish tie forms October 26-29.2O21
Nominees all the required November 2- 12, 2021
Documents are submitted to the November 15,2021
Secretariat of t}Ie Screening and
Selection Committee
District Screening aJtd Selection November 16-19,2021
Committee evaluates t}le submitted
District Screening and Selection NovetDber 22, 2O2l
Committees announces the winner
in each district
Division Screening Committee November 23-29,2021
conduct final evaluation of
documents ard interview of the
Announcement of Winners December 13,2021

The Search for Outstanding Virtual Demonstration Teachers is intended for Teachers I -
Teacher III (Elementary to Senior HSJ. Below are the Guidelines and Virtual Classroom
Observation Tool (VCOTJ to be used for this adivity.


1. Level 1 -School Level (Nov8.12,2021)

a, Teachers (T{ to T-lll) with at least one year ofteaching experience can participate in
Virtual Demonshatio[ TeachinS.
b. Teacher-Broadcastrrs (if any) are discouraged to ioin the search as they are
overqualified because oftheir technical proffciency and national exposure.
c. Schools will conduct a demonstration teaching to determine who will represent their
school in the District level.
d. Demonstration teachers will be given a maximuh of 60 minutes to deliver their virtual
e. The school will use the attached COT Rating Sheet 5Y ZO2O-2027 during the demo
f- The Virtual Demonsradon teaching at the School level will be
observed/assessed/evaluated by the School Head, Head Teacher or Chairperson, and
Master Teacher. In the absence of a Master Teacher, a Head Teacher or Chairperson
from another subject maybe invited.
g lf the candidate is a Chairperson/Coordinator in the subject, the observers will be the
school Head and two (2) Head Teachers/chairpersons/coordinator from other learning
areas. lfthe candidate is a Chairperson/coordinator in the subje6 he or she will not be
allowed to participate in the observation and ratinS of the other candidates.
h. Certihcate of Recognition will be given to all participan6 and the winner/s will be given
a Certlficate of Recognition as the 2020 Best Demo Teacher-School Level.
i. Only one winner will be adiudged as the 2021 Best Demonstration Teacher in the
subject- School level who will proceed to the District Level.

2. Level2 - DisEict ElimiDatior [Nov 15-19,2021)

a. Winners from School Level will move to the District Elimination.

b. The District Virtual Demonstration teaching will be observed/ assessed/ evaluated by a
panel composed ofPublic Schools District Supervisors:
c. Each participant will prepare a virtual lesson with a maximum of 60 minutes on thei.
selected topics from the M ELCS for tie designated period/week
d. The schedule ofthe District Level Demonstration Teaching is as follows:
e. Annex 1: The VIRTUAL CLASSROOM OBSERVATION TOOL (VCOTI will be used by the
observers to screen the participants.
f. The winnilg virtual demonstration teache. will represent the dishict in the Division
g. Certificate of Recognition will be given to all participants, and the winner/s will be given
a Certificate ofRecognition as Best Demo Teacher (District Level).

3. Level3 - Divisior FiDals (Nov 22 - Dec6,2021)

a. The best demonstration teacherc in the District Level will advance to the
Division Finals.
b. The Division Virtual Demonstration Teaching Finals will be observed and
evaluated by a panel composed of EPS'S & PSDS in-charge of the learning area.
c. The Division qualifiers will prepare a virtual lesson with a maximum of 60
minutes on the topic from the MELCS forthe designated period/week
d. The DLP [in PDF form) and other virtual teaching materials shall be submitted
on or before 5:00 p.m. of google drive.
e. The observers will use the Virtual Classroom Observation Tool [VC0T].
I Three winners will be selected in the Division Finals:
Out$tandlng Virtua.l Demonstration Teacher in of Quezon Clty
g. Certificate of Recognition will be given to all participants, The Outstanding
Virtual Dernonstration Teacher ofQuezon City, First and Second Runners'Up will
receive a Plaque of Recognition.

Name: Dale Observed:

School _Subject:
Crade/Sectioni Time:

PART l- Rate each ilem or the checklist according to how well the te.cber pcrformed durirg
tbe obserratiotr using the followitrg scrle:

5 - Ou6tading
4 - Very Satisf&Iory
3 - Satisfactory
2 - Fair
| - Needs Improvemanl



5 1 J I

l. Vidd clKidt dro.pta! is .dEiE ro

2. Virtu l clBtm runn d di$d. r!

3. Appro?rial€ iruructid0t mddials sl.h a

F6cn{llim di&s. disihl l.sgm, bord
urcrtG, ldr olfi6 c Fq.!d rH oftiE
snd FtsoLd in a p@ged rd

4- Iin|e nlfugr(rr.lllM fd fLr:bilnt.

5. TIl. sLlls in nta@vsing d IMipulaIinA

olirdvirtd cLstm qlicniB ed

B.l1:,\(tIlN(i- t,[ARNtN(; PRO( USS

6. Ob.i.diB .r! SMART d ra.d ir

7. AflFrp.irL stri.tiGihat ds e lo
..tie ttrE obiediv6 oftE lcsso. 'sd

8. tAsG @ prgltld lodcdly



eilh l,k
in fi€ r.quircd

diliti6 r! co8 En
l6mh objcdiE.
t1 I
I l. Vdi.d laring etivitiE Fdi.L
inteGctive p-ticipnio of l.t16.
12. I)itit l irelEird rt ri.b !r! B6d to

ll. Ttc t .dingJ@ing qdi.riB rod

LMS ft ryFrprid. to th. l6sd,.
I1. Qu..dc ssLd@E!6.edE hisi6

I5. Ihe l-€.dbek Nch&ism of the pladlm os€d is mximiz6dfully lnili2qr-

16. HoffrrorUAssisnlD€ot is Fovided .s

follw- rp of tlE lNr
| 7. TIE stuinllEnt ofobj6liv6 in &c of
'. stilb lc-rd
d.rinDL aiti.dvlnE hbia
ir danaErd by tt LiEs
(, r.r:\R\l\(: ()t l(ot\tl]s(tll-tz\no\
18 LatE di&qE & lEu{h d.
'. lsn didir
19. ldndist .djrlfuds dring $c L.s..
Frs<r1lid en & d t pot of famtiw

20. &pli6 tnot{lcQp witllh !d &B


PART ll- Agreement




Brsic Qualificatiotr. Must have been a school paper adviser lbr at least three (3)
consecutive years in Quezon City, immediately prior to the s€arch.

A. Pcrformatrcc Ratins (5 poitrts)

Must have an avemge perfomance rating ofnot lower than Very Satisfactory (VS)
lor the past (3) years.

sY 2020-2021 =
SY 2019-2020 =
sY 2018-20t 9 =

Suppo ing Doeuments: Duly sigrvd/approved IPCRF, senice record, approved

clajj/ leoelcrs program, Designalion Orfu r/Appoinlmenl leller

B. Achievemetrt in Journelism for the pssl live (5) years (55 Doints)

Achievements ftom June 2016 up (o present shall be accepted. and these should
come f'rom DepEd-endorsed activilies/contests only.

l. lndividual Contestants (20 points)

I 2"o l 1 5 7rh
NationalLevel 20 l9 l8 17 l6 t5 t4
Regional Lcvcl l3 t2 II l0 9 It 7
Division l.cvcl 6 5 4 I I

2. School Paper Contest (20 points) loverall rank]

I 5h 7rh
National Level 20 l9 l8 t7 t6 t5 l4
Regional Level ll t2 tl IO 9 {l 7
Division Level 6 5 .+ l 2 I I

3. Radio Broadcasling or TV Bruadcasting ( l0 points)

a. lndividualAwads

National Level IO 9 8
Regional Level 1 6 5
Division Level .1 l
b. Group Awards

I 2,o
National [,evel l0 8
Regional l-evel t) 5
Division l,cvel -t l
4. Collaborative Desktop Publishing or online Desktop Publishing (5 points)
loverall rankl

I ,nd
National Level 5 4 l
Regional Lcvel I 3 2
Division l,cvel 2 l

(ln the event that there arc s€veral wins, th€ highest rank shall be considered.)
Supporling Docurnenlsr cenilcate ofrecognitiory'comnendatioty'neril stipulaling
the na e of E cooch or ltairer; memorandum ofeinners irtcluding the narne of
Ihe codc truiner; photos
(. I-cr(lrr:hiD l{chlcd 1o Journalism (15 lroint\)

National Rcgional Division

Association ltesident l5 l0 5
Vice President t0 5 l
Olhcr posilions 5 -l I

Districl ('oordinator 5 points

Sapporling lbamentst Designation Mr/cenificolion sigrcd by tlp corv-'errpd

oiicials, mcmorandum,

l). U\tcnsil c srr\ icc/(i,ntriburion ro Journalirm ( l0 poiotsl

National Regional Division

Organ izerlTminer/Resource t0 7 4
Speaker/Overall Chairman of
a Joumalism-related event
Committee 7 .t 2
chai rman/l-ac il
Committee Member { I

Supporting Docume st Menbratul it or pmgra ofrctivities indicaling the nofie

ofllc candi.late: malrix; cerlifcates; training uecorfiplishmen! reporl, photos
E, Authorship relatcd to Journalism (5 points)

A. Books
BookvModules on Joumalism (single author) 5 points
BookVModu les on Joumalism (Co-authorship) 4.5 points
BookyModules on Joumalism (Croup authorship) 4 points

B. Professional/Educatiooal Articles
National/lntemational 2 points
Regional 1.50 points
Division lpoint

(1br articles: Acoumulaled point but not excceding Uvc (5) points)

Supporling D&ume si (Copy o{ Boo*/Module: Plus photocopy ofcorer with title

arul wrme ofaulhor) (cory ofmagazine, Ipiodical gcrzette where the orticle was

F. Awards ofthe Tercher Related ao Jourtr.lism (5 poirts|

(e.9. Outstanding School Paper Adviser Awardee, Best Joumalism

I 2""
National Level 5 4 3
Regional [-evcl 1 l 2
Division l-evel l I

Suppo ing Documerrls: (Memo on the vin prs of le Search; Certificate of

Recognirion; Phrros)

(i. lntrr\ie\r (5 ooints)


- There shall be ro crt-olflcorr to be rccognized as Outslanding School Paper
Adviser ofQuezon City.
- Certificsles and other documents from June 2016 onwads shall be rccognized
for letters B-F.


Candidate must be a Guidance Counselor or Guidance Designate in public elementary

or secondary schoolfor 3 years or more.
a. Must have at least a very satisfactory performance rating for the last three (3) years.
b. Active in the service for not less than five years and must not be on leave at the time of


1. Duly accomplished nomination form

2. Recent photograph (2x2) passport size
3. Nomination by the School Head, Department Head, District Coordinator, District/Division Supervisot
teachers, PTA Officers


1. The Assistant Schools Division Superintendent shall be the Chairman and shall organize the
committee consisting of the Curriculum lmplementation Division (ClD) OIC Chief, Guidance and
Counseling Focal Person - EPS in EsP, Key stage supervisors
2. Each school shall choose candidate and will come up with one {1) entry per Conaressional District.
The six (6) candidates will undergo final evaluation and interview by the Panel ofJudges.
3. All activities, projects, intervention materials, resear€h, innovations, write-ups etc. shall have been
conduded / done within the lastfive (5) years.
4. The Outstanding Guidance Counselor/ Designate of Quezon CitY will receive a Plaque of Recognition
while the finalists willbe Biven Certificate of Recognition.

A. outstanding Contribution in the Guidance and counseling (/t0 %)
a. lntroduced/tried out effective approach or innovations in the delivery of Guidance and Counseling
Program (10 points)
b. Written/produced lnstructional Materials (lMs)in Guidance and counseline (10 points)
c. Organized/trained holistic development activitiesfor Learners, Teachers and Parents (10 points)
d. Served as Technical Working Group in Guidance and CounselingTrainin8s / Activities 10 pts.

