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Local Craft Terminal for

XDM Platforms
User Manual

Version 6.2

LCT-XDM (ANSI) User Manual
Catalog No: X36170
January 2007
1st Edition

© Copyright by ECI Telecom, 2006-2007. All rights reserved worldwide.

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About This Manual ................................................................. xvii
Overview .......................................................................................................... xvii
Intended Audience ........................................................................................... xvii
Document Objectives ....................................................................................... xvii
Document Contents..........................................................................................xviii
Technical Support ............................................................................................. xix
Your Opinion Is Very Important to Us................................................................ xxi

Introduction.............................................................................. 1-1
What is LCT-XDM? .......................................................................................... 1-1
General Concepts ............................................................................................ 1-2
Workflow........................................................................................................... 1-2

Getting Started with LCT-XDM ............................................... 2-1

Overview .......................................................................................................... 2-1
Preliminary Platform Requirements.................................................................. 2-1
LCT-XDM Installation ....................................................................................... 2-2
Launching LCT-XDM...................................................................................... 2-11
Changing NE Password ................................................................................. 2-14
Logging In....................................................................................................... 2-15

Using the Graphical User Interface........................................ 3-1

Overview .......................................................................................................... 3-1
Main Window.................................................................................................... 3-2
Accessing Commands...................................................................................... 3-9
Operating Modes.............................................................................................. 3-9
Handshake with EMS-XDM............................................................................ 3-10
Using LCT-XDM Windows.............................................................................. 3-11
Switching Windows ........................................................................................ 3-13
Closing Windows............................................................................................ 3-14
Printing LCT-XDM Data.................................................................................. 3-15
Using Online Help .......................................................................................... 3-18
Viewing Version Information........................................................................... 3-19
Locking and Unlocking LCT-XDM .................................................................. 3-20
Exiting LCT-XDM............................................................................................ 3-21

Configuring and Managing NEs ............................................. 4-1

Overview .......................................................................................................... 4-1
Creating NEs .................................................................................................... 4-2
NE Groups........................................................................................................ 4-3
Deleting NEs .................................................................................................... 4-8

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary i

Contents LCT-XDM User Manual

Connecting to NEs ........................................................................................... 4-9

Installing and Configuring NEs ....................................................................... 4-11
Synchronizing the Real Time Clock ............................................................... 4-19
Setting System Preferences........................................................................... 4-20
Finding NEs.................................................................................................... 4-24
Backing Up the Database............................................................................... 4-25
Restoring the Database.................................................................................. 4-26
Setting NE IP Routing .................................................................................... 4-29
Accessing the Shelf Window .......................................................................... 4-57
Using the Shelf Window ................................................................................. 4-58
Configuring Timing Sources ........................................................................... 4-73

Configuring Cards and Ports ................................................. 5-1

Overview .......................................................................................................... 5-2
XDM Cards and Modules ................................................................................. 5-2
Card Assignment.............................................................................................. 5-9
Associating TMUs for Reassigned HLXC/XIO Cards ..................................... 5-13
Power Dissipation Indicator............................................................................ 5-16
Viewing and Modifying Card Information........................................................ 5-17
Card Setup ..................................................................................................... 5-21
Configuring Card/Port Attributes .................................................................... 5-22
Viewing Card Panel Layouts .......................................................................... 5-29
Resetting Cards.............................................................................................. 5-30
Updating the NVM Card ................................................................................. 5-31
IO Protection .................................................................................................. 5-32
TRP Protection ............................................................................................... 5-42
RSTP Protection............................................................................................. 5-44
RED Curves ................................................................................................... 5-49
APS Linear Protection .................................................................................... 5-55
Viewing XDM Card Internals .......................................................................... 5-64
PIO/PIM/PDB Card Internals.......................................................................... 5-66
SIO/SIM Card Internals .................................................................................. 5-67
MXC/xMCP Card Internals ............................................................................. 5-67
EIS/EISM Card Internals ................................................................................ 5-68
EISMB Card Internals..................................................................................... 5-76
MCS5 Card Internals...................................................................................... 5-84
DIO Card Internals ....................................................................................... 5-101
DIOB and DIOM Card Internals.................................................................... 5-107
Power Control Configuration ........................................................................ 5-110
Combiner Card Internals .............................................................................. 5-143
OPM Card Internals...................................................................................... 5-147
Auxiliary Card Internals ................................................................................ 5-147
OHU Card Internals...................................................................................... 5-148
Viewing/Modifying Port and Equipment Object Information ......................... 5-149
Viewing Internal Object Information ............................................................. 5-152
STS-3c SPE Concatenation ......................................................................... 5-162
TRP25_25 Card Internals............................................................................. 5-169
Viewing Optical Parameters of Optical Objects............................................ 5-178

ii ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

LCT-XDM User Manual Contents

DCC Termination.......................................................................................... 5-179

GCC0 Termination ....................................................................................... 5-185
Performing Equipment Maintenance ............................................................ 5-190
Traffic Switching ........................................................................................... 5-195

Creating Flows......................................................................... 6-1

Overview .......................................................................................................... 6-1
Creating Policers .............................................................................................. 6-2
Creating Ethernet Flows................................................................................... 6-8

Setting Up XCs......................................................................... 7-1

Overview .......................................................................................................... 7-2
STS XCs........................................................................................................... 7-2
Transmission Object Used in XCs.................................................................... 7-2
Workflow........................................................................................................... 7-3
Using XC Templates ........................................................................................ 7-4
Using the XC Browser .................................................................................... 7-12
Creating XCs .................................................................................................. 7-19
Creating STS XCs .......................................................................................... 7-20
Creating Data XCs ......................................................................................... 7-26
Creating DCC XCs ......................................................................................... 7-29
Creating External DCC XCs ........................................................................... 7-31
Creating GCC0 XCs ....................................................................................... 7-33
Creating Concatenated XCs........................................................................... 7-34
Designating XCS Direction and Protection States ......................................... 7-36
Removing Transmission Objects from XCS Endpoints .................................. 7-38
Configuring XCs ............................................................................................. 7-39
Activating XCSs.............................................................................................. 7-42
Using the XC List............................................................................................ 7-43
Viewing Internal Object Alarm LEDs .............................................................. 7-48
Deleting XCSs ................................................................................................ 7-49

Fault Management ................................................................... 8-1

Overview .......................................................................................................... 8-1
Viewing Current Alarms.................................................................................... 8-2
Setting Alarm Severity...................................................................................... 8-8
Setting External Alarms.................................................................................. 8-17
Setting the Buzzer Severity ............................................................................ 8-22
Muting the Buzzer .......................................................................................... 8-23

Performance Monitoring ......................................................... 9-1

Overview .......................................................................................................... 9-1
Viewing Current Performance .......................................................................... 9-2
Resetting PM Counters .................................................................................... 9-3
Viewing and Modifying PM Threshold Profiles ................................................. 9-4

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary iii

Contents LCT-XDM User Manual

SLIP Installation...................................................................... A-1

Overview ..........................................................................................................A-1
SLIP Installation for Windows 2000..................................................................A-3
SLIP Installation for Windows XP ...................................................................A-15
Checking the SLIP Connection ......................................................................A-27

Summary of Menu Commands .............................................. B-1

Overview ..........................................................................................................B-1
Actions Menu....................................................................................................B-2
Card Menu........................................................................................................B-3
Configuration Menu ..........................................................................................B-3
Connections Menu ...........................................................................................B-6
Element Menu ..................................................................................................B-7
Help Menu ........................................................................................................B-7
Maintenance Menu...........................................................................................B-8
System Menu ...................................................................................................B-9
Search Menu ....................................................................................................B-9
View Menu......................................................................................................B-10
Window Menu.................................................................................................B-11
XC Menu ........................................................................................................B-12
Additional Menu Commands ..........................................................................B-13

Index .......................................................................................... I-1

iv ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

List of Figures
Figure 2-1: LCT-XDM Welcome window........................................................................ 2-3
Figure 2-2: Choose Setup Language window................................................................ 2-4
Figure 2-3: InstallShield Wizard Welcome window ........................................................ 2-4
Figure 2-4: Choose Destination Location window.......................................................... 2-5
Figure 2-5: InstallShield Wizard Complete window........................................................ 2-5
Figure 2-6: Utilities menu options .................................................................................. 2-6
Figure 2-7: Device Driver Installation Utility window ...................................................... 2-7
Figure 2-8: J2RE InstallShield Wizard ........................................................................... 2-8
Figure 2-9: J2RE License Agreement window............................................................... 2-8
Figure 2-10: Exiting the LCT-XDM installation process ............................................... 2-10
Figure 2-11: Start LCT-XDM utilities option ................................................................. 2-11
Figure 2-12: LCT-XDM Login window.......................................................................... 2-12
Figure 2-13: Enter Network Password window ............................................................ 2-12
Figure 2-14: Warning Security window ........................................................................ 2-13
Figure 2-15: Change NE Password window ................................................................ 2-14
Figure 2-16: Change NE Password - confirmation window ......................................... 2-14
Figure 2-17: Entering a new NE password .................................................................. 2-15
Figure 3-1: LCT-XDM main window............................................................................... 3-2
Figure 3-2: LCT-XDM main menu bar............................................................................ 3-3
Figure 3-3: LCT-XDM main toolbar................................................................................ 3-6
Figure 3-4: Symbols in the LCT-XDM main window ...................................................... 3-8
Figure 3-5: Typical LCT-XDM dialog window............................................................... 3-11
Figure 3-6: External Alarms window - Input tab ........................................................... 3-12
Figure 3-7: XC Browser with collapsed Shelf View and Resources area .................... 3-13
Figure 3-8: Switch Window window ............................................................................. 3-13
Figure 3-9: Close Window............................................................................................ 3-14
Figure 3-10: Print window - General tab ...................................................................... 3-15
Figure 3-11: Print Preview window .............................................................................. 3-16
Figure 3-12: Print To File window ................................................................................ 3-17
Figure 3-13: LCT-XDM online help file......................................................................... 3-18
Figure 3-14: About LCT-XDM window ......................................................................... 3-19
Figure 3-15: Unlock LCT-XDM window........................................................................ 3-20
Figure 3-16: Exit confirmation window ......................................................................... 3-21
Figure 4-1: Create NE window ....................................................................................... 4-2
Figure 4-2: Create Group window.................................................................................. 4-3
Figure 4-3: Move to Group window................................................................................ 4-4
Figure 4-4: Sample NE in new group............................................................................. 4-4
Figure 4-5: Rename Group window ............................................................................... 4-5

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List of Figures LCT-XDM User Manual

Figure 4-6: Move to Group window displaying the None option .................................... 4-6
Figure 4-7: NE unassigned from group, at root level in Topology tree .......................... 4-6
Figure 4-8: Delete Group window .................................................................................. 4-7
Figure 4-9: Confirmation window for NE deletion .......................................................... 4-8
Figure 4-10: NE Password window.............................................................................. 4-10
Figure 4-11: Install window .......................................................................................... 4-11
Figure 4-12: Install window -displaying Shelf view....................................................... 4-14
Figure 4-13: NE Info window - Configuration tab ......................................................... 4-16
Figure 4-14: NE Info window - Inventory tab................................................................ 4-17
Figure 4-15: NE Info window - Status tab .................................................................... 4-18
Figure 4-16: Inventory window ..................................................................................... 4-19
Figure 4-17: Preferences window - Appearance options............................................. 4-20
Figure 4-18: Preferences window - IP Networking options.......................................... 4-20
Figure 4-19: Preferences window - Performance options............................................ 4-21
Figure 4-20: Preferences window - Printer Parameters............................................... 4-22
Figure 4-21: Font Chooser window.............................................................................. 4-23
Figure 4-22: Find window............................................................................................. 4-24
Figure 4-23: Backup DB window.................................................................................. 4-25
Figure 4-24: Restore DB window ................................................................................. 4-26
Figure 4-25: Restore DB window - Activation area ...................................................... 4-27
Figure 4-26: Restore DB window - legend ................................................................... 4-28
Figure 4-27: Routing window - Static Routes tab......................................................... 4-34
Figure 4-28: Add Route window................................................................................... 4-35
Figure 4-29: Edit Route window ................................................................................... 4-37
Figure 4-30: Select Column window ............................................................................ 4-38
Figure 4-31: Routing window - Actual Routes tab........................................................ 4-39
Figure 4-32: IP Networking window - Overall OSPF tab.............................................. 4-41
Figure 4-33: Add Range window.................................................................................. 4-43
Figure 4-34: OSPF Area Range Table with new entry ................................................ 4-43
Figure 4-35: Add Area window..................................................................................... 4-44
Figure 4-36: IP Networking window - DCC Terminations tab (for xMCPB) ................. 4-46
Figure 4-37: COM DCC Channels Legend window ..................................................... 4-47
Figure 4-38: IP Networking window - Network Interfaces tab...................................... 4-50
Figure 4-39: Add Network Interface window ................................................................ 4-51
Figure 4-40: Edit Network Interface window ................................................................ 4-54
Figure 4-41: IP Networking window - OSPF Interfaces tab ......................................... 4-55
Figure 4-42: XDM-100 Shelf window ........................................................................... 4-57
Figure 4-43: Typical XDM-40 Shelf window................................................................. 4-60
Figure 4-44: Typical XDM-100 Shelf window............................................................... 4-62
Figure 4-45: Typical XDM-200 Shelf window............................................................... 4-62
Figure 4-47: Typical XDM-500 Shelf window............................................................... 4-63
Figure 4-48: Typical XDM-1000 Shelf window............................................................. 4-64

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LCT-XDM User Manual List of Figures

Figure 4-49: Typical XDM-2000 Shelf window............................................................. 4-65

Figure 4-50: Shelf window menu bar ........................................................................... 4-67
Figure 4-51: Shelf window toolbar ............................................................................... 4-67
Figure 4-52: Shelf window graphic indications............................................................. 4-69
Figure 4-53: Filter options ............................................................................................ 4-71
Figure 4-54: Shelf window - showing DCC groups ...................................................... 4-72
Figure 4-55: Timing Configuration window - General tab ............................................ 4-75
Figure 4-56: Timing Configuration window - Sources Configuration tab ..................... 4-78
Figure 4-57: Browse for Object window ....................................................................... 4-79
Figure 4-58: User Quality - Confirm window ................................................................ 4-79
Figure 4-59: Quality field enabled for editing ............................................................... 4-80
Figure 5-1: Assign Equipment window......................................................................... 5-10
Figure 5-2: Reassign Equipment window .................................................................... 5-12
Figure 5-3: Shelf window displaying HLXC card with an active TMU .......................... 5-13
Figure 5-4: HLXC Internals window ............................................................................. 5-14
Figure 5-5: Status bar displaying dissassociated TMU symbol ................................... 5-15
Figure 5-6: Power dissipation indicator........................................................................ 5-16
Figure 5-7: Card Info window - Configuration tab ........................................................ 5-17
Figure 5-8: Card Info window - Inventory tab............................................................... 5-18
Figure 5-9: Card Info window - Status tab ................................................................... 5-19
Figure 5-10: Info window - STS-3c-SPE Snk object .................................................... 5-20
Figure 5-11: Card Setup window.................................................................................. 5-21
Figure 5-12: Assigned (Expected) Application Code window ...................................... 5-23
Figure 5-13: Info window - OPS-Src object.................................................................. 5-24
Figure 5-14: Port Enable window ................................................................................. 5-25
Figure 5-15: Assigned Channel (THz) (Expected) window.......................................... 5-26
Figure 5-16: Assigned Channel (THz) (Expected) wavelength settings ...................... 5-27
Figure 5-17: Panel Layout window............................................................................... 5-29
Figure 5-18: Internals window showing the NVM icon ................................................. 5-31
Figure 5-19: Typical XDM cards selected for protection group.................................... 5-34
Figure 5-20: Protection status in Info window .............................................................. 5-39
Figure 5-21: XDM-100 connections ............................................................................. 5-40
Figure 5-22: TPM connections ..................................................................................... 5-40
Figure 5-23: Sample 1:3 protection scheme ................................................................ 5-41
Figure 5-24: RSTP Configuration window.................................................................... 5-44
Figure 5-25: RSTP Bridge Info window - Configuration tab......................................... 5-46
Figure 5-26: RSTP Bridge Info window - Status tab .................................................... 5-48
Figure 5-27: RED Configuration window...................................................................... 5-51
Figure 5-28: Select Mode - CoS options...................................................................... 5-52
Figure 5-29: All Ports Report window .......................................................................... 5-53
Figure 5-30: Legend window - RED Configuration ...................................................... 5-54
Figure 5-31: Protection schematic ............................................................................... 5-55

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List of Figures LCT-XDM User Manual

Figure 5-32: APS Linear Browser ................................................................................ 5-56

Figure 5-33: APS Propagation window ........................................................................ 5-59
Figure 5-34: Alarm LEDs on objects in Resources area.............................................. 5-61
Figure 5-35: APS Linear Info window .......................................................................... 5-62
Figure 5-36: Typical SIO Internals window .................................................................. 5-65
Figure 5-37: PIO Internals window............................................................................... 5-66
Figure 5-38: Typical SIO Internals window .................................................................. 5-67
Figure 5-39: Typical XDM-100 MXC Internals window ................................................ 5-67
Figure 5-40: EIS/EISM Internals window ..................................................................... 5-68
Figure 5-41: Info window for VCG Src/Snk objects...................................................... 5-69
Figure 5-42: Info window for VCG Src/Snk objects...................................................... 5-70
Figure 5-43: Sample enabled port ............................................................................... 5-72
Figure 5-44: Sample disabled port............................................................................... 5-73
Figure 5-45: GEoS Snk object Info window showing LCAS Enabled .......................... 5-74
Figure 5-46: Sample internal object Info window ......................................................... 5-75
Figure 5-47: RSTP Port Info window ........................................................................... 5-76
Figure 5-48: EISMB Internals window.......................................................................... 5-77
Figure 5-49: EISMB Internals window-showing Policers area ..................................... 5-78
Figure 5-50: Legend window - ETY ports .................................................................... 5-79
Figure 5-51: Legend window - EoS ports..................................................................... 5-79
Figure 5-52: FDB window............................................................................................. 5-81
Figure 5-53: Find window............................................................................................. 5-82
Figure 5-54: MCS5 Internals window........................................................................... 5-86
Figure 5-55: Legend window - Port List ....................................................................... 5-87
Figure 5-56: Filter options ............................................................................................ 5-88
Figure 5-57: Port List display per specified filter criteria .............................................. 5-89
Figure 5-58: Create VSI window .................................................................................. 5-90
Figure 5-59: Create VSI window - with Policers and CoS Mapping............................. 5-92
Figure 5-60: VSI List window ....................................................................................... 5-94
Figure 5-61: VSI View area showing a selected VSI ................................................... 5-95
Figure 5-62: Edit VSI window....................................................................................... 5-96
Figure 5-63: DIO1_61 Internals window .................................................................... 5-101
Figure 5-64: Add STS-3c-SPE to rate on GEoS window........................................... 5-103
Figure 5-65: DIOBH Internals window ....................................................................... 5-107
Figure 5-66: DIOM Internals window ......................................................................... 5-108
Figure 5-67: Tooltip and color coding displaying enabled ETY port .......................... 5-109
Figure 5-68: Tooltip and color coding displaying disabled EoS port.......................... 5-109
Figure 5-69: OADM Internals window ........................................................................ 5-112
Figure 5-70: Channel XC window .............................................................................. 5-113
Figure 5-71: DW16VMDRE Internals window............................................................ 5-115
Figure 5-72: Attenuation window................................................................................ 5-122
Figure 5-73: MO_ROADM Internals window.............................................................. 5-125

viii ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

LCT-XDM User Manual List of Figures

Figure 5-74: Channel XC window - MO_ROADM...................................................... 5-126

Figure 5-75: Channel XC window - displaying selected port ..................................... 5-127
Figure 5-76: Connecting ports to XC channels .......................................................... 5-127
Figure 5-77: Traffic blocked on all XC channels ........................................................ 5-128
Figure 5-78: Traffic allowed to pass through all XC channels ................................... 5-128
Figure 5-79: Attenuation window - MO_ROADM ....................................................... 5-129
Figure 5-80: Typical OFA_2 card Internals window ................................................... 5-132
Figure 5-81: Typical OFA_M card Internals window .................................................. 5-132
Figure 5-82: Gain window for OFA Power Control object (Calculated
configuration).............................................................................................................. 5-133
Figure 5-83: Gain window for OFA Power Control object (Manual configuration)..... 5-134
Figure 5-84: OFA_R_FWD Internals window............................................................. 5-135
Figure 5-85: OFA_R_BWD Internals window ............................................................ 5-135
Figure 5-86: OM_OFA_R_FWD Info window - Configuration tab.............................. 5-137
Figure 5-87: OM_OFA_R_BWD Info window - Configuration tab.............................. 5-138
Figure 5-88: OM_OFA_R FWD/BWD Info window - Inventory tab ............................ 5-140
Figure 5-89: OM_OFA_R FWD/BWD Info window - Status tab................................. 5-140
Figure 5-90: OFA_PHBC Internals window ............................................................... 5-141
Figure 5-91: OFA_HBC Internals window.................................................................. 5-142
Figure 5-92: CMBR Internals window - Aggregation tab ........................................... 5-143
Figure 5-93: CMBR Internals window - Client tab...................................................... 5-143
Figure 5-94: CMBR10_T Internals window - Aggregation tab ................................... 5-145
Figure 5-95: CMBR10_T Internals window - Client tab ............................................. 5-146
Figure 5-96: OPM Internals window........................................................................... 5-147
Figure 5-97: Auxiliary Internals window ..................................................................... 5-147
Figure 5-98: OHU Internals window........................................................................... 5-148
Figure 5-99: Info window for OW Control object ........................................................ 5-149
Figure 5-100: Internal object configuration ................................................................ 5-150
Figure 5-101: Internal object status ........................................................................... 5-151
Figure 5-102: OCH Src Info window .......................................................................... 5-151
Figure 5-103: Sample internal object Info window ..................................................... 5-152
Figure 5-104: Typical bidirectional virtual Consecutive concatenation group............ 5-165
Figure 5-105: Info window showing concatenation parameters................................. 5-166
Figure 5-106: Equipment and Ports Legend - concatenation symbols ...................... 5-167
Figure 5-107: Concatenation toolbar ......................................................................... 5-168
Figure 5-108: TRP25_25 Internals window................................................................ 5-169
Figure 5-109: OMT25 Info window............................................................................. 5-170
Figure 5-110: OPS Src Info window........................................................................... 5-171
Figure 5-111: Info window - OCH Snk object............................................................. 5-172
Figure 5-112: TRP10_LAN Internals window............................................................. 5-174
Figure 5-113: ODU2 Info window - Configuration tab ................................................ 5-175
Figure 5-114: ODU2 Info window - Status tab ........................................................... 5-175

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary ix

List of Figures LCT-XDM User Manual

Figure 5-115: PCS Snk Info window - Configuration tab ........................................... 5-176
Figure 5-116: PCS Snk Info window - Status tab....................................................... 5-177
Figure 5-117: Sample Optical Parameters window.................................................... 5-178
Figure 5-118: DCC Termination window.................................................................... 5-179
Figure 5-119: DCC Termination window displaying COM DCC Channels area........ 5-180
Figure 5-120: COM DCC channel tootip displaying connection details ..................... 5-181
Figure 5-121: IP Networking DCC Table window - DCC Terminations tab ............... 5-182
Figure 5-122: Legend window - IO Ports ................................................................... 5-183
Figure 5-123: Legend window - COM DCC Channels ............................................... 5-183
Figure 5-124: DCC Channels window - xMCPB ........................................................ 5-184
Figure 5-125: GCC0 Termination window.................................................................. 5-185
Figure 5-126: GCC0 Termination window displaying COM DCC Channels area...... 5-186
Figure 5-127: COM DCC channel tootip displaying connection details ..................... 5-187
Figure 5-128: IP Networking DCC Table window - DCC Terminations tab ............... 5-188
Figure 5-129: Legend window - GCC0 Ports ............................................................. 5-189
Figure 5-130: Legend window - COM DCC Channels ............................................... 5-189
Figure 5-131: Tooltip displaying card maintenance operations ................................. 5-191
Figure 5-132: Maintenance Info window .................................................................... 5-192
Figure 5-133: Full XC in the Shelf window................................................................. 5-194
Figure 6-1: Create Policer window................................................................................. 6-3
Figure 6-2: EISMB Internals window - displaying policers............................................. 6-4
Figure 6-3: Policer List window ...................................................................................... 6-5
Figure 6-4: Policer Info window...................................................................................... 6-6
Figure 6-5: Create Flow window - EIS/EISM ................................................................. 6-9
Figure 6-6: Create Flow window - EISMB.................................................................... 6-10
Figure 6-7: EoS and ETY ports and CD-VIDs in the Constructor area........................ 6-12
Figure 6-8: Policers assigned in the Constructor area................................................. 6-13
Figure 6-9: Flow List window........................................................................................ 6-15
Figure 6-10: Flow View area showing a selected flow................................................. 6-16
Figure 6-11: Edit Flow window ..................................................................................... 6-17
Figure 7-1: XC Wizard - Basic tab.................................................................................. 7-4
Figure 7-2: XC Wizard - Basic tab.................................................................................. 7-5
Figure 7-3: XC Wizard - Unidirectional XC .................................................................... 7-6
Figure 7-4: XC Wizard - Bidirectional XC....................................................................... 7-7
Figure 7-5: XC Wizard - Protected tab - Add sample..................................................... 7-8
Figure 7-6: XC Wizard - Protect tab - Drop sample ....................................................... 7-9
Figure 7-7: XC Wizard - Protected tab - Add & Drop sample ...................................... 7-10
Figure 7-8: XC Wizard - Advanced tab - Free Style template...................................... 7-11
Figure 7-9: XC Browser................................................................................................ 7-13
Figure 7-10: XC Browser menu bar ............................................................................. 7-14
Figure 7-11: XC Browser toolbar.................................................................................. 7-14
Figure 7-12: XC Browser Shelf View window .............................................................. 7-15

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LCT-XDM User Manual List of Figures

Figure 7-13: XC Browser Card Internals Area ............................................................. 7-16

Figure 7-14: Legend window for XC Browser Card Internals area .............................. 7-17
Figure 7-15: Constructor area in XC Browser.............................................................. 7-18
Figure 7-16: Constructor area showing a Protected Add & Drop XCS ........................ 7-20
Figure 7-17: XC Browser showing a selected card and object .................................... 7-21
Figure 7-18: Constructor area showing an XCS with assigned TPs............................ 7-22
Figure 7-19: XC Browser showing an activated XCS .................................................. 7-23
Figure 7-20: XCS as Free Style with modified path criteria ......................................... 7-23
Figure 7-21: An empty Constructor area...................................................................... 7-24
Figure 7-22: Free Style XCS with assigned TPs.......................................................... 7-25
Figure 7-23: Activated Free Style XCS ........................................................................ 7-26
Figure 7-24: Adding STSs to the XCS ......................................................................... 7-28
Figure 7-25: Data XC for DIOBH card ......................................................................... 7-29
Figure 7-26: DCC XCS................................................................................................. 7-30
Figure 7-27: External DCC XCS .................................................................................. 7-32
Figure 7-28: GCC0 XCS .............................................................................................. 7-33
Figure 7-29: Typical Concatenated XCS ..................................................................... 7-35
Figure 7-30: Tooltip displaying a Unidirectional (Main) XCS connection..................... 7-36
Figure 7-31: Tooltip displaying a Bidirectional (Main) XCS connection ....................... 7-37
Figure 7-32: Changing protection and direction settings of XCS connections ............ 7-37
Figure 7-33: Removing a transmission object from an XCS endpoint ......................... 7-38
Figure 7-34: Configure XC Set window - Alarms & PM tab ......................................... 7-39
Figure 7-35: Configure XC Set window - TTI and TSL tab .......................................... 7-40
Figure 7-36: Status bar showing successful XCS activation ....................................... 7-42
Figure 7-37: XC List window ........................................................................................ 7-43
Figure 7-38: XC Set view area in XC List window ....................................................... 7-44
Figure 7-39: XC List menu bar ..................................................................................... 7-45
Figure 7-40: XC List toolbar ......................................................................................... 7-45
Figure 7-41: XC List table ............................................................................................ 7-46
Figure 7-42: Select Column window ............................................................................ 7-47
Figure 7-43: Alarm LEDs in the XC Browser Card Internals area ............................... 7-48
Figure 7-44: XC Browser Card Internals area without alarm LEDs ............................. 7-49
Figure 8-1: Current Alarms window - for all connected NEs.......................................... 8-3
Figure 8-2: Current Alarms window for a selected XDM NE.......................................... 8-4
Figure 8-3: Current Alarms window for a selected card................................................. 8-5
Figure 8-4: Alarm LED tooltip on MECP card ................................................................ 8-6
Figure 8-5: Card Info window- acknowledged/unacknowledged alarm states............... 8-7
Figure 8-6: Alarm Severity window ................................................................................ 8-9
Figure 8-7: External Alarms window - Input tab ........................................................... 8-18
Figure 8-8: External Alarms window - Output tab ........................................................ 8-20
Figure 8-9: Browse for Object window ......................................................................... 8-21
Figure 9-1: PM Current window ..................................................................................... 9-2

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List of Figures LCT-XDM User Manual

Figure 9-2: Thresholds window ...................................................................................... 9-4

Figure A-1: Utilities menu options - SLIP Windows 2000/XP ........................................A-2
Figure A-2: InstallShield Wizard for SLIP direct connection setup ................................A-2
Figure A-3: Network and Dial-up Connections window .................................................A-3
Figure A-4: Network Connection Wizard Welcome window ..........................................A-4
Figure A-5: Network Connection Wizard Network Connection Type window................A-4
Figure A-6: Network Connection Wizard Host or Guest window ...................................A-5
Figure A-7: Network Connection Wizard Select a Device window ................................A-5
Figure A-8: Network Connection Wizard Connection Availability window .....................A-6
Figure A-9: Completing the Network Connection Wizard window .................................A-7
Figure A-10: Network and Dial-up Connections window showing new connection .......A-8
Figure A-11: Connect XDM_SLIP window .....................................................................A-8
Figure A-12: Connection Properties window, General tab.............................................A-9
Figure A-13: Modem Configuration window.................................................................A-10
Figure A-14: XDM_SLIP Properties window ................................................................A-10
Figure A-15: XDM_SLIP Properties window, Options tab ...........................................A-11
Figure A-16: XDM_SLIP Properties window, Networking tab......................................A-12
Figure A-17: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window ........................................A-13
Figure A-18: Advanced TCP/IP Settings window.........................................................A-14
Figure A-19: New Connection Wizard Welcome window ............................................A-15
Figure A-20: New Connection Wizard Network Connection Type window..................A-16
Figure A-21: New Connection Wizard Advanced Connection Options window...........A-16
Figure A-22: New Connection Wizard Host or Guest window .....................................A-17
Figure A-23: New Connection Wizard Connection Name window...............................A-17
Figure A-24: New Connection Wizard Select a Device window ..................................A-18
Figure A-25: Completing the New Connection Wizard window ...................................A-19
Figure A-26: Connect XDM_SLIP window ...................................................................A-20
Figure A-27: Properties window General tab ...............................................................A-21
Figure A-28: Modem Configuration window.................................................................A-22
Figure A-29: XDM_SLIP Properties window ................................................................A-22
Figure A-30: XDM_SLIP Properties window, Options tab ...........................................A-23
Figure A-31: XDM_SLIP Properties window, Networking tab......................................A-24
Figure A-32: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window ........................................A-25
Figure A-33: Advanced TCP/IP Settings window.........................................................A-26
Figure A-34: Properties window Advanced tab............................................................A-27

xii ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

List of Tables
Table 3-1: LCT-XDM main window components ........................................................... 3-2
Table 3-2: LCT-XDM main menu bar............................................................................. 3-4
Table 3-3: LCT-XDM main window toolbar icons........................................................... 3-6
Table 3-4: LCT-XDM main window - Topology list fields and symbols.......................... 3-8
Table 3-5: Handshake request messages ................................................................... 3-10
Table 3-6: Common command buttons in LCT-XDM windows.................................... 3-12
Table 4-1: Install window fields .................................................................................... 4-12
Table 4-2: IP address classes...................................................................................... 4-30
Table 4-3: Subnet mask for example 1 ........................................................................ 4-31
Table 4-4: Subnet mask for example 2 ........................................................................ 4-32
Table 4-5: Routing window fields - Static Routes tab .................................................. 4-34
Table 4-6: Routing window fields - Actual Routes tab ................................................. 4-39
Table 4-7: IP Networking window - Overall OSPF tab ................................................. 4-42
Table 4-8: IP Networking window fields - DCC Terminations tab ................................ 4-48
Table 4-9: IP Networking window fields- Network Interfaces tab................................. 4-50
Table 4-10: Add Network Interface window fields........................................................ 4-52
Table 4-11: Slot name color coding ............................................................................. 4-66
Table 4-12: Shelf window toolbar icons ....................................................................... 4-67
Table 4-13: Alarm state color codes ............................................................................ 4-72
Table 4-14: Timing Configuration window - General tab ............................................. 4-76
Table 4-15: Timing Configuration window fields - Sources Configuration tab ............. 4-80
Table 5-1: XDM-40, XDM-500, XDM-1000, XDM-2000 cards and modules ................. 5-2
Table 5-2: XDM-100 cards and modules ....................................................................... 5-6
Table 5-3: Typical Attribute window fields.................................................................... 5-23
Table 5-4: XDM-100 IO protection schemes................................................................ 5-41
Table 5-5: XDM-100 1:1 IO protection ......................................................................... 5-41
Table 5-6: XDM-100 1:3 IO protection ......................................................................... 5-42
Table 5-7: RSTP Configuration window fields ............................................................. 5-45
Table 5-8: RSTP Bridge Info window - Configuration tab fields................................... 5-47
Table 5-9: RSTP Bridge Info window - Status tab fields.............................................. 5-48
Table 5-10: Default RED settings - EoS ports ............................................................. 5-49
Table 5-11: Default RED settings - ETY ports ............................................................. 5-49
Table 5-12: RED Configuration window fields ............................................................. 5-52
Table 5-13: APS Linear window fields ......................................................................... 5-62
Table 5-14: Object color coding in the Internals window ............................................. 5-65
Table 5-15: Alarm color coding in the Internals window .............................................. 5-66
Table 5-16: FDB Table window fields .......................................................................... 5-82
Table 5-17: VSI List table fields ................................................................................... 5-95

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List of Tables LCT-XDM User Manual

Table 5-18: Attributes for power control objects ........................................................ 5-116

Table 5-19: Gain window attributes ........................................................................... 5-117
Table 5-20: Alarms on the Power Control Object ...................................................... 5-123
Table 5-21: Attenuation.............................................................................................. 5-124
Table 5-22: Tracking alarms ...................................................................................... 5-124
Table 5-23: OFA_M and OFA-2 scenarios with tracking off ...................................... 5-130
Table 5-24: OFA_M and OFA_2 scenarios with tracking on ..................................... 5-131
Table 5-25: OFA_M and OFA-2 alarms ..................................................................... 5-131
Table 5-26: OM_OFA_R FWD/BWD configuration parameters ................................ 5-139
Table 5-27: Info window - Configuration tab attributes .............................................. 5-153
Table 5-28: Info window - Status tab attributes.......................................................... 5-153
Table 5-29: Attributes for PHY source objects........................................................... 5-154
Table 5-30: Attributes for STS-3c source objects ...................................................... 5-154
Table 5-31: Attributes for STS-3c sink objects........................................................... 5-154
Table 5-32: Attributes for DIO STS-3c sink objects ................................................... 5-155
Table 5-33: Attributes for DIO STS-3c source objects............................................... 5-155
Table 5-34: Attributes for STS-1-SPEsource objects ................................................ 5-155
Table 5-35: Attributes for STS-1-SPEsink objects ..................................................... 5-155
Table 5-36: Attributes for 45M source objects ........................................................... 5-156
Table 5-37: Attributes for 45M sink objects................................................................ 5-156
Table 5-38: Attributes for Line source objects ........................................................... 5-157
Table 5-39: Attributes for Line source objects ........................................................... 5-157
Table 5-40: Attributes for Section source objects ...................................................... 5-157
Table 5-41: Attributes for Section sink objects........................................................... 5-157
Table 5-42: Attributes for OPI source objects ............................................................ 5-158
Table 5-43: Attributes for OCH source objects .......................................................... 5-158
Table 5-44: Attributes for OCH sink objects............................................................... 5-158
Table 5-45: Attributes for OPS source objects........................................................... 5-159
Table 5-46: Attributes for OPS sink objects ............................................................... 5-159
Table 5-47: Attributes for OMS source and sink objects ........................................... 5-159
Table 5-48: Attributes for OPS_M objects ................................................................. 5-160
Table 5-49: Attributes for Ethernet EoS source objects............................................. 5-160
Table 5-50: Attributes for Ethernet EoS sink objects ................................................. 5-161
Table 5-51: Attributes for Ethernet ETY sink objects ................................................. 5-161
Table 5-52: Concatenation toolbar icons ................................................................... 5-168
Table 5-53: PCS Info window - Configuration tab...................................................... 5-176
Table 5-54: PCS Info window - Status tab ................................................................. 5-177
Table 5-55: Optical Parameters window fields........................................................... 5-179
Table 6-1: Policer List table fields .................................................................................. 6-5
Table 6-2: Flow List table fields.................................................................................... 6-15
Table 7-1: Transmission objects functionality ................................................................ 7-2
Table 7-2: XC Browser toolbar icons ........................................................................... 7-14

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LCT-XDM User Manual List of Tables

Table 7-3: Termination Point Add/Drop symbols ......................................................... 7-19

Table 7-4: XCS protection paths .................................................................................. 7-19
Table 7-5: Configure XC Set window fields ................................................................. 7-41
Table 7-6: XC List toolbar icons ................................................................................... 7-45
Table 7-7: XC List table................................................................................................ 7-46
Table 8-1: Colored alarm severity indicators ................................................................. 8-5
Table 8-2: Current Alarms window columns .................................................................. 8-6
Table 8-3: Default alarm severities - equipment .......................................................... 8-13
Table 8-4: Default alarm severities - WDM equipment ................................................ 8-13
Table 8-5: Default alarm severities - OM equipment ................................................... 8-13
Table 8-6: Default alarm severities - OT equipment (transceiver) ............................... 8-13
Table 8-7: Default alarm severities - 45M sink............................................................. 8-13
Table 8-8: Default alarm severities - STS sink............................................................. 8-14
Table 8-9: Default alarm severities - PHY sink ............................................................ 8-14
Table 8-10: Default alarm severities - Section sink...................................................... 8-14
Table 8-11: Default alarm severities - Line sink........................................................... 8-15
Table 8-12: Default alarm severities - OPI sink ........................................................... 8-15
Table 8-13: Default alarm severities - STS-3c sink...................................................... 8-15
Table 8-14: Default alarm severities - TMU ................................................................. 8-16
Table 8-15: Default alarm severities - TG .................................................................... 8-16
Table 8-16: Default alarm severities - GEoS ............................................................... 8-16

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List of Tables LCT-XDM User Manual

xvi ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

About This Manual

In this chapter:
Overview ........................................................................................................ xvii
Intended Audience.......................................................................................... xvii
Document Objectives ..................................................................................... xvii
Document Contents ....................................................................................... xviii
Technical Support............................................................................................ xix
Your Opinion Is Very Important to Us............................................................ xxi

This manual describes the functionality of the LCT-XDM® software
application, a local network element management interface for installing,
commissioning, and maintaining XDM network elements (NEs).

Intended Audience
This guide is for users who have rights to use the LCT-XDM application to
remotely manage XDM NEs.

Document Objectives
This guide provides basic operating instructions for ECI Telecom LCT-XDM

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary xvii

About This Manual LCT-XDM User Manual

Document Contents
This manual contains the following chapters:
| Chapter 1: Introduction (on page 1-1) describes how to use LCT-XDM, a
local network element management interface, for installing,
commissioning, and maintaining XDM NEs
| Chapter 2: Getting Started with LCT-XDM (on page 2-1) explains the first
steps for getting LCT-XDM up and running
| Chapter 3: Using the Graphical User Interface (on page 3-1) describes the
LCT-XDM graphical user interface
| Chapter 4: Configuring and Managing NEs (on page 4-1) describes how to
use LCT-XDM to configure XDM NEs
| Chapter 5: Configuring Cards and Ports (on page 5-1) describes how to use
LCT-XDM to configure XDM cards and ports
| Chapter 6: Creating Flows (on page 6-1) describes how to use LCT-XDM
to create a Layer 2 Ethernet service over an XDM network
| Chapter 7: Setting Up XCs (on page 7-1) describes how to use LCT-XDM
to create cross connections (XCs) to cross connect traffic on XDM
| Chapter 8: Fault Management (on page 8-1) describes how to use
LCT-XDM for managing XDM NE alarms
| Chapter 9: Performance Monitoring (on page 9-1) describes how to use
LCT-XDM to monitor performance of XDM NEs
| Appendix A: SLIP Installation (on page A-1) explains how to install SLIP
drivers for Windows 2000/XP directly from the LCT-XDM CD-ROM and
from the PC workstation
| Appendix B: Summary of Menu Commands (on page B-1) describes the
available menu options used for configuring and monitoring XDM NEs

xviii ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

LCT-XDM User Manual About This Manual

Technical Support
You can contact ECI Telecom Inc. technical support as follows:
1-888-ECI-TECH (324-8324)


When sending an email or fax, please supply the following information:

| Your name, company name, and your customer ID
| Your contact information (telephone number and email)
| Product name and version number
| Problem description and any documentation that may help in resolving the
| Operating system, available RAM, database version, and memory usage of
the machine on which the product is installed
In the LCT-XDM About window, you can view information regarding the
LCT-XDM version (see "Viewing Version Information" on page 3-19)
currently running on your station and current license purchased from ECI

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About This Manual LCT-XDM User Manual

xx ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

LCT-XDM User Manual About This Manual

Your Opinion Is Very Important to

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feedback on the quality and usefulness of this document. Your comments can be of great value in
helping us improve our documentation.
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About This Manual LCT-XDM User Manual

xxii ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00


In this chapter:
What is LCT-XDM?........................................................................................ 1-1
General Concepts............................................................................................. 1-2
Workflow......................................................................................................... 1-2

What is LCT-XDM?
LCT-XDM is ECI Telecom's Optical Networks Division's local craft terminal
for the XDM line of products that fully supports:
| NE installation for all XDM NE types
| Local (RS-232) and Ethernet (including remote) connectivity
| Slot and module assignment, including IOP (input/output traffic protection)
| NE IP configuration, including static routing
| Full cross connect (XC) definitions
| DCC XC definitions
| External (transparent) DCC XC definitions
| Performance monitoring
| Fault management
| Information and object attribute configuration
| Routing table configuration
| Redundancy

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 1-1

Introduction LCT-XDM User Manual

General Concepts
LCT-XDM provides local monitoring and configuration capabilities for
managing XDM NEs. It supports remote administrative and maintenance
capabilities, featuring:
| A GUI client application running on a PC or laptop
| A main window equipped with small-network manager capabilities,
displaying a list of multiple NEs and current statuses
| Fault, configuration, cross connection, and performance management

NOTE: Some functionalities are available only as part of the

enhanced package of LCT-XDM (purchased at an additional
cost) and require a USB hardware key. These features are
marked with and special notes throughout this manual.

The basic workflow for installing and commissioning XDM NEs involves the
following steps:
1. Installing and configuring the NE includes specifying the NE IP address
and communications mode.
2. Assigning cards to the NE shelf (see "Card Assignment" on page 5-9).
3. Configuring cards and ports (on page 5-1).
4. Setting up XCs (on page 7-1).
LCT-XDM also enables you to perform system maintenance and
troubleshooting, including managing faults (see "Fault Management" on page
8-1) and monitoring performance (see "Performance Monitoring" on page

1-2 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

Getting Started with LCT-XDM

In this chapter:
Overview ......................................................................................................... 2-1
Preliminary Platform Requirements ................................................................ 2-1
LCT-XDM Installation .................................................................................... 2-2
Launching LCT-XDM................................................................................... 2-11
Changing NE Password ................................................................................. 2-14
Logging In ..................................................................................................... 2-15

This chapter explains the first steps for getting LCT-XDM up and running.

Preliminary Platform
Before you begin working with LCT-XDM, verify that your system is
compatible with the following minimum platform requirements:
| Hardware:
„ Pentium III 500 MHz
„ 256 MB RAM
„ 500 MB free disk space
„ 1024x768 screen resolution

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-1

Getting Started with LCT-XDM LCT-XDM User Manual

| Software:
„ Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) drivers (see "SLIP Installation" on
page A-1) (if the PC is connected to the XDM via SLIP and not via
„ Sun Java plug-in 5.0 (see "Installing Sun Java Plug-In 5.0" on page 2-7)
„ Windows XP or 2000 operating system

LCT-XDM Installation
This section describes the installation procedures required for LCT-XDM.
1. Installing LCT-XDM (on page 2-3).
2. Installing the USB hardware key (see "Installing USB Hardware Key" on
page 2-6).
3. Installing the Sun Java plug-in 5.0 (see "Installing Sun Java Plug-In 5.0" on
page 2-7).
4. Installing SLIP drivers (see "SLIP Installation" on page A-1).

2-2 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

LCT-XDM User Manual Getting Started with LCT-XDM

Installing LCT-XDM
You can install the LCT-XDM Java applet directly from the installation
CD-ROM. It is recommended to exit all Windows programs before performing

To install LCT-XDM:
1. Insert the LCT-XDM CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
The Welcome window opens.

Figure 2-1: LCT-XDM Welcome window

2. Click Install.

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-3

Getting Started with LCT-XDM LCT-XDM User Manual

The Choose Setup Language window opens.

Figure 2-2: Choose Setup Language window

3. In the dropdown list, choose a language.

The InstallShield Wizard Welcome window opens.

Figure 2-3: InstallShield Wizard Welcome window

4. Click Next.

2-4 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

LCT-XDM User Manual Getting Started with LCT-XDM

The Choose Destination Location window opens. It is recommended not

to change the default path.

Figure 2-4: Choose Destination Location window

5. Click Next.
The InstallShield Wizard Complete window opens, confirming successful
installation of LCT-XDM.

Figure 2-5: InstallShield Wizard Complete window

6. Click Finish.

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-5

Getting Started with LCT-XDM LCT-XDM User Manual

Installing USB Hardware Key

Functionalities included in the enhanced package of LCT-XDM require the

USB hardware key.

NOTE: Throughout this manual, the terms USB hardware

key and USB key are used interchangeably.

To install the USB hardware key:

1. In the Welcome window of the LCT-XDM CD-ROM, click Utilities to
display the Utilities options.

Figure 2-6: Utilities menu options

2. Click HASP Dongle.

2-6 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

LCT-XDM User Manual Getting Started with LCT-XDM

The Device Driver Installation Utility window opens.

Figure 2-7: Device Driver Installation Utility window

3. Insert the USB key into a USB port and click OK.
The driver installation is complete, enabling you to use the enhanced
package of LCT-XDM.

NOTE: Multiple versions of LCT-XDM installed on the same

workstation share the same libraries (DLLs) for the USB
hardware key. Therefore, after removing/uninstalling any of
the versions, it is necessary to re-install the USB key from the

Installing Sun Java Plug-In 5.0

If the PC you are using for commissioning does not have the Java plug-in
installed, the PC attempts to download it from the Sun Web site if it is
connected to the Internet.
If the PC cannot automatically download the Java plug-in, you can either
download it manually from or install it from the CD-ROM.
After the plug-in has been downloaded, follow the installation instructions in
the following section to complete the installation process.

To install the Java plug-in:

1. In the Welcome window of the LCT-XDM CD-ROM, click Utilities to
display the Utilities options.
2. Click Java Plug-in.

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-7

Getting Started with LCT-XDM LCT-XDM User Manual

The InstallShield Wizard for the Java 2 Runtime Environment opens.

Figure 2-8: J2RE InstallShield Wizard

The License Agreement window opens.

Figure 2-9: J2RE License Agreement window

3. Select I Accept the Terms in the License Agreement and click Next to
proceed with the installation.
4. Follow the InstallShield Wizard instructions to complete the installation
The automatic installation process of LCT-XDM is complete.

2-8 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

LCT-XDM User Manual Getting Started with LCT-XDM

Accessing Help from Installation CD-ROM

For further reference, a help feature is available for researching questions
quickly and learning more about operating LCT-XDM.
You can access the help file directly from the LCT-XDM CD-ROM (see
"Viewing LCT-XDM help" on page 2-9) or from your workstation after

Viewing LCT-XDM help

You can access a help file from the LCT-XDM CD-ROM.

To view help from the LCT-XDM CD-ROM:

| In the Welcome window of the LCT-XDM CD-ROM, click Help.
An LCT-XDM online help file opens, where you can access information
how to use the LCT-XDM management interface (see "Using Online Help"
on page 3-18).

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 2-9

Getting Started with LCT-XDM LCT-XDM User Manual

Exiting LCT-XDM Installation

You can exit the installation process from the LCT-XDM CD-ROM.

To exit from the LCT-XDM CD-ROM installation process:

| In the Welcome window of the LCT-XDM CD-ROM, click Exit.

Figure 2-10: Exiting the LCT-XDM installation process

2-10 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

LCT-XDM User Manual Getting Started with LCT-XDM

Launching LCT-XDM
If the XDM NE does not have an IP address, you must connect the PC to the
NE in SLIP mode using an RS-232 SLIP cable.
If the XDM NE is already configured with an IP address and routing from the
PC to the NE, you can connect the PC/terminal to the NE over Ethernet.
You can launch LCT-XDM directly from the installation CD-ROM without
installing it on your workstation, or from your workstation after installation.
You can launch the basic version of LCT-XDM externally from an Internet

To launch LCT-XDM from the installation CD-ROM:

1. In the Welcome window of the LCT-XDM CD-ROM, click Utilities to
display the Utilities options.

Figure 2-11: Start LCT-XDM utilities option

2. Click Start LCT-XDM.

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The Login LCT-XDM window opens. You are now ready to log in to the
system (see "Logging In" on page 2-15).

Figure 2-12: LCT-XDM Login window

To launch LCT-XDM installed on a PC:

| On the PC desktop, double-click the LCT-XDM icon.
The Login window opens. You are now ready to log in to the system (see
"Logging In" on page 2-15).

To launch the basic version of LCT-XDM from an Internet

1. In the Address field, type an XDM NE IP address.
The Enter Network Password window opens, prompting you to type your
user name and password.

Figure 2-13: Enter Network Password window

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LCT-XDM User Manual Getting Started with LCT-XDM

2. Enter the network user name and password.

3. Click OK.
The Warning Security window opens.

Figure 2-14: Warning Security window

4. Click Yes.
The Login LCT-XDM window opens. You are now ready to log in to the
system (see "Logging In" on page 2-15).

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Changing NE Password
You can change the NE password. The password must be a string of at least 7

To change the NE password:

1. In the main window, select System > NE Password.
The Change NE Password window opens. If a password is already
assigned to the NE, you must first delete the old password before you can
replace it with a new one.

Figure 2-15: Change NE Password window

2. To remove an NE password, in the Old Password field, enter the old

password, and leave the New Password and Confirm New Password fields
3. Click OK.
A confirmation window opens.

Figure 2-16: Change NE Password - confirmation window

4. Click Yes to confirm.

The NE password is removed from the system.

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LCT-XDM User Manual Getting Started with LCT-XDM

5. To change the password, in the New Password and Confirm New Password
fields, enter the new password.

Figure 2-17: Entering a new NE password

6. Click OK.
The NE password is changed.

Logging In
To start working, you must log in to the system. If this is the first time you are
using the system, ask the LCT-XDM system administrator to register you in the
system and supply you with a user name and password.

To log in to LCT-XDM:
1. In the User field, type the current user name.
2. In the Password field, type the current password.
3. Click Login.
The LCT-XDM main window (on page 3-2) opens, displaying a list of NEs
in the system.

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Using the Graphical User

In this chapter:
Overview ......................................................................................................... 3-1
Main Window .................................................................................................. 3-2
Accessing Commands...................................................................................... 3-9
Operating Modes ............................................................................................. 3-9
Handshake with EMS-XDM ......................................................................... 3-10
Using LCT-XDM Windows .......................................................................... 3-11
Switching Windows....................................................................................... 3-13
Closing Windows .......................................................................................... 3-14
Printing LCT-XDM Data............................................................................... 3-15
Using Online Help ......................................................................................... 3-18
Viewing Version Information........................................................................ 3-19
Locking and Unlocking LCT-XDM .............................................................. 3-20
Exiting LCT-XDM ........................................................................................ 3-21

This chapter describes the basic concepts of LCT-XDM's graphical user
interface and operating conventions.

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Using the Graphical User Interface LCT-XDM User Manual

Main Window
The LCT-XDM main window displays a topology list of NEs available in the
network and their current statuses.

NOTE: The basic functionality of LCT-XDM allows you to

connect to a single NE.

The enhanced functionality of the main window as a small

network manager allows you to connect to multiple NEs
concurrently. This is available only as part of the enhanced
package of LCT-XDM and requires a USB key.

Figure 3-1: LCT-XDM main window

The following table describes the components of the main window.

Table 3-1: LCT-XDM main window components

Component Description
Main Menu Bar Displays menus from which you can access various windows to
configure NE.
Main Toolbar Consists of icons that can be used as shortcuts to perform various
Topology Tree Located in left area of main window. Displays list of XDM NEs,
where you can create and delete NEs and NE groups.

