How Do You Spell ? How Do You Pronounce ? and You Wanted To Be A Flight Instructor? More Than Meets The Eye Say What?

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The Aviation Safety Reporting System is a cooperative program established by the Federal Aviation

Administration’s Office of the Assistant Administrator for System Safety, and administered by NASA

How do you spell…?

by Allen Amsbaugh How do you pronounce…?
And You Wanted to be a Flight Instructor?
by Marcia Patten

More Than Meets the Eye RS

The ase on
by Marcia Patten & ASRS Analysts

ab 4
Say What? Dat M pg.
by Bob Matchette C
ASRS Directline
An Introduction
Issue Number 7
September, 1995

R eaders will notice that Directline has been redesigned. We are always working
to make our publications more readable. We are grateful to David Faust of
the NASA-Ames Graphics Group for doing a great job of refining Directline’s
ASRS Directline is a pub­
lication of the Aviation
Safety reporting System,
layout and providing graphics elements. We hope you like the new format. and complements ASRS’s
Here are the articles contained in the seventh issue of ASRS Directline: long-standing, award-
winning publication
The ASRS Database on CD-ROM More Than Meets the Eye CALLBACK.
by Marcia Patten
4 The ASRS database is now avail­
able for personal computers. See
this notice to find out how you can 15 A subject in a recent
CALLBACK issue, we
You are encouraged to
reproduce and redistrib­
ute any of the articles
get your copy. thought this one was important
and information con­
enough to provide an expanded re­
How do you spell…?
tained in this publication.
view of the subject in Directline. Laser
How do you pronounce…?
We ask that you give
light shows are posing some problems
by Allen Amsbaugh credit to Directline, the
for pilots; check out this article for the
authors of each article
latest information.
5 Allen takes a look at the prob­
lems with waypoint identifi-
ers—ASRS receives many reports about
Say What?
and, of course, to the
by Robert Matchette
navigational identifiers that sound If you have questions
similar to other fixes, or whose pro­
nunciation seems to defy rational
spelling (or the other way around).
18 Bob has done his usual ex­
cellent research job—this
time examining non-standard phrase­
or comments, drop us a
line—write to:

This article also contains some good ology issues. This article looks at typi­ ASRS Directline Editor
sidebar information on how naviga­ cal phraseology issues on a flight- NASA/ASRS
tional fixes get their names, and how phase by flight-phase basis. (There’s a P.O. Box 189
ASRS deals with safety problems with good sidebar on one of the weirder re­ Moffett Field, CA
the Alert Bulletin and For Your Infor­ sults of miscommunication, too.) Cir­ 94035-0189.
mation alerting messages. culate this article among your pilot
And You Wanted to be a Charles Drew
Flight Instructor? ASRS Directline Editor
by Marcia Patten & ASRS Analysts That’s all for the seventh issue of
ASRS Directline. We hope you find
8 This article is for instructors and
would-be instructors—regardless
of experience or whether the job is on
theses articles useful and informative.

a Cessna 150 or a Boeing 747. Marcia,

with the assistance of ASRS’s experi­
enced cadre of pilot analysts, exam­
ines the pitfalls of the job, with some
great advice on how to deal with the
problems, too. CRM for general avia­
tion instructors? See page 11 for more

Issue Number 7 3



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4 Issue Number 7
by Allen Amsbaugh
Where do they find
these names?
About twenty years ago,
More Waypoint Problems
the FAA decided to use only
Another air carrier crew had a prob­
five letter names for airspace
lem entering the Charlotte, NC, area:
fixes so that all fixes would fit

O ver the years, the ASRS has
received many reports regarding
navigational identifiers that sound
“We mistook Barretts Mountain
(BZM) to LINCO intersection. Instead we
into a nice, clean computer
format. Gone are romantic
started BZM to LYNNO intersection. sounding names such as
similar to other fixes, or are not LINCO is 203 degree radial off BZM, and CEDAR RIDGE, now CEDES,
spelled in a logical fashion. Two LYNNO is 115 degree radial off BZM, variously pronounced
caught my eye recently and were the both about 25 miles. It is suggested that “Seeds” or “See-Dees”), and
impetus for this article. The first inci­ intersections which sound so similar not ROSE FLAT, now FLAKK. By
dent was reported by two crew mem­ be used in such a close area to another.” the way, CEDES is in
bers. One of these reporters stated: (# 108815, 108919) California, SEEDS is in Texas.
✍ “Enroute to PDX from DEN. Near The ASRS issued an Alert Bulletin to
Two more examples:
BOI cleared direct DUFUR, direct PDX. ◆ DOWNEY is now
the appropriate FAA offices with a rec­
Inadvertently spelled DUFER into the DOWNE. Downey, by the
ommendation that the name of one of
FMC. Note: DUFER is 14 DME, ILS 16R way, is also a Southern
the intersections be changed. This is
Seattle. Since the course seemed reason­ California town named by
exactly what has been done—LYNNO
able, I did not double-check for route de­ John G. Downey, gover­
is now PLUMM on the MAJIC SEVEN
viation DUFER to PDX. A lesson learned! nor of California from
arrival to Charlotte (MAJIC.MAJIC7).
I am surprised that two intersections 1860 to 1862. Governor
The system works!
would be so close with similar names.” Downey subdivided the
(# 258559, 258669) Santa Gertrudis Rancho
International Events and modestly named the
SEA is about 50 miles farther from The system also works in interna­ town after himself.
BOI than PDX, and about 17 degrees tional airspace, as seen in the follow­ ◆ PAJARO is now PAJAR, and
farther to the north. The ARTCC Con­ ing report: is named after the Pájaro
troller rectified the situation by a
gentle, “Where are you going?” ✍ “On R22 between Alaska and Japan
river. The Pájaro river was
named by Gaspar de
The ASRS has issued a For Your In­ (the ‘N’ route). We requested Tokyo Radio
Portolá’s soldiers in 1769
formation Notice (see the sidebar about to obtain clearance from FL330 to FL290
when they found an
AB’s and FYI’S on page 5) to the appro­ after NOGAL. HF communication was
enormous bird which
priate agencies and FAA offices in an spotty, but I read back the clearance
Native Americans had
attempt to rectify this problem. It was twice. Each time, Tokyo acknowledged by
stuffed with straw. The “j”
recommended that the name be reading back the whole clearance. (I as­
in Pajaro is pronounced as
changed on one of the intersections. sumed he did this because of HF. Perhaps
an “h,” with the first “a”
We all hope that one of the spellings he was trying to clarify the fix.) Passing
accented. Pájaro is the
will not be changed to DOOFR! NOGAL, I called, ‘Departing FL330 for
Spanish word for “bird.”
FL290.’ When we called ‘reaching
FL290,’ Tokyo told us we should be at …continued page 4