B. Leadership and Guidance P.ogram Management (25 points)

a. Oeveloped lndividualized Guidance and Counseling Plan, conducted appropriate assessment,
developed case study or anecdotal records. (5 points)
b. Padicipated in the in service training programs related to Guidance and Counseling. (Only those
sanctioned by DepEd with Memoranda/ Advisory will be considered. 15 points)
c. consultant/ Resource Speaker/ Facilitator/Discussant/Lecturer in trainings/seminars/workshops on
Guidance and Counseling. (10 pts)
d. Coordinated in community a.tivities/programs/projects forthe development ofthe learners in their
areas of interests (5 points)

c. Continuous and Mi.eted Seryice (2O points)

a. Rendering continuous and dedicated service in Guidance and Counseling (10 points)
b. Performance ratins (10 points)

D. Professional Advancement (5 points)

f. Proressional/Pe.sonalCha.acteristics(5points)
{Refer to Attached Checklist: Professionalism & Personal Characteristics Ratjng Sheet to be filled-up
by the immediate head)

F. 2 lnterview (s points)

TOTAI- 700%

A. Outstanding Contribution in the Guidance and Counseling Program. (40 points)

a. htroduced/tried out effective approach or innovations in the delivery of Guidance and

Counseling Program which contributed to the improvement of guidance services in meeting the
learners and teachers holistic well-being needs (10 points)

StaF oI lmplementation Points

conceptualized 2

Started the implementation 4

Fully implemented in the school 6
Adopted in the distract 8
Adopted in the division 10

b. Written/produced lnstructional Materials (lMs) in Guidance and Counselling such as modules,

learning activity sheets, equipment/teaching devices, technicalpaper/ publications (10 points)

tevel Points
school 2
District 4
Division 6
Regional 8
National 10

c. Organized/trained holistic development activitiesfor Learners, Teachers and Parents

(10 pointsl

Level Points
school 1
District 3
Regional 7
lnternational 10

d. Served as Technical Wo.king Group in Guidance and Counseling Tra inings / Activities
(5 points)
school 1
District 3
Division 5
Regional 7
National 9
lnternational 10
B. Leadership and Guidance Program ManaSement (25 points)

Developed lndividualized Guidance and Counseling Plan, conducted appropriate assessment,

developed case study or anecdota I records. (5 points)

ilumber of Activities implemented Points

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5

b. Participated in the in-se rvice train ing programs related to Guidance and counselling
Onlythose sanctioned by OepEd with Memoranda/ Advisory will be considered. {5 points)

Level Points
school 1
Participation to at least 3 trainings each conducted in at leastthree days
Didrict 2
Participation to at least 3 trainings each conducted in at leastthree days
oivision 3
Participation to at least 3 trainings each conduded in at leastthree days
Recional 4
Participation to at least 3 trainings each conduded in at least three days
I{ational 5
Participation to at least l training conducted in at leastthree days

c. Con5ultant/ Resource Speaker/ Facilitator/Discussant/Lecturer in trainings/seminars/workshops

on Guidance and aounselling.

To consider onlythe certificate with the highest points (10)

(Must enclose Memorandum, Activity Matrix and Certificate of Recognition.) (1O points)

School 6
District 1
Division 8
Regional 9
National 10

d. Coordinated in community activities/programs/projects for the development of th€ learners in

theirareas of interests (5 pointsl
B. Continuous end Oedicated S€rvi€e

a. Rendering continuous and dedacated service in Guidance and Counseling (10 points)
Attach appointment /designation signed by the schoolhead.

35 1
911 6
12 74 8
15 above 10

b. Performance rating (10 points)

Average Rating
5 10
4.80-4.99 9
4_60 4_79 8
4.50,4.59 1
4.4-4.49 6
4_O-4_3 5

E. Professional Advancem€nt (5 poanlsl

with MA units 1
with Complete Academic Requirements in 2

MA degree holder 3
With doctoralunits 4
PhD/EdD degree holder 5

E. Ptol.ssiond/Pcrsono, Chorude,ini(s 15 ,olinrs,

(Referto Attached Checklist: Professionalism & Personal Charaderistics RatinS Sheet to be falled-up
by the immediate head)

8.2 lnterview (5 pointsl

P.ofessionalism and Personal Characteiistics Rating Sheet

Name of Nominee
Name of lmmediate Superior:

Directions: Put a check (/l on the space provided for ifthe nominee AT ALt TIM ES erhibits the followinS indicators
oth€rwise put an (xl

A. Manifested tenuine enthusiasm and p.ide in the nobility ofbeing guidance counselor/ desitnate
1. Demonstrate punduality at alltimes.
2. Participate actively in alloffice activities
3. Attend in all required seminars and trainings for professional development
4- Gets involved in all school progrems and projects/office activities as required
5. Communicatethe DepEd vision, mission, and core valuesto stakeholders
8. Obs€rue and demonstrates desirable personal and protessional (RA 67131 and Code ot Ethics RA 785)
behaviors like respect, honesty, dedic.tion, patriotism and genuinelor othersat.ll limes.
1. Maintains stature and behavior worthy of respect and emulatiofi
2. Respects the pravac] of co-workers, does not spread ofrice gossips or rumors
3. cives honest remark reSardinS his/her work outputs and is willing to receive feedback
4. Provides honest and constructive feedback and isgenerous enough to give credits due to co-workers
5. ls honest, upright and trustworthy in all his/her dealinSs wjth all people
6. Serves beyond working hours to be able to meet or8aoizationa I Soals and obiectives
7. Performsjobs cheerfully and with much positivism exceeding expectations ofsuperiors as to work outputs
8. Observes at alltimes loyaltyto the republic and to the Filipino people, promotes use of locally produced
goods, resourc€s and technology and encourages, appreciation and pride ofcountry and people
9. txtends prompt and adequate services to the public
C. Maintains harmonious relation with superiors, colleagues, subordinales, learners. parents and other
1. Respects authority and is able to work harmoniously with superiors and colleagues
2. Maintains good working relationship with co workers, parents end stakeholders
3. Performs wellwhether as a team leader or member
D. Maintainsgood ieputation ofhis/herdeblt loans
with resp€ct to financial matters such as the s€ttlement
and other tinancial aftai.s/liabilities
1, Oiscloses personal financial interest as wellas that of spouse and other minor chaldren exercisinS proper
2. Setdes loans and otherfinancialaffairs on time
3. Has not been subiected to any complaint/ charged administratively relative to financial matters

Rated by:
SiSnature over Printed Name ofthe lmmediate Head

Guidance and Counseling

Enclosure 1: l{omination Form (Search for Outstandlnt Guidance

Couns€lo./ Designatel

DIRECTION: Accomplish this nomination form. Plac€ a ticl U) inside the appropriate bot.


picture of

the nominee



After reviewing the niles and citeria for the Division Search lor outstanding
Teache6, I hereby norninate:

Name of Nofiinee,


Name of School: _

Years in Service:

I hereby certify thet and to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in the ac.ompanying
supporting documents are true end correct.
The nominee and the undersiSned underctand that the decision ofthe Screenin8 and Selection Committee is
finaland that we agree to abide by it.

Name of Nominator: _
Position: _

Signature of Nominator: Date signed: _



l. Performance Rating ofat least Very Satisfactory (VS) for the last three (3)
2. Active in the service for not less than five years and must not b€ on leave al
the time ofnomination
3. Candidat€ must be a K to 3 Telcher who has be€n trained in ELLN progarn
as a key teacher coondinalor of the school fo. at le€st tfue€ years.


I . Awardee of a National search

2. lrne cont€nder in sp€cific category
3. tess than 80o/o rating ofthe submitted documents


l. Duly accomplished nomination form

2. Recent photogr'8ph (2x2) passport sizp
3. Nomination by the school head/ endorsed by the District Supervisor
4. Se.vice Record

I. The Assistant Schools Division Superintendent sh.ll be the Chairman and

shall organize the committee consisting of the Curriculum Implementation
Division (CID) OIC Chief, ELLN Focal Person - EPS in English, Supervisors
in Kinder, Filipino and Mathematics.
2. Each school shall choose a candidate and will come
with one (l) entry pe.
Congressional District. The six (6) candidates will undergo final evaluation
and interview by the Panel ofJudges.
3. Allactivities, projecrr intervention materials! rcsearch, innovations write-ups
etc. shall have b€en conducted / done within the last five (5) yea$.
4. Demonstration teaching/ observation of LAC Session, intervieu and
validation ofthe submitted documents shall be announced in a specific time.
5. The Outstanding ELLN Coordinator of Quezon City will rEceive a Plaque of
Recognition while the finaliss will be given Certificate ofRecognition.


I. Instructional Comperence and Effectiv€ness (35%)

a. Teaching Competenc€ lO%
b. OutstandingAccomplishments l0%
c. Originally Developed Inte.vention
Materials / Innovations l0%
d. Co-Curricular activities involvement 50%

ll. ProfessionalCompetenc€(40plo)
a. Education l0 o/o
b. ResourcE Speaker/ Facilitalor s|o
c. Trainingv Serninars 5o/o
d. Publication/Authorship tv/o
e. Research l0o/o
TOTA.L 40vo

Preprred byr

Education Program Suporvisor
ELLN Focal Person

l. The S€arch for Outstanding Head Teacher 2021 is a pan of the SDOQC Prograrn on
Awads and lnc€ntives for S€rvic€ Exc€llence (PRAISE).
2- The following arc the legal bases related to the implemenlation ofthis progmm:
2.1. Executive Order No. 8, s. 2012, Directing the Adoption ofa
Performance-Based lncentive System forCovemment Employees
2.2. CSC MC No. 0l Series of200l, Program on Awards, and Incentives for
Service Excellence
2-3. DepEd Order No. 29, s. 2002, Merit Selection Plar ofthe Depsrtment of
2.4. DepEd Orde. No. 9, s. 2002, Establishing the PRAISE in the Department of
3. The se.rch aims to bestow distinct honor and recognition to outstaoding head teachcrs whose
delivery ofexceptional basic education and dedicated public service have contributed immens€ly to
the best intercst of this Division.
4. Enclos€d ale the criteri4 guidelines, rubrics and validation tools for tlre Search.
5. All head teache.s who have m€t the criteria/requirements are highly encouraged to paflicipale in
the S€arch.


Division Sesrch for Outstrnding Head Teacher

i. Eligibility
a. Must be a model of integrity and morality both in public and private life:
b. Must have a good human .elation in the school and community;
c. Must be a Filipino Citizen with full time appointment as Head Teacher;
d. Must have served as Head Teacher for at le3st thrce (3) years;
e. Must have at least Very Satisfactory performance ratings for the p6st thrce (3) years;
f. Must have not be€n found guilty ofany administrative or criminal off€nse.
2. Disqr.lilicrtior
a. Prcvious awardees in a similar Search in the Division, Regional or National level organized
by either the D€partment of Educstion or any private organization (regsrdless ofthe yearls
they joined)
b. Head Teachers who have been suspended for any administrative or criminal offense
3. Stages of the Se.rch
There shall be three stages for this Search with the following percentages:
Stage I - Document Evaluation (60%)
The document evaluation shall include all suppo.ting documents submitted to the
Search Committee which will be gmded using sp€cific criteri& (see enclosure)
Stage 2 - Interview (20"4/0)
Th€ int€rview shall gauge the candidate's ability lo aflswer questions rclevant to the
award category. Same Rubrics on assessing interview rgsponses will be used for this
purpose (see enclosurE)
Stage 3 -Validation (20%)
The validation aims to ass€ss the candidate in terms ofmorality and integrity both in
public and p.ivate life and hisyher human relations in the school and community. A
validatioo tool will be provided to the screening and s€lection comhittees in the
disrict level (see enclosu€)
4. Sc.rch ComDittec
Composition ofthe Prelimioary Scr€ening and Selection CommittEe (PSSC) and Final Screening
and Selection Committee (FSSC)

Final Screening and Selection Committce

Chair: Dr. Jenilyn Rose B. Corpuz
Vic€ Chair: Dr. Brian E. Ilan
Engr. Marc Voltaire A. Padilla
Dr. Noel A. Bagsilo
Members: Dr. Eb€nezer A. Beloy
Dr. Joseph C. Palisoc
Dr. G€rry F. Isip
Mr. Kristhean Navales
EPS in Chargc ofthe Leaming Area
PSDS'S in charge ofthe Leaming AIea

District trvel Screening and Selection Committe€

EPS In{harge ofthe Leaming Area
PSDS's In{harge ofthe Leaming Area

5. chmelt!
a- PersonalData She€t
b. Indorsement from the School Head
c. Updated Serrice Record
d. Ce ification that the candidat€ hrs not been suspended for any administrative ofcriminal
e. Ce(ified true copies ofPerfomance Rati[g in th€ las thre€ (3) years signed by school h€d
I SupportinS documents following the specific crit€ria on document evalualion. Photocopies
must be certified true and verified against o.iginal.