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Component Description
Workspace Located in right area of main window. Working area where you
connect to an XDM NE to perform operations and to open its
graphical Shelf window (see "Accessing the Shelf Window" on
page 4-57) and/or secondary windows. Right-clicking a module
image within the Shelf window (for example, to view information)
opens relevant dialog window in workspace. Enables performing
all monitoring and maintenance tasks related to the NE within
workspace. NE list displays available XDM NEs, NE states, IP
addresses, system titles, group names, and types. Special icons (see
"LCT-XDM Main Window Fields and Symbols" on page 3-8)
indicate presence of alarms, maintenance operations, gateway
configurations, and timing settings per NE.
Shelf Window Opens in workspace, enables equipment operations including
toggling operating modes (Master/Monitor) and viewing modes
(Expected/Actual). (see "Operating Modes" on page 3-9)
Internals Opens in workspace when you double-click module image in Shelf
Window window (or right-click card and select Open from shortcut menu).
Displays related equipment and port details. In Internals window,
right-click to open various shortcut menus related to selected card
(see "Viewing XDM Card Internals" on page 5-64). In specific
dialog windows, complete fields and click various command
buttons to change NE configuration settings.

LCT-XDM Main Menu Bar

Figure 3-2: LCT-XDM main menu bar

The LCT-XDM main menu bar provides menu options to open various
windows in the workspace, where you can monitor and configure the NE.

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Table 3-2: LCT-XDM main menu bar

Menu option Description

Element Perform operations on selected NE. Options:
| Connect: connects to selected NE
| Disconnect: disconnects from selected NE
| Install: opens Install window, where you can configure initial
NE installation parameters
| Shelf: opens Shelf window of selected NE, where you can
view and perform operations on actual/expected XDM
| Current Alarms: opens Current Alarms window, where you
can view a list of current alarms of selected NE
| Routing: opens Routing Table window, where you can view
IP routing entries for selected Gateway or Ethernet-only NE
| IP Networking: opens IP Networking window, where you can
create, view, and modify IP Network Interface, DCC
Termination, and OSPF interface parameters
| Inventory: opens Inventory window, where you can view
inventory parameters for selected NE
| Maintenance Info: opens Maintenance Info window, where
you can view a list of maintenance operations performed on
selected NE
| Timing: opens Timing window, where you can configure
timing sources for selected NE
| APS Linear: opens APS Linear Browser window, where you
can configure APS to provide protection at SONET Line layer
of connected NE
| Backup DB: opens confirmation window to update NVM and
opens Backup DB window, where you can save current
database to a backup file
| Restore DB: opens Restore DB window, where you can view,
restore, and delete database backup files
Configuration Performs NE configurations. Options:
| Create NE: opens Create NE window, where you can enter
new NE IP address to create new NE
| Delete NE: deletes selected NE
| Move To Group: moves/assigns selected NE to a group, as
shown in Topology tree on left
| Create Group: creates group to which you can assign NEs
| Rename Group: renames selected NE group
| Delete Group: deletes selected NE group

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Menu option Description

Search Finds and highlights XDM NEs listed in NE list in main window.
| Find: finds XDM NE in NE list, based on specified name and
search criteria
| Find Next: finds next NE listed in NE list
Connections Creates XDM cross connections (XCs). Options:
| Create XC: opens XC Browser, where you can create XC Sets
| Create XC Template: opens XC Wizard, where you can
choose XC template to begin XC creation process. After you
click OK to assign template, XC Browser opens, where you
can proceed to create XCS.
| XC List: opens XC List window, where you can view and
delete NE XC sets.
System Performs system operations. Options:
| Preferences: sets IP networking and window appearance
| Print: prints data displayed in active LCT-XDM window
| Print Preview: displays zoom view of page(s) to be printed
| Print to File: opens browse window, where you can specify
folder and file name (and type) to which to save file
| NE Password: opens Change NE Password window, where
you can change NE password
| Synchronize RTC: synchronizes system real time clock to set
time to all connected NEs
| Current Alarms: opens Current Alarms window, where you
can view current active alarms for all connected NEs
| Auto Connect: automates connection to all available XDM NEs
listed in LCT-XDMmain window
| Lock: locks LCT-XDM
| Exit: closes LCT-XDM application
Window Toggles window display. Options:
| Cascade: displays multiple windows as cascading
| Tile Horizontally: displays multiple windows in horizontal
| Tile Vertically: displays multiple windows in vertical
| Switch: switches between active windows
| Close: closes selected windows

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Menu option Description

Help Displays help topics and current version information. Options:
| Help Topics: opens LCT-XDM online help file, where you can
access information about operating LCT-XDM
| About LCT-XDM: opens LCT-XDM About window, where
you can view version information

Main LCT-XDM Toolbar

Figure 3-3: LCT-XDM main toolbar

The LCT-XDM main window displays toolbar icons that can be used as
shortcuts instead of menu options to perform several operations.

Table 3-3: LCT-XDM main window toolbar icons

Icon Name Description

Connect Connects to selected NE, activating it for operations

Disconnect Disconnects selected connected NE

Install Opens Install window, where you can configure initial NE

installation parameters (for selected connected NE)

Shelf Opens Shelf window, where you can view and perform
operations on actual/expected XDM equipment (for
selected connected NE)

Current Opens Current Alarms window, where you can view list
Alarms of current alarms (for selected connected NE)

XC List Opens XC List window, where you can view and delete
NE XC sets (for selected connected NE)

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Icon Name Description

Inventory Opens Inventory window, where you can view and
modify inventory parameters (for selected connected NE)

Timing Opens Timing window, where you can view and modify
timing parameters

Create NE Opens Create NE window, where you can enter new NE

IP address to create new NE

Delete NE Deletes selected NE

Lock Locks current system settings

Print Prints data displayed in active LCT-XDM window

Exit Closes LCT-XDM application

Help Topics Opens LCT-XDM PDF, where you can access information
about operating LCT-XDM

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LCT-XDM Main Window Fields and

In the LCT-XDM main window, fields and symbols indicate current details and
statuses of the XDM NEs listed.

Figure 3-4: Symbols in the LCT-XDM main window

In the Topology tree, located in the left area of the main window, the icon
represents an NE group (containing one or more NEs). The icon represents
a single NE.
The following table describes the columns and symbols that appear in the list in
the right pane of the LCT-XDM main window.

Table 3-4: LCT-XDM main window - Topology list fields and symbols

Column Icon Description

State Connected: NE is connected, enabled for configuration.
Disconnected: NE is disconnected, disabled for configuration.
Master mode: NE is connected in Master mode, enabled for
system configuration changes.

IP Address ---- NE IP address.

System Title ---- System title that appears in title bars of Shelf window and
relevant windows. (Can be changed in Installation window.)
Group Name ---- Name of NE group to which NE is assigned. Appears in
Topology tree in left zone of main window.
NE Type ---- XDM NE type (for example, XDM-100).
Matrix Type ---- XDM matrix card type (HLXC or XIO card with
corresponding matrix of 192, 384, or 768).

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Column Icon Description

Alarm Alarm bell icon color coded per severity (red, green, or
yellow); indicates current NE alarms.
Maintenance Maintenance icon; indicates maintenance operation(s) have
been performed on NE. Also appears on relevant equipment
and transmission objects.
Gateway Gateway icon; indicates NE is configured as Gateway NE
Timing Clock icon; indicates NE Timing Unit (TMU) is working on
its internal timing source, configured as first priority.
An NE without clock icon is connected to a Line, SONET
I/O, or other timing source. In a network, where a single NE
in a network/chain is connected to an external timing source
and all other NEs are connected to Line Timing, only that
single NE shows a clock icon.

Accessing Commands
You can perform operations in LCT-XDM by accessing commands from the
toolbar, menu bar menus, and shortcut menus accessed by right-clicking a
selected object. In certain cases, internal views of cards and objects and
component Info windows can be accessed by double-clicking the
corresponding object on the screen.
The procedures in this manual describe the toolbar and double-click operations,
where available.

Operating Modes
LCT-XDM supports two modes of operation: Monitor mode and Master mode.

On the Shelf window toolbar, the Switch to Master and Switch to

Monitor icons indicate the current LCT-XDM operating mode. The
system prompts you to be in Master mode whenever you attempt to perform
operations that change system settings (for example, timing settings).
In Monitor mode, you can only view operations (for example, viewing NE
alarms and cards), without making any configuration changes in the NE.

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To perform configuration changes in an NE, you must first switch to Master

mode. When a request to switch modes is made, a message window opens on
the EMS-XDM station stating that an LCT-XDM user is trying to gain
configuration access to that NE. If the EMS-XDM operator grants the request
for configuration access, the LCT-XDM enters the Master mode, and you can
make configuration changes. This is known as the Handshake with EMS-XDM.

Handshake with EMS-XDM

The Handshake with EMS-XDM feature is designed to prevent LCT-XDM
users from changing NE configuration. To make such changes, you must first
request permission from EMS-XDM. If permission is granted, this feature
notifies EMS-XDM that LCT-XDM has completed a configuration change,
thereby enabling an update in EMS-XDM.

To apply the Handshake when in Monitor mode:

1. On the Shelf window toolbar, click the Switch to Master icon.

A confirmation window opens, confirming the mode switch, and the
corresponding (available) switch mode button appears on the Shelf window

2. Click Yes to confirm the Handshake request.

Several seconds after the request is made, a window opens displaying a
message, as shown in the following table.

Approved, Not Approved, and Waiting for Approval are the three states in
the EMS for the LCT-XDM. When the LCT-XDM attempts to connect to
the NE, the result depends on the state configured in the EMS.

Table 3-5: Handshake request messages

Message Meaning
EMS user is not managing the NE LCT-XDM can make configuration changes
EMS user has approved Master LCT-XDM can make configuration changes
EMS user is not answering LCT-XDM can make configuration changes
EMS user has denied Master mode LCT-XDM cannot make configuration changes

You can return to Monitor mode from Master mode by clicking the Switch to

Monitor icon on the Shelf window toolbar.

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If Master mode is not the current mode, when you try to make a configuration
change (for example, for a card assignment or attribute changes), LCT-XDM
will attempt to switch from Monitor to Master mode automatically.

Using LCT-XDM Windows

LCT-XDM features both dialog and table-based windows.
Dialog windows are used throughout LCT-XDM to configure and monitor
parameters grouped in subjects.
In these windows, you can monitor and configure parameters by entering or
editing text and numerical values in fields, selecting items from lists, and then
applying the changes. You perform basic operations by clicking the window
command buttons.
The following figure displays a typical dialog window.

Figure 3-5: Typical LCT-XDM dialog window

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Table-based dialog windows display parameters organized in tables, as shown

in the following External Alarms window. To perform actions on a row in a
list, first select the row, and then click the appropriate command button or the
adjacent icon in the relevant row.

Figure 3-6: External Alarms window - Input tab

The following table lists the common command buttons of the LCT-XDM
dialog-based and table-based windows.

Table 3-6: Common command buttons in LCT-XDM windows

Command Name Description

Apply Applies changes and leaves window open. (If a confirmation
window opens, click Yes or OK to apply changes.)

Reload Collects information from XDM NE and refreshes updated

data in displayed window. Use this button occasionally to
refresh data from NE.
Close Closes window.

Several LCT-XDM windows contain collapsible areas (marked with dropdown

arrows), allowing you to expand the view of other areas or general workspace
in the window. These include, for example, the Zoom area in the Internals
window (see "Viewing XDM Card Internals" on page 5-64), the Resources and
Constructor areas in the APS Linear Browser window (see "Configuring APS
Linear Protection" on page 5-56), and the Shelf View and Resources area in the
XC Browser (see "XC Browser Shelf View" on page 7-15).

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As shown in the following sample XC Browser window, collapsing the Shelf

View and Resources area provides more room for the Constructor and Card
Internals areas.

Figure 3-7: XC Browser with collapsed Shelf View and Resources area

Switching Windows
When multiple windows are open, LCT-XDM enables you to easily switch
between them.

To switch LCT-XDM active windows:

1. On the main menu bar, select Window > Switch.
The Switch Window window opens, displaying a list of windows that are
currently open. You can toggle the window display to show/hide the open
windows and to display a particular window on top of other windows.

Figure 3-8: Switch Window window

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2. To toggle the display of the open windows listed, select or clear the
relevant window checkbox(es).
By default, the Switch Window window opens with all checkboxes
selected, and all XDM NE open windows displayed.)

„ To hide all open NE windows, clear the XDM NE checkbox.

„ To show all open NE windows, select the XDM NE checkbox.
When the XDM NE checkbox is selected or cleared, OK is disabled.
When a window checkbox is cleared, the relevant window is hidden from
view, and OK is enabled.

3. Click OK.
The Switch Window window closes, and the last window selected appears
on top of other windows.

Closing Windows
When multiple windows are open, LCT-XDM enables you to easily close

To close LCT-XDM windows that are currently open:

1. On the main menu bar, select Window > Close.
The Close Window window opens, displaying a list of windows that are
currently open.

Figure 3-9: Close Window

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2. In the Open Window List, select the specific window(s) you want to close,
or click All to select all the windows. (Click None to deselect all the
windows simultaneously.)
3. Click OK.
The selected window(s) close.

Printing LCT-XDM Data

LCT-XDM enables you to print the data displayed in LCT-XDM windows.
You can preview a zoom view of the data to be printed, and you can also print
the data to a file stored on the local PC. You can also change the default printer
settings (see "Setting System Preferences" on page 4-20).

To print LCT-XDM data:

1. Open the LCT-XDM window containing the data to be printed.

2. On the main toolbar, click .

The Print window opens, where you can specify the general page setup and
appearance print settings. By default, upon opening the Print window, the
General tab opens, where you can designate the printer, print range, and
number of copies.

Figure 3-10: Print window - General tab

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3. Click Print to print the data shown in the selected window.

Before printing, you can view a zoom view of the file to be printed.

To display a print preview of the data to be printed:

1. On the main menu bar, select System > Print Preview.
The Print Preview window opens, displaying a zoom view of the data to
be printed.

Figure 3-11: Print Preview window

2. To change the zoom view of the data, on the Zoom menu, select an option.

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To print the data to a file:

1. On the main menu bar, select System > Print to File.
A Print To File browse window opens, where you can specify a folder and
file name to which to save the file (to a designated image file type).

Figure 3-12: Print To File window

2. Click Save to save the file.

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Using the Graphical User Interface LCT-XDM User Manual

Using Online Help

For further reference, a context sensitive online help and PDF file are available
for researching questions quickly and learning more about operating

To view help:

| On the main toolbar, click .

An online help file opens, displaying information relevant to the active

To view online help topics:

| In the Table of Contents (left pane), click any of the topics.
The relevant topic appears in the workspace (right pane) of the online help.

Figure 3-13: LCT-XDM online help file

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LCT-XDM User Manual Using the Graphical User Interface

Viewing Version Information

In the LCT-XDM About window, you can view the version number of the

To access the About LCT-XDM window:

1. On the main menu bar, select Help > About LCT-XDM.
The About LCT-XDM window opens, displaying the version information
of the LCT-XDM applet.

Figure 3-14: About LCT-XDM window

2. Click Close to close the window.

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Using the Graphical User Interface LCT-XDM User Manual

Locking and Unlocking LCT-XDM

The LCT-XDM workstation can be manually locked to prevent unauthorized

To lock and unlock LCT-XDM:

1. On the main toolbar, click .

All currently open windows are closed, all options are disabled, and the
Unlock LCT-XDM window opens.

Figure 3-15: Unlock LCT-XDM window

2. To unlock and re-enter the system, complete the fields and click Unlock.

NOTE: If the user who locked the workstation logs in again,

the system resumes the previous session. If it is a different
user, the system returns to the set of capabilities granted to
that user.

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Exiting LCT-XDM
When you are finished working with LCT-XDM, you can close the application.
To re-enter the system, you will need to launch LCT-XDM and log in again.

To exit LCT-XDM:

1. On the main toolbar, click .

A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm that you want to

Figure 3-16: Exit confirmation window

2. Click Yes to confirm.

The LCT-XDM application closes.

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Configuring and Managing

In this chapter:
Overview ......................................................................................................... 4-1
Creating NEs ................................................................................................... 4-2
NE Groups ....................................................................................................... 4-3
Deleting NEs ................................................................................................... 4-8
Connecting to NEs........................................................................................... 4-9
Installing and Configuring NEs ..................................................................... 4-11
Synchronizing the Real Time Clock.............................................................. 4-19
Setting System Preferences ........................................................................... 4-20
Finding NEs................................................................................................... 4-24
Backing Up the Database .............................................................................. 4-25
Restoring the Database .................................................................................. 4-26
Setting NE IP Routing ................................................................................... 4-29
Accessing the Shelf Window......................................................................... 4-57
Using the Shelf Window................................................................................ 4-58
Configuring Timing Sources ......................................................................... 4-73

This chapter describes how to use LCT-XDM to configure XDM NEs.

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Configuring and Managing NEs LCT-XDM User Manual

Creating NEs
You can add new NEs to the system topology on an individual basis (one at a
Whenever you create an NE, an NE icon with the NE IP address appears in
both the Topology tree and the NE list in the main window.

To create an NE:

1. On the main toolbar, click .

The Create NE window opens, where you can view and modify the NE
address and group.

Figure 4-1: Create NE window

2. In the NE address field, type the NE IP address.

3. In the Group field, choose an option from the dropdown list.
4. Click OK to submit the changes.
If the NE IP exists already, it is highlighted in the main window in the
Topology tree and NE list. If it does not exist, the system creates it and
displays it highlighted in both areas of the main window.

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LCT-XDM User Manual Configuring and Managing NEs

NE Groups
LCT-XDM allows you to create NE groups to which you can assign NEs. You
can move NEs listed in the Topology tree to a group, and remove NEs from a
group. You can also rename NE groups that have been assigned.

NOTE: The NE group operations are enabled for all NE

groups and NEs in the topology, except for the SLIP group
containing the SLIP NE (with the IP address,
located in the first row of the NE list.

Creating and Assigning NE Groups

You can create NE groups to which you can assign NEs.

To create an NE group:
1. On the main menu bar, select Configuration > Create Group.
The Create Group window opens.

Figure 4-2: Create Group window

2. In the Enter New Group Name field, type the new group name.
3. Click OK to save the changes.
The new group appears in the Topology tree.

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Configuring and Managing NEs LCT-XDM User Manual

Assigning an NE to a Group
You can assign NEs listed in the Topology tree to a group.

To assign an NE to a group:
1. In the Topology tree, select an NE, and do one of the following:
„ On the menu bar, select Configuration > Move to Group.
„ Right-click and select Move to Group.
The Move to Group window opens.

Figure 4-3: Move to Group window

2. In the Select New Group dropdown list, select the group to which you want
to move/assign the NE.
3. Click OK to submit the changes.
In the Topology tree, the NE appears in the selected group.

Figure 4-4: Sample NE in new group

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Renaming NE Groups
You can rename any of the NE groups that appear in the Topology tree.

To rename an NE group:

1. In the Topology tree, select the relevant NE group object (marked by ).

2. On the main menu bar, select Configuration > Rename Group.
The Rename Group window opens.

Figure 4-5: Rename Group window

3. In the Enter New Group Name field, type in the new group name.
4. Click OK to submit the changes.
In the Topology tree, the group appears with the new name.

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Removing an NE from an NE Group

You can remove NEs from a group.

To remove an NE from an NE group:

1. In the Topology tree, select an NE that appears in a group.
2. Right-click and select Move to Group.
The Move to Group window opens.

Figure 4-6: Move to Group window displaying the None option

3. In the Select New Group dropdown list, select None to remove the NE
from the group.
The NE is removed from the group, and appears in the Topology tree at
root level.

Figure 4-7: NE unassigned from group, at root level in Topology tree

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Deleting NE Groups
You can delete NE groups in the Topology tree.

To delete an NE group:

1. In the Topology tree, select the relevant NE group object (marked by ).

2. On the main menu bar, select Configuration > Delete Group.
The Delete Group window opens, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

Figure 4-8: Delete Group window

3. Click Yes to confirm.

The selected NE group is deleted from the topology.

When you remove a group containing NEs, the NEs are not deleted. They
still appear in the NE list after the group is deleted.

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Deleting NEs
You can delete NEs from the list.

To delete an NE:
1. In the main window, select an NE from the Topology list (or tree).

2. On the main toolbar, click .

A confirmation message window opens, prompting you to confirm the

Figure 4-9: Confirmation window for NE deletion

3. Click Yes to confirm.

The selected NE is deleted from the system topology.

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Connecting to NEs
You can monitor and configure the available NEs in the system. Before you
can begin to perform NE operations, you must first connect to an XDM NE.

NOTE: The basic LCT-XDM license allows you to connect

to a single NE at a time. The enhanced license, which you can
purchase at an additional cost, allows you to connect to and
perform operations on multiple NEs concurrently.

To manually connect to an XDM NE:

| In the main window, do one of the following:
„ Double-click an NE.
„ Select an NE, right-click and select Connect.

„ Select an NE, and on the main toolbar, click .

This activates connection to the selected XDM NE.

To auto connect to all available XDM NEs in the system:

| In the main window, on the menu bar, select System > Auto Connect.
The system proceeds to connect to all currently disconnected XDM NEs in
the order listed in the main window.

In the State field, appears indicating that the NE is connected and

enabled for configuration (see "LCT-XDM Main Window Fields and
Symbols" on page 3-8).

You can now begin to perform operations on an activated NE, and access
its Shelf window, where you can monitor and configure cards and ports
(see "Configuring Cards and Ports" on page 5-1).

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If the XDM NE has an NE password, an additional screen opens prompting

you to enter the password.

Figure 4-10: NE Password window

Activating a SLIP Connection

The PC running LCT-XDM can be connected to the XDM using SLIP.

To activate a SLIP connection:

1. Run the SLIP connection.
2. Double-click the SLIP NE (with the IP address, located in the
first row of the NE list.
The SLIP connection is activated.

Activating an Ethernet Connection

The workstation running LCT-XDM can be connected to the XDM using

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Installing and Configuring NEs

This section describes how to use LCT-XDM to perform initial installation and
configuration of NEs.
The installation and commissioning process for an XDM NE consists of the
following steps:
1. Installing and configuring the NE
2. Assigning cards to the NE shelf (see "Card Assignment" on page 5-9)

Performing Initial NE Installation and

During the initial NE installation, you can specify general NE configuration

To perform initial NE installation and configuration:

1. In the main window, connect to the relevant NE (see "Connecting to NEs"
on page 4-9).

2. On the main toolbar, click .

The Install window opens, where you can view and modify NE
configuration parameters.

Figure 4-11: Install window

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3. To determine the status of the NE configuration, view the icon (and its
tooltip) displayed on the right side of the toolbar.

„ indicates that the NE is installed and configured

„ indicates that the NE is not installed and not configured

4. Fill in the fields, as described in the following table.

5. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

Table 4-1: Install window fields

Field Description
NE Type NE type. After changing NE type and clicking to apply changes,
perform system reboot.

Technology NE technology, SONET.

Matrix Type Matrix type. Scroll to view available matrix types (per relevant NE
type specified).
NE ID NE ID number, used for network identification by management
system, must be unique number per network. It is administrator's
responsibility to verify that number entered in this field is unique.
System Title Appears in various windows and reports in management system when
information regarding NE is indicated.
System Appears in various windows and reports in management system when
Location information regarding NE is indicated.
Parameters Parameter fields displayed in this area correspond to specified SONET
setting in Technology field.
Auto Link Automatic link discovery state on NE. Options:
Discovery | Enabled: permanently allows link discovery on NE
| Disabled: disables auto link discovery on NE
Revertive Revertive Subnetwork Connection Protection (SNCP) mode. Options:
SNCP Mode Enabled or Disabled.
TIM Trace Identifier Mismatch caused by incorrect provisioning of
Detection expected trace or misconnection. Results from comparing expected
J0/J1/J2 J0/J1/J2 byte to received one. Options: Enabled or Disabled.

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Field Description
Configure IP Address, IP Mask, Ethernet IP Address, and Ethernet IP Mask fields, as
Main IP IP address/mask of DCC LAN or Ethernet interface. Enter IP address
Address/ in field. Select Default checkbox to choose default IP mask setting
IP Mask (which depends on IP class).
| If you enter same IP address and IP mask for both interfaces, NE
is configured as Ethernet-only NE
| If you enter only a valid IP address and valid IP mask in IP
Address and IP Mask fields, NE is configured as DCC-only NE
| If you enter different settings for IP address and IP mask for both
interfaces, NE is configured as gateway NE
After setting IP address(es), Connection Mode field displays NE
Ethernet IP IP address/mask of Ethernet LAN interface, configured in same
Address/ manner as described previously for IP Address/Mask fields.
IP Mask
Connection NE connection mode. Every XDM NE has DCC LAN and Ethernet
Mode interfaces. Options:
| Gateway NE: NE is connected to manager through Ethernet, and
communicates with additional NEs through its DCC LAN
interface. Manager uses GNE as router to send datagrams to NEs
on DCC subnet.
| DCC Only: NE only communicates on its DCC subnetwork, and is
not connected directly to manager.
| Ethernet Only: NE communicates directly with manager through
Ethernet only.
NE Date System date. To change date, click (adjacent to field) to open
Select Date window, where you can choose a date by selecting month
and year from relevant dropdown lists and day from calendar.
NE Time System time registered XDM. To change time setting, type time of day
in 24-hour HH:MM:SS time format.
| To perform manual set: in text box, type in time of day in 24-hour
HH:MM:SS time format and on toolbar, click to register time

| To synchronize time with local PC: on toolbar, click to set

XDM NE clock with time registered in PC running LCT-XDM

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NOTE: The following IP addresses are used by XDM NEs

for internal purposes and cannot be used by any other entities,
including XDM NEs, that are connected to the same IP
network as the XDM NEs: 147.234.*.*, 192.168.1.*,
192.168.10.*, 192.168.11.*, and 192.9.90.*.

NOTE: Whenever you change the NE type, IP address, or IP

mask and click to apply the changes, you need to
perform system reboot. When an NE is rebooted, only the
IP-related installation parameters are typically stored. Other
installation parameters, such as the NE ID, System Title, and
System Location, are lost and need to be re-entered.

To toggle the Shelf display:

1. On the toolbar (of the Install window), click .

When selected and activated, a border appears around this icon , and
the Shelf view appears in the bottom area of the Install window, displaying
the slots and capacity of the cards that can be installed in the specific slots.

Figure 4-12: Install window -displaying Shelf view

2. To scroll and view the Shelf views that correspond to the current matrix
types (displayed in the Matrix Type field), click and (that appear to
the right of the Shelf view).

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Viewing and Modifying NE Information

LCT-XDM allows you to view and modify general XDM NE information
parameters, including, for example, system title and location settings.
You can access NE information both from the main window and from the Shelf
window (see "Accessing the Shelf Window" on page 4-57), as described in the
following procedure.

Viewing and modifying NE configuration

You can view and modify NE configuration information.

To view and modify NE configuration information:

1. Do one of the following:
a. In the main window, connect to the relevant NE (see "Connecting to
NEs" on page 4-9).
b. Right-click and select Info.

c. In the Shelf window, on the toolbar, click (or on the menu bar,
select View > NE Info).

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The XDM NE Info window opens, displaying the Configuration tab, where
you can view and modify NE configuration parameters.

Figure 4-13: NE Info window - Configuration tab

2. To edit the attributes, in the respective fields click to enable the fields
for editing, and type the desired text.

3. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

The system title appears in the main window in the Type column adjacent
to the selected NE, and in the title bars of the relevant windows.

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Viewing NE inventory information

You can view NE inventory information.

To view NE inventory:
| In the XDM NE Info window, click the Inventory tab to view the selected
NE inventory information. You can view further NE inventory (data and
hardware revision) details in the Inventory window (see "Viewing NE
Inventory" on page 4-18).

Figure 4-14: NE Info window - Inventory tab

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Viewing NE status
You can view NE status information.

To view NE status:
| In the XDM NE Info window, click the Status tab to view the selected NE
status information.

Figure 4-15: NE Info window - Status tab

Viewing NE Inventory
You can view NE inventory data and hardware revision details.

To view NE Inventory:
1. In the main window, connect to the relevant NE (see "Connecting to NEs"
on page 4-9).

2. On the toolbar, click .

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The Inventory window opens, displaying inventory data and revision

details for the selected NE.

Figure 4-16: Inventory window

Synchronizing the Real Time Clock

You can synchronize the system's real time clock to set the time to all
connected NEs.

To synchronize the real time clock:

| In the main window, on the menu bar, select System > Synchronize RTC.

The icon, , adjacent to the Synchronize RTC menu command,

displays a border, indicating that synchronization is activated. The main
window title bar displays "RTC Synchronization Master".

The system synchronizes the real-time clock every five minutes, and resets
the time to all connected NEs.

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Setting System Preferences

You can set system preferences for appearance, IP networking, performance,
and printer parameters (see "Printing LCT-XDM Data" on page 3-15).

To set system preferences:

1. In the main window, on the menu bar, select System > Preferences.
The Preferences window opens, where you can view and modify system
settings. (By default, the window opens with the Appearance option

Figure 4-17: Preferences window - Appearance options

2. To set appearance preferences:

a. In the area on the left, select Appearance (if this option is not already
Appearance options appear in the area on the right.
b. Select or clear the checkboxes, as required.
3. To set IP networking preferences:
a. In the area on the left, select IP Networking.
IP Networking options appear in the area on the right.

Figure 4-18: Preferences window - IP Networking options

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b. In the Default Encapsulation field, choose an option from the dropdown

list (PPP or LAN Emulation).
c. Select or clear the Set Default Values When Removing Network
Interface checkbox.
4. To set performance preferences:
a. In the area on the left, select Performance.
Performance options appear in the area on the right.

Figure 4-19: Preferences window - Performance options

b. To enable background uploading, select the Enable Background Upload

checkbox and choose the relevant options in the Priority field and Level
dropdown list.
c. To enable automatic refresh of alarms, select the Enable Alarms Auto
Refresh checkbox, and use the slide rule to select the time interval.
d. To display a tooltip on the card Alarm LEDs (in the Shelf window)
showing the contained alarms, select the Show Contained Alarms
checkbox (see "Viewing Current Alarms" on page 8-2).
e. To reload alarms automatically, select the Reload Alarms
Automatically checkbox.
f. To reload cross connects automatically, select the Reload Cross
Connects Automatically checkbox.
5. Click OK to submit the changes.

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To set printer parameters:

1. To set printer preferences, in the area on the left, select Printer
The Preferences window opens displaying the Printer Parameters page,
where you can view and modify settings (see "Setting System Preferences"
on page 4-20).

Figure 4-20: Preferences window - Printer Parameters

2. To change the printer parameter, in the Value field, choose an option from
the dropdown list.

3. To change the text font, click .

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The Font Chooser window opens, where you can choose the font.

Figure 4-21: Font Chooser window

4. Click OK to save the changes.

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Finding NEs
You can search for XDM NEs in the NE list in the main window.

To search for NEs in the NE list:

1. In the main window, on the menu bar, select Search > Find (or press
The Find window opens, where you can specify XDM NE criteria to search
for in the NE list in the main window.

Figure 4-22: Find window

2. In the Find What field, enter the relevant text for which you want to search
the NE list.
3. In the Look At area, select the relevant checkboxes to specify the NE list
fields to search.
4. In the Direction area, select the direction in which to search in the NE list.
5. To search for whole strings, select the Match Whole String Only checkbox.
6. Click Find to begin to activate the search.
The relevant NE is highlighted in the NE list.

To search for the next XDM NE in the NE list:

| In the main window, on the menu bar, select Search > Find Next (or press
The relevant NE is highlighted in the NE list.

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Backing Up the Database

You can back up the LCT-XDM database to view and restore previous versions
(see "Restoring the Database" on page 4-26).

To back up the database:

1. In the main window, on the menu bar, select Element > Backup DB.
A message window opens, indicating that LCT-XDM is updating the NVM
to save changes made during operations on the NE.

After several minutes when updates are completed, the Backup DB

window opens.

Figure 4-23: Backup DB window

2. In the text field, enter the relevant description (date, name, and so on).
3. Click OK to activate the backup.
An Information window opens, confirming the successful completion of
the backup and database file size (in bytes).

The "backup" is stored on the local PC.

4. Click OK to close the Information window.

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Restoring the Database

You can restore and activate LCT-XDM database backup files, as needed.

To view and restore database backup files:

1. In the main window, on the menu bar, select Element > Restore DB.
The Restore DB window opens, displaying a list of the LCT-XDM
database backup files (in the Backup List area on the left). The NVM
Versions area (on the right) shows the available versions stored in the
NVM. You can restore only relevant versions.

Figure 4-24: Restore DB window

2. To filter the display of the backup files according to specified criteria, on

the toolbar, do one of the following:

„ Click to view all dates the version was backed up

„ Click to view all backup versions

„ Click to view all NEs that were backed up

3. To restore a database, in the Backup List area, select a database file, and on
the toolbar, click .
The restored database version appears in the NVM Versions area (on the

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After you have restored a database, the database is automatically activated with
default activation parameters. You can change these values and proceed to
activate the database with the updated parameters.

To manually set the activation time of a database:

1. In the Restore DB window, in the NVM Versions area, select a file.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The Restore DB window displays the Activation area on the bottom, where
you can specify the activation start time.

Figure 4-25: Restore DB window - Activation area

3. In the Activation area, do one of the following:

„ To choose the time interval (in minutes) after which activation is to
begin, select After and in the text box, type a number or click the scroll
„ To specify the date and time of activation, select At and in the Date
field, click and select a date from the Select a Date window, and
in the time field, type the starting time.
The selected embedded version is activated with the restored database.

You can cancel database activation.

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To cancel activation:

| In the Restore DB window, on the toolbar, click .

The activation is canceled.

To delete a database backup file:

1. In the Restore DB window, in the Backup List area, select a file.

2. On the toolbar, click .

A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

3. Click Yes to confirm.

The selected database backup file is deleted.

To access the Restore DB legend:

1. In the Restore DB window, click the icon.

The Legend window opens, showing the symbols that appear in the
Backup List and NVM Versions areas in the Restore DB window.

Figure 4-26: Restore DB window - legend

2. Click OK to close the window.

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Setting NE IP Routing
This section discusses how to use LCT-XDM to set XDM NE IP routing.
LCT-XDM uses TCP/IP communications to send datagrams (or data packets)
to SONET NEs. The datagrams can be routed over separate Local Area
Networks (LANs).
The NE routing table defines the destination subnets that an NE communicates
with on the IP network. It allows system configurations where an NE is used to
route datagrams to other LAN segments; this type of NE is referred to as a
All NEs have a default routing table with the destination (typically LCT-XDM)
and the gateway NE used to route the datagrams.

NOTE: The following IP addresses are used by XDM NEs

for internal purposes and cannot be used by any other entity,
including XDM NEs, that are connected to the same IP
network as the XDM NEs: 192.168.10.*, 192.168.11.*,
192.168.1.*, 192.9.90.*, 192.168.38.*, and 192.168.71.*.

IP Address Scheme
Each IP network is assigned a unique Network ID. Each host on an IP network
is assigned a unique 32-bit (or 64-bit) hardware independent address.
An IP address looks like This is referred to as dotted decimal
notation, with each eight bits of an IP address (called an octet) separated from
the next eight bits by a period.
The 32-bit address has two parts. The prefix identifies the IP network to which
the host belongs. The remaining bits form the Host ID, which uniquely
identifies the host within the network. All hosts on the IP network have the
same network ID.
Each host on the network uses the network ID and the host ID to determine
which datagrams it should receive or ignore, and to determine the scope of its

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IP Address Classes
In IP addressing, the value of the first octet determines the number of host ID
bits available in the IP address. The following table lists the relevant classes.

Table 4-2: IP address classes

Network Range of first Network Available Available

class octet address bits networks hosts per
A 1-126 8 126 16,777,214
B 128-191 16 16,384 65,534
C 192-223 24 2,097,151 254

As shown in the table, Class A IP networks support the largest number of host
addresses, while Class C supports the least.

NOTE: The highest address in the first octet for Class A

networks is 126, and not 127. 127 is reserved.

The IP routing in LCT-XDM provides full support of Class A, B, and C.

IP Address Conventions
The Network Address, an IP address with all host ID bits set to zero, refers to
all hosts in the network identified by the network ID prefix.
An IP address with all host ID bits set to 1 is a Directed Broadcast to all the
hosts in the network identified by the network ID prefix.
If the source and destination hosts have the same network ID prefix in their IP
addresses, then they both belong to the same logical IP network. Therefore, the
source host can transmit the datagram over the LAN and assume that the
destination host will receive it.
If the source and destination hosts have different network ID prefixes in their
IP addresses, then they do not belong to the same IP network. Since the source
host cannot communicate with the destination host directly, it must send the
datagram to a router or gateway, which forwards it to another IP network.

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IP Routing Features
Gateway NEs support user-defined routes towards Ethernet LANs. This
information is entered in the IP routing table (see "Viewing and modifying
static routes" on page 4-33).

Subnet Masks
Subnet masks can be used to divide a subnet into several subnets, with fewer
hosts per subnet. This is of special significance when planning an IP network
with few hosts that does not require an entire Class C address range (254
A subnet mask (a 32-bit number) is used to determine the number of bits used
for the subnet and host portions of the address. In the subnet mask number, the
number 1 determines a subnet division.
The following sections present some examples.

Subnet mask example 1

This example implements a Class B address of and various
subnet masks. A logical AND operation is performed between the IP address
and the subnet mask.
In addition, there is a mask that retains the default 16 network and host bits for
a Class B address (meaning the default mask is The network ID
is and the host ID is 55.130.

Table 4-3: Subnet mask for example 1

IP octets 191 70 55 130

IP address 1011 1111 0100 0110 0011 0111 1000 0010
Subnet mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000
Result 1011 1111 0100 0110 0000 0000 0000 0000

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Subnet mask example 2

This example implements a mask that divides the host portion into a subnet and
host that are each eight-bits wide (meaning the mask is This
division allows 256 reserved subnets, each with 254 hosts.
Further, this division on a byte boundary facilitates determining the subnet and
host from the dotted-decimal IP address. However, the subnet-host boundary
can be at any bit position in the host portion of the IP address.
In addition, there is a mask that retains the default 24 network and host bits for
a Class C address (meaning the default mask is The network
ID is and the host ID is 130.

Table 4-4: Subnet mask for example 2

IP octets 192 70 55 130

IP address 1011 1111 0100 0110 0011 0111 1000 0010
Subnet mask 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000
Result 1011 1111 0100 0110 0011 0111 0000 0000

NE Network Interfaces/Routing
NEs may have the following IP Network interfaces:
| Ethernet interface (named gtw)
| DCC Network interfaces (name dcc0, dcc1, dcc2, and so on)
NEs can be installed in one of the following configurations:
| Gateway NE: The NE is connected to LCT-XDM via Ethernet and
communicates with additional NEs through its DCC LAN interface.
LCT-XDM uses the GNE as the router to send datagrams to the NEs on the
DCC subnet.
| DCC-only NE: The NE communicates only on its DCC subnetwork and is
not connected directly to a manager.z
| Ethernet-only NE: The NE communicates with the manager via Ethernet
Gateway NEs and DCC-only NEs have a default entry in their routing table that
includes the destination (typically the manager) and the gateway NE used to
route the datagrams.
LCT-XDM displays the IP Routing table, in which you can view and modify IP
routing entries for a selected XDM NE, allowing system configurations where
an NE is used to route datagrams to other LAN segments.

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IP Routing table
The IP Routing table is used by LCT-XDM to route/forward management
communication packets between DCC channels and between DCC channels
and the Ethernet Gateway.
It contains direct routes indicating neighboring elements derived autonomously
by the XDM static routes (including the default route) configured by the
operator and routes derived by the OSPF protocol when the protocol is enabled.

Viewing and modifying static routes

You can view, add, modify, and delete static IP routing entries for the selected

Viewing and modifying XDM NE static routes

You can view and modify static IP routing entries for the selected NE.

To view and modify XDM NE static routes:

1. Do one of the following:
„ In the main window, connect to the relevant NE (see "Connecting to
NEs" on page 4-9), right-click and select Routing.
„ In the Shelf window, on the menu bar, select Element > Routing.

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The Routing window opens, displaying the Static Routes tab, where you
can view, add, modify, and delete IP routing entries for selected XDM NEs,
allowing system configurations where an NE is used to route datagrams to
other LAN segments.

Figure 4-27: Routing window - Static Routes tab

2. View the fields, as described in the following table.

Table 4-5: Routing window fields - Static Routes tab

Field Description
Number Row number. (Read only)
Destination Destination IP address. (Read only)
Subnet Mask Determines number of bits used for subnet and host of address.
Mask is a 32-bit value that uses one-bits for network and
subnets and zero-bits for host. (Read only)
Next Hop IP address of next hop gateway. (Read only)
Metric Metric value of route. (Read only)

Adding IP routes

You can add IP routes.

To add an IP route:
1. In the Routing window, click the Static Routes tab.

2. On the toolbar, click .

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The Add Route window opens, where you can add new routes to the
Routing Table.

Figure 4-28: Add Route window

3. In the Destination Address field, enter the destination IP address or the IP

address of the host.
A validation routine in the software only allows you to enter a legal IP
address based on the address class. For example, if the value of the first
octet you entered corresponds to a Class A address, the next three octets are

The Subnet Mask and Subnet Mask Bits fields display the respective
values, according to the specified destination address. The number of
subnet mask bits depends on the class of the destination IP address (for
example, for Class C IP addresses, up to six subnet mask bits can be
specified). The software implements a validation procedure that only
allows you to enter legal values based on the class of the destination IP
address. The value of the 32-bit subnet mask number appears in the
read-only Subnet Mask field and changes to reflect the current setting of
the Subnet Mask Bits field.

4. In the Route Next hop field, enter the IP address of the interface of a
neighboring NE or router.
Note that this IP address must be on the same IP subnet as one of the NE

5. In the Metric field, enter the metric value of the route.

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6. The Net and Host options are enabled per the relevant address specified in
the Destination Address field. Select the relevant option.
7. The Default Subnet Mask and Supernetted Ranges options are enabled per
specified Net or Host option. Select the relevant option.
The IP address range of the subnet, as determined by the destination IP
address and the subnet mask, appears in the Destination Subnet read-only
field. This field is also dynamically updated to reflect the current settings.

The read-only Ethernet Interface fields display the relevant Ethernet

interface IP address and subnet mask.

If the values you entered are valid, on the toolbar, becomes active.

8. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

If there is a routing problem, on the toolbar becomes enabled. Click

to display the routing errors.

An Error window opens, displaying a message, such as the following:

Change the routing configuration, as necessary to resolve the problem.

9. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

Editing IP routes

You can edit IP routes.

To edit an IP route:
1. In the Static Routes tab of the Routing window, select the relevant row.

2. On the toolbar, click .

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The Edit Route window for the selected NE opens. The fields are the same
as for the Add Route window (as shown in the previous procedure).

Figure 4-29: Edit Route window

3. Fill in the fields, as described in the previous procedure.

4. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

Deleting IP routes

You can delete IP routes.

To delete an IP route:
1. In the Routing window, select the relevant row.

2. On the toolbar, click .

A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

3. Click Yes to confirm.

The selected IP route is deleted from the routing table.

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Selecting columns to display

You can select columns to display in the Routing window.

To select columns to display:

1. In the Static Routes tab of the Routing window, click (located to the
right of the column headers).
The Select Column window opens, displaying a list of columns that you
can specify to be visible in this window.

Figure 4-30: Select Column window

2. Select (or clear) the relevant checkboxes of the columns that you want to
display (or hide).
3. Click Set.
The Static Routes tab displays the columns, according to the specified

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Viewing actual routes

You can view the actual IP routes of the selected XDM NE.

To view the actual IP routes of an XDM NE:

1. In the Routing window, click the Actual Routes tab.
The Actual Routes tab opens, where you can view a listing of the IP
Routing Table used by the XDM NE.

Figure 4-31: Routing window - Actual Routes tab

2. View the fields, as described in the following read-only table.

Table 4-6: Routing window fields - Actual Routes tab

Field Description
Number Row number. (Read only)
Destination Destination IP address. (Read only)
Subnet Mask Determines number of bits used for subnet and host portions of
address. The mask is a 32-bit value that uses one-bits for network
and subnet portions and zero-bits for host portion. (Read only)
Next Hop IP address of next hop gateway. (Read only)
Interface Type of LAN interface used by NE. Options: Ethernet or DCC.
(Read only)
Route Type Route type. Options: Direct or Indirect. (Read only)
Metric Metric value of route. For future use: currently displays 1. (Read
Protocol Routing protocol on NE LAN interface. (Read only)

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DCC and IP Networking

LCT-XDM enables you to create, view, and modify IP Network Interface,
DCC Termination, and OSPF interface parameters.
Under dynamic DCC routing, NEs intercommunicate with each other over the
DCC interfaces using the OSPF protocol which results in dynamic construciton
of routing tables. Further, dynamic DCC routing enables NEs to automatically
set up new routes if existing ones fail.
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) is a routing protocol that determines the best
path for routing IP traffic over a TCP/IP network based on distance/metric
between nodes. OSPF is an interior gateway protocol (IGP) that works within
an Autonomous System (AS). It is a link state protocol capable of handling
large networks with little protocol traffic overhead.
Configuration of network links over which OSPF is supported:
| Gateway
| Clear Channel
LCT-XDM performs IP forwarding between all network interfaces, including
the DCC and Ethernet Gateway Management interfaces. LCT-XDM
implements the dynamic OSPF routing protocol over these network interfaces
to automatically determine the Routing Table. OSPF can be configured for any
subset of these network interfaces.
OSPF support includes:
| Point-to-Point and Broadcast interfaces
| Up to four OSPF areas
| Address summarization
| Support for Area Border Router (ABR) functionality
| Support for Autonomous System Border Router (ASBR) functionality,
including redistribution of Static Routes
| Support of Loopback address as Router ID
| Configuration of Hello Protocol parameters
| Support of "passive" interfaces to allow distribution of routes to attached

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Viewing and modifying overall OSPF settings

You can view and modify OSPF settings.

To view overall OSPF settings:

1. Do one of the following:
„ In the main window, connect to the relevant NE (see "Connecting to
NEs" on page 4-9), right-click and select IP Networking.
„ In the Shelf window, on the menu bar, select Configuration > IP
The IP Networking window opens.

2. Click the Overall OSPF tab.

The Overall OSPF tab opens, where you can view and modify general
OSPF settings.

Figure 4-32: IP Networking window - Overall OSPF tab

3. View the fields, as described in the following table.

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Table 4-7: IP Networking window - Overall OSPF tab

Field Description
OSPF Area Range Supports up to 12 distinct area ranges. Area ranges are used to
Table summarize NEs advertised over area boundaries. Instead of
advertising NEs individually, ABR advertises range.
Table rows are ordered by area ID and within that by range
address. You can edit selected rows and add and remove area
ranges from table. Default Area Range table contains no
Range Address and Range Mask fields define subnet of NEs.
OSPF Area ID OSPF Area ID table comprises one to four distinct areas coded
as 32-bit integers and displayed as IP addresses. Table is
displayed sorted from low to high areas. By default, first row
of table shows backbone area ( You can add and
remove OPSF areas from table.
| There is at least one row in the table
| Areas used in an area range or defined for an OSPF
interface cannot be removed
OSPF Enable OSPF state. Options: Enable or Disable.
AS Border Router ASBR state. Options: Enable or Disable. When set, OSPF
advertises its static routes.
LAN Emulation Toggles built-in LAN emulation interworking function. When
Interworking enabled, it prevents packet duplication from flooding domain
with multiple XDM gateways (dynamic routing "islands").
When performing OSPF over LAN Emulation interface, LCT-
XDM performs multicast address translation to allow elements
in flooding domain. Part of this mechanism works by
decreasing OSPF Router Priority to Management Station.
Default value of Priority decrement is 1. Range is: 1-100.
Management Address and Management Mask must match IP
address of Management Station defined as a subnet.

To enable/disable OSPF and ASBR settings:

1. In the OSPF Enable area, select an option (Enable or Disable). (By default,
OSPF is disabled.)
OSPF can be enabled on a network interface even if OSPF is disabled.

2. To enable/disable ASBR, in the AS Border Router area, select an option

(Enable or Disable). (By default, ASBR is disabled.)
When ASBR is enabled, OPSF advertises its static routes.

3. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes to the NE.

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To add an OSPF area range:

1. In the OSPF Area ID area, click .

The Add Range window opens.

Figure 4-33: Add Range window

2. In the Range Address and Range Mask fields, enter the relevant valid range
3. In the Area ID field, choose an ID from the dropdown list.
4. Click OK to submit the changes.
The new row is added to the OSPF Area Range Table.

Figure 4-34: OSPF Area Range Table with new entry

5. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes to the NE.

The system downloads the configuration to the NE after performing a
validation check to confirm that the new entry is unique.

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To remove an OSPF area range:

1. In the OSPF Area Range table, select the row to be removed.

2. Click .
The row is deleted from the table.

3. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes to the NE.

To add an OSPF area ID:

1. In the OSPF Area ID area, click .

The Add Area window opens.

Figure 4-35: Add Area window

2. In the Area ID field, enter a valid ID.

3. Click OK to submit the changes.

4. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes to the NE.

The system downloads the configuration to the NE after performing a
validation check to confirm that the new entry is unique.

To remove an OSPF area ID:

1. In the OSPF Area ID table, select the row to be removed. (The default first
row cannot be removed.)

2. Click .
The row is deleted from the table.

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3. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes to the NE.

Areas cannot be edited, only added or removed. To reassign an area ID, add
a new area first and modify the old area (in the OSPF interface) to the new
area. When there are no occurrences of the old area, it can be deleted from
the OPSF Area ID table.

To enable LAN emulation interworking:

1. In the LAN Emulation Interworking area, select the LAN Emulation
Interworking checkbox.
2. In the Management Address and Management Mask fields, enter the IP
address of the Management Station defined as as a subnet.
All addresses in this subnet must be routed the same way.

Terminating DCCs
To terminate a DCC, you need to connect the Line or Section DCC object to a
DCC Trail Termination Point (TTP) and then associate the termination with an
IP Network interface.
The DCC Termination tab of the IP Networking window displays the selected
encapsulation option.
| LAN Emulation (Legacy) Encapsulation: Allows you to create up to 32 (or
64 for xMCPB) DCC channels associated with a single network interface,
the dcc0 (a fixed value), as shown in the Network Interface field in the Edit
Network Interface window and in the DCC Termination tab of the IP
Networking window. A network interface that is already associated with
another termination will be enabled for the same speed only (that is, Line,
Section, or 10M). (Any DCC network interface (dcc0, dcc1, dcc2, and so
on) can be LAN Emulation, but all DCCs must be at the same speed.)
| PPP (Point to Point Protocol) Encapsulation: Allows you to associate one
channel (DCC). PPP can connect with only one channel (that is, to DCC1,
or to DCC2, and so on, up to network interfaces dcc32 or dcc33 (for the
clear channel for xMCP) or dcc64 or dcc65 (for the clear channel for
xMCPB). You cannot select a network interface that is already associated
with another termination. In the Network Interface dropdown list in the
Edit Network Interface window, the disabled dcc interfaces represent
occupied ones in the IP Networking DCC Termination tab. (Occupied
interfaces are shaded and cannot be selected.)

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To view a list of the terminated DCC channels:

1. In the IP Networking window, click the DCC Terminations tab.
The DCC Terminations tab opens, displaying the terminated DCC channels
(and respective network interface(s) with which they are associated). The
following figure shows the DCC Terminations tab for the xMCPB,
displaying the DCC groups (A and B) for the COM objects.

Figure 4-36: IP Networking window - DCC Terminations tab (for xMCPB)

2. In the relevant Stream area, click the relevant terminated COM DCC
channel to highlight its row in the table at the bottom of the DCC
Terminations tab.

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To connect a COM object to an NE interface:

1. In the Network Interface field, choose an NE interface from the dropdown
You can choose a defined NE interface or an undefined one and then create

NE interfaces already defined in the system are highlighted in black, and

those not yet defined are highlighted in green.

When you select an undefined NE interface, a confirmation window opens,

prompting you to confirm its creation.

2. Click OK to create the select NE interface.

3. To assign the COM object to the NE interface, on the toolbar, click .

You can access a legend that explains the symbols that appear on the COM
DCC channels.

To access the COM DCC Channels legend:

1. In the DCC Terminations tab, click the icon.

The Legend window opens, showing the symbols that appear on the COM
DCC channels in the DCC Terminations tab.

Figure 4-37: COM DCC Channels Legend window

2. Click OK to close the window.

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To view COM DCC channel XC details:

| Place the mouse over the (orange or blue) colored area of a COM DCC
channel that contains an XC (indicated by arrows).
A tooltip appears, showing the connection details.

Table 4-8: IP Networking window fields - DCC Terminations tab

Field Description
COM Object COM object. (Read only)
DCC Object DCC object. (Read only)
Network Interface Network interface. (Read only)
Encapsulation Encapsulation type. Options: PPP (allowed for interface
associated with one termination only) or LAN Emulation.
(Gateway (GTW) has fixed Ethernet encapsulation and dcc0 has
fixed LAN Emulation encapsulation.) (Read only)

To delete a terminated DCC channel:

1. In the DCC Terminations tab, select the relevant row in the table.

2. On the toolbar, click .

A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

To assign interfaces to the DCC channel:

1. In the DCC Terminations table, select the relevant COM object that
contains an XC.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The Add Network Interface window opens (see "Viewing, adding, and
modifying network interfaces" on page 4-49).

3. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

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To clear a network interface:

1. In the DCC Terminations tab, select the relevant row in the table.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The selected DCC interface is cleared.

3. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

To edit a network interface:

1. In the DCC Terminations tab, select the relevant row in the table.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The Edit Network Interface window opens, displaying the same tabs and
fields as the Add Network Interface window (see "Viewing, adding, and
modifying network interfaces" on page 4-49).

3. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

Viewing, adding, and modifying network interfaces

Multiple LAN Emulation DCC interfaces can be defined for static routing.
When using PPP/OSPF, each DCC is associated with a single IP interface.
Using the IP Network Interfaces table, you can:
| Define up to 32 (or 64 for xMCPB) DCC IP Network interfaces per NE
| Enable/disable network interfaces (in the Edit Network Interface window)
In the Network Interfaces tab, you can view, add, modify, and remove network

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To view a list of network interfaces:

1. In the IP Networking window, click the Network Interfaces tab.
The Network Interfaces tab opens, displaying the enabled network
interfaces, including the Gateway (gtw) interface.

