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Department of Education

Region VI – Western Visayas

Schools Division of Guimaras
Supang, Buenavista, Guimaras

Date: April 14,2021

Learning Plan in Science 7
I. Objectives:
At the end of the period, the students should be able to:
a. describes and appreciate the different levels of biological organization from cell to biosphere;
b. construct a pyramid showing the different levels of biological organization from cell to biosphere.
MELC Code: S7LT-IIc-3

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Different Levels of Biological Organization from Cell to Biosphere
B. References: Science Learner’s Module, pp. 90-98
C. Materials: Students Activity Sheets, LCD Projector, Laptop, Video Clip
D. Science Process Skills: Analyzing and synthesizing curiosity
E. Value Foci: Independence, Open-mindedness, Active Listening, Cooperation
F. Subject Integration: English, AP, Math

III. Procedure:
Unlocking of Terms: The students will be able to supply the missing letters to form a word based on
the definition given.
1. A_o_s - It is the smallest unit of matter that possesses physical and chemical properties.
2. _ol_ _ul_s- It consists of two or more atoms that are chemically bonded together.
3. O_ _an_l_es- It is a highly organized assembly of several macromolecules bonded together to
perform specific function in the cell.
4. Ce_ _s- It is a collection of organelles that are functioning together. It is the basic unit of life
capable of carrying out the functions of living things.
5. T_s_u_- It is a group of distinct and similar cells that work together to perform a specific set of
6. O_g_n_-It is a group of tissues organized together to perform a certain function.
7. O_ga_ _ys_e_-It consists of several different organs that work together to perform a broad
spectrum of functions.
8. O_g_ _i_m-It is an aggregation or collection of the organ system that work together to bring
about various life activities.
9. S_E_I_S-Group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.
10. P_p_ _at_o_-A group of individuals of a given species that live in a specific geographic area at
a given time.
11. _o_m_n_ _y-This includes all the populations in a specific area at a given time.
12. E_os_s_ _m- This include more than a community of living organisms (biotic) interacting with
the environment (abiotic).

Let’s have a short game. I will divide the class into three groups. I want you to know more about
yourselves. This game is all about arranging yourselves according to what I please.

Arrange yourselves according to:

1. Height
2. Age
3. Length of your hair
4. Skin Color

For your next activity, with the same groupings. Each group is provided with the learning activity
sheets wherein you can read and study the levels of biological organization and make this as a guide in
answering the activities given.
Group 1-Levels of Organization in an Organism
Group 2-Biological Levels in an Organism
Group 3- Levels of Organization from Cell to Biosphere

*Setting of Standards for the Activity

Let each group present the task assigned to them.
*checking of an activity

Input understanding about the different levels of biological organization from cell to biosphere.
(present a video clip about different levels of biological organization from cell to biosphere)

1. What are the different levels of biological organization in an organism?
2. How does each level of organization differ from one another?
3. Can human exist if one system is absent? Why or why not?
4. If human being is prone to Covid 19 what will happen to the levels of biological organization
in an organism?

A. In a form of an essay, describe the different levels of biological organization from cell to biosphere.
B. List down ways on how to appreciate or protect the biological organization from cell to biosphere.
3. ___________________________
4. ___________________________
5. ___________________________
C. Construct a pyramid showing the different levels of biological organization from cell to biosphere.

Make a concept map showing the levels of biological organization in an organism from smallest to


Mastery Level: 7- Peridot-

Instructional Decision:

Prepared by:

Eden Mae Sabares

Teacher I

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