Issue Number 7 5
FL330 until NOGAR (a fix 493 miles The United States airspace fixes also
The FAA’s National Flight down track). It’s interesting to note that it include many names of Native Ameri­
Data Center is in charge of took about three minutes before he could can, Spanish, and French origin. Very
naming airspace fixes. When pronounce the two fixes differently, and near the ASRS office is the compass lo­
a new fix is needed by an then we realized there was a similar cator for the ILS Runway 30L ap­
FAA region or facility, a sounding fix on the same route. Japanese proach to the San José International
request is made with a pronounce ‘L’ and ‘R’ [similarly], making Airport—JORGE, the Spanish name
choice of names. The center the words [sound] the same when pro­ equivalent to the English “George.” I
will then check to see that nounced by Tokyo Radio. Tokyo immedi­ have heard it pronounced “George,”
the proposed name: a) is ately amended our clearance to FL290. and more properly, “Hor-Hay,” as it
pronounceable, b) does not An immediate review of related fix names would be pronounced in Spanish.
duplicate another spelling, c) for similar sounding names, as pro­ Many others come to mind, including
is not profane in several of nounced by local speaker’s language, is DOWNE on the ILS Runway 25L at
the major languages, and d) essential. Not every nation or language Los Angeles. Is it pronounced “Down,”
is unique to the entire world. can or does speak English the same way or “Downey” as is the city beneath it?
Then the new fix is put into native English speakers do. Japanese pho­ You will hear this both ways too.
use. netic differences should be taken into ac­ When expert help is proffered, it is a
Would you like a little bit count, especially in Japanese airspace. At good idea to accept it—as the follow­
of immortality? Captain a minimum, NOGAL should be changed. ing example shows:
Cortlandt L. Dickinson, (# 242971)
retired American Airlines ✍ “Controller gave route change ‘Direct
Captain, was at a meeting ASRS issued a For Your Information PERRI intersection, J8 OTT, OTT 3 ar­
when the route system from Notice to the FAA with the recommen­ rival KBWI.’ He spelled out the intersec­
the West Coast of the United dation that NOGAL intersection be tion. The Captain began programming
States to Hawaii was being renamed to minimize confusion. The the FMS while we both reached for
revised. He claims that he latest charts show that NOGAL has enroute charts. The Captain loaded ‘Di­
said, “Why don’t you name been renamed NYTIM. But, how does rect PERRY,’ and the course indicated
one of the fixes after me?” one pronounce NYTIM? Is it as “night­ about 140° which was reasonable from
They did, as CORTT. time,” or possibly “nit tim,” or even the assigned 090° heading. The FMS
Captain D.E. Ehmann, “nee tim”? Even native English speak­ would not accept J8, and we began to
retired Vice President of ers will have to guess about this one. analyze why. TCAS II indicated traffic
Flight Operations with which was descending through our alti­
The Perils of
American Airlines, is also tude and a potential conflict. The Cap­
English Pronunciation
immortalized in a missed tain initiated a left turn to avoid the traf­
English is a wonderful tongue, and
approach holding fix named fic. Center issued a ‘Left turn
is the official language of the air. Every
EHMAN, at Buffalo, NY. immediately!’ and then assigned 100°
time that I flew abroad, I thanked my
A study of the fixes, [heading]. The conflict could have been
lucky stars that the Wright brothers
airport names, and VORs will averted by my verifying PERRI versus
were American! But the English lan­
provide names of celebrities PERRY as the FMS entry. The Controller
guage has several deficiencies—the
and interesting geographical spelled out P-E-R-R-I, and I wrote it down
biggest one being that there are no
points to all who take the correctly, but did not verify the Captain’s
iron-clad rules for the pronunciation
time to look. Compare your input…” (# 264927)
of vowels and combinations of vowels.
aeronautical chart with the This error resulted in a traffic con­
Several consonants, in combination or
atlas that you all carry and flict because of the wrong heading.
singly, also can be pronounced more
learn some of the local points The Controller wanted the reporter to
than one way.
of interest while you are go to PERRI, a fix east of Charleston,
The English language has come a
looking out the window. ■ WV, while the Captain entered PERRY,
long way from its Latin roots wherein
a fix southeast of Puerto Rico in the
pronunciation has very strong rules,
Caribbean! The FMS would not take J8
but aviation makes tough demands on
from PERRY because PERRY is not on
English. One member of the ASRS staff
J8, but PERRI is. Both man (the Con­
suggested using the Klingon language,
troller) and machine (the FMS) tried to
which has no vowels; another sug­
help this crew—to no avail.
gested creating more vowels just for
naming navigational fixes!

6 Issue Number 7
5, 4, 3… that they want to go to
These problems are not restricted to Farmington, NM, (FMN) not
five letter fixes. They also crop up in Farmington, MO, (FAM) or
three letter VORs, as evidenced in this Farmington, MN, (FGT). Flight crews
report: must be very careful when they type a
fix into their FMCs so that they go to
✍ “The original flight plan from SFO­
DFW included Las Vegas, NM, as part of
There are many examples similar to
the filed route. A re-file was requested air­
borne, “Direct Beatty [BTY], Las Vegas,
ANNTS, BRIJJ/BRIDG, etc. If you’d like
[LVS] Wichita Falls [SPS], on course.” We
to play a little game, go to FAA Publi­
were requesting BTY, LVS and SPS VORs.
cation 7350.6, “Location Identifiers,”
LAX Center cleared us “direct LIDAT,
and turn to the Airspace fixes section.
Beatty, Las Vegas, Wichita Falls.” Just
See how many pairs you can find in
east of BTY VOR, LAX Center gave us a AB’s and FYI’s
one minute. You’ll find many are
right turn to a 180 degree heading and When ASRS receives a
listed consecutively, such as DUMPE/
said that we were getting close to a hot report describing a hazard­
restricted area. LAX Center said that our ous or safety-related
clearance was over Las Vegas [LAS], situation—for example, a
NV…I realize that there are many navi­ defective navigation aid,
Entering the Fix
gation fixes around the world that have mis-charting, a confusing
If there are any questions in your
the same name…” (# 81977) procedure, or any other
mind, whether you are a pilot or a
The reporter is right. There are controller, you must ask immediately circumstance which might
many fixes with the same name, but to clarify the situation, of course. We compromise safe flight—it
no five-letter airspace fixes have the also have a few suggestions to help issues an alerting message
same name, only VORs and NDBs. For you avoid Waypoint Identifier Woes: in the form of an AB (Alert
example, VORs with the same name Bulletin) or FYI (For Your
but different letter designators include
" Pilots flying the aircraft with the Information) notice.
new navigation systems should Alerting messages have a
Springfield (SGF), MO, and Springfield
have their charts on hand at all single purpose: to relay
(SPI), IL; Las Vegas (LAS), NV, and Las
times to ensure that spelling mis­ safety information to
Vegas (LVS), NM; Bradford (BDF), IL,
takes are not made. individuals in a position of
and Bradford (BFD), PA; and Danville
(DNV), IL, and Danville (DAN), VA. " Charts and flight plans should be authority so that they can
All these examples are in United States consulted often to ensure that di­ investigate the allegation
airspace, and there are many more rect routings seem reasonable, and and take needed corrective
throughout the world. that the map presentation has no actions as appropriate.
strange “spikes” or turns. ASRS has no direct
operational authority of its
Common sense precautions and spe­ own. It acts through, and
Common Problems
cial care will prevent any of the naviga­ with the cooperation of,
As you might surmise, all of the
above incidents happened in modern tion errors we’ve discussed. _ others. ■
aircraft with Omega Navigation Sys­
tems or Inertial Navigation Systems.
The same problems will be encoun­
tered by those pilots flying with Glo­
bal Positioning Systems or LORAN.
This is not to imply that the flight
crew with the more modern naviga­
tion systems are more careless, it just
means that they have new problems
to solve. They must be more careful
with their long distance leg requests
to ensure that ARTCC understands

Issue Number 7 7
And You
Wanted to be
a Flight Instructor?
Flight Instruction Incidents
“ ollowing a period in which I had had a total of 4 days off work in the previous 2 months,
I was programmed for a particularly busy 12-hour day. [After landing on] my third
flight…as we cleared the runway, we were told to contact Ground Control, and the student ac­
Analysts knowledged, however we did not change frequency. I immediately began taxiing and debriefing
the landing…Maybe having been cleared to the ramp so often in the last few days I assumed
we were cleared again…and I taxied [across the active] runway. This was a clear case of
tiredness or fatigue from overwork. Fear of being replaced or losing my status as a ‘senior’ in­
structor if I eased up in a world awash with instructors, and also needing the money from a
poorly paid piecework job were the driving factors.” (# 242730) [Emphasis added-Ed.]