Figure 4-38: IP Networking window - Network Interfaces tab

2. View the fields, as described in the following table.

Table 4-9: IP Networking window fields- Network Interfaces tab

Field Description
Interface Network interface. (Read only)
Encapsulation Encapsulation type. Options: PPP (allowed for interface
associated with one termination only) or LAN Emulation.
(Gateway (gtw) has fixed Ethernet encapsulation and dcc0 has
fixed LAN Emulation encapsulation.) (Read only)
Numbering Numbering status. Options include:
| Numbered: explicit IP address is assigned to interface.
| Unnumbered: no IP address is assigned.
PPP interfaces may be Numbered or Unnumbered.
(LAN Emulation, Ethernet, and Gateway (gtw) interfaces are
always numbered. ) (Read only)
IP Address IP Address of interface. (Read only)
Subnet Mask Mask for IP address. (Read only)
Speed Speed of interface. (Read only)

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To add a network interface:

1. In the Network Interfaces tab, on the toolbar, click .

The Add Network Interface window opens.

Figure 4-39: Add Network Interface window

2. Fill in the fields, as described in the following table.

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3. In the New Attribute Value column, modify the editable fields, as required,
by clicking the relevant icon:

„ Click and type in a new value.


„ Click and choose an option from the dropdown list.

4. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

The new network interface row appears in the Network Interfaces table.

Table 4-10: Add Network Interface window fields

Field Description
Network Interface Network interface. Options: dcc0 to dcc33 (or up to dcc65 for
Connected To COM object to zwhich network interface is connected, and speed
of interface. (Read only)
Network Interface Attributes
Encapsulation Encapsulation type. Options: PPP (allowed for interface
associated with one termination only) or LAN Emulation. (Read
only for Gateway (gtw) which has fixed Ethernet encapsulation
and read only for dcc0 which has fixed LAN Emulation
IP Address IP Address of interface.
Numbering Numbering status. Options include:
| Numbered: explicit IP address is assigned to interface
| Unnumbered: no IP address is assigned
PPP interfaces may be Numbered or Unnumbered.
(Read only for LAN Emulation, Ethernet, and Gateway (gtw)
interfaces, which are always numbered. )
SubnetMask Mask for IP address. (Read only for Gateway (gtw))
OSPF Interface Attributes
OSPF Enable Enables/disables OSPF for this interface.
Passive Determines OSPF Passive/Active state.
| Passive: Relevant for OSPF enabled interfaces. OSPF
protocol is not performed over interface, but OSPF
advertises hosts on interface subnet. Area ID and Metric
attribute (in Advanced tab) must be defined. (Intervals,
Authentication and Password are Not Applicable. Neighbors
are not learned over passive interfaces.)
| Active: Active (normal) operational status.

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Field Description
Area ID OSPF Area ID (in IP Address format) for this interface. Relevant
only when OSPF is enabled. Dropdown list allows selection of
area from one of four areas defined in Overall OSPF tab.
Router Priority Router priority. Integer in range: 0-255. Default is 1.
Metric Metric value. Integer in range: 0-65365. Default values:
| Section-DCC: 520
| Line-DCC: 170
| Gateway (gtw): 10
| Clear Channel: 50
Hello Interval Hello interval. Integer in range: 0-3600. Default is 10
Dead interval Dead interval. Integer in range: 0-3600. Default is 40.
Retransmit Retransmit interval. Integer in range: 0-3600. Default is 5.
Transit Delay Transit delay. Integer in range: 0-3600. Default is 1.
Authentication Authentication type. Options: None or Simple Password.
Password Password. Up to 8 characters. Applicable for Simple Password.

To edit an existing network interface:

1. In the Network Interfaces tab, select the relevant row.

2. On the toolbar, click .

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The Edit Network Interface window opens, displaying the same tabs and
fields as the Add Network Interface window.

Figure 4-40: Edit Network Interface window

3. Fill in the fields, as described in the previous table.

4. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

To delete a network interface:

1. In the Network Interfaces tab, select the relevant row.

2. On the toolbar, click .

A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

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To delete an unused network interface:

1. In the Network Interfaces tab, select the relevant row in the table.

2. On the toolbar, click .

A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Viewing and modifying OSPF interfaces

For each network interface, there is a corresponding OSPF interface entry.
In the OSPF Interfaces tab, you can view and modify a list of existing OSPF
network interfaces (that were created/enabled in the Add Network Interface
window (see "Viewing, adding, and modifying network interfaces" on page

To view and modify OSPF interfaces:

1. In the IP Networking window, click the OSPF Interfaces tab.
The OSPF Interfaces tab opens, displaying a list of the network interfaces
(shown in the Network Interfaces tab), their configured attributes, and some
additional read-only attributes (see "Viewing, adding, and modifying
network interfaces" on page 4-49).

Figure 4-41: IP Networking window - OSPF Interfaces tab

2. To edit an OSPF interface, select the relevant row.

3. On the toolbar, click .

The Edit Network Interface window opens.

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4. Fill in the fields, as described in the procedure, "To edit an existing

network interface" (see "Viewing, adding, and modifying network
interfaces" on page 4-49).
Additional read-only fields in the OSPF Interfaces tab include:

„ State (Unknown, Down, Loopback, Waiting, PPP, Designated Route,

Backup Designated Route)
„ Neighbors (four) and related Neighbor Adjacency State (for example,
Neighbor1, Neighbor Adjacency State 1, and so on)

5. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

NOTE: It is not possible to delete OSPF interfaces from the

OSPF Interfaces table. The OSPF interface is an extension of
the network interface. There is always an OPSF interface
entry (enabled or disabled) for each network interface. When
you delete network interfaces in the Network Interfaces table,
OSPF interfaces are automatically deleted (except for the
dcc0 OSPF interface object, which is never deleted).

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Accessing the Shelf Window

You can access the XDM NE Shelf window directly from the main window
(for any activated NE to which you have connected and installed).
The Shelf window corresponds to the XDM NE type and displays the type of
card installed in each slot. (If no card is installed, the corresponding slot is

To access the Shelf window:

1. In the main window, connect to the relevant NE (see "Connecting to NEs"
on page 4-9).
2. Do one of the following:
„ Double-click the connected NE.
„ Right-click the connected NE, and select Shelf from the shortcut menu.

„ Select the connected NE, and on the main toolbar, click .

The Shelf window of the selected NE opens. The following figure shows a
sample Shelf window for an XDM-100 NE.

Figure 4-42: XDM-100 Shelf window

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Using the Shelf Window

This section describes how to use the LCT-XDM Shelf window to view and
modify XDM NEs.
The Shelf window displays a map of the cards installed in the NE shelf,
together with information relevant to each card, in two equipment display
modes, Actual and Expected (see "Actual and Expected views" on page 4-66).
Color coding indicates actual cards, configured card groups, and alarm states.
Special symbols indicate current card status or configuration details, including:
active or standby, protection, redundancy, traffic, and maintenance operations
(see "Symbols in the Shelf window" on page 4-69).
The Shelf window has its own menus and toolbar for selecting management
functions (see "Shelf Window Display Conventions" on page 4-66).
After a card has been assigned, you can perform certain configuration
operations for specific card types (see "Configuring Cards and Ports" on page
5-1). You can assign cards to slots (see "Card Assignment" on page 5-9) and
reassign equipment (see "Reassigning Components" on page 5-11), as needed.

XDM Shelves
XDM shelves include:
| XDM-40 Shelf (on page 4-59)
| XDM-100 Shelf (on page 4-60)
| XDM-200 Shelf (on page 4-62)
| XDM-500 Shelf (on page 4-63)
| XDM-1000 Shelf (on page 4-64)
| XDM-2000 Shelf (on page 4-65)
Depending on the specific shelf configuration in use, Shelf windows vary
somewhat in their appearance.

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XDM-40 Shelf
The XDM-40 shelf consists of an upper cage housing DWDM and
amplification modules and a card cage housing the I/O cards, common cards,
xFCU40, and fans power supply (PSFU).
The XDM-40 shelf consists of the following:
| Upper cage slots, designated M1 and M2 for DWDM and amplifier
| Two slots for redundant input filter units (xINF40).
| External Connection Module (ECM40) that provides connections for
alarms, orderwire (OW) interfaces, and LCT-XDM.
| Card cage with the following slots:
„ Two slots, designated I1 and I2 for I/O optical
„ One slot, designated C1 for an xMCP_B card.
„ One slot, designated C3 for the MECP_OSC or MECP_OSC_OW card
(OW in the card designation indicates built-in support for the OW),
which provides optical out-of-band management communication
interfaces for the xMCP_B card. The physical connection to the OW is
made through the ECM40.
„ One slot, designated F2 for the power supply fan unit (PSFU).
„ One slot, designated F1 for the fan cooling units (xFCU40).

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Figure 4-43: Typical XDM-40 Shelf window

XDM-100 Shelf
The XDM-100 shelf is available in the following shelf configurations:
| Basic XDM-100 shelf with two MXC cards for supporting system
| Expanded XDM-100 shelf with I/O protection
A TPU/OCU is mounted on top of the basic shelf providing protection to
the I/O modules.

| XDM-100 Converged MSPP/CWDM shelf

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The basic XDM-100 cage consists of the following:

| Slots for I/O interface modules
| Dedicated slots for the following cards and modules:
The modules and cards are distributed as follows:

„ Eight (8) slots, I1 to I8, optimally allocated for I/O interface modules
„ Two (2) slots, A and B respectively, allocated for the MXC cards (main
and protection). Each card has two slots (A1/A2 and B1/B2) to
accommodate SONET aggregate modules
„ One (1) slot allocated for the ECU card, which is located beneath the
The expanded XDM-100 shelf consists of the following:
| The basic XDM-100 shelf
| The TPU/OCU expansion shelf mounted on top, to add protection to
electrical I/O modules
The TPU/OCU is a single-shelf cage with slots for TPMS and TC or TCF

The modules are distributed as follows:

„ Four (4) slots allocated for TPMs (single-slot or double-slot modules)

„ One (1) slot allocated for the TC or TCF module

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Figure 4-44: Typical XDM-100 Shelf window

XDM-200 Shelf
The XDM-200 shelf consists of the following:
| Basic XDM-100 shelf with the common cards and I/O (transponder and
combiner) modules
| OCU shelf located on top of the basic shelf, accommodating passive optical
networking (mux/demux, OADM, and splitter/coupler) modules, and a
control module

Figure 4-45: Typical XDM-200 Shelf window

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XDM-500 Shelf
The XDM-500 shelf consists of a single-row cage housing the I/O, matrix,
processor, and common cards. The electrical interface connection modules and
DWDM/OADM modules are housed in the central modules area. The shelf also
includes two xINF units and three xFCU units. Slot assignment is as follows:
| Six (6) slots, IC1-IC6, flexibly allocated to I/O cards and/or transponders
| Four (4) slots, MC1-MC4, allocated to electric interface connection
modules or DWDM/OADM modules
| Two (2) slots, X1 and X2, allocated to the matrix cards
| Two (2) slots, C1 and C2, allocated to the xMCP cards

Figure 4-46: Typical XDM-500 Shelf window

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XDM-1000 Shelf
The XDM-1000 shelf consists of two cages. The cards (lower) cage houses the
I/O, matrix, processor, and common cards. The modules (upper) cage houses
the electrical interface connection modules and the DWDM/OADM modules.
The shelf also includes two xINF units and three xFCU units. Slot allocation is
as follows:
| Cards cage:
„ 12 slots, I1-I12, flexibly allocated to I/O cards
„ Two (2) slots, X1 and X2, allocated to the matrix cards
„ Two (2) slots, C1 and C2, allocated to the xMCP cards
| Modules cage:
„ 11 slots, M-1 to M-11, allocated to electric interface connection or
DWDM/OADM modules, an optical booster, and optical preamplifier

Figure 4-47: Typical XDM-1000 Shelf window

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XDM-2000 Shelf
The XDM-2000 shelf consists of a single cage containing two slots for
mux/demux cards and/or HLXC cards; 12 slots for transponders, optical fiber
amplifiers, and other optical modules; and 2 slots for the xMCP cards. The
external connection module MECP is located in the upper section of the cage.
The shelf also includes two xINF units and three xFCU units. Slot assignment
is as follows:
| 12 slots, I1-I12, allocated to transponders and other optical modules
| Two (2) slots, X1 and X2, allocated to mux/demux cards or to the matrix
HLXC cards (depending on the system’s configuration)
| Two (2) slots, C1 and C2, allocated to the xMCP cards

Figure 4-48: Typical XDM-2000 Shelf window

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Shelf Window Display Conventions

This section describes the display conventions for the Shelf window.

Actual and Expected views

LCT-XDM allows you to toggle between two equipment display modes in the
Shelf window, Actual and Expected.
Cards are configured in the Expected view. The color of the slot name panel
enables you to readily identify the card group (of the equipment type
configured in the slot).
The following table explains the color coding displayed on the slot name panel
(on the bottom of the card).

Table 4-11: Slot name color coding

Slot name color Card group

Light Brown I/O card, SIO/PIO
Light Blue Matrix card (HLXC/XIO)
Light Green Optical card
Pink Data card, DIO
Purple Control card (xMCP/MXC)
Gold CCP
Salmon FCU
Turquoise INF
Dark Gray MECP
Gray N/A, unsupported, and unknown cards

To toggle the Shelf window display modes:

| On the Shelf window toolbar, click either of the following buttons:

„ Actual: to view the actual card type physically installed in the slot.
If no card is installed and provisioned in the slot, the corresponding slot
is not marked. It appears colorless (transparent), indicating the
type/group has not yet been established.

„ Expected: to view the expected card type in the slot, even if the
card itself is not physically installed.

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NOTE: Actual cards appear in both views and are colored a


Shelf window menu bar

Figure 4-49: Shelf window menu bar

The LCT-XDM Shelf window menu bar contains various options that allow
you to perform operations related to selected cards and slots displayed in the
Shelf window.
Operations relating to a selected object can also be performed using pop-up
menus invoked by right-clicking the mouse over the object.

Shelf window toolbar

Figure 4-50: Shelf window toolbar

The LCT-XDM Shelf window displays toolbar icons that you can click to
perform various operations, as alternate shortcuts instead of the menu options.

NOTE: To perform operations and configuration changes in

an NE, you must first switch to Master mode (see "Operating
Modes" on page 3-9).

Table 4-12: Shelf window toolbar icons

Icon Name Description

Assign Opens Assign Equipment window, where you can assign
cards and modules and modify expected card type.

Reassign Opens Reassign Equipment window, where you can

reassign slot assignments.

Unassign Enables unassigning current card from slot.

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Icon Name Description

Open Opens Internals window of selected card.

Info Opens Info window of selected card or module.

Current Alarms Opens Current Alarms window of selected card or


Show External Opens External Alarms window, where you can view
Alarms and modify external alarm settings for input and output
alarms to define alarm conditions between an external
device and the XDM shelf.
Create XC Opens XC Browser, where you can create the XC.

Create XC Opens XC Wizard, where you can choose XC template

Template to begin XC creation process. After you click OK to
assign template, XC Browser opens, where you can
proceed to create XC.
XC List Opens XC List window, where you can view list of XCs
for selected NE and perform various operations on
selected XCs.
NE Info Opens Info window, displaying NE configuration,
inventory, and status parameters for selected NE.

APS Linear Info Opens APS Linear Info window, where you can view
working (main) and protection (standby) objects
configured for APS Linear protection for selected
Reload Reloads NE to display current values of attributes.

Actual Toggles Actual/Expected equipment display modes in

Shelf window.
Actual: displays actual card type physically installed in
Expected Toggles Expected/Actual equipment display modes in
Shelf window.
Expected: displays expected card type in slot, even if card
itself is not physically installed.
Sound Toggles mute/activate states of local XDM alarm buzzer.
By default, local XDM buzzer sounds when an alarm
occurs at NE.
(Monitor Mode) Toggles LCT-XDM Monitor/Master operation modes.
Switch to Master Monitor mode: enables viewing system parameters only
(such as NE alarms and cards), without making any
configuration changes in NE.

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Icon Name Description

(Master Mode) Toggles LCT-XDM Master/Monitor operation modes.
Switch to Master mode: enables changing NE configuration
Monitor settings.
Close Closes Shelf window.

Symbols in the Shelf window

LCT-XDM uses symbols on cards in the Shelf window to denote various
The XDM slot number appears at the bottom of each slot displayed in the Shelf
window. If no card has been assigned to a slot, the slot appears blank (shaded),
with just the slot number listed at the bottom.
The following figure displays typical card symbols:

Figure 4-51: Shelf window graphic indications

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Graphic indications include:

| Two LEDs displayed at the bottom of the slot (when a card is assigned to
it) are the Alarm LED and Unacknowledged Alarm LED, which
respectively indicate the overall alarm state and unacknowledged alarm
state of the object.
| Overall alarm LED, color coded to indicate the highest alarm severity
(either acknowledged or unacknowledged). A tooltip appears indicating the
number per severity of alarms (contained alarms) on the card (if the Show
Contained Alarms system preference is enabled) (see "Setting System
Preferences" on page 4-20). Double-click this LED to open the card's
Current Alarms window (see "Viewing Current Alarms" on page 8-2).
| Unacknowledged alarm LED, color coded to indicate the highest
unacknowledged alarm severity. A tooltip appears indicating the
unacknowledged alarm severity state (if the Show Contained Alarms
system preference is enabled) (see "Setting System Preferences" on page

| Protected (main) card marked with a shield icon bearing the letter
"M". (Blue indicates active status. Yellow indicates inactive.)

| Standby cards marked with a shield icon bearing the letters "SB".

| Active xMCP/MXC card marked with a heart icon.

| Where two MXC or xMCP cards are present, redundant cards marked with
for hardware revision F.00 or higher. (This condition is relevant only
for XDM-1000 NEs). The system automatically synchronizes the
xMCP/MXC cards every 60 minutes. If the cards are not synchronized,
(with a square border) appears on one of the standby xMCP/MXC
The Standby and Protection symbols are as follows:
| SB: indicates the card is in Standby mode
| M: indicates the card is a main card, protected by another card that is in
Standby mode
The letters or numbers displayed on top of the icon indicate the protection
scheme, as follows:

„ : APS Protection

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The color of the shield-shaped Protecting/Protection icon determines whether

the card is currently active or inactive:

| Blue: indicates that the card is active (for example, )

| Yellow: indicates a nonactive card that is not carrying traffic (for example,
You can filter the display of the symbols in the Shelf window to easily identify
cards with traffic or cards per DCC group (see "Filtering the Shelf window
display for NEs with xMCPB" on page 4-71).

Filtering the Shelf window display for NEs with

You can filter the display of the symbols shown in the Shelf window for NEs
with xMCPB to easily identify cards with traffic or cards per DCC group.

To filter the Shelf window display for NEs with xMCPB:

1. In the upper right corner of the relevant Shelf window, click .

A dropdown list of filter options appears.

Figure 4-52: Filter options

2. To select the filter criteria, click one of the following:

„ traffic

„ DCC group (Group A or Group B)

A checkbox appears adjacent to the selected row, and the Shelf window
displays the selected traffic or DCC group icon on the relevant cards.

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Tooltips on the DCC Group icons ( and ) indicate the group type,
and the Status bar (in the bottom left corner of the window) displays DCC
group details (including the number of cards and XCs per DCC group). It is
possible to change the DCC group type (see "Changing DCC Group Type"
on page 5-185).

Figure 4-53: Shelf window - showing DCC groups

Alarm severity color coding

The LCT-XDM LEDs that appear in the Shelf window and Internals window
(see "Viewing XDM Card Internals" on page 5-64) are color coded to indicate
the alarm state as follows:

Table 4-13: Alarm state color codes

Color Alarm state

Green Normal operating conditions (no alarms)
Bright Yellow Minor or Warning
Red Critical or Major
Gray Disabled operational state

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Configuring Timing Sources

This section describes how to use LCT-XDM to configure timing sources for
The HLXC, HLXC-384, XIO, and MXC cards provide a central timing source
within XDM NEs, which is distributed to all cards on the traffic paths. To pass
error-free digital signals between multiplexers, or from a multiplexer to another
digital system, such as a switch or a digital cross connect, all systems must be
Synchronization is accomplished by frequency-locking the multiplexer timing
generator (TG) to a signal related to a primary reference timing source.
Typically, one of the multiplexers in the network receives its timing from an
external clock. The remaining NEs are synchronized by the incoming line
Each NE is synchronized to a selectable source during normal operating
conditions. This source can be an external clock (BITS-in signal), an I/O timing
reference, or an internal clock. Any NE can provide a clock signal to external
equipment (BITS-out signal).
In general, one or several nodes provide the clock for all other nodes. The
nodes pass a timing marker (byte S1 in the section overhead) to determine
which clock within the network is most suitable.
In XDM NEs, each NE has two Timing Units (TMUs), with one configured as
the active unit, while the other is configured as a standby (redundant) unit.
ECI Telecom's Optical Networks Division recommends setting up networks so
that each ring/chain has one NE connected to an external timing source, while
the rest of the NEs are connected to line timing.

Basic timing configuration operations include:
| Viewing and modifying timing configuration (on page 4-74), including:
„ Defining NE-level timing
„ Selecting reference tributaries for the reference clock sources
„ Selecting the active timing sources
„ Setting the quality of the various timing sources, if needed
„ Defining the BITS-in (external clock) input type
„ Defining the BITS-out output port signal source and its parameters

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Viewing and Modifying Timing

LCT-XDM enables you to configure XDM NE timing parameters, including
user quality BITS-in input and BITS-out output reference timing sources.
In the Timing Configuration window, you can choose up to four timing
sources per selected NE:
| Internal: timing is generated internally by the NE oscillator
| BITS-in Input: incoming timing signal, an external timing source (for
example, an atomic clock) connected to the NE
| I/O Line Source: you can define up to four I/O lines as clock sources (from
a Async/SONET source, with or without a Synchronization Status Message

NOTE: Timing source selection should only be made from

one of the four possible timing sources. If not, the transient
time and other parameters are not assured.

Available timing sources can be divided into four groups, according to quality:
| SONET signals that contain an SSM (S1 byte in the Line/Section
overhead), which defines quality of signal as a timing source
| 1.5 Mbps SF External Clock and DS-1 Unframed Async tributary, which
have no indication as to their quality
| 1.5 Mbps ESF External Clock and 1.5M Framed Async tributary, which
have SSM quality value
| Internal clock of NE, which has fixed predefined quality
You must manually assign quality values for each NE that has either a 1.5
Mbps External Clock or 1.5M Unframed Async source. Before assigning these
qualities, it is the user's or administrator's responsibility to verify quality
values, according to the product specifications of each timing source.

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Viewing and modifying general timing parameters

You can view and modify general timing parameters.

To view and modify general timing parameters:

1. In the Shelf window, on the menu bar, select Configuration > Timing.

In the main window, connect to the relevant NE (see "Connecting to NEs"

on page 4-9), and do one of the following:

„ Right-click the NE and select Timing.

„ On the menu bar, select Configuration > Timing.

„ On the toolbar, click .

The Timing Configuration window opens, displaying the General tab,
where you can view and modify general XDM NE timing parameters.

Figure 4-54: Timing Configuration window - General tab

2. Fill in the fields, as described in the following table.

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3. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

Table 4-14: Timing Configuration window - General tab

Field Description
Timing In this area, you can configure TG source.
Priority Contains 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Priority fields, displaying Source,
Status, Quality, and Tributary settings for each priority.
Ports on PIM345 card cannot be used as timing source on these
1, 2, 3, 4 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th priority optional timing sources.
Source column displays respective priority timing source. Options:
| BITS-in-1.
| BITS-in-2.
| Internal (Configurable only for 1st priority).
| I/O-Line. (Available options depend on what is configured in
Sources Configuration tab of this window.)
| None: to remove 2nd, 3rd, or 4th priority timing source. Since
timing source selection is carried out by TG according to
signal status, it is important to remember that backup source
with higher status than primary source is selected as active
timing source, even if actual available quality is lower than
primary source.
Status column displays current status of respective priority.
Quality column displays timing source quality of respective
Tributary column displays physical port of respective priority. (In
Sources Configuration tab, you can assign ports.)
BITS-in Input BITS-in input consists of two external clock inputs (BITS-in-1 and
Configuration BITS-in-2).
BITS-in-1 BITS-in-1 input. Options:
| None: removes/inhibits any signal on BITS-in port
| 1.5 MHz
| 1.5 Mbps
| 1.5 Mbps-F (framed)
BITS-in-2 BITS-in-2 input. Options:
| None: removes/inhibits any signal on BITS-in port
| 1.5 MHz
| 1.5 Mbps
| 1.5 Mbps-F (framed)

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Field Description
BITS-out In this area, you can define source for timing signal passed to two
Output BITS-out output ports on NE. Any NE has ability to provide clock
Configuration signal to external equipment (BITS-out signal) through relevant
XDM ports.
BITS-out-1 Signal on BITS-out-1. Options:
| OFF: inhibits any signal on BITS-out port
| 1.5 MHz
| 1.5 Mbps
| 1.5 Mbps-F (framed)
BITS-out-2 BITS-out-2 output. Options:
| OFF: inhibits any signal on BITS-out port
| 1.5 MHz
| 1.5 Mbps
| 1.5 Mbps-F (framed)
Source BITS-out output source. Available options depend on values in
Source column of Timing Priority table or as TMU output (the
active source).
Squelch In this area, you can define whether BITS-out output signal is to
be squelched, and at what threshold.
Enabled Select checkbox to enable squelching (which checks quality of
signal). When enabled and the checkbox is selected, you can select
value in Threshold dropdown list.
Status Squelch status. (Read only)
Threshold Squelch threshold. Defines minimum quality of BITS-out signal.
If BITS-out signal is degraded to quality below this value, it is
squelched automatically, if squelch is enabled.
TMU Info Status of TMU equipment on matrix cards.
Color coded timing indicators (adjacent to TMU Left and TMU
Right fields) indicate TMU state/alarm status:

| : active TMU

| : cleared alarm state of TMU

| : nonoperational TMU

| : major or critical alarm state of TMU

| : warning alarm state of TMU

TMU Left Active timing source.
TMU Right Active timing source.

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Viewing and modifying timing source configuration

You can view and modify timing source configuration.

To view and modify timing source configuration:

1. In the Timing Configuration window, click the Sources Configuration tab.
The Sources Configuration tab opens, where you can configure timing
source attributes, including ports and timing signal quality.

Figure 4-55: Timing Configuration window - Sources Configuration tab

2. Fill in the fields, as described in the following table.

3. To choose a tributary, click .

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The Browse For Object window opens, where you can choose a port
object from the list.

Figure 4-56: Browse for Object window

4. Select a port object and click OK.

The Browse for Object window closes, and the selected port object
appears in the Tributary field.

5. In the User Quality field, select the checkbox to specify the timing signal
When you override the quality of the I/O line, a confirmation window

Figure 4-57: User Quality - Confirm window

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6. Click Yes to proceed.

The Quality field becomes enabled for editing.

Figure 4-58: Quality field enabled for editing

7. Choose an option from the Quality dropdown list.

8. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

Table 4-15: Timing Configuration window fields - Sources Configuration tab

Field Description
Configurable In this area, assign a logical reference to physical I/O port to be
Sources used as timing source.
NE uses timing source Quality parameter to determine preferred
timing source. NE uses preferred timing source as active source,
and inferior source as standby timing source.
Source I/O Line references (I/O 1-4) (or BITS-in-1, BITS-in-2 input).
Tributary Physical port. Open Browse For Object window and select port
(from which to receive timing signal).

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Field Description
Quality Timing source quality of selected timing source input. Options:
| PRS: Primary Reference Stratum 1 (10-11), such as atomic
clock source
| STU: Stratum Unknown
| ST2: Stratum 2 (SSU T)
| TNC: Transit Node Clock (SSU L)
| ST3E: Stratum 3E
| ST3: Stratum 3 (G.813 SEC)
| SMC: SONET Minimum Clock
If Quality field is disabled, SONET I/O is used as timing source
and transmitted SSM or BITS-in framed quality indication through
S1 byte. When this happens and you want to enter different quality
setting, you can override SSMs received on tributary to allow
operation, regardless of quality level indicated by SSM.
To override SSM, select checkbox in User Quality field.
User Quality Select checkbox to activate Quality field to manually change timing
signal quality.

Removing tributaries
You can remove tributaries (timing sources).

To remove a tributary (timing source):

1. In the Sources Configuration tab (of the Timing Configuration window),
select the relevant row containing the assigned tributary that you want to
remove. Verify that it is not used as a timing signal source in the Timing
Priority table (in the General tab).

2. On the toolbar, click .

3. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

The selected tributary is deleted, and the Tributary column displays N/A.

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Configuring Cards and Ports

In this chapter:
Overview ......................................................................................................... 5-2
XDM Cards and Modules................................................................................ 5-2
Card Assignment ............................................................................................. 5-9
Associating TMUs for Reassigned HLXC/XIO Cards.................................. 5-13
Power Dissipation Indicator .......................................................................... 5-16
Viewing and Modifying Card Information.................................................... 5-17
Card Setup ..................................................................................................... 5-21
Configuring Card/Port Attributes .................................................................. 5-22
Viewing Card Panel Layouts......................................................................... 5-29
Resetting Cards.............................................................................................. 5-30
Updating the NVM Card ............................................................................... 5-31
IO Protection ................................................................................................. 5-32
TRP Protection .............................................................................................. 5-42
RSTP Protection ............................................................................................ 5-44
RED Curves................................................................................................... 5-49
APS Linear Protection ................................................................................... 5-55
Viewing XDM Card Internals ....................................................................... 5-64
PIO/PIM/PDB Card Internals ........................................................................ 5-66
SIO/SIM Card Internals................................................................................. 5-67
MXC/xMCP Card Internals........................................................................... 5-67
EIS/EISM Card Internals............................................................................... 5-68
EISMB Card Internals ................................................................................... 5-76
MCS5 Card Internals ..................................................................................... 5-84
DIO Card Internals ...................................................................................... 5-101
DIOB and DIOM Card Internals ................................................................. 5-107
Power Control Configuration ...................................................................... 5-110
Combiner Card Internals ............................................................................. 5-143

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Configuring Cards and Ports LCT-XDM User Manual

OPM Card Internals..................................................................................... 5-147

Auxiliary Card Internals .............................................................................. 5-147
OHU Card Internals..................................................................................... 5-148
Viewing/Modifying Port and Equipment Object Information..................... 5-149
Viewing Internal Object Information .......................................................... 5-152
STS-3c SPE Concatenation ......................................................................... 5-162
TRP25_25 Card Internals ............................................................................ 5-169
Viewing Optical Parameters of Optical Objects.......................................... 5-178
DCC Termination ........................................................................................ 5-179
GCC0 Termination ...................................................................................... 5-185
Performing Equipment Maintenance........................................................... 5-190
Traffic Switching......................................................................................... 5-195

This section describes how to use LCT-XDM to configure XDM cards and

XDM Cards and Modules

XDM cards and modules come in various widths, with the narrowest occupying
a single slot and the widest occupying two slots. The following tables describe
their types.

Table 5-1: XDM-40, XDM-500, XDM-1000, XDM-2000 cards and modules

Card/Card type Location Description

HLXC Cards cage Hi-Lo Cross Connect matrix card, one on each
HLXC192 side of the cards cage. Receives or transmits
aggregate streams. Multiplexes, demultiplexes,
LXC384 cross connects, and synchronizes nodes.
HLXC768 The left HLXC card has TMU (Timing Unit) and
Timing Generator (TG) objects. The right HLXC
has only TMU objects. Both HLXCs operate
simultaneously in a 1+1 protection configuration.
Warning: If the XDM is part of any BLSR
scheme, make sure that its TMU is not defined as
Active before you extract a matrix card. If
necessary, change the active TMU definition.
Similarly, if a hardware failure occurs in the
operational matrix card TMU, the backup TMU
takes over the timing control within less than
50 msec.
XIO192 Cards cage Cross Connect I/O matrix card with I/O ports.

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LCT-XDM User Manual Configuring Cards and Ports

Card/Card type Location Description

MECP Cards cage Main Equipment Control Panel and MECP
MECP_OW Optical card. Connects management, Overhead
MECP_OSC Access (OHA), and Orderwire (OW) interfaces
MECP_OSC_ to active xMC. Accommodates optical network
OW interfaces for a dedicated Optical Supervisory
Channel (OSC). Two optical interfaces, east and
west, are provided.
xFCU Common Fan Cooling Unit.
PIO Cards cage Async Input/Output card. Provides Async I/Os.
Card name indicates number of supported Async
tributaries, data bitrate, and other protocol-related
SIO Cards cage SONET Input/Output card. Provides SONET
I/Os. Card name indicates number of supported
SONET tributaries, data bitrate, and other
protocol-related information.
EIS Cards cage Ethernet Interface Switch card. Acts as an
embedded Ethernet switch to provide Ethernet
Layer 2 services. Interoperates with MCS5 and
EISMB cards.
MCS5 Cards cage MPLS Carrier Class Switch card. Provides full
Layer 2 Ethernet provider bridge (802.1ad)
capabilities and switching, and support future
software upgrade to MPLS carrier class
switching capabilities. Supports Ethernet, Fast
Ethernet, and GbE services, with both electrical
and optical interfaces. Electrical connections for
MCS5 are by means of a dedicated electrical
interface module (ME16) located in
corresponding modules cage slot of shelf. Can be
installed in 5G and 10G slots only. Maximum of
two working and two protecting cards can be
installed in shelf with xMCP. Maximum of four
cards and four protecting cards can be installed in
shelves with xMCPB.
DIO Cards cage Data Input/Output card. Provides Layer 1 control
DIOB and bandwidth management for Fast Ethernet and
DIOBH Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) connections over SONET
network in XDM systems with both electrical
and optical interfaces. Electrical connections for
DIOB are by means of a dedicated electrical
interface module (ME16) located in
corresponding modules cage slot of shelf.
DIOBH (half capacity of DIOB) is assignment
mode of DIOB card when installed in 2.5 G slots
(in odd numbered slots).

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Configuring Cards and Ports LCT-XDM User Manual

Card/Card type Location Description

Mux/Demux Modules cage Multiplexer/Demultiplexer. Multiplexes optical
channels (lambdas) into WDM optical signal and
demultiplexes WDM optical signal into multiple
optical channels.
VMUX Modules cage Variable Mux (VMUX). Controllable mux that
extends length of network by improving Optical
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (OSNR), equalizing gain
tilt, and adjusting power of added channels.
OADM Modules Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer. Adds/drops
cage/cards number of optical channels (wavelengths) at
cage specific nodes without interfering with remainder
of pass-through channels. Allows sharing of
network resources among several traffic hubs,
nodes, or subnetworks.
MO_ROADM Modules cage Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer.
Dynamic configuration that upgrades network
capacity and range. Supports:
| Integrated Wavelength Selective Switch
(WSS). Optimized for regional and metro
applications. Supports up to eight "colorless"
add/drop ports. Provides access to all
wavelengths at every port, enabling flexible
and fully managed multiring and full mesh
networks (and low insertion loss for through
| Pluggable ROADM. Provides cost-effective
deployment for four to eight channel OADM
sites and WSS ROADM. Eliminates the need
to realign levels by adding/removing
| Wavelength Blocker. Optimized for
managing hub sites for carrier networks that
support up to 40 channels.
OFA Cards cage Optical Fiber Amplifier. Accommodates two
channels or ports. Includes OFA-2, OFA_M, and
OFA-R. Can be configured as booster, amplifier,
and/or inline amplifier.
MO_OFA_PHBC Modules cage Optical Fiber Amplifier for XDM-1000 product
MO_OFA_HBC line. Similar functionality to that of other OFA
cards. MO_OFA_PHBC provides double-stage
dynamic EDFA with 20dB midstage access and
redundant East-West configuration.
MO_OFA_HBC provides 20 dBm single stage
MO_PAC Modules cage Preamplifier (MO_PAC) and booster modules

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LCT-XDM User Manual Configuring Cards and Ports

Card/Card type Location Description

Transponder Cards cage Adapts client signals into optical network.
Supports SONET, Async, IP, and GbE at any
bitrate ranging from 50 Mbps up to 2.5 Gbps and
10 Gbps. Supports:
| Wavelength translation (that is, accepts any
wavelength within specified band, and
transmits on specified wavelength)
| Bitrate adaptation
| 3R (Reamplification, Reshaping, and
Retiming) of client signal
| Forward Error Correction (FEC) and
Enhanced FEC (EFEC) encoding of client
CMBR Modules Combiner. Aggregates multiple input streams
cage/cards into a single output stream.
cage COMBR10_T card unlike other Combiner cards
has four client channels and an Optical PG
(protection group) upon which to perform
maintenance operations.
OMSP Modules Optical Multiplexer Section Protection; a single-
cage/cards slot card. Provides multiplex section protection at
cage optical line level. Enables optical network to
operate in four-fiber infrastructure while
minimizing equipment needs. Operation in four
fiber rings ensures enhanced protection in cases
of fiber cut, as parallel fiber pair protects each
fiber pair. Can also be used to add nodes by
switching to appropriate fiber pair, thus
connecting node to network.
OPM Cards cage Optical Performance Monitor. Comprises OPM
measurement module and 4:1 optical switch.
OSC Cards cage Optical Supervisory Channel. Integrated into
MECP or implemented over SONET DCC,
where available. Operates at either 1510 nm or
1310 nm, at rate of 155 Mbps. Integrates high
capacity without interfering with optical channels
that operation in 1550 nm range (C band).

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Configuring Cards and Ports LCT-XDM User Manual

Card/Card type Location Description

xMCPB Cards cage Houses control card and communication
DCM/MDCM Modules cage Dispersion Compensation Module/Multichannel
Dispersion Compensation Module. Provides cost-
effective solutions for single-channel and multi-
channel dispersion compensation. Provides low-
insertion-loss modules for 40 km, 80 km, 100
km, and 120 km dispersion compensation for
installation in single slot in XDM modules cage.
Utilizes Fiber Bragg Grating technology, which
provides filter that reduces amplifier noise at
receiver, increasing available power budget.

Table 5-2: XDM-100 cards and modules

Card/Card type Location Description

MXC XDM-100 Main Cross Connect Control card, located near
I/O modules. Facilitates routing of traffic buses
to I/O modules.
In XDM-100 shelf, configuration includes either
of the following:
| Two cards: the main MXC (MXC-A) and
protection (MXC-B)
| One card and a bridge in a 1+1 protection
Each MXC card has relevant slot(s) to
accommodate Aggregate modules (AggBlk).
PIM XDM-100 Async Input/Output card. Connects Async
signals to MXC. Occupies a single slot on shelf
and supports a large number of interfaces.
Comprises line interface circuits, Async signal
processing circuits, and internal interfaces to two
MXC cards. Physical line interfaces and traffic
protection circuits are located in electrical
connection modules.
PIM cards with electrical interfaces fully support
direct connection to card, eliminating need for an
external module. Accommodate either a 1:1 or
1:3 protection scheme with one module in
standby. Each group of PIM cards uses one TPM
in the TPU.

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Card/Card type Location Description

SIM XDM-100 SONET Input/Output card. Provides SONET
I/Os. Supports SONET bitrates from OC-3 to
OC-12. Comprises a common module and a
plug-in Small Form-factor (SFP) transceiver
SIM cards with electrical interfaces fully support
direct connection to card, eliminating need for an
external module.
SAM XDM-100 SONET Aggregate Module. Multiple SAMs
reside on each MXC card. Controlled and power
fed by relevant MXC and connected to MXC
card by traffic buses. SAMs provide
cost-effective SONET aggregation for bit rates
from OC-3 to OC-48.
EISM XDM-100 Ethernet Interface Switch card. Provides Layer 2
EISMB Ethernet services. Shelves can accommodate up
to two EISMs that work independently or protect
each other.
EISMB card supports multiple Ethernet ports for
direct connection to customer sites (either
directly or through a CLE), and provides all
benefits of SFP technology for optical Ethernet
interfaces. Provides Ethernet Layer 2 services in
mixed SONET and Ethernet networks, and
Provider Bridge (QinQ) based EVPL and
EVPLAN services. Supports ETY ports (physical
Ethernet interfaces residing on card or in
modules cage, configured as UNI ports or as NNI
ports to client equipment) and EoS ports
(Ethernet over SONET ports which provide
connections to SONET matrix, configured as
NNI ports to provide connectivity between
EISMB and MCS5 cards, or as UNI ports to
provide a connection to remote ETY ports.) In
XDM-100, up to four EISMB cards can be
DIOM XDM-100 Data Input/Output card. Provides Layer 1 control
DIOMH and bandwidth management for Fast Ethernet and
Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) connections over SONET
network in XDM systems. Electrical SFP
provides electrical GbE services on DIOM_40
for mixed electrical and optical services on a
single card. (DIOMH is configured in half
capacity of DIOM.)
OHU XDM-100 Overhead Unit. Provides OW (OrderWire)
functionality. Supports interface overhead access
bytes towards MXC and DTMF (Dual Tone
Multi-Frequency) calls.

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Card/Card type Location Description

TPU/OCU XDM-100 Tributary Protection Unit/Optical CWDM Unit.
An expansion shelf that adds protection
capability to the system. Consists of a single cage
that contains slots for TPMs and a TCF module.
Accommodates up to four TPMs. If a failure
occurs in a tributary module, TPU switches
traffic to protection module.
TPM XDM-100 Tributary Protection Module, located in TPU.
Connected to a pair of PIM or SIM modules by
traffic cables. Includes protection-switching
relays, activated by active MXC upon detection
of a faulty PIM or SIM. Supports 1:1 and 1:3
protection schemes.
TC/TCF XDM-100 Tributary Control/TC Fan. Provides control and
cooling to TPMs in TPU shelf.
Mux/Demux Modules cage Multiplexer/Demultiplexer. Multiplexes optical
channels (lambdas) into a WDM optical signal
and demultiplexes a WDM optical signal into
multiple optical channels. Modules vary,
nonexpandable, expandable, with or without an
OSC filter.
OADM XDM-100 Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer. Adds/drops a
number of optical channels (wavelengths) at
specific nodes without interfering with the
remainder of the pass-through channels. Allows
the sharing of network resources among several
traffic hubs, nodes, or subnetworks.
OMSP XDM-100 Optical Multiplexer Section Protection; a single-
slot card. Supports optical system protection at
fiber level, based on a four-fiber connection.
Performs line and I/O protection at optical level.
Eliminates need for additional Loss of Signal
(LOS) detection mechanisms and electrical
control components. In case of a fiber cut, an
optical switch in the fiber automatically switches
system to protection mode (in less than 5 msec).

CRPT/CTRP XDM-100 Two bidirectional continuous transponders

(100 Mbps to 2.7 Gbps, each with two SFP
transceivers: 2.5 Gbps CWDM line SFP and an
STM-16/OC-48 client interface or two line SFPs
for regenerator mode.
CCMB XDM-100 Combiner. Aggregates multiple input streams
into a single output stream. For two
GbE/FE/FICON client SFP transceivers and one
2.7 Gbps CWDM line interface with G.709 FEC

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LCT-XDM User Manual Configuring Cards and Ports

Card/Card type Location Description

Splitter/ XDM-100 Four splitters and couplers with optical
Coupler protection.
ECU XDM-100 External Connection Unit . Connects
management, alarms, and OW interfaces to
MXC, and provides physical connections for
these interfaces.

Card Assignment
You can assign NE cards to slots in the Shelf window, and also change and
remove card assignments.

Assigning Cards to Slots

You can assign cards to slots in the XDM NE shelf.

To assign a card to a slot:

1. In the Shelf window, do one of the following:
„ Double-click an empty slot.
„ Right-click a slot, and select Assign.

„ Click a slot, and on the toolbar, click .

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The Assign Equipment window opens.

Figure 5-1: Assign Equipment window

2. In the Select Expected Type tree, select the card to assign.

3. Click Assign.
The tree displays all cards that can be assigned to the selected slot. The
Shelf window refreshes to display the new assignment. If an error occurs
during the assignment process, a warning message appears and the card
does not appear in the Shelf window.

4. If the card is to be installed as a standby card, such as for IOP equipment

protection, select the Stand-by checkbox.
5. If you are assigning a card that requires a matching module in the modules
cage, a second Assign Equipment window automatically opens, allowing
you to assign the modules cage card. You can complete the slot assignment
details in both windows, or assign the cards cage card now, and the
modules cage later.

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Unassigning Slots
You can unassign an XDM shelf slot assignment.

To unassign a slot assignment:

| In the Shelf window, do one of the following:
„ Right-click the equipment to be removed from the slot and select
Unassign from the shortcut menu.
„ Click the equipment to be removed from the slot, and on the toolbar,
click .
„ Perform a slot assignment procedure (see "Card Assignment" on page
5-9) and select the value None.

Reassigning Components
You can change the assignment of installed components.

To reassign a component installed in the XDM shelf:

1. In the Shelf window, select the relevant component.
2. On the toolbar, click .
The Reassign Equipment window opens, displaying the Actual Type field,
where you can view the name of the equipment type actually installed in
the slot.

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Configuring Cards and Ports LCT-XDM User Manual

Figure 5-2: Reassign Equipment window

To reassign a component installed on a module:

1. In the Shelf window, double-click a card, or select a card.

2. On the toolbar, click to open its Internals window (see "Viewing XDM
Card Internals" on page 5-64).
3. In the Internals window, select the relevant component.

4. On the toolbar, click .

The Reassign Equipment window opens, as shown in the previous

5. In the Select Expected Type area, select the relevant component from the
list, and click Reassign.

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Associating TMUs for Reassigned

In the XDM-400, XDM-500, and XDM-1000 shelves, whenever you reassign
an HLXC (to HLXC-384) or XIO card (see "Reassigning Components" on
page 5-11), the system automatically disassociates the TMUs of the reassigned
card. When this occurs, you need to associate the TMUs to synchronize the
cards. It is also possible to associate the TMUs in the XDM-100 shelf.

Associating TMUs
You can associate the TMUs to synchronize the cards.

To associate TMUs of a reassigned HLXC or XIO card:

1. In the Shelf window, on the menu bar, select Configuration > TMU

The TMU association is activated, indicated by an icon (and

corresponding tooltip) on the HLXC card in the Shelf window and on the
TMU object in the HLXC Internals window.

Figure 5-3: Shelf window displaying HLXC card with an active TMU

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Configuring Cards and Ports LCT-XDM User Manual

2. Right-click the HLXC card, and select Open.

The HLXC Internals window opens displaying the active TMU.

Figure 5-4: HLXC Internals window

Disassociating TMUs
You can disassociate TMUs.

To disassociate TMUs:
1. In the Shelf window, on the menu bar, select Configuration > TMU

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LCT-XDM User Manual Configuring Cards and Ports

The TMU is disassociated and the Active TMU icon no longer appears
on the respective card. The TMU Disassociated icon appears on the
Status bar in the bottom right corner of the window.

Figure 5-5: Status bar displaying dissassociated TMU symbol

2. To associate the TMU, do one of the following:

„ On the menu bar, select Configuration > TMU Associate.

„ On the status bar, double-click .

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Configuring Cards and Ports LCT-XDM User Manual

Power Dissipation Indicator

The number and types of cards that can be assigned to an NE shelf are limited
by the power dissipation required by each card and the maximum NE power
The power dissipation indicator, located in the lower left corner of the Shelf
window (of the XDM-400, XDM-500, XDM-1000, and XDM-2000), displays
both the maximum NE power dissipation limit and the actual power used. In
the following figure, the maximum NE power limit is 1200 W, and the actual
power used is 945 W. The color displayed depends on the percentage of the
power used. (For example, red reflects a high percentage of power used.)

Figure 5-6: Power dissipation indicator

LCT-XDM does not enable you to assign cards if the maximum NE power
dissipation limit has been exceeded.

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Viewing and Modifying Card

You can view and modify configuration, inventory, and status information of
XDM NE cards.

Viewing and Modifying Card Configuration

You can view and modify configuration information.

To view and modify card configuration information:

1. In the Shelf window, select a card, and do one of the following:
„ Right-click and select Info.

„ On the toolbar, click .

The Info window for the selected card opens, displaying the Configuration
tab page, where you can view and modify configuration parameters. Fields
displaying special symbols are enabled for editing. Alarm bell icons on the
right of the toolbar indicate alarm state and unacknowledged alarm state of
the selected card (see "Viewing Current Alarms" on page 8-2).

Figure 5-7: Card Info window - Configuration tab

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2. In the New Attribute Value column, modify the editable fields, as required,
by clicking the relevant icon:

„ Click and type in a new value.


„ Click and choose an option from the dropdown list.

3. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

Viewing Card Inventory

You can view card inventory.

To view card inventory:

| In the card Info window, click the Inventory tab to view inventory

Figure 5-8: Card Info window - Inventory tab

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Viewing Card Status

You can view card status.

To view card status:

| In the card Info window, click the Status tab to view status information.

Figure 5-9: Card Info window - Status tab

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Configuring Cards and Ports LCT-XDM User Manual

You can view and/or modify the TTI Expected, TTI Received, TSL
Expected, TSL Received, TTI Sent, and TSL Sent object attributes for
Section, STS-3c SPE, and STS-3c Src and Snk objects in the relevant Info
window (see the following sample figure).

Figure 5-10: Info window - STS-3c-SPE Snk object

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LCT-XDM User Manual Configuring Cards and Ports

Card Setup
You can view and modify card setup parameters.
The Card Setup window (available for several XDM NE card types) provides
easy access for configuring card attributes. It displays the same attributes
shown across multiple Info windows related to the selected XDM NE card and
its internal objects.

To view and modify card setup:

1. In the Shelf window, select the relevant card (for which the Card Setup
command is available).
2. Do one of the following:
„ Right-click the relevant card, and select Card > Card Setup.
„ Double-click the card to open its Internals window, and on the toolbar
click .
The Card Setup window opens, where you can view and modify various
attributes for the selected card. (Parameters shown vary per selected card.)

Figure 5-11: Card Setup window

3. Select the relevant options.

4. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

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Configuring Cards and Ports LCT-XDM User Manual

Configuring Card/Port Attributes

LCT-XDM supports the following methods for configuring object attributes:
| Directly from the object's Info window, the standard method. Can be used
to view and set attribute values for all objects (see "Viewing/Modifying
Port and Equipment Object Information" on page 5-149).
| Using the right-click menu in the Shelf window, a shortcut method
available for configuring certain attributes for all objects (propagation) on a
card containing that specific attribute. (It is not necessary to select a
specific object beforehand. You can first select the attribute that you want
to propagate, and then select the relevant object from the list in the
attribute's window.) This method is described here.

Configuring Card/Port Attributes from the

Shelf Window
You can configure card and port attributes from the Shelf window.

To configure card/port attributes from the Shelf window:

1. In the Shelf window, right-click a card.
2. On the shortcut menu select Attributes.
3. On the submenu, select an attribute option.

NOTE: These attributes do not apply to all objects on cards.

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A window opens for the selected attribute, displaying separate rows/entries

for each object on the card that contains the designated attribute. Only the
objects relevant to the attributes window you select appear in the window.
The following figure shows a sample Assigned Application Code window.

Figure 5-12: Assigned (Expected) Application Code window

The following table lists the common attribute window fields.

Table 5-3: Typical Attribute window fields

Field Description
Object Name of card object containing designated attribute. (Read only)
Actual Application code of object. Relevant only for Assigned
Application Code Application Code window (and not for other attributes). (Read
Base Channel Base channel of object. Relevant only for Assigned Channel
(THz) (Expected) window (and not for other attributes). (Read
Attribute Value Attribute value. (Options vary with attribute.)
New Attribute New value of attribute. (Options vary with attribute.)

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Configuring Cards and Ports LCT-XDM User Manual

Configuring Card/Port Attributes from the

Internals window
You can configure card and port attributes from the Internals window.

To configure card/port attributes from the Internals

1. In the Internals window, select an object (such as OPS-Src)and do one of
the following:
„ Double-click.

„ On the toolbar, click .

The relevant Info window opens displaying the object's attributes as listed
in the previous table. The current set value appears in the read-only
Attribute Value column.

The following sample OPS-Src Info window shows configuration

attributes, including, direction, actual and default laser state, ALS state and
duration, and facility type.

Figure 5-13: Info window - OPS-Src object

2. In the New Attribute Value column, select a new value in the dropdown

3. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

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LCT-XDM User Manual Configuring Cards and Ports

Enabling/Disabling Port Properties

You can enable/disable port properties of a selected card.

To enable/disable port properties of a selected card:

1. In the Shelf window, right-click the card and select Attributes > Port
The Port Enable window opens, where you can view, modify, and
propagate the selected card's port properties.

Figure 5-14: Port Enable window

2. To enable port properties, in the New Attribute Value column, click

and choose Enabled from the dropdown list.

3. To disable port properties, in the New Attribute Value column, click

and choose Disabled from the dropdown list.

4. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

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Configuring Cards and Ports LCT-XDM User Manual

Viewing and Modifying Optical

Wavelength Settings
Certain cards (for example, the SIO16-2) have optical modules, for which you
can select the channels' optical wavelengths.

To view and modify optical wavelength attributes for a card:

1. In the Shelf window, select the appropriate card type.
2. Right-click and select Attributes > Assigned Channel (Expected).
The Assigned Channel (THz) (Expected) window opens.

Figure 5-15: Assigned Channel (THz) (Expected) window

3. To modify the assigned channel, in the New Attribute Value column, click
and choose an option from the dropdown list.

4. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

To view and modify wavelength information for an optical

1. In the Shelf window, select the appropriate card type.
2. Double-click to open the card Internals window.
3. Select an optical module.

4. On the toolbar, click .

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LCT-XDM User Manual Configuring Cards and Ports

The Info window of the selected optical module opens, displaying the
current wavelength setting in the Assigned Channel (THz) (Expected) row.

Figure 5-16: Assigned Channel (THz) (Expected) wavelength settings

5. In the Assigned Channel (THz) (Expected) dropdown list, select a different


6. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

Propagating Card/Port Attributes

You can propagate attributes to modify all listed ports concurrently.