6. Critcrir
A. School Curriculum Monitoring aad Evaluation (15 points)
I. Number of Instructional Supervision Conducted (previous school
yed) (5 pts)
MOVS -Monitoring & Coaching Form; Ageement Form

Frequency Points
12 and more 5
l0- I I 4
8-9 3

6-7 2
4-5 1
2. Number of Classroom Observation Conducted (previous school
year) (5 pts)
MOVS {lass.oom Obseftation Tool Points
9l- | 00% 5

8 t-90% 4.5
7l -80o/o I
6l-l$/o 3.5
5l -600/, 3

4l -50p% 2.5
3l -4oo/o 2

2t -30vo 1.5

209lo and below I

3. orgarlzed/manaBed Learnlng acllon cell (LAC) or an In-service

Tratning(INSET) acdvlty or other simllar acdvltl.s at least on the
school level. (5 points)
a. The In-Service activity shall mainly for the improvement of
instruction and/or professional development of teachers based
on development needs
b. MOVS: DesiBnation/ Assignment order stating the nature
of assignment, Memorandum of the conduct of INSE-r, Action
Plan, Cerdncadon of the School Head, Activity completion
Attendance of
Criteria Points
1. Managed/ facilitated Learning Action

a. l,AC lmplementation Plan
b. Completion Reports/ Minutes
c. Attendance of Reports
d. Photos

2. Organized In-Service Training

(1 point per INSET but not to exceed 5
a. Activity completion report 5
b. attendance of parhcipants
c. school memorandum
d. designation order signed by the school
e. Matrix of the actiYity
B. Human Resource Management

D.l Leaming and Development Programs for Teachers (10 points)

a. Percentage ofTeachers serll to D€pEd Co-initiated tminings,webinars, and
othe. PDP activities (2.5 points)
MOVS: DepEd Memorand{rm with names of Gachers, Certificate of

Pe.centage of Teachers Points

9 | -tooo/"
at -900/,
'1 t -80vo
6t -700
4 | -50v.
3t -400h
2t -30vo
209lo and below

b. Percentage of Teachers sent to DepEd Ro-initiated trainings,

webinars, and other PDP activitias (2.5 points)
MOVS: DepEd Memomndum with names of leachers, Certificate of

Percentage of Teachers Points

9l- I00% 2.5

111-90v. 2.25
1t -800/0 2.00
6l -1OYo 1.75

5l -6V/o t.50
4t-50% t.25
11400/. t.00
2l -3on/o 15

209lo and below .50

c. Percentage of Teachers sent to DepEd SDo-initi&ted trainings,
webina.s, and other PDP activities (2.5 points)
MOVS: DepEd Memorandum with names of teachers, Cenificate of
Pa.ti cipation

Percentage ol' Teachers Points

9 t - tooo/o 2.5
8l -90%o 2.25
1l -80vo 2.00
6t -700 1.75

5t -60v, 1.50

4t-50% 1.25

31400/o 1.00

2t -300/" 75

2070 and below .50

d. Percentage of Teachers panicipaled in School-Based In-Service

Trainings (INSET), webinars, SLAC, and other PDP activities (2.5
MOVS: School Memomndum, Activity Completion Reports with
Attendance, Certificate of P&rticipation

Percentage of Teachers Points

9l -1OOo/o 2.5
E l-90% 2.25
7 t -aoo/. 2.00
6l-70% 1.75

5l -6tr/o 1.50

4l -50p2 r.25
31400/. 1.00

2) -30v. .75
20oZ and below .50
C. Outstanding Accomplishment (20 points)

l. Innovation (5)
Innovation means something new. lt is a demonstration ofcreativity,
initiative, and innovativencss through development of rrew or superior
work procedures, methods, inventions, and devices. lnnovalive and
creative work plan, Re-Entry Action Plan, or quality-assured module
(SLMS) or instructional materials (WLAS), proposed and./or implemented
withitr the hst 3 yerrs shall be consideredas innovation.

MOV: copy of the innovation (only submil lhe innovation which is at the
highest sta4e of implemenlation)

Stagcs of Implement{tion PoiDts

Started the implement tioD
MOV: Proposal duly signed by the Head of
OfIice and Progress Monitoring Report with
Fully impleDented in the school
MOV: Accomplishment Report verified by
rheHead of Of ice:
Adopted in the Schooy District
MOV: Certification of the utilization of 3
theinnovation- within the school/district
MOV: Cenification of the utilization of the
innovation in the division duly signed by
theschools Division Superintendent:
certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underweDt
tLe qu q!!1y-a!!!ranqe procedu.e
Adopted in the region
MOV: Certification ofthe utilization ofthe
innovation in the region duly signed by the
Regional Director; certificalion from the
LR Manager that the module/instructional
material underwenl the quality-assurance

2. Re!€.rch (5)
a. lnitiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by
educational authorities either for improvement of instruction, for
community development, or teacher welfare conducted in the last 3
b. A research (action or applied) must be approved by the Schools
Division Superintendent o. Regional Director.
c. Researchers must be compliant to the Research Management
Guidelines (DepEd Order No. 16,s.2017),
d. Research topics must be aligned with the research agenda of the
CO/RO/SDO, and according to the level ofgovemance.
e. Points eamed shall be divided according to the number of
researchers in ateam

MOVs: Approved Research Proposal and/or Research Paprer

of Implementation Points
rted implementatio[ of the Research work
V: Research Proposal presented and approved
ompleted research work
Monitoring Report
erminal Write-up Terminal Write-up duly
ledged and notcd by the SDRC and 2
and approved by ASDS and SDS/
Director vely.
completed rescarch work in thc SIrc
research congless
OV: Terminal Write-up Terminal Write-up duly
knowledged and noted by the SDRC and 3
and app.oved by ASDS and SDS/
Director, respectively; Certificate of Paper
signed by SDS; Division Memo of the
DO Research
tcd research work in the RO research
OV: Terminal W.ite-up Terminal Write-up duly
ledged and noted by the SDRC and 4
and approved by ASDS and SDS/
ional Director, respectively; Certificate of Paper
on signed by SDS; Regional Memo of
SDO Research Congress (at least 2
research lvork in the CO research

ov: Terminal write-up Terminal Write-up duly

ledged and noted by the SDRC and 5
ended and approved by ASDS and SDS/
Di.ector, respectively; Certificate of Paper
signed by SDS; Regional Memo ofthe
O Research Congress
3. Consult ot/Resource Speaker/ Frcilitator./Dtucuss.ntllecturer iD
training/seminars/ Workshops. To consider only tbe certificrte with
thc highest points (5)
(Must eoclose Memomndum, Activity Marrix and Certificate of Recognition.)

Level Points
School o.5
District I
Regional 3
National 4
Inlemational 5

4. PublicstiorN (5)
a. Articles duly approved by the regionay division committe€ or with the
PAU shouldhave been published in newspapers/ magazines/joumals of
wide circulatiod at leastwithin . province/ city or official publication or
websites. Opinion/ featurc articles, which need not be approved by the
Head ofoffice. must contain data./ scientilic research and must be
educational. Articles published online shall be published inan olliciaV
reputable educational website.
b. Books duly approved by the division comminee must have been
published with ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.
c. Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.9.. SLMS
and WLAs) which pass through quality assumnce procedures
conducted by SDO/RO LR shallbe included when the supporting
documents are provided:
i. Memorandum wherc name ofnominee is included
ii. Final copy ofthe materiaus as published
d, Points earned shall be divided among the number ofauthors.

Neture of Publication Points

Anicles published ( I point per article but not to exceed 2 pts.) 2
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.g..
SLMS and WLAS; not to exceed 3 points)
Ceauthorship ofa book 4
Sole authorship of a book worktrook, big books, textboolq
and Module

D. Prolbssional and Personal Development ( l0 points)

l. Trrinings/ Seminars/ Workshops/ ConferenceV Webinlrs/Online
Courses rttended (5)

a. Participation to trainingv seminars/ workshopV confererice/

webinars/ online courses in any modality in the p.evious calendar
b. Only those sanctioned by DepEd witi Memo.ands,/ Advisory will be
c. Intemational Training is when tminers are intemationally
recognized,/ accredited.The same is true to national tlaining which
traineN are nationally recognized/accredited NEAP-Recognized
by DepEd.
d. Participant in a specialized ftaining e.g., Scholarship Progmms,
Short couases, and Study grants sponsored by countries which
Philippines has bilatelal agreement and,/or organizations which
DepEd has forged partnership with shall be given (l) point for
every month but not to exceed five (5) points.
e. MOVS shall include issuance/memorandum identirying nominee
as participants, Certificate of Participation/ Completion, and
Cenifi cate of Attendance/Appearance.

f,evel Points
(Conducted in at least 3 days; maximum of 4 training 0.25
activities; not to exceed 1.0 point)
(at least 3 training activities each conducted in at least 0.5
3 days; not to exceed 1.5 points)
(at least 2 tiaining activiti€s each conducted in at lesst l.o
3 days, not to exceed 2.0 points)
(at least 2 training activities each conducted in at least 1.5
3 days, not to exceed 3.0)
N.aioral 4.O
(at least I training activity conducted in at least 3 days)
Intcrn.tioD.l 5.0
(at least I t aining activity cond{rcted in at lesst 3 days)

2. Performanc€ Rating for the last 3 years (10 points)

Stage 2: lnGrview
Stage 3: Professional and Personal Charactcristics

Name of Nominee:

Name of Immediate Superior:

DirectioDs: Put a check U) on the space provided for if the nominee AT ALL
TlMEsexhibits t]le following tndicators otherwise put an (x).

