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Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information


The data entered on the Fracture Gradient spreadsheet are used as boundary
conditions in the calculation of certain external pressure profiles and to provide
default values for load cases specified in the Tubular > Burst Loads and
Tubular > Collapse Loads dialog boxes.

Fracture Gradient Spreadsheet Columns

Abrupt escalations or regressions in the fracture gradient profile can be
established by entry of two depths separated by one depth unit on
successive lines, along with respective fracture pressure or
EMW entries.

Vertical Depth
Use this cell to specify a TVD (True Vertical Depth) corresponding to a
given fracture pressure. Between depth entries, the fracture pressure
profile is constructed by linear interpolation. Abrupt escalations or
regressions in the fracture pressure profile can be established by
entering two depths separated by one depth unit on successive lines,
along with respective fracture pressure or EMW entries. The Vertical
Depth cell for the first line in this spreadsheet is initialized to the depth
corresponding to MGL (mean ground level) for land wells, or the depth
corresponding to ML (mudline) for platform and subsea wells. It reflects
the System Datum set on the General tab of the Project Properties
dialog box and elevation specifications on the Depth Reference tab of
the Well Properties dialog box.

Fracture Pressure
Use the Frac Pressure cell to specify a fracture pressure corresponding
to a TVD in the Vertical Depth cell. When a value is entered or changed
in the Fracture Pressure cell, the value in the EMW cell is automatically
calculated, and vice versa.

Use the EMW cell to specify an effective mud weight fracture pressure
gradient corresponding to a TVD in the Vertical Depth cell. When a
value is entered or changed in the EMW cell, the value in the Fracture
Pressure cell is automatically calculated, and vice versa.

StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual 5-11

Chapter 5: Well and Formation Information

Defining a Squeezing Salt/Shale Zone

Select the Wellbore > Squeezing Salt/Shale spreadsheet to define
squeezing salt or shale sections for collapse design. This spreadsheet is
used to enter collapse loads due to formations, such as salt zones that
exhibit plastic flow or creep behavior. Over the depth interval(s) for
which they are specified, these loads will replace the external pressure
profile specified in the Tubular > Collapse Loads dialog box. The
external collapse load is normally assumed to be equal to the overburden
pressure and this load is applied uniformly to the pipe OD.

To define a zone, the Zone TVD and Base If no specific pressures are
TVD values are required. Data is only known, then 1.0 psi/ft is
entered for TVD values, either as a used through the salt zone.
pressure or a pressure gradient/EMW.

Pressures must be specified at both the top and base of a zone. The
pressures at intermediate depths within a zone are determined by
linear interpolation.

Squeezing Salt/Shale Spreadsheet Columns

Zone Top
Use the Zone Top TVD cell to specify the TVD (true vertical depth) to
the top of the salt zone. The portion of the string exposed to this high
collapse load is defined by the values specified for Zone Top and
Zone Base.

Zone Base
Use the Base TVD cell to specify the TVD (true vertical depth)
corresponding to the base of the salt zone. The portion of the string
exposed to this high collapse load is defined by the values specified for
Zone Top and Zone Base.

5-12 StressCheckTM Software Release 5000.1.13 Training Manual

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