You Still Want to Instruct?

✍ “While giving an ATP/Light Transport jet-type check-ride, the candidate made a
very smooth landing followed by a rollout with four flat tires. Prior to this landing, we
made an aborted takeoff at 120 knots on an 85° day. The apparent problem was that
the tires overheated and blew the wheel fuses which deflated the tires.” (# 179098)

Are You Sure?

✍ “[During takeoff], just as we reached rotation speed, [the student] raised the nose
and for no explainable reason, he reached down and raised the gear at the same time.
The left prop hit the runway…he yanked back on the yoke to try and climb. I took
control…and my student reduced both throttles to idle in an attempt to abort! In dis­
cussing this with the pilot, after the fact, he was at a total loss as to why he did what
he did.” (# 252497)

8 Issue Number 7
The Instructor’s World tative sample of incidents that oc­
In every instructional situation, the curred during instructional or check-
instructor is faced with multiple ride flights. This article reviews only
performance and cockpit management records in which the action or task of
tasks. Errors may occur during all instructing appeared to contribute
levels of instruction, from an directly to the incident, and the
instructor’s first flight with a student aircraft involved was generally
pilot in a Cessna 172, to a check “healthy”, i.e., without mechanical
airman doing upgrade training with a problems. The data set includes 78
highly experienced pilot in a large air records from 1988-1993, including all
carrier aircraft. sectors of civil aviation, i.e., general
Instructors may also be under aviation (GA), air taxi and commuter,
personal and professional pressures. and air carrier.
For a flight school instructor, there
may be the pressure to build flight
A Student By Any Other Name
time, to make a profit for the flight
More than half of the “students”
school, or just to make a living. Air
involved in the reported incidents
taxi or air carrier instructors may feel
were undergoing advanced training
pressured to upgrade their own
(e.g., instrument, complex aircraft,
careers, help upgrade the trainee’s
commercial, multi-engine, flight
career, or cut costs on additional
instructor, etc.). These included
training. Some air carrier, commuter,
company pilots undergoing initial
or air taxi pilots may also be expected
operating experience (IOE) and up­
to maintain their company instructor
grade training in new aircraft. Only 10
or check airman status with the local
percent of the reports referred specifi­
FAA office on their own time, all while
cally to instruction of student pilots.
still sustaining a full line schedule.
Instructors indicated that they were
Juggling these personal and profes­
quite vigilant with their student pilots,
sional performance requirements may
but tended to relax with their ad­
cause an instructor to react in ways
vanced students due to higher expec­
that result in instructional accidents
tations about the advanced students’
or incidents. Instructional incidents
abilities to perform various tasks or
are not just a source of aggravation or
maneuvers. This was especially so in
embarrassment to the instructor or
the case of air taxi or air carrier in­
the company. They also have the
structors doing upgrade training with
potential for huge economic impact in
company pilots.
cases of aircraft damage or personal
injury. There is the additional poten­
tial for emotional impact—on instruc­ Training Environment
tors, in FAA investigatory follow-up, Most incidents (89 percent) occurred
or loss of credibility or reputation; and in VMC weather where most GA flight
on students, in fear, loss of confidence training would be expected to take
in their instructors, or more impor­ place. Only three incidents are known
tantly, loss of confidence in them­ to have occurred at night—these were
selves. commuter training operations. Half of
Why do some of these incidents the incidents occurred in the typically
happen? What human factors and high-density traffic area of Class D
human behaviors contribute to airspace, where the pilots were in
instructional incidents? How can contact with ATC. More than half of the
instructors avoid the mistakes made incidents occurred during the approach
by some of their unwary colleagues? and landing phase, which involves
To answer these questions, we numerous and varied tasks, requiring
searched the Aviation Safety Reporting maximum attention to detail inside the
System (ASRS) database for a represen­ aircraft and maximum vigilance outside.

Issue Number 7 9
Looking Out Did You Hear Something?
Distraction due to some aspect of Distraction was also cited as a con­
instructional activity was cited as a tributing factor to gear-up and near
contributing factor in 80 percent of gear-up landings. Gear-up landings oc­
the incident reports, and appeared to curred in 8 percent of the reported in­
be a major cause of near mid-air colli­ cidents. Although this is a small per­
sions (NMACs), the most commonly centage of reports, it probably
reported incident by a margin of more accounts for a very large cash outlay
than 2-to-1. These incidents reflected for repairs. Many reporters indicated
an apparent breakdown in the practice that they were so involved in the in­
of basic “see and avoid” principles. In structional situation that they missed
the following case, conversation was the gear check on their pre-landing
the culprit in distracting the instructor checklist, and often didn’t even hear a
from his usually-thorough scan: gear warning-horn.
✍ “As my student and I were returning ✍ “The second day of training for the
after a training flight…we reported down­ trainee…with numerous approaches, both
wind abeam and were cleared to land fol­ 2 engine and single engine. The last
lowing the SMA downwind ahead. At this approach was a single engine, flapless
point I got heavily involved in talking my approach…to simulate a flap problem.
student through the steps to be followed The approach was broken off and the
during the approach, and after looking for circling maneuver was commenced.
the traffic and not seeing it, I wrongly as­ Airspeed dropped and this was brought to
sumed it was already on the ground…A the attention of the trainee…so gear was
couple of moments later I observed the retracted to clean up the aircraft. When
other SMA take evasive action…Cont­ the gear was retracted, the gear warning
ributing factors to this incident…are: my horn went off because of the simulated
lack of concentration on looking and posi­ single engine condition of the power lever
tively identifying our traffic before land­ (retarded). The gear warning horn was
ing (as I routinely do) due to the heavy canceled and the circling continued. As
‘question and answer’ situation that my we were getting re-established, it seems
student involved me in. After this inci­ that at some point [the trainee] called for
dent, I have made it a very clear point to final checks, but I don’t know when
all my students to minimize the pilot-to­ because my attention was primarily on
pilot chat during operation in the traffic circling, checking for traffic, proper radio
pattern.” (# 124564) procedures, and problems inherent in the
maneuver…I missed reselecting the gear
Looking In
down. When the L power lever was
Another often-cited source of dis­
retarded for landing, the gear warning
traction was the need to be focusing
horn did not go off (was not heard at all)
inside the aircraft instead of outside
again to warn of an impending gear up
the aircraft:
landing.” (# 145537)
✍ “…I noticed the shadow of an air­
plane headed towards us. We had heard
no traffic in the vicinity [of this uncon­
trolled airport]. Giving flight instruction
to a student under the hood prevents and/
or impedes proper scanning. Although I
constantly remind myself to get my head
out of the cockpit on these flights, there
are lapses…I must be looking out so often
for traffic that I am unable to evaluate a
student’s approach at all.” (# 148597)