A. Manifested genuine enthusiasm and pride in the nobiliry of
teachiog/.elated teaching profession
1. Demonstrate punctuality at all times.
2. Participate actively in all office activities
3. Attend in all required seminars and trainings for professional
4. Gets involved in all school programs and prorects/office activities as
5. Communicate the DepEd vision, mission, and core values to
B. Observe and d€monstrates desirable personal and professional (RA
6713) and Code of Etiics RA 786) behaviors like respect, honesty,
dedication, patriotism and genuine for others at all times.
1. Maintains stature and behavior worthy of respect and emulation
2. Respecs the privacy ofco-workers, does not spread office gossips or
3. Gives honest remarks regarding his/her work outputs and is willing
to receive feedback
4. Provides honest and constructive feedback and is generous enough
to give credits due to co-workefs
5. ls honest, upright and trustworthy in all his/her dealings with all
6. Serves beyond working hours to be able to meet orSanizational goals
and obiectives
7. Performs jobs cheerfully and with much positivism exceeding
expectations ofsuperiors as to work outputs
8. Obsewes at all times loyalty to the republic and to the Filipino people,
proftotes use oflocally produced 8oods, resources and technology
and encourages, appreciation and pride ofcountry and people
9. Extends prompt and adequate services to the public
C- Maintains harmonious relation with superiors, colleagues,
subordinates, learners, parents and other stakeholders
1- Respects authority and is able to work harmoniously with superiors
and colleaSues
2. Maintains good working relationship with co-workers, parents and
3. Performs well whether as a team leader or member
D. Maintains good reputation with respect to financial matters such as
the settlement of his/her debts, loans and other financial
1. Discloses personal financial interest as well as t}rat of spouse and
other minor children exercising proper discretion
2. Settles loans and other financial affairc on time
3. Has not been subiected to any complaint/ charged administratively
relative to financial matters

Rated by:

Slgnature over Prlnted Name of the Immedlate Head

(Elementary and SecondaryJ

1.1 Teachlng Competence (average for the latest 3 rating periods (20)
The three (3) recent performance ratings of the nominee prior to the screeninS
should be at least Very Satisfactory. The rate ofthe average numerical rating
for the 3 periods vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 20.
(4.720 + 4.600 +4.890) + 3
20 = 14.947
S.O0 (highest rating)

1.2. Outstanding Accomplishment (10)

Outstanding employee or coach or trainer ofwinning students in the different
competitions. To consider only the certificate with the highest points.
MOV: Certificate, Omcial Memorandum/ Bulletin for Results Announcement,
rtr Letter of Conferment
Rank District Division Regional National/
Level Level Level International
3 5 I 10
2nn 2 4 7 9

3.d 1 3 6 8
Finatist o.5 1 2 4

1.3. hnovation (1O)

Innovation means something new. It is a demonstration of creativity,
initiative, and innovativeness through development of new or superior work
procedures, methods, inventions, and devices. Innovative and creative work
plan, Re-Entry Action Plan, or quality-assured module ISLMS) or
instructional materials (WLAS), proposed and/or implemented within the
last 3 years shall be considered as innovation.
MOV: copy of the innovation (only submit the innovation which is at the
highest stoge of implementation)
Stages of Implementation Points
staited the implementauon
MOV: Proposal duly signed by the Head of
Office and Progress Monitoring Report with
s nt milestones al to the lan
Fully implemented in the school
MOV: Accomplishment Report verified by the 4
Head of Omce;
Adopted in the School/ Dish'ict
MOV: Certification of the utilization of the
innovation, within the school/district duly
signed by the Head of Of6ce
Adopted in the diyisioD
MOV: Certificarion of the utilization of the
innovation in the division duly signed by the
Schools Division Superintendent; I
certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent
the quality -assurance procedure
Adopted tn tlie region
MOV: Certification of the utilization of the
innovation in the region duly signed by the
Regional Director; certification from the LR 10
Managerthat the module/instructional
material underwent the quality-assurance

1.4. Research (5)

a. Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by
educational authorities eitJrer for improvement ofinstruchon, for communiq/
development, or teacher welfare conducted in the last 3 years.
b. A (action or applied) must be approved by the Schools Division
Superintendent or Regional Director.
c. Researchers must be compliant to the Research Management Guidelines
(DepEd Order No. 16, s.2077),
d. Research topics must be aligned with the research aSenda ofthe CO,/RO/
sDO, and according to the level ofgovernance.
e. Points earned shall be divided accordin8 to lhe number of researchers ir a

Stages oflI!plemedtauon Polnts

Started lmplementadon of the Reseaich
MOV: Research Proposal presented and I
approved by the SDRC/RRC, Progress
Monitoring Report
Completed research work
Terminal Write-up Terminal Write'up duly
acknowledsed and noted by the SDRC and 2
recommended and approved by ASDS and
SDS/ Regional Director, respectively.
Presented completed research work ln
the SDO research contress
MOV: Terminal Write-up Terminal Write-up
duly acknowledged and noted by the SDRC
and recomm€nded and approved by ASDS 3
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation siSned by
SDSj Division Memo of the SDO Research
Congress L
Prcsented research work in the RO
research conSress
MOVi Terminal Write-up Terminal Write-up
duly acknowledSed and noted by the SDRC
and recommended and approved by ASDS 4
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
Certificate of Paper Presentation signed by
SDS; Regional Memo of the sDo Research
Presented research
researEh conSfess
work in the CO I
MOV: Terminal Write-up Terminal Write-up
duly acknowledged and noted by the SDRC
and recommended and approved by ASDS 5
and SDS/ Regional Director, respectively;
certificate of Paper Presentation signed by
SDS; Regional Memo of the RO Research


2.1. Educadon 5
Educational Level PoiIltJ
With MA units 1
Completed Academic Requirements in a master's 2
Master's degree holder 3
Completed Academic Requirements in a doctoral degree 4
Doctoral degree holder 5

2-2. Consultant/ Resource Speaker/ Factlltator/Dlscussnt/Lecturer in

training/ seminars/workshops. To consider only the certificate witi tie
highest points (5)
[Must enclose Memota ndum, Activi M and Cenificate of Recognition.)
Level Points
School .5
District 1
Division 2
Region 3
National 4
Interlrational 5

2.3. Demonstrallon Teacher (1O)

To consider only the certificate wit}l the highest points and must enclose
Memorandum with Activity Matri! lesson Plan, and accomplished Classroom
Observation Tool
Level Points
School 1
District 2
Division 3
Regional 5
National a
lnternational 10
2.4. Tt^tnt^g!s/ Semlnars/ Workshops/ Conferences/ Webinais/Online Courses
attended (5)
a. Participation to trainings/ seminars/ workshops/ conference/ webinars/ online
courses in any modality in the previous calendar year.
b. Only those sanctioned by DepEd with Memo.anda/ Advisory will be considered.
c. International Training is when trainers are internationally recognized/ accredited.
'Ihe same is true to national traininB which trainers are nationally
recognized/accredited NEAP-Recognized by DepEd.
d. Participant in a specialized training e.&, Scholarship Programs, Short courses,
and Studygrants sponsored by countries which Philippines has bilateral agreement
and/or orSanizations which DepEd has forged partnership with shall be given (1)
point for every month but not to exceed five (5) points.
e. MOVs shall include issuance/memorandum idendrying nominee as participants,
Certincate ofPa Co leti and Certifi cate of Attendance
Level Points
(Conducted in at least 3 days; daximum of 4 training 0.25
activities; not to exceed 1,0 point)
(at least 3 training activities each conducted in at least 0.5
3 days; not to exceed 1.5 Dointsl
(at least 2 training activities each conducted in at least 1.O
3 days, not to exceed 2.0 pointsl
(at least 2 training actiuties each conducted in at least 1.5
3 days, not to exceed 3.0)
Natlo[al 4.O
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at least 3 days)
Interaatlonal 5.0
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at least 3 days)

2.5. Publlcations (5)

a. Articles duly approved by the regional/ division committee or with the PAU should
have been published in newspapers/ magazines/ iournals of wide circulation at least
within a province/ city or omcial publication or websites. Opinion/ feature afticles,
which need not be approved by the Head of office, must contain data/ scientific
research and must be educationel. Articles published online shall be published in
an ofhcial/ reputable educatronal website.
b. Books duly approved by the divisioD committee must have been published with
ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.
c. Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.&, SLMS arld Wl,As)
which pass tlrough quality assurance procedures conducted by SDOi/RO LR shall
be included wh€n the supporting documents are provided:
i. Memorandum where name ofnominee is included
ii. Final copy ofthe material/s as published
d. Points earned shall be divided amo the number ofauthors.
Nature of Publicatlon Points
Articles published (1 point per article but not to exceed 2 pts.) 2
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.9., 3
SLMS and WLAsi not to exceed 6 points)
Co-authorship of a book 4
Sole authorship of a book, workbool( big books, textbook, and

3. Commurlty Deyelopment - - - - 5
a. Initiated or served as coordinator/organizer of a community project or activity
or of another agency or coordinator of a rural service improvement activity io a
community such as feedin& nutrition, agro-industrial fairs, )ivelihood program,
etc., foa at least 2 years.
b. Outreach programs/activities initiated/ participated properly documented
with na.rative and pictorial reports attested by immediate superiors, division, or
regional offi cials/city/province/municipality.
c. The project is community-based, not school-based and sponsored by any or
th€ fotlowing: LGU, Rural lmprovement Club, other government agencies or non-
governmeDt organization, or funded by private individuals.
d. MOVs: Designation/ Assignment order stating the nature of assignmenb action
plan noted by the School Head or BrS/. Captain or Head of the organizationi
Certification by benefitting barangay or community, Narrative Report with
pictorials ofaccom ments
Level Points
Chairman/ Orqanizer/ Initiator 5
Member 3
Sponsor/ Donor,/ Patron 2

,t. Professlonallsm/Personal Characteris-dcs - 10

(Refer to Annex D: Professionalism & Personal Characteristics Rating Sheet to be
filled-up by the immediate head)
5. Interview 10

(Elementary and Secondary)

1. Instrucuonal Competence - - 45
1,1 Teachlng Competence (average for the latest 3 rating pertods (2O)
The three (3) recent performance ratings ofthe nominee prior to the screening
should be at lea$Very Satisfactory. The rate of the average numerical rating
for the 3 periods vs. the highest possible rating shall be multiplied by 2O.
(4.720 + 4.600 + 4.890) + 3
5.0O (highest rati,rg)
20 = 14.911

1.2. Outstandlng Accomplrshment (1O)

Outstanding employee or coach or trainer of winning students in the
different competitions. To consider only the certificate with the highest points.

MOv: Certificate, omcial Memorandum/ Bulletin for Results Announcement, or

Lefter of Conferment
Rank District Division negiondl National/
Level Level Level International
3 5 a 1o
2"d 2 7 9
1 3 6 o
Final o.5 1 2 4

1.3. Innovation (10)

Innovatron means something new. It is a demonstration of creativity,
initiative, and innovativeness through development of new or superior work
procedures, methods, inventions, and devices. Innovative and creative work plan,
Re-Entry Action Plan, or quality-assured module (SLMS) or insEuctional materials
[wLAs), proposed and/or implemented wittlB the last 3 shall be considered
as innovation.

MOV: copy of the innovation (only submit the innovotion which is ot the highest stage

tStarted Stages of Implementation

the implementation

MOV| Proposal duly signed by the Head of

Office and P rogress Monitoring Report wirh
i qe4nse nt milestones al ed to the
Fully implemented in the school
MOV: Accomplishment Report verified by the 4
Head of Offi
Adopted in tlle School/ Distrlct
MOV: Certification of the utilization of the
innovation, within the school/district duly
signed by the Head of Office
Adopted in the dlvislon
MOV: Certification of the utilization of the
innovation in the division duly signed by the
Schools Division Superintendent; a
certification from the LR Manager that the
module/instructional material underwent
L the
qualiry-assurance procedure
Adopted in the rcgion
MOV: Certification of the utilization of the
innovation in the region duly signed by the
Regional Director; certincation fiom the LR 10
Manager that the module/instructional
material underwent the qualily-assurance

1-4, Researcb (5)

a. Initiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by
educational authorities either for improvement ofinstruction, for community
development, or teacher welfare conducted in the last 3 years.
b. A research (action or applied) must be approved by the Schools Division
Superintendent or Regional Director.
c. Researchers must be compliant to the Research Mana8ement GuideliDes
(DepEd Order No. 16, s. 2077),
d. Research topics must be aligned with the research agenda of the CO/RO,/
SDO, and according to tJre level ofgovernance.
e. Points earned shall be divided according to the number of researchers in a
f Jr,lOVs. Research,Proposal and/or
Stag€ao rnplemeaaadon -
started implementetion ofthe Research work
""To I

