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-For me, survey the scene, is like you are going to be a detective but just like a detective, you still
need to make sure if it is ok to inspect/ investigate to the scene. Because in surveying a scene, it
is not only looking to the victim but When you check the scene, look carefully for more than one
victim. You may not spot everyone at first. For example, in a car crash, an open door may be a
clue that victim has left the car or was thrown from it. If one victim is bleeding or screaming
loudly, you may overlook another victim who is unconscious. It is also easy in any emergency
situation to overlook an infant or a small child. And as a detective, you must need to be sharp-
witted, to plan your next action and save one’s life.
-No man is an Island, so, you need to activate your power but you need someone who can help
you to save a life. This is when you are going to use your voice as a responder to the family
member of the victim to come and see their loved one. And use your voice not to scream for
being scared but to scream for help and this is the time when you must be alert and don’t panic
because a true hero can add second life. Also, make sure to get a hold of the emergency services
by calling EMS as soon as possible, either by calling directly yourself or asking a bystander to do
so if you’re preoccupied handing the injury. This will ensure that a medical professional arrives
quickly to handle the situation in a more comprehensive manner and provide more specialist
-Waiting for the Activate Medical Assistance, you must have to Apply the relevant treatment but
make sure that it includes preserving your own life as you shouldn’t put yourself in danger in
order to apply first aid. It’s at this stage where you should do a quick risk assessment to check
for dangers to the injured person, yourself or bystanders which could cause the situation to
escalate. Or this is when, you are going to make sure that the victim is still breathing.
-This is when the Activate Medical Assistance/ medical personnel will do the assessment if the
victim is already stable and ready to answer their questions, by asking the victim his/her sickness
or anything they can help with. Also, this is when the first thing then needs to asses if the pulse
of the victim is stable and Vital signs. This include pulse, respirations, skin signs, pupils and blood
pressure. This may include documenting the oxygen saturation level (this is highly useful when
dealing with chemical agent exposure). Pupils, Check pupils for size, equality, and reaction to
light. But when the problem is, if the victim is not in her mental state and can’t remember
anything, this is the time as a witness, you need to be responder by answering the question of
the medical assistance/ medical personnel with the help of the information given by his/her
-After the assessment and surveys, worst or light case still need to transfer to a health facility for
further inspection. This is the time were you already need to transfer the patient/ victim into the
hospital with a special care. Also, medical record documentation is required to record pertinent
facts, findings, and observations about an individual's health history including past and present
illnesses, examinations, tests, treatments, and outcomes. of care among physicians and other
healthcare professionals involved in the patient's care and appropriate utilization review and
quality of care evaluations. As Heinrich Heine quoted that, “Life is a DISEASE, the whole world, a
HOSPITAL and death is our PHYSICIAN.”

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