10 Issue Number 7
Fatigue was mentioned specifically
in the three reports of night training Expectation
incidents, and alluded to in many oth­ Inappropriate or unrealistic expecta­
ers. Tired pilots may be unable to di­ tions, sometimes referred to as com­
vide their attention adequately among placency, were cited in 50 percent of
many cockpit tasks. They may ignore the reports. In retrospect, many in­
standard procedures, or, as in the fol­ structors realized that they had been
lowing report, forget some basic oper­ too relaxed about operations on a
ating limitations. This reporter appar­ well-known airport or route. Non-ad­
ently was well aware of his aircraft’s herence to clearances, including run­
gear warning-horn system, but the de­ way and taxiway transgressions, and
tails slipped his mind in the wee unauthorized entry into controlled
hours: airspace, were often the result of an
instructor’s unfulfilled expectations.
✍ “The student, a First Officer in up­
One instructor expected too much of
grade training, was instructed to
the student’s command of English:
execute…a simulated single engine, no
flap approach and landing. All items on ✍ “My [foreign] student…had
the checklist were done except for the gear been training here for 3 months,
down call, which was delayed until land­ 30 hours. I assumed he was
ing assured. The student and I forgot to competent with taxi instructions. I
call for gear down and to verify it…The was distracted in the cockpit. He
above events occurred in the early A.M. taxied onto the active runway…! I
during training (mostly emergency situa­ then realized that this student
tions). Both crew members had been understood very little of what was
awake since the morning the previous being said. I [took] the English
day…for 20 hours” (# 180849) language for granted. Never
again.” (# 256111)
Another pair of reports from an in­
structor and trainee regarding their Even more common, and more dis­
near gear-up landing reiterate the haz­ tressing to many instructors, was the
ards of late night or early morning realization that they had placed too
training flights. high an expectation on a student’s
performance. Sometimes this resulted
✍ “A definite contributing factor…was
in a costly incident due to loss of air­
fatigue. Due to the unavailability of air­
craft control.
craft, all flight training had to take place at
night. I got home the night before at 4 A.M. ✍ “I was giving a Commercial SEL/MEL
and the night before that at 3 A.M.” instrument rated pilot a…biennial flight
(# 182635) review. The pilot had over 700 hours of
total time. In flight he did everything
✍ “The company is not using flight above commercial pilot standards and
simulators any longer, I assume to save had a good handle on the aircraft. I
money. It was late at night because there brought the throttle to idle to simulate
are not any aircraft available during the engine failure. The pilot set up for a
day because all the aircraft are in revenue landing…As we neared the ground…I no­
service.” (# 181978) ticed the tailwind. We touched down…the
grass was slick…the airplane
The company certainly did not save
swerved…the wingtip contacted the
any money on the repairs or replace­
ground and the nose cowling came to rest
ment of two bent props, not to men­
against a small pine tree. The pilot was
tion the loss of revenue associated
doing an excellent job and my guard was
with aircraft down-time!
down compared to someone not so profi­
cient…” (# 258389)

Issue Number 7 11
Communication The Team Approach
Someone Else’s Fault ? Who’s In Charge Here?
As often happens, a few pilots Usually rank provides a fairly clear
blamed ATC for its “failure” to provide delineation of who does what in a
advisories. Fortunately, however, more multi-person cockpit. The addition of
than a third of the reporters recog­ some Crew Resource Management
nized their own unwarranted reliance (CRM) skills encourages cooperation
on ATC advisories as a contributing and assertiveness among the crew-
factor to the reported incident: members, and a safe flight results.
However, there can be a gray area of
✍ “I should have been more vigilant
responsibilities and of delegation of
outside [the aircraft] instead of being to­
authority when, for example, a cap­
tally absorbed with my student’s ap­
tain is in a “trainee” position being
proach. I probably was lulled into a false
given a line check by the company
sense of security by hearing from FSS that
check pilot who is acting as first offic­
there was no reported traffic in the area”
er (F/O) for the flight. The reversal of
(# 144724)
roles may lead to an incorrect assump­
And in another report: tion that the “other” pilot has control
of the aircraft, has programmed a
✍ “Too much reliance is placed on…ATC
flight computer, or is making a crucial
for collision avoidance and traffic adviso­
decision about the flight.
ries in a VFR environment. The [other] in­
structor said he never saw us and that ATC ✍ “Aircraft began to show significant
never called [us as] traffic ahead. Lack of oil loss. The Captain chose to continue to
understanding of ATC’s responsibility by operate the aircraft as if there was not a
the [other instructor] contributed to the near problem. He made no contact with the
miss.” (# 158566) company and made no plans for a pre­
cautionary landing. My role as F/O and
Is Anybody Listening…?
check airman giving a regular line check
Sometimes pilots forget that con­
created a conflict as I began to question
trollers can have their hands full, too.
the appropriateness of the Captain’s judg­
The only report by ATC personnel was
ment. In the future, when giving line
from this controller frantically trying
checks, I will do it from the observer’s seat.
prevent a midair collision:
This will give the Captain the benefit of a
✍ “I issued expeditious turn and climb complete crew without conflicting agendas.
to [light aircraft] X. There was no reply. I It will also provide me a single role to better
then issued traffic alert [and descent] to evaluate the crew.” (# 163040)
[light aircraft] Y, who continued
And in another report:
climbing…There was no reply from either
aircraft. [Follow-up] phone conversations ✍ “[On approach] the right hydraulic
with both pilots revealed that [light air­ quantity and pressure went to 0. The
craft] X was being flown with a student landing was uneventful. With the emer­
and instructor. The instructor apparently gency equipment standing by and mainte­
was ‘busy’ in the cockpit. [Light aircraft] nance working on the gear doors, we
Y apparently thought the climb started the APU to supplement cabin cool­
clearance…was for him.” (# 166851) ing. Once the APU air was selected on,
the cabin began filling with smoke and
fumes. We immediately secured the APU
and ventilated the cabin…My gut feeling
was not to start the APU…however, this
was a line check by a check airman in the
jump seat and my intuition was influ­
enced by his suggestion to start the APU
to save fuel.” (# 235103)

12 Issue Number 7
Both reporters were uncomfortable
with the actions or suggestions of an­
other cockpit crewmember, but felt un­
able to act due to their assigned “roles.”
Not all role reversal stories are prob­
lematic. A crew with 2 of its 3 engines Know Thy Aircraft
running erratically and causing air­ Did I Do That?
frame vibrations pulled it all together An instructor’s lack of thorough
and landed safely: knowledge of the aircraft often result­
ed in incorrect or improper use of
✍ “From a human factors standpoint,
equipment. Mistakes included an im­ General
2 Captains were flying plus a very expe­
proper use of gear lever, flap switch, Aviation
rienced S/O (retired Air Force). Both
Captains…deferred to each other, as­
and fire extinguisher. The following air Instructors
taxi training incident points to the po­ and CRM
sessed the situation with the S/O’s input
tential hazards of not being knowl­
and all agreed how to resolve the prob­
edgeable about all the details of the
lem. It was refreshing to see cockpit re­ How do General Aviation
source management work in an emer­ flight instructors learn
gency situation.” (# 247627) ✍ “While conducting a training flight, about CRM? A good
[I] induced a simulated power plant starting point is the FAA
CRM is not just for air carrier crews.
failure…I had failed to turn the auto- Advisory Circular AC120­
An instructor and student experiencing
coarsen off, a standard procedure for 51A, “Crew Resource
a landing gear malfunction put their
simulating engine failure…Before I could Management Training,”
heads together to land their aircraft
turn off the auto-coarsen computer, the available free by writing to
with minimum damage and no injury:
right prop went to full auto-coarsen. I was the U.S. Department of
✍ “I solicited input from my student, concerned about the possibility of an Transportation, General
who is also a CFI. We elected to review over-torque if I turned off the computer Services Section, M-443.2,
our checklist…in an effort to find any …so I elected to shut down the right engine Washington, DC 20590. ■
items which might aid our effort to land and land single engine.” (# 144307)
safely…and make decisions for
Another reporter apparently knew
landing…The student and I planned our
all the right procedures, but lack of
landing sequence, and I instructed the
practice caused him to fail to perform
student to secure all objects in the air­
when he needed to.
plane. On downwind, the student latched
the door ‘ajar’…All engines, mixtures, ✍ “[On start] we experienced an engine
fuel selectors, ignition, electrical system fire. I…grabbed the fire extinguisher and
were turned off in accordance with check­ exited the plane. I couldn’t make the
lists and to prevent a fire hazard. Calm­ extinguisher work, but the student was
ness prevailed…Flight experience on the able to use it and put out the fire. It never
part of both student and instructor con­ occurred to me to read the directions on
tributed to the decisions made during the the fire extinguisher or to keep cranking
emergency.” (# 223725) the engine starter, even though this is
what we have all been told to do. We
I’ve Got The Airplane! have talked about this type of emergency
Several instructors indicated that but never practiced it. Everyone should
they should have been on the controls read directions on the extinguisher [and]
sooner than they did, sometimes even know how to operate it. Walk through the
at the start of a maneuver: procedure with actual cranking of the
engine, turning off fuel, call for help, etc.
✍ “My student and I had drifted over
Do this like we practice engine failures.”
another aircraft that was on a simulta­
(# 213870)
neous approach course…I allowed my
student to deviate…instead of taking over
the aircraft with a verbal ‘my airplane!,’ I
let my student go too far.” (# 146237)