MOv: Research Proposal presented and approved by 1

the SDR
completed research work
Terminal Write-up Terminal Write-up duly
acknowledgedand noted by the SDRC and 2
recommended and approved by ASDS and SDS/
onal Dir
Presented completed research work tn tle SDO
research congress
MOV: Terminal Write-up Terminal Write-up duly
acknowledged and notd by the SDRC and 3
recommended and approved by ASDS aDd SDS/
Regional Director, respectively; Certificate of Paper
Presentation signed by SDS; Division Memo of t,l..e
SDO Researc! Co!tre!!
Presented research work ln the RO research
MOV: Terminal Write-up Terminal Write-up duly
acknowledged and noted by the SDRC and 4
Fecommended and approved by ASDS end SDS/
Regional Director, respectively; Certificate of Paper
Presentation signed by SDS; Regional Memo of the
SDO Research Congress (at least 2)
Presented r,esearch work ln the CO research
MOV: Terminal Write-up Terminal Write-up duly
acknowledged and noted by the SDRC and
recommended and approved by ASDS and SDS/
Regional Director, respectively; Certificate of Paper
Presentation signed by SDS; Regional Memo of the
RO Research Co

2. Professional Growth - - 40
2.1. Educatior (5)

Educational Level Points

With MA units 1
Completed Academic Requirements in master's degree 2
Master's degree 3
Completed Academic Requirements in doctoral degree 4
Doctor's degree 5

2.2. Consultant/ Resouice Speaker/ Factlitator/Dlscussalt/Lecturer ln

tralnlng,/semlnars/ Workshops. To consider only the cefllffcate wtth the
highest polnts (5)
(M ust enclose Memorand Metrir and Certificate of )
Level Points
School 0.5
District 1
Division 2
Regional 3
National 4

2.3. DeEonsEallotr Teachet (S)

To consider only the certificate with the highest points and must enclose
Memo with Activity Matrix and lesson Plan, and accomplished Classroom
Observation Tool
Level Points
School o.5
Dist ict 1
Division 2
Regional 3
National 4
International 5

2.4. Tralnlngs/ semlnars/ workshops/ Conbreuces/ weblnars/onllne Courses

attended (5)
a. Participation to trainings/ seminars/ workshops/ conference/ webinars/ online
courses in any modality in the previous calendar year.
b. Only those sanctioned by DepEd with Memoranda/ Advisory will be considered.
c. Intemational Trainingis when trainers are internationally recognized/ accredited.
The same is true to national training which trainers are nationally
recognized/accredited NEAP-Recognized by DepEd.
d. Participant in a specialized training e.&, Scholarship programs, Short courses,
and Study grants sponsored by countries which Philippines has bilateral agreement
and/or organizations which DepEd has forged partnership with shall be given [1)
point for every month but not to exceed five (5) points.
e. MOVs shall include issuance/memorandum identiMng nominee as participants,
Certificate ofPa Co on, and Certificate ofAttendance rance.
Level Points
(Conducted iD at least 3 days; maximum of 4 training o.25
activrties; not to exceed 1.0 point)
(at least 3 i:raining activities each conducted in at least o.5
3 days; not to exceed 1.5 points)
(at least 2 training activities each conducted in at least 1.O
3 davs, not to exceed 2.0 Doints)
(at least 2 training activities each conducted in at least 1.5
3 days, not to exceed 3.O)
Natlonal 4.0
(at least 1 training activity conducted in at least 3 days)
lnternatlonal 5.O
(at least I training activity conducted in at least 3 days)

2.s. organized/Branaged Learntng action cell GAc) or an ln-servlce Trainlng

(INSET) actlvlty or other slmllar acdvtdes at least on the school level. (1o)
a. The In-Service activity shall mainly for the improvement of instruction and/or
professional development of teachers based on development needs
b. MOVS: Designation/ Assignment order stating the nature of assiSnment,
Memorandum of the conduct of INSET, Action Plan, Certification of the School Head,
Activi Com rt, Attendance of
Criteria Points
1. Managed/ facilitated Learning Action 5

a. LAC Implementation Plan
b. Completion Reports/ Minutes
c. Attendance of Reports
d. Photos

2. Or8anized In-Service Training

(1 point per INSEf but not to exceed 5
a. Activity completion report 5
b. attendance of participants
c- school memorandum
d. designation order signed by the school
e. Matrix of the activity
2,6 Public.tions (5)
a. Articles dulyapproved bythe re6onal/ division committeeor wit}l the PAU should
have been published in newspapers/ magazines/ iournals ofwide circulation at least
within a province/ city or omcial publication or websites. Opinion/ feature articles,
which need not be approved by the Head of omce, must contain data/ scientific
research and must be educational. Articles published online shall be published in
an ollicial/ reputable educational website.
b. Books duly approved by the division committee must have been published with
ISBN/ ISSN by a recognized publishing company.
c. Authorship of DepEd-deeeloped and produced ftaterials {e.&, SLMS and WLAS)
which pass through quality assurance procedures conducted by SDO/RO LR shall
be included when the supportrng documents are proyided:
i. Memorandum whene name ofnominee is included
ii. Final copy ofthe material/s as published
d. Points earned shall be divided the number ofauthors
Nature of Publication Points
Articles published (1 point per article but not to exceed 2 pts.) 2
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.9., 3
SLMS and W[,As; not to exceed 6 points)
Co-authorship of a book 4
Sole authorship of a book, workbook, big books, textbook, and

3. Community Development - - - - 5
a. lnitiated or serv€d as coordinator/organizer of a community proiect or activity
or of another agency or coordinator of a rural senrce improvement activity in a
community such as feedin& nutrition, agro-industrial fairs, livelihood proSram,
etc., for at least 2 years.
b. Outreach paograms/acbvities initiated/ participated properly documented
with narrative and pictorial reports attested by immediate superiors, division, or
regional of6cials/city/province/municipality.
c. The proiect is community-based, not school-based and sponsored by any or
the following: LGU, Rural lmprovement Club, other government agencies or non-
govemment organization, or fuDded by private individuals.
d. MOVs: Designation/ Assignment order stating the nature ofassignmenU action
plan noted by the School Head or Brg/. Captain or Head of the or8anization;
Certification by b€neEtting barangay or community, Narrative Report with
pictorials of
Level Points
Chairman/ Organizer/ Initiator 5
Member 3
Sponsor/ Donor/ Patron 2

4. Professionalism/Personal Characteristics - 7.5

(Refer to Annex D: Professionalism & Personal Characteristics Rating Sheet to befilled-
up by the immediate head)
5. Interview 7.5

Enclosure l: NomimtioD Form (Se3rch for Outtrtrding Mobile Te.cher)
DIRECTION: Accomplish this nominalion form. place a rick (4 inside the
app.opriate box.


lhe no.nine'e



Dear Sir/ Madam.

Aftor r€viewing the rules and criteria for th€ Division SeaEh for Outstarding
Mobile Teacher, I hercby nominate:

Name ofNominee: Mr:



Name olSchool:

Position: Mobile'Ieacher I E Mobile Te€cher Il T-l Mobilc'leacher lll

Years in Service

I h€reby c€nili thst to th€ best ofmy knowledge, the informatiofl contained
in the accompanying suppo(ing documents are taue and correct.
The nominee and thc undersigned underctand that the decision of the
Screening and Selectioo Committce is final and thal rre agrEe to abide by it.

Name of Nominator:


signature of Nominator: Date signed:

Enclosurc l: Nomioetior Form (Seerch for Otrtst trdiog Mobile Te.cher)
DIRECTION: Accomplish this nomination form. Plac€ a tick (4 inside the
appropriate box.


lhe norninee



Dear Sir/ Madam.

After revi€wing the rules aod criteria for th€ Division Search for Outstanding
Mobile Tcacher. I hercby nominate:

Narne ofNominee: Mr:



Name ofSchool:

Position: Mobile Teacher I Mobile'feacher Il Mobile Teacher lll

Ye3rs in Service:

I hetEby cerriry $aL to the best ofmy knowledge, the information contained
in dre accompanying supporting documents arc Eue and corect.
The nominee and the und€.signed understsnd that th€ decision of the
Scr€€ning and S€lection Committee is Iinal and tlBl we agr€e to abide by it.

Name of Nominator:


Signature of Nominator: Date signed: _

Enclosure 2: Rules and Mechanics Search for Outstanding Mobile Teacher)


Divkior Se.rch for Outltrtrding Mobile Te{cher 2021


There shall be one (l) Outsranding Public Mobile Teacher which may qualify for . the
2021 Division Most Outstanding Teacher award. The final Screening and Selection
Committee may choor not to give awards ifthe qualified candidatey's falls short of
the standards s€t by the Committee. The commio€e may also rcvoke award given
should the winn€r be found to have committed falsificalion ofdocumenB submitted or
have been found guilty of any case that
was pending during the search period.


l. Musl be a model of lnregrity and morality both in public and private life;
2. Must have good human relations in the school and in the comrnunity;
3. Must be a Filipino Citizrn with full time appointmenrdesignation as Mobile
4. Must have served as Mobile Teacher fo. at least thr€€ (3) years;
5. Must have at le3st Very Satisfactory perfo.mance ratings for the psst thrce (3)
6. Must have not been found guilty ofany administrative or criminal offense.


l. Previous awarders in a similar Search in the Division. Regional or National

t-evel organized/ sponsorcd by either thc Department of Education or any
private organization (regardless of the yearls they joined);
2. A te&her who has b€en suspended for any administrative or criminal offens€.


lnstructional Managers, Stakeholders, EPSA, Division AIS Focal P€rson


There shall be four ( 4) major Categories for this Search with the corresponding points

A. Personal Qualities and Chamct€r ( I 0 points)

l. Model oflnteg ty in Public and Private life(5 poins)
2. Cood Human Relarions h School and Community (5 points)
Documents needed:
a. A w te-up about the nominee on hiVher personal qualiti€s. certified by the
School P.incipsl, EPSA, Division ALS Focal Person
b. A write-up abod the nominee by three (3) co-teache,s ard cGmemb€rs in
sociocivic or religious organizrtion.
c. A write-up fiom lhrce (3) community officials, rcsidents and nominees,

Notc: The *fite-ups should not b€ done by the persons within the Jrd degree of
coisanguinity or affi nity.

B. lnsauctional Competenc€ and'leaching Effectiveness (,{O points)

l. Perfolmaff€ Rating in the last three (3) yeals - at least Very Satisfactory (VS) -
(15 poiits)
2. Outstanding Accomplidments in the lasl Thr€e (3) yea6: ( J po,.'ard.)
Accomplishments: Outdandin g Employee/Teacher Awards
Awadee in thc School tevel - I points
Awardee in the District Level - 3poir$
Awardee in the Division kvel - 5 points

3. Participotion on t€aming Resouc€ Development the lasr five (5) yea6 (jpornl,
Nstional - 5 points
Regional - 4 points
Divisioo - 3 points
District -2 points
School-based -l poinl

Notq Ccrtificates and proofofmaterial developed !o be presented

4. Participotion in training/activities io each l€vel with the following duration in the

lasr five (5) yeanj fipoi,rlr,

trvcl Tmining Days and Points

2-3 days 4-5 days 6-7 days 8 days &
Nationai 0.?5 I I 2
Regional 0.35 0.5 0.1 I
Division .02 0.25 0.5 0.5

5. ReleYant training { Jpoinal

Th€ nominee served as speaker /resource person/facilitator in taaining
workshop/s in their field of specialization in the last fiv€ (5) yea.s.
N.tional - 3 points
Regional - 2 points
Division - I point

Noae This should be presetrted with the memorandum or letter ofinvitatioo by

the institution and c€rtificate of recognition.
6. Additionsl points (Jpor'rrr)
The nominee has reached the number of passers for the recent Prcsentation
Portfolio Assessment for ALS

Number of Passer Points

150 and up 5
149-125 4
124-I00 3
99-75 2
74-50 I

Note: Certification coming from the EPSA In{harge ofAss€ssment should be


C. Dcmonstrrtiotr Te.chitrg (10 points)-

(please see attached Enclosurc 3: Classroom Observation Tool in the Time ofcovid-