To propagate attributes and globally modify all ports listed:

1. In the Shelf window, right-click the card.
2. On the shortcut menu select Attributes.
3. On the submenu, select an attribute option.
A window opens for the attribute you select.

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4. On the toolbar, click .

The first field (row) is editable; the remaining fields are disabled for

5. In the New Attribute Value column, modify the editable field, as required:

„ Click and choose an option from the dropdown list.


„ Click and type in a new value.

6. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes to all objects listed in the
relevant attributes window.

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LCT-XDM User Manual Configuring Cards and Ports

Viewing Card Panel Layouts

You can view the panel layout of a card or module or schematic diagram to see
its physical panel, ports, and LED positions.

To view the panel layout:

| In the Shelf window, right-click the card, and select Panel Layout.
The Panel Layout window for the selected card opens.

Figure 5-17: Panel Layout window

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Resetting Cards
Card reset is possible only for actual cards in the Shelf window (and not for
expected cards). Note that only some cards support both cold/warm reset

NOTE: Whenever you reset an xMCP/MXC card, the

LCT-XDM station is disconnected from the NE.

To perform a cold reset:

1. In the Shelf window, right-click the relevant card and select Cold Reset.
A warning message appears if the operation affects traffic or management.

A confirmation window opens.

2. Click Yes to confirm the reset.

To perform a warm reset:

1. In the Shelf window, right-click the relevant card and select Warm Reset.
A confirmation window opens.

2. Click Yes to confirm the reset.

NOTE: In case of xMCP/MXC redundancy, a cold or warm

reset to the active card causes a switch to the redundant card,
unless a protection lockout has been configured. Warm reset
is only available when equipment protection lockout is

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LCT-XDM User Manual Configuring Cards and Ports

Updating the NVM Card

To ensure data is not lost upon system reset or during certain operations, you
can save configured data in permanent storage by updating the Non-Volatile
Memory (NVM) card manually during an LCT-XDM session.

NOTE: Updating the NVM card takes several minutes and

disables you from performing any other operations during this

To update the NVM card:

1. In the Shelf window, double-click the xMCP/MXC card.
The xMCP/MXC card Internals window opens.

Figure 5-18: Internals window showing the NVM icon

2. On the toolbar, click .

A confirmation window opens, indicating that LCT-XDM is going to
update the NVM.

3. Click Yes to confirm the update.

The NVM is updated.

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Configuring Cards and Ports LCT-XDM User Manual

IO Protection
The IOP feature allows the protection of I/O traffic (including the cross
connections going through it) in order to transfer traffic from one or more I/O
electrical cards (such as SIO cards with electrical modules and PIO cards) to an
I/O protection card.
When IOP is implemented in the XDM-500, XDM-1000, and XDM-2000
shelves, a switching card installed in the modules cage of the NE shelf
automatically switches the traffic connections between the protecting and
protected I/O cards when conditions for such a switch exist. (The wait-to-
restore time is in minutes.)
IOP in XDM-500, XDM-1000, and XDM-2000 shelves uses two distinct
virtual protection buses, enabling you to define two separate PGs. You can
protect each of these PGs independently or the entire cage as a single PG. The
following requirements apply when defining such protection schemes:
| PG 1 (slots I1 through I6). A single standby card can be assigned to protect
one or more cards in PG 1.
| PG 2 (slots I7 through I11). A single standby card can be assigned to
protect one or more cards in PG 2.
| Two separate standby cards can be assigned to protect PG 1 and PG 2,
| One standby card can be assigned to protect cards in PG 1 and PG 2. This
means that only one bus is used for the entire NE, and the NE's cards
cannot be protected using a two-group protection scheme. The standby card
must be assigned to slot I6 to protect cards in slots I1 through I5 and I7
through I11.

NOTE: The XDM-100 does not have a virtual protection bus,

such as that used in the XDM-1000. Instead, IOP is
implemented outside the NE.

You can also manually switch to the protecting I/O card in response to an alarm
or in preparation for performing maintenance operations.

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Configuring IOP Protection

This section describes the workflow and the procedures necessary for
configuring IOP protection for all XDM types.
To configure IOP protection, implement the following workflow:
1. Configure a suitable I/O card as a standby card (the protecting card, to
which trail traffic is switched).
2. Configure the working card in the NE shelf's modules cage.
3. Associate the protected I/O card with a protecting card.

NOTE: SIO and PIO345 cards used as the standby on an IOP

configuration must be installed in slot I6. In addition, a
standby card for OC-3 or STS-1/STS-1 can be installed in
Slot I7.

Different slot assignment rules apply when configuring TRP

card protection.

You can configure an I/O card as standby when you initially assign it to a slot
in the XDM shelf.

To configure an I/O card as standby:

| In the Assign Equipment window, click Standby.

When an I/O card is defined as standby, the icon appears on the card in
the Shelf window. You can also view a tooltip by placing the mouse over
the icon located on the card.

You can configure a working card, which will switch to standby when

To configure the protected card:

| In the Assign Equipment window, assign a suitable working card to the
The switching card is assigned to the modules cage.

After you have configured the standby and protected cards in the modules cage,
you can associate the cards with a protection group (PG) by selecting one
standby card and one or more cards for protection.

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To associate working and standby protected cards:

1. In the Shelf window, click the standby card (marked with ) to select it.
2. Shift-click one or more working cards (to select all cards to be protected by
the standby card selected in step 1).
One standby card can protect multiple working cards (except for TRP and
EIS cards, for which a standby card can protect only a single working card).

Both the working and standby protected card(s) are now selected. The
following figure shows a sample XDM-50 shelf with PIM2_21 cards
selected for PG association.

Figure 5-19: Typical XDM cards selected for protection group

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NOTE: In the XDM-100, you must shift-click to select all

protecting and protected cards simultaneously (the TPM
module is selected automatically by the system), including the
standby card and all protected cards, before proceeding to
step 3. If you select an incorrect card slot when performing
this action, the menu in step 3 is shaded. If you select an
inappropriate card type when performing this action, the
menu is accessible, but you will receive a warning message
that an incorrect card type has been selected (for example, a
PIM protected card must have a PIM protecting card, and not
a SIM protecting card). You must select only those slots and
card types that adhere to the rules described in IOP Protection
in the XDM-100 Platforms (see "IO Protection in the
XDM-100 Platforms" on page 5-39).

3. Do one of the following:

„ Right-click and on the shortcut menu, select Associate.
„ On the menu bar, select Configuration > Associate.

„ appears on the protected (main) card(s).

Removing IOP Protection

You can remove IOP protection from a selected card that is part of a PG by
disassociating if from the group. You can also remove protection from all cards
in a PG concurrently.

To remove protection from a card that is part of a PG:

1. In the Shelf window, click the protected card to select it.
The protected cards are now selected.

2. On the menu bar, select Configuration > Disassociate.

A message window opens, warning that the operation may affect traffic.

3. Click Yes to disassociate the selected card(s).

You can remove protection from all cards in a PG concurrently by either
selecting the standby card, or by selecting the whole group and performing the
disassociation operation.

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To remove protection from a PG:

1. In the Shelf window, select a standby card (marked with ).

2. On the menu bar, select Configuration > Disassociate.
A message window opens, warning that the operation may affect traffic.

3. Click Yes to continue.

Protection is removed from the PG.

Manually Switching to Protection and

Applying Protection Lockout
When IOP is configured, trail traffic automatically switches to the protecting
equipment when necessary.
LCT-XDM also supports the following manual equipment protection switching
| Manual Switch: Switching to protection is implemented from the working
protected card to the standby card (and vice versa) when necessary. Manual
switch has a lower priority than alarms, that is, an alarm on a protected card
causes the standby card to protect that card.
| Force Switch: Switching to protection is implemented from the working
protected card to the standby card, even if conditions do not require
automatic switching. Force switch has a higher priority than alarms, that is,
an alarm on a protected card does not cause the standby card to protect that
| Lockout: Switching to protection from the working protected card to the
standby card is prevented even if conditions require automatic switching.
Lockout remains in effect until the action is released.

NOTE: Switching to protection may affect traffic.

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To perform a manual or forced switch:

1. In the Shelf window, select the protected card.
2. On the menu bar, select one of the following:
„ Maintenance > Manual Switch.
„ Maintenance > Force Switch.
A confirmation window opens, warning that the operation may affect

3. Click Yes to continue.

A message window opens, informing about the switch, and the
Maintenance icon moves to the selected card.

This action switches all endpoints on the selected card to the protection

NOTE: To view the card internals of a protected card, always

double-click the protected card, even when the traffic has
switched to the standby card.

The manual switch described in this section is a low-priority

type of switch. It does not operate if protection lockout is
active or if an automatic switch due to failure is in progress.

If you issued a force switch command, you can revert to the protected card.

To revert to the xMCP/MXC card:

1. In the Shelf window, select the card that is set for protection lockout.
2. Right-click, and on the shortcut menu, clear the checkbox adjacent to
Equipment Protection (Force or Manual) Switch.
A message window opens, prompting you to confirm.

3. Click Yes to confirm.

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To perform protection lockout:

1. In the Shelf window, select the protected card.
2. On the menu bar, select Maintenance > Equipment Protection Lockout.

To release protection lockout:

1. In the Shelf window, select the card that is set for protection lockout.
2. On the menu bar, select Maintenance and clear the checkbox adjacent to
Equipment Protection Lockout.

Viewing the Protection Status

You can view information regarding the protection status of protected and
standby cards.

To view the protection status of protected and standby

1. In the Shelf window, select either the working protected card or the standby

2. On the toolbar, click .

The Info window for the selected card opens, displaying the protection
information in the Configuration tab in the following fields:

„ Role in Protection (Main, Standby, or Unprotected)

„ Associated Equipment
„ Wait to Restore

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The following figure shows a sample Info window for a standby xMCP

Figure 5-20: Protection status in Info window

IO Protection in the XDM-100 Platforms

In XDM-100 platforms, IOP is not integrated in the basic shelf. It requires an
additional TPU and TPMs. These handle the shelf IO protection switching. The
TPU, which contains four slots for TPMs (M11, M12, M13, and M14), enables
you to view and manage security.
External cables carry transmissions from I/O cards to the TPM. When a failure
is detected, the TPM performs the switch to protection.

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Configuring Cards and Ports LCT-XDM User Manual

The following figure shows typical XDM-100 connections.

Figure 5-21: XDM-100 connections

Electrical SIM module types can be protected in the XDM-100 IOP


NOTE: SIM/O cards containing optical modules are not

protected using IOP.

If required, a TPU card can be physically removed after

removing its I/O protection and unassigning it.

The XDM-100 platform supports several types of IOP schemes:

| 1 to 1 (1:1) protection: one protecting card protects a single protected card
| 1 to 3 (1:3) protection: one protecting card protects two or three protected
The following figure shows examples of 1:1 and 1:3 protection schemes and
their TPM connections in the XDM-100.

Figure 5-22: TPM connections

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Requirements for these protection schemes are described later in this section. In
all cases, the assigned TPM must be appropriate for the specific IOP scheme in
use. An underscore 1 (_1) in the TPM name indicates a 1:1 protection scheme;
an underscore 3 (_3) indicates a 1:3 protection scheme. The following table
lists the required TPM for specific protection schemes.

Table 5-4: XDM-100 IO protection schemes

TPM type Type of interface protection provided

TPMH_1 PIM345 (34/45 Mbps) 1:1 protection or SIM1_4 (155 Mbps) 1:1

The TPM performs the switch to protection for cards located beneath the
module. In all XDM-100 IO protection schemes, the standby card must be the
upper leftmost card for the PG. As shown in the following figure, the TPM2_3
occupies two adjacent slots, M11 and M12. The standby card for the PG is
located in the slot on the left, in this case, I1 and I5. Protected cards in the PG
occupy slots I2 and I6 or I5 for 1:3 protection scheme.

Figure 5-23: Sample 1:3 protection scheme

The following table shows the slot association possibilities for the 1:1
protection scheme.

Table 5-5: XDM-100 1:1 IO protection

TPU slot I/O slot

Standby Protected
M11 I1 I5
M12 I2 I6
M13 I3 I7
M14 I4 I8

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The following table shows the slot association possibilities for the 1:3
protection scheme.

Table 5-6: XDM-100 1:3 IO protection

TPU slot I/O slot

Standby Protected
M11 and M12 I1 I2, I5, and I6
M13 and M14 I3 I4, I7, and I8

The requirements for a 1:2 protection scheme are the same as those for 1:3
protection, except that two rather than three cards are protected.
The following IOP definitions apply to the EISM card in the XDM-100. Only
the optical interfaces of the EISM card can be protected. In this cases a splitter
and coupler must be used. The slots are defined as follows:
| Slot I1 can be the standby for slot I5 only
| Slot I3 can be the standby for slot I7 only

TRP Protection
LCT-XDM enables you to apply TRP protection to switch traffic on a TRP
transponder card to a protection TRP card.
The switch is done automatically when an (LOS or AIS) alarm is detected on
the protected card. You can also manually switch to the protecting card in
response to an alarm or in preparation for maintenance.
Configuring TRP protection is subject to certain limitations.
| Both TRP cards must be set to the same ALS mode. You cannot change the
ALS mode setting after associating TRP cards.
| Associated TRP cards must be in consecutive slots, starting with an odd
number (that is, you can associate two cards installed in slots I3 and I4, but
not in slots I4 and I5). The standby card must be to the left of the protected
| Associated cards must not be TRP10-Add cards, and they cannot use IOP.
| The associated card on the left must be in an odd number slot.

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| For cards other than Combiners and TRP25_4:

„ Both cards must have the same ALS local/through mode.
„ The next two right cards should have the same ALS type.
„ The next two right cards should have card type eqpType3 or eqpType4.
„ The next two right cards must have the following card type:
 If eqp1 = TRP10_SONET_DROP_EXP_EQPT_TYPE, then eqp3
 If eqp1 = TRP10_SONET_EXP_EQPT_TYPE, then eqp3 must be
 If eqp1 = TRP10_SONET_REG_EXP_EQPT_TYPE, then eqp3
„ The ALS_Local left Drop must be connected to the left Add, and the
right Drop to the right Add.
| In the XDM-500, XDM-1000 and XDM-2000, the card on the left side is
always designated as the standby (protecting) card and is indicated with the
icon in the Shelf window. The card on the right side is always
designated as the protected card and is indicated with a in the Shelf
| In the XDM-100, the standby card must be located directly above the
protected card in the Shelf window.

To configure TRP protection:

1. In the Shelf window, select two TRP cards to which to associate protection.
Keep in mind the limitations listed previously.
2. On the menu bar, select Configuration > Associate.

To remove TRP Protection:

1. In the Shelf window, select the working TRP card.
2. Select both cards configured as redundant.
3. On the menu bar, select Configuration > Disassociate.

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Configuring Cards and Ports LCT-XDM User Manual

RSTP Protection
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), as defined by IEEE 802.1w, provides
Ethernet path backup in case of link failure in the network and prevents
Ethernet loops in the network.
RSTP can be used to avoid the types of bridge loops in bridged Ethernet
networks that are produced by EIS/EISM/EISMB cards in the XDM. RSTP
uses an algorithm that enables bridges to understand the topography of the
network and know which bridge is acting as the primary root bridge. When
multiple paths to the root bridge exist, each switch uses the protocol to
determine the shortest path based on bandwidth considerations, the number of
hops required, and the "cost" of each hop. If the path fails, the protocol
automatically reconfigures the network to activate another path, allowing the
network to recover from the failure.
The lowest-cost port used by each switch to communicate with the root bridge
is known as a forwarding port or root port. The port rejected by the switch as a
possible root port becomes the blocking port, which stays inactive until needed
to replace a failed primary path. Since traffic is not carried on the blocking port
except when necessary, frames do not waste network resources by traveling in
an endless loop.
The root bridge is defined as the bridge with the lowest priority value. If all
EIS/EISM/EISMB cards in the network are configured with the same priority,
the bridge with the lowest MAC address is selected.

Configuring RSTP Protection

You can configure RSTP protection.

To configure RSTP protection for EIS/EISM/EISMB ports:

1. In the Shelf window, select an EIS/EISM/EISMB card.
2. On the menu bar, select Configuration > RSTP.
The RSTP Configuration window opens.

Figure 5-24: RSTP Configuration window

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LCT-XDM User Manual Configuring Cards and Ports

3. View and modify the fields, as described in the table following this

4. In the RSTP Enable column, click and choose an option from the
dropdown list (Enabled or Disabled).
(By default, RSTP is enabled for all EIS EoS ports.)

5. To enable RSTP for all ports simultaneously, on the toolbar, click .

6. To disable RSTP for all ports simultaneously, on the toolbar click .

7. In the Port Priority column, click and choose a new priority for the port
from the dropdown list.
This value helps determine which port will be selected as the root port (and
conversely, which port will become the blocking port).

8. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

NOTE: SONET protection can be used only to recover from

failures that occur between the EIS/EISM endpoints. Any
failures in the endpoints themselves are automatically handled
by RSTP.

Table 5-7: RSTP Configuration window fields

Field Description
Port Name of EoS port, including slot number containing
EIS/EIS-M card. (Read only)
RSTP Enabled Enables/disables RSTP of a port.
State Current state of port: Forwarding, Discarding, Broken, or
Invalid. (Read only)
Path Cost Contribution of port to overall cost of path to root bridge. (Read
Designated Cost Overall cost of path to root bridge. By default, system selects
ports that offer lowest designated cost. (Read only)
Port Priority Defines priority of port, helps determine root port.
Holdoff Time Interval during which RSTP is prevented from making a
topology change upon link failure. Can be defined per
EIS/EISM link to allow SONET protection schemes (which are
used by XDM to carry Ethernet traffic from shelf to shelf) to
recover from link failure instead of RSTP. If no interval is
required, 0 appears in this field. (Read only)

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Field Description
Designated Bridge Bridge connecting to selected port. (Read only)
Designated Port Port on designated bridge connecting to selected port. (Read

To refresh RSTP data manually:

| In the RSTP Configuration window, on the toolbar, click .

Viewing RSTP Bridge Information

You can view RSTP bridge information.

To view and modify RSTP bridge information:

1. In the RSTP Configuration window, on the toolbar, click .

The RSTP Bridge Info window opens, displaying the Configuration tab,
where you can view and modify parameters for the selected EIS/EISM card
(see "Viewing Internal Object Information" on page 5-152).

Figure 5-25: RSTP Bridge Info window - Configuration tab

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2. View and modify the fields, as described in the following table.

3. In the RSTP Enable field, in the dropdown list in the New Attribute Value
column, enable/disable RSTP as needed.
4. In the Priority field, choose an option from the dropdown list to modify the
bridge's priority value.

5. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

The RSTP Bridge Info window can also be accessed in the EIS/EISM
Internals window for a selected Bridge object (see "EIS/EISM Card Internals"
on page 5-68) or port (see "Viewing RSTP Port Info" on page 5-75).

Table 5-8: RSTP Bridge Info window - Configuration tab fields

Attribute name Description

Ethernet Network ID Ethernet network ID. Options: 1-999.
BSC Enabled Whether Broadcast Storming Control (BSC) is enabled.
Options: Enabled or Disabled.
BSC Threshold BSC threshold. (Read only)
Alarm Profile Alarm profile.
Alarm Master Mask Alarm master mask.
RSTP Enable Whether RSTP is enabled. Must be set per Ethernet switch.
Options: Enabled or Disabled.
Max Age (hops) Maximum age, used for RSTP configuration. (Read only)
Notification Enable Enables or disables notification.
Fwd Delay (sec) Forward delay, used for RSTP configuration.
Options: 4-30 seconds.
Hello Time (sec) Hello time, used for RSTP configuration. Options: 1-10
Priority Defines bridge priority in RSTP. Must be defined in
increments of 4,096. Increments not meeting this criterion are
Bridge ID Bridge ID. (Read only)
Tx Hold Count Transmitted hold count, used for RSTP configuration.
Time Since Topology Time in seconds since last topology change. (Read only)
Change (sec)
Topology Change Topology change count. (Read only)
Designated Port Port on designated bridge connecting to selected port. (Read
Root Path Cost Overall cost of path to root bridge. By default, system selects
ports that offer lowest designated cost. (Read only)
Root Port Root port. (Read only)

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To view RSTP bridge status parameters for the selected

1. The RSTP Bridge Info window, click the Status tab.
The Status tab opens, displaying RSTP bridge parameters for the selected

Figure 5-26: RSTP Bridge Info window - Status tab

2. View the fields, as described in the following table.

Table 5-9: RSTP Bridge Info window - Status tab fields

Attribute name Description

Ethernet Address Bridge MAC address used for RSTP. (Read only)
Egress Buffer Size Number of megabytes in EIS/EISM buffer. (Read only)
Administrative Administrative capability of log to perform its function.
Status Options:
| Unlocked: Use of log has been permitted by managing
system. Information from subordinate records may be
retrieved. Depending on values of other state and status
attributes, new records may be created.
| Locked: Use of log has been prohibited by managing
system. Information from subordinate records may be
retrieved, but new records cannot be created. Records may
be deleted.
(Read only)
Usage State Traffic state that can be Idle, Active, or Busy. (Read only)
Operational State Current operating mode of card. Options: Enabled (normal
state) or Disabled. (Read only)

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RED Curves
Random Early Discard (RED) in EIS/EISM/EISMB cards is an advanced
technique for managing a switch buffer's queue and priority. It improves
network performance and is the optimal buffer management method. RED
drops packets on a random basis from overloaded queues at the network edge,
based on predefined thresholds triggered by the traffic on the network.
Typically, the percentage of packets dropped by RED is determined by a curve
that gradually increases until a maximum, at which point all packets are
dropped. This prevents the buffer on the EIS/EISM/EISMB port from
The EIS/EISM/EISMB has a 36 MB shared buffer for all of its ports. In
LCT-XDM, RED curves can be defined at the EIS/EISM/EISMB port level
(EoS and ETY) for each of the available Class of Service (CoS) levels: CoS6
(Gold), CoS4 (Silver), CoS2 (Bronze), and CoS0 (Best Effort).
The following tables list the default RED curve settings for EoS and ETY
| Qmin is the threshold at which traffic from the selected queue begins to be
reduced through RED
| Qmax is the threshold beyond which all traffic from the selected queue is
dropped until congestion eases

Table 5-10: Default RED settings - EoS ports

Packet type Qmin Qmax Drop probability

CoS6 (Gold) 9984 KB (27%) 10000 KB (27%) 50%
CoS4 (Silver) 4208 KB (11%) 7008 KB (19%) 50%
CoS2 (Bronze) 3008 KB (8%) 5008 KB (13%) 50%
CoS0 (Best 1808 KB (4%) 3008 KB (8%) 50%

Table 5-11: Default RED settings - ETY ports

Packet type Qmin Qmax Drop probability

CoS6 (Gold) 1984 KB (5%) 2000 KB (5%) 50%
CoS4 (Silver) 896 KB (2%) 1504 KB (4%) 50%
CoS2 (Bronze) 896 KB (2%) 1504 KB (4%) 50%
CoS0 (Best 896 KB (2%) 1504 KB (4%) 50%

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For example, assume that two ETY ports are forwarding their traffic to a single
EoS port, and this traffic contains a combination of CoS6 (Gold) and CoS 0
(Best Effort) packets. In this case, the EoS port is configured with the default
RED value of 1,808 KB for the queue minimum. When congestion occurs on
the network and the buffer reaches 1,808 KB, the EIS/EISM/EISMB begins to
drop CoS0 (Best Effort) packets. When the buffer reaches 3,008 KB (the
default queue maximum), all CoS0 (Best Effort) packets are dropped.

Configuring RED Curves

You can configure RED curves.

To configure RED curves:

1. In the Shelf window, select an EIS/EISM/EISMB card.
(The RED Configuration window can also be accessed from the
EIS/EISM/EISMB Internals window for a selected port (see "EIS/EISM
Card Internals" on page 5-68).)

2. On the menu bar, select Configuration > RED.

The RED Configuration window opens, where you can view and modify
RED configuration settings.

The Port List area (at the top of the window) displays a table showing the
actual RED settings. Each row in the table represents the settings for one
CoS on a single port.

The RED Configuration area (at the bottom of the window) displays the
current RED settings for each CoS in the selected port in a graphical chart
format. In the RED Configuration area, you can access a Legend that
describes the S-VLAN CoS color codes and graphical symbols that appear
in the window (see "Legend for RED Configuration Color Codes and
Symbols" on page 5-54). You can collapse the RED Configuration area (by
clicking the adjacent dropdown arrow) to expand the display of the Port
List area of the window.

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Figure 5-27: RED Configuration window

3. To display ports in Port List table, do one of the following:

„ To select and display an individual port, select a port in the Port List.
„ To select and display multiple ports, SHFT-click the ports in the Port
„ To automatically select and display all ports automatically, on the
toolbar, click .
„ To automatically deselect and remove all ports from display (to display
an empty table), on the toolbar, click .
4. View and modify the Port List table fields, as described in the following
5. To modify Qmin and Qmax parameters, in the relevant Qmin or Qmax
column, click and type in a new value or click the scroll arrows.
6. To modify the drop probability percentage, in the Drop Probability column,
click and choose an option from the dropdown list (0-100).
Modified settings appear highlighted in blue.

7. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

Changes are reflected in the table and graph, and are applied to the

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Table 5-12: RED Configuration window fields

Field Description
Port Slot number, port type (ETY or EoS), and port number
S-VLAN CoS CoS level: CoS6 (Gold), CoS4 (Silver), CoS2 (Bronze), and
CoS0 (Best Effort)
Qmin, KB Threshold at which traffic from the selected queue begins to be
reduced via RED
Qmax, KB Threshold beyond which all traffic from the selected queue is
dropped until congestion eases
Drop Probability, % Probability of packets being dropped between Qmin and Qmax

To select the port display mode/filter the Port List table:

1. On the toolbar, click .

A dropdown list of CoS options appears.

Figure 5-28: Select Mode - CoS options

2. Choose a CoS option to display in the Port List table.

The ports per selected CoS level appear in the table.

To restore default RED settings:

1. In the RED Configuration window, select an object(s) from the table.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The default values are reset for the selected object(s).

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Viewing Graphical Reports of Selected

RED Curve Ports
You can view a graphical report in chart format to view multiple graphs of the
ports displayed in the Port List table shown in the RED Configuration

To view a graphical report for all displayed ports :

| In the RED Configuration window, on the toolbar, click .

The All Ports Report window opens, showing a graphical report (in chart
format) for the selected ports displayed in the RED curve table in the Port
List area. You can access a Legend that describes the S-VLAN CoS color
codes and graphical symbols that appear in the window (see "Legend for
RED Configuration Color Codes and Symbols" on page 5-54).

Figure 5-29: All Ports Report window

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Legend for RED Configuration Color Codes

and Symbols
You can access a Legend that describes the color codes and symbols of the
S-VLAN CoS levels in the EIS/EISM/EISMB ports.

To access the RED Configuration legend:

| In the right corner of the RED Configuration area shown in the All Ports
Report window or in the RED Configuration window, click .
The Legend window opens, showing the RED configuration CoS color
codes and symbols.

Figure 5-30: Legend window - RED Configuration

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APS Linear Protection

LCT-XDM enables you to apply APS to point-to-point configurations in order
to provide protection between connected NEs at the SONET Line layer. The
following figure shows a simplified example.

Figure 5-31: Protection schematic

In APS, any Line on any card can be used to protect any other Line of the same
rate. APS can be applied to traffic at the following levels: OC-3, OC-12,
OC-48, and OC-192. Protection switching can be applied either to traffic in
both directions or only to one direction. The switch to APS is nonrevertive.
When a switch to protection is made, the switch is not made back even when
the original problem is solved.

NOTE: Switches to APS are reported to the LCT-XDM

Alarm Log.

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Configuring APS Linear Protection

When configuring APS, keep the following restrictions in mind:
| APS can only be configured for SIO, XIO, SIM, and SAM cards
| The card pair must consist of two SONET ports of the same rate and can be
on the same card or different cards
| It is recommended that the Line objects used in the Working and Protected
ports have the same configuration attributes
| Neither of the cards on which ports are located can be configured as part of
an IOP scheme
You can configure APS linear protection in the APS Linear Browser window.

To access the APS Linear Browser window:

1. Do one of the following:
a. In the main window, connect to the relevant NE (see "Connecting to
NEs" on page 4-9).
b. Right-click and select APS Linear.
c. In the Shelf window, on the menu bar, select Configuration > APS
The APS Linear Browser window opens.

Figure 5-32: APS Linear Browser

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The APS Linear Browser consists of the following areas:

„ Resources area (on the upper left): displays all relevant Line objects (or
resources) per cards that can be assigned APS Linear protection. You
can click the dropdown arrows adjacent to the cards to expand/collapse
the display (see "Using LCT-XDM Windows" on page 3-11). Tooltips
and color coding on the objects indicate availability status:
 Orange: available for selection and assignment
 Gray: unavailable (as a result of rate mismatch or already in use),
and there is a tooltip explaining why it is unavailable
„ Constructor area (on lower left): is where to double-click or drag and
drop the Line resources to assign working and protected statuses. You
can click the dropdown arrow adjacent to "Constructor" to
expand/collapse the Constructor area display (see "Using LCT-XDM
Windows" on page 3-11). Color coded icons indicate APS protection

 : working (pink)

 : protected (yellow)
These icons also appear on relevant resources assigned APS linear
protection in the card Internals window (see "Viewing XDM Card
Internals" on page 5-64). In the the Internals window, APS Linear
Browser window, and APS Linear Info window (see "Viewing
APS Linear Information" on page 5-61), you can perform
maintenance operations on the relevant working and protected APS
„ Line Linear Protection area (on right): displays the results of the APS
linear protection assignment
The Resources and Constructor areas are collapsible (marked with
dropdown arrows), allowing you to toggle the window display (see "Using
LCT-XDM Windows" on page 3-11).

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To create APS linear protection:

1. In the APS Linear Browser window, in the Resources area, assign the
working and protected resources by doing one of the following:
„ Double-click the relevant Line resource.
By default, the Line resource is first assigned as working, when both
the working and protected resources are currently unassigned.

„ Select the Line resource, and on the toolbar click (Working) or

„ Right-click the Line resource and select Working or Protected.
„ Drag and drop the relevant Line resource to either the Working or
Protected resource in the Constructor area.
The resource appears in the Constructor area, and is assigned as either
Working or Protected (to be used as the switch).

In the Resources area, the resource appears gray (unavailable) and its
tooltip displays "All resource are assigned".

All of the following port protection options are supported (where both the
working and protected ports have the same port rate):

„ Optical port with an electrical port

„ Optical port with an optical port
„ Electrical port with an electrical port
„ Electrical port with an optical port
It is not recommend to choose Line resources on the same card, since
protection is not provided in case of a card failure.

2. Repeat step 1 for the second Line resource of the same rate (indicated in the
parentheses adjacent on the right of the resource name, for example,

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3. To verify that the object attributes are the same for the chosen pair:

a. On the toolbar, click .

The Line Propagation window opens, displaying, by default, new
values based on working values. Differences in values are highlighted
in blue (in the Working and Protected Value fields).

Figure 5-33: APS Propagation window

b. To change values, in the New Value field, select an option from the
dropdown list.
Changes are highlighted in blue.
c. Click Apply to propagate/assign the attributes to both the working and
protected Line resources.
The new values appear in the Line Propagation window.

(If the attributes are the same, propagation is unnecessary and the Apply
button is disabled.)

4. To designate the direction, on the toolbar, do one of the following:

„ Click for unidirectional for protection switching to be applied to

traffic in one direction only

„ Click for bidirectional for protection switching to be applied to

traffic in both directions
(By default, Unidirectional is assigned.)

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5. To create the APS linear protection, on the toolbar, click .

A new row appears in the Line Linear Protection area (on the right),
showing the newly configured APS linear protection.

You can view APS linear protection assignment in the APS Linear
Information window.

The icon appears on the working and protected cards in the Shelf
window. Since the same card can serve as both working and protected, all
working and standby protected cards display the same icon.

To remove a resource from the Constructor area:

| In the Constructor area, select the relevant Working or Protected resource,
and do one of the following:
„ Right-click and select Remove.
„ On the toolbar, click .
The selected resource is removed from the Constructor area. The
unassigned Working or Protected resource is available for assignment.

To clear all resources from the Constructor area:

| On the toolbar, click .

The resources are cleared from the Constructor area. The Working and
Protected resources are both available for assignment.

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To toggle alarm display on the Line resources:

| On the toolbar, click .

On the toolbar, a border appears around the selected icon indicating the
activated Show Alarms status, and Alarm LEDs appear on the relevant Line
resources. As shown in the following sample window, green alarm LEDs
appear on several resources (see "Alarm severity color coding" on page

Figure 5-34: Alarm LEDs on objects in Resources area

Viewing APS Linear Information

You can view APS linear protection information configured for

To view APS linear protection information:

1. Do one of the following:
„ In the Shelf window, select a SIO/XIO/SIM/SAM card displaying the
icon, and on the toolbar, click .
„ In the APS Linear Browser window (see "Configuring APS Linear
Protection" on page 5-56), on the toolbar, click .

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The APS Linear Info window opens, displaying the working (main) and
protected (standby) objects configured for APS Linear protection and the
respective maintenance operations that have been applied to them. If
multiple objects are configured for protection, a separate row appears for

Figure 5-35: APS Linear Info window

2. View the fields, as described in the following table.

3. To refresh the window, on the toolbar, click .

Table 5-13: APS Linear window fields

Field Description
Mode APS linear protection mode: Unidirectional or Bidirectional
Active Active state of object
Working APS working (main) object
Protected APS protected (standby) object
Commands Maintenance operations performed on APS object
Mismatch Mismatch status of actual and configured APS objects
Last Attempt Last attempt result of exercise maintenance

In the APS Linear Info window, you can perform maintenance operations on
APS objects (see "Performing APS Maintenance Operations" on page 5-63).
You can also remove APS linear protection from a selected object (one row) or
from all objects (all rows) on a card simultaneously (see "Removing APS
Linear Protection" on page 5-64). Maintenance operations can also be
performed in the APS Linear Browser window in the Line Linear Protection
area (see "Configuring APS Linear Protection" on page 5-56).

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Performing APS Maintenance Operations

You can perform maintenance operations on APS working and protected

To perform maintenance operations on APS resources:

1. In the Line Linear Protection area of the APS Linear Browser window or
in the APS Linear Info window, select the relevant row of the working or
protected APS resource upon which you want to perform a maintenance
2. To perform a maintenance operation on the selected working resource,
click one of the following:

a. to activate lockout

b. to activate force switch

c. to activate manual switch

d. to release maintenance

e. to exercise maintenance (to check the status of the protected path)

3. To perform a maintenance operation on the selected protected resource,
click one of the following:

a. to activate force switch

b. to activate manual switch

c. to release maintenance

d. to exercise maintenance (to check the status of the protected path)

A message window opens, warning that the action might be traffic-

4. Click Yes to confirm the operation.

The maintenance operation is performed on the selected resource.

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Removing APS Linear Protection

LCT-XDM enables you to remove APS linear protection from assigned
resources or from all resources simultaneously.

To remove APS linear protection from assigned resources:

1. Do one of the following:
„ In the APS Linear Browser window (see "Configuring APS Linear
Protection" on page 5-56), in the Line Linear Protection area, select the
relevant resources from which you want to remove APS linear
„ In the APS Linear Info window (see "Viewing APS Linear
Information" on page 5-61), select the row(s) of the relevant resources.

2. On the toolbar, click .

APS linear protection is removed from the selected resources.

To remove APS linear protection from all resources

| In the APS Linear Browser window (or in the APS Linear Info window),
on the toolbar, click .
Line linear protection is removed from all resources simultaneously.

Viewing XDM Card Internals

In the LCT-XDM Internals window, you can view information for a selected
card's internal objects, and you can perform operations on internal XDM
objects in any order, as required. Note that some of the configuration options
described in this section may not be relevant for your system configuration.
(The following subsections cover some of the many card types available on the
The Internals window of the various XDM card types can be accessed and
used to perform a number of operations, including some that are card or object

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To access the Internals window:

| In the Shelf window, do one of the following:
„ Double-click the card.

„ On the toolbar, click .

The Internals window opens. The following figure shows a typical SIO
Internals window.

Figure 5-36: Typical SIO Internals window

In the Equipment and ports area, click the relevant equipment or port object to
display the port and stream (Src and Snk) objects in the Zoom area at the
bottom of the window. You can collapse the Zoom area (and enlarge the
Equipment and ports area) by clicking the adjacent dropdown arrow.
LCT-XDM color codes objects in the Internals window.

Table 5-14: Object color coding in the Internals window

Color Internals object

Blue Port
Orange Stream

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On each object, there is an Alarm LED and an Unacknowledged Alarm LED,

which indicate the object's overall alarm state and unacknowledged alarm state,

Table 5-15: Alarm color coding in the Internals window

Color Alarm state

Green Normal operating conditions (no alarms and enabled operational
Bright Yellow Minor or Warning
Red Critical or Major
Gray Disabled operational state (no alarms present)

PIO/PIM Card Internals

Async Input/Output (PIO/PIM) cards provide Async interfaces for connecting
Async signals to the XDM central cross connect matrix located in the HLXC,
XIO, or MXC cards.
You can view a selected card's objects (such as 45M, VT-2-SPE, OC-3, Src,
and Snk) in the Internals window.
The following figure shows a sample PIO Internals window. The symbols that
appear on objects are the same as those in the Shelf window (see "Symbols in
the Shelf window" on page 4-69).

Figure 5-37: PIO Internals window

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SIO/SIM Card Internals

SONET Input/Output (SIO/SIM) cards provide interfaces that enable SONET
signals to connect to the central cross connect matrix of the XDM shelf located
in the HLXC, XIO, or MXC cards. SIO/SIM cards support all SONET bitrates.

Figure 5-38: Typical SIO Internals window

MXC/xMCP Card Internals

The MXC/xMCP card is the main control card (including the cross connect
matrix, COM, and TMU cards) that facilitates the routing of traffic buses to the
I/O modules.
The following figure shows a typical XDM-100 MXC Internals window.

Figure 5-39: Typical XDM-100 MXC Internals window

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EIS/EISM Card Internals

The Ethernet Interface Switch (EIS/EISM) card provides Ethernet Layer 2 and
point-to-point services over SONET networks.

NOTE: The EISM card is used on XDM-100 shelves.

Each EIS/EISM card has multiple Ethernet ports for direct connection to
customer sites (either directly or through a CLE), and functions as an
embedded Ethernet switch. The EIS/EISM card provides 10BaseT, 100BaseT
(Fast Ethernet), and GbE services.
EIS card types include:
| EIS2-8: Consists of 2 EoS ports and 8 ETY ports. Fits into 2.5 Gbps slots
or higher.
| EIS8-8: Consists of 8 EoS ports and 8 ETY ports. Fits into 5 Gbps slots.
| EIS2-14: Consists of 2 EoS ports and 14 ETY ports. Fits into 2.5 Gbps slots
or higher.

Figure 5-40: EIS/EISM Internals window

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The following operations are performed in the same manner for

EIS/EISM/EISMB (see "EISMB Card Internals" on page 5-76) and DIO cards:
| Enabling Ports (on page 5-72)
| Enabling GEoS Ports (on page 5-104)
| Enabling Tx Payload Carrying (on page 5-105)
| Enabling Rx Expected Payload Carrying (on page 5-106)

Viewing Available STSs

In the Info window of the EoS port VCG Src/Snk object, you can view the
maximum number of STSs that can be added to the STS group.

To view available STSs:

1. In the EIS/EISM/EISMB Internals window, in the Zoom - EoS ports area,
select a VCG Src or VCG Snk object.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The Info window of the selected VCG Src or Snk object opens, displaying
the available STSs.

Figure 5-41: Info window for VCG Src/Snk objects

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Allocating STSs
The EIS/EISM card supports granularity of STS-1 SPE and STS-3c SPE. You
can allocate STS members to groups, and when relevant, change the group
granularity. Granularity must be the same for each pair of EoS ports that is
using the same mapper. LCT-XDM allows changes of the granularity only if
both ports using the same mapper have no members connected. The STS type
and the number of STSs together specify the VCG rate.
A pair of EoS interfaces on the same mapper must use the same STS type.

To change the resource granularity:

1. In the EIS/EISM/EISMB (or DIO) Internals window, do one of the

„ In the EoS ports area, select the port, and on the toolbar click or
„ In the Zoom - EoS port area, select the relevant VCG Snk object.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The Info window for the selected EoS port opens, displaying VCG (Snk)
parameters. You can change the group granularity and the allocated STSs
for both VCG Snk and Src objects.

Figure 5-42: Info window for VCG Src/Snk objects

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3. In the VCG Granularity field, in the New Attribute Value dropdown list,
select STS-1 SPE or STS-3c SPE.
A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the VCG
granularity change.

4. Click Yes to confirm.

5. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

You can specify the number of STSs allocated to the port (to add STSs to the

To specify the number of STSs allocated to a port:

1. In the Info window for the selected VCG Src or Snk object, in the Number
of Allocated STSs row, in the New Attribute Value column, choose an
option in the dropdown list.
Changes appear highlighted in blue.

2. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

LCT-XDM validates the number of allocated STSs allowed on this port
with the selected granularity.

To view available STSs:

| In the Info window for the selected VCG SRC or Snk object, in the
read-only Available STSs field, you can view the maximum number of
STSs that can be added to the group.

Removing STSs
You can remove selected STSs or all STSs concurrently.

To remove STSs:
1. In the EIS/EISM/EISMB Internals window, in the Port area, select the
STS to be removed.

2. On the toolbar, click .

A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

3. Click Yes to confirm.

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To remove all STSs concurrently:

1. On the toolbar, click .

A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

2. Click Yes to confirm.

NOTE: If a STS is part of an XC, it cannot be removed from

the list of allocated STSs. However, for DIO1_31,
DIO1_31F, and DIO1_61, STSs can be removed.

Enabling Ports
You can enable and disable ports.

To enable a port:
1. In the EIS/EISM/EISMB or DIO Internals window, in the EoS/ETY Ports
area, select a port.

2. On the toolbar, click .

A border surrounds the toolbar icon, and a colored area appears to the
left of the port number, indicating that the selected port is enabled.

Figure 5-43: Sample enabled port

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To disable a port:
1. In the EIS/EISM or DIO Internals window, in the EoS/ETY Ports area,
select a port.

2. On the toolbar, click (displaying a border).

is no longer surrounded by a border, and a grayed area appears to the

left of the port number, indicating that the port is disabled.

Figure 5-44: Sample disabled port

Enabling LCAS
You can enable the standard Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS)
(G.7042) for EIS cards with General Framing Procedure (GFP) encapsulation.
LCAS enables smooth bandwidth modifications, including automatic
bandwidth reduction in case of failures in some of the SONET containers. It
improves service for Ethernet traffic by splitting it into distinct routes; if one
route fails, the other route remains active.

To enable LCAS on a EoS port:

1. In the EIS/EISM Internals window, in the Zoom - EoS port area, select the
relevant GEoS Snk object.

2. On the toolbar, click .

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The Info window for the selected GEoS Snk (or VCG Src/Snk) object

Figure 5-45: GEoS Snk object Info window showing LCAS Enabled

3. In the LCAS Enabled field, in the New Attribute Value dropdown list,
select Enabled.

4. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

LCAS is enabled for the selected EoS port.

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Viewing RSTP Port Info

You can view information for RSTP ports.

To view RSTP port information:

1. In the EIS/EISM Internals window, in the Zoom - EoS port area, select the
relevant Eth EoS Snk object.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The Info window for the selected Eth EoS Snk object opens.

Figure 5-46: Sample internal object Info window

3. On the toolbar, click .

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The RSTP Port Info window opens (see "Viewing RSTP Bridge
Information" on page 5-46).

Figure 5-47: RSTP Port Info window

EISMB Card Internals

EISMB cards are similar to (and compatible with) other EIS/EISM cards with
multiple Ethernet ports for direct connection to customer sites, and they also
function as an embedded Ethernet switch, eliminating the need for an external
Ethernet switch. EISMB cards also provide all the benefits of SFP technology
for optical Ethernet interfaces.
EISMB (Ethernet over SONET) service cards provide cost effective Ethernet
Layer 2 services in mixed SONET and Ethernet networks, and Provider Bridge
(QinQ) based EVPL and EVPLAN services. With high fan out and multiple
EoS interfaces, EISMB supports Ethernet applications in the access and edge
layers together with interoperability with other Ethernet systems.
The Layer 2 cards in each XDM in the network are connected to each other via
Network to Network Interface (NNI) ports. These NNI ports can serve either
for dedicated traffic for specific customers or as a shared core for multiple
customers. The cards support two interface categories:
| ETY ports: physical Ethernet interfaces residing on the card or in the
modules cage. These ports may be configured as User to Network Interface
(UNI) ports or as NNI ports to client equipment.
| EoS ports: Ethernet over SONET ports which provide connections to the
SONET side. EoS ports may be configured as NNI ports to provide
connectivity between EISMB and MCS5 cards, or as UNI ports to provide
a connection to remote ETY ports.

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The following figure shows a typical EISMB Internals window, with 4 ETY
electrical ports and 8 EoS ports.

Figure 5-48: EISMB Internals window

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In the EISMB Internals window, you can display the Policers pane, in the
same manner as for EIS/EISM cards (see "Creating Policers" on page 6-2).

Figure 5-49: EISMB Internals window-showing Policers area

Tooltips and Legend windows display the meanings of the port symbols (see
"Legends for ETY and EoS Port Symbols" on page 5-79).
Operations available for EIS/EISM (see "EIS/EISM Card Internals" on page
5-68) and DIO (see "DIO Card Internals" on page 5-101) cards are also
available for EISMB cards. (Enabling LCAS, for example, for the EISMB card
is performed in the Info window of the VCG Src/Snk object.)

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Legends for ETY and EoS Port Symbols

Special graphical symbols allow you to easily identify the EISMB port types
(UNI, NNI, or unused) and STS resource granularity.
In the ETY and EoS ports areas in the EISMB Internals window, you can
access legends that describe the port symbols.

To access the ETY ports area legend:

| In the ETY Ports area (in the upper right corner), click the icon.
The Legend window opens, showing the symbols that appear on the ETY

Figure 5-50: Legend window - ETY ports

To access the EoS ports area legend:

| In the EoS Ports area (in the upper right corner), click the icon.
The Legend window opens, showing the symbols that appear on the EoS

Figure 5-51: Legend window - EoS ports

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Assigning Port Types

You can assign port types to unused ports. You can change assigned ports to

To assign a port type to an unused port:

| In the EISMB Internals window, do one of the following:
„ In the ETY Ports area, select an unused port (for example,
), right-click and select a port type option (L2 ETY UNI
or L2 ETY NNI).
„ In the EoS Ports area, select an unused port, right-click and select a port
type option (L2 EoS UNI or L2 EoS NNI).
The port is assigned the selected port type and displays the relevant port
type icon (see "Legends for ETY and EoS Port Symbols" on page 5-79).

To change port assignment to unused:

| In the ETY or EoS Ports area of the EISMB Internals window, select an
assigned port (ETY/EoS UNI or NNI), right-click and select Unused on the
shortcut menu.
The port appears gray, displaying the Unused icon (for example,

Using the Forwarding Database

As traffic flows through an Ethernet switch such as the EIS/EISM/EISMB, the
Forwarding Database (FDB) records all the VLAN IDs, source ports, and MAC
addresses carried by that traffic. This information enables the switch to identify
the specific Ethernet hosts sending the traffic and to learn which ports are
associated with that host. LCT-XDM enables you to retrieve the contents of the
filtering database, to filter those contents, and to export them to external files,
as needed.
The FDB in the EIS can contain up to 32,000 entries; the FDB in the
EISM/EISMB (used in the XDM-100) can contain up to 3,500 entries; and the
FDB in the MCS5 can contain up to 128,000 entries. An aging interval
parameter determines how long entries can persist in the database before being
purged to make room for new entries.

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Accessing the FDB

You can access the FDB.

To access the FDB:

1. In the relevant EIS/EISM/EISMB or MCS5 Internals window, on the
menu bar, select Maintenance > FDB Table.
The FDB Table window opens.

Figure 5-52: FDB window

2. Fill in the fields, as described in the following table.

3. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

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Table 5-16: FDB Table window fields

Field Description
Aging Time (sec) Determines length of time entries can persist in database before
being purged to make room for new entries. Default value is 300
No. Row number. (Read only)
Port Slot and port number of port sending traffic to Ethernet switch.
(Read only)
S-VID Unique Service VLAN ID carried by Ethernet switch. (Read
MAC Address MAC address of port sending traffic to Ethernet switch. (Read
Status Current status of entry. (Read only)

Retrieving FDB entries

You can retrieve all FDB table entries.

To retrieve FDB entries:

1. In the FDB Table window, on the menu bar, select Search > Find.
The Find window opens, displaying several parameters that can be used to
retrieve specific FDB entries.

Figure 5-53: Find window

2. In the Find What field, type the relevant search string. (For example, to
retrieve entries for a specific MAC address, type the required address.)

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3. In the Look At area, select the checkbox(es) of the retrieval parameters to

be used and do the following:
„ To retrieve entries for a specific port, in the Find What field, enter the
port name, and click Find.
„ To retrieve entries for a specific S-VID, in the Find What field, enter
the S-VID, and click Find.
„ To retrieve entries for a specific MAC address, in the Find What field,
enter the required address (in hexadecimal format) and click Find.
„ To retrieve entries of a specific status, in the Find What field, enter the
status type, and click Find.
Status options include:
 Invalid: the entry is not valid, meaning it was learned but has not
yet been flushed from the table
 Learned: the value of the corresponding instance has been learned
and is being used
 Self: indicates which of the device ports has this address
 Static: not supported in the current version
„ To retrieve all entries in the FDB, click Find.

NOTE: The Find window automatically displays the

previous filter parameters used for the MAC Address and
S-VID by default.

The results of each retrieval operation are displayed in an FDB Table

window (see "Accessing the FDB" on page 5-81).

To find the next item per specified criteria:

| In the FDB Table window, on the menu bar, select Search > Find Next.
The system searches for the next available item of the same criteria
previously specified.

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Flushing the FDB

You can clear the contents of the FDB table.

To flush the FDB for the selected EIS/EISM card:

1. Do one of the following:

„ In the FDB table, on the toolbar, click .

„ In the Shelf window, select an EIS/EISM/EISMB or MCS5 card, and
on the menu bar, select Maintenance > FDB Flush.
„ In the EIS/EISM/EISMB or MCS5 Internals window, on the menu bar,
select Maintenance > FDB Flush.
„ In the EIS/EISM/EISMB or MCS5 Internals window, right-click the
FDB object and select FDB Flush.
A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the flush

2. Click Yes to confirm.

The contents of the FDB table are cleared (see "Accessing the FDB" on
page 5-81).

MCS5 Card Internals

The MPLS Carrier Class Switch (MCS5) card functions as an Ethernet
Provider Switch and is similar to (and compatible with) other
EIS/EISM/EISMB cards. It has multiple Ethernet ports for direct connection to
customer sites (either directly or through a CLE), and also function as an
embedded Ethernet switch, eliminating the need for an external Ethernet
switch. MCS5 cards also provide all the benefits of SFP technology for optical
Ethernet interfaces.
MCS5 (Ethernet over SONET) service cards provide cost effective Ethernet
Layer 2 services in mixed SONET and Ethernet networks, and Provider Bridge
(QinQ) based EVPL and EVPLAN services. With high fan out and multiple
EoS interfaces, MCS5 supports Ethernet applications in the access and edge
layers together with interoperability with other Ethernet systems.

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MCS5 provides complete Provider Bridge (QinQ) functionality and is software

upgradable to Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) protocol, offering
scalability and smooth interoperability with IP/MPLS core routers.
The Layer 2 cards in each XDM in the network are connected to each other via
Network to Network Interface (NNI) ports. These NNI ports can serve either
for dedicated traffic for specific customers or as a shared core for multiple
customers. The cards support two interface categories:
| ETY ports: physical Ethernet interfaces residing on the card or in the
modules cage. These ports may be configured as User to Network Interface
(UNI) ports or as NNI ports to client equipment.
| EoS ports: Ethernet over SONET ports which provide connections to the
SONET side. EoS ports may be configured as NNI ports to provide
connectivity between EIS/EISM/EISMB and MCS5 cards, or as UNI ports
to provide a connection to remote ETY ports such as DIO and DIOB in
hub-and-spoke applications.

NOTE: The MCS5 card is used on XDM-500 and XDM-

1000 shelves.

The MCS5 Internals window provides an integrated display of internal objects

enabling access to all related monitoring and configuration operations. A
maximum of 32 ports may be divided between ETY and EoS ports in any
combination (where the configuration does not exceed 24 ETY ports).
The Port List on the left displays a list of MCS5 ports. Ports 1-16 (at the top of
the list) are allocated to Bank A and Ports 17-32 (at the bottom of the list) to
Bank B. The Bank is automatically selected by the MCP according to the port
ID. The Bridge port and the FDB object appear in the middle of the Port List

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The ETY and EoS Ports areas display the relevant ports and the adjacent Port
areas (on the right) displays a zoom view of the related port objects.

Figure 5-54: MCS5 Internals window

Tooltips and Legend windows display the meanings of the port symbols (see
"Legends for Color Codes and Symbols" on page 5-87). You can also filter the
display of the ports and port symbols shown in the Port List area (see "Filtering
the Port List" on page 5-88).
Operations available for EIS/EISM (see "EIS/EISM Card Internals" on page
5-68) and DIO (see "DIO Card Internals" on page 5-101) cards are also
available for MCS5 cards.

Workflow for Configuring MCS5 Cards

The basic workflow for provisioning MCS5 card is:
1. Provision MCS (expected) card types and CCP if required
2. Provision the Switch
a. Provision CoS parameters, WRED and Policer profiles of the Switch
b. Configure RSTP and FIB parameters if required
3. Provision ports of the Switch – ETH UNI/NNI and MPLS NNI
a. Provision layer 1 VCGs
b. (Optional) Associate WRED Profiles for ports/CoS if required
c. Configure port based VLAN and RSTP if required

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4. Provision VSIs (Virtual Switch Interfaces):

a. Configure VSI global parameters – P-t-P or MP-t-MP, vFIB Quota, and
so on
b. Configure Policers and VLAN mapping

Legends for Color Codes and Symbols

Special graphical symbols allow you to easily identify the functionality of the
MCS5 ports, including port type, bank group, STS resource granularity,
physical interface, network interface, and speed.
In the Port List, ETY Ports, and EoS Ports areas in the MCS5 Internals
window, you can access legends that describe the port symbols.