Issue Number 7 13
Conclusions and
Recommendations ▲ It is difficult for most people to
Flight instruction problems exist in properly determine their level of
all levels of flying, from beginning in­ fatigue, let alone their level of
struction through air carrier recurrent impairment due to fatigue. Watch
training. out for uncomfortably long duty
days, or periods of duty with little
▲ Training situations involving ad­
or no intervening sleep—these are
vanced students may be more con­
precursors to fatigue-related errors.
ducive to instructional incidents
Remember that in addition to
than ab-initio (beginning) flight
appropriate duty-time restrictions
training, due to the instructor hav­
and adequate rest, pilots (and
ing unwarranted expectations
everyone else) require adequate
about an advanced trainee’s capa­
and proper nourishment to per­
bilities and performance. Instruc­
form at required levels (and, no
tors involved in providing training
that doesn’t mean coffee and a
to advanced students should re­
doughnut for breakfast, with
member to maintain vigilance.
selected items from the four major
▲ ASRS flight instruction incident re­ junk food groups for lunch and
ports and other published incident dinner, either).
and accident data support the con­
▲ Sometimes, in their zeal, instruc­
clusion that approach and landing
tors try too hard to coach an over­
phases of flight are when a large
whelmed or fatigued student just a
portion of aircraft accidents occur.
little bit too far. Sometimes, it is
Instructors should minimize un­
safest and wisest course just to say,
necessary conversation throughout
“I’ve got the airplane. Let’s call it a
the flight lesson, and maintain a
sterile cockpit (i.e., eliminate non­
essential dialog) during approach ▲ Apply Crew Resource Management
and landing. concepts and skills. General avia­
tion instructors should include
▲ Some of the problems associated
these decision-making and commu­
with distraction due to cockpit chat
nication skills as part of basic stu­
can be eliminated by the instructor
dent instruction, and reinforce
conducting a thorough pre-proce­
them throughout advanced or up­
dure briefing with the trainee prior
grade training. (See the sidebar on
to the flight, then by adhering to
General Aviation Instructors and
the planned procedure as much as
CRM.) Air carrier and commuter
possible. This will help minimize
instructors and check airmen
conversation, especially during the
should recognize that the decision-
critical phase of approach and
making and crew-coordination skills
landing. Another strategy some in­
are even more important during
structors employ is to have another
training and check-rides, when role
trainee along to act as an observer
delegation is not routine, e.g., a line
during instrument training flights.
captain is acting as a first officer.
The observer can maintain a nearly
full-time scan outside the aircraft, ▲ Know your aircraft. Instructors
and still listen and learn from the should decline to provide instruc­
training experience. Although the tion in an aircraft unless they are
instructor is not relieved of the re­ thoroughly trained and current in
sponsibility for collision avoidance, that make and model. A training
the extra pair of eyes can allow the session for the student should not
instructor to spend more time be an initial or recurrent training
monitoring student performance. session for the instructor. _

14 Issue Number 7
by Marcia Patten

“P rior to reaching NANCI Intersection…we were bombarded with multi-colored laser

beams coming from atop the Pan Am building. This continued until we were out of the
area that the laser beams were being aimed. After turning final for runway 13, the laser
beams again struck our aircraft and continued to do so until we were out of their line of
sight. It appears that good sense operation of laser beams is out of hand. The damage to
one’s eyes, not to mention loss of night vision, can contribute to an accident.” (# 89425)

Such was the surprise awaiting one Captain over New York City several years
ago. Recently, though, encounters with lasers have become prevalent enough to
attract media attention.

Lasers—standing for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radia­

tion—are light beams powerful enough to cut through metal, or delicate
enough to perform microscopic surgery. Apart from their scientific and medical
uses, lasers are being used increasingly to produce spectacular, crowd-pleasing
light shows at concerts, fairs, theme parks, and casinos.

Issue Number 7 15
Current Regulations Flash Blindness
In general, commercial laser light However, there is a more widespread
demonstrations are regulated by the problem associated with laser shows,
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that of flash blindness. A sudden flash
via its Center for Devices and Radio­ from a laser or any other bright light
logical Health. When a laser operator causes a spot or halo to remain at the
applies for a permit for an outdoor center of the visual field for a few sec­
light show, the regional FAA Air Traffic onds or even a minute, rendering a
Division conducts a study of the ef­ person virtually blind to all other vi­
fects a light show may have upon sual input. At night, a flash destroys
nearby navigable airspace. The study the eye’s adaptation to the dark envi­
considers many issues, including: ronment; partial recovery of this adap­
tation is usually achieved in 3-5 min­
✔ Quantities of traffic affected;
utes, but full adaptation typically
✔ Traffic flow, especially arrival and requires 40-45 minutes or more. ASRS
departure corridors; receives many reports of flash blind­
ness being caused by various light
✔ Locations of aviation activity that
sources, among them: lightning
may be affected, including low-
strikes, searchlights, aircraft static dis­
level helicopter activity;
charges or electrical short circuits, re­
✔ Control jurisdiction, i.e., Tower or flections from glass high-rise build­
Center; ings, and even floodlights from golf
course driving ranges. A First Officer
✔ Coordination with local officials,
flying near Miami at night reported
i.e., airport managers, FAA Air Traf­
just such an experience:
fic Managers, military representa­
tives; ✍ “At 10,000 feet, approximately 8
miles from downtown, a green laser was
✔ Possible flight restrictions that
being used for a laser light show. The la­
should be imposed;
ser flashed directly into my eyes. I was
✔ Negotiations to resolve objection­ blinded for about 2 seconds. I had trouble
able effects, such as limiting watt­ with near focus for about 15 seconds. My
age, restricting direction and or el­ eyes ‘hurt’ for about 2 minutes. All nor­
evation of projections, weather mal post incident.” (# 149671)
requirements, etc.
Loss of “night vision” could be par­
The FAA combines its study results
ticularly dangerous for a single pilot,
with information supplied by the FDA
who has no one else in the cockpit to
to develop power restrictions for laser
provide assistance while initial recov­
use in navigable airspace. The most
ery of night vision begins.
explicit restrictions define a horizontal
and a vertical “eye-safe distance” for
each display, depending on the type
and intensity of the lasers used. Expo­
sure at any closer than this distance is
deemed to be potentially injurious to
pilots’ or passengers’ eyes.