D. Inl.rvi.r (20 points) (please see attached Enclosure 4; Rubrics for Assessing
lnterview Responses)
t. Communicdive 4 poirts
2. Ability to present 4 points
3. Smartness and 4 points
4. Knowledg€ on the 4 points
5. Emotioialsability 4 points


2. Nomio.liotr

a. The nominator accomplishes the Nominalion form (Enclosure l: Nomination

Form-Searrh for Grtganding Mobile Teacher)
b. Thc nominee prepares all documents following the criteria on the documents to
be submitted certified by the Principal.
c. 'Ihe nominee forwards th€ docunent to the EPSA in-charge oftfie district for the
district level scr€ening and selcction.
d. Documents ofDistrict level wirlners will be submitl€d to the Secretariat ofthe
Scre€ning and Selection Committee oo or before October 29. 202 L

2. Evrlurtion st the District [,evel

The evalualion of the nomination forms and pertinent docuoents and prcliminary
judging by lhe Dist icl Scrcening Selection Committee for ALS (DSSC-ALS ) under
the District level shall san fiom
a- The DSSC-ALS will be compos€d ofall EPS ll-A]-s and Division ALS Focal
Person atrd will conduct the preliminary judging of the S'€arch b6sed on
Documents Analysis only on oa befor€
b- The minimum raw sco.e in Document Analysis is 50 points to qualiry to
the next level ofsearch- The Division trvel.
c. The nominecs shall undergo the paper evaluation, interview and
demonstration Teaching.
d. Ihe rrSSC-AlS submits the dnn€r pc. Din.ict to the Dinrict Sfi€enin8 Comni'ttee composed

b.1. PSoS in-charte of the Distdct

b.2. one (1) €lementary School Principal
b.3. one {1} recondar school Principal

District Sorcening and Selection Committ€e for ALS (DSSC-ALS ):

Chair: LUDEVINA R. BRUAN, PsDs/Division ALS FocalPerson
vice ChaiE
Memben: Dennis C. Maflo. EPSA/ Division SPED Coordinator
Gemma P. Absnilla , EPSA
Jennilyn G. Chin& ErSA
Victoria M. dela Cruz EPSA
Ria V. Herjas, EPSA
Enclosure l: Nomiratiotr Form (Sesrch for O[tsaroding Te.cher)
DIRECTION: Accomplish this nomination form. Place a tick (.1) inside the
approPriate box.


the nominee



Dear Usladz/Ustadza

After reviewing the rules and criteria for th€ Division Search for Outstanding
Teachers, I heEby nominate:

Name ofNomioee: Ust.:

E (Jstadza:


Name ofSchool:

Position: Ustadz

Years in Service

I hercby ceniry tha! to th€ besl ofmy knowledge, the info.maliol conrained
in the acaompanying supponing documents att &ue atld co[ect.
The nominee and the undeEign€d understsnd that rh€ decision ofthe
Screening snd S€lection Committee is final and that we agrE€ to abide by it.

Nsme of No.ninatofi


Signaturc ofNominatoE Date signed:

EnclosuE 2: Rules and Mechanics S@rch for Outstanding Teacher)


Diviiio! Scerch lor Oubtrrdiry Tc.cher 201 7


There shall b€ one ('1) Outstandirg Public Asatidz. The ustadz/Ustadza is qualified
for the 2021 Division Most outstanding Teacher awatd. The l- nal Screening and
Selection Committee may choose not to give awards if tlle qualified candJidatc/s
hlls short ofthe standards set by the Committee. The committee may also revoke
award given should the winner be found to have committed falsification of
documents submitted or have been found guilty ofany cas€ that
was pending during the search period.


l. Must be a modelof Int€grity and morality both in public ard private life;
2. Must have good human rclations in the school and in th€ commu[ity;
3- Must be a Filipino Citizen with full time appointment as Teach€r;
4. Must have served as Teacher for al least tlree (3) years;
5. Must have at least Very Satisfactory perfomance ratings for the pasl tkee (l)
6. Must have not been found guilty ofany administrative o. criminal offens€.


l. Previous awardees in a similar Search in the Division, Regional or National

Level organized/ sponsor€d by eilhcr the Department ofEducation or any
private organization (regardless ofthe yeatls they joined);
2. A teacher who has been suspended for any administrative or criminal offense.


'feacher monitor, principal and Division Madrasah Focal Person.


Therc shall be four ( 4) major Categories for this SearEh with the corresponding

A. PersorEl Qualities ard Chamcte. (10 points)

l. Model of lntegrity in Public and Private life (5 poi^A)
2. fu Human Relations in School and Com m]unity (5 pohts)
Documents needed:
a. A wdte-up about the nominee on his/her personal qualities, certified by the
School Principsl, District Supervisor /s and pl'A president
b. A write-up about the nominee by rhree (3) co-teachers and co-members in
socio-civic or religious organization.
c. A w te-u? ftom tfu€e (3) community officials, residents and nominees, peers.

Note: Th€ write-ups should not be done by the persons within the ra degree of
consanguinity or affi nir.

B. Instructional Competence and Teaching Eflectiveness (40 points)

l. Perfonmnce Rating in the lasl thrce (3) y€a.s - af lerst Very Safishctory (VS) -
(a5 Poha)
2. Outstanding Ac.complishments in the lasl Tht(E (3) yejL$,: ( 7-O poinb)
Aocomplishments: Outstanding Employe€y'Teacher Awa.ds
Awsrdee in fie School l,€vel - 2 points
Awardee in the District Level - 8 poinrs
Awandee in the Division tevel - l0points

3. Participstion in training activities in each level with the following duration in the
las. five (5) yea$. (5 lrohts)

Level Training Days and Points

2-3 days 4-5 days 6-7 days 8 days &
National 0.75 1 1 2
Regional 0.35 0.5 o.7 1

Division 02 0.2s 0.5

4. Relevant t aining { g poh6)

The nornin€e s€rved as spesker /resouc€ peasor/hcilitator in tiaining
workslEds in tlEir {ield of specialization in the las.t five (5) y€aB.
National - 3 points
Rcgional - 2 points
Division - I point

Note: This should be prcsented with the memorandum or lener ofinvitalion by

the institution aod certificate ofrecognition-

5. AddiriorEil m,inj6 (5 poth$)

Nomile€ serves as trainer/ coach in a competirion in th€ las five (5) yeaas in
lhe field of spec ialization.
l'lace Level & Points
National Regional I)ivisnrn
l'' Place 3 2 I
2* Place 2 I 0.5
ld Place I 0.5 0.25

C. DeEoNtr.tiotr Te.chitrg (30 points)-

(plefu* se allached Ehc/osuraS: C/assroom Ob*ruaaim TooQ
l. Mastery ofthe Subject Matlff a5 polhA
2. Clas$oom management and disciplioe 5 poha
3. Congmency ofevaluation with the lesson objcctives .gpothtt
4- Effective utiliz.tion oflnstructional materials
D. Irtcrvi(lr (20 points) (pbas€ ee ax,(,H E^clot t.2 1: tu tnbs /'or Atstsfu
l^t rwaw R *^4t)
l. Cornmunicstive coopeterce 1 paha
2. Ability to present ideas l poha
3. Smarrless and Alerh€ss 1poti6
4. Knorrl€dge on the issue/question 1 poha
5. Emotionsl sability l po,itb
l. Nomirrtion

a. 'fhe nominalor accomplishes the Nomination form (Enclosure l: Nomination

l'orm-Search for Outslanding Teacher)
b. fhe nominee preparcs all docunents following the criteria on the documenls to
b€ submitted, c€rtified by the Principal (School level)
c. he Principal togerher with the teagher monitor will assess the nomination form
and pertinent documents ofthe aspirafll.
d. The documens are submitted to the Secretariat ofthe Screening and Selection
Committee on or befor€ October 29, 2021.

2. [vrlurtion at the School Level:

The evaluation ofthe nomination forms and supporting documents by the

Principal and teacher monitor.
a. They evaluate the nomirution forms ard dctefllines ifthe documents submitted
are complete on or before October 29, 202l.
b. The principal and teacher monitor submit the nomination forms and supporting
documents lo th€ Division Office Screening ard Selection Comriittee

3. Fin.l Judging at the Divtuion Irvel:

Finaljudging by the Final Screening and Sele.tion Committee (FSSTC)

a. A Division derhonstralion ,nd interview ofthe winner.

b. The winner will be determined on November 3 l, 2021 through the Intcrview and
Validalion to determine lhe MOST OLTTSTANDING Uslad"/Ustadza 2021.

Preliminary Screening and Selection Committee School Level:

Chair: Principsl
Vice{hsir: Teache, Monito.

Final Scteening and Selection Committee (FSSC):

Chair: LUDEVINA R. BRUAN, PSDS, D.O Madrasah Focal Person


l. Sacktround

The L€arninS Re6ourcei M.natem€nt .nd Developm.nt Syrtem (LRMOS) Sectlon of the
Schools Division Otfice ot quelon Oty is desiSned to supf,ort increased distribution and access to
learnin& teachin& and professional development resources with the khools Division.

The I-RMOS provides access to quality learnin8 resources which includes providing information
on quantity and quality print and non-print materials and cultural expertise; access to learnin& teachin&
and professional development resources in digitalformat; and providin8 standards, specifications, and
guidelines for assessinS and evaluating, acquirin& harvestin& modification, development, and
paoduction of resources.

This school year, the LRMDS will launch the search for the Outstanding Lesson Teacher of
quezon City for School Yeat 2O2l-2O22.

ll. oblectlves

The objectives ofthe Video Lesson Makint Contest are:

1. Highlight the efforts of the Schools Division Office in ensuring the dellvery of quality
basic education even in times ofthe COVIO-19 pandemic.

2. Provide opportunities in showcasint 21n century skills n ch as anistry creativity,

technological skills, and teachin8 prowess of teachers in the elementary and
secondary schools.

3. Disaover potentials among teacher-pafticipants as future developers and cont butors

for quallty teachinB-learning resources.

lll. Guid€linerMcchankt

A. EliSlbllhy

1. The contest is open to all elerEntary and secondary public school teachers who are
actively teaching in QC.
2. lnterested teachers are encouaaged to submit th€ir entry containint the following
a. Endorsement of the Principal

b. ReSistration Form (See attached registration form.)

3. Entrants must use the official registration form "8est lnstructional Material
4. A copyofthe entryform and endorsement saved in PDF format must be submitted
using the GooSle Form link:

Page 1 of 5
Evaluation and Review for Non-Print Materials (Video Lesson)
lnatructiona: Examine the material carefully and for each evaluation criterion consider the extent to
which the resourc€ meets the criteria Check the appropriate number lwith ,a being yery Satislactory US):
3 Sattsfactory(S), 2 Poor and 1 - Not Satisfactor.yl.

Factor A. Contont Qualtty 4 3 (sy 2 I

(VS NA (Ns)
1. Content is consistent with topicdskills tound anthe DepED Leamang
Competencies for the subiect and qrade/year level itwas intended.
2. Concepts developed contribute to ennchment, reiniorcement, or mastery of
the idenlifed leaminq obiectives.
3. Content is accurate
4. Content is up to date.
5. Content is loqically developed and orqanized.
6. Content is free frcm cultural, gender, racial, or ethnic bias.
7. Content stimulates and promotes critical thinking
8. Content is relevant to real life situations.
9. Lanquaqe (including vocabulary) is appropriate to the target user level
10. Content Dromotes positive values that suDport iomative qrcwth
Total Points

Note: Resource must score at loa6t points out of

31, um rO pointa to pass this criterion Please
put a check mark on the appropnate box. Pas3od Failed

Factor B. lmtructional Quality 4 3 (sy 2 1

(vs) NA Poor (NS)
1 Purpose ofthe material is rvelldefined.
2. Material achieves its defned purpose
3. Leamrnq obiectives are clearly strated and measurable.
4 Level of difficulty is appropriate for the rntended target user
5. Graphics / colors / solrMs are used for appropriate instnrctional
6. Material is enioyable, stimulating, challenging, and engaging.
7 Material effectively strmulates creativity of target user
8. Feedback on taraet user's responses is efHvely employed
L Targ€t user can conlrol the rate and sequence of presentation and
'10 lnsfiuction is integrated with target user's previous experience
Total Poants

Note: Resource must score at lcaat 3) pointa out mrO to this criterion Please
put a check mark on the appropnate box. Passod Failsd

Page 3 of5

httpt ://rrruy/be n_i Dstru ctiono l_fi o/tert o t_dcE top.r

5. Video lesson should be oriSinal and has not been posted in social
media sites.
lmages, print materials, videos, musig and atdio displayed in
the video lesson
should be cleared from copyright infringement.
6. Video len8th must be between 2G 25 minutes using only the format
mp4. please be
guided with the itemized parts of the VL.