To access the Port List area legend:

| In the Port List area of the MCS5 Internals window click the icon.
The Legend window opens, showing the color codes and symbols that
appear on the ports in the Port List area.

Figure 5-55: Legend window - Port List

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To access ETY and EOS port legends:

| In the ETY or EOS ports area (in the upper right corner), click the
The relevant Legend window opens, showing the symbols that appear on
the EoS or ETY ports (see "Legends for ETY and EoS Port Symbols" on
page 5-79).

Filtering the Port List

You can filter the display of the ports in the Port List area of the MCS5
Internals window, according to specified criteria.

To filter the Port List:

1. In the Port List area of the MCS5 Internals window, click the icon.
A dropdown list of filter options appears. Tooltips explain the meaning of
the symbols (which also appear in the Legend window (see "Legends for
Color Codes and Symbols" on page 5-87)).

Figure 5-56: Filter options

2. Click the relevant row to select the filter criteria.

A checkbox appears adjacent to the selected row, and the Port List area
displays ports according to the specified criteria.

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The following figure shows the Port List filtered per port type and speed.

Figure 5-57: Port List display per specified filter criteria

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Creating VSIs
You can create Virtual Switch Interfaces (VSI) for MCS5 cards to connect two
networks to regulate traffic according to specified CoS levels.

To create a VSI:
1. In the MCS card Internals window, on the menu bar, select Connections >
Create VSI.
The Create VSI window opens.

Figure 5-58: Create VSI window

2. In the L2VPN ID field, enter the layer 2 VPN ID that will identify this VSI.
(The range of values is from 1 to 4294967294). Each VSI has its own
unique L2VPN ID.
3. In the S-VLAN field, enter the S-VLAN that will identify this VSI. (The
range of values is from 1 to 4094). Each VSI has its own unique S-VLAN
4. In the Administrative State field, choose an option from the dropdown list
(Enabled or Disabled).

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5. In the VSI Type area (in the lower right of the window), select the relevant
„ In the Type field, choose an option from the dropdown list:
 Multipoint to Multipoint: allows an unlimited number of ports on
the VSI
 Point to Point: allows only two ports per VSI (paired as: two UNI,
two NNI, or one NNI and one UNI)
„ In the vFIB Quota field, enter the quota value.
„ In the vFIB Current Size field, enter the current size.
„ In the BSC Threshold field, choose an option from the dropdown list.
6. To assign an NNI port to the NNI list in the Constructor area, in the EoS or
ETY Ports list (in the Ports area), do one of the following:
„ Drag and drop an NNI port to the NNI list in the Constructor area.

„ Select an NNI port, and on the toolbar, click .

The selected NNI port is assigned to the NNI list in the Constructor area.

7. To assign a UNI port to the UNI list in the Constructor area, in the EoS or
ETY Ports list (in the Ports area):
a. Select a UNI port.
b. In the CD-VID field, to associate a CD-VID with the current L2VPN
ID, select an option from the dropdown list:
 Untagged: to associate any untagged packets from this customer
with this L2VPN ID.
 All/Other: to associate all unidstributed CD-VIDs from this
customer (that is, those CD-VIDs that have not been associated
with any other L2VPN IDs, including this current one) to this
 An available CD-VID (range: 1-4094). (CD-VIDs already in use on
this port are removed from the dropdown list and are unavailable
for selection.)
c. Do one of the following:
 Drag and drop a UNI port to the UNI list.

 Select a UNI port, and on the toolbar, click .

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The selected UNI port and CD-VID combinations appear in the UNI list in
the Constructor area. For VSIs, all CD-VIDs are assigned to the same port.

The following figure shows NNI and UNI ports and CD-VID groups
assigned to the Constructor area. Tooltips on the port symbols and CD-VID
options and related CoS levels in the UNI list display the meanings of the
symbols. For example:

„ : CD-VID Untagged

„ : CD-VID All/Other

„ : CD-VID 3
„ 0-7: CoS levels 0 through 7

Figure 5-59: Create VSI window - with Policers and CoS Mapping

8. Repeat steps 6 and 7, as needed, to continue adding ports and CD-VIDs to

the UNI list.
9. You can associate additional CD-VIDs to a UNI port, and after each
association, add each to the UNI list to the same port group.
10. To remove a port or CD-VID from the Constructor area, select the relevant
object and on the toolbar, click .
11. After adding all necessary ports and CD-VIDs to the selected L2VPN ID
Constructor area, in the CoS Mapping area (on the lower right of the
window), map the customer priorities to the CoS levels supported by the
XDM by clicking the relevant PRI/CoS mapping options.

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The number of policer rows in the Policers area (on the upper right of the
window) corresponds to the CoS mapping in the CoS area. For example, as
shown in the previous figure, if three CoSs are assigned, the Policers area
displays three policer rows.

By default, the CoS mapping is set to zero, and the Policers area displays
only one policer row with CoS 0. PRI (priorities) are packets that pass from
the user to the MCS5 card. For Each PRI (priority), you can assign one
CoS. However, for each CoS, you can assign several PRIs.

Each successive port has the same number of CoS levels assigned as the
first port in the UNI list, according to the CoS/PRI mapping. For example,
if the first port in the UNI list is mapped to three CoS/PRIs, and
consequently has three policers, then the second port also has three
available policers (that need to be configured separately).

12. In the UNI List, select each port and configure its policing parameters
separately in the Policers area by choosing an option from the relevant
dropdown list:
„ State: for each policer, there are three possible states:
 Blocking (traffic is blocked, policer parameters are disabled for
 Policing (regulates traffic according to specified CoS levels, policer
parameters: CIR, CBS, EIR, and EBS are enabled for configuration)
 No Rate Limit (allows unlimited traffic to pass through, policer
parameters are disabled for configuration)
„ CIR (KB/S): Committed Information Rate
„ CBS (KB): Committed Burst Size, value corresponds to selected CIR
„ EIR (KB/S): Excess Information Rate
„ EBS (KB): Excess Burst Size, value corresponds to selected CIR option
This defines the corresponding CoS and traffic levels for the selected
customer priorities.

As shown in the previous figure, the Policers area displays the relevant
policers per assigned CoS for the selected UNI port (in the UNI list).

13. When you have finished constructing the VSI, on the toolbar, click to
activate the new settings.
A message window opens, confirming the successful VSI activation.

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To clear the Constructor area and create a new VSI:

| In the Create VSI window, on the toolbar click .

The contents in the Constructor area area cleared, and you can create a new

In the Create VSI window, you can access the VSI List window, where you
can view and modify a list of activated VSIs (see "Managing VSIs" on page

Managing VSIs
In the VSI List window, you can manage VSIs defined in the network for the
selected MCS5 card.

To manage activated VSIs:

1. Do one of the following:

„ In the Create VSI window, on the toolbar click .

„ In the Shelf window, select an MCS5 card, and on the menu bar, select
Connections > VSI List.
„ In the MCS5 Internals window, on the menu bar, select Connections
> VSI List.
The VSI List window opens, where you can view and modify a list of
activated VSIs.

Figure 5-60: VSI List window

2. View the fields, as described in the following table.

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3. To perform operations in the VSI List window, select a VSI row and click
the relevant command on the menu bar (or toolbar).

Table 5-17: VSI List table fields

Field Description
L2VPN ID L2VPN ID used for traffic on VSI
Service Type VSI service type, Multipoint to Multipoint or Point to Point
vFIB Quota vFIB quota size
S-VLAN S-VLAN used for traffic on VSI
Admin State Administrative state of VSI, Enabled or Disabled
Card Slot number and name of relevant MCS5 card
NE Name Name of NE related to VSI

To display a zoom view of a selected VSI:

1. In the VSI List table, select the relevant row.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The VSI structure appears in the VSI View area (at the bottom of the VSI
List window), displaying details (as shown in the Constructor area of the
Create VSI window (see "Creating VSIs" on page 5-90)) including
member ports and defined CoS mappings and policers for each UNI port.
The VSI View area shows a selected VSI.

Figure 5-61: VSI View area showing a selected VSI

3. To view policer distribution for each UNI port, in the UNI area, select the
relevant port.
The adjacent table shows the policer distribution for the selected UNI port.

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Creating New VSIs in the VSI List

You can create new VSIs in the VSI List.

To create a new VSI:

| In the VSI List window, on the toolbar, click .

The Create VSI window opens, where you can create a new VSI (see
"Creating VSIs" on page 5-90).

Editing VSIs
You can modify VSIs.

To edit a VSI:
1. In the VSI List table, select the relevant row.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The Edit VSI window opens, displaying the same fields as the Create VSI

Figure 5-62: Edit VSI window

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3. Edit the fields, as required. The L2VPN ID and S-VLAN cannot be

Some editing actions can be traffic affecting.

4. In the Edit VSI window, on the toolbar, click to activate the new

Deleting VSIs
You can delete VSIs.

To delete a VSI:
1. In the VSI List window, select the relevant VSI in the table.

2. On the toolbar, click .

A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

3. Click Yes to confirm.

The selected VSI is deleted.

To delete all VSIs simultaneously:

1. In the VSI List window, on the toolbar, click to select all VSIs

2. On the toolbar, click .

A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

3. Click Yes to confirm.

All VSIs in the list are deleted.

To deselect VSIs simultaneously:

| In the VSI List window, on the toolbar, click .

All VSIs are deselected.

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VSI and Policer Performance Monitoring

You can view VSI and Policer current daily and interval performance data and
threshold profiles,and you can reset PM counters to default values.

VSI performance monitoring

You can view VSI and Policer current daily and interval performance data, and
you can reset PM counters to default values. You can also view and modify
VSI and Policer PM threshold profiles.

To view VSI performance monitoring counters:

1. In the VSI List window, select the relevant row.
2. On the menu bar, select Performance > VSI, and on the submenu choose
one of the following:
„ Thresholds: to view and modify PM threshold profiles for the selected
VSI (see "Viewing and Modifying PM Threshold Profiles" on page
„ PM Current > 15 minutes: to view PM counters for the current
current 15-minute interval (see "Viewing Current Performance" on
page 9-2).
„ PM Current > Daily: to view PM data for the current 24-hour interval
(see "Viewing Current Performance" on page 9-2).

Resetting VSI PM counters

To reset PM counters to default values:

1. In the VSI List window, select the relevant row.
2. On the menu bar, select Performance > VSI.

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3. On the submenu, select PM Reset Counters, and on the submenu, choose

one of of the following:
„ 15 minutes: to reset the PM counters for the current 15-minute interval
„ Daily: to reset the PM counters for the current 24-hour interval
„ All Counters to reset all PM counters
A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the reset.

4. Click OK to reset the PM counters, per specified interval (or for all

Policer performance monitoring

To view Policer performance monitoring counters:

1. In the VSI List window, select the relevant row.
2. In the VSI List table, select the relevant row.

3. On the toolbar, click .

The VSI structure appears in the VSI View area (at the bottom of the VSI
List window), displaying the member ports and defined CoS mappings and
policers for each UNI port.

4. Select the relevant Policer row.

5. On the menu bar, select Performance > Policer, and on the submenu
choose one of the following:
„ Thresholds: to view and modify PM threshold profiles for the selected
(non-blocked) policer. (This option is disabled for blocked policers.
(see "Viewing and Modifying PM Threshold Profiles" on page 9-4))
„ PM Current > 15 minutes: to view PM counters for the current
current 15-minute interval (see "Viewing Current Performance" on
page 9-2).
„ PM Current > Daily: to view PM data for the current 24-hour interval
(see "Viewing Current Performance" on page 9-2).

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To reset PM counters to default values:

1. In the VSI List window, select the relevant row, and then do one of the
„ To reset VSI PM counters, on the menu bar, select Performance >
„ To reset Policer PM counters, do the following: on the toolbar, click
, and in the Policer list, select the relevant row, and on the menu
bar, select Performance > Policer.
2. On the submenu, select PM Reset Counters, and on the submenu, choose
one of of the following:
„ 15 minutes: to reset the PM counters for the current 15-minute interval
„ Daily: to reset the PM counters for the current 24-hour interval
„ All Counters to reset all PM counters
A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the reset.

3. Click OK to reset the PM counters, per specified interval (or for all

Resetting Policer PM counters

To reset Policer PM counters:

1. In the VSI List window, select the relevant row.

2. On the toolbar, click to display the Policer list.

3. Select the relevant policer row.

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4. On the menu bar, select Performance > Policer > PM Reset Counters,
and on the submenu, choose one of of the following:
„ 15 minutes: to reset the PM counters for the current 15-minute interval
„ Daily: to reset the PM counters for the current 24-hour interval
„ All Counters: to reset all PM counters
A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the reset.

5. Click OK to reset the PM counters, per specified interval (or for all

DIO Card Internals

The Data Input/Output (DIO) card provides an interface for Gigabit Ethernet
(GbE) connections over the SONET network in XDM systems.The DIO1_61
can also provide a direct interface to optical (DWDM) networks.
The packets received on a GEoS port are mapped into STS-3c SPE units, and
are cross connected using the LCT-XDM XC Browser.

Figure 5-63: DIO1_61 Internals window

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The DIO Internals window has the following areas:

| The Daughterboard Components area displays a view of the DIO card
interfaces. DIO card types include:
„ DIO1_40F: four GEoS ports (designated OM_GEoS and OT_GEoS 1,
2, 3, 4, respectively)
„ DIO1_20: two GEoS ports (designated OM_GEoS and OT_GEoS 1, 2,
„ DIO1_61: six GbE ports and one OC-48 port
„ DIO1_80: eight GbE ports
„ DIO1_40: four GbE ports
„ DIO1_40R: four GbE ports
Each line interface (GEoS or OC-48) includes an optical module (that is, a
transceiver, displayed as an OM-type object). The application code of the
optical module is configurable in the Info window.

| The GEoS ports area displays the internal transmission objects of the GEoS
port (see "Configuring DIO and GEoS Ports and Payload Carrying" on
page 5-103).
| The mapped STS-3c SPE objects area displays the STS-3c SPE objects
mapped to the GEoS ports.
For DIO1_61, the first interface is an OC-48 line interface. All the OC-48
interface objects are cross connected to the card STS-3c objects.

Adding STSs to DIO GEoS Ports

For DIO cards, the procedure for adding STSs to GEoS ports includes
additional options for choosing the STS-3c SPE object (not available for
EIS/EISM cards).

To add STSs to a GEoS port on a DIO card:

1. In the DIO Internals window, select the GEoS port to which you want to
add STSs.

2. On the toolbar, click .

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The Add STS-3c SPE to rate on GEoS window opens. This window is
available only for DIO GEoS ports.

Figure 5-64: Add STS-3c-SPE to rate on GEoS window

3. In the STS-3c SPE area, select the relevant STS(s). (Shaded STS-3c SPE
objects are disabled for selection.)
4. Click OK to save the changes.
The selected STS(s) are added. They appear adjacent to the relevant GEoS
port in the Equipment and Ports area of the DIO Internals window.

Removing STSs from DIO GEoS ports

You can remove selected STSs (adjacent to the relevant GEoS port in the DIO
Internals window), or all STSs concurrently, in the same manner as for
EIS/EISM ports (see "Removing STSs" on page 5-71).

Configuring DIO and GEoS Ports and

Payload Carrying
The following sections describe how to enable and disable GEoS ports and
payload carrying for STSs in an EoS port.

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Enabling GEoS Ports

By default, GEoS ports are disabled. When the port is disabled, all STS-3c
SPEs on the port are disabled and no alarms are reported for that port.
The Payload Carrying Expected Tx attribute of each individual STS-3c SPE
Src object associated with the GEoS port is set to Not Active by default. The
Payload Carrying Expected Rx attribute of each STS-3c SPE Snk object
associated with the GEoS port is also set to Not Active, meaning that the port
does not pass traffic. The Payload Carrying Expected Tx attribute must be set
to Active for each STS-3c SPE Src object on the port before traffic can pass
through the port. However, you can still perform all maintenance,
configuration, connection, and performance monitoring operations.
The following operations are performed in the same manner for GEoS ports as
for other DIO or EIS/EISM ports (see "Enabling Ports" on page 5-72).

To enable a GEoS port:

1. In the EIS/EISM Internals window, in the EoS Ports area, select a port.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The port is enabled (the area to the left of the port number appears colored),
and the STS-3c SPEs on the port are enabled.

To disable a GEoS port:

1. In the EIS/EISM Internals window, in the Zoom - EoS Port area, select the
GEoS Src object.

On the toolbar, click .

The port is disabled, and in the EoS port area, the area to the left of the port
number appears disabled (shaded).

To view port alarms:

| In the Alarm Severity window, set the GEoS Src object to Monitored
(see "Assigning Alarm Severity Profiles" on page 8-11).
Performance monitoring/alarm reporting is enabled for the GEoS Src

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Enabling Tx Payload Carrying

You can enable payload carrying for the STSs in an EoS port. This is relevant
only if there are XCs.

To enable Tx payload carrying for a STS in an EoS port:

1. In the EIS/EISM Internals window, in the relevant Ports area, select a
STS-3c SPE object, and do one of the following:
„ Right-click and select Payload Carrying Setting - Tx.

„ On the toolbar, click .

Payload carrying for the STSs in the selected EoS port is enabled.

To enable Tx payload carrying for all STSs in an EoS port:

1. In the EIS/EISM Internals window, in the relevant Ports area, select a
STS-3c SPE object.
2. Right-click and select Payload Carrying Setting - Tx > Enabled All.
Payload carrying for all STSs is enabled for the selected EoS port.

To disable Tx payload carrying for all STSs in an EoS port:

1. In the EIS/EISM Internals window, in the relevant Ports area, select a
STS-3c SPE object.
2. Right-click and select Payload Carrying Setting - Tx > Disabled All.
Payload carrying for all STSs is disabled for the selected EoS port.

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Enabling Rx Expected Payload Carrying

You can enable payload carrying for the STSs in an EoS port. This is relevant
only if there are XCs.

To enable Rx payload carrying for a STS in an EoS port:

1. In the EIS/EISM Internals window, in the relevant Ports area, select a
STS-3c SPE object, and do one of the following:
„ Right-click and select Payload Carrying Setting - Rx.

„ On the toolbar, click .

Payload carrying for the STSs in the selected EoS port is enabled.

To enable Rx payload carrying for all STSs in an EoS port:

1. In the EIS/EISM Internals window, in the relevant Ports area, select a
STS-3c SPE object.
2. Right-click and select Expected Payload Carrying - Rx > Enabled All.
Payload carrying for all STSs is enabled for the selected EoS port.

To disable Rx payload carrying for all STSs in an EoS port:

1. In the EIS/EISM Internals window, in the relevant Ports area, select a
STS-3c SPE object.
2. Right-click and select Expected Payload Carrying - Rx > Disabled All.
Payload carrying for all STSs is disabled for the selected EoS port.

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DIOB and DIOM Card Internals

DIOB/DIOBH and DIOM/DIOMH cards provide EPL (Ethernet Private Line)
services for FE and GbE. (The bandwidth for each EPL service ranges from 2
Mbps up to full port capacity (100 Mbps or 1 Gbps) with VT-2-SPE, STS-1
SPE, or STS-3c SPE granularity.) Electrical connections for DIOB are by
means of a dedicated electrical interface module (ME16) located in the
corresponding modules cage slot of the shelf. DIOBH (half slot backplane
capacity of DIOB) is the assignment mode of the DIOB cards when installed in
2.5 G slots. Optical connections for DIOB are located on the front of the card.
DIOB/DIOBH cards can be used in XDM-500, XDM-1000, and XDM-2000

Figure 5-65: DIOBH Internals window

DIOM/DIOMH are single slot modules used in the XDM-100 shelf. DIOMH is
half slot backplane capacity of DIOM.

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DIOM is available in three configurations, offering different optical and

electrical interface options as follows:
| DIOM_40- four optical FE/GbE interfaces (no electrical i/f)
| DIOM_04- four electrical 10M/100M/1000M interfaces (no optical i/f)
| DIOM_08- eight electrical 10M/100M interfaces (no optical i/f)
All interfaces are located on the module front panel.

Figure 5-66: DIOM Internals window

Tooltips and Legend windows (similar to that for the MCS5 card) display the
meanings of the port symbols (see "Legends for Color Codes and Symbols" on
page 5-87). You can also filter the display of the ports and port symbols shown
in the Port List area (see "Filtering the Port List" on page 5-88).

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An additional tooltip (and color coding) on the left of the port object (in the
Port List area of the DIOB and DIOM Internals windows) indicates whether
the ETY or EoS port is enabled or disabled. As shown in the following figures,
the enabled port is colored and the disabled port is grayed.

Figure 5-67: Tooltip and color coding displaying enabled ETY port

Figure 5-68: Tooltip and color coding displaying disabled EoS port

The DIOB and DIOM cards support two port types, EoS and ETY, and two
Bank groups, Bank A and Bank B, according to the number of mappers on the
The Banks area displays the bank group and available STSs on the DIOB or
DIOM card. Some cards support two banks (Bank A and Bank B)
The Banks and Zoom areas are collapsible, allowing you to expand the window
Operations available for EIS/EISM (see "EIS/EISM Card Internals" on page
5-68) and DIO (see "DIO Card Internals" on page 5-101) cards are also
available for DIOB and DIOM cards.

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Power Control Configuration

This section describes the attenuation control configuration for OADM, OFA,
and VMUX cards.

NOTE: The operations described in this section apply only to

XDM-500, XDM-1000, and XDM-2000 shelves.

Optical networks are designed to carry tens of wavelengths on the same optical
fiber. The basic design assumes that the optical parameters of all elements on
the network are constant and steady. These parameters include:
| Span losses of optical fibers
| Insertion loss of passive optical components such as filters, switches and
| Gain of amplifiers
| Optical parameters of other devices
As long as these parameters are constant in the network, the network will
support the number of channels required. If this stability could be guaranteed,
there would be no need for automatic control of optical power in the network.
However, since some parameters (mainly, but not only, optical fiber span
losses) are subject to changes over time, methods have been devised to
overcome these changes in the network. This section describes the methods
implemented in XDM optical networks.
The power per channel must be maintained at a constant value, defined during
initial network design (power budget design). The following rules must be
| Aggregate power of all channels present in any span of the network should
not exceed the maximum output power at the output of any amplifier
| Power per channel must bridge the span and arrive at the receiver input
with an appropriate margin, both from the minimum sensitivity and
overload values
| Power of a single channel must be high enough to drive the amplifiers in
the span
During the initial configuration stage of the network, all variable optical
attenuators in the network must be set manually to achieve the required power
per channel in every point in the network.

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From this point on, several scenarios are possible:

| Unwanted or unexpected change of span loss: this may occur for any
reason (for example, the optical fiber is bent). There are two options for
handling this situation:
„ Do not take any consequent actions in the network. Result: All traffic
passing through this section is expected to have some degradation.
Traffic not passing through this span should not be affected.
„ Automatically compensate for the change in the span loss by using the
margins planned for such occasions. Result: The amplifier gain is
changed so that the total span loss returns to the original value. For this
automatic mode, the system must be able to detect a real change in the
span loss without error. Otherwise, a miscalculated compensation
occurs, which may affect all traffic in the network.
| Fiber cut: In such cases, there is no way to save the traffic passing through
this span, but traffic in the remaining spans must not be affected. The best
option is to take no consequent actions in the network. The system must not
detect (mistakenly) a change of span loss in any other span in the network.
| Addition or deletion of optical trails: The system must not detect
(mistakenly) these actions as a change of span loss in any span in the
network. This should not influence the normal operation of the existing
The following sections describe the means and methods of dealing with these
scenarios. These methods are implemented in XDM optical amplifiers (OFA
cards) and Add/Drop devices (OADM cards and VMUX card operating in
OADM mode).

OADM Card Internals

The OADM card is an optical network component that can add and drop up to
4 optical channels (wavelengths) out of the 40 defined for the C band, without
interfering with the remainder of the pass-through channels. The spacing
between channels is 100 GHz.
XDM OADM solutions are provided in East/West and A-B configurations, in
which each OADM card interfaces with the two fibers that arrive from the
adjacent site.
Group-type OADM cards (which have the letter G in the card name) have four
consecutive channels. When using this card, use of the two channels adjacent to
the four Add/Drop channels is denied.

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The following figure shows a sample OADM Internals window.

Figure 5-69: OADM Internals window

The OADM Internals window uses the general LCT-XDM conventions, with
the following exceptions:
| The read-only Freq. (THz) fields display the frequency of each of the four
channels added/dropped by the OADM.
| The Optical Physical Section (OPS) objects used to add/drop the four
channels are displayed beneath the Optical Multiplex Section (OMS)
objects. Arrows and the words Drop or Add are displayed directly above
the OPS objects to indicate the functionality of the objects.
| The directions of the channels passed through the Optical Transmission
Section (OTS) objects of the OADM card are displayed next to each object.

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Viewing and modifying Channel XC parameters

You can view and modify OADM optical channels.

To define the Add/Drop optical channels:

1. In the OADM Internals window, on the toolbar, click .

The Channel XC window for the selected OADM card opens.

Figure 5-70: Channel XC window

By default, all optical channels associated with the OADM card are passed
through the card.

2. Select the frequency of each channel (Channel 1 to Channel 2, etc.) from

the respective dropdown list.
As shown in the previous sample Channel XC window for an
OADM4GAB card, when configuring the optical channels for Group-type
OADM cards (which have the letter G in the card name), you only
configure the first channel (Channel 1). LCT-XDM automatically
configures the three remaining channels to successive frequencies (the next
three frequencies at 100 GHz spacing, starting from the selected frequency
for Channel 1).

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Note that when optical channels are added to/dropped from a Group
OADM card, the first frequency before and after the group of four
frequencies becomes unavailable and cannot be passed through the card.
(See the Unusable fields).

After you enter a new value, the field turns blue to indicate that the change
is not applied yet.

3. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

The new channel frequency settings are applied, and the fields revert to
their normal color.

The read-only fields in the OADM Internals window are updated with the
new values.

To clear the channel frequencies:

| In the Channel XC window, on the toolbar, do one of the following:

„ Click to clear one or more specified channel frequencies.


„ Click to clear all simultaneously.

The channel frequencies are reset to zero.

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DW16vMDRE Card Internals

The DW16vMDRE card (located on the XDM-2000 shelf), has Power Control
object attributes and attenuation parameters similar to that of the OADM card.
The following figure shows a sample DW16vMDRE Internals window.

Figure 5-71: DW16VMDRE Internals window

Power Control Object Attributes

Power Control object attributes for OADM, OFA, and VMUX cards (see
"Viewing Internal Object Information" on page 5-152) participate in the
attenuation control process and are configurable.

To view and modify Power Control object attributes:

1. In the Shelf window, double-click the relevant optical card (OADM, OFA,
or VMUX) to open it.
2. Double-click to open the respective Internals window.
3. Double-click the Power Control object.
The Info window of the selected Power Control object opens, displaying
power control parameters.

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The following table lists and describes the common attributes for Power
Control objects.

Table 5-18: Attributes for power control objects

Attribute Description
Tracking Input power changes lower than this value are ignored. Changes
Tolerance above this value but lower than Tracking Limit (see next
(dBm) parameter) cause tracking mechanism to adjust amplifier gain and
generate Input Power change warning. In OADM and VMUX
cards, input power of added channels is adjusted instead of gain.
Options: 0.1 to 5 in 0.1 increments; default: 0.5.
Tracking Limit Input power changes above this limit are not tracked, and Tracking
(dBm) Limit Exceeded alarm is generated. Tracking Limit cannot be set at
minimum value that overlaps (that is, is lower than) Tracking
Tolerance. For example, if Tracking Tolerance is set to 1 dB,
Tracking Limit cannot be set below this value. Options: 0 to 10 in
0.1 increments; default: 3.0.
Number of Number of active (responding) elements preceding current one.
Preceding This value multiplies Basic Holdoff Time value to obtain Total
Elements Holdoff Time value. Options: 0 to 20; default: 0.
Basic Holdoff Serves as basis for Total Holdoff Time calculation (see next
Time (Sec.) parameter). Options: 0.5 or 1; default: 0.5.
Total Holdoff Every element in the segment needs time to respond to changes in
Time (Sec.) power control. Minimum response time is set at Basic Holdoff
Time value. Actual Holdoff Time (HOT) is number of spans times
Basic HOT. Holds off tracking mechanism to prevent oscillations
in network. (Read only)
Number of Total number of channels (NOC; carriers) present at input of
Channels In element. For amplifiers, this is also the number of channels present
at output. For OADM and VMUX cards, values may differ.
Options: 0 to 40; default: 0.
Number of Total number of amplifiers (NOA) preceding point of setup. Count
Previous starts at beginning of segment. Options: 0 to 15; default: 0.
Power per Expected power per channel (PPC) at output of previous amplifier.
Channel Options: -15 to +15 in 0.1 increments; default: 0.
Previous Amp
Out (dBm)
Expected Loss Expected loss of power (ELpa); measures the input power from the
from Previous last amplifier's output until the PD of the subject card (ELpa).
Amp (dB) Options: 0 to 35 in 0.1 increments; default: 3.0.
Average Gain Amplifiers set throughout the segment may each have a different
of Previous amplifying capability (gain), and therefore a different noise
Amplifiers (dB) generation (noise figure) and amplification characteristic. The
average gain is used to simplify the setup calculation. Options: 10
to 30 in 0.1 increments; default: 23.

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Attribute Description
Expected Input Expected incoming (composite) power. Calculated from the
Power (EIP) previous parameters. (Read only)
Measured Input Actual power level measured at element input.
Power (MIP)
Required Difference between MIP and EIP, after traffic passes through limits
Correction (dB) and holdoff time filter (and tracking is enabled).
Actual Loss Actual loss (ALpa; a calculated value), as opposed to Expected
from Previous Loss from Previous Amplifier.
Amp (dB)
Measured Actual output power of device.
Output Power
MIP Monitor In VMUX cards, site input power is taken from demux (on opposite
Percentage (%) side) through fiber patchcord. This value should be set manually,
according to reading taken from Demux Info window. Monitor
percentage is used to calibrate VMUX MIP calculation. Options: 0
to 100, in 0.01 increments; default: 1.25.

The following table lists and describes the Gain window attributes for OFA
Power Control objects.

Table 5-19: Gain window attributes

Attribute Name Description

Expected Base Sets following parameters:
Gain | Expected Loss from Previous Amplifier (ELpa).
| Expected Power per Channel Output.
| Expected Power per Channel Previous Amplifier Out.
Expected Base Selects basic gain source. Possible values are Manual or
Gain Source Calculated.
Required Gain Sum of Base Gain and Required Correction.
Actual Gain Equals Required Gain, when all is set correctly. When VOA is up
or down, limit and Required Gain cannot be achieved, and Actual
Gain does not equal Required Gain.

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Basic Principles of XDM Power Control

The basic principles of XDM power control include:
| Actions for Span Loss Changes
OADM and VMUX cards operating in OADM mode change the power of
the added channels to track the changes of the span loss change in order to
keep the same PPC for all channels (added and passed-through).

Generally, when a change in the span loss is detected, the amplifiers

compensate for it by changing their overall gain in order to return to the
original network design.

If the span loss increases, the OFA is requested to increase its gain. If the
span loss decreases, the gain is decreased as well. In both cases, the
principle of "gain equals previous span loss" applies.

| Calculation of expected span loss from the last amplifier output

Each card involved in the equalization process may be located at a different
distance (in terms of span loss, in dB) along a certain span between two
amplifiers. Since the PPC is fixed at the output of the amplifiers, this is a
good point to choose. The expected incoming power is calculated for the
output of the last amplifier before the subject card; then the span loss from
the last amplifier output until the photodiode of the subject card is
subtracted from it.

The calculation attributes include (see "Power Control Object Attributes"

on page 5-115):

„ Expected (designed) Power per Channel (PPC) at the output of the

previous amplifier
„ Expected loss (span loss change) from the last amplifier output until
Power Down (PD) of the subject card
„ Incoming Number of Channels (NOC)
„ Number of Previous Amplifiers (NOA)
„ Average gain of previous amplifiers
„ Expected Incoming (composite) Power (EIP)

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| Required correction decision mechanism

To prevent frequent reactions to changes, the following thresholds have
been defined:

„ Tracking Tolerance: Changes in span loss below this limit are ignored.
Minor changes in incoming power do not cause any reaction.
„ Tracking Limit: Changes in span loss above this limit are also ignored.
Minor changes in incoming power do not cause any reaction.
To prevent oscillations due to untimely changes in the chain of elements
down the line, there is a HOT period. The total HOT of an element is the
basic HOT (configurable) multiplied by the number of preceding elements
(the total number of reacting elements preceding the current element

There is also a switch that activates or shuts down the tracking mechanism.
This switch is the Tracking Enable Configurable attribute.

The tracking attributes include (see "Power Control Object Attributes" on

page 5-115):

„ Tracking Tolerance
„ Tracking Limit
„ Number of Preceding Elements
„ Basic HOT
„ Total HOT
„ MIP (dBm)
„ Required Correction
„ Actual Loss from Previous Amplifier
„ Automatic Tracking
| Card behavior algorithm
When there is a change between the tracking tolerance and tracking limit,
the tracking mechanism adjusts the power level of the added channels in an
OADM or VMUX, and the gain of an OFA, to compensate for the

If the input power decreases following an increase in the span attenuation

(loss), the OADM or VMUX decreases the power of the added channels to
bring them in line with the incoming channels to equalize the output
spectrum. This decreases the power level of all the channels that proceed to
the next hop. A constant power budget should be maintained throughout the
network. Therefore, the OFA located after such an OADM increases its
gain and restores the PPC to its output at the previous level.

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| Detection of span loss changes

All cards (OADM, VMUX, OFA-2, and OFA_M) contain the same very
reliable mechanism for detecting a change in the span loss that may cause a
change in the incoming power.

Each card has a photodiode for measuring the total incoming power and a
set of parameters for calculating the expected total power. The total noise in
the line is determined from the current NOC, PPC, and actual NOA.

The card software compares the actual incoming power with the expected
power and monitors the difference. As long as the NOC and NOA are
updated, the comparison reflects the exact changes in span loss, if they
exist. Currently, updating the NOC and NOA is not done automatically. For
each card, the NOC and NOA is calculated at its output, taking into account
the incoming NOC, NOA, LOS, and its Add and Drop channels that it may

Network Setup
The functionality of the Power Control mechanism is defined for the following
parts in the life cycle of an optical network:
| Network installation and setup
| Normal operation
| Abnormal operation, fault detection, tracking, and fixing
The NEs are set for power control one by one, beginning at the segment start

NOTE: A network segment is the part that begins at a mux,

where no channels pass through transparently. Therefore they
are not affected by changes in span loss that occur before the
mux. The segment ends at a demux that does not
transparently pass through any channel to the other side
(through the mux). The segments are unidirectional.

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The network setup process is divided into three phases:

1. Setup of limiting parameters (see "Power Control Object Attributes" on
page 5-115). These parameters define the tracking mechanism operation
range and the time delay to activation. They include:
„ Tracking Tolerance (recommended = 0.5 dB)
„ Tracking Limit (recommended = 3 dB)
„ Number of Previous Spans (according to position)
„ Total HOT
2. Setup of the EIP calculation parameters form the EIP baseline from which
the tracking starts, if enabled. They include:
„ Expected PPC at previous amplifier output
„ Expected loss from previous amplifier
„ Average gain of previous amplifiers
3. Setup of the baseline parameters. These parameters are the baseline for the
expected output PPC, which must either be kept either constant (for OFA)
or aligned to the incoming power (for OADM or VMUX). They include:
„ Basic required gain, power, or attenuation
„ Respective offsets as implemented (in the OADM, OFA, or VMUX)

Power Control Object Attenuation

LCT-XDM provides a control mechanism for channel attenuation.
The following sections describe how to view and modify Power Control Object
attenuation and the attenuation control mechanism of both the added and pass
through channels.

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Viewing and Modifying OADM/DW Power

Control Object Attenuation
You can view and modify attenuation parameters of the OADM/DW Power
Control object.

To view and modify OADM/DW power control object

1. In the OADM (or DW16vMDRE) Internals window, select the Power
Control object, and do one of the following:
„ Right-click and select Attenuation.
„ On the toolbar, click .
The Attenuation window opens.

The following figure shows a sample OADM Attenuation window.

Figure 5-72: Attenuation window

The tracking mechanism in OADM cards controls the output power of the
added channels only. The output power of the added channels either tracks
the changes in the power of the incoming signals or stays fixed (tracking
on/off). The required output power of every Add channel is always the sum
(in dB) of a basic power and the required correction. The basic power can
either be set manually or calculated automatically from several parameters.
In addition, you can differentiate the output powers of the different
channels by assigning each its own offset. Use of the calculated mode is
strongly recommended.

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In the VMUX card, control is available for the attenuation of every channel
but without a feedback indication of power. (Unlike OADM, for which
there is power indication feedback.)

2. In the Tracking Control area, select the Tracking checkbox to choose

3. In the Config dropdown list, choose an option (Calculated or Manual).
4. In the New Offset value (dB) column, choose an option in the dropdown

5. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

Table 5-20: Alarms on the Power Control Object

Alarm Condition Description Alarm Level

Tracking Limit Required correction is greater than Tracking Major
Exceeded Limit and has been suppressed
Input Power Change Required correction is greater than Low Warning
Alarm Threshold and has been added
Set Capability Required correction is beyond card Major
Exceeded compensation capability, or set correction is
less than required
Gain Input Overload Power at input of gain block exceeds allowed Major
limit, thereby activating limiting mechanism

Incoming power monitor

For tracking purposes, the power of the incoming signal (to the NE) must be
measured, as in the OFA and OADM cards. However, unlike the OFA and
OADM, the VMUX does not interface with the incoming line and is unable to
measure the incoming power.
The demux card at the opposite side has an additional dedicated output that is
2.5% or 5% of the incoming power (depending on the type of card). An optical
fiber connects to the VMUX, where it is connected directly to a photodiode for
power measurement. The Monitor attenuation in the VMUX calibrates this
measurement using the value taken from the Demux Info window.

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Tracking input power changes

The attenuation per channel is always the sum (in dB) of the following:
| Basic attenuation (not necessarily uniform between the channels)
| Required correction (ReqCorr) for added channels
| Base attenuation for pass-through channels
The attenuation of the added channels either tracks the changes in the power of
the incoming signals or stays fixed (tracking on/off).

Table 5-21: Attenuation

Attenuation condition Description

Monitor attenuation Offset (in dB) given to measured input power to
enable compensation for 2.5 % and 5% difference in
Base Attenuation 1 dB to 20 dB
Required Add Power 1 dBm to 40 dBm

Table 5-22: Tracking alarms

Alarm condition Description Alarm level

Input Power Change Required correction is Warning
greater than Low Alarm
Out-of-Tracking Limitation Required correction is Major
greater than Tracking Limit
and has been suppressed
Out-of-Set Capability Required correction is Minor
beyond card compensation
capability, or set correction
is less than required

The power control alarms are related to the power control object itself. You can
view them in the Power Control Object Alarm Severity window.

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MO_ROADM Card Internals

The MO_ROADM card is a Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer,
located in the modules cage (CCP slots) of the shelf. It comprises a dynamic
configuration that upgrades network capacity and range. Each port is software
configurable to add/drop any wavelength including multiple wavelengths per
port. Supported technologies include:
| Integrated Wavelength Selective Switch (WSS). Optimized for regional and
metro applications. Supports up to eight "colorless" add/drop ports,
enabling flexibility to select which wavelength to add/drop. Provides access
to all wavelengths at every port, enabling true multidegree functionality
that supports all topologies: ring, multiring, and full mesh networks (and
low insertion loss for through channels).
| Pluggable ROADM. Provides cost-effective deployment for four to eight
channel OADM sites and WSS ROADM. Eliminates the need to realign
levels by adding/removing wavelengths.
| Wavelength Blocker. Optimized for managing hub sites for carrier
networks that support up to 40 channels.
The MO_ROADM card supports single and multiple channel ports, according
to the assigned transceiver type. In the Transmission area, tooltips and icons
adjacent to the frequencies indicate the port types (as shown in the following

Figure 5-73: MO_ROADM Internals window

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To change the mode of the power control object:

1. In the MO_ROADM Internals window, select the Power Control object.
2. On the toolbar, do one of the following:

„ Click to set the mode to Manual.


„ Click to set the mode to calculated.

Viewing and modifying Channel XC parameters

You can view and modify MO_ROADM optical channels.

To define the Add/Drop optical channels:

1. In the MO_ROADM Internals window, do one of the following:

„ On the toolbar, click .

The Channel XC window for the selected MO_ROADM card opens,
by default displaying all ports and relevant criteria.

Figure 5-74: Channel XC window - MO_ROADM

„ In the Transmission area, double-click a port.

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The Channel XC window opens, displaying the row of the selected


Figure 5-75: Channel XC window - displaying selected port

2. To filter the display, in the Filter area, select the relevant checkbox(es).
„ To display all ports and criteria, select the All checkbox.
„ To hide all from display, clear the All checkbox.
The criteria shown in the Channel XC area varies according to the selected
Filter area checkboxes.

3. To connect the ports to the XC channels, in the Channel XC area, select the
relevant checkboxes.
All XC channels have to be assigned as either Block or Thru or
assigned/connected to a specific port.

You can assign one channel to a single channel port and several channels to
a multichannel port. However, only one port can be assigned to a channel.

All changes made in this window appear highlighted in blue until you click
to apply the changes.

Figure 5-76: Connecting ports to XC channels

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4. To manually define traffic per channel, do one of the following:

„ To block traffic to selected channels, in the Channel XC area, in the
Block row, select the relevant channel checkboxes.
„ To allow traffic to pass through, in the Channel XC area, in the Thru
row, select the relevant channel checkboxes.

5. To block traffic on all channels, on the toolbar, click .

All checkboxes in the Block row are selected and traffic is blocked to all
XC channels.

Figure 5-77: Traffic blocked on all XC channels

6. To allow traffic to pass through all channels, on the toolbar, click .

All checkboxes in the Thru row are selected and traffic is allowed to pass
through all XC channels. Traffic is received/transmitted directly from/to the
cards (and is not dropped to any specific port).

Figure 5-78: Traffic allowed to pass through all XC channels

7. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

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Viewing and modifying MO_ROADM Power Control

object attenuation
You can view and modify attenuation parameters of the MO_ROADM power
Control object.

To view and modify MO_ROADM power control object

1. In the MO_ROADM Internals window, select the Power Control object,
and do one of the following:
„ Right-click and select Attenuation.

„ On the toolbar, click .

The Attenuation window for the selected MO_ROADM opens, where you
can configure the base power source and tracking control parameters, and
modify the number of channels (NoC) for multichannel ports.

Figure 5-79: Attenuation window - MO_ROADM

The tracking mechanism in MO_ROADM cards controls the output power

of the added channels only. The output power of the added channels either
tracks the changes in the power of the incoming signals or stays fixed
(tracking on/off). The required output power of every Add channel is
always the sum (in dB) of a basic power and the required correction. The
basic power can either be set manually or calculated automatically from
several parameters. In addition, you can differentiate the output powers of
the different channels by assigning each its own offset. Use of the
calculated mode is strongly recommended.

2. In the Tracking Control area, select the Tracking checkbox to choose


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3. In the Base Power Source area, in the Config dropdown list, choose an
option (Calculated or Manual).
4. In the New Offset value (dB) column, choose an option in the dropdown
5. To change the number of channels assigned to a multichannel port, select
the relevant row, and in the New NoC Add Value column, choose an option
in the dropdown list (range 0-40).

6. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

OFA Cards (OFA-2, OFA_M, and OFA-R)

OFA cards have a configurable gain; each card has its own gain range. The
required gain at any moment is the sum (in dB) of the Base Gain and the
required correction. The Base Gain can be set manually, or it can be calculated
automatically from configured parameters. The tables in this section describe
the OFA card tracking mechanism and attributes.
The operation scenarios of the OFA cards include span loss change and fiber
The following tables describe the relevant scenarios (use cases).

Table 5-23: OFA_M and OFA-2 scenarios with tracking off

No. Use case Trigger User action System response

1 Installation 1. Set parameters After parameters are set,
2. Read ReqCorr ReqCorr value equals
value difference between ELpa
and ALpa
3. Adjust ELpa,
and verify that
ReqCorr equals
2 Input power < Fault detection: 1. Read ReqCorr
tracking limit Input power value.
change 2. After
verification of
cause, decide
whether to
adjust ELpa
3 Input power < Fault detection: 1. Read ReqCorr
tracking limit, and Input power value
not enough margin change 2. If not zero,
adjust ELpa
4 Input power > Fault detection: Verify cause of
tracking limit Tracking limit fault.

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No. Use case Trigger User action System response

5 Fiber cut Fault detection: Modify NOCi and 1. ReqCorr value equals
Input power NOA zero
change 2. Input Power Change
alarm is cleared
6 Fiber cut Fault detection: Modify NOCi and 1. ReqCorr value equals
Tracking limit NOA zero
exceeded 2. Tracking Limit
Exceeded alarm is

Table 5-24: OFA_M and OFA_2 scenarios with tracking on

No. Use case Trigger User action System response

1 Installation Not applicable. Not applicable.
2 Input power < Fault detection: After verifying Adjusts gain to compensate
tracking limit Input power cause, decide for input power change.
Change whether to adjust
Input power < Fault detection: After verifying Adjusts gain to compensate
tracking limit, and Input power cause, decide for input power change up
there is not enough change whether to adjust to margin. Generates
margin ELpa. appropriate warning.
4 Input power > Fault detection: Verify cause of Generates alarm.
tracking limit tracking limit fault.
5 Fiber cut Fault detection: Modify NOCi and Adjusts gain to compensate
Input power NOA. for input power.
6 Fiber cut Fault detection: Modify NOCi and Generates alarm.
tracking limit NOA.

The following table describes the OFA_M and OFA-2 alarms.

Table 5-25: OFA_M and OFA-2 alarms

Alarm condition Description Alarm level

Input Power Required correction is greater than Low Warning
Change Alarm Threshold and has been added
Out-of-Tracking Required correction is greater than Tracking Major
Limitation Limit and has been suppressed
Out-of-Set Required correction is beyond the card Minor
Capability compensation capability, or the set correction
is less than required

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OFA Card Internals

OFA cards have a configurable gain; each card has its own gain range. The
required gain at any moment is the sum (in dB) of the Base Gain and the
required correction. The Base Gain can be set manually, or it can be calculated
automatically using configured parameters/attributes.

Figure 5-80: Typical OFA_2 card Internals window

Figure 5-81: Typical OFA_M card Internals window

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Additional setup for OFA cards

You can view base gain source and required gain frequencies and set
configuration options.

To perform additional setup for OFA cards:

1. In the OFA Internals window, select the Power Control object, and do one
of the following:
„ Right-click and select Gain.

„ On the toolbar, click .

The Gain window for the selected Power Control object opens, displaying
the expected or base gain source and required gain frequencies (see "Power
Control Object Attributes" on page 5-115).

Figure 5-82: Gain window for OFA Power Control object (Calculated

2. In the Config dropdown list, choose an option:

„ Calculated: You can view the expected base gain frequency (as shown
in the previous figure).
„ Manual: You can view and modify base gain frequency. In the Base
Gain (dB) area, choose an option from the Config dropdown list (as
shown in the following figure).

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Figure 5-83: Gain window for OFA Power Control object (Manual

3. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

OFA-R Card Internals

LCT-XDM features OFA_R cards, similar in functionality to the other OFA
cards, but with enhanced optical ranges.
There are two types of OFA_R cards:

To view OFA_R FWD card internals:

1. In the Shelf window, select the OFA_R_FWD card.
2. Right-click and select Open.

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The OFA_R_FWD Internals window opens.

Figure 5-84: OFA_R_FWD Internals window

To view OFA_R_BWD card internals:

1. In the Shelf window, select the OFA_R_BWD card.
2. Right-click and select Open.
The OFA_R_BWD Internals window opens.

Figure 5-85: OFA_R_BWD Internals window

You can view optical parameters for OFA_R cards in the same way you view
other XDM optical objects (see "Viewing Optical Parameters of Optical
Objects" on page 5-178).

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Viewing and modifying OFA_R_FWD and

OFA_R_BWD parameters
In the OM_OFA_R_FWD and OM_OFA_R_BWD Info windows, you can
view configuration, inventory, and status parameters. Administrators can
modify OFA_R card parameters.

To view and modify OM_OFA_R_FWD or OM_OFA_R_BWD

configuration parameters:
1. Do one of the following:
„ In the OFA_R_FWD Internals window, select the OM_OFA_R_FWD
„ In the OFA_R_BWD Internals window, select the OM_OFA_R_BWD

2. On the toolbar, click .

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The relevant Info window opens, displaying the Configuration tab, where
you can view (and an administrator can modify) information about the
selected OFA_R card.

Figure 5-86: OM_OFA_R_FWD Info window - Configuration tab

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Figure 5-87: OM_OFA_R_BWD Info window - Configuration tab

3. View the fields, as shown in the following table.

If you modify an OFA_R card parameter, a message window opens,
warning that the operation may affect both traffic and eye safety.

4. Click Yes to confirm the changes.

The following table describes the Info window configuration parameters
unique to the OM_OFA_R_FWD/BWD cards. (The fields are read-write only
for administrators.)

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Table 5-26: OM_OFA_R FWD/BWD configuration parameters

Field Description
Monitor Used to calculate actual carrier power as is present on main line.
Attenuation (dB) Various monitor points have different percentages. Options: 1, 5,
10, 100. Default is 5.
Fiber Type Affects pumps power ratio for flat amplification. Options:
| Leaf (default)
| True-wave
| G.652
| G.654
Pump State Current state of pump. Options: Enabled or Disabled.
SCV with ALS Supervisory Channel with Automatic Laser Shutdown. Options:
Yes or No (default).
In Yes mode, attenuation of both SVC and C-Band does not
cause shutdown of amplifier, since SVC has its own ALS
activated. Changing modes is mandatory when SVC w/o ALS is
on link.
Last Measured Ratio of back-reflected power to pumps Tx power. Options: 14 to
Back Reflection 40. Warning message appears if ratio is less than -40.
Tilt Control Changes default ratio between pumps power (as defined per
specific fiber type) by selected value. Options: minuses (---, --, -)
default, and pluses (+, ++, +++).
APR State Automatic Power Reduction state. Options: Stand By, Active 1,
Active 2, Active 3, Active 4, Active 5, Active 6.
APR Back APR back reflection threshold. Options: -14 to -23 (default).
Threshold (dB)
APR Duration Automatic Power Reduction after Loss of Signal. Options:
after LOS 2 sec to 11 sec (default: 11). Relevant only for FWD mode.
APR using Options: Enable or Disable (default). Relevant only for BWD
Dithering mode.

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To view OM_OFA_R_FWD or OM_OFA_R_BWD inventory

| In the relevant OM_OFA_R FWD/BWD Info window, click the Inventory

Figure 5-88: OM_OFA_R FWD/BWD Info window - Inventory tab

To view OM_OFA_R_FWD or OM_OFA_R_BWD status

| In the relevant OM_OFA_R_FWD/BWD Info window, click the Status

Figure 5-89: OM_OFA_R FWD/BWD Info window - Status tab

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OFA_PHBC and OFA_HBC Card Internals

OFA_PHBC and OFA_HBC cards are located in the modules cage (at the top)
of the shelf and have similar functionality to that of the other OFA cards (see
"OFA Card Internals" on page 5-132, "OFA Cards (OFA-2, OFA_M, and
OFA-R)" on page 5-130).
The following is a sample OFA_PHBC Internals window (with two channels).

Figure 5-90: OFA_PHBC Internals window

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The following is a sample OFA_HBC Internals window (with one channel).

Figure 5-91: OFA_HBC Internals window

You can view base gain source and required gain frequencies and set
configuration options (see "Additional setup for OFA cards" on page 5-133).

To view the expected base gain frequency for OFA_PHBC or

| In the relevant OFA_PHBC or OFA_HBC Internals window, on the
toolbar, click .
Configuration of the Power Control object is enabled in calculated mode.

To view and modify base gain frequency:

| In the relevant OFA_PHBC or OFA_HBC Internals window, on the
toolbar, click .
Configuration of the Power Control object is enabled in manual mode.

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Combiner Card Internals

Combiner cards enable multiple client streams to be combined or aggregated
into a single output stream. They enable services to be dropped at any network
node and can be connected directly to a multiplexer or OADM. They are
typically used in DWDM networks. Each combiner card occupies a single slot
in the XDM shelf and includes hot swappable modules and a colored DWDM
Each combiner card contains two tabs:
| Aggregation tab: for signal aggregation
| Client tab: includes all client ports available for aggregation
The following figures show examples of each.

Figure 5-92: CMBR Internals window - Aggregation tab

Figure 5-93: CMBR Internals window - Client tab

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The Aggregate tab contains SONET and OCH objects. The Client tab is
comprised of data objects that are cross connected to a form a single SONET
aggregate stream.
Each combiner card contains one or more subequipment modules. Both
aggregate and client sides exist for all modules on the card. For some cards, the
client also uses the module displayed for the aggregate.
The two modules on the CMBR25_2 card are displayed in the Aggregate tab;
the transceivers are shown in the Client tab (as shown in the previous figures).
This card has two aggregate outputs of 2.66 Gbps each, corresponding to the
card's two modules, respectively.
Only high-order cross connections are configured on combiner cards. Since the
arrangement between client and aggregate ports is fixed, cross connections
cannot be defined for them.
All Combiner cards use ODU (Optical channel Data Unit) for end to end
protection switching. ODU is the OTN path layer used for end-to-end path
supervision of the optical channel carrying a given service (OC-48, OC-192, 10
GbE ETY, and so on). ODU supports both far and near end performance
monitoring, alarm indicators, trail trace identifiers (TTI), and communication
channels. ODU also supports multiplexing of 4 x ODU1 streams into ODU2,
enabling transparent aggregation of 2.5 Gbps services into a single 10 Gbps
wavelength. The XDM supports two ODU rates: ODU1 for 2.5 Gbps service
(OC-48) and ODU2 for 10 Gbps services (OC-192 and 10 GbE ETY). ODU1
and ODU2 functionality is incorporated into the following modules:
| ODU1 mapping is supported in CMBR25_2 and CMBR25D cards.
| ODU2 mapping is supported in CMBR10D, CMBR10, and CMBR10_B
| Both ODU1 and ODU2 mapping and multiplexing are supported in the
CMBR10_T combiner cards (as well as in TRP cards (see "TRP25_25 Card
Internals" on page 5-169)).
CMBR10_T cards display additional features (see "Combiner10_T Card
Internals" on page 5-145).