16 Issue Number 7
An Eyeful from “The Strip”
Las Vegas, Nevada, seems to be a
hotbed of laser activity. On any studied include: further limita­
evening, three or four outdoor laser tion of laser power (wattage),
light shows might pierce the skies. restriction of laser shows to
These shows have become a major non-flight times and non-
source of pilot complaints and a major flight airspace, additional train-
recipient of careful scrutiny by the ing for laser operators, enforcement
FAA Air Traffic Management office. action against laser operators who vio­
One crew departing Las Vegas got late airspace regulations, and stan­
more than the “eyeful” usually associ­ dardization of FAA handling of laser
ated with The Strip: show studies. Technical advances may
provide aircraft systems that can inter­
✍ “[On takeoff], at approximately 500
rupt a laser’s beam before it strikes the
feet AGL, a laser beam of green light
struck through the right side window of
my cockpit striking my First Officer in the Forewarned is Forearmed
right eye and blinding both he and I for At present, a pilot’s best defense
approximately 5-10 seconds due to the against laser flashes is knowing where
intensity of the light beam. I immediately to avoid them. The locations, dates,
notified the Tower Controller [who stated] durations, and eye-safe distances for
that this had become a recurring problem approved displays are published in the
with the laser show coming from the top Airport Facility Directory (AFD) for
of the [hotel] in Las Vegas. We were very each region. Locations of light shows
fortunate, because this could have been a that have been approved after the
much more serious situation had the laser publication of the AFD may be avail­
struck myself as well as [my First Officer] able only through Flight Service Sta­
at a more direct angle, severely blinding tions (FSS). A glance through some of
both of us and endangering the lives of the most recent AFDs revealed quite a
my passengers and crew.” (# 285091) list of scheduled laser light show loca­
tions. Several regions noted only a few
And another pilot, 90 miles south of
shows, but the South West region
Las Vegas, reported:
listed ten laser shows nightly. Some
✍ “I was flying at 31,000 feet. [The are temporary during the summer, or
captain] saw a bright flash and said look for the duration of a fair or other
at the laser show in Las Vegas. I looked event; others are listed as permanent.
at Las Vegas and we both got hit in the Air carrier dispatch or base operations
eyes with a green laser. After we turned offices, as well as general aviation pi­
our eyes back forward, we both noticed a lots, need to be in frequent contact
green glow around the periphery of our with the local FSSs to receive the most
vision. This was a momentary condition up-to-date information on laser show
lasting no more than 10 minutes.” activity.
(# 285090) Another simple defense against laser
flashes is to avoid looking at them, if
Progress possible. Just as automobile drivers are
A Society of Automotive Engineers advised to avoid looking directly at
(SAE) committee, composed of FAA oncoming headlights, one airline’s
personnel, aviation industry represen­ safety representative has recom­
tatives and others, is addressing issues mended, “If you see the laser coming
of flash-blindness and its impact on toward you, don’t look right at it.”
safety of flight, rather than just eye- Pilots are also urged to submit re­
safe distance, which already is prop­ ports of laser flash incidents to ASRS,
erly controlled by FDA regulations. and to the regional Air Traffic Manage­
Among the potential solutions being ment officer. _

Issue Number 7 17

Phraseology Incidents
by Robert Matchette

A viation has enjoyed numerous ad­

vances in aerodynamics, power
plant efficiency and reliability,
flightdeck automation, and navigation
systems. However, ATC/aircraft com­
munications have changed little over
the years, and still exhibit the age-old
limitations of natural and human-
made interference that can distort
messages, difficulties with language
barriers, and the problems of pronun­
ciation and phraseology. At the same
time, the volume of ground-to-air The ASRS database was searched for
(ATC/aircraft) communication has in­ records which made reference to phrase­
creased dramatically because of the ology in their narratives, and 260 re­
remarkable increase in air traffic. Satel­ ports were reviewed. Many reported in­
lite links and discrete communication cidents resulted in little more than
technology promise communications momentary confusion or annoyance for
solutions for the future—until then, pilots and controllers. However, nearly
aviation is forced to deal with the half the reports involved near mid-air
communications status quo. One of collisions, loss of standard ATC separa­
the greatest problems inherent in tion, runway transgressions, or other
voice communications today is the conflicts with potentially serious safety
use of non-standard phraseology. consequences.

18 Issue Number 7
Phraseology 101 gest if he did not want us to push he
should have said so and not have men­
Examples of non-standard phraseol­ tioned taxi.” (# 627717)
ogy occur during all flight phases.
What follows are examples of com­ � At many large airports, some gates
mon non-standard phraseology [✍] may be controlled by ATC, while
used in each phase of flight (which others, out of direct sight of con­
may or may not have had potentially trollers, may be under the control
serious consequences), and suggested of the air carrier—aircraft move­
alternate wording [ � ] which may ments in this case will be governed
have prevented the incident. by the letter of agreement between
Preflight the carrier and ATC. It is not clear,
Watch out, you may get what you ask for! in this instance, who had jurisdic­
tion for this gate area. If this gate
✍ “I called for clearance to St. Louis as was ATC-controlled, the controller
follows: ‘Clearance delivery, company should have said “Hold” or “Push­
ident, ATIS info, federal aid to St. Louis.’ back approved.” If the gate was the
Federal aid was meant to mean FAA carrier’s responsibility, the flight
clearance in a joking fashion. The Con­ crew erred in entering the taxiway
troller misinterpreted this to mean that during pushback. In any event, the
we were being hijacked and called the FBI message here is clear—controllers
and airport police…I used no ‘standard’ need to provide clear instructions
phraseology to indicate nor was it my in­ and messages, and pilots need to
tent to indicate we had a hijacking…I ask for clarification if there is any
will use absolutely standard phraseology confusion or opportunity for misin­
in the future…” (# 248982) terpretation.

� Conventional wisdom (and the Taxi Out

AIM) dictate the use of a less pro­ To get there, I have to cross…
vocative phrase: “ABC Clearance, ✍ “Ground cleared me to taxi to Run­
company ident, I-F-R St. Louis.” Al­ way 23. The taxi route was on the west
though the AIM does not suggest side of the runway. While taxiing,
advising Clearance Delivery that Ground called and instructed me to con­
you have the current ATIS, indi­ duct runup on the east side of Runway
vidual locations may request that 23, so I taxied across active end of Run­
information, as well as the gate way 23. When across, Ground called and
number when applicable. said, ‘You just crossed end of active Run­
Pushback/Taxi way 23 without a clearance to do so.’ ”
You have to push prior to taxi…right? (# 123722)
After a pilot receives an IFR clear­
ance, the next interaction with ATC is � Although the reporter certainly did
often a pushback request. What may not a have a specific clearance to
be construed as authorization by some cross the runway, the Controller
may not be by others. contributed to the incident. A less
ambiguous clearance would have
✍ “Called for pushback Gate ABC Mi­ been, “Aircraft ident, plan to con­
ami. Ground Control said ‘Advise ready duct runup on east side of Runway
for taxi, use caution, company pushing 23, hold short of Runway 23.” After
out of XYZ.’ Maintenance pushed us an aircraft gets to a runway (assum­
back with a turn and we blocked the in­ ing that it was the one intended),
ner taxiway. At that time Ground Control the pilot’s awareness is often
said we had not been cleared for push. I heightened, and the probability of
felt that since he said advise ready for a misunderstanding should be
taxi, we had been cleared for push. Sug­ reduced…right?

