Battles With The Unseen

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Dear sponsor Carla and Rina Gemeinhardt,

Without the rain nothing grows so we must learn to embrace the storm of our life.

Hello my dear sponsor! How are you? I hope you are all doing fine together with your
family member as usual. How about your weather there at Canada? Are you fine with the
cold embracing you? I hope I can also experience snow soon.

Here in Philippines it’s now Ber month usually during this month we would expect
for cold weather but it still hot. I guess climate change has to with it. Although its beneficial
to farmer especially now the it is harvesting season and they need to dry their crop for
better payment.

We are now in the fifth week of modular learning and day by day I’m getting used to
it. Though there are still times that I feel like I’m drained because of loads of activities and I
can’t understand clearly the instruction but I can still manage to work on it effortlly. I also
felt saddened hearing the news about suicide cases caused by this new approach of
learning. Though I can’t clearly understand why they need to do that horrible thing . This
are the certain loopholes that everyone need to be paying attention, its alarming. So
everyone is oblige to look after the others or lend a hand that helps so we can avoid this

Nevertheless, Education everyone right so as long as there is a way to continue learning

we should. I must keep in mind that we are all affected in the present situation some just
choose to be positive as they battle with this pandemic. There are also several advantages
of modular leaning one is that it allows for better evaluation and more focused revision and
improvement of answer. Cost efficient it can save a lot of accommodation and
transportation fees the only expenses is in the printed material s which is shouldered by
schools. In conclusion every learning methodology has its pros and cons. The negative
impact can be minimized and can even turn into productive activity if we help one another.
Besides we can overcome it and we must always think that the reward after this can
outweigh the risk. For now we only have to be patience and understand well the situation
because it is for our own sake. I am also lucky that my classmate are very approachable
that I can ask some queries or update anytime and they respond politely. This time is not
about competition and selfishness rather helping one another for betterment

I also have to admit that I enjoy my parents company because I tend to know them more as
we have small talk with one another. Especially with my grandmother whom I am living
with knowing aged they love to talk about their past experiences and I enjoy hearing her it
looks like I can clearly view the past. She often give advices too like to protect my heart, to
always take care of myself. She sometimes scold me for wearing short and explain why it is
important for woman to cover well herself. Which we think its old fashion but for them is
respecting one’s self especially that there are many reported rape cases so we should at
least be extra careful cause we do not know how people mind works. Having conversation
like that is my favorite time of the day it relieve my stress. I shouldn’t also miss going to
church every Sunday well of course with my sister and my parents if they aren’t busy from
work. The church was lively with the strum of guitar accompanied by worship songs. I
really enjoy singing with my fellow youth. Plus the fulfillment of my soul hearing
testimonies and preaching. I felt genuine happiness that even at this hopeless situation
people never forgot to thank our creator for everything he had done for us. I should really
feel blessed that he gave me someone like you my dear sponsor who is willing to help
wholeheartedly. Also for keeping us safe from the deadly virus our creator deserve the glory
and honor.

I hope you enjoy reading my letter my dear sponsor and you’ll be expecting more this
coming month. This is all for now, before I bid my goodbye I would like to express my
deepest gratitude for supporting me and family especially in my studies. No words could
exactly define how thankful I am so I will just keep thanking you until you will get enough
amount of it which I don’t think there is. Keep safe and God bless!

Till next time……

Your sponsored girl,

Wallang, Nicol B.

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