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Combiner10_T Card Internals

The COMBR10_T card unlike other Combiner cards has four client channels
and an Optical PG (protection group) upon which you can perform
maintenance operations. It also supports ODU Src and Snk objects, including
ODU1 for 2.5 Gbps service (OC-48) and ODU2 for 10 Gbps services (OC-192
and 10 GbE ETY) for end to end protection switching.
The following figure shows the Aggregation tab, where you can view aggregate
and client channels, and a zoom view of a selected client channel. You can
click (located in the middle of the View area) to switch to the
Client tab.

Figure 5-94: CMBR10_T Internals window - Aggregation tab

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The following figure shows the Client tab, where you can view client channels
and perform maintenance operations on the Optical PG.

Figure 5-95: CMBR10_T Internals window - Client tab

To perform a maintenance operation on the Optical PG:

1. In the Client tab of the CMBR10_T Internals window, right-click the
Optical PG, and select one of the following maintenance operations:
„ Lockout > Main, Protection, or None
„ Force Switch> Main, Protection, or None
„ Manual Switch > Main, Protection, or None
A message window opens, warning that the action might be traffic-

2. Click Yes to confirm the operation.

The maintenance operation is performed on the Optical PG.

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OPM Card Internals

The XDM OPM performs a wide range of performance monitoring (PM)
functions on optical trails in a DWDM network.
The Internals window for the OPM card displays four OPS_M transmission
objects. Each OPS_M object collects PM data for one of the card's channels
(see "Viewing Internal Object Information" on page 5-152).

Figure 5-96: OPM Internals window

Auxiliary Card Internals

Auxiliary (AUX) cards can contain two modules, as shown in the typical
Auxiliary Card Internals View window in the following figure.

Figure 5-97: Auxiliary Internals window

The slot assignment procedure for the AUX card modules is the same as
described previously (see "Card Assignment" on page 5-9).
These AUX module internal views are completely static, displaying no
dynamic information. They show a schematic view of the module for
informational purposes only.

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OHU Card Internals

OHU cards (on XDM-100) contain Orderwire (OW) transmission objects.
OW technology facilitates voice contact using OW (E1 and E2) and F1 bytes. It
is based on a telephone "party line" concept, where all connected parties,
typically technicians, can participate in concurrent voice-based service calls. It
enables one or more technicians to make service calls simultaneously by using
dedicated OW channels rather than regular SONET lines.
Dedicated OW lines are normally used between a remote site and a central
office during initial installation of the system, or when no telephone line is
available. All calls are bidirectional.

To view OHU card internals and change the NE digital phone

1. In the Shelf window, double-click the OHU card.
The OHU Internals window opens.

Figure 5-98: OHU Internals window

2. To change the OW phone number, select the OW Control object.

3. On the toolbar, click .

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The Info window for the selected OW Control object opens.

Figure 5-99: Info window for OW Control object

4. In the New Attribute Value column, edit the phone number as required.

5. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

Viewing/Modifying Port and

Equipment Object Information
You can view and modify information for port and equipment objects
displayed in the Internals window.

To view and modify port and equipment object information:

1. In the Internals window, select a port or equipment object icon, and do one
of the following:
„ Double-click.

„ On the toolbar, click .

The relevant Info window opens, displaying the Configuration tab.
Depending on the object selected, additional tabs (Inventory and/or Status)
may be available for viewing additional parameters and alarm bell icons
may appear on the right of the toolbar indicating alarm state and
unacknowledged alarm state of the selected object (see "Viewing Current
Alarms" on page 8-2).

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Figure 5-100: Internal object configuration

2. In the Configuration tab, in the New Attribute Value column, modify the
editable fields as required:

„ Click and type a new value.


„ Click and choose an option from the dropdown list.


„ In the spin box , click the arrows to scroll through a list of

numbers to select a new value.

3. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

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4. Click the additional tab(s) to view more information about the selected
object, as shown in the following sample Status tab.

Figure 5-101: Internal object status

To view internal object pair information:

| In the Info window of an internal object, on the toolbar, click .

The Info window for the internal object's pair opens. For example, in the
Info window for the ODU2 Snk object, you can click to open the Info
window for its corresponding ODU2 Src object.

Figure 5-102: OCH Src Info window

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Viewing Internal Object

LCT-XDM enables you to view information for each internal XDM object,
including the status of various parameters, and to configure applicable object

To view information for an internal XDM object:

1. In the Internals window for the relevant card, select the object.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The Info window for the selected object opens. The following figure shows
a sample Info window of an OPS-Src object of a TRP card.

Figure 5-103: Sample internal object Info window

3. In the New Attribute Value column, modify the editable fields as required.
4. If you make changes to any of the object attributes, on the toolbar, click
to apply the changes.

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The following tables list the common attributes of the Configuration and Status
tabs of the Info window displayed for most internal XDM objects. The
subsequent tables in this section list specific attributes by object type.
Additional attributes (where relevant) are listed in subsequent sections in this

Table 5-27: Info window - Configuration tab attributes

Attribute name Description

Direction Direction in which traffic traverses object. Options:
Unidirectional or Bidirectional. (Read only)
PM Profile Performance Monitoring (PM) profile assigned to object. (Read
Monitor Active Operating state of monitor. Options: On or Off.
Severity Profile Alarm severity profile assigned to object. (Read only)
Alarm Master Master mask assigned to object. Options: Non Monitored,
Mask Monitored, Masked, and QoS Masked. (Read only)

Table 5-28: Info window - Status tab attributes

Attribute name Description

Administrative Administrative capability of log to perform its function.
State Options:
| Unlocked: Use of log has been permitted by managing
system. Information from subordinate records may be
retrieved. Depending on values of other state and status
attributes, new records may be created.
| Locked: Use of log has been prohibited by managing
system. Information from subordinate records may be
retrieved, but new records cannot be created. Records may
be deleted.
(Read only)
Availability Status Additional information about availability status of card
corresponding to its operational state. (Read only)
Usage State Traffic state that can be Idle, Active, or Busy. (Read only)
Operational State Current operating mode of card. Options: Enabled (normal
state) or Disabled. (Read only)

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Table 5-29: Attributes for PHY source objects

Attribute name Description

Actual Laser State of PHY laser. Options: On or Off. (Read only)
Default Laser Default state of PHY laser. Options: On or Off.
ALS State Automatic Laser Shutdown (ALS) setting. Options: On or Off.
When ALS State is set to On, laser transmission on object is
shut off when Loss of Signal (LOS) is detected on transmission
ALS Duration Laser pulse is sent every 70 seconds to check whether fiber is
functioning. Recommended to increase ALS duration when
equipment on fiber (for example, amplifiers) can add delays that
would render default duration undetectable. Options: 2 sec to 10
sec. Default is 2.

Table 5-30: Attributes for STS-3c source objects

Attribute name Description

AIS State Whether downstream Alarm Indication Signals (AISs) are
transmitted from object. (Read only in Status tab.)

Table 5-31: Attributes for STS-3c sink objects

Attribute name Description

TTI Expected Expected TTI. Enter text.
TTI Received Received TTI. (Read only)
TSL Expected Expected signal label and path status information. Options:
TUG Structure, Test Signal, Equipped non-specified, 34M/45M,
140M, Undefined, STS-AIS.
TSL Received Received signal label and path status information. (Read only)
XCSet ID XC set ID. Relevant only if object is allocated for certain cross
connection. (Read only)
Protection Whether XC is protected or not protected. Relevant only if
object is allocated for certain cross connection. (Read only)
SF Threshold (expressed as exponential value) above which
Excessive Bit Error Rate state occurs, resulting in Signal Failure
(SF) alarm (for example, 10E-6). Enter text.
SD Threshold (expressed as exponential value) above which Signal
Degraded state occurs, resulting in Signal Degraded (SD) alarm
(for example, 10E-6). Enter text.
Monitor Active Whether path overhead monitoring is enabled. Options: On or
AIS State Whether downstream AISs are transmitted from object. (Read
only in the Status tab)

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Table 5-32: Attributes for DIO STS-3c sink objects

Attribute name Description

Payload Carrying STS-3c SPE expected to carry GbE traffic. Options: Active or
Expected Rx Not Active.
Payload Carrying STS-3c SPE carries GbE traffic. Options: Active or Not
Actual Rx Active.

Table 5-33: Attributes for DIO STS-3c source objects

Attribute name Description

Payload Carrying Sets H4 byte. Options: Active or Not Active. When set to
Expected Tx Active, signals that STS-3c SPE container carries valid data
on its payload. Used in rate adaptation process.

Table 5-34: Attributes for STS-1-SPEsource objects

Attribute name Description

TTI Sent Sent TTI. Enter text.
TSL Sent Sent signal label and path status information. Options: Non-
specific, Asynchronous, Bit Synchronous, Byte Synchronous,
AIS State Whether downstream AISs are transmitted from object. (Read
only in the Status tab)
RDI State Whether RDI signals are passed to object. Status is either
automatic or forced. (Read only in Status tab.)
Loopback Whether object is in loopback state, and what type of
loopback is set for object (terminal (near-end) or facility
(far-end)). (Read only in Status tab)

Table 5-35: Attributes for STS-1-SPEsink objects

Attribute name Description

TTI Expected Expected TTI. Enter text.
TTI Received Received TTI. Enter text.
TSL Expected Expected signal label and path status information. Options:
TUG Structure, Test Signal, Equipped non-specified,
34M/45M, 140M, Undefined, STS-AIS.
TSL Received Received signal label and path status information. (Read only)
SF Threshold (expressed as an exponential value) above which an
Excessive Bit Error Rate state occurs, resulting in SF alarm
(for example, 10E-6). Enter text.
SD Threshold (expressed as an exponential value) above which a
Signal Degraded state occurs, resulting in SD alarm (for
example, 10E-6). Enter text.

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Attribute name Description

Monitor Active Whether path overhead monitoring is enabled. Options: On or
AIS State Whether downstream AISs are transmitted from object. (Read
only in Status tab)
Force RDI Whether RDI signals are passed to object. Status is either
automatic or forced. (Read only in Status tab)
Loopback Whether object is in loopback state, and what type of
loopback is set for object (terminal (near-end) or facility
(far-end)). (Read only in Status tab)

Table 5-36: Attributes for 45M source objects

Attribute name Description

Framing Whether physical interface uses framing. Options: Yes or No.
PPI Rate Whether downstream AISs are transmitted from object. (Read
TTP ID Async physical interface trail termination point ID. (Read
AIS State Whether downstream AISs are transmitted from object. (Read
Loopback Whether object is in loopback state, and what type of
loopback is set for object (terminal (near-end) or facility
(far-end)). (Read only)

Table 5-37: Attributes for 45M sink objects

Attribute name Description

Framing Whether physical interface uses framing. Options: Yes or No.
PPI Rate Whether downstream AISs are transmitted from object. (Read
SF Threshold (expressed as exponential value) above which
Excessive Bit Error Rate state occurs, resulting in SF alarm
(for example, 10E-6). Enter text.
SD Threshold (expressed as exponential value) above which
Signal Degraded state occurs, resulting in SD alarm (for
example, 10E-6). Enter text.
Monitor Active Whether path overhead monitoring is enabled. Options: On or
TTP ID Trail termination point ID. (Read only)
AIS State Whether downstream AISs are transmitted from object. (Read
only in Status tab)
Loopback Whether object is in loopback state, and what type of
loopback is set for object (terminal (near-end) or facility
(far-end)). (Read only in Status tab)

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Table 5-38: Attributes for Line source objects

Attribute name Description

EXT DCC Whether EXT DCC is enabled. (Read only)
RDI State Whether RDI signals are passed to object. Status is either
automatic or forced. (Read only)

Table 5-39: Attributes for Line source objects

Attribute name Description

SF Threshold (expressed as exponential value) above which
Excessive Bit Error Rate state occurs, resulting in SF alarm
(for example, 10E-6). Enter text.
SD Threshold (expressed as exponential value) above which
Signal Degraded state occurs, resulting in SD alarm (for
example, 10E-6). Enter text.
EXT DCC Whether EXT DCC is enabled. (Read only)
Monitor Active Whether path overhead monitoring is enabled. Options: On or
Received SSM SSM value received from SONET Line interface. (Read only)
Force RDI Whether RDI signals are passed to object. Status is either
automatic or forced. (Read only)

Table 5-40: Attributes for Section source objects

Attribute name Description

TTI Sent Sent TTI. Enter text.
STM Level Synchronous Transport Module Level. (Read only)
EXT DCC Whether EXT DCC is enabled. (Read only)

Table 5-41: Attributes for Section sink objects

Attribute name Description

TTI Expected Expected TTI. Enter text.
TTI Received Received TTI. Enter text.
STM Level Synchronous Transport Module Level. (Read only)
EXT DCC Status of External DCC on object (Enabled or Disabled).
Enter a exponential value (for example, 10E-6).
Monitor Active Whether path overhead monitoring is enabled. Options: On or

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Attribute name Description

Peer Control IP address of neighboring NE, based on TTI string. Used for
Address Automatic Topology Link Discovery. If Automatic Topology
Link Discovery is not enabled on NE, values are None or
Unknown. (Read only)
Peer Port ID Port ID of neighboring NE, based on TTI string. Used for
Automatic Topology Link Discovery. If Automatic Topology
Link Discovery is not enabled on NE, values are None or
Unknown. (Read only)

Table 5-42: Attributes for OPI source objects

Attribute name Description

Default Laser Default state of OPI laser. Options: On or Off.
Actual Laser State of OPI laser. Options: On or Off. (Read only)
ALS State ALS setting. When set to On, aser transmission on PHY is
shut off when LOS is detected on fiber it is transmitting on.
Options: On or Off.
ALS Duration Laser pulse is sent every 70 seconds to check whether fiber is
functioning. Recommended to increase ALS duration when
equipment on fiber (for example, amplifiers) can add delays
that would render default duration undetectable. Options: 2
sec to 10 sec. Default is 2.

Table 5-43: Attributes for OCH source objects

Attribute name Description

TTI Sent Sent TTI. Enter text.
Bitrate Bitrate of client signal. Options: OC-3, OC-12, and OC-48. In
TRP25_2C cards, bitrate is either selectable from predefined
list or user-defined from 50 Mbps to 2700 Mbps. (For
TRP25_2S card, client is SONET.) Read only for TRP25_2G
(GbE client) and TRP10_2 cards.
FEC Enabled Whether Forward Error Correction (FEC) is enabled on
transponders. Options: Enabled or Disabled.

Table 5-44: Attributes for OCH sink objects

Attribute name Description

TTI Expected Expected TTI. Enter text.
TTI Received Received TTI. Enter text.
SF Threshold (expressed as exponential value) above which
Excessive Bit Error Rate state occurs, resulting in SF alarm
(for example, 10E-6). Enter text.
SD Threshold (expressed as exponential value) above which
Signal Degraded state occurs, resulting in SD alarm (for
example, 10E-6). Enter text.

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Attribute name Description

Bitrate Bitrate of client signal. For SONET client, options are: OC-3,
OC-12, and OC-48. Read only for GbE client.
FEC Enabled Whether FEC is enabled on transponders. Options: Enabled or
Monitor Active OH bytes are monitored and related alarms can be generated
upon detection of faults. (Read only)

Table 5-45: Attributes for OPS source objects

Attribute name Description

Default Laser Default state of OPS laser. Options: On or Off.
Actual Laser State of OPS laser. Options: On or Off. (Read only)
ALS State ALS setting. Options: On or Off. When ALS state is set to
On, laser transmission on PHY is shut off when LOS is
detected on transmission fiber.
ALS Duration Laser pulse is sent every 70 seconds to check if fiber is
functioning. Recommended to increase ALS duration when
equipment on fiber (for example, amplifiers) can add delays,
which would render default duration undetectable. Options: 2
sec to 10 sec. Default is 2.
Facility Type (TTP Number of WDM channels this OPS object can process
Channel Capacity) (pass).

Table 5-46: Attributes for OPS sink objects

Attribute name Description

Facility Type (TTP Number of WDM channels this OPS object can process
Channel Capacity) (pass).

Table 5-47: Attributes for OMS source and sink objects

Attribute name Description

Facility Type (TTP Number of WDM channels this OMS object can process
Channel Capacity) (pass). (Read only)
OMS Band WDM band (Red, Blue, C band or L band, unrestricted, and
so on). (Read only)
OMS Spacing WDM channel spacing (50, 100, 200, unrestricted). (Read

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Table 5-48: Attributes for OPS_M objects

Attribute name Description

OPSM Line Name Identifier of line to which OPS_M object (OPM switch
position) is connected. Enter an arbitrary name.
OPSM Line Mode Indicates OPSM line mode. Options:
| Disabled: scanning of switch position is disabled
| Enabled: manual scan of switch position is enabled
| Automatic: scanning of switch position is automatically
performed at time interval set for xMCP card attribute
scan period
Number of Scans Preferred number of scans on which result should be
averaged. Options: 1-8. Default is 1.
Start Wavelength Lower wavelength of scan range (in spectrum analyzer).
(nm) Wavelengths below this value are not displayed. Options:
1529-1562. Default is 1562.
End Wavelength Higher wavelength of scan range (in spectrum analyzer).
(nm) Wavelengths above this value are not displayed. Options:
1529-1562. Default is 1562.
Carrier Threshold Carrier threshold. Options: 0, 5-40.
Noise Bandwidth Distance from center wavelength of grid slot, where floor
(nm) noise is measured (for example, for 100 GHz spacing, grid
width is approximately 0.8 nm). Options: 0-2 in 0.1
increments. Default is 0.4.
Grid Spacing Carrier spacing. Options: 50 or 100 GHz. Default is 100.
Monitor Used to calculate actual carrier power on main line. Various
Attenuation (dB) monitor points have different percentages. Options: 1, 5, 10,
100. Default is 5.
Min OSNR OSNR threshold that determines when OSNR low alarm is
Threshold generated. Threshold is global for all carriers. Alarms are
generated individually, per channel, whenever carrier OSNR
value drops below threshold. Options: 1-30. Default is 15.

Table 5-49: Attributes for Ethernet EoS source objects

Attribute name Description

Direction Direction in which traffic traverses object. Options:
Unidirectional or Bidirectional. (Read only)
Port Enable Status of Ethernet EoS port. Options: Enabled or Disabled.

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Table 5-50: Attributes for Ethernet EoS sink objects

Attribute Name Description

SubNetwork ID ID number for Ethernet subnetwork. Used by network
administrator to define multiple separate Ethernet
subnetworks. (Read only)
Address Learning Whether address learning on port is enabled. Options:
Enabled or Disabled.
Max Packet Size Specifies maximum frame length to be forwarded, in bytes, by
Options: 64-9600 in 1-byte increments. Default is 9600 bytes.
Note: Value can only be changed when port is disabled.
Monitor Active Whether path overhead monitoring is active. Options: On or
Loopback Whether object is in loopback state, and type of loopback set
for object (terminal (near-end) or facility (far-end)). (Read
only in Status tab)

Table 5-51: Attributes for Ethernet ETY sink objects

Attribute name Description

Enable Whether GbE Auto-Negotiation is enabled. Auto-Neg.

Auto-Negotiation function allows local device to advertise its modes of
operation to remote end of link segment and to detect
corresponding operational modes that remote device may be
advertising. Auto-Neg. function exchanges information
between local and remote devices and automatically
configures both devices to take maximum advantage of their
abilities. Options: Enabled or Disabled.
Address Learning Whether address learning on port is enabled. Options:
Enabled or Disabled.
Max Packet Size Specifies maximum frame length to be forwarded, in bytes, by
EIS/EISM. Options: 64-9600 in 1-byte increments. Default is
9600 bytes.
Note: Value can only be changed when port is disabled.
Local Duplex Duplex mode in use. Only Full Duplex is supported. (Read
Mode only)
Local Pause Setting of GEoS port, configured either as Symmetric, where
Capability it can transmit or receive pause frames, or Asymmetric, where
it can transmit but not receive pause frames.
Port Speed Basic speed defined for port. Options: 10 Mb or 100 Mb.
(Mb/sec) (Read only)
Number of Number of S-VLANs used in this ETY. (Read only)

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Attribute name Description

Untagged Default Whether untagged default is enabled. Options: Enabled or

Enabled Disabled. If Disabled, untagged packets cannot be filtered
from entering EIS/EISM. Default is Enabled.
Untagged Default Specifies default Class of Service for untagged packets.
COS Options: 0-7. Default is 0.
Monitor Active Enables/disables path overhead monitoring. Options: On or
Loopback Whether object is in loopback state, and type of loopback set
for object (terminal (near-end) or facility (far-end)). (Read
Link Sync Status Whether the link is synchronized. Options: Synchronized or
Not Synchronized.

STS-3c SPE Concatenation

The concatenation procedure associates multiple virtual containers (STSs)
together. The resulting combined capacity can be used as a single container
across which bit sequence integrity is maintained. STS-3c SPE concatenation is
supported in the SONET standard.
LCT-XDM supports concatenated STS-3c SPEs for high bitrate data services
that require transport of payloads that are higher than a single STS-3c SPE
XDM NEs support STS-3c SPE-4c (4 x STS-3c SPEs) and STS-3c SPE-16c
(16 x STS-3c SPEs) concatenated signals. This function is supported in SIO4,
SIO16, SIO16-2, SIO64, XIO, SIM, and SAM cards.
The XDM NE supports the following methods for the transport and cross
connection of concatenated STS-3c SPE signals:
| Virtual: this method is intended to provide support for high bitrate services,
through concatenated STS-3c SPEs, on networks that do not support
concatenated signals higher than STS-3c.
The signal enters the XDM NE as a STS-3c SPE-Xc concatenated signal
(where "X" is an integer). The XDM NE transforms the contiguous STS-3c
SPE-Xc into 4 or 16 regular STS-3c SPEs. The STS-3c SPEs that comprise
the virtual STS-3c SPE-Xc are transported over the subnetwork/network.
When exiting the subnetwork/network boundary, the STS-3c SPEs are
assembled together to form the original contiguous STS-3c SPE-Xc.

| Contiguous: the signal enters and exits the XDM NE as a STS-3c SPE-Xc
concatenated signal.

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STS-3c SPE Concatenation Limitations:

| In SIO cards, all STS-3c SPEs in a group must belong to the same Line and
| Either 4 or 16 STS-3cs should be selected.
| An STS-3c cannot be selected if it is part of an XC set.
| Numbering: For all virtual concatenation types (excluding virtual Through),
groups of 4 must start at STS-3c number 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, and so on. Groups
of 16 must start at STS-3c numbers 1, 17, 33, and so on.

Concatenating STS-3c SPEs

You can view and modify STS-3c SPE concatenation in the Internals window
of the SIO, XIO, SIM, or SAM card. In the relevant Internals window, you
can access a legend that explains the concatenation symbols (see "Equipment
and Ports Legend" on page 5-167).
The order for configuring STS-3c SPE concatenation is as follows:
1. Set the STS-3c SPE concatenation rate to x4 or x16.
2. Select the concatenation mode (Add/Drop directionality).
3. Configure the concatenation group.
By default, concatenation is 4 x STS-3cs and bidirectional. When the
Internals window opens, the toolbar icons x4 and Bidirectional appear
selected, indicating this default setting (see "STS-3c SPE Concatenation
Toolbar" on page 5-168).

You can click the concatenation toolbar icons to configure concatenation (see
"STS-3c SPE Concatenation Toolbar" on page 5-168). Alternatively, you can
concatenate STS-3c SPEs using the Configuration menu options in the
Internals window. The following procedure explains how.

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To concatenate STS-3c SPEs:

1. In the SIO, XIO, SIM, or SAM Internals window, choose the
concatenation rate by doing one of the following:
a. On the menu bar, select Configuration > Concatenation Rate.
b. On the submenu, select one of the following:
 x4 (the default value)
 x16
„ On the toolbar, click the relevant Concatenation Rate button:

or .
2. Choose the concatenation mode by doing one of the following:
a. On the menu bar, select Configuration > Concatenation Mode.
b. On the submenu, select one of the following:
 Add
 Drop
 Bidirectional (the default value)
„ On the toolbar, click the relevant Concatenation Mode button:

, , or .
3. In the Equipment and Ports area, select the STS-3c objects to concatenate.
You can use shift-click to select multiple objects.
Whenever you select an STS-3c that is already part of a concatenation
group, the other STS-3cs in the group are automatically selected, according
to the assigned rate. (For example, if the group rate is x4, when you select
an STS-3c assigned to this group, the three remaining STS-3cs are
automatically selected.)

4. Choose the concatenation type by doing one of the following:

a. On the menu bar, select Configuration > Create Concatenation.
b. On the submenu, select the type of concatenation to use.
„ On the toolbar, click the relevant Concatenation Type button:

, , , or .

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The type of concatenation you select affects the way the virtual STS-3c
SPE-Xc signal can be cross connected (see "Creating Concatenated XCs"
on page 7-34).

Select one of the following concatenation types. The first three are virtual

„ C-to-V: Contiguous-to-Virtual concatenation. A C-to-V group must

contain consecutive STS-3cs (such as 1-4 or 5-8. 2-5 is not allowed).
„ Through: Virtual Through concatenation. You can select any STS-3cs
from the selected card or module in any order. They do not have to be
consecutive, and there are no limitations on cross connection of STS-3c
„ Consecutive: Virtual Consecutive concatenation. The signal entering
the XDM NE is ported on consecutive STS-3cs (such as 1-4 or 5-8).
The same rules apply as for C-to-V concatenation.
„ Contiguous: Virtual Contiguous concatenation. A contiguous STS-3c
group can be concatenated only with another contiguous STS-3c group.
The same rules apply as for C-to-V concatenation.
You can repeat the previous steps to configure additional concatenation
groups. The STS-3cs that are part of the group(s) appear with the relevant
concatenation symbols, as shown in the following figures.

Figure 5-104: Typical bidirectional virtual Consecutive concatenation group

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You can view concatenation configuration information in the Info window

of a selected concatenated STS-3c object, as shown in the Group Rate,
Group Type, and Group List fields in the following figure.

Figure 5-105: Info window showing concatenation parameters

Removing Group Concatenation

You can ungroup (remove) concatenation groups.

To ungroup (remove) a concatenation group:

1. In the SIO, XIO, SIM, or SAM Internals window, in the Equipment and
Ports area, select an STS-3c object that is part of a concatenation group.
This action selects the entire concatenation group.

2. On the toolbar, click the relevant Concatenation Mode button: , , or

3. On the toolbar, click Ungroup .

The selected concatenation group is ungrouped.

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Equipment and Ports Legend

Special graphical symbols allow you to easily identify the functionality of
concatenated STS-3c objects and groups.
In the SIO, XIO, SIM, or SAM Internals window, you can access a Legend
that describes the concatenation symbols.

To access the concatenation legend:

1. In the relevant Internals window, click the icon.

The Equipment and Ports Legend window opens, showing the symbols
that appear on concatenated STS-3c objects in the relevant card (SIO, XIO,
or SIM) Internals window and on concatenated XCSs in the XC Browser
(see "Creating Concatenated XCs" on page 7-34) and in the XC List (see
"Using the XC List" on page 7-43).

Figure 5-106: Equipment and Ports Legend - concatenation symbols

2. Click Close to close the window.

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STS-3c SPE Concatenation Toolbar

Figure 5-107: Concatenation toolbar

In the Internals window (for the SIO, XIO, SIM, or SAM card), the default
toolbar displays additional icons for STS-3c SPE concatenation.

Table 5-52: Concatenation toolbar icons

Icon Name Function

Add Triggers group concatenation mode to unidirectional add.

Drop Triggers group concatenation mode to unidirectional drop.

Bidirectional Triggers concatenation mode to bidirectional. (Default

setting, displayed as selected when Internals window
x4 Sets STS-3c SPE concatenation rate to STS-3c SPE_4c.
(Default setting, displayed as selected when Internals
window opens.)
x16 Sets STS-3c SPE concatenation rate to STS-3c SPE_16c.

C to V Sets concatenation group type to Contiguous to Virtual.

Through Sets concatenation group type to virtual Through.

Consecutive Sets concatenation group type to virtual Consecutive.

Contiguous Sets concatenation group type to Contiguous.

Ungroup Ungroups concatenation group. (Enabled whenever you

select any STS-3c object that is part of a concatenation

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TRP25_25 Card Internals

TRP25_25 cards are bidirectional. Each contains two transponders for a total of
four channels. Each transponder has one Add and one Drop channel and works
independently. In TRP25 cards, Tx and Rx functions are performed on separate
optical modules. Both ODU1 and ODU2 mapping and multiplexing are
supported in TRP cards (as well as in CMBR10_T cards (see "Combiner10_T
Card Internals" on page 5-145)).

Figure 5-108: TRP25_25 Internals window

Configuring TRP Optical Channels

You can view and modify TRP optical channels.

To view and modify optical channels:

1. In the TRP Internals window, select the OMT25 object.

2. On the toolbar, click .

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The Info window for the OMT25 object opens, displaying optical channel
configuration information.

Figure 5-109: OMT25 Info window

3. In the Assigned Application Code (Expected) field, select an option from

the dropdown list.
4. In the Assigned Channel field, select a channel frequency option from the
dropdown list. The frequency range is: 192.1 THz to 196.0 THz in 100
GHz intervals. The default setting is a non-valid value (0) which is intended
to cause channel mismatch and prevent turning on the lasers.

5. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

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Enabling ALS on Optical Objects

You can enable Automatic Laser Shutdown (ALS) for optical modules to shut
off laser transmission when a loss of signal (LOS) alarm is detected on the
transmission fiber.

To enable ALS on optical objects:

1. In the relevant (TRP) Internals window, select the OPS Src object.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The Info window for the selected OPS object opens.

Figure 5-110: OPS Src Info window

3. In the ALS State field, select On from the dropdown list. (To disable ALS,
select Off.)
4. To change the duration of the Tx On pulse used by the ALS algorithm to
verify restoration of a broken line, in the ALS Duration field, select an
option from the dropdown list.
This is necessary in optical networks, where amplifiers and other optical
devices may contribute to the delay of an optical signal transition down the

ALS is enabled.

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Enabling FEC on Optical Objects

You can enable Forward Error Correction (FEC) on transponders.

To enable FEC on optical objects:

1. In the TRP Internals window, select the OCH object.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The Info window for the selected OCH object opens.

Figure 5-111: Info window - OCH Snk object

3. In the FEC Enabled field, choose Enabled from the dropdown list.
FEC is enabled.

Transponders connected to each other as endpoints or regenerators must

have the same settings.

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Viewing and Modifying TRP10_LAN

Configuration Parameters
TRP 10GbE LAN is a basecard with two 10 Gbps transponders (Tx and Rx)
and resides on XDM-500/1000/2000 shelves. It is carried over the Optical
Transport Network (OTN) when mapped over ODU2 (Optical Data unit) into
OTU2 (Optical Transport Units), and may have FEC or EFEC configuration.
TRP10_LAN provides functionality similar to the TRP25_2C in a space-saving
form factor, and operates in an East/West configuration (see "TRP25_25 Card
Internals" on page 5-169).
TRP10_LAN card features include:
| Based on the CHTR basecard
| Compliant mapping to G.709 10.7Gbps
| Full transparency 10GbE LAN pre amble and SFD bytes
| Configurable for EFEC/FEC/no FEC operation
| Tunable LiNbO3 Line transmitters for improved performance and
| EML transmitters for reduced cost
| Support for 10 GbE LAN with performance monitoring
| Hot swappable XFP client transceivers
The OMTX10_LAN module resides at the CHTR card as the client side 10GbE
LAN interface in the I/O slots of the XDM 500/1000/2000 shelves. The line
side is 10.7G OTU2 optical interface for OTN networks.
OMTX10_LAN module features include:
| Transparent mapping of 10GbE_LAN Ethernet optical interface into
standard OTN-ODU2 container in two mapping modes:
| Mode NPS (No Preamble and SFD) – Supports G.8021 requirements
| Mode WPS (With Preamble and SFD) - Supports transparent mapping of
the Preamble bytes as well as SFD byte, using OTN-OPU unused OH bytes
| Supports G.709 OTN-ODU2 termination, alarms and PM collection
| Supports RMON of the incoming 10GbE LAN signal according to
RFC2819 requirements
| Traffic protection based on OTN-ODU2 path layer quality
| Controlled by the XMCP via CHTR card uP interface
| XFP transceiver hot insertion and extraction

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To view TRP10_LAN Card internals:

| In the Shelf window, double-click a TRP10_LAN card to open its
Internals window.

Figure 5-112: TRP10_LAN Internals window

To view ODU2 configuration parameters:

1. In the the TRP10_LAN Internals window, select an ODU2 Src/Snk
2. Right-click and select Info.

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The Info window opens, displaying the Configuration tab.

Figure 5-113: ODU2 Info window - Configuration tab

To view ODU2 status:

1. In the ODU2 Src/Snk Info window, click the Status tab.
The Status tab opens, displaying ODU2 status parameters.

Figure 5-114: ODU2 Info window - Status tab

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The PCS (Process) module is responsible for clock and data recovery, de-
serialization, block and link synchronization, 64/66 decoding/encoding, BER
monitor processes, and de-scrambling functions concerned with the Ethernet
PHY (Physical) sink side. It responsible as well for the test pattern checker.

To view and modify PCS configuration parameters:

1. In the the TRP10_LAN Internals window, select a PCS Src/Snk module.
2. Right-click and select Info.
The Info window opens.

3. Click the Configuration tab.

Figure 5-115: PCS Snk Info window - Configuration tab

4. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.

5. Note, when in test mode the Rubicon device will transmit towards the
OTN, GFP Idle frames automatically.

Table 5-53: PCS Info window - Configuration tab

Field Description
Monitor Active Monitor activated. Options: On or Off.
Alarm Profile Alarm Profile.
Alarm Master Alarm master mask. Options: Monitored, Masked, Not Monitored,
Mask or Quality of Service.

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LCT-XDM User Manual Configuring Cards and Ports

To view PCS status:

1. In the PCS Snk/Src Info window, click the Status tab.

Figure 5-116: PCS Snk Info window - Status tab

2. View the fields, as described in the following table.

3. Note, when in test mode the Rubicon device will transmit towards the
OTN, GFP Idle frames automatically.

Table 5-54: PCS Info window - Status tab

Field Description
Rx Mode PCS Rx (receiving) mode. Options: Normal or Test. Default is
Normal. (Read only)
Note: When in test mode, Rubicon device transmits towards
OTN, GFP Idle frames automatically.
PCS Status PCS status. Options: Operational or Non-operational.
(Read only)
Block Lock Blocking status. Options: Block Sync or Block Non-sync.
(Read only)
Note: Block Lock is in Sync state when receiver acquires block

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Viewing Optical Parameters of

Optical Objects
You can view optical parameters for the optical levels of optical objects.

NOTE: This feature may not be supported for all optical

objects because of hardware limitations.

To view optical parameters for an optical object:

1. In the relevant Internals window, select an optical module.
2. Right-click and select Optical Parameters.
The Optical Parameters window opens, displaying parameters relevant to
the selected object.

Figure 5-117: Sample Optical Parameters window

3. View the fields, as described in the following table.

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Table 5-55: Optical Parameters window fields

Field Description
Tx Power Actual power level currently transmitted
Laser Bias Current level of the laser bias
Laser Temp Laser temperature level
Rx Power Actual power level currently received

DCC Termination
In the basic version of LCT-XDM, you can terminate DCCs by connecting the
Section or Line objects on the I/O ports to the COM DCC channels.

To terminate DCCs:
1. In the Shelf window, select the relevant (IO or XIO) card.
2. Right-click and select DCC Termination.
The DCC Termination window opens, displaying the I/O ports and related
Section and Line objects for the selected card. (The number of ports
displayed depends on the card selected.) The IO Ports legend provides a
key to the meanings of the color coding and symbols that appear in this
area (see "Legend for Color Codes and Symbols" on page 5-183).

Figure 5-118: DCC Termination window

3. To display the COM DCC Channels area, click (located on the right
side of the IO Ports area).

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Configuring Cards and Ports LCT-XDM User Manual

The COM DCC Channel area appears. (Alternatively, you can hide the
COM DCC Channels area by clicking .) The COM DCC Channels
legend provides a key to the meanings of the color coding and symbols that
appear in this area (see "Legend for Color Codes and Symbols" on page

Figure 5-119: DCC Termination window displaying COM DCC Channels area

4. Connect the Section and Line objects:

„ To connect Section and Line objects to a system assigned default COM
DCC channel, in the IO Ports area, select an available Section or Line
object (without a pre-existing XC and connected to only one stream).
By default, the system connects the first available COM DCC channel
to the selected Section or Line object.
„ To connect Section and Line objects to specific COM DCC channels,
select an available Section or Line object as explained in step 4, and in
the COM DCC Channels area, select a COM DCC channel.

5. On the toolbar, click .

The Section or Line object is connected to the selected COM DCC channel.

6. On the toolbar, click .

The GCC0 object is connected to the selected COM DCC channel.

To disconnect Section or Line objects from COM DCC

1. In the IO Ports area, select the relevant Section or Line object.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The selected Section or Line object is disconnected from the COM DCC

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To view connection details

1. In the COM DCC Channels area, place the mouse over a COM DCC
channel to display a tooltip.
The tooltip appears showing the connection details of the selected COM
DCC channel.

Figure 5-120: COM DCC channel tootip displaying connection details

2. In the IO Ports area, place the mouse over an object (Section or Line to
display a tooltip.
The tooltip appears showing to which COM DCC channel the port is

Before you apply DCC termination, you can change the DCC group type.
(After termination is applied/connected, the group type cannot be changed.)

To change the DCC group type (for xMCPB):

| On the toolbar, click the relevant Set Group icon or .

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To view IP networking DCC termination details:

| On the toolbar, click .

The IP Networking DCC Table window opens, displaying the DCC
Terminations tab, where you can view DCC termination details (see "DCC
and IP Networking" on page 4-40).

Figure 5-121: IP Networking DCC Table window - DCC Terminations tab

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Legend for Color Codes and Symbols

Special symbols in the DCC Termination window allow you to easily identify
the availability of the objects and connection status of the related XCs. In both
the IO Ports and COM DCC Channels areas, you can access legends that
describes the color codes and symbols.

To access the IO Ports legend:

| In the IO Ports area, click the icon.

The Legend window opens, showing the color codes and symbols that
appear in the IO Ports area.

Figure 5-122: Legend window - IO Ports

To access the COM DCC Channels legend:

| In the COM DCC Channels area, click the icon.

The Legend window opens, showing the color codes and symbols that
appear in the COM DCC Channels area.

Figure 5-123: Legend window - COM DCC Channels

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DCC Channels for xMPCPB

XDM Main Control Processor cards (xMCPB) support 64 DCC channels.

To view DCC channels for an active xMCPB card:

| In the Shelf window (XDM-500, XDM-1000, or XDM-2000), right-click
the active xMCPB card and on the shortcut menu, select DCC Channels.
The DCC Channels window opens, displaying 64 channels for the relevant
xMCPB card, divided into two groups (where streams 1 and 3 are in Group
A, and streams 2 and 4 are in Group B, as shown in the following figure).

Figure 5-124: DCC Channels window - xMCPB

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Changing DCC Group Type

You can change the DCC group type for certain cards.

To change the DCC group type:

1. In the Shelf window, select the relevant card.
2. On the menu bar, select Card > DCC Group > Set Group A or Set
Group B.

The DCC group type is changed, and the relevant icon or appears
on the card in the Shelf window (see "Filtering the Shelf window display
for NEs with xMCPB" on page 4-71).

GCC0 Termination
In the basic version of LCT-XDM, you can terminate GCC0s (General
Communications Channels) by connecting the GCC0 objects on the relevant
optical ports to the COM DCC channels.

To terminate GCC0s:
1. In the Shelf window, select the relevant optical card (for example,
CMBR10_T or TRP).
2. Right-click and select GCC0 Termination.
The GCC0 Termination window opens, displaying the GCC0 ports and
related objects for the selected card. (The number of ports displayed
depends on the card selected.) The GCC0 Ports legend provides a key to
the meanings of the color coding and symbols that appear in this area (see
"Legend for Color Codes and Symbols" on page 5-189).

Figure 5-125: GCC0 Termination window

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3. To display the COM DCC Channels area, click (located on the right
side of the GCC0 Ports area).
The COM DCC Channel area appears. (Alternatively, you can hide the
COM DCC Channels area by clicking .) The COM DCC Channels
legend provides a key to the meanings of the color coding and symbols that
appear in this area (see "Legend for Color Codes and Symbols" on page

Figure 5-126: GCC0 Termination window displaying COM DCC Channels area

4. Connect the GCC0 objects:

„ To connect the GCC0 objects to a system assigned default COM DCC
channel, in the GCC0 Ports area, select an available object (without a
pre-existing XC and connected to only one stream).
By default, the system connects the first available COM DCC channel
to the selected object.
„ To connect GCC0 objects to specific COM DCC channels, select an
available object as explained previously, and in the COM DCC
Channels area, select a COM DCC channel.
5. On the toolbar, click .
The GCC0 object is connected to the selected COM DCC channel.

To disconnect GCC0 objects from COM DCC channels:

1. In the GCC0 Ports area, select the relevant object.
2. On the toolbar, click .
The selected GCC0 object is disconnected from the COM DCC channel.

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To view connection details

1. In the COM DCC Channels area, place the mouse over a COM DCC
channel to display a tooltip.
The tooltip appears showing the connection details of the selected COM
DCC channel.

Figure 5-127: COM DCC channel tootip displaying connection details

2. In the GCC0 Ports area, place the mouse over an object to display a tooltip.
The tooltip appears showing to which COM DCC channel the port is

Before you apply GCC0 termination, you can change the DCC group type.
(After termination is applied/connected, the group type cannot be changed.)

To change the DCC group type:

| On the toolbar, click the relevant Set Group icon or .

To view IP networking DCC termination details:

| On the toolbar, click .

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The IP Networking DCC Table window opens, displaying the DCC

Terminations tab, where you can view DCC termination details (see "DCC
and IP Networking" on page 4-40).

Figure 5-128: IP Networking DCC Table window - DCC Terminations tab

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Legend for Color Codes and Symbols

Special symbols in the GCC0 Termination window allow you to easily
identify the availability of the objects and connection status of the related XCs.
In both the GCC0 Ports and COM DCC Channels areas, you can access
legends that describes the color codes and symbols.

To access the GCC0 Ports legend:

| In the GCC0 Ports area, click the icon.

The Legend window opens, showing the color codes and symbols that
appear in the GCC0 Ports area.

Figure 5-129: Legend window - GCC0 Ports

To access the COM DCC Channels legend:

| In the COM DCC Channels area, click the icon.

The Legend window opens, showing the color codes and symbols that
appear in the COM DCC Channels area.

Figure 5-130: Legend window - COM DCC Channels

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Performing Equipment
You can perform maintenance operations for ports and transmission objects
displayed in the Internals window. The maintenance operations vary
depending on the type of object selected, and include the following:
| Terminal Loopback (Near-End): indicates that the traffic from the I/O card
is returned to the card; is traffic-affecting. Loopback operations (available
as shortcut menu options) include: release, activate, or activate with AIS.
| Facility Loopback (Far-End): indicates that the traffic from the line is
returned to the line; is traffic-affecting. You can choose to perform any of
the following operations to the loopback: release, activate, or activate with
AIS. Loopback operations (available as shortcut menu options) include:
release, activate, or activate with AIS.
| Send AIS: sends an Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) upstream to an object
for testing purposes; is traffic-affecting.
| Force AIS: forces an AIS downstream to an object for testing purposes; is
| Send BDI: forces a Backward Defect Indication (BDI) to send an indication
to the remote side whenever a defect is detected at the Snk termination
point on an optical channel generated by the termination source (available
only for TRP25_4 and Combiner cards).
| Send RDI: forces a Remote Defect Indication (RDI) to test proper reception
at the STS or multiplexer section (Line) level of the adjacent node in a
| Send NDC: sends an NDC alarm signal to an object; is traffic-affecting.
| Send CSF: sends a CSF alarm signal to an object; is traffic-affecting.
| Send TU/AU-AIS: sends a VT/STS-1-AIS upstream to an object; is traffic-
| Force TU/AU-AIS: forces a VT/STS-1-AIS downstream to an object; is
| Force full XC: forces a full XC on a card that does not have pre-existing
XCs on it (see "Forcing Full XCs" on page 5-194).
| Tx Pattern: determines the transmission pattern, pseudo random or square

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To perform maintenance operations for a port or an object:

1. In the Internals window for a selected card, do one of the following:
a. In the Zoom area, right-click a port or transmission object icon and
select Maintenance.
b. On the shortcut menu, select an option.
The shortcut menu displayed varies depending on the type of object
c. In the Zoom area, select the relevant port or equipment (stream) object.
d. On the Maintenance menu, select an option.
The options enabled in the Maintenance menu depend on the selected
The system notifies you that the action was successfully completed by
displaying a maintenance icon on the selected object in the Internals
window, and on the card slot in the Shelf window.

You can also view the listed maintenance operations in the Maintenance
Info window (see "Viewing Maintenance Information" on page 5-192).

Figure 5-131: Tooltip displaying card maintenance operations

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Viewing Maintenance Information

Whenever a maintenance operation has been performed on an NE, appears
in the main window in the Maintenance field in the relevant NE row (in the NE
list in the workspace).
You can view a list of the maintenance operations performed on an NE.

To view a list of maintenance operations performed on an

1. Do one of the following:
„ In the main window, select the NE, right-click and Maintenance Info.
„ In the Shelf window, on the menu bar, select View > Maintenance
The Maintenance Info window opens, displaying the objects and the
respective maintenance operations that have been applied to them. In the
Type column, you can view the operations performed on the NE.

Figure 5-132: Maintenance Info window

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To cancel a maintenance operation per individual card:

1. In the Maintenance Info window, in the relevant card row, select the
checkbox in the Release field.

2. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

To cancel maintenance operations for all objects


1. In the Maintenance Info window, on the toolbar, click .

2. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

All maintenance operations are canceled (released).

After you have selected a Release checkbox, the Unselect All icon on the
toolbar becomes enabled.

To unselect all rows:

| In the Maintenance Info window, on the toolbar, click .

All rows are unselected.

Synchronizing Control Card

You can synchronize control cards (MXC/XMCP).

To synchronize control cards:

1. In the Shelf window, select the redundant control card (MXC/xMCP).
2. Right-click and select Control Card Synchronize.
A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the command.

3. Click Yes to confirm.

The control cards are synchronized.

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Forcing Full XCs

You can force a full XC on a card that does not have pre-existing XCs on it.
(This operation is designed for ECI technicians' usage and is available only for
certain cards.)

To force a full XC card:

1. In the Shelf window, select the relevant IO or XIO card.
2. Right-click and select Full XC > Force.

The card appears in the Shelf window, displaying the Full XC symbol .

Figure 5-133: Full XC in the Shelf window

To release a full XC from a card:

1. In the Shelf window, select a card upon which a Full XC has been forced
(indicated by ).
2. Right-click and select Full XC > Release.
The Full XC is released from the card, and the Full XC symbol no longer
appears on the card.

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Disabling MXC/xMCP Redundancy

You can toggle equipment protection lockout and disable redundancy for
redundant/non-synchronized redundant pairs of MXC or xMCP cards (marked
with and , respectively).

To perform equipment protection lockout and disable

redundancy for MXC/xMCP redundant cards:
1. In the Shelf window, select the redundant MXC or xMCP card.
2. On the menu bar, select Maintenance > Equipment Protection Lockout.
The Equipment Protection Lockout command is activated and the
Redundancy Disabled icon appears in the Status bar (in the bottom
right corner of the Shelf window).

Traffic Switching
You can perform manual traffic switches for actual HLXC and XIO cards as a
maintenance check to verify that the card is working properly.

NOTE: Switching to protection is a traffic-affecting action.

LCT-XDM supports the following manual protection switching actions:

| Equipment Protection Lockout: when this action is applied to either of the
associated cards, switching to protection from working protected to standby
cards is prevented even if conditions require automatic switching. Lockout
remains in effect until the action is released.
| Equipment Protection Force Switch: switching to protection is made from
the working protected card to the standby card, even if conditions do not
require automatic switching. Force switch has a higher priority than alarms,
meaning that an alarm on one of the protected cards does not cause the
standby card to protect the card with the alarm.
| Equipment Protection Manual Switch: switching to protection is made from
the working protected card to the standby card. Manual switch has a lower
priority than alarms, meaning that an alarm on one of the protected cards
causes the standby card to protect the card with the alarm.

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NOTE: Resetting the card to manual causes the traffic to

switch to the protected card. Therefore, resetting the card
(HLXC or XIO) is possible only when the other card is up
and running and capable of receiving traffic.

To perform an equipment protection lockout or manual or

forced switch:
1. In the Shelf window (in Actual view), select the HLXC or XIO card.
2. On the menu bar, select one of the following:
„ Maintenance > Equipment Protection Lockout
„ Maintenance > Equipment Protection Force Switch
„ Maintenance > Equipment Protection Manual Switch
A message appears, warning that the operation may affect traffic.

3. Click Yes to confirm.

A message about the switch is displayed, and the Usage state icon moves to
the protected card.

This action switches all endpoints on the selected I/O card to the protection

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Creating Flows

In this chapter:
Overview ......................................................................................................... 6-1
Creating Policers.............................................................................................. 6-2
Creating Ethernet Flows .................................................................................. 6-8

This chapter describes how to use LCT-XDM to create a Layer 2 Ethernet
service over an XDM network.
A flow refers to a Layer 2 Ethernet service carried over an XDM network via
EIS/EISM/EISMB cards installed in the shelves. Examples of such services
| Ethernet Virtual Private LAN (EVPLAN): multipoint-to-multipoint service
typically shared among several customers
| Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL): point-to-point version of an
EVPLAN using only two ETY ports
For these and other Ethernet Layer 2 services, the XDM uses the concept of
double-tagging to add an additional tag (referred to in LCT-XDM as a Service
Virtual ID or S-VID) on top of the customer frame. The customer frame can be
Untagged or tagged by VLAN IDs (referred to as Customer Domain Virtual
IDs or CD-VIDs) contained in the packets transmitted by each customer. By
inserting this additional tag in each packet at the ingress to the network,
LCT-XDM can maintain the VLAN tags of each customer while keeping the
traffic of each customer separate across the XDM network. This enables a
transmission of different services sharing the same medium without
compromising security.

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Creating Flows LCT-XDM User Manual

At the egress of the network, the EIS/EISM/EISMB card at the network edge
strips off the additional tag applied at the ingress, revealing the original VLAN
tags applied by the customer.
In addition to VLAN tags, each flow identifies how customer priority settings
are to be converted by the EIS/EISM/EISMB card into one of the Classes of
Service (CoS) supported by the provider XDM.
Before you can create an Ethernet flow, you must first assign a policer to the
selected EIS/EISM/EISMB card (see "Creating Ethernet Flows" on page 6-8).

Creating Policers
LCT-XDM enables you to create policers to police the traffic carried by each
Ethernet Layer 2 flow in an EIS/EISM/EISMB card. Policers follow the
DiffServ model to ensure that the correct bandwidth limitations defined in the
Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the provider and the customers of the
provider are enforced. Any traffic that exceeds these limits is dropped at the
ingress to the flow. Up to 127 policers can be defined per card. Note that before
you can create an Ethernet flow you must first assign a policer to the selected
card (see "Creating Ethernet Flows" on page 6-8).
Policers are based on a combination of a CoS and the following parameters:
| Committed Information Rate (CIR): defines the transmission rate (in Kbps)
confirmed by the SLA. The CIR is applied in increments with fine
| Committed Burst Size (CBS): defines the maximum number of bytes that
can be carried in a single transmission burst (in KB).
Policers must exist before priorities can be assigned to flows. They can either
be created before flows are defined, or during the create flow procedure.
You can manage policers defined in the network in the Policer List window
(see "Managing Policers" on page 6-5).

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LCT-XDM User Manual Creating Flows

To create a policer:
1. In the Shelf window, select an EIS/EISM/EISMB card.
2. In the Shelf window or the EIS/EISM/EISMB Internals window, on the
menu bar, select Connections > Create Policer.
The Create Policer window opens.

Figure 6-1: Create Policer window

3. From the S-VLAN CoS dropdown list, select a CoS option: CoS6 (Gold),
CoS4 (Silver), CoS2 (Bronze), or CoS0 (Best Effort).
4. In the CIR field, enter the transmission rate to be enforced by the policer.
5. In the CBS field, enter the maximum burst size to be enforced by the
6. From the Service dropdown list, select Enabled to enable the SLA service.
(By default, the service in disabled.)
Enabling the service during policer creation time, activates the policer

7. On the toolbar, click to create the policer.

The new policer is saved (and activated if you enabled the service).

The new policer is only activated when the Service attribute is enabled.
Enabling the service during policer creation time, (as described in step 6),
activates the new policer automatically. You can also activate existing
policers (see "Editing and Activating Policers" on page 6-6).

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Creating Flows LCT-XDM User Manual

To show/hide the Policers area in the EIS/EISM/EISMB

Internals window:
| In the EIS/EISM/EISMB Internals window, on the toolbar, do the

„ Click to show the Policers area (relevant if there are existing

policers for the selected EIS/EISM/EISMB card).
The Policers area appears (adjacent to the right of the Ports area),
displaying a list of policers. Tooltips on the CoS symbols on the
policers display the CoS levels.

