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Escaro, Wilson A.



               Assessment #1

Direction: Write your philosophy in life. Express your ideas as completely and clearly as you
can. Think deeply and beyond superficialities and refuse to be satisfied with the first idea that
you have.

1.What do you value most in life? Why?

Life itself. When I was younger, my goal in life is to work hard to earn and provide for the needs of
my family. I was eager to fulfill everything that I want for them to have in contrary to what life I had
when I was a kid. Trying to fix every mess they’ve made and give selflessly asking for nothing in
return. I have to admit, that this value was started on thought of “I have to prove myself to them that I
am not gay for nothing. I have to make something that will make them accept me for being who I
am”. That’s why I strive hard and prove to my father that I am different from my older siblings. Years
passed by and my family finally accepted me. I worked and study for 5 years just to provide
everything they needed. April 2019 when I suffered depression and severe hyperventilation resulted
in numbness of the left side of my body. I was on a ship, 200 miles from the nearest coast in Canada
and the rescue team arrived 13 hours after the incident. Alone and suffering from a sickness that is
new to me at that time, not knowing that it was depression. I was crying for two days because I was
battling with my decision-making if had to tell my family knowing that they will just be worried
especially my parents, my mother who will feel anxious. After all, she couldn’t do anything to ease
the pain of her children. I was praying and praying to God that stays beside me and comforts me,
asking to ease my trembled mind and calm my soul. That day I knew, that it was me and God alone.
That whatever I did for the sake of acceptance and giving my all will not suffice what myself and soul
desire. That time will come that I will be alone facing my battle and I have to accept it. I valued my
family and friends to the point that there was nothing left for me. This time, my life is the most
valuable thing I have.

2. What gives meaning to your life?

Acceptance. It is easier to cope and understand everything that is happening around you if you
accept it. My life hasn’t been more secure and fearless since the day I accept Jesus Christ. My faith
in Him taught me to be grateful and accept that everything happens for a reason. His promises are
true and consistent. The things that I feel is unexplainable and no words can define what God has
given me to accept all of these.

3. Share your thoughts on Gilbert Rye’s philosophical perspective. 

 “Self is not an entity one can locate and analyze but simply the convenient name that people
use to refer to all the behaviors that people make”

We are known for our actions towards other people and we will be remembered that way until
we die. As we grow older, we make a lot of friends and colleagues. Some are long-lasting and
some are just passersby. But, despite having a different kind of people we encounter, there is
always one aspect that people will remember about us and it is our actions towards them. In a
set of friends where different people with different characteristics and cultures, everyone has
their signs and gesture that will remember for each other. As somewhat like when you heard the
name of that person, you remember him or her by means of their actions or characteristics.
It is convenient to remember the name of a person based on their behaviors. That’s why actions
speak louder than words.

4. St. Thomas Aquinas “ His essence to the world is what makes human person a human


Your essence is what makes you human. How can a man live without a purpose? As being realistic
as I can. Some of us still don’t know what really is the essence of being a person, some us knew
already. But what exactly it is? For Aquinas, our desire for God is the link between consciousness
and matter. God is the living, intelligent medium in which bodies and souls are drawn to one another
in a coherent and orderly universe. We could say desire is the current that creates invisible
connections among beings within the being of God. Matter acquires form and flows towards God in
all the diversity of creation as different life forms emerge. This means that to be good is to flourish
and fulfil one's potential as a particular kind of being. Just as a washing machine is good when it
does what it was designed to do, so a human is good when he or she lives as humans are created to
live. This is a more inclusive concept of the good than morality alone. Morality plays a significant
part, but for Aquinas there is more to the good life than being moral.

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