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Hi there! Welcome to a new semester full of learning as well as fun! Are you ready to start
your journey in our PATHFIT 3?

You are about to enter the world of PATHFIT 3 in which we will be exploring the world of
dance. But before anything else, you will start your adventure reviewing the Palawan State
University’s Mission, Vision, Quality Policy and Core Values while on the second part of this
unit we will be discussing Physical Fitness Assessments where we will check your fitness
level. So, gear up and let’s start this adventure going!

At the end of this module, you are able to:

a. Formulate feedback on the PSU Mission, Vision, Quality Policy and Core Values; and
b. Interpret Physical Fitness Test results relative to fitness standards.

Activity 1.1
ENVISIONED. How do you see yourself 5-10 years? What will you be doing
by then? What are the goals you reached during those years? Write down your
thoughts below.


Page 1
Palawan State University

PSU Vision

An internationally recognized university that provides relevant and innovative

education and research for lifelong learning and sustainable development.

PSU Mission

Palawan State University is committed to upgrade people’s quality of life by

providing education opportunities through excellent instruction, research and
innovation, extension, production services, and transnational collaborations.

PSU Quality Policy

“We Provide equal opportunities for relevant, innovative, and internationally

recognized higher education programs and advanced studies for lifelong learning and
sustainable development.

We Strongly commit to deliver excellence in instruction, research, extension, and

transnational programs in order to meet the increasing levels of stakeholder demand
as well as statutory and regulatory requirements.

The University shall continually monitor, review and upgrade its quality
management system to ensure compliance with national and international standards
and requirements.

Page 2
PSU Core Values

E – Excellence in service

Q - Quality assurance

U - Unity in diversity

A- Advocacy for sustainable development

L- Leadership by example

I - Innovation

T - Transparency

Y - Youth Empowerment

Activity 1.2

In this module, I am able to learn and discover things like____________________________

As I go through the lessons, I feel_______________________________________________
And because of this, I can confidently share these learnings and ______________________

Page 3
Assessment I. REFLECTIVE JOURNAL. Write a journal that states your reflection about the
PSU Mission, Vision, Quality Policy and Core Values and discuss how it will contribute to each
milestone in your life. (10 points each).

1. You as a student

2. You as a future PSU Graduate


3. You as a future professional


Page 4



 Rich in content;  Substantial  Information is  Little analysis,

Critical insightful information; thin and synthesis or
Thinking analysis, evidence of common evaluation
synthesis and analysis, place;  Little or no
evaluation synthesis and attempts made connections
 Clear evaluation at analysis, with any other
connections  General synthesis and material or are
made to real-life connections are evaluations off topic
situations or to made, but are  Connections
previous sometimes too are limited,
content obvious or not vague
clear generalities
are posted

 Entries are high  Connects ideas  Little evidence  Lack of

quality and thoughts to of personal connection to
consisting of personal life connection personal life
Personal personal  Shows evidence  Many
Reflection reflections that of personal connections
connect connection to need further
between real- learning explanation or
life learning and justification

 An occasional  Few  Obvious  Obvious

Surface grammatical or grammatical or grammatical or grammatical or
Features stylistic error stylistic errors stylistic errors; stylistic errors;
errors interfere errors make
with content content very
difficult to read
*Adapted from:

Page 5
Activity 1.1 (Student’s answer may vary)

Activity 1.2 (Student’s answer may vary)

Assessment I (Student’s answer may vary)


Palawan State University Student Handbook

Palawan State University. Retrieved Accessed 20 January

Page 6

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