Issue Number 7 19
Into Position Takeoff/Initial Climb
No, your other right When do we turn?
✍ “Cleared for takeoff Runway 17 at ✍ “While in position and holding on
Colorado Springs. Took runway to use to­ Runway 22L, we received the following
tal length, required back-taxi approxi­ clearance: ‘Turn left heading 140, cleared
mately 300 feet. We were at maximum for takeoff Runway 22L, will call your turn
weight. Turning left on runway for short in the air.’ I queried the Captain about the
back-taxi, Tower said, ‘Turn right on run­ turn and he agreed that ATC would initiate
Come Out With Your way for departure.’ (In my mind, what our turn. As we passed 1,000 feet AGL, the
Hands Up! other direction would we turn [after turn­ Tower said, ‘Further left heading 110 de­
The Pilot-Controller Glos­ ing left to back-taxi]?) Light aircraft turn­ grees, tighten your turn’…He [could] have
sary defines squawk as “ac­ ing final for Runway 12. As we back-tax­ said, ‘Left heading 140, cleared for takeoff
tivate specific mode/code/ ied, Tower sent light aircraft around, and Runway 22L, will call further turn in the
function on the aircraft we began takeoff roll. Tower chastised us air.’ ” (#141940)
transponder.” Therefore, for not complying with his instructions to
“squawk your altitude” is a ‘turn right on the runway.’…If Tower had � A query directed to the Tower
controller’s instruction to wanted us to takeoff from the intersec­ could have alleviated any misun­
activate the altitude func­ tion, perhaps he should have cleared us for derstanding, which in this case re­
tion of a Mode 3/A tran­ an intersection departure or depart from the sulted in less than standard separa­
sponder. intersection…” (# 197294) tion from another departing
Squawking 7500 is the aircraft. The possibility for confu­
international code to indi­ � The reporter could have prevented sion abounds when specific nu­
cate a hijacking. The AIM any misunderstanding by inform­ merical values are assigned as head­
instructs pilots of hijacked ing the controller prior to reaching ings, airspeeds or altitudes. At
aircraft to set 7500 into the the runway that full length would times, the importance of standard
aircraft transponder, which be required for takeoff. In many phraseology can become critical, as
triggers a flashing “HIJK” in situations, pilots and controllers the following report illustrates:
the aircraft’s data block on giving each other as much advance
the Controller’s radar information as possible will reduce
230 what?
screen. The Controller will the likelihood of miscommunica­
then ask the pilot to “verify tion. In this case, the phraseology ✍ “…we finally contacted Departure
squawking 7500.” If the in question occurred at a busy time passing through approximately 6,500 feet
pilot verifies the code or for the flight crew. Unfortunately, climbing. The Controller’s response was a
makes no response at all, last-minute changes often occur at hurried, ‘Roger, maintain 2-3-0.’ The
the Controller will not ask the highest workload phases of Captain responded, ‘Roger, 2-3-0.’ At this
further questions, but will flight. In these situations, a sense point, flight level 230 was selected on the
continue to flight-follow, of urgency can often cause pilots aircraft’s MCP (Mode Control Panel)…It
respond to pilot requests, and controllers to neglect to clarify was at this point that the Controller said
and notify appropriate au­ misconceptions as they might have that we had been assigned 8,000 feet.
thorities. These procedures done if there were no apparent The Captain replied that we had been as­
are exactly the ones that time constraints. Schedule pressure signed flight level 230. The Controller’s
occurred, as this reporter plus a complex clearance can equal response was, ‘I said two-hundred thirty
can testify: instructions in non-standard knots, sir.’…Those numbers can imply
phraseology, as the next reporter heading, altitude or airspeed.” (# 127825)
…continued page 19 discovered.
� According to the AIM, when con­
trollers issue a speed restriction,
they are to use the word “speed” or
“knots” in the clearance. However,
once again, the flight crew could
have asked for clarification before
this altitude deviation took place.

20 Issue Number 7
Cruise flight is often the time when ✍ “Burbank assigned me a
flight crews can relax, since there is squawk code. Several min­
usually little cockpit activity com­ utes later the Controller
pared to other phases of flight. This asked me my altitude and I
lack of activity can inspire flight crews responded 7,500 feet. He
to let down their guard and disregard Descent told me to squawk my alti­
things they might notice if they were Roger this… tude. I replied, ‘Squawking
more focused on specific tasks. Non­ 7500’, and the Controller
standard phraseology contributed to
✍ “Center issued a clearance to descend confirmed my code…After
to 5,000 feet MSL as the flight neared the landing, Ground directed me
this incident in which a Controller
entry point [of special use airspace]. This to a specific parking area,
attempted to verify a flight’s altitude
clearance was read back and the Control­ and I was immediately sur­
after a hand-off.
ler was advised that the flight was, ‘Can­ rounded by three police cars
Roger what?
celing IFR at this time.’ The Center re­ with a number of officers
✍ “Cruise altitude was 7,000 feet as­ sponded with, ‘Roger.’ This response did pointing their weapons at
signed by New York Center. Hand-off was not seem appropriate and the Controller me…They frisked me and
about 11 miles northwest of HAR VOR. was extremely busy…As we descended handcuffed me. They really
The Captain checked in with MDT Ap­ through 3,000 feet MSL, Center advised roughed me up…I would
proach and reported level at 7,000 feet. us that we were only cleared to 5,000 feet suggest that Controllers
The Controller replied, ‘Verify level at MSL and then asked us if we had can­ never use the terminology
8,000 feet.’ The Captain replied, celed. We repeated that we had, and that ‘squawk your altitude.’ ”
‘Roger’…The Controller presumed we we had heard his acknowledgment of our (# 147865)
were at 8,000 feet at check-in and tried to cancellation…‘Roger’ is probably the most
clarify our altitude, but was misled by misused term in flying today.” This poor pilot forgot to
our Captain’s response to the inquiry (# 140258) review his AIM, which
(‘Roger’ was incomplete phraseology).” would have informed him
Roger that…
(# 229932) that:
✍ “Planned descent for normal crossing
� AIM defines the term “Roger” as, “I restriction of 11,000 feet and 250 knots at ✽ “Code 7500 will never
have received all of your last trans­ FLATO. Issued 250 knots now, during de­ be assigned by ATC with­
mission,” and states that it “should scent. 250 knots now made the crossing out prior notification
not be used to answer a question restriction almost impossible. Busy fre­ from the pilot that his
requiring a yes or no answer.” quency to get in a word that we wouldn’t aircraft is being sub­
However, the term is constantly make the altitude. Finally got in a word, jected to unlawful inter­
misused in communications, often and ATC responded, ‘Roger.’ Did ‘roger’ ference [hijacking]. The
resulting in misunderstanding, an­ mean it was OK or what?” (# 89792) pilot should refuse the
noyance, or more serious conse­ assignment of Code
quences for both pilots and con­ � When pilots realize that an ATC 7500 in any other situa­
trollers. clearance cannot be complied with, tion and inform the con­
they are required to advise ATC as troller accordingly.”
soon as possible. Timely notifica­ In fact, ATC will not assign
tion is critical to prevent problems any transponder codes
which could compromise separa­ beginning with 75, 76, or 77
tion from other traffic. Once pilots for anything other than what
have advised ATC that a restriction
SAY� cannot be made, they are often
they are meant for. Code
7512, or 7622, or 7752, for

WHAT?! very anxious for a Controller’s re­

sponse either to relieve them of re­
sponsibility or to assign a new re­
example, will not be
assigned because the first
two numbers trigger the
striction. Roger is not the only computer—the last two
response that offers little in the digits make no difference. ■
way of an answer, as the next re­
port illustrates.

