Module 1 Lesson 2

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Cachila,Helna BSED3A

MODULE 1: Lesson 2
Entrepreneurial Traits, Qualities,
and Functions


As your are about to take this lesson, you could start a business virtually. Use your
imagination, choose two (2) that you could imagine owning and why. Write your answers
inside the box.

Put your answers here: (Limit your answers of atleast 75 to atmost 100 words.)

I choose to own a barbershop and motor loan business. We all know the hair will continue to grow

forever as we live in this world so it is necessary to cut it every two or three months so it will click if you

have proper area, barbers and a marketable promotions, in motor loans business as we can see

generally speaking 90% on this community can afford motorcycle only and sadly speaking installment is

the most common option, but in my motor loan business they will pay installment but in a discounted way

so they can save more money, for example the price of the sniper 150 are 96,000 and if installment for 3

years it will cost around 150,000 up to 160,000 but in my business it will cost only 120,000 payable in 3

years also, that is the advantage of my business idea to other loans businesses.
From the given activity, what do you think are the entrepreneurial traits and
qualities needed in order to establish your business and to make it successful. Cite only
two (2) traits and qualities. Put your answers here: (Limit your answers of atleast 75 to
atmost 100 words.)

Existing business and competency of the barbershops, create a promo in starting to stablish the to

create customer and promote the business in the sponsorship in the event it will cost a money to

promote a business but it will help to identify your business. In motor loan business the traits will be

how to market the business and to be able to attract customer, the asset of my business will be the

cheapest price of the motorcycle and affordable price.

I would like to know how much learnings you gain. Please summarize and put your answers
on the space provided below.
Give at most three (3) names of entrepreneurs in your locality that you know and
identify what factor or factors that makes him/her successful.

THELMA PADAS the factor of his success are his visible business establishment and investment in

farming business buy and sell necessary product like selling agricultural medicine and buying and

retailing rice.

RGB lending bobong bayoneta who investing in micro loan business and retailing banana product

engage also on room for rents and commercial building,

Noyens bakeshop NONONG FENANDEZ invest on bread pastry and expand his business to sto,tomas

and Panabo City, and now investing in dry goods product and commercial building.

All the three names have a unique business experience and factor to lead on their success.

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