Figure 6-2: EISMB Internals window - displaying policers

„ Click to hide the Policers area.

The Policers area is removed from view.

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Managing Policers
In the Policer List window, you can manage the policers defined in the

To manage policers:
1. In Shelf window, select an EIS/EISM/EISMB card.
2. In the Shelf window or in the EIS/EISM/EISMB Internals window, on the
menu bar, select Connections > Policer List.
The Policer List window opens.

Figure 6-3: Policer List window

3. View the Policer List window parameters, as described in the table

following this procedure.
4. To perform operations in the Policer List window, select a policer row and
click the relevant command on the menu bar (or toolbar).

Table 6-1: Policer List table fields

Field Description
Name Name of policer
Port Port to which policer has been assigned
S-VID S-VID managed by policer
S-VLAN CoS CoS defined for policer
CD-VID CDs assigned to S-VID managed by policer
CIR (KB/S) Committed Information Rate defined for policer
CBS (KB) Committed Burst Size defined for policer
Service Whether policer is currently enabled or disabled

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Creating New Policers in the Policer List

You can create new policers in the Policer List.

To add a new policer:

1. In the Policer List window, on the toolbar, click .

The Create Policer window opens.

2. Fill in the fields, as described in Creating Policers (on page 6-2).

3. On the toolbar, click to create the policer.

Editing and Activating Policers

You can edit existing policers and activate disabled policers.

To edit and activate a policer:

1. In the Policer List window, select the relevant policer row (see "Managing
Policers" on page 6-5).

2. On the toolbar, click .

The Policer Info window opens, where you can view and modify attributes
and activate the policer.

Figure 6-4: Policer Info window

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3. Edit the attribute fields in the New Attribute Value column, as required.
4. To change the S-VLAN CoS, in the S-VLAN CoS field in the New
Attribute Value column, choose an option from the dropdown list (CoS0
(Best Effort), CoS2 (Bronze), CoS4 (Silver), or CoS6(Gold)).
5. To activate the policer, in the Service field in the New Attribute Value
column, choose Enabled from the dropdown list.

6. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

The selected policer is activated (and updated with relevant changes).

Deleting Policers
You can delete any policer that is not connected to a port assigned to a flow.

To delete a policer:
1. Do one of the following:
„ In the Policer List window, select the relevant policer row, and on the
toolbar, click .
„ In the EIS/EISM/EISMB Internals window, in the Policers area, select
the relevant policer, and on the menu bar, select Connections > Delete
A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

2. Click OK to confirm.
The selected policer is deleted.

To delete all policers simultaneously:

1. In the Policer List window, on the toolbar, click to select all policers

2. On the toolbar, click .

A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

3. Click OK to confirm.
All policers in the list are deleted.

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To deselect policers simultaneously:

| In the Policer List window, on the toolbar, click .

All policers are deselected.

Viewing Policer Performance

You can view PM thresholds, current PM counters, and reset PM counters for
policers listed in the Policer List window in a similar manner as for the policers
listed in the VSI List window (see "Policer performance monitoring" on page

Creating Ethernet Flows

Creating flows entails creating Layer 1 connections by associating STS-1 SPEs
or STS-3c SPEs to an EIS port, creating the necessary cross connections in the
XC Browser, and then proceeding to create a Layer 2 flow over these cross
When creating the flow, you must assign an S-VID, which is then mapped to
specific EIS ports (EoS and ETY)) and CD-VIDs. Customer priority settings
are mapped to a CoS by assigning a policer to a range of priorities. You must
first assign a policer (see "Creating Policers" on page 6-2) before creating an
Ethernet flow. These policers define the amount of traffic that can be carried by
the flow, drop any packets that exceed these amounts, and determine the CoS
the packets receive in the provider domain.
As with other types of cross connections, Ethernet Layer 2 flows are configured
one XDM shelf at a time. When creating the flow, it is critical to use the same
S-VID on each shelf to enable the network to recognize that the flows defined
at each shelf should be combined into a single flow.

NOTE: The EIS/EISM can handle untagged packets and

frames, as well as tagged frames.

An Ethernet ETY or EoS port can serve more than one flow.

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To create an Ethernet flow:

1. Map STS-3c SPE objects to the GEoS ports in an EIS/EISM/EISMB card.
2. Select an EIS/EISM card in the XC Browser, and create the XCs for the
GEoS ports.

NOTE: After XCs have been created, in the

EIS/EISM/EISMB Internals window, you should set both the
Payload Carrying Expected Tx attribute for the Src and the
Payload Carrying Expected Rx attribute for the Snk to Active
for all STS-3c SPE assigned to the EoS port. This must be
done on both the Src and Snk sides.

3. Before you can create an EIS flow, you must first assign a policer (see
"Creating Policers" on page 6-2).
4. Do one of the following:
„ In the Shelf window, select an EIS card and on the menu bar, select
Connections > Create Flow.
„ In the EIS/EISM Internals window, on the menu bar, select
Connections > Create Flow.
The Create Flow window opens.

The following figure shows a Create Flow window for an EIS card.

Figure 6-5: Create Flow window - EIS/EISM

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The following figure shows a Create Flow window for an EISMB card
with additional symbols (and available tooltips) indicating the NNI and
UNI ports.

Figure 6-6: Create Flow window - EISMB

5. In the S-VID field, enter the S-VID that will identify this flow. (The
possible range of values is 1-4094.)
6. To assign an EoS port to the NNI list in the Constructor area, in the EoS
Ports list in the Ports area, do one of the following:
„ Drag and drop an EoS port to the NNI list.
„ Select an EoS port, and on the toolbar, click .
The selected EoS port is assigned to the NNI list in the Constructor area.

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7. To assign an ETY port to the UNI list in the Constructor area, in the ETY
Ports list in the Ports area:
a. Select an ETY port.
b. In the CD-VID field, to associate a CD-VID with the current S-VID,
select an option from the dropdown list:
 Untagged: to associate any untagged packets from this customer
with this S-VID.
 All/Other: to associate all undistributed CD-VIDs from this
customer (that is, those CD-VIDs that have not been associated
with any other S-VIDs, including this current one) to this S-VID.
 An available CD-VID (range: 1-4094). (CD-VIDs already in use on
this port are removed from the dropdown list and are unavailable
for selection.)
c. Do one of the following:
 Drag and drop an ETY port to the UNI list.

 Select an ETY port, and on the toolbar, click .

The selected ETY port and CD-VID combinations appear in the UNI list in
the Constructor area.

The following figure shows EoS and ETY ports and CD-VID groups
assigned to the Constructor area. Tooltips on the port symbols and CD-VID
options and related CoS levels in the UNI list display the meanings of the
symbols. For example:

„ : CD-VID Untagged

„ : CD-VID All/Other

„ : CD-VID 3
„ 0-7: CoS levels 0 through 7

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Figure 6-7: EoS and ETY ports and CD-VIDs in the Constructor area

8. Repeat steps 6 and 7, as needed, to continue adding ports and CD-VIDs to

the UNI list.
You can associate additional CD-VIDs to an ETY port, and after each
association, add each to the UNI list to either the same CD-VID schematic
group or to several individual CD-VID groups. (This enables you to assign
policers accordingly; either to assign policers to the same CD-VID group
per port or to assign separate policers to separate CD-VID groups, as
explained in step 10.)

9. To remove a port or CD-VID from the Constructor area, select the relevant
object and on the toolbar, click .

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10. After adding all necessary ports and CD-VIDs to the selected S-VID
Constructor area, map the customer priorities/policers to the CoS levels
supported by the XDM:
„ In the UNI list in the Constructor area, in the relevant port CD-VID
schematic group, select a single CoS (range 0-7) or SHFT-click and
select multiple CoS levels, and do one of the following:
 Drag and drop a policer from the Policers area (on the right of the
window) to the selected CoS(s).

 On the toolbar, click to assign the policer to the selected

„ Drag and drop a policer from the Policers area.
This automatically assigns the policer to the selected or available
CoS(s) in the group (that is, to the last available CoS row in the
CD-VID schematic group).
This defines the corresponding CoS and traffic levels for the selected
customer priorities.

Separate rows appear adjacent to assigned policers. For more information

about policers, see Creating Policers (on page 6-2).

As shown in the following figure, the assigned policers appear adjacent to

the CoS rows in the UNI list.

Figure 6-8: Policers assigned in the Constructor area

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11. Repeat step 10 for each CD-VID mapping in the UNI list of the Constructor
All customer priorities/CoS levels in the CD-VID groups must be assigned
to a policer to enable activation of the flow.

12. When you have finished creating the flow, on the toolbar, click to
activate the new settings.
A message window appears, confirming the successful flow activation.

To clear the Constructor area and create a new flow:

| In the Create Flow window, on the toolbar click .

The contents in the Constructor area area cleared, and you can create a new

In the Create Flow window, you can access the Flow List window, where you
can view and modify a list of activated Ethernet flows (see "Managing Flows"
on page 6-14).

Managing Flows
In the Flow List window, you can manage Ethernet flows defined in the

To manage flows:
1. Do one of the following:

„ In the Create Flow window, on the toolbar, click .

„ In the Shelf window, select an EIS/EISM/EISMB card, and on the
menu bar, select Connections > Flow List.
„ In the EIS/EISM/EISMB Internals window, on the menu bar, select
Connections > Flow List.

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The Flow List window opens, where you can view and modify a list of
activated Ethernet flows.

Figure 6-9: Flow List window

2. View the fields, as described in the following table.

3. To perform operations in the Flow List window, select a flow row and
click the relevant command on the menu bar (or toolbar).

Table 6-2: Flow List table fields

Field Description
S-VID S-VID used for traffic on flow
Card Slot number and name of relevant EIS card
NE Name Name of NE related to flow

To display a zoom view of a selected flow:

1. In the Flow List table, select the relevant row.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The flow structure appears in the Flow View area (at the bottom of the
Flow List window), displaying details (as shown in the Constructor area of
the Create Flow window (see "Creating Ethernet Flows" on page 6-8))
including member ports and defined CoS equivalencies and policers for
each customer priority (CD-VID).

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Figure 6-10: Flow View area showing a selected flow

Creating New Flows in the Flow List

You can create new flows in the Flow List.

To create a new flow:

| In the Flow List window, on the toolbar, click .

The Create Flow window opens, where you can create a new flow (see
"Creating Ethernet Flows" on page 6-8).

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Editing Flows
You can modify Ethernet flows.

To edit a flow:
1. In the Flow List table, select the relevant row.

2. On the toolbar, click .

The Edit Flow window opens, displaying the same fields as the Create
Flow window (see "Creating Ethernet Flows" on page 6-8).

Figure 6-11: Edit Flow window

3. Edit the fields, as required. The S-VID cannot be modified.

Some editing actions can be traffic affecting.

4. In the Edit Flow window, on the toolbar, click to activate the new

To create a new flow:

| In the Flow List window, on the toolbar, click .

The Create Flow window opens, where you can create a new flow (see
"Creating Ethernet Flows" on page 6-8).

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Deleting Flows
You can delete Ethernet flows.

To delete a flow:
1. In the Flow List window, select the relevant flow in the table.

2. On the toolbar, click .

A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

3. Click Yes to confirm.

The selected flow is deleted.

To delete all flows simultaneously:

1. In the Flow List window, on the toolbar, click to select all flows

2. On the toolbar, click .

A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

3. Click OK to confirm.
All flows in the list are deleted.

To deselect flows simultaneously:

| In the Flow List window, on the toolbar, click .

All flows are deselected.

6-18 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

Setting Up XCs

In this chapter:
Overview ......................................................................................................... 7-2
STS XCs .......................................................................................................... 7-2
Transmission Object Used in XCs................................................................... 7-2
Workflow......................................................................................................... 7-3
Using XC Templates ....................................................................................... 7-4
Using the XC Browser................................................................................... 7-12
Creating XCs ................................................................................................. 7-19
Creating STS XCs ......................................................................................... 7-20
Creating Data XCs......................................................................................... 7-26
Creating DCC XCs ........................................................................................ 7-29
Creating External DCC XCs.......................................................................... 7-31
Creating GCC0 XCs ...................................................................................... 7-33
Creating Concatenated XCs........................................................................... 7-34
Designating XCS Direction and Protection States ........................................ 7-36
Removing Transmission Objects from XCS Endpoints ................................ 7-38
Configuring XCs............................................................................................ 7-39
Activating XCSs ............................................................................................ 7-42
Using the XC List .......................................................................................... 7-43
Viewing Internal Object Alarm LEDs........................................................... 7-48
Deleting XCSs ............................................................................................... 7-49

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Setting Up XCs LCT-XDM User Manual

NOTE: Cross connect functionality (for DCC and external
DCC XCs, including creation, deletion, and retrieval of a list
of XC sets from the NE) is available only as part of the
enhanced package of LCT-XDM and requires a USB key.

This chapter describes how to use LCT-XDM to create cross connections

(XCs) on XDM equipment.

NOTE: In this manual, the terms "cross connection set", "XC

set", and "XCS" are used interchangeably. They denote a set
of XCs with the same ID.

The XDM supports virtual concatenated signals that enable you to create STS

Transmission Object Used in XCs

The LCT-XDM XC subsystem enables you to route traffic through an NE by
means of endpoints or STS transmission objects.
The following table outlines the functions of these transmission objects.

Table 7-1: Transmission objects functionality

Transmission Object Location Function

STS-3c/STS-3c SPE On SIO and EIS Used to create virtual concatenation
cards XCs for data traffic
VT On SIO cards Transfers traffic from and to XDM
(from the network)
45M endpoints On PIO and PIM Transfers traffic traffic through
cards SONET network
Section DCC, Line DCC, On SIO cards Routes overhead bytes, thus routing
DCC management channel
External DCC On SIO cards Routes overhead bytes, thus routing
management channel

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LCT-XDM User Manual Setting Up XCs

The basic steps involved in creating a predefined XC in LCT-XDM include:
1. Assigning an XC template (see "Using XC Templates" on page 7-4.
2. Selecting the XC Mode (by default, the mode is XC).
3. Selecting the card and the transmission objects that serve as endpoints for
the XC (see "Creating XCs" on page 7-19).
4. Defining the function of the transmission object (see "Creating XCs" on
page 7-19).
5. Selecting additional transmission objects (see "Creating XCs" on page
6. If necessary, defining the connections between objects (see "Designating
XCS Direction and Protection States" on page 7-36) by changing the
predefined XC template scheme in the Constructor area to free style in
order to modify the main and protection states.
7. Activating the XC (see "Activating XCSs" on page 7-42).
The basic steps involved in creating a free style XC in LCT-XDM include:
1. Assigning a freestyle XC template.
2. Selecting the XC Mode (the default mode is XC).
3. Selecting the card and the transmission objects that serve as endpoints for
the XC (see "Creating XCs" on page 7-19).
4. Defining the function of the transmission object (see "Creating XCs" on
page 7-19).
5. Selecting additional transmission objects (see "Creating XCs" on page
6. Defining the connections between objects (see "Designating XCS Direction
and Protection States" on page 7-36).
7. Activating the XC (see "Activating XCSs" on page 7-42).

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Setting Up XCs LCT-XDM User Manual

Using XC Templates
In the LCT-XDM XC Wizard, you begin the XC creation process by choosing
an XC template.

To choose an XC template:
| In the Shelf window, do one of the following:
„ On the menu bar, select Connections > Create XC Template.

„ On the toolbar, click .

The XC Wizard opens, displaying the template tabs.

Figure 7-1: XC Wizard - Basic tab

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LCT-XDM User Manual Setting Up XCs

You can now proceed to select one of the following predefined XC


„ Basic (see "Assigning Basic XCs" on page 7-5)

„ Protected (see "Assigning Protected XCs" on page 7-8)
„ Advanced free style template

Assigning Basic XCs

Upon opening, the XC Wizard displays the Basic template tab.

To assign a basic XC based on a predefined template:

1. In the Basic tab, choose the structure of the XC by clicking either
Unidirectional or Bidirectional.

Figure 7-2: XC Wizard - Basic tab

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If you click Unidirectional, the following unidirectional XC schematic

appears in the Scheme area, displaying a single directional arrow between
the termination points (TPs).

Figure 7-3: XC Wizard - Unidirectional XC

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If you click Bidirectional, the following bidirectional XC schematic

appears in the Scheme area, displaying double arrows between the TPs.

Figure 7-4: XC Wizard - Bidirectional XC

2. Click OK to proceed.
The XC Browser (see "Using the XC Browser" on page 7-12) opens,
displaying in the Constructor area the basic XC template you have chosen.

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Assigning Protected XCs

LCT-XDM allows you to designate XCs as either primary (main) connections
or protected (standby/backup) connections.
In the XC Browser, the connection protection states are color coded for
convenience (see "Constructor Area" on page 7-18).

To assign a protected XC based on a predefined template:

1. In the XC Wizard, click the Protected tab, and choose the XC structure by
clicking Add, Drop, or Add & Drop.
If you click Add, the following protected XC schematic appears in the
Scheme area.

Figure 7-5: XC Wizard - Protected tab - Add sample

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If you click Drop, the following protected XC schematic appears in the

Scheme area.

Figure 7-6: XC Wizard - Protect tab - Drop sample

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If you click Add & Drop, the following protected XC schematic appears in
the Scheme area.

Figure 7-7: XC Wizard - Protected tab - Add & Drop sample

2. Click OK to proceed.
The XC Browser (see "Using the XC Browser" on page 7-12) opens,
displaying in the Constructor area the protected XC template you have
chosen (see "Constructor Area" on page 7-18).

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Assigning Advanced Free Style XCs

You can assign the advanced free style template to create XCs based on a wider
range of selectable objects or resource options than that offered by the
predefined templates. (In the XC Browser, you can reassign the template of a
predefined XCS to free style to modify the XCS connection state.)

To create an advanced XC based on a free style template:

1. Do one of the following:
„ In the XC Wizard, click the Advanced tab, and click Free Style.

„ In the Shelf window, on the toolbar, click .

The following XC schematic appears in the Scheme area.

Figure 7-8: XC Wizard - Advanced tab - Free Style template

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2. Click OK to proceed.
The XC Browser (see "Using the XC Browser" on page 7-12) opens,
displaying an empty Constructor area, where you can create an XCS.

In the XC Browser, after you specify the TPs of an XCS based on a predefined
template, the free style button appears on the toolbar. This allows you to
reassign the template of the XCS to free style without changing the current TP
configuration (see "Creating XCs" on page 7-19).

Using the XC Browser

In the LCT-XDM XC Browser, you can do the following:
| Create and modify XC sets (XCSs)
| Add termination points (TPs) to the XC structure you have chosen in the
XC Wizard (see "Using XC Templates" on page 7-4)
| Complete the XCS creation process

To access the XC Browser:

| Do one of the following:
„ In the XC Wizard, assign an XC template and click OK.
„ In the Shelf window, do one of the following:
 On the menu bar, select Connections > Create XC.

 On the toolbar, click .


„ In the XC Set List window, on the toolbar, click .

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The XC Browser opens.

Figure 7-9: XC Browser

The XC Browser consists of the following parts:

| XC Browser menu bar (on page 7-14)
| XC Browser toolbar (on page 7-14)
| XC Mode, located in the upper right area, adjacent to the toolbar; a
dropdown list of XC mode options
| XC Browser Shelf View (on page 7-15), located in the upper left area of the
| XC Browser Card Internals, located in the upper right area, displaying the
relevant object's card internals; for example, displaying the STS-3c
Internals area
| Constructor area, located in the bottom left area
| Resources area, located on the bottom right area (relevant only for LO

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XC Browser Menu Bar

Figure 7-10: XC Browser menu bar

The XC Browser menu bar options (View and Actions) allow you to perform
operations related to selected objects in the XC Browser window.
Operations relating to selected objects in the Constructor and Card Internals
areas of the XC Browser can also be performed using shortcut menus invoked
by right-clicking the mouse over the object.

XC Browser Toolbar

Figure 7-11: XC Browser toolbar

The XC Browser displays toolbar icons that you can click to perform various
operations, as alternate shortcuts instead of the menu options (see "XC Browser
Menu Bar" on page 7-14).

Table 7-2: XC Browser toolbar icons

Icon Name Function

Create XC Clears contents of XC Browser, where you can create new
(free style) XC

Create XC Opens XC Wizard, where you can begin creating new XCs
Template by choosing XC template

XC List Opens XC List window, where you can view list of XCs,
display zoom view of selected XCS, edit, and delete XCs

Configure Opens Configure XC window, where you can view and

modify XCS configuration parameters

Activate Activates XCS and completes XC creation process

Add Adds selected STS-1, STS, or VT object to XCS to add

traffic to NE

Drop Drops selected STS-1, STS, or VT object to XCS to drop

traffic from NE

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Icon Name Function

Add & Drop Adds and drops selected STS-1, STS, or VT object to XCS
to add and drop NE traffic

Remove Removes resource from selected TP in XC template shown

in Constructor area

Show Displays alarms on objects of XCS displayed in Card

Alarms Internals area of XC Browser

Free Style Changes predefined XCS template to free style to edit XCS
settings in Constructor area of XC Browser

Close Closes XC Browser window

XC Browser Shelf View

The XC Browser Shelf View of the NE (located in the upper left zone of the
XC Browser) resembles the shelf displayed in the main LCT-XDM Shelf
window (see "Using the Shelf Window" on page 4-58) in both look and

Figure 7-12: XC Browser Shelf View window

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XC Browser Card Internals

The XC Browser Card Internals area (located in the upper right zone of the
XC Browser) displays the transmission objects of the selected card. The XC
Browser legend provides a key to the meanings of the color coding and
symbols that appear in this area (see "Legend for Color Codes and Symbols" on
page 7-17). The objects displayed in the XC Browser Card Internals area
reflect the selected XC mode.

Figure 7-13: XC Browser Card Internals Area

In the current product release, the objects displayed in the XC Browser Card
Internals area are:
| STS-3c objects when an SIO/SIM or XIO card is selected in the Shelf View
| VCG objects when an EIS or DIO card is selected in the Shelf View
| VT-2-SPE objects when a PIO/PIM card is selected in the Shelf View
| STS-1 SPE when a PIO345 card is selected in the Shelf View

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Legend for Color Codes and Symbols

Special color codes and graphical symbols in the XC Browser Card Internals
area allow you to easily identify the functionality of the objects and the
connection types of connected endpoints (or TPs) belonging to an XCS.
In the XC Browser Card Internals area, you can access a Legend that
describes the color codes and symbols.

To access the XC Browser legend:

| In the Card Internals area of the XC Browser, click the icon.

The Legend window opens, showing the color codes and symbols that
appear in the XC Browser Card Internals area.

Figure 7-14: Legend window for XC Browser Card Internals area

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Constructor Area
The Constructor area of the XC Browser displays details and a schematic view
of the transmission objects defined in the XC and the connections defined in
the XCS.

Figure 7-15: Constructor area in XC Browser

The following fields are in the upper pane of the Constructor area:
| Trail ID: Indicates the trail ID of the XC (automatically displayed). IDs can
be changed according to set guidelines.
| Rate: Indicates the rate of the connection, which depends on the TPs
selected (for example, when you select STS-3c in the Card Internals area,
the rate appears as STS-3c SPE). (The rate appears after the XCS is
| Status: Indicates that XCS activation is in progress. (This is enabled only
when the XCS is being activated, during which time this field displays a
progress bar.)
| State: Indicates the current state of the XCS. "Create" appears when the
XCS is being created, before activation; "Edit" appears after activation.
XCSs displayed in the Constructor area appear marked with special TP
Add/Drop symbols and color coded connection protection states, as described
in the following tables.

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Table 7-3: Termination Point Add/Drop symbols

TP Add/Drop symbol Description

Add functionality of TP object (which adds
traffic to TP)
Drop functionality of TP object (which drops
traffic from TP)
Add & Drop functionality of TP object (which
adds and drops traffic to and from TP)

Table 7-4: XCS protection paths

Color Protection state Description

Pink Main Main connection, trail's main path.
Blue Protection Protection (backup) connection, trail's protection
(backup) path.
Purple Main+Protection Both main and protection, both paths share

Creating XCs
In the XC Browser, you can create XCs by successively selecting endpoints
(provided that they can be connected).

Before you start:

The following rules apply when adding transmission objects to an XC set:
| You can add an endpoint as Add, Drop, or Add & Drop. The endpoint rate
must match the rate of the XCS, which is automatically set upon selection
of the first TP.
| If a transmission object is connected to the currently edited XCS and is
deleted, you can select it and add it again.

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Creating STS XCs

The LCT-XDM XC subsystem enables you to create STS XCs.
The work flow for creating STS XCs involves completing the XCS in the
Constructor area and includes the following steps:
1. Do one of the following:
a. Assign an XC template in the XC Wizard: select one of the predefined
XC templates or the free style Advanced XC template.
b. Open the XC Browser. By default, the template is free style and you
can begin to complete the empty Constructor area.
2. By default, the mode is XC. To choose a different mode, in the XC
Browser, in the Mode dropdown list, choose the mode of the XCS.
3. In the XC Browser Shelf View, select a card.
4. In the XC Browser Card internals area, choose the TPs by selecting
5. In the Constructor area, defined the connections between objects.
6. Activate the XC.

To create an XC based on a predefined template:

1. In the XC Wizard, complete the basic or protected XC template setup (see
"Using XC Templates" on page 7-4).
The XC Browser opens, displaying the selected template in the
Constructor area.

Figure 7-16: Constructor area showing a Protected Add & Drop XCS

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2. In the Mode field, choose an XC option from the dropdown list. (By
default, the mode is XC.)
3. In the XC Browser Shelf View, select the relevant SONET, Async, or data
4. In the XC Browser Card Internals area, select an STS-3c object.

Figure 7-17: XC Browser showing a selected card and object

5. Do one of the following:

a. Drag and drop the STS-3c to the Constructor area and select the
relevant Add, Drop, or Add & Drop option.
b. Right-click the STS-1 object and select the relevant Add, Drop, or Add
& Drop shortcut menu option.

c. On the toolbar, click: , , or .

 For a unidirectional Snk XC, click Add.
 For a unidirectional Src XC, click Drop.
 For a bidirectional XC, click Add & Drop.

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d. Double-click the STS-3c object to complete the TPs according to the

order specified (TP-1, TP-2, TP-3) in the Constructor area, or according
to the TP selected.
Double-clicking is available only when it is clear to which TP the
object is to be assigned. It is available for a bidirectional XCS, since the
Add and Drop directions are predefined. For a unidirectional XCS,
double-clicking is available only after you have assigned an object to
one of the TPs (as either Add or Drop).
When selecting endpoints, you can select STS-3cs on the same card or on
different cards.

In the Constructor area, the relevant unidirectional or bidirectional XCS

appears with the selected TPs. (The Free Style icon on the toolbar
appears enabled, allowing you to change the predefined XCS template to
free style to edit the XCS settings (see step 8). At this stage, you can
change the XCS template or do so after XCS activation (see step 7) and
activate again, as necessary.)

Figure 7-18: Constructor area showing an XCS with assigned TPs

6. To activate the XC, on the toolbar, click .

An Information window opens, confirming the successful XCS activation.

7. Click OK to close the confirmation window.

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The XCS is activated. In the Constructor area, the Status field displays
Green and the State field displays Edit.

Figure 7-19: XC Browser showing an activated XCS

8. To edit the path criteria (see "Designating XCS Direction and Protection
States" on page 7-36) of the current XCS based on a predefined template,
on the toolbar, click .
The XCS changes to free style, enabling you to modify the path criteria (the
unidirectional/bidirectional and connection protection states).

Figure 7-20: XCS as Free Style with modified path criteria

9. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

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To create an XC based on the free style Advanced template:

1. Do one of the following:
a. In the XC Wizard (see "Using XC Templates" on page 7-4), assign the
Advanced free style XC template (see "Assigning Advanced Free Style
XCs" on page 7-11).

b. In the Shelf window, on the toolbar, click .

The XC Browser opens, displaying an empty Constructor area.

Figure 7-21: An empty Constructor area

2. In the Mode field, choose an XC option from the dropdown list. (By
default, the mode is XC.)
3. In the XC Browser Shelf View, select the relevant SONET or data card.
4. In the XC Browser Card Internals area, select the relevant object from the
Card Internals area.
5. Drag and drop the object to the Constructor area and select the relevant
Add, Drop, or Add & Drop option:
a. For a unidirectional Snk XC, click Add.
b. For a unidirectional Src XC, click Drop.
c. For a bidirectional XC, click Add & Drop.

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When selecting endpoints, you can select internal objects on the same card
or on multiple cards. You can add the desired number of connections into
the Constructor area by repeating steps 3 through 5, as necessary.

In the Constructor area, the relevant unidirectional or bidirectional XCS

appears with the selected TPs. (For free style XCs, you can create
connections between pairs of TPs.) As shown in the following figure, when
a free style XC scheme appears in the Constructor area, the Free Style icon
on the toolbar appears disabled.

Figure 7-22: Free Style XCS with assigned TPs

6. To activate the XC, on the toolbar, click .

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Repeat these steps to add multiple XCs to the Constructor area.

Figure 7-23: Activated Free Style XCS

7. If necessary, edit the path criteria (see "Designating XCS Direction and
Protection States" on page 7-36).

8. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

Creating Data XCs

This section describes how to use the LCT-XDM XC subsystem to create data

Creating XCs with Layer 1 Ethernet

Using the XC Browser, you to can create XCs involving Layer 1 Ethernet
As described in the following sections, there are some special considerations
and limitations when using Layer 1 Ethernet objects from DIO cards in XCSs.

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Creating XCs with DIO1_61 cards

LCT-XDM automatically creates XCs associated with DIO1_61 cards in the
following instances:
| When performing card assignment on the DIO1_61 (high-order), an XCS is
automatically created including 16 STS-3c SPEs that are cross connected to
16 STS-3c objects.
The automatically created XCS appears in the XC Set List. It is assigned
with an ID number greater than 999989999 and is listed with a rate of

| When STS-3c SPE objects are added to a GEoS port using the procedure
described in Configuring DIO and EIS GEoS Ports, an XCS containing the
STS-3c SPE objects is automatically created.
| When you add STS-3c SPEs to a GEoS port, new XCs are created and their
corresponding XCs, which were created upon card assignment, are
automatically deleted from the XCS.
When you delete these STS-3c SPEs, the XCS returns to its original set,
created upon card assignment.

NOTE: Unassigning a card causes the corresponding XC to

disappear from the XC List (see "Using the XC List" on page

Creating XCs with Data Cards

You can create bidirectional XCs for data cards (including DIOB/DIOBH and
MCS5) and I/O cards.

To create a data XC with DIOB/DIOBH and I/O cards:

1. Add STSs to the EoS port (see "Allocating STSs" on page 5-70).
2. In the XC Browser Shelf View (in XC mode), select the relevant data card
(for example, DIOBH).
3. In the XC Browser Card Internals area, select the VCG by clicking the port
where the STSs were added to create an XC to add it to the Constructor

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Figure 7-24: Adding STSs to the XCS

4. On the toolbar, click (only a bidirectional XC is supported).

5. In the XC Browser Shelf View, select the relevant I/O card (for example,
SIO) to which you want to perform the XC. (You can multiselect objects by
SHFT-clicking multiple objects simultaneously.)
6. In the XC Browser Card Internals area, select the corresponding number of
free STS-3cs from the list. (You can select relevant objects to correspond to
the maximum number of selected STSs. However, if desired, you can select
fewer objects than the STSs listed in the Constructor area.

7. On the toolbar, click .

In the Constructor area, the selected STSs appear on the right and the STS-
3cs appear on the left (of the TPs).

The Rate field displays the rate per STS type (or concatenation) selected:

„ STS-3c SPE rate is STS-3c SPExN, where N represents the number of

STS objects
„ STS-1 SPE rate is STS-1 SPExN
„ VT-2-SPE rate is VT-2-SPExN

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Upon adding the associated STS objects, the Rate field is updated
immediately to a value proportional to the number of associated STSs.

Figure 7-25: Data XC for DIOBH card

8. Assign connections (see "Designating XCS Direction and Protection

States" on page 7-36).

9. On the toolbar, click to activate the XCS.

Creating DCC XCs

The embedded Data Communications Channels (DCCs) that are implemented
in the overhead bytes of an SONET link are used as communication channels
for management of remote NEs.
The COM of an NE handles the forwarding and routing of management
information between DCCs.
LCT-XDM configures which DCCs are handled by the COM and how the
COM forwards and routes the management information. By specifying this
configuration, you define how the management system communicates with
remote NEs.
The COM handles packets from all DCCs that it terminates. LCT-XDM
configures the termination of SONET DCCs by performing a cross connect
(XC) of the Section-DCC or Line-DCC object on the SIO/SIM card to a
COM-DCC object on the COM.

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NOTE: DCC XCs are always bidirectional. Therefore only

the Add & Drop option is enabled in the Card Internals area
(or on the Actions menu).

To create a DCC XC:

1. In the XC Browser, in the Mode field, select one of the following:
„ Section DCC
„ Line DCC
2. Select the relevant card that carries Section and Line objects.
The DCC Section and Line objects appear in the XC Browser Card
Internals area.

Figure 7-26: DCC XCS

3. In the XC Browser Card Internals area, select a DCC Section or Line

object (manually or automatically).
4. Drag and drop it into the Constructor area to add it to the DCC XCS.
The process for creating a DCC XC is identical to that for STS XCs.

In the Constructor area, the DCC XCS appears with the assigned TPs, as
shown in the previous figure. "DCC" appears in the Rate field, and the
DCC XCS trail ID appears in the Trail ID field.

5. To activate the DCC XCS, on the toolbar, click .

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Creating External DCC XCs

This section describes how to use the LCT-XDM XC subsystem to create
external DCC XCs that transparently route the management channel of an
external vendor.
Section and Line objects in SIO cards contain external DCC bytes used to
implement the Transparent DCC feature. This feature enables you to use the
XDM network to transparently route the management channel of an external
vendor, independent of the payload routing.
Using the LCT-XDM XC subsystem, you can create XCs on the external DCC
objects that specify how the management channel is routed via the NE. You do
this by specifying XCs between the Section or Line objects on the SIO card to
other external DCC objects on other SIO cards.
XCs are only supported between Section to Section and Line to Line.
When configuring external DCC XCs, you must define the objects that connect
an XDM to external equipment as endpoint objects, rather than as regular

To create an external DCC XC:

1. In the XC Browser, in the Mode field, select one of the following from the
dropdown list:
„ Section EXT DCC
„ Line EXT DCC
2. In the XC Browser Shelf View area, select one of the SIO cards carrying
external DCC objects.

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The relevant Section EXT DCC or Line EXT DCC objects appear in the
XC Browser Card Internals area.

Figure 7-27: External DCC XCS

3. In the XC Browser Card Internals area, select an EXT DCC Section or

Line object (manually or automatically).
4. Drag and drop it into the Constructor area to add it to the EXT DCC XCS.
The process for creating an EXT DCC XC is identical to that for DCC and

In the Constructor area, the DCC XCS appears with the assigned TPs, as
shown in the previous figure. "DCC EXT" appears in the Rate field, and the
DCC XCS trail ID appears in the Trail ID field.

5. To activate the XCS, on the toolbar, click .

DCC XCs appear in the XC List in the rate column (see "Using the XC
List" on page 7-43).

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Creating GCC0 XCs

You can create GCC0 terminated XCs between GCC0 objects on optical cards.

To create GCCO XCs:

1. In the XC Browser, in the Mode field, select GCC0.
2. To view the DCC groups of the cards for an NE with xMCPB, in the upper
right corner of the Shelf View area, click and in the dropdown list,
click .
The cards in the Shelf View area of the XC Browser display the DCC
groups to which they belong.

3. Select the relevant optical card that carries GCC0 objects.

The GCC0 objects appear in the XC Browser Card Internals area.

Figure 7-28: GCC0 XCS

4. In the XC Browser Card Internals area, select a GCC0 object (manually or

5. Drag and drop it into the Constructor area to add it to the GCC0 XCS.

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6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for selecting the DCC object of the COMB (64
channels) or xCOM (32 channels).
The process for creating a GCC0 XC is identical to that for DCC and STS

In the Constructor area, the GCC0 XCS appears with the assigned TPs, as
shown in the previous figure. "GCC0" appears in the Rate field, and the
GCC0 XCS trail ID appears in the Trail ID field. The rate appears as DCC.

7. To activate the GCC0 XCS, on the toolbar, click .

Creating Concatenated XCs

The LCT-XDM XC subsystem enables you to create XCs involving
concatenated signals. To enable this option, you must first create a
concatenated group (see "Concatenating STS-3c SPEs" on page 5-163).

To create an XC with a concatenated signal:

1. In the XC Browser, in the Mode field, select one of the following:
„ 4xSTS-3c SPE
„ 16xSTS-3c SPE
2. In the XC Browser Shelf View, select the relevant SIO (XIO or SIM) card.
3. In the Card internals area, select any one of the STS-3cs in the group.
4. To create the XC, do one of the following:
a. Drag and drop any one of the STS-3cs in the group into the Constructor
b. On the shortcut menu, click Add or Add & Drop.

c. On the toolbar, click or .

All of the STS-3cs in the group are added to the XCS in the Constructor
area, and the relevant rate (4xSTS-3c SPE or 16xSTS-3c SPE) appears in
the Rate field.

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5. Repeat the previous steps to select another concatenated group that you can
cross connect to the first group. The Internals window legend describes the
symbols that appear on the concatenated XCSs (see "Equipment and Ports
Legend" on page 5-167).

Figure 7-29: Typical Concatenated XCS

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Designating XCS Direction and

Protection States
After the XCs are specified using the Advanced free style XC template (see
"Assigning Advanced Free Style XCs" on page 7-11), in the XC Browser
Constructor area you can click the connection arrow to view and modify the
connection settings. You can designate the XC as either unidirectional or
bidirectional, and as main (primary) or protection (backup).
In the Constructor area, a single arrow represents a unidirectional connection
and a double arrow indicates a bidirectional connection. The color coding on
the connecting arrow indicates the connection protection state (see
"Constructor Area" on page 7-18).
You can click the connecting line to toggle the direction settings from
unidirectional to bidirectional and vice versa. You can change both the
direction and protection settings of the connection by right-clicking the
connecting arrow to display the relevant shortcut menu options.

To view and modify unidirectional/bidirectional and

connection protection state XCS settings:
1. In the Constructor area, place your mouse cursor over the connecting line to
view a tooltip displaying the connection type.

Figure 7-30: Tooltip displaying a Unidirectional (Main) XCS connection

2. Click the arrow to toggle the unidirectional/bidirectional setting.

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If you click on the connecting line, the arrow display changes from single
to double (and vice versa). For example, if you click a unidirectional arrow,
the arrow display changes to bidirectional. (The protection state stays the

Figure 7-31: Tooltip displaying a Bidirectional (Main) XCS connection

3. To change the protection state (and also the direction), right-click the
connecting line and select the settings from the shortcut menu. For
example, to change the XCS connection settings shown in the previous
sample figure, right-click and select Unidirectional and Protection.

Figure 7-32: Changing protection and direction settings of XCS connections

4. To apply the changes and activate the XCS, on the toolbar, click .

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Removing Transmission Objects

from XCS Endpoints
You can remove transmission objects (STS-1s, STSs, and VTs) from endpoints
(TPs) in XCSs in the Constructor area of the XC Browser. However, you
cannot remove the TPs (in templates other than free style).

To remove a transmission object from an XCS endpoint:

1. In the Constructor area of the XC Browser, in the XCS structure, select the
relevant transmission object (STS-1, STS, or VT) you wish to remove from
the endpoint.
2. Do one of the following:
„ Right-click and select Remove.

„ On the toolbar, click .

The selected object is removed from the TP, and you can proceed to select
a transmission object (from the relevant Card Internals or Resources area)
to add/drop to the endpoint.

Repeat the above step to remove additional transmission objects from the
XCS endpoints.

Figure 7-33: Removing a transmission object from an XCS endpoint

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Configuring XCs
You can view and modify XCS configuration parameters.

To configure XCs:

1. On the XC Browser (or XC List) toolbar, click .

The Configure XC Set window opens.

Figure 7-34: Configure XC Set window - Alarms & PM tab

2. In the Usage State dropdown list, choose an option: Idle, Active, or Busy.
3. In the Autonomous Reporting dropdown list, choose an option: Enabled or
4. In the User Label field, enter the user label.
5. In the Customer field, enter the customer name.
6. In the VPN ID field, enter the VPN ID.
7. In the LightSoft Trail ID area, do the following:
„ In the Trail ID field, enter the trail ID.
„ In the Workstation ID field, enter the workstation ID.
8. To view alarm and PM settings, click the Alarms and PM tab.
9. In the row of the object for which you want to view and modify
configuration parameters, edit the fields as described in the following table.
To change settings, click the adjacent arrow and choose an option from the
dropdown list.
10. To view and modify TTI and TSL settings, click the TTI & TSL tab.

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11. In the row of the object for which you want to view and modify
configuration parameters, edit the fields as described in the following table.

Figure 7-35: Configure XC Set window - TTI and TSL tab

12. In the TTI Expected and TTI Sent columns, click the icon to enable
the fields for editing and type the desired text.

13. In the TSL Expected and TSL Sent columns, click and choose an
option from the dropdown list.
14. To view object information, select the relevant row, and on the toolbar,
click .
The relevant Info window opens, displaying configuration parameters.

15. To reset PM counters for the XCS, on the menu bar, select PM Reset
Counters and select a submenu option:
„ 15 Minutes
„ Daily
„ All Counters

16. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

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Table 7-5: Configure XC Set window fields

Field Description
Alarms & PM tab
Alarm Master Alarm mask setting to mask any alarms reported at Trail
Mask Termination Point (TTP) with no transmission passing through it
(that is, TTP not involved in an active cross connect). Options vary
per selected object and include:
| Monitored: alarm appears in current alarms list
| Not Monitored: alarm is not reported
| Masked: alarm is masked from display
| Quality of Service: QoS alarm appears in list
Alarm Profile Alarm severity profile.
Monitor Active Whether path overhead monitoring is enabled. Options: On or Off.

PM Profile Name of PM profile.

TTI & TSL tab
TTI Expected Expected TTI. Enter text.
TTI Sent Received TTI. Enter text.
TSL Expected Expected signal label and path status information. Options: TUG
Structure, Test Signal, Equipped non-specified, 34M/45M, 140M,
Undefined, STS-AIS.
TSL Sent Received signal label and path status information.

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Activating XCSs
To complete the XCS creation procedure, you must activate the XCS.

To activate an XCS:

1. On the XC Browser toolbar, click .

The activation process for the XC begins. In the Constructor area, the
Status field displays a status bar indicating the activation progress:

„ Green = success
„ Red = failure
„ Gray = in progress

Figure 7-36: Status bar showing successful XCS activation

When activation is complete, the State field changes from "Create" to

"Edit", indicating that the XCS has been created and can now be modified
in the Constructor area.

A confirmation window opens to confirm the successful activation.

2. Click OK to close the window.

The XCS is activated.

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Using the XC List

In the LCT-XDM XC List, you can view a list of XC sets (XCSs) belonging to
the selected NE, zoom in on the display of a selected XCS, and delete a
selected XCS.

To view a list of XC sets for an NE:

| Do one of the following:
„ In the LCT-XDM main or Shelf windows, on the Connections menu,
click XC List.
„ In the XC Browser, on the Actions menu, click XC List.

„ In the main window, on the toolbar, click .


„ In the XC Browser or in the Shelf window, on the toolbar, click .

The XC List window opens, where you can click the relevant tab to view a
list of XCSs per XC type.

Figure 7-37: XC List window

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To display a zoom view of an XCS:

| In the XC List, do one of the following:
„ Double-click an XCS row.
„ Select an XCS row, right-click and select Show on the shortcut menu.
The XCS structure appears in the XC Set area at the bottom of the window.
The following figure shows a concatenated XCS.

Figure 7-38: XC Set view area in XC List window

The XC List window includes the following areas:

| XC List Menu Bar (on page 7-45)
| XC List Toolbar (on page 7-45)
| XC List table (see "XC List" on page 7-46)
| XC Set area, identical to the XCS display in the XC Browser Constructor
area (on page 7-18)

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XC List Menu Bar

Figure 7-39: XC List menu bar

The XC List window menu bar contains various options that allow you to
perform operations related to selected XCSs in the XC List.

XC List Toolbar
The XC List window displays toolbar icons that you can click to perform
various operations on XCSs, as alternate shortcuts instead of the menu options.

Figure 7-40: XC List toolbar

Table 7-6: XC List toolbar icons

Icon Name Function

Create XC Opens XC Browser, where you can create, modify, and
activate XCs and XCSs

Create Opens XC Wizard, where you can create XC templates

Template XC

Edit Opens XC Browser of selected XCS, where you can view

and modify XCS parameters

Configure Opens Configure XC Set window, where you can view

and modify parameters of selected XCS

Delete Deletes selected XCS

Show Displays selected XCS in XC Set area in bottom area of

XC List window

Current Opens Current Alarms window, displaying XCS current

Alarms alarms

Find Opens Find XC Set window, where you can specify search
criteria to find an XCS in the XC List window

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Icon Name Function

Reload Reloads XC List window setting to previous version saved
in database

Close Closes XC List window

XC List
In the XC List table, you can view information about each XCS defined in the

Figure 7-41: XC List table

The following table describes the read-only fields of the XC List.

Table 7-7: XC List table

Column Description
Number (#) Row number of XC in XC List (numbered sequentially from 1)
Rate Rate of XCS
Usage Usage state of XC. Options:
| Active: lower-rate XC passes through XCS
| Idle: no lower-rate XC passes through XCS; XC can be deleted
| Busy: traffic on XCS, or all TUs are connected; user-defined and
cannot be deleted
Protection XCS protection state:
| Protected for protected XCs
| Unprotected for unprotected XCs
Label XCS label
Customer User-defined customer name assigned to XCS
LightSoft NMS trail ID
Trail ID

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To select columns to display:

1. In the XC List table, click (located to the right of the column headers).
The Select Column window opens, displaying a list of columns that you
can specify to be visible in the table.

Figure 7-42: Select Column window

2. Select (or clear) the relevant checkboxes of the columns that you want to
display (or hide).
3. Click Set.
The XC List table displays the columns, according to the specified criteria.

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Viewing Internal Object Alarm

You can view alarm LEDs for selected XCS internal objects in the Card
Internals area of the XC Browser. (By default, the alarm LEDs are not shown.)

To show/hide alarms in the Card Internals area of the XC

1. In the XC Browser, in the Shelf View area, select a card.

2. On the toolbar, click .

Alarm LEDs (color coded according to alarm state) appear on the relevant
objects in the Card Internals area (see "Alarm severity color coding" on
page 4-72).

Figure 7-43: Alarm LEDs in the XC Browser Card Internals area

3. To hide the alarm display, on the toolbar, click again.

The alarm LEDs do not appear in the Card Internals area.

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Figure 7-44: XC Browser Card Internals area without alarm LEDs

Deleting XCSs
In the XC List, you can delete selected XCSs. This is possible only in Master

To delete an XCS:
1. In the XC List, in the relevant tab (or in the All tab which displays all
XCSs), select the relevant XC row.

2. On the toolbar, click .

A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

3. Click Yes to confirm.

The selected XCS is deleted.

NOTE: There is no undo option.

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Fault Management

In this chapter:
Overview ......................................................................................................... 8-1
Viewing Current Alarms ................................................................................. 8-2
Setting Alarm Severity .................................................................................... 8-8
Setting External Alarms................................................................................. 8-17
Setting the Buzzer Severity ........................................................................... 8-22
Muting the Buzzer ......................................................................................... 8-23

This chapter describes how to use LCT-XDM for managing XDM NE alarms.
XDM equipment provides local alarm display in the event of equipment failure
and for maintenance purposes. These displays include LEDs on the front panel
of the XDM, which correspond to visual LED indicators on the LCT-XDM
XDM NE alarm types include:
| Equipment alarms: system-related problems detected on XDM cards
| Service alarms: problems in communication between management station
and NE
| Transmission alarms: problems in transmission paths
| Physical Interface alarms: problems with a transmission stream
| Quality of Service (QoS) alarms: counters used to evaluate transmission
quality has crossed its preset threshold
| Timing alarms: problems with timing source used by particular Timing
Generator (TG)

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Viewing Current Alarms

You can readily identify current alarms in LCT-XDM:
| In the main window, in the Alarm column, in the relevant NE row, the
current NE alarm is marked with an alarm bell icon color coded per
severity (for example, ).
| In the Shelf window, current card alarms are indicated by LEDs on the
relevant cards. The color of the LED corresponds to the most severe alarm
affecting it.
| In the Internals window, the colored area to the right of equipment, port,
or stream objects indicates current alarms.
| In the card and internal object Info windows (on the right of the toolbar),
alarm bell icons color coded per severity indicate overall alarm state
and unacknowledged alarm state of the selected card or object.

Viewing Current Alarms for All Connected

NEs Simultaneously

You can view current alarms for all connected NEs simultaneously.

To view all current alarms for all connected NEs:

1. On the main menu bar, select System > Current Alarms.
The Current Alarms window opens, where you can view all active current
alarms for all connected NEs in the system. In the upper area of this
window, below the toolbar, appear counts of the total number of alarms and
number of alarms per severity, color coded according to severity level.

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Figure 8-1: Current Alarms window - for all connected NEs

2. In the Network Elements area (on the right), select the relevant NE
checkbox(es) to filter the display of the alarms list in the Alarms area (on
the left of the window).
3. To activate the display of all active alarms of the connected NEs, on the
toolbar, click .
All checkboxes are selected in the Network Elements area, and all active
alarms for all connected NEs appear listed in the Alarms area.

4. To deactivate (deselect) the display of all active alarms of all connected

NEs, click .
In the Network Elements area, all checkboxes of the connected NEs are
cleared, and the Alarm area appears empty.

5. To toggle the display of the Network Elements area, on the toolbar, do one
of the following:

a. Click to show the Network Elements area.

b. Click to hide the Network Elements area.

6. To display the rows in the Alarms list according to a specific parameter in
ascending or descending order, click a column header.
An arrow appears to the right of the selected column header, indicating
ascending or descending order according to the selected column (as shown
in the previous sample Current Alarms window, which displays the
Object column as selected and rows sorted in ascending alphabetical order
per object.)

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7. To specify columns for display in the Alarms list, click (located to the
right of the column headers).
The Select Column window opens, displaying a list of columns that you can
specify to be visible in this window (see "Viewing and modifying static routes"
on page 4-33).

Viewing Current Alarms for a Selected NE

You can view current alarms for a selected NE.

To view all current alarms in an NE:

1. In the main window, select the relevant NE (to which you have connected).

2. On the toolbar, click .

The Current Alarms window opens, displaying all the current alarms in
the selected XDM NE. In the upper area of this window, below the toolbar,
appear counts of the total number of alarms and number of alarms per
severity, color coded according to severity level.

Figure 8-2: Current Alarms window for a selected XDM NE

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Viewing Current Alarms for a Card

You can view current alarms for a selected card.

To view current card alarms:

1. In the Shelf window, do one of the following:

a. Select a card, and on the toolbar, click .

b. Double-click the alarm severity LED located on the card.
The Current Alarms window for the selected card opens.

Figure 8-3: Current Alarms window for a selected card

The following tables describes the colored alarm severity indicators and fields
that appear and in the Current Alarms window.

Table 8-1: Colored alarm severity indicators

Field Color Description

Total -- Total number of current alarms
Critical Red Number of critical alarms
Major Orange Number of major alarms
Minor Yellow Number of minor alarms
Warning Yellow Number of warning alarms

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Table 8-2: Current Alarms window columns

Column Description
Object Object on which alarm was triggered
Probable Cause Type of alarm affecting object
Severity Severity of alarm: Critical, Major, Minor, or Warning

Viewing a list of alarms per severity in the Shelf


To view a list of alarms per severity on a card in the Shelf

| In the Shelf window, place the mouse on the Alarm LED displayed on the
A tooltip appears, listing the number per color coded severity of alarms on
the card, as shown in the following figure for an MECP card. The colored
alarm severity indicators are the same as appear in the Current Alarms
window. (This tooltip is enabled only when the Show Contained Alarms
system preference is selected (see "Setting System Preferences" on page

Figure 8-4: Alarm LED tooltip on MECP card

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Viewing alarm states in the Info window

To view alarm states in the Info window for a selected card:

| In the Shelf window, right-click a card, and select Info on the shortcut
The Info window for the selected card opens, displaying (on the right of the
toolbar) the alarm state and unacknowledged alarm state.

Figure 8-5: Card Info window- acknowledged/unacknowledged alarm states

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Setting Alarm Severity

LCT-XDM enables you to set up alarm severity profiles to specify how various
alarms and alarm types are treated in the system. You can assign severity
profiles to the following object types:
| Equipment
| Transmission
| Timing
The severity categories include:
| Critical
| Major
| Minor
| Warning
| Non-reported
The severity settings affect all alarm severity indicators, including:
| Severity LED indicators on equipment
| Alarm relays to external alarms
| Alarm bell icon in main window, LEDS in Shelf window, and colored
areas on equipment, port, and stream objects in Internals window
You can set alarm severities per single object.
Assigning alarm severities to objects involves the following steps:
1. Defining alarm severity profiles (on page 8-9).
2. Assigning a predefined alarm severity profile to an object (see "Assigning
Alarm Severity Profiles" on page 8-11).
Alarm severity profiles contain alarm severity settings for each of the alarms
relevant to the Alarm Bearing Object (ABO) type. For the purpose of this
description, an ABO type is a class that contains all objects that have the same
types of alarms.
Each ABO type (per NE) has eight severity profiles, including the Factory
Default profile, which cannot be modified.
You can assign both Customer Default and Nondefault profiles to objects, as
When you designate a Customer Default profile, all newly created objects
(such as a new card assigned to a slot) are automatically assigned to it.