E vwo,IrE

7- Non-compliance of the mechanics is sub.iect to disqualification of the video lesson


B. Submlssion of Entrica

1. Entry forms must be duly endorsed and signed by the School Head and Department
Head Teacher.
2. lf the entry video featuaes learne6, consent foam per learner must be secured and
submitted as attachment ofentry form.
3. Prescribed filename forentries is. lschooLSubject_CD_Lessonlitle.mp4]

Example: San-Antonio-ES_MApEH_CDl_CommunicableOisease.mp4

4. lncomplete and late entry forms shall b€ deemed disqualified.

5. No submitted entry should be changed during the screenin8 and judging process.
6. Schools intendin8 to join may send one entry per subject area. The video lesson in
mp4lormat should be uploaded on this Google form link:
httDs:// instructional mater ial develooer
7. Deadline ofsubmission ofentries for Division ScreeninS is on
8. The timeline of the contest such as screening and judginS will be included with the
9. For questions, clarifications, and feedbaclq please contact the LRMDS at
briansoencer.reves@deoedoc.oh / lrms@deoedoc.oh

Page 2 of5
Facto, C. Technical Qu.lity 3 (Sy 2 1(NS)
(VS) NA Poor
1. Audio enhances understanding of the concept.

2. Speech and nanation (conect pacing, intonation, and pronunciation) is

clear and can be easily understood.

3 There is complete synchronization of audio with the visuals, if any

4. Music and sound effec{s are appropriate and effeclive for instruclional

5. Screen displays (text) are uncluttered, e€sy to read, and aesth€tirally


6 Visual presentations (non te)d) are clear and easy to interpret.

7. Visuals suslain interesl and do not distract useis attention.

8. Visuals provide accurate representation of the clncept discussed

9. The user supporl materials (ifany)are effective

1 0. The design allows the target user to navigate keely lhrough the

1 1 The material can easily and ind€pendently be used

12 The materialwillrun using minimum system requirements.

1 3. The paogram is free from tEchnical problems.

Total Points

Noto: Resource must s@re at laaat 39 pointr out of a maximum 52 points to thls criterion Please
put a check mark on the appropriate box. P...od Fail6d

Factor D Other Findings Not Plssent but Prosont E Do not

Note down observations about the information requires malJ.
contained in the material, where the following eraors murt b€ fixed turiher
3 2 1
are found:
1. Conceptual efiors
2. Factual errors
3. GEmmatical and / or typographical enors
4. Other enors (i.e., compubtional erors, obsolete
information, erols in the visuals, etc.)
Total Pointa

Noto: Resource must score at laaat 16 pointr out of a maximum 16 pointa to paas this criterion. Please
put a check mark on the appropriate box
Passed Failed Overallscore- Ivaluator:
Signature over Prinied Name

Page 4 of 5













Page 5 of5
Enclosure 1 : lfomiratlo! Form (tl.rrcl for Outsteadlag Teacher Leaderf
DIRECTION: Accomplish this nomination form. Place a tick (/) inside the
appropriate box.


the nominee




After reviewing the rules and criteria for tl:e Division Search for Outstanding
Teacher kader, I hereby nominate:

Name of Nominee


Name of School

Years in Service:
I hereby certiS that, to t}le best of my knowledge, the information
contained in the accompanying supporting documents are true and correct.
The nominee and the undersigned understand that the decision of the
Screening and Selection Committee is frnal and that we agree to abide b'y it.

Name of Nominator:
Signature of Nominator Date signed
a. Must be a public elementary or secondary TEACHER-LEADER with
full time appointment as a regular teacher.
b. Must have at least two (2) years in service as teacher-leader.
c. Must have not been found guilty of arry administrative or criminal
d. Must have been endorsed by QCPSTA Board of Directors.
Active teacher member of the association


a. I,,adershfu, EtJectlEness
A.l Outstanding Contribution in the QCPSTA Program & Activities
Rendering continuous aid dedicated service as teacher leader
(lO poturt3l
Ito. of Poilrts MOVs
I 2 Service record,
2 4 certifrcate of
3 employment
4 IJ
5or l0

A. 1. I Attended association regular meetings (1O pointsl

No of PoiDts MOVs

3 2 Attendance report,
6 4 documentation
9 6
12 8
t5 10
A.2 Participation in the association program and activities.

A.2.1 Attended and supported association activities.

(1O pointsl

NuDber of Activities Poirts MOVs

t2 2 Certificate of
4 attendance and
68 6 participation
9-1 1 8 documentation
12 or more 10 report

A.2.2 Participated in the association education programs

( 1() poinbl
Level PoiDta MOvs
Scbool 2 Memorandum,
Participation to at least certificate of
3 trainings each participation,
conducted in at least Documentation
three days report
District 4
Participation to at least
3 trainings each
conducted in at least
three days
Dlvlslon 6
Participation to at least
3 trainings each
conclucted in at least
three days
Regtonal 8
Participation to at least
3 trainings each
conducted in at least
three days
N.tioaal 10
Participation to at least
1 training conducted in
at least tiree days

A.1.2 tntroduced/ tried out effective approach in leadership among

peers in his/her specific school served. (lO polutll

Stages of Poilts MOVs

Conceptualized 2 GPOA,
Started the 4 documentation,
implementation activity report
Fully implemented in the 6
Action Plan 8
Iradership Skill 10

A.1.3 tntroduced/ tried out effective approach or innovations which

contributed to the improvement of welfare of teachers (1O pollrta)

Stages of Points MOvs

Conceptualized 2 Approved
Started the 4 proposals,
implementation documentation,
Fully implemented in the 6 activity report
Adopted in the district 8
Adopted in the division lo
4.2.3 Consultant/ Resource Spealer/
Facili ta n / [,ecl urer
tor/ Disc ussa I in
trainings/seminars/workshops. To consider only the certilicate
with the highest points (10)
(Must enclose Memorandum, Activity Matrix and Certificate of
Recognition.) (1O Dofrt l
Lcvel Pointg MOVs
School 6 Certilicate of
District 7 recognition,
Division 8 appreciation,
Regional I memorandum,
National lo activity report

A.2.4 organizrd/trained socio-civic activities for teachers arld other

stakeholders (i.e., Community pantry, feeding program, Iiteracy program,
medical mission, pandemic and crisis responses & the like) (1O poiltal (UOVs-
Actlvlty rcport, docuEeltatlotr rcport)
Level Points MOVs
School 2 Activity report,
District 4 certificate of
Division 6 recognition,
Regional 8 participation,
National 10 documentation

B. I
Proreaalon rllPereo o,l Cr?cra.terlsdcs fI O potnts,
(Refer to Attached Checklist : Professionalism & Personal
Characteristics Rating Sheet to be hlled-up by the QCPSTA Board
of Directorsl

8.2 lntcrview (1O points)

Professiolalism aad Persoral Characterlstlcs Ratirg Sheet

Name of Nominee: _
Name of Immediate Superior:

Directions: Put a check (/) on the space provided for if the nominee AT ALL
TIMES exhibits the following indicators otherwise put an (x)

Indicators Ut
A. Manlfested genube enthuslas& arld prlde ln the aoblllty of
teaching/reLted teachlng professlon
l. Demonstrate punctuality at all times.
2. Participate actively in all office activities
3. Attend in all requiied seminars and trairrings for professional
4. Gets involved in all programs and projects/olflce activities ofthe
orqanization as required
5. Comrarunicate the DepEd vision, mission, and core values to
stakeholders and the associationt obiectives.
B. Obsele aDd deronstratea dcsliablc Dcraonal and Dtofe3slonal (RA
6713) aDd Code of tthtcs RA 786) behavloB llke respect, ho.6sty,
dedication, Datdotlsm and genulne for otbers at all tlmes.
1. Mainta.ins stature arrd behavior worthy of respect and emulation
2. Respects the privacy ofco-workers, does not spread office gossips or
3. Gives honest remarks regaJding his/her work outputs and is willing to
receive feedback
4. Provides honest and constructive feedback and is generous enough to
qive credits due to co-workers
5. Is honest, upright ard trustworthy in all his/her dealings witi all
6. Serves beyond working hours to be able to meet orgarizational goals
aid obiectives
7. Performs jobs cheerfully ard with much positivism exceeding
expectations of superiors as to work outputs
8. Observes at all times loyalty to the republic and to the Filipino people,
promotes use of locally produced goods, resources and technolory and
encourages, appreciation ald pride oI country and people
9. Extends prompt and adequate services to the public
C. Maltrtahs haflBolrlous rclatlon elth superlor., colleaguca,
subordilates, le&r[era, parents altd other stalcholdcis
1. Respects authority and is able to work haimoniously with superiors
arld colleagues
2. Maintains good working relationship with co-workers, parents and
3. Performs well whether as a team leader or member
D. Uahtehs good reput tlon rlth respect to lln.llcl.l lr.tteia such
ar the a€ttletneat ofhlr/hcr debts, loals and other fllrarclal
afialr3 / llabllltles
1. Discloses personal fina$cial interest aa well as that of spouse and other
minor children exercising proper discretion
2. Settles loans and other financial allairs on time
3. Has not been subjected to any complaint/ chargcd administratively
relative to frnancial matters

Rated by:

Signature over Printed Nalne of the Immediate Head


1. lloEhatlo!
a. The nominator accomplishes the Nomination form (Enclosure 1:
Nomination Form-Search for Outstanding Teacher)
b. The notuinee prepa.res a.ll documents following the criteria on the
documents to be submitted, certfied by the QCPSTA.
c. The documents are submitted to the Secretariat of the Screening and
Selection Committee on or before

2. ErraluatioD at the Dtatdct Lcael

a. The members ofthe screening arld selection committee evaluate the
nomination form a]:rd supporting documents.
b. Onty one (1) nominee willbe declared as District winner and will be
qualified in the Division level.

3. Ftral JudSilg at thc DlvLlo. Level

a. In the fina.l evaluation, documents will be evaluated by the Final
Screening and Selection Committee (FSSC).
b. AI the district winners will be interviewed by the FSSC.
c. Upon consolidation of evaluated scores and based from the final rarlking,
the finalists will be adjudged as Outstanding Teacher-Le, 2"d Placer, 3d
Placer, 4th Placer and sth Placer respectively.

