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David RAJAONESY, M2 Public Law

Year 2015-2016


The Dangers of Politics: the Example of Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler is known for being the man who began the World War II. He is also known

for being the one who killed millions of Jewish people, through the application of the “final

solution”. But the majority tends to focus on the negative things he made, and easily forgets

the way he used to achieve those infamous acts.

Adolf Hitler was an extremist: he thought that Jewish people was the main problem in

Germany1. Indeed, Germany had suffered a lot from World War I, and was facing an extreme

economic crisis. In 1924, Hitler wrote a book called “Mein Kampf”, where he explained his

vision of Germany. For him, Jews are responsible for the economic crisis in Germany, and he

wanted to get rid of them, in order to give work back to German people. He used that idea to

make a political group called “NAZI”, and managed to be elected chancellor in 1934, in a

democratic way.

At first, Hitler had no ill intent: he never mentioned his “final solution”2, which

consisted in systematically kill all Jewish people, without any hesitation. Indeed, “Mein

Kampf” was a social plan to help German people in a situation of extreme poverty. The

massive propaganda his group made (which was very violent towards Jews) was only

intended to win the elections, and worked perfectly: German people, even if they disagreed

concerning the methods, began to think that he was right. Nazism, at that time, had many

positive aspects: a social objective consisting in helping Germans, the creation of specialized

In “Mein Kampf” from A. Hitler
Indeed, this idea does not appear in his book
schools (Jüngen Camps), and the elaboration of a solution against the economic crisis through

the reinforcement of the Army.

We all know the results of all these innovations: World War II, millions of dead, and the

infamous “final solution”. It all began with one man who had a negative vision of reality:

Hitler was not wrong about Jewish stealing Germans’ work 3, he was just negative. And, using

the right opportunity, he managed to acquire power and began the invasion of Europe. Today,

Madagascar is facing the same problem: extreme poverty, foreigners who “steal” Malagasy

people’s land and work, and the solution everyone tends to is the Nazism4.

Extremism is an easy solution, the first everyone tends to in difficult situations. Adolf

Hitler proves us that extremism should not be used in politics, because it can be so easily

modified in order to do bad things, such as killing a minority. Messing with people’s opinions

can also lead to the wrong person getting elected, causing more bad things than good things.

When speaking of politics, remember of Hitler: that could save lives.

This is the perverse effect of Globalization
Nazism can be considered as a solution consisting in attacking foreigners and not improving the social
conditions of local people

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