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Defining Alarm Severity Profiles

LCT-XDM features default severities per alarm type.
In the Alarm Severity window, two modes of operation (indicated by toolbar
icons) are available for viewing and modifying alarm severity profiles:

| Edit Profile mode, in which you define the alarm severity profiles

| View Profile mode, in which you assign severity profiles to objects

(see "Assigning Alarm Severity Profiles" on page 8-11)
In Edit Profile mode, you can define alarm severity for alarms on equipment
and various Snk objects. You can change the settings for the profile title,
description, and alarm severities. (Alarm severities for reported alarms cannot
be modified.)

To define a severity profile:

1. Do one of the following:
„ In the Shelf window, right-click the relevant card.
„ In the Internals window of the selected card, right-click the relevant
equipment or Snk object.
2. On the shortcut menu, select Alarm Severity.
The Alarm Severity window opens. The contents of the window vary
depending on the type of object selected.

Figure 8-6: Alarm Severity window

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3. On the toolbar, click to edit the profile.

This enables the Profile Title, Profile Description fields, and alarm severity
checkboxes for editing.

4. In the Profiles list (on the lower left), select an alarm severity profile.

NOTE: If a profile has already been assigned to an object,

you cannot edit it. You can only change the Profile Title and
Profile Description.

5. In the Profile Title field, assign a name to the profile.

6. (Optional) In the Profile Description field, type a description of the profile.
The window displays a matrix (Alarm Severity table) with alarm severities
(columns) and alarms (rows).

7. To change alarm severity settings in the Alarm Severity table, select the
relevant severity checkbox for the alarms in each row.
8. Select the Non-Rep on Creation checkbox next to any alarm to which you
want to apply the nonreport feature.
If the default nonreport feature is assigned to an alarm in the profile, the
alarm does not appear in the alarm log for new objects assigned to the
profile, nor does it trigger any of the responses usually caused by the alarm.

9. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

After you apply changes, the read-only Objects Using this Profile field is
updated, displaying the number of changes made to the profile.

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Assigning Alarm Severity Profiles

LCT-XDM allows you to assign alarm severity profiles to selected objects in
View Profile mode.
In View Profile mode, you can change the settings for the alarm master mask
and for non-reported alarms. For certain objects, you can set detection and
inhibition settings for non-reported alarms.

To assign a severity profile:

1. Do one of the following:
„ In the Shelf window, right-click the relevant card and select Alarm
„ In the Internals window of the selected card, right-click the relevant
equipment or Snk object and select Alarm Severity.

2. To set the mode to View Profile, on the toolbar, click .

The contents of the window vary depending on the type of object selected.

3. In the Profiles list (on the lower left), select an alarm severity profile.
The severity of each alarm defined in the selected profile is marked in one
of the Severity boxes.

4. In the Alarms Master Mask dropdown list, choose the alarm mask setting to
mask any alarms reported at a Trail Termination Point (TTP) with no
transmission passing through it (that is, it is not involved in an active cross
connect). Select one of the following options in the dropdown list:
„ Monitored: alarm appears in current alarms list
„ Not Monitored: alarm is not reported
„ Masked: alarm is masked from display
„ Quality of Service: QoS alarm appears in list
By default, PHY, Line, and Section objects are set to Monitored Master
Mask. All other objects are set by default to Not Monitored Master Mask.

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5. In the Non-reported Alarms table on the right, in the row of the relevant
alarm, do the following:
a. Select the Non-Rep checkbox to apply the nonreport feature to the
selected profile.
Such alarms do not appear in the alarm log for new objects assigned to
the profile and do not trigger any of the responses usually caused by the
If you apply the nonreport feature when defining an alarm severity
profile, that alarm is not reported for any objects assigned to that
b. Select the Detection checkbox to detect the alarm. (The detection
setting is available only for certain objects.)
c. Select the Inhibition checkbox to inhibit consequent actions.
This option can only be selected for the TIM, UNEQ, PLM, SF, and SD
alarms, and it is available only for certain objects.
6. To set a profile, select a nondefault profile from the Profiles list.

7. On the toolbar, click .

8. On the toolbar, click to apply the alarm severity profile you have
defined to the selected object.

NOTE: In the Info window of a selected equipment or

transmission object, in the Configuration tab, you can also
change the Severity Profile and Alarms Master Mask by
choosing an option from the relevant dropdown list in the
New Attribute Value column (see "Viewing/Modifying Port
and Equipment Object Information" on page 5-149).

Default Alarm Severities

The following tables list the default severities for each type of alarm.

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Table 8-3: Default alarm severities - equipment

Alarm Severity
Card Out Major
Type Mismatch Major
Card Failure Major
Power Failure Major
BIT Failed Critical
BIT Degraded Major
BIT Slightly Degraded Minor
Program Fail Alarm Major

Table 8-4: Default alarm severities - WDM equipment

Alarm Severity
Temp out of Range Major

Table 8-5: Default alarm severities - OM equipment

Alarm Severity
Wavelength Mismatch Major
Application Code Mismatch Major

Table 8-6: Default alarm severities - OT equipment (transceiver)

Alarm Severity
Low Temperature Major
High Temperature Major
Low Rx Power Major
High Rx Power Major
Low Tx Power Critical
High Tx Power Critical
Laser Bias Major

Table 8-7: Default alarm severities - 45M sink

Alarm Severity
LOS Major
LOF Major
AIS Major
SF Major
SD Minor

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Alarm Severity
RAI Warning

Table 8-8: Default alarm severities - STS sink

Alarm Severity
AIS Major
SF Major
TIM Major
SSF Major
UNEQ Major
PLM Major
SD Minor
RDI Warning
UATNE Warning
UATFE Warning
CVNE Warning
ESNE Warning
SESNE Warning
CVFE Warning
ESFE Warning
SESFE Warning

Table 8-9: Default alarm severities - PHY sink

Alarm Severity
LOS Major

Table 8-10: Default alarm severities - Section sink

Alarm Severity
LOF Major
TIM Major
UATNE Warning
CVNE Warning
ESNE Warning
SESNE Warning

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Table 8-11: Default alarm severities - Line sink

Alarm Severity
AIS Major
SF Major
SD Minor
RDI Warning
APS Failure Minor
UAT Warning
CVNE 15 Min/1 Day Warning
ESNE 15 Min/1 Day Warning
SESNE 15 Min/1 Day Warning
ESFE 15 Min/1 Day Warning
CVFE 15 Min/1 Day Warning
SESFE 15 Min/1 Day Warning

Table 8-12: Default alarm severities - OPI sink

Alarm Severity
LOS Major
LOD Major

Table 8-13: Default alarm severities - STS-3c sink

Alarm Severity
STS-1/VT AIS Major
LOP Major
AIS Major
SF Major
SD Major
RDI Major
AOM Minor
LOA Major
LOMC Major
TIM Major
SSF Major
UNEQ Major
PLM Major
LOM Major
PJ_15M Warning

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Alarm Severity
UAT Warning
CVNE Warning
ESNE Warning
SESNE Warning
CVFE Warning
ESFE Warning
SESFE Warning

Table 8-14: Default alarm severities - TMU

Alarm Severity
Card Out Major
Type Mismatch Major
Card Failure Major
Power Fail Major

Table 8-15: Default alarm severities - TG

Alarm Severity
TG Holdover Warning
Primary Source Not Active Minor
TS1 Transmitter Failure Minor
TS1/2/3/4_LOC_ALM Minor
TS1/2/3/4 OOR Minor
TS1/2/3/4 Transmitter Failure Minor
TG BITS-out Squelch Warning

Table 8-16: Default alarm severities - GEoS

Alarm Severity
Auto Negotiation Fail Major
Auto Negotiation Ability Major
Partner Offline Minor
Partner Link Fail Minor
Partner Auto Negotiation Fail Minor
Link Fail Major
Rx Buffer Overflow Minor
Tx Buffer Overflow Minor
Tx Good Packets Count 15 Min Warning

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Alarm Severity
Tx Bytes Count 15 min Warning
Rx Good Packets Count 15 Min Warning
Rx Bytes Count 15 Min Warning
Tx Error Packets Count 15 Min Warning
Packet Drop Events 15 Min Warning
Tx Good Packets Count 1 Day Warning
Tx Bytes Count 1 Day Warning

Setting External Alarms

External alarms enable you to route object alarms to customer relays via the
Rack Alarm Panel (RAP).
Alarms generated internally by the XDM that should trigger an external device
are defined using the Output tab in the External Alarms window. Conditions
external to the XDM that should trigger an alarm in LCT-XDM are specified
using this window's Input tab.
The signal from an external alarm represents a circuit between the signal's
source (an external device) and the XDM shelf. The interpretation of this signal
is user-defined, enabling you to define whether the alarm is triggered when this
circuit is opened or closed.
Several modes are available to determine the number of inputs and outputs that
can be defined:
| 8/0 mode: Enables up to eight inputs and zero outputs to be specified.
Default mode on XDM-100 shelves.
| 5/3 mode: Enables five inputs and three outputs to be defined. Only
available on XDM-100 shelves and must be accessed from an ECU card.
| 8/8 mode: Enables eight inputs and eight outputs to be defined. Default
mode on XDM-500, XDM-1000, and XDM-2000 shelves containing an
MECP card.

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Defining External Alarm Inputs

LCT-XDM allows you to define external alarm inputs.

To define an external alarm input:

1. In the Shelf window, do one of the following:
„ On the menu bar, select Card > Show External Alarms.

„ On the toolbar, click .

The External Alarms window opens, displaying the Input tab.

Figure 8-7: External Alarms window - Input tab

2. To choose the mode to define the number of alarm inputs and outputs,
select View > Mode, and on the submenu, select one of the following
„ 8/0: to specify up to eight inputs and zero outputs
„ 5/3: to specify up to five inputs and three outputs
Your selection applies to both the Input and Output tabs in the window.

3. To change the mode from the 8/0 default setting, select the 5/3 option

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NOTE: In XDM-500, XDM-1000, and XDM-2000 shelves,

the 8/0 and 5/3 mode buttons do not appear at the bottom of
the window. You can specify up to eight inputs and
eight outputs on these shelves.

The read-only Port field uniquely identifies the input. You can begin
working in any row in the window.

4. In the Name field, enter a name for the input.

5. In the Close Circuit Means dropdown list, select one of the following:
„ On: closing the contact generates the input signal
„ Off: opening the contact generates the input signal
6. In the Force Behavior dropdown list, select Forced to automatically force
the alarm to be triggered, even if the alarm has not been activated. Select
Released to return the alarm to normal operation.
7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 to define additional alarm inputs, as required.

8. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

To view the alarm severity profile:

| In the External Alarms window, on the toolbar, click .

The Alarm Severity window opens, where you can view and modify the
alarm severity profile (see "Defining Alarm Severity Profiles" on page

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Defining External Alarm Outputs

LCT-XDM allows you to define external alarm outputs.

To define an external alarm output:

1. In the External Alarms window, click the Output tab.
The Output tab opens, displaying external alarm output parameters. The
read-only Port field uniquely identifies the output. You can begin working
in any row in the window.

Figure 8-8: External Alarms window - Output tab

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2. In the Object field, click to open the Browse for Object window,
where you select the internal object whose alarm will trigger an external
alarm output.

Figure 8-9: Browse for Object window

3. Navigate in the object tree to select the object to trigger the alarm, and then
click OK.
The Browse for Object window closes, and the Output tab in the External
Alarms window reappears.

4. In the Alarm dropdown list, select the alarm type that applies to this
external alarm.
5. In the Monitoring dropdown list, select Enabled to enable the external
alarm for the selected object and alarm type, or Disable to disable the
external alarm.

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6. In the Force Behavior dropdown list, select Forced to automatically force

the alarm to be triggered, even if the alarm has not been activated. Select
Released to return the alarm to normal operation.
7. Repeat steps 2 to 7 to define additional alarm outputs, as required.

8. To reposition a row in the list, click or .

The row is moved up or down to the next available empty row.

9. To clear the contents of a selected row, on the toolbar, click .

The contents of the row are removed, and you can browse to select a
different internal object, as described in step 2.

10. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

Setting the Buzzer Severity

XDM NEs have a built-in buzzer that sounds when an alarm is registered at the
NE. You can set the alarm severity that triggers the buzzer.

To enable the XDM buzzer for a specific alarm severity:

| In the Shelf window, on the menu bar, select Configuration > Buzzer
Severity and choose a shortcut menu option (Minor, Warning, Major, or
Note that each severity must be enabled separately, and that enabling a
specific setting does not enable higher-level alarms (for example, enabling
Minor does not enable the XDM buzzer for Major and Critical alarms).

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Muting the Buzzer

You can use the alarm buzzer indicator displayed on the Shelf window toolbar
to mute the local XDM alarm buzzer function. By default, the local XDM
buzzer sounds when an alarm occurs at the NE.

To mute the buzzer:

| On the Shelf window toolbar, click to toggle the buzzer on and off.

NOTE: If you mute the LCT-XDM buzzer while an XDM

alarm is in progress (and the buzzer is sounding at the XDM),
the buzzer does not stop as a result of the mute operation.

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8-24 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

Performance Monitoring

In this chapter:
Overview ......................................................................................................... 9-1
Viewing Current Performance......................................................................... 9-2
Resetting PM Counters.................................................................................... 9-3
Viewing and Modifying PM Threshold Profiles ............................................. 9-4

This chapter describes how to use LCT-XDM for monitoring the performance
of XDM NEs.
LCT-XDM allows you to view the current interval and daily PM data for the
following Snk objects:
| Async/SONET: 34/45M, STS-1, STS-3c, GbE, Line, Line-DCC, OCH,
OW, Section, Section-DCC, VT, STS-3, VT-2, STS-1 SPE, STS-3c SPE,
| Data: Bridge, Ethernet, GEoS, GFP, Policer, VSI, Routing
| Optics: Equipment, OPS_M

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Performance Monitoring LCT-XDM User Manual

Viewing Current Performance

You can view current daily and interval performance data for various XDM
transmission Snk objects.

To view the current performance of a transmission object:

1. In the Internals window of the selected card, in the Zoom area, select the
relevant XDM transmission Snk object.
2. Right-click and select PM Current, and on the submenu, choose one of the
„ 15 minutes: to view PM data for the current 15-minute interval. (It is
possible to view 15 non-zero intervals.)
„ Daily: to view PM data for the current 24-hour interval. (It is possible
to view only two non-zero intervals.)
The PM Current window opens. The contents of the window vary
depending on the type of object selected. Performance data is collected
separately for the controlled bit streams in each respective TP.

Figure 9-1: PM Current window

3. View the fields, displaying the following PM data:

„ Start Time: date and time LCT-XDM started collecting PM data
„ Duration: PM time interval (one day or 15 minutes)
„ Monitored Seconds: monitored time in seconds from the start of the
last PM measurement
4. In the Start Time field, click the backward and forward arrows to view data
from the next and previous PM intervals.

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LCT-XDM User Manual Performance Monitoring

Resetting PM Counters
You can reset PM counters to default values for various XDM transmission
Snk objects.

To reset PM counters to default values:

1. In the Internals window of the selected card, in the Zoom area, select the
relevant XDM transmission Snk object.
2. Right-click and select PM Reset Counters, and on the submenu, choose
one of of the following:
„ 15 minutes: to reset the PM counters for the current 15-minute interval
„ Daily: to reset the PM counters for the current 24-hour interval
„ All Counters: to reset all PM counters
A confirmation window opens, prompting you to confirm the reset.

3. Click OK to reset the PM counters, per specified interval (or for all

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Performance Monitoring LCT-XDM User Manual

Viewing and Modifying PM

Threshold Profiles
For transmission alarms and optical power control-related transmission alarms,
the technique used to evaluate the level of system performance is to count the
number of error events and increment the respective counter each time an event
occurs. A PM alarm occurs whenever the threshold value of the event counter
is crossed. Thresholds and counters are maintained for 15-minute and 24-hour

To view and modify PM threshold profiles:

1. In the Internals window of the selected card, right-click the relevant
equipment or transmission object and select Thresholds.
The Thresholds window opens. The contents of the window vary
depending on the type of object selected.

Figure 9-2: Thresholds window

2. In the Profiles list, select a nondefault (or not assigned) profile.

You can edit the Profile Title, Profile Description, and PM Thresholds table
fields as required. (Factory Default type profiles cannot be edited.)

3. In the Profile Title field, type the profile title.

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LCT-XDM User Manual Performance Monitoring

4. (Optional) In the Profile Description field, type the profile description.

5. In the Thresholds table (center), select a row and in the relevant column,
edit the PM threshold value as required.

6. To set the profile as default, on the toolbar, click .

7. On the toolbar, click to apply the changes.

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9-6 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

SLIP Installation

In this appendix:
Overview ........................................................................................................ A-1
SLIP Installation for Windows 2000 .............................................................. A-3
SLIP Installation for Windows XP ............................................................... A-15
Checking the SLIP Connection .................................................................... A-27

You can configure SLIP connections for your PC. When working with
Windows 98, virtual PC software is required.
You can configure SLIP protocol for Windows 2000/XP directly from the
LCT-XDM installation CD-ROM (as described in the following procedure) or
manually from your workstation (as described in the following subsections).

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SLIP Installation LCT-XDM User Manual

To install SLIP drivers from the LCT-XDM installation

1. In the Welcome window of the LCT-XDM CD-ROM, click Utilities to
display the Utilities options.

Figure A-1: Utilities menu options - SLIP Windows 2000/XP

2. Click SLIP W2k & XP.

The InstallShield Wizard for the SLIP - Direct Connection Setup opens.

Figure A-2: InstallShield Wizard for SLIP direct connection setup

Follow the InstallShield Wizard instructions to complete the SLIP installation.

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LCT-XDM User Manual SLIP Installation

SLIP Installation for Windows

If your LCT-XDM station (PC) is running Windows 2000, use the following
procedure to install them and define their properties.

To install SLIP drivers when running Windows 2000:

1. On the Start menu, select Programs > Accessories > Communications >
Network and Dial-up Connections.
The Network and Dial-up Connections window opens.

Figure A-3: Network and Dial-up Connections window

2. Double-click Make New Connection (or right-click this icon) and select

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SLIP Installation LCT-XDM User Manual

The Network Connection Wizard Welcome window opens.

Figure A-4: Network Connection Wizard Welcome window

3. Click Next.
The Network Connection Wizard Network Connection Type window

Figure A-5: Network Connection Wizard Network Connection Type window

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LCT-XDM User Manual SLIP Installation

4. Select Connect Directly to Another Computer and click Next.

The Network Connection Wizard Host or Guest window opens.

Figure A-6: Network Connection Wizard Host or Guest window

5. Select Guest and click Next.

The Network Connection Wizard Select a Device window opens.

Figure A-7: Network Connection Wizard Select a Device window

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SLIP Installation LCT-XDM User Manual

6. In the Select a Device dropdown list, select the serial communications port
corresponding to the device to be connected to the XDM and click Next.
The Network Connection Wizard Connection Availability window

Figure A-8: Network Connection Wizard Connection Availability window

7. To enable the connection for all active users, select For All Users and click

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LCT-XDM User Manual SLIP Installation

The Completing the Network Connection Wizard window opens.

Figure A-9: Completing the Network Connection Wizard window

8. In the text box, enter a name for the connection, for example, XDM_SLIP.
9. Select the Add a Shortcut to This Connection to My Desktop checkbox to
create a desktop shortcut to the connection, and click Finish.
The defined connection is created and its shortcut appears on the desktop.

10. Click Finish (again).

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SLIP Installation LCT-XDM User Manual

The defined connection is created and appears in the Network and Dial-up
Connections window.

Figure A-10: Network and Dial-up Connections window showing new


After defining the connection and creating its desktop shortcut, you must define
the properties for the connection, including the protocol to be used and the IP

To define the connection properties:

1. On the desktop, double-click the shortcut for the connection you defined.
The Connect XDM_SLIP window opens.

Figure A-11: Connect XDM_SLIP window

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LCT-XDM User Manual SLIP Installation

2. Click Properties.
The XDM_SLIP window for the connection you defined opens.

Figure A-12: Connection Properties window, General tab

3. Click Configure.

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SLIP Installation LCT-XDM User Manual

The Modem Configuration window opens.

Figure A-13: Modem Configuration window

The default settings for the connection are automatically detected. It is

recommended that you do not change the default settings in this window
unless you need to modify the modem speed. Change the modem speed in
the Maximum speed dropdown list if required, and click OK to accept your

The XDM_SLIP Properties window opens.

Figure A-14: XDM_SLIP Properties window

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4. Click the Options tab.

Figure A-15: XDM_SLIP Properties window, Options tab

5. Clear the Prompt for Name and Password, Certificate, etc. checkbox.

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SLIP Installation LCT-XDM User Manual

6. Click the Networking tab.

Figure A-16: XDM_SLIP Properties window, Networking tab

7. In the Type of Dial-Up Server I am Calling dropdown list, select SLIP:

Unix Connection.
When selecting this option, the SLIP protocol will be used for the

8. In the Components Checked are Used by This Connection dropdown list,

select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.

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LCT-XDM User Manual SLIP Installation

The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window opens, where you

specify the IP address to be used for the client connection.

Figure A-17: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window

9. In the IP address field, enter

This is the IP address for SLIP communication with the XDM.

10. Click Advanced.

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SLIP Installation LCT-XDM User Manual

The Advanced TCP/IP Settings window opens.

Figure A-18: Advanced TCP/IP Settings window

11. Clear the Use Default Gateway on Remote Network checkbox and click
The Advanced (TCP/IP) Properties window opens.

12. Click OK to save your changes and close the window.

The XDM_SLIP Properties window opens.

13. Click OK to save your changes and exit the window.

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LCT-XDM User Manual SLIP Installation

SLIP Installation for Windows XP

If your LCT-XDM station (PC) is running Windows XP, use the following
procedures to install them and define their properties.

To install SLIP drivers when running Windows XP:

1. On the Start menu, select Programs > Accessories > Communications >
New Connection Wizard.
The New Connection Wizard Welcome window opens.

Figure A-19: New Connection Wizard Welcome window

2. Click Next.

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SLIP Installation LCT-XDM User Manual

The New Connection Wizard Network Connection Type window opens.

Figure A-20: New Connection Wizard Network Connection Type window

3. Select Set Up an Advanced Connection and click Next.

The New Connection Wizard Advanced Connection Options window

Figure A-21: New Connection Wizard Advanced Connection Options window

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LCT-XDM User Manual SLIP Installation

4. Select Connect Directly to Another Computer and click Next.

The New Connection Wizard Host or Guest window opens.

Figure A-22: New Connection Wizard Host or Guest window

5. Select Guest and click Next.

The New Connection Wizard Connection Name window opens.

Figure A-23: New Connection Wizard Connection Name window

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SLIP Installation LCT-XDM User Manual

6. In the Computer Name field, enter a name for the connection, such as
XDM_SLIP, and click Next.
The New Connection Wizard Select a Device window opens.

Figure A-24: New Connection Wizard Select a Device window

7. In the Select a Device dropdown list, select the serial communications port
corresponding to the device to be connected to the XDM and click Next.

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The Completing the Network Connection Wizard window opens.

Figure A-25: Completing the New Connection Wizard window

8. Select the Add a Shortcut to This Connection to My Desktop checkbox to

create a desktop shortcut for the connection, and click Finish.
The defined connection is created and its shortcut appears on the desktop.

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SLIP Installation LCT-XDM User Manual

To define the properties for the connection, including the

protocol and the IP address:
1. On the desktop, double-click the shortcut for the connection you defined.
The Connect XDM_SLIP window opens.

Figure A-26: Connect XDM_SLIP window

2. Click Properties.

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LCT-XDM User Manual SLIP Installation

The XDM_SLIP Properties window, General tab, for the connection


Figure A-27: Properties window General tab

3. Click Configure.

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SLIP Installation LCT-XDM User Manual

The Modem Configuration window opens.

Figure A-28: Modem Configuration window

The default settings for the connection are automatically detected. It is

recommended that you do not change the default settings in this window.
But if you need to change the modem speed, select a new speed in the
Maximum speed (bps) dropdown list, and then click OK to save your

The XDM_SLIP Properties window for the connection opens.

Figure A-29: XDM_SLIP Properties window

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4. Click the Options tab.

Figure A-30: XDM_SLIP Properties window, Options tab

5. Clear the Prompt for Name and Password, Certificate, etc. checkbox.

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SLIP Installation LCT-XDM User Manual

6. Click the Networking tab.

Figure A-31: XDM_SLIP Properties window, Networking tab

7. In the Type of Dial-up Server I am Calling dropdown list, select SLIP:

Unix Connection.
When selecting this option, the SLIP protocol is used for the connection.

8. In the This connection Uses the Following Items list, select Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.

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LCT-XDM User Manual SLIP Installation

The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window opens.

Figure A-32: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window

In this window, you specify the IP address to be used for the client

9. Select Use the Following IP Address, and in the adjacent IP address field,
This IP address is fixed and is the address always used for SLIP
communication with the XDM.

10. Click Advanced.

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SLIP Installation LCT-XDM User Manual

The Advanced TCP/IP Settings window opens.

Figure A-33: Advanced TCP/IP Settings window

11. Clear the Use Default Gateway on Remote Network checkbox and click
The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window reappears.

12. Click OK to save your changes and exit the window.

The XDM_SLIP Properties window for the connection opens.

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LCT-XDM User Manual SLIP Installation

13. Click the Advanced tab.

Figure A-34: Properties window Advanced tab

14. In the Internet Connection Firewall area of the window, clear the checkbox.
Clearing this option disables the firewall protection for this connection.

15. Click OK to save your changes and close the connection's Properties

Checking the SLIP Connection

After defining a SLIP connection, check that it works.

To check the SLIP connection:

1. To check that a proper connection can be made to the XDM, use the Ping
Start > Run:

2. Ping the IP address:

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A-28 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

Summary of Menu

In this appendix:
Overview ........................................................................................................ B-1
Actions Menu ................................................................................................. B-2
Card Menu ...................................................................................................... B-3
Configuration Menu ....................................................................................... B-3
Connections Menu.......................................................................................... B-6
Element Menu ................................................................................................ B-7
Help Menu ...................................................................................................... B-7
Maintenance Menu ......................................................................................... B-8
System Menu .................................................................................................. B-9
Search Menu ................................................................................................... B-9
View Menu ................................................................................................... B-10
Window Menu .............................................................................................. B-11
XC Menu ...................................................................................................... B-12
Additional Menu Commands........................................................................ B-13

This appendix describes the LCT-XDM menu commands, their respective
functions, and relevant window in which they appear.
| Main window menus are listed with a checkmark (9) in the M column.
| Shelf window menus are listed with a checkmark (9) in the S column.
| Card Internals window menus are listed with a checkmark (9) in the C

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Summary of Menu Commands LCT-XDM User Manual

| XC Browser window menus are listed with a checkmark (9) in the XCB
| XC List window menus are listed with a checkmark (9) in the XCL
| Enhanced functions that are available only as part of the enhanced
package of LCT-XDM (purchased at an additional cost) and require a USB
hardware key are marked with in the E column. Column headers related
to enhanced package functions or windows are shaded.

NOTE: Alarm Severity, Thresholds, XC Browser, and XC

List windows are available only as part of the enhanced
package of LCT-XDM. They require a USB key to open them
and to access all inherent functionality. For XCs, Lockout,
Force Switch, and Manual Switch are enhanced
maintenance functions and require a USB key.

For convenience, the following sections are divided per menu, listing related
menu options in alphabetical order.

Actions Menu
Menu command Function M S C XCB XCL E
Activate Activates XCS and completes XC creation 9
Add Adds selected STS-1 or STS object to XCS to 9
add traffic to NE. (Enabled per relevant XC
Add & Drop Adds and drops selected STS-1 or STS object 9
to XCS to add and drop NE traffic. (Enabled
per relevant XC template.)
Configure Opens Configure XC Set window, where you 9 9
can view and modify parameters of selected
Create XC Opens XC Browser, where you can create, 9 9 9 9
modify, and activate XCs and XCSs (see
"Using the XC Browser" on page 7-12).
Create XC Opens XC Wizard, where you can create XC 9 9 9 9
Template templates (see "Using XC Templates" on page
Drop Drops selected STS-1 or STS object to XCS to 9
drop traffic from NE. (Enabled per relevant XC

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LCT-XDM User Manual Summary of Menu Commands

Menu command Function M S C XCB XCL E

Remove Removes resource from TP in XC template 9
shown in Constructor area.
XC List Opens XC List window, where you can view 9 9
list of XCs, display zoom view of selected
XCS, and delete XCs.

Card Menu
Menu command Function M S C XCB XCL E
Card Setup Open Card Setup window, where you can 9 9
view and modify card setup parameters for
relevant cards (see "Card Setup" on page 5-21).
Current Alarms Displays current alarms for selected card (also 9 9
available for NE and XCS) (see "Viewing
Current Alarms" on page 8-2)
DCC Group Changes DCC group of card (see "Changing
DCC Group Type" on page 5-185).
Info Displays Info window for this object and any 9 9
related objects (see "Viewing and Modifying
NE Information" on page 4-15)
Open Opens Internals window of selected card 9
Show External Opens External Alarms window, where you 9
Alarms can view and define external input and output
alarms (see "Defining External Alarm Inputs"
on page 8-18)

Configuration Menu
Menu command Function M S C
Assign Assigns card to slot or module in XDM NE shelf (see "Card 9 9
Assignment" on page 5-9).
Associate Associates cards with protection group, pairing one standby card 9
with one or more cards for protection (see "Configuring IOP
Protection" on page 5-33).
Attenuation Sets OADM/DW card's Power Control Object attenuation and 9
attenuation control mechanism of both added and pass through
channels (incoming power monitor and tracking input power
changes) (see "Viewing and Modifying OADM/DW Power
Control Object Attenuation" on page 5-122).
Buzzer Severity Sets alarm severity that triggers buzzer (see "Setting the Buzzer 9
Severity" on page 8-22).

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary B-3

Summary of Menu Commands LCT-XDM User Manual

Menu command Function M S C

Channel XC Defines Add/Drop optical channels of OADM Power Control 9
object (see "Viewing and modifying Channel XC parameters" on
page 5-113).
Concatenation Triggers group concatenation mode as unidirectional add, 9
Mode unidirectional drop, or as bidirectional (default setting upon
opening (SIO, XIO, SIM, or SAM) Internals window) (see
"Concatenating STS-3c SPEs" on page 5-163).
Concatenation Rate Sets STS-3c SPE concatenation rate as STS-3c SPE_4c (default 9
setting)or STS-3c SPE_16c (see "Concatenating STS-3c SPEs" on
page 5-163).
Create Sets concatenation type as contiguous to virtual, virtual through, 9
Concatenation virtual consecutive, or contiguous (see "Concatenating STS-3c
SPEs" on page 5-163).
Create Group Creates group to which you can assign NEs (see "NE Groups" on 9
page 4-3).
Create NE Opens Create NE window, where you can enter new NE IP 9
address to create new NE (see "Creating NEs" on page 4-2).
Delete Group Deletes selected NE group (see "Deleting NE Groups" on page 9
Delete NE Deletes selected NE (see "Deleting NEs" on page 4-8). 9
Disassociate Disassociates selected cards that are part of protection group (see 9
"Removing IOP Protection" on page 5-35).
Expected Payload Enables expected Rx payload carrying on selected card (see 9
Carrying (Rx) "Enabling Rx Expected Payload Carrying" on page 5-106).
Gain Sets base gain source and required gain frequencies for selected 9
OFA card's Power Control object (see "Additional setup for OFA
cards" on page 5-133).
Granularity Sets STS granularity (see "Allocating STSs" on page 5-70). 9
IP Networking Opens IP Networking window where you can create, view, and 9 9
modify IP Network Interface, DCC Termination, and OSPF
interface parameters (see "DCC and IP Networking" on page
L2 EoS UNI/NNI Assigns Layer 2 EoS port type for EISMB card (see "Assigning 9
Port Types" on page 5-80).
L2 ETY UNI/NNI Assigns Layer 2 ETY port type for EISMB card (see "Assigning 9
Port Types" on page 5-80).
Move to Group Moves/assigns selected NE to a group, as shown in Topology tree 9
on left (see "Removing an NE from an NE Group" on page 4-6).
APS Linear Opens APS Linear Browser window, where you can configure 9 9 9
APS linear protection (see "Configuring APS Linear Protection"
on page 5-56).
Payload Carrying Enables Tx payload carrying on selected card (see "Enabling Tx 9
(Tx) Payload Carrying" on page 5-105).

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LCT-XDM User Manual Summary of Menu Commands

Menu command Function M S C

Reassign Reassigns card to slot or module in XDM NE shelf (see 9 9
"Reassigning Components" on page 5-11).
RED Opens RED Configuration window, where you can configure
RED curves (see "Configuring RED Curves" on page 5-50).
Rename Group Renames selected NE group (see "Renaming NE Groups" on page 9
Routing Opens Routing window, where you can view, add, and modify IP 9 9
routing entries for selected XDM NE (see "Viewing and
modifying static routes" on page 4-33).
RSTP Opens RSTP Configuration window, where you can configure
RSTP protection for EIS/EISM ports.
Timing Opens Timing window, where you can configure XDM NE timing 9 9
parameters, including user quality BITS-in input and BITS-out
output reference timing sources (see "Viewing and Modifying
Timing Configuration" on page 4-74).
TMU Associate Associates TMUs of a reassigned HLXC (to HLXC-384) or XIO 9 9
card that has been automatically disassociated by the system from
a protection group (see "Associating TMUs for Reassigned
HLXC/XIO Cards" on page 5-13).
TMU Disassociate Disassociates TMUs from protection group (see "Associating 9 9
TMUs for Reassigned HLXC/XIO Cards" on page 5-13).
Unassign Unassigns card from slot or module in XDM NE shelf (see 9 9
"Unassigning Slots" on page 5-11).
Ungroup Ungroups concatenation group. (This command is enabled 9
whenever you select any STS-3c object that is part of
concatenation group in SIO, XIO, SIM, or SAM Internals
window (see "Removing Group Concatenation" on page 5-166).)
Unused Assigns port type as unused for EISMB card (see "Assigning Port 9
Types" on page 5-80).
Update NVM Enables updating NVM card manually during LCT-XDM session
(see "Updating the NVM Card" on page 5-31).

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Summary of Menu Commands LCT-XDM User Manual

Connections Menu
Menu command Function M S C XCB XCL E
Create Flow Opens Create Flow window, where you can 9 9
creates EIS flows (see "Creating Ethernet
Flows" on page 6-8).
Create Policer Opens Create Policer window, where you can 9 9
create policers to police the traffic carried by
each Ethernet Layer 2 flow in an
EIS/EISM/EISMB card (see "Creating
Policers" on page 6-2).
Create VSI Opens Create VSI window, where you can 9 9
connect two networks to regulate traffic
according to specified CoS levels for selected
MCS5 card (see "Creating VSIs" on page
Create XC Opens XC Browser, where you can create, 9 9 9 9
modify, and activate XCs and XCSs (see
"Using the XC Browser" on page 7-12).
Create XC template Opens XC Wizard, where you can create XC 9 9 9 9
templates (see "Using XC Templates" on page
Flow List Opens Flow List window, where you can view 9 9
and modify a list of activated Ethernet flows
(see "Managing Flows" on page 6-14).
Policer List Opens Policer window, where you can you can 9 9
manage policers defined in network (see
"Managing Policers" on page 6-5).
VSI List Opens VSI List window, you can manage VSIs 9 9
defined in network for selected MCS5 card (see
"Managing VSIs" on page 5-94).
XC List Opens XC List window, where you can view 9 9 9
list of XCs, display zoom view of selected
XCS, and delete XCs (see "Using the XC List"
on page 7-43).

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LCT-XDM User Manual Summary of Menu Commands

Element Menu
Menu command Function M S C
Backup DB Backs up the LCT-XDM database (see "Backing Up the Database" 9
on page 4-25).
Connect Connects to selected NE 9
Current Alarms Displays list of current alarms 9 9
Disconnect Disconnects from selected NE 9
Install Opens Install window, where you can configure initial NE 9
installation parameters
Inventory Displays NE inventory data and hardware revision details. 9
IP Networking Opens IP Networking window where you can create, view, and 9 9
modify IP Network Interface, DCC Termination, and OSPF
interface parameters (see "DCC and IP Networking" on page 4-40).
Maintenance Info Displays maintenance information for selected NE, card, or 9 9 9
equipment module.
APS Linear Opens APS Linear Browser window, where you can configure 9 9
APS linear protection (see "Configuring APS Linear Protection" on
page 5-56).
Restore DB Opens Restore DB window, where you can restore and activate 9
LCT-XDM backup database files (see "Backing Up the Database"
on page 4-25).
Routing Opens Routing window, where you can view, add, and modify IP
routing entries for selected XDM NE
Shelf Opens Shelf window of selected NE, where you can view and 9
perform operations on actual/expected XDM equipment
Timing Opens Timing window, where you can configure XDM NE timing 9 9
parameters, including user quality BITS-in input and BITS-out
output reference timing sources (see "Viewing and Modifying
Timing Configuration" on page 4-74).

Help Menu
Menu command Function M S C
About LCT-XDM Opens LCT-XDM About window, where you can view version 9
information (see "Viewing Version Information" on page 3-19)
Help Topics Opens LCT-XDM PDF, where you can access information on 9
operating LCT-XDM

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary B-7

Summary of Menu Commands LCT-XDM User Manual

Maintenance Menu
Menu Command Function M S C E
Control Card Synchronizes selected MXC,XMCP control card. 9
Force/Send AIS Determines whether AIS is forced or sent automatically (in 9
cases of AIS situation only) (see "Performing Equipment
Maintenance" on page 5-190).
Force/Send VT Determines whether STS-1-AIS is forced or sent 9
STS-1-AIS automatically (in cases of STS-1-AIS situation only (see
"Performing Equipment Maintenance" on page 5-190)).
Equipment Enables you to activate or release a forced switch (see 9 9
Protection Force "Manually Switching to Protection and Applying Protection
Switch Lockout" on page 5-36).
Equipment Enables you to activate or release a main or protection 9 9
Protection Lockout lockout (see "Manually Switching to Protection and
Applying Protection Lockout" on page 5-36).
FDB Flush Clear contents of FDB table (see "Flushing the FDB" on 9 9
page 5-84).
FDB Table Opens FDB Table window, where you can retrieve 9 9
database information identifying specific Ethernet hosts
sending traffic and which ports are associated with that host
(see "Accessing the FDB" on page 5-81).
Loopback Enables you to activate or release facility (far-end) and 9
terminal (near-end) loopbacks (see "Performing Equipment
Maintenance" on page 5-190).
Equipment Enables you to activate or release a manual switch (see 9 9
Protection Manual "Manually Switching to Protection and Applying Protection
Switch Lockout" on page 5-36).
Maintenance Info Displays maintenance information for selected NE, card, or 9 9 9
equipment module.
Reset Equipment Resets selected XDM equipment (performs cold/warm 9
Send BDI Determines whether BDI is forced or sent automatically (in 9
cases of BDI situation only) (see "Performing Equipment
Maintenance" on page 5-190).
Available for TRP25_4 and combiner cards only.
Send CSF Determines whether a CSF alarm signal is sent to an object; 9
traffic-affecting (see "Performing Equipment Maintenance"
on page 5-190).
Send NDC Determines whether an NDC alarm signal is sent to an 9
object; traffic-affecting (see "Performing Equipment
Maintenance" on page 5-190).

B-8 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

LCT-XDM User Manual Summary of Menu Commands

Menu Command Function M S C E

Send RDI Determines whether RDI is forced or sent automatically (in 9
cases of RDI situation only (see "Performing Equipment
Maintenance" on page 5-190)).
Tx Pattern Determines pseudo random and square wave transmission 9

System Menu
Menu command Function M S C
Auto Connect Connects automatically to all available XDM NEs in system (see 9
"Connecting to NEs" on page 4-9)
Current Alarms Opens Current Alarms window, where you can view all current 9
alarms for all connected NEs (see "Viewing Current Alarms" on
page 8-2)
Exit Closes LCT-XDM application (see "Exiting LCT-XDM" on page 9
Lock Locks current system settings (see "Locking and Unlocking 9
LCT-XDM" on page 3-20)
NE Password Opens Change NE Password window, where you can change NE
password (see "Changing NE Password" on page 2-14).
Preferences Sets system preferences (see "Setting System Preferences" on page 9
Print Prints data displayed in active LCT-XDM window (see "Printing 9
LCT-XDM Data" on page 3-15)
Print Preview Displays print preview of data in active LCT-XDM window (see 9
"Printing LCT-XDM Data" on page 3-15)
Print to File Prints to file the data displayed in active LCT-XDM window (see 9
"Printing LCT-XDM Data" on page 3-15)
Synchronize RTC Synchronizes system real time clock to set time to all connected 9
NEs (see "Synchronizing the Real Time Clock" on page 4-19)

Search Menu
Menu command Function M S C
Find Opens Find window opens, where you can specify XDM NE 9
criteria to search for in NE list in main window (see "Finding NEs"
on page 4-24).
Find Next Searches for next XDM NE in NE list and highlights it (see 9
"Finding NEs" on page 4-24).

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary B-9

Summary of Menu Commands LCT-XDM User Manual

View Menu
The following table displays extra columns, describing additional View menu
commands that appear in the following windows.
| Info window menus are listed with a checkmark (9) in the Inf column
| Attributes window (Application Code, ALS State, ALS Duration,
Default Laser State) menus are listed with a checkmark (9) in the Attrib
| Alarm Severity window menus are listed with a checkmark (9) in the AS
| Thresholds window menus are listed with a checkmark (9) in the T

Menu command Function M S C Inf Att AS T XCB XCL E

Apply Applies changes 9 9 9 9
Close Closes current window 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Edit Profile Enables editing selected 9

alarm severity profiles
(see "Defining Alarm
Severity Profiles" on
page 8-9)
Freestyle Sets structure of XCS in 9
XC Browser as freestyle
Info Displays Info window 9 9
for this object and any
related objects (see
"Viewing and Modifying
NE Information" on page
Mode Toggles Shelf window 9
(Actual, Expected) from expected display to
actual display and (vice
versa (see "Actual and
Expected views" on page
APS Linear Info Displays APS Linear 9
Info window (see
"Viewing APS Linear
Information" on page

B-10 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

LCT-XDM User Manual Summary of Menu Commands

Menu command Function M S C Inf Att AS T XCB XCL E

NE Info Displays NE Info 9
window (see "Viewing
and Modifying NE
Information" on page
Propagate Propagates attributes to 9 9
enable applying changes
concurrently to all
objects listed in current
attributes (Application
Code, ALS State, ALS
Duration, Default
Laser State) window
(see "Propagating
Card/Port Attributes" on
page 5-27)
Reload Refreshes current 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Set Profile Sets selected alarm 9 9
severity (see "Assigning
Alarm Severity Profiles"
on page 8-11) or PM
threshold (see "Viewing
and Modifying PM
Threshold Profiles" on
page 9-4) profiles
Show Alarms Toggles display of alarm 9
LEDs shown on selected
XCS objects in Card
Internals area of XC
Browser (see "Viewing
Internal Object Alarm
LEDs" on page 7-48)

Window Menu
Menu command Function M S C
Cascade Displays multiple windows as cascading 9
Tile Horizontally Displays multiple windows in horizontal arrangement 9
Tile Vertically Displays multiple windows in vertical arrangement 9
Switch Switches between active windows (see "Switching Windows" on 9
page 3-13)
Close Closes selected windows simultaneously (see "Closing Windows" 9
on page 3-14)

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary B-11

Summary of Menu Commands LCT-XDM User Manual

XC Menu
Menu command Function M S C XCB XCL E
Close Closes XC List window (see "Using the XC 9
List" on page 7-43)
Configure Opens Configure XC Set window, where you 9 9
can view and modify parameters of selected
Create XC Opens XC Browser, where you can create, 9 9 9 9
modify, and activate XCs and XCSs (see "Using
the XC Browser" on page 7-12)
Create XC Opens XC Wizard, where you can create XC 9 9 9 9
Template templates (see "Using XC Templates" on page
Current Alarms Opens Current Alarms window, where you can 9
view current alarms of selected XC (see "Using
the XC List" on page 7-43).
Delete Deletes selected XCS 9
Edit Opens XC Browser of selected XCS, where you 9
can view and modify XCS parameters
Reload Reloads XC List window setting to previous 9
version saved in database
Show Displays selected XCS in XC Set area in bottom 9
area of XC List window

B-12 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

LCT-XDM User Manual Summary of Menu Commands

Additional Menu Commands

The following sections contain additional menu commands that appear on
shortcut menus (and not on any main menu bars).

Fault Management Commands

Menu command Function M S C E
Alarm Severity Defines severity level of each alarm for selected object 9 9
Current Alarms Displays current alarms for selected object (see "Viewing 9 9
Current Alarms" on page 8-2)
Show External Enables defining external input and output alarms (see 9
Alarms "Setting External Alarms" on page 8-17)
Buzzer Severity Sets level for activating alarm severity buzzer; (Critical, 9
Major, Minor, or Warning) (see "Setting the Buzzer Severity"
on page 8-22)

Performance Monitoring Commands

Menu command Function M S C XCB XCL E
PM Current Displays the current PM data (see "Viewing 9
Current Performance" on page 9-2).
PM Reset Counters Resets 15-minute or daily PM counters. Also 9
available as menu option in Configure XC Set
window, accessed from XC Browser and XC
List window (see "Resetting PM Counters" on
page 9-3).
Thresholds Enables configuration of PM thresholds (see 9
"Viewing and Modifying PM Threshold
Profiles" on page 9-4).

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary B-13

Summary of Menu Commands LCT-XDM User Manual

Miscellaneous Shortcut Menu Commands

in the Shelf and Internals Windows
Menu command Function M S C
Attributes Enables viewing and modifying following attributes of selected 9
objects: Application Code, ALS State, ALS Duration, Default
Laser State. Also accessible in Info window of selected internal
object (see "Configuring Card/Port Attributes" on page 5-22).
Cold Reset Enables cold reset of cards in Shelf window. (Relevant only for 9
actual cards and not for expected cards.) (see "Resetting Cards" on
page 5-30)
DCC Termination Terminates DCCs by connecting Section or Line objects on I/O 9
ports to COM DCC channels (see "DCC Termination" on page
5-179). (Relevant for basic version of LCT-XDM.)
Full XC Forces full XC on card that does not have pre-existing XCs on it. 9
(Designed for ECI technicians' usage and is available only for
certain cards (see "Forcing Full XCs" on page 5-194).)
GCC0 Termination Terminates GCC0s by connecting objects on GCC0 ports to COM
DCC channel (see "GCC0 Termination" on page 5-185)s.
(Relevant for basic version of LCT-XDM.)
Optical Parameters Displays PM information (that is, available optical wavelengths) 9
for cards with optical modules (for example, SIO16-2). (see
"Viewing and Modifying Optical Wavelength Settings" on page
Panel Layout Displays panel layout of card module or schematic diagram 9
showing physical panel, ports, and LED positions (see
"Propagating Card/Port Attributes" on page 5-27).
Select Group Selects group for association/disassociation, such as for selected 9
Warm Reset Enables warm reset of cards in Shelf window. (see "Resetting 9
Cards" on page 5-30) (Relevant only for actual cards and not for
expected cards.) (see "Resetting Cards" on page 5-30)

B-14 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

A TRP protection • 5-42
updating the NVM card • 5-31
viewing alarm severity profiles for
current • 8-2 cards • 8-9
external • 8-17 viewing panel layouts • 5-29
managing • 8-1 XDM types • 5-2
muting the buzzer • 8-23 Combiner • 5-143
setting buzzer severity • 8-22 Combiner10_T • 5-145
severity profiles • 8-8 Concatenation • 5-162
system • 8-2 creating concatenated XCs • 7-34
APS Linear protection • 5-55 creating concatenation • 5-163
configuring • 5-56 Configuring
performing maintenance • 5-63 LCT-XDM cards • 5-1
removing • 5-64 NEs • 4-1
viewing information • 5-61 Cross connects • 7-1
Auxiliary • 5-147
Cards backing up • 4-25
assigning to slots • 5-9 restoring • 4-26
associating TMs for reassigned DCC
HLXC • 5-13
termination • 5-179
configuring attributes • 5-22
DIO • 5-101
configuring power control • 5-110
adding STSs to GEoS ports • 5-102
I/O protection • 5-32
configuring GEoS ports and payload
internals view • 5-64 carrying • 5-103
modifying information • 5-17 enabling GEoS ports • 5-104
modifying optical wavelength settings enabling RX payload carrying • 5-106
• 5-26
enabling TX payload carrying • 5-105
modifying setup • 5-21
removing from GEoS ports • 5-103
MSP 1+1 linear information • 5-61
DIOB/DIOM • 5-107
performing cold/warm reset • 5-30
DW16vMDRE • 5-115
reassigning • 5-11
resetting • 5-30

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary I-1

Index LCT-XDM User Manual

EIS/EISM • 5-68 Launching LCT-XDM • 2-11
allocating STSs • 5-70 LCT-XDM • 1-1
enabling ports • 5-72 common windows • 3-11
removing VCs • 5-71 description • 1-1
viewing available STSs • 5-69 general concepts • 1-2
EISMB • 5-76 installing • 2-2
assigning ports • 5-80 overview • 1-1
Forwarding Database (FDB) • 5-80 workflow • 1-2
legends for ETY and EoS ports • 5-79 Locking LCT-XDM • 3-20
Ethernet flows Login • 2-15
creating • 6-8 M
deleting • 6-18
Main window • 3-2
editing • 6-17
fields and symbols • 3-8
managing • 6-14
main menu bar • 3-3
Exiting LCT-XDM • 3-21
main toolbar • 3-6
G Maintenance
GCC0 equipment • 5-190
legend • 5-189 forcing full XCs • 5-194
termination • 5-185 information • 5-192
H synchronizing control card • 5-193
MCS5 • 5-84
Handshake with EMS-XDM • 3-10
creating VSIs, See Also VSIs • 5-90
I filtering port list • 5-88
I/O protection • 5-32 legends • 5-87
configuring • 5-33 workflow • 5-86
in XDM-100 platforms • 5-39 Menu commands
manually switching and applying summary • B-1
lockout • 5-36 MXC • 5-67
removing • 5-35 disabling redundancy • 5-195
viewing status • 5-38
Installation • 2-2
Internal objects • 5-152

I-2 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

LCT-XDM User Manual Index

N Policers
NE groups creating • 6-6
assigning • 4-4 deleting • 6-7
creating • 4-3 editing and activating • 6-6
deleting • 4-7 managing • 6-5
removing • 4-6 Ports
renaming • 4-5 modifying information • 5-149
NEs monitoring performance • 9-1
changing password • 2-14 viewing alarm severity • 8-9
configuring • 4-11 Power control
connecting • 4-9 attenuation • 5-121, 5-122
creating • 4-2 basic priniciples • 5-120
deleting • 4-8 configuring • 5-110
finding • 4-24 incoming power monitor • 5-123
information • 4-15 network setup • 5-120
installing • 4-11 tracking input power changes • 5-124,
managing • 4-1
Power dissipation indicator • 5-16
NVM • 5-31
Printing • 3-15
O Protection • 5-195
OADM • 5-111 R
channel XC parameters • 5-113
Real Time Clock • 4-19
OFA • 5-130, 5-132, 5-134
RED curves • 5-49
OHU • 5-148
configuring RED • 5-50
Operating modes • 3-9
graphical reports • 5-53
OPM • 5-147
legend • 5-54
Optical parameters • 5-178
P preliminary platform • 2-1
Performance monitoring • 9-1 Routing
PM threshold profiles • 9-4 actual • 4-39
resetting PM counters • 9-3 DCC and IP (OSPF) • 4-40
viewing current PM data • 9-2 static • 4-33
PIO/PIM/PDB • 5-66 RSTP protection • 5-44
configuring • 5-44
modifying bridge information • 5-46

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary I-3

Index LCT-XDM User Manual

S editing • 5-96
Shelf View managing • 5-94
accessing • 4-58 VSI List • 5-96
actual and expected views • 4-67 W
alarm color-coding • 4-73 Windows, See Also Main window
card symbols • 4-70 closing • 3-14
display conventions • 4-67 switching • 3-13
menu bar • 4-68 using • 3-11
toolbar • 4-68 Workflow • 1-2
using • 4-59
XDM shelves • 4-59
SIO/SIM • 5-67 XC Browser
SLIP Drivers alarm LEDs • 7-48
checking connections • A-27 Card Internals View • 7-16
SLIP drivers • A-1 Constructor area • 7-18
Windows 2000 • A-3 legend • 7-17
Windows XP • A-15 menu bar • 7-14
SUN Java Plug-In 1.4.2 • 2-7 Shelf View • 7-15
system • 4-20 toolbar • 7-14
XC List • 7-46
deleting XCSs • 7-49
Timing sources • 4-74 menu bar • 7-45
TRP toolbar • 7-45
configuring optical channels • 5-169 viewing XC Sets • 7-43
enabling ALS • 5-171 XC Wizard • 7-4
enabling FEC • 5-172 basic XC template • 7-5, 7-8, 7-11
modifying TRP10_LAN parameters • XCs
activating • 7-42
protection • 5-42
advanced template • 7-11
TRP25_25 card internals • 5-169
basic template • 7-5
V configuring • 7-39
Version information • 3-19 creating • 7-19
VSIs creating concatenated • 7-34
creating • 5-90 creating data XCs • 7-26
deleting • 5-97 creating DCC XCs • 7-29
creating External DCCs • 7-31
creating GCC0 XCs • 7-33

I-4 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

LCT-XDM User Manual Index

deleting • 7-49
designating direction and protection
states • 7-36
protected template • 7-8
removing transmission objects from
endpoints • 7-38
setting up • 7-1
viewing internal object alarm LEDs •
workflow • 7-3
XC Browser • 7-12
XC List • 7-43
XC transmission objects • 7-2
XC Wizard • 7-4
card internals • 5-64
cards • 5-2
NEs • 4-1
shelves • 4-59

432006-2402-2S3-A00 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary I-5

Index LCT-XDM User Manual

I-6 ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary 432006-2402-2S3-A00

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