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ielts reading

Cam to -

Test 1

ielts -

nguyen hayen

Keywords in questions Similar words in the


① a
can be found all over the world a >s unique to this region
② of function of gathering of leisure and
range places
a .

relaxation S of word ship for villagers

. . .
related to water collection •
drinking , bathing , watering animals

s irritation

⑤ o
during a course of a year o when the water level was high ,

it was low

• the number of Steps . .

altered o
high water level → descend a few steps
low water level → several levels → have

to be negotiated .

⑥ a

provide shade for people

Sheltered visitors from the relentless heat

⑦ o
serious climatic event a
⑧ .

nowadays .


visitors .

① o
looks like .

④ a
provide a view of .

unique ljuiniikl C
adj ) :
belong to or connected with one particular person , place
or thing
EX . The koala is unique to Australia .

* resemble /rI' zembll Cv ) : to look like or be similar to another

person or
EX .
She closely resembles her sister .

* shelter lfeltacr ) Kv ) : to give sblsth a

place where they are protected from

the weather or from danger

EX .
Trees shelter the house from the wind .

* 12ns lvkl Cv ) that
overlook : a building ,
etc .
overlooks a
place , you can see

place from the building

Ex .
a restaurant overlooking the lake

drought ldravtlcn )
a long period of time when there is little or no rain .

EX . The country 's entire grain harvest has been hit by drought .

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