Construccion de Inglés Virtual

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Vivir, Amar y Aprender WEEK:



Beginning this writing, I want to thank God for having health and my family with me.

  In the course of these days, I had the pleasant experience of being able to work virtually, see colleagues
and teachers through a screen.

Where each of us could share our opinions with the teacher through chat. Therefore, we start virtual
classes in each area two per day.

Another experience was how the English teacher shared the screen to explain the slides on the rules
that we must comply with in managing the platform, planning

and some themes from the second period, such as: comparatives and superlatives:



Good better THAN THE best

Ban worse THAN THE worst

Far farther furt Hes THAN THE farther furthet

Little less THAN THE least

Much ‘m more THAN THE most

With this theme, I felt very good since I did not have the pressure of the classmates chatting, and
therefore I felt very calm listening to the teacher without any interruption.

To end the virtual classes, they are one of the appropriate tools in these difficult times in which we find

Also, because we are adopting new ways of transmitting knowledge, however I hope that the situation
improves, to be able to see all the classmates and teachers since we need that physical presence.
El progresivo y los exámenes

Como primer lugar, el presente progresivo (compuesto por el verbo be y el gerundio

que se forma agregando -ing al final del verbo) se utiliza para expresar una acción en
curso, en progresión o inconclusa El presente progresivo (the present continuouso the
present progressive) se usa para hablar de una acción que está ocurriendo en este
momento.Cómo formar el presente progresivo El presente progresivo se forma con el
verbo to be (estar) en presente, más un gerundio (present participle). Fórmula del
present progressive to be

Veamos algunos ejemplos de frases que usan el presente progresivo: I am eating a

sandwich. Estoy comiendo un sándwich. The kids are playing. Los niños están jugando.
We are watching a movie. Estamos viendo una película.El presente progresivo se
forma con el verbo to be en el presente. Aquí hay un ejemplo de la conjugación del
verbo to be at (comer) en el presente progresivo. I am eating. Yo estoy comiendo. You
are eating. Tú estás comiendo./Usted está comiendo./Ustedes están
comiendo./Vosotros estáis comiendo.

He/she is eating.

Él/Ella está comiendo.

We are eating.

Nosotros estamos comiendo.

They are eating.

Ellos/Ellas están comiendo.

Como segundo lugar, realizamos la evaluación del 20% y un quiz lo cual me fue bien la
evaluación fue oral un video donde trataba de describir un juguete, mientras que el
quiz fue escrito. Gracias a estos exámenes pude desarrollar mejor los conocimientos
frente a los temas trabajados en el periodo.

Finalmente, estas tres semanas he adquirido nuevos conocimientos y fortalecido

otros, pero lo bueno es que a pesar de le situación que estamos viviendo, estamos
unidos y podemos continuar con nuestras clases.

The progressive and the exams

As a first place, the present progressive (composed of the verb be and the gerund that
is formed by adding -ing to the end of the verb) is used to express an action in progress,
in progression or unfinished The present progressive (the present continuouso the
present progressive ) is used to talk about an action that is taking place at the moment.
How to form the present present The progressive present tense is formed with the verb
to be (present), plus a gerund (present participle). Present progressive to be formula

Let's see some examples of phrases that use the present progressive: I am eating a
sandwich. I'm eating a sandwich. The kids are playing. The kids are playing. We are
watching a movie. We are watching a movie. The present progressive tense is formed
with the verb to be in the present tense. Here is an example of the conjugation of the
verb to be at (to eat) in the present progressive. I am eating. I am eating. You are
eating. You are eating / You are eating / You are eating / You are eating.

He / she is eating.

He / She is eating.

We are eating.

We are eating.

They are eating.

They are eating.

As a second place, we carried out the evaluation of 20% and a quiz which was good for
me the evaluation was oral a video where I tried to describe a toy, while the quiz was
written. Thanks to these exams I was able to better develop the knowledge regarding
the topics studied in the period.

Finally, these three weeks I have acquired new knowledge and strengthened others, but
the good thing is that despite the situation we are experiencing, we are united and we
can continue with our classes.

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