Quiz 19 China and Japan 1

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Trey Pritchard

AH 110
Quiz #19
China and Japan

1. What are the four most common types of Chinese paintings?

Hanging scrolls, handscrolls, album leaves, fans

2. What was unique about the way Fan Kuan lived?

He spent a lot of time in nature trying to recreate it

3. How did Emperor Huizong feel about painting?

He was more interested in painting and art than in governing

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4. What is the name of the tallest wood building in the world?

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The pagoda at Yingxian

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5. What is a “Chan Moment?”
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When the sound a blade striking bamboo resonates with the spiritual self and
pushes you through the final door of enlightenment
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6. What is a mandara?
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A stall or Pen for cattle

7. What would you find in a pagoda?

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Different floors representing different things each with their own “theme”

8. Who wrote the Tale of Genji?


Murasaki Shikibu

9. Who was Shunjobo Chogen?

A Japanese buddhist monk who rebuilt Todaiji


10. Who was Kuya?

A priest

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