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You are helping to select a leader for a student organization or a group. Do you
think a person's honesty is the most important characteristic for being a leader?

逻辑结构:TS+ 分论点 1+解释 1(对比)+分论点 2+解释 2(对比)

开头 ,the foundation of ...,
have been valued and triggered heated discussion over
, in some people’s view ,
Contrary to these people’s opinions is my perspective that..
Due to its contribution to...

主论点 1 What must be prioritized is that ...从第一个主论点延伸两个分论点

To begin with ,(分论点 1:短)
In detail , (解释:长)
On the other hand, (对比)
Moreover,(分论点 2:短)
To be more specific ,(解释:长)
In contrast, (对比)
主论点 2 What should be equally worthy discussing is that ...第二个主论点延伸两个分论点

What should/need to/could be equally/fairly/equivalently/identically worth discussing/

considering/ concentrating/focusing/

逻辑终点,插入语补充, .....回扣问题句
To conclude,
2. 古今对比题
It is easier to be well-educated today than it is in the past.

Discussions over the changes in the field 古今对比题

原因 due to / owing to / as a result of/because/since/ for the sake of
开始 To begin with/ Initially/ In the first place
解释 In detail/ To be more specific/ to explain further / more specifically
相反论点 On the other hand / In contrast/ On the contrary/ Contrarily
补充论点 Moreover/ In addition/ What is more/ Furthermore/ Besides/Additioanlly

强调词 even/
目的 in order to/ for the purpose of / aiming to/ with the object of/ so as to achieve
提出 come up with/introduce/ advance
总结 To conclude that/ It can be conclude that/ To sum up, / In conclusion,/
提示 prompt/hint
并列 and/ meanwhile / at the same time/ simultaneously/ in the meantime
转折 however/Nevertheless/ while

Ts what
分论点 1 It is 主语,宾语,状语 that
In no cases / under no conditions/ Never can we ignore the fact that
Only by/via/through 介词短语,状语 can sb. Do
the more ...... the more
Not only ..... but also....
how ... ? 反问


Rather than
Place sb as beneficiaries

Exert/ utilize
Difficult/ laborious/ burdensome/arduous/fatigue
Regardless of /disregarding

In terms of / regarding

文章 to be more specific 部分尽量增加对比

Outweigh/overtake 超过
Outlast/outlive 比。。。活得长
Account for 占。。。比例
It appears to

First of all
In the second place
Last but not the least,
Findings: It could be seen that。。。

Wealthy/ rich / prosperous

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