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Reference #: Date:

Kaizen Report
Subject Process / Project

The Low Sales and Income of Driptea dues to Massive Consumption and Improper used of Goods Implementating Countermeasures Formulation and Solution Implementation and Standardization

Area / Location Department / Division

Crossing, Calamba Laguna near at the Bus Station Financial Department

Initial Condition (What was the problem?) Solution Description (What was implemented, changed or improved?)
There was a short coming or the loss of income for the month. The minimum and expected They analyze the financial statement and observed the condition in production and found out
income didn't reach it's limit that result to business loss. that they are consuming much of goods and utilities that result to high expenditures. The
business started to solved the problem by doing proper maximization of the supplies and utilities
so that they limit the consumptions of what is necessary.

Before (Include pictures, diagrams, etc.) After (Include pictures, diagrams, etc.)
Driptea Started to operate in 2019, during the The driptea started to identify the problem and
rise of the driptea they encounter a financial formulate countermeasures into it. They found
problem in the sales and income in the business out that there is a massive consumptions of
way back 2019. The total income during that time goods and supplies and improper maximization
is 24,000 and the expected income in that time is 32,0 of the raw materials. They formulate counter
32,000. The total income didn't reach the measures and increase it sales resulting to reach
expected income resulting for the business to and surpass the expected income from that
have loss of more than 8000 which is very month.
important because the business that time is The total income that time is 48,500 and
small. expected income is 32,000, In summary they
accumulated of 24,500 that is much better than
before of 8000.

Benefits Category Benefits Description (e.g. results, cost benefit analysis, cost savings etc.)
/ Quality / Safety / Health There are many benefits of this into the business, first is that it will increase their sales and income,
providing a more quality products to every customers since it has enough income to upgrade it's
/ Cost Environment / Energy quality, Second is that it lessen the cost of their expenses by applying proper use of utilities goods and
supplies. Third is it's efficiency because the expense are lessen and increase it's income, the efficiency
Delivery Customer responsiveness will be apply to the business and it's inside member of the firm. In addition, because of that big save
the business started to grow more and more. Regarding to waste, it also benefits the business to
/ Efficiency Morale save supplies and equipments or utilities, nothing is going to waste . And last one benefits is, it helps
the business to get what the business right now.
/ Waste / Other

Originated By Validated By Approved By Contact Details

Team Members (Who was involved?)

Implementation Date Date of Completion Standarization Remarks

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