Issue Number 7 21
Approach and Landing
In an effort to keep each other well-
informed, controllers and pilots might
supply information that is out of the
ordinary in order avoid potential
problems or to help clear up any ques­
tions that might arise. Sometimes,
these out-of-the-ordinary advisories
can create more confusion or conster­
nation than they were intended to al­
leviate. Consider this next report:
What are all those fire trucks doing?
Landing and Rollout
✍ “We arrived on final approach to Once a successful approach and
Runway 22L at EWR airport with less landing are accomplished, pilots tend
than 7,000 pounds of fuel. The airplane to relax a little bit. The challenge, dan­
ahead of us did not vacate the runway in ger, and possibility of error are dra­
time, so a go-around was accomplished… matically reduced, right?
The Captain asked me to declare ‘mini­
mum fuel’, which I did. New York radar
✍ “…was instructed to enter right
downwind for 25R. Landed and during
then asked us how much fuel we had re­
rollout was instructed, ‘Left next taxi­
maining. The Captain said, ‘We need to
way,’ but at this point was unable to
be on the ground in 10 minutes.’ I re­
positively identify the next opening as a
peated that to New York…New York radar
taxiway. …Immediately after receiving
said, ‘Understand you have 10 minutes
this instruction, another aircraft (which
fuel remaining.’ I said, ‘Negative.’ Appar­
was already holding in position on 25R)
ently, New York had declared an emer­
was cleared for takeoff 25R. Hearing this
gency and called out the fire trucks any­
caused me to panic. I was afraid of cross­
way.” (# 246925)
ing Runway 30 which I had been given
landing instructions to hold short of.
� After the Avianca Airlines accident …Sometimes it’s ‘left this taxiway’, some­
on Long Island, NY, ATC sensitivity
times it’s ‘left next taxiway’, which if you
about fuel exhaustion was justifi­
are very close to a taxiway (as I was),
ably heightened. (See “Great Expec­
might be construed as the taxiway after
tations” by Jeanne McElhatton, an
the one you have almost passed…”
excellent article in Issue # 3 of
(# 103105)
ASRS Directline about minimum
fuel situations.) The flight crew
� When arrivals to an airport are
might have alleviated this
tightly spaced and aircraft are in
Controller’s concerns by accurately
position for departure, communica­
conveying their situation. They
tions can get especially hectic.
could have said, for instance, “…we
Controllers often try to assist a pi­
would like to be on the ground in
lot by giving what they think are
about 10 minutes—just so we don’t
simple, direct instructions. Al­
get too far into our fuel reserves.”
though the intentions are good,
identifying the specific taxiway des­
ignation in the instruction would
help minimize misunderstanding.
Pilots can assist the controller by ad­
vising ATC as soon as possible of any
known restrictions on where they
can turn off the runway.

22 Issue Number 7
Taxi In
If you’re not sure, ask…
✍ “…on rollout at Moline, IL, Control­
ler instructions heard and read back as,
‘Clear at taxiway E, stay with Tower to
ramp.’ Upon reaching and entering Run­
way 31, we noted another aircraft in
takeoff position…Tower said, ‘[Air Car­
rier X], you were supposed to hold short.’
I responded ‘I thought we were cleared to
the ramp with you.’ He said, ‘No, you The Human Factor
were cleared to hold short on Runway
So where is the problem?
31.’ I never recall hearing or reading back
Problems with communications
such a clearance…” (# 194811)
technique are evident on both sides of
the radio link. Although controllers
� As in many cases, without review­
are mandated to adhere to standard
ing the ATC tapes, no one will ever
phraseology, there are certainly ex­
know whose account of this inci­
amples of controllers using non-stan­
dent is correct. However, unless it
dard phrases. Pilots are required by
is absolutely clear that a taxi clear­
regulation to read back certain phases
ance includes a crossing clearance,
of a clearance, but are given, and often
a confirmation of the clearance as
exercise, more latitude in phraseology
well as a visual check of the run­
than their controller counterparts. In
way must occur to prevent this
the final analysis, human factors is­
kind of incident.
sues, such as loss of situational aware­
ness, readback/hearback, anticipatory
problems, response to schedule pres­
sure, etc., affect controllers and pilots
alike. Following are some typical ex­
amples of flawed communications
technique with which most pilots can
Too Casual
In the following report, the pilot’s
phraseology is too casual for the task
at hand:
✍ “The low altitude Controller issued
the aircraft a clearance of: ‘Cross WHIGG
intersection at and maintain one-five
thousand, and two-five-zero knots.’ The
pilot responded with: ‘[Air Carrier X],
we’ll do it.’ At WHIGG the aircraft’s
Mode C altitude readout on the
Controller’s scope indicated 16,500 feet
MSL, and the ground speed readout indi­
cated that the aircraft was still well above
the 250 knot restriction. When the Con­
troller questioned the pilot,…the pilot re­
sponded with an unconcerned, ‘…yeah, I
know…’ ” (# 105229)

Issue Number 7 23
Sentence Construction
Even when the proper words are ut­
tered over the frequency, the inflec­
tion or cadence used can significantly
change the meaning.
✍ “Center cleared us to ‘Descend to
13,000 at MAJEK (pause) 250 knots at
14,000 feet’…Something didn’t sound
right, so my response on readback was, ‘I Say it Again, Sam
understand, flight cleared to descend to
It should be evident to anyone lis­
13,000, slow to 250 knots upon reaching
tening to an ATC frequency that non­
14,000 feet.’ Center response was
standard phraseology is common.
‘Roger.’…About that same time an air­
Whether it is a significant factor in
craft behind us was cleared, ‘Cross
aviation incidents is open to discus­
MAJEK at 14,000, 250 knots, then de­
sion. The reports reviewed here are but
scend to 13,000 feet.’ We were at ap­
a fraction of those in the ASRS data­
proximately 13,700 feet, 250 knots when
base. Regardless of the magnitude of
the copilot and I both decided that the
the problem, there certainly are ways
Center wanted us at 14,000 feet until
to help avoid these problems in the
MAJEK…” (# 113536)
first place, or to minimize their effect
on day-to-day operations.
Fatigue and CRM
A high-workload phase of flight, fre­ } If a clearance or instruction seems
quency congestion, heavy traffic, and the least bit out of the ordinary or
fatigue sometimes combine with less ambiguous, flight crews should not
than optimum cockpit resource man­ hesitate to clarify the clearance or
agement to push pilots and controllers instruction until no doubt remains.
to their limits. When non-standard
phraseology enters the picture, things
} Pilots and controllers should make
a conscious effort to use standard
can quickly fall apart as they did in
phraseology in all ATC communi­
this airborne conflict near Denver.
cations. In addition, inflection and
✍ “The Controller was very busy, on the the placement of pauses in a trans­
verge of overload…The Controller, with mission may be significant.
no warning or explanation called, ‘[Air
Carrier X], the traffic you’re following is
} A recurrent training session is the
perfect venue for pilots to review
turning final for Runway 26, a company
the AIM and other pertinent re­
[jet].’ We looked at our 3 o’clock position
sources discussing standard phrase­
and saw a [jet] inbound for the runway.
My F/O, without asking me, called the
traffic in sight [to ATC]…Just prior to our } Before the first trip as a flight crew,
turn to final the Controller called with a the Captain should take the initia­
frantic, ‘You followed the wrong aircraft, tive to discuss phraseology issues as
turn right heading 270 degrees and climb they pertain to inter-crew as well as
to 5,000 feet’…I feel this was caused by ATC communications. This may
improper phraseology and procedures, help to prevent misunderstandings
heavy traffic, crew fatigue, 12th leg in 27 among the crew, and to heighten
hours, and a breakdown in cockpit com­ alertness for non-standard phrase­
munications.” (# 248002) ology used by ATC. It is equally im­
portant for flight instructors to dis­
cuss these issues with their
students, since frequent intra-cock­
pit communications take place dur­
ing instructional sessions. _

24 Issue Number 7

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