V. Membera ofthe Screening and Selection Committee

.. Inltrtct Irvcl
Chairoan: l(risthean Navales
Co Chairman: Ruby Ana Bernardo
Congressional District [: Imelda Paddajruman
Congressional District II: Pricilda Calda
Congressional Distiict III: Lucila Dizon
Congressional District [V: Flody Fernandez
Congressional District V: Eoilia Agbugay
Congressional District VI: Roel Mape
b, IrM.lo! Irs.l
Chairman: Dr. Jenillm Rose B. Corpuz, CESO VI, SDS
Co-Chairoan: Dr. Brian E. llan, ASDS
IGistheal Navales
Ruby Ana Bemardo
A.publi. ol l!,r 3!ilippin?g
;Deplrtmert of Gbxrltion
scltools Dlvtslol{ oFFIcE oF QUEZoX crTy


Outstanding School Reading Coordinator 2021

1. The special citation award for the Outstanding School Reading
Coordinator 2021 shall be called the "Dakilang l(aagapay sa Pagbasa
2. The awardee will be chosen from t}re School Reading Coordinators of
the 10 Best School Reading Remediation Programs of SY 2O2O-2O21,
as selected through t]rc Search for th.e 10 Best SchDol Reading
Remediatiotu Programs.
3. The criteria for judging wi[ be based on character and competence.
4. To enable the Evaluators to select the creme de la crame, each
qualifier will be to submit four (4) accomplished Dakilang
Kaagapay sa Pagbasa Award Rating Sheets, filled up and duly signed
by each of the following references:
a. School Head
b. Department Head (for Secondary); Grade l,evel Coordinator or
English/Filipino Master Teacher (for EleBentary
c. Fellow Teacher
d. A pa-rent ofa reading remediation learner-client in SY 2O2O-
5. The 10 qualiherswill be asked to submit to tlle Division Reading
Remediation Coordinator their List of References for the Dakilang
Kaagapay sa Pagbasa Award, with corresponding email addresses by
November 29, 2021.
6. The Division Reading Coordinator shall t]len send the Daldlang
Kaagapay sa Pagbasa Award Rating Sheets to the qualihers' submitted
references, who will act as ttre raters of tie qualifiers.
7. The raters will be asked to email back to the Division Reading
Coordinator ttre accomplished Rating Sheets in PDF, with e-signatures
attached, and using ONLY the eEail address stated in tl.e List of
8. The Division Reading Coordinator will print tie accomplished Rating
Sheets and submit to the Dakilang Kaagapay sa Pagbasa Award
Secretariat for validation and tabulation.
9. The Dakilang Kaagapay sa Pagbasa Award shall be composed of the
Key Stage l€aders and Co-leaders.
10. The qua.tifier who gets the highest rating will be designated as
the Dalilang Kaagapay sa Pagbasa Awardee for 2021.

B.erbti. o( tr. Drilipgir.t
D.partment of GDutation
scHq)ls DwrsroN oFFrcE oF QUEzoI crrY



l. Qualilietion Requirementsof the Nominees/C.ndidates

The nominated kindergarten teacher must meet the followinB qualifications:

1. Has permanent item as Teacher l- lll / Kindergarten teacher

2. With at least 5 years teaching experience as Kindergaften teacher
3. Has 2 teaching loads of Kinder8arten sessions or 6 hours teaching load
4. Has a performance rating of at least very Satisfactory tor 3 consecutive years
5. A model of morality and inteSrity both in public and private life
6. Has Sood interpersonafhuman relations in the school and in the community
7. Has no administrative or criminalcase
8. Has not been previously awarded in a similar Search in the Division, Regional or
National Level organized/ sponsored by either the Department of Education or
any private organization (reSardless ofthe year/s theyjoined)

ll. Selection Criteria

1. lnstructional Competence and Teaahing Effectiveness ( 40 points)

1.1 Teachint Competence( 10 points)

The three (3) recent performance ratints ofthe nominee prior to the
screening should be at least Very Satisfactory. The rate ofthe average
numerical rating for the 3 periods vs. the highest possible rating shall be
multiplied by 10.

e.8. (4.720 4.500 + 4.890) + 3x

+ 10: 9.473
5.00 (highest ratinS)

1,2 Outstanding Accomplishrnents ( 10 points)

Outstanding employee or coach ortrainer of winning students in different
competitionswithin the last five (5 ) years. Only the certificate with the
highest points willbe considered.

MOV: Certificate, Official Memorandum/ Bulletin lor Results Announcement,

or Letter of Conferment

Nueva EciF St., Baso Banr., Quezon city
o a53a6SOO

Rank Points
School Level District Division Regional National/lnternational
[evel Level Level [evel
1st 3 5 I 8 10
2nd 2 4 6 7 8
3rd 1 3 5 6 1
Finalist o5 1 2 3 4

1.3 Original Creative Outputs/ lnnovations 110 points)

lnnovative and creative work plan, Re-Entry Action Plan, or quality-assured module
(SLMs) or instructional materials (WLAs), proposed and/or implemented within the
last 3 yea6 shall be consadered as innovation.

MOV: copy ofthe innovation approved and signed by the immediate superior (school
head, district/division/ regional supervisor).

fevel Poinis
School 4
District 6
Division 8
ReBio6 10

1.3 Research (10 points)

a. lnitiated or headed an educational research activity duly approved by

educationalauthoritieseitherfor imp,ovementof instruction, community
development, or teacherwelfare conducted in the last 3 years.
b. A research (action or applied)th.t has been approved by the Schools
Division Superintendent or Regional Oirector.
c. Res€archers must be compliant to the Research Management Guidelines
(DepEd Order No. 16, s.2017),
d. Points earned shallbe divided accordingto the number of researchers in a

MOV: Research Proposal presented and approved by SDRC/ RRC, Progress

Monitoring Report, Terminal Write- up duly acknowledge by the School Head, noted
by SDRC and recommended and approved by AsDs and sDs/ReSional Director
level Points
school 4
District 6
Division 8
Region 10

2. Prolessional Competence lilo points)

2.1 Education ( 5 points )

Education Level Points

With MA Units 1
Campleted Academic Requirements in 7
Master's Degree
Master's Degree Holder 3
Completed Academic Requirements in 4
Doctoral Degree
Doctoral Degree Holder 5

2.2 Consultant/ Resource Sp€ak€r/ Facilitator/ Discussant/ Lecturer in trainings/

seminars/webinars/ workshops (10 points)
Only the certificate with the highest points will be considered.

Level Points
School 1
District 3
Division 5
Region 6
National 8
lnternational IO

2.3 D€monstration Teache. (10 points)

Only the certificate with the highest points and must enclose Memorandum with
Activity Matrix,lesson plan, and accomplished Classroom Observation Tool(COT).
l-evel Points
School 1
District 3
Division 5
ReBion 6
National 8
lnternational t0

2.4 Tiainings/ seminars/ workshops/ conferences/ webinar5/0nline courses

attended (5)

a. Panicipation in trainings/ seminars/ wo rkshops/ conference/ webinars/ online

courses in any modality in the previous calendar year
b. Only those accredited/authorized by DepEd with Memoranda/ Advisory will be
c. lnternationalTraininB will be considered when trainers are internationally
recognized/accredited. The same is true to national training which trainers are
nationally recognized/accredited by DepEd.
d. Participant in a specialized training e.9., Scholarship Programs, Short courses,
and/or Study Brants sponsored by countries which the Philippines has bilateral
agreement and/or organizations which DepEd has forted partnership with shall be
given (1) point for every month but not to exceed five (5) points.
e. MOVs shall include issuance/memorandum identitying nominee/candidate as
participants, Certificate ot Participation/ Completion, and Cenificate of

level Points
School 0.2s
Oistrict 0.5
Region 2
National 4
lnternational 5
2.5 Publications ( 10 points)

a. Articles duly approved by the retionau division committee or with the PAU
should have been published in newspapers/ ma8azines/ jou rna ls of wide
circulation at least within a city or official publication or websites. Opinion/
feature articles, which need not be approved by the Head of oflice, must contain
data/ scientific research and must be educational. Articles published online shall
be published in an otficial/ reputable educationalwebsite.
b. Books duly approved by the division committee must have been published with
lSBN/ lSsN by a recognized publishing company.
c. Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.9.. SLM5 and WLAS)
which pass through quality assurance procedures conducted by SDO/RO l"R shall
be included when the supporting documents are providedl
i. Memorandum where name ol nominee is included
Ii. Finalcopy ofthe material/s as published
d. Points earned shall be divided among the number of authors. Nature of
Publication/Articles published (1 point per article but not to exceed 3 pts.) 3
Authorship of DepEd-developed and produced materials (e.9., sLMs and WLAs;
not to exceed 6 points) 6 co-authorship of a book andeight (8) sole authorship of
a book, workbook, big books, tertbook, and module 10

Nature of Publi(.tion Points

Articles published (1 point per article 3
but not to exceed 3 Pts.)
Authorship of DepEd-developed and 6
oroduced materials (e.g., SLM5 and
WLA5; not to exceed 6 points)
Co-authorship ofa book, and module 8
sole authorship ofa book, workbook, 10
biE books, textbook, and module

3. Communlty lnvolvement (5 points)

a. lnitiated or served as coordinator/organirer of a community project or activity or of
another agency in a community such as feedinS, nutrition, livelihood pro8ram, etc.,
at least 2 years.
b.Outreach proSrams/activities initiated/ participated properly documented with
narrative and pictorial reports attested by immediate superiors, division, or regional
off icials/city/barantay.
c. The project is community-based, not school-based and sponsored by any or the
followinB: LGU, other government agencies or nonSovernment or8anization, orfunded
by private individuals.
d. MOV5: Designation/ AssiSnment order stating the nature of assignment; action plan
noted by the khool Head or Br8y. Captain or Head of the ortanization; Certitication by
benefittinS barangay or community, Narrative Report with pictorials of

level Poihts
chairman/ OrSanizer/ lnitiator S

Member 3
Sponsor/Dono Pat@n 2

4. Oemonstbtion TcachirA (f0 pinfs)

Virtual Classroom Observation Tool shall be used.

Criteria Points
Mnual Classroom Preparalion and Management 3
Teaching -Leaming Proc€ss 4
Leaming Outcomes l.nilazation 3

5. lnterview (5 points)

Criteria Points
Communicative competence 1
Abiliry to present ideas 1
Smartness and Alerthess I
Knowledge on the issue/question I

Emotional Stability I
lll. Screening and Selection Process

Using the attached guidelines and criteria, the Schools Division Office shall conduct a school
and district level search.

1, SdEolLeY€l
a. Each school shall recommend one (1) nominee/candidate for the said search.
b. The Nominee(s) shall prepare 3 folders containing all the required and
supporting documents and b€ properly indorsed to the District Office.
c.Pertinent documents shall include the followinB:
i. Endorsement from Principal
ii. Omnibus Certitication of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents
The Omnibur Certification o, Authenticity and veracity of Documents is a legal
document executed bythe nominee swearing the authenticity and veracity ofthe
documents he/she submitted.
iii. Updated service Record
iv. Personnel Data Sheet (CSC Form 212)
v. IPCRF for the last 3 rating periods
vi. Rating Sheet
vii. certificates and other supportinS documents

d. The schools shall ensure that all documents submitted to the district level for
screening and evaluation are complete on or before t{ovember 12, 2021.

2. Oirtlict Level
The evaluation of the nominees under the Distrid Level shall start from
Nov€mber 15 - 19,2021.
a. Each Congressional District will form a District Screenint Committee (DSC)
to assess the nominees and pertinent documents ofthe aspirant from their
respective Congressional Oistricts and shalldecide who will be the
representatives - one (1) Kindergarten Teacher.
b. The District Screening Committee (DSC)will be composed of the following: 1.
Public Schools District supervisors in-charte ofthe said District
One (1) Elementary S€hoolPrincipal (not the current Principalofthe
c. The nominees shall undergo paper evaluation, lnteNiew and
oemonstration Teaching at the Oistrict Level.
d. The DSC shallmeet to discuss criteria and evaluate documents. lf face-to-
face interaction is not possible, teleconferencin& and other online
platforms shall be considered and be maximized to proceed with the
screening and evaluation ot documents
e. The oSC shall submit only the Top 1- winning candidate in the district level
with complete documents to the Division pRAtSE Committee for final
screeninS and validation on or befoae Novemtrer 22, 2021.

3. Division tevel

a. The 50O PRAISE committee will screen, evaluate and validate all
b. Division demonstration and interview ofthe six (6)candidates from the
district level on DC.ember 1-3,2021.
c. Aftervalidation of documents, demonstration teaching and interview, the
SDO PRAISE committee shall meet to deliberate on the results and identify
the top three (3